Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1948, p. 6

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wVfr • Pg.r, "SfW* "%WM *< t'tT« ""V ' tj.s »., i.^. i ;•,„«.? -,. * TSMi r <>'^ ' \/.: r pjjjS^||w^v -•*-'< w *rv ":W;: * •- r _U______ Ml*" " 1*1 '•--',Y,*%'<>"'»?"v-fKy "tw-o *I6U »*,„T* hursday, September 9,1948 CLASS SECTION FOR SALE -- Thoroughbred Irish! MISCELLANEOUS setters. 3 months old; males. Troxell,j --_ one mile east Wonder Lake filling CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling station. Tel. "Richmond 706. >17 NOTICE Because of the great number of classified ads which appear in the PlaindeaW each,,,.week, we hifi found it impossible to keep books on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday moraines will be printed. HELP WANTED WAKTEB and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. Lessard. & Phone! Wonder Lake 418 FOR SALE--1938 Chevrolet coupe. McHenry G34-R-2. *17-6 Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., Mc- ; Henry. 17 LILLIAN FREEMAN LEIBSOHN I ~r„"T77TT;--- • , _ : . , „ ' Pianist and Teacher ! FOR SALE-Two 17 mos old. Here- j Residence Studi0f % mj. 80Uth of I ford heifers in prime condition. Fair- |.West McHenry on Route 31. Phone j wood Farms. Phone McHenry | ggg.M.2. | 691-W-l. ^^ *17 j Organizing classes now for private or « » J J ^ • ..I class instruction in piano (each class FOR SALE -- Lady's two-wece suit j limited to four children ) ; and two dresses, sue 44. Can be, i seen at McHenry Cleaners, 103 Elm | Street, McHenry. *17 HELJ* WANTED--Laundress to do WANTED---An apartment or house family washing and ironing. Tel. to rent in McHenry or immediate 17 vjcinity. Write care o f/Box 77, in| WANTED--Salesman with c"e °' McHenry Plaindealer. '16-21 territory. Wonderful opportunity to WANTED--Consignment and resale! build own business. Write Postoffice Second-hand store. Gen & Is's, third j Box 485, Kankakee, III. *17 house from state^ bridge, going south j HELP WANTED--UNION BRICK* Sy,®Th» ^T.n^FridSftoTS'to«! Oerse Wee»n Narsei --- While entomologists are fighting several kinds of crop weevils, they are nursing along, aftother species with the hope it may help solve the serious gorseproblem in southwestern Oregon. The U. S. bureau of entomology h*s been authorized to import a species of weevil from New Wise Old Owl Few If any owls construct their ?fT7~ own nests. A cavity in a tree, an old house or belfry, an old hawk's or ; crow's nest will do. ^ -;•& •"#> .. I7.J0 ftf 10 FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE i FOR SALE--At Treetop Farm, 5% miles east Woodstock on Bt. 120, north side road. Will sell furnishi ings and garden implements Thurs- ! day. Sept. 9, and Friday, Sept. 1®, i at 10 a. m. Come and see. You are 1»5 acre farm, excellent farm buildings, | to find "omething you want^ nice home, black level soil, give pos- ne€ • C," .*ession. Bld^s. worth $25J,000. ing price $17,000. , V Sell-., Class Instruction, lessons. Private Lesons, $2. Class fees payable in ad^intiS. W rite or *all for further information. 17 FOR SALE ./v.V COLEMAN $0*' la"^ *nd ;buU^ Model 8»Marge 5-\oom, with thermo^|:; v g iW $14.000. ; , . ,tats, selling at less than cost. $U0j. ; 10 acre farm> mo3^lK^i,^a^ ^<-h- • Yo«, »l<?tJhe,?11 confoi table , home, nieely located' (]a£ r^" "L * ft' V • ;'jjbroductice soil. Located ;orj..hard rd. heating: busi r. ,.1 , '•* ' O P r i c e $ 2 3 ; 5 0 0 . ' ' • F O R S A L E -- S e p t . 9 a n d 1 0 , a t M a * f > " . ' ' Eitel's Tree Top Farm, dining room [ - ;.!*• --4S L 'U * - L I L Y M O O R announces NEW ENTERTAIN M ENT SATURpAY NIGHT September 11 beautiful new barn. FRENCH FRIED i SHRIMP FRIED CHICKEN' and < 120 acre farm. hand-carved mahogony round -jB^RBECUfi ,,ulu i""11"- """v. - ; ^uiii rj---i>ew store 'hours now in pro,duc^lV.e 8 i ff^^ folonial stvle: Iron fireplace set. red ffept 10 : • m t 10 p m daiJy , short time only. Price $165 ,per acre. leathe,. settce and j ge chair; 5 pairs !oxcept Thursday Jhen & -iU ^ LAYERS WANTED AT ONCE- $3.00 a^' Sat^da/s from 9 to 9 lb-tf an hour. Long job. A-l union carpenters wanted. Apply at field FARM WANTED --' 120 acre* or! office, Wauconda Grade School. O. W. more; must be near McHenry or POTTER A SONS, INC., General Johnsburg, Catholic school. JACOB, Contractors, Wauconda, 111. Phone FRITZ, Realtor, at Johnsburg. Tel. • W«uconda 3231. 17-3 McHenry 37. 11-tf HELP WANTED--Waitress, full or ^ ANTED--Watches and Jewelry to I lished. §art time. Mosley's Cafe, 314 Elm "l-lir. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. t., McHenry. » 17 Green, street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Ber uty Shoppe.) 15-tf Kxpeadttnreo et Capital expenditures la 1947 for--f---- Zealand 'which attacks the seed of e^praeot and other hiipiuveinwits^ r '" ^ the gorse plant much as the hairy to '•"way property made by Class I? vetch and pea weevils work on **Uroads, including locomotives and seed of those crops. Reports are that fr^Rbt and passenger cars, totaled^ this weevil has been effective in' $565,901,000.00, which exceeded by preventing spread of gorse from more ®0 per cent the maximum seed in New Zealand where this , waount spent in any year sine* 1930., pest plant has become widely estab- | ~ Ton! Permanent Wave Kits. $1.26 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. S5-tf HELP WANTED -- Trackers and analyzers for evening work. Admiral Corp., W. Elm street, McHenry. 16-tf SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Charles Freund) HBLLBBEFRRTT PPHHiILILLIIIP SS , 110000*^ CCaa.«ss 'S9tt. . ,3,", yd- drap6S a,"d 2 'i*"'® v'St closed a11 day- ANTONSON'S CAN- apes. muted colors, used very little, DIES Elm St McHenry .:Fnone J4o-M §JOQ. aiso disc> cultivator, drags. ^ ' oinrrla r*l/v*s' onrl HrnVilp nlow for FGl'* Woodstock, Illinois. 17 HELP WANTED -- Carpenter, for general nlant work; need not be cabinetmaker. The Edwal Laboratories, Ringwood, ill. phone Richmond 5. 16-2 ---- -- , '• i--: -1 There was a big turnout at the HELP WAN1,ED-- Experienced paint- card party held in the lawn at the er and body and fiiuii'r man to work AlbeJA^Eritz home on Tuesday afterfor and us(,l car-dealer in Wood- noon for the benefit ot St. Peter's •stock. Reply cr contact. Mr. Foote, School. Games of pjrtochle, 5C0 and Edgetown' MQf^i-s. plione Wfeodstock-bunco were played and prizes were 965. .' -v '16-3 awarded to Mrs. Charles Freund, T, „ iVlvs. Isakson, Mrs. Jerry Miller, Mrs. SfEU' V. ANTED -- MEN--Buffers, Paul Lewis, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Polishers, Timekeepers, Die Casters, Mrs. Edith Cleveland i« pinochle. Inspectors, Platers, Smelters."1st, 2nd Five hundred prize winners were Mrs. and C.d shifts. No txperience neces- Anton Meyer, Mrs. Joseph Freund'," sary. Paid vacations. Paid holidays.--Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. John steady work. Top wages. Incentive tineets, Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Mark system. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. Pierce and Mrs. John Miller. In bungo Woodstock, 111. 16-tf prizes went to Mrs. Math Schmitt, upin «Mi™n n . . . Patty Klein, Mrs. Steichmann, Mrs. HELP WANTED--Experienced auto Sokolski^ Mrs. Steve Freund, Janesingle plow and dcuble plow Fer- ELECTRIC ^ORK DONE IM- •ftB C***? C „1, • ^a. » guson tractor. Call r Woodstock MEDIATELY--One outlet or an en-, . - . wV , FOR SALE---Small size pot type oil *17; tire house. Work guaranteed to i J?ec^,anic' must know his business. Klein and Mrs. Peter Freund. Winourner. Call Saturday, windheim, --= ., meet Public Service standards. Tom I „°P waE'es; good working conditions, ners of special prizes were Mrs. Ben 651-R-2 or Fox j w,th L new and used car dealer. Rfeply May, Mrs. John Lay, Mrs. A1 Britz, 12-81 or Phone Mr. Foote, Edgetown Motors Miss Anne Spindler, Mrs Frank phone Woodstock 965. 16-3 Prosser, Mrs. Ben Smith and Mrs. NewlOiflwnt! DIAIkMps r.&WOlAL eMCui Nye Drag Store Herman F. Nye, R. Ph. Riverside Drive, McHenry Phone 26 SALES MANAGER "An old well rated company can use. one high type experienced fri&ii "in surrounding territories. Duties- To hire, train and supervise local salesmen selling direct rto .farmers. Most complete quality line. Big future. Unusual repeat business. ' We pay you during the training. Fpr complete information, write to Sales Manager, 42nd A Jones, Omaha, Nebr." 830 County Club Drive McHenry. '1Y FOR SALE_Northern 1st and 2nd! Allan, McHenry , . i calf Holstein heifers, TB and Bangs i Like 4081. FOR SALE -- 9-gal. Rudd gas n o t .te.s.teid.; somfe calfhood vaccriateci. water heater, $30; 30-gal., $75;. Silver-;' 5n(rers and fresh milkers. | SHEET METAL AND FURNACE tone radio $20; all items in good, Mayer & Eckhouse, Libertyville, 111 I WORK -- Gutters and furnaces reworking order. Wonder Lake Ap- p. . fflrm south Qf route 120 on paired. John McDonald, Bowman St., pliances. Phong W. L. 388. 17 ^ fl",84^or 1696 17 ; McHenry, 111 Phone McHenry 772-M. FOR SALE--Wheels and tires from1 POR SALE Almost new MERCURY I 1930 Model A Ford. Phone Mc- ^tboard m^tor with less than 8' MONTHLY BOOKKEEP ING Jlenry 592-M-2. 17 bou,.s use; Model KD4, excellent for SERVICE -- Records msUlled and -- Price $125. Call maintained. , Elmer P. Adams; Cer condition. McHenry 239-M. Tel. 17 FOR SALE--Five-room year Vound use asbestos shingled home on choice: y M0 yards from Fox river; immediate condition. Best offer. T.l possession. Reasonable offer con- Sidered George Panza, Emerald FOR SALE --IMMEDIATE OCCU- .t-Park, McHenry, 111. 17 PANCY--Year-round five-room area ' im*\n cun , home on Pistakee Lake, 2 mi. south • 2_J 16-cu. ft. deep freeze; QF fox Lake, Village in Glenarm subd., <tted one season; cost $500. Will just off u s Route 12. Carpeted livaacnlce. Phone McHenry 227. 1' ing room 20x22 with natural fire- «#OR SALE-Eight-room, year 'round Pla«; newly decorated; completely home on E. Waukegan road, in Mc- f«rnished and ready to live in; Henry. Full basement, new furnace, automatic oil heat and automatic and garage; on large let. Tel. Mc- eJectnc hot water heater; tub and Henry 203-M. «17_2 shower bath; upstairs toilet, also -- I basement toilet; high wooded lot; FOR SALE--Moving to Iowa; will modem cabinet kitchen, •acrifice house used year 'round on' "J^e™ stove and Westmghouse IfcCullom Lake for $4,750, worth electric refrigerator; this home is fiuch more; terms. Furnished, in- ? rea.1 *>uy for country living; priced hiding modern electric refrigerator, *or immediate sale by owner, no large oil stove, table-top gas range commissions to pay, at $12,900. Teleand cabinet sink. JACOB FRITZ, Phone McHenry 739 for appointment 1 Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37 to 3ee- ^7 ! !1! FOR SALE--PIANOS, 40 miles from FOR SALE--Adjustable Travers rods, high prices, factory warehouse; three for draw drapes. Extension 28 in.; spinet pianos; two grand pianos, to 120 in. Easily installed by custom- returned from rent, can be bought at er. Niesen's iFloors, located at Peter big savings; 2 slightly used studio M. Justen furniture store, 521 Main pianos. Cash or terms. Call Elgin street, West McHenry. Tel. 63 or 780 or write David E. Stark, 21 N. 88. 17-2 Union St., Elgin, 111. 16-4 17; tified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5501. 8-tf PAINTING -- Interior and exterior. Plastic tile; rubber flooring. First class work. Insured. (For free estimate, phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom. 3-tf YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with the best of service. Also rubbish hauled in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. Tpl. 751-J. 7-tf CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. ' 60-tf COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write for estimate FRED KUNG 618 W. Crystal Lake Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 400 6-tf BARN SPRAYING -- Whitewashing or Carbola DDT (formerly A1 Phannenstill's) 607 Front St., on Route 31, across from McHenrv Sand ft Gravel Co. Wm. Ahrens, West McHenry. •14-8 FOR SALE-^Generator8, armatures, ^®R SALEr--Dirt. $1 per yard and Starters, fuel pumps, distributors UP- Johnsburg 584-R-2. *16-2 foI^Ford^H1o?KP^lr«n FOR SALE-Beautiful inlaid walnut GENERAL CONTRACTOR for ce- Salec & Wvirp I I dining room set, table, sideboard, | ment, plastering, and brickwork. Nick EEvvoobbooddaa , PPrroonp . TTeell . MMccHHeennrrvy 118833 ,cabinet and six chairs. Would costjHasler. Route 3, McHenry, 111. Phone new today QVer $l 5Q0 gell for $375 j McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. • ; : Phone Pistakee " 652-R-l. 16tf Rockwell St., -Chicago 18. Phone FOR SALE -- JQHNS-MANVILLE ! Brunswick 9022. 14-18 * TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- FOR SALE SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. QUALITY CEMENT BLOCKS Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or in most sizes, immediate delivery, write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl'Also chimney blocks, steel window --St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf sash and basement posts. -- -- KRETCHMER BROS. FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- Route 14 ING MACHINES. Service on all HARVARD, ILL. Snakes. Also ribbons for all makes; 16-2 Phone Harvard 426. CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf HELP^ WANTEO-Se^ralI men under fe7ve"".WCce.rdi*m 40 for shift work in production de- 1 partment of progressive company , "Vj* an" Mrs, George Kattner and manufacturing ^ne chemicals. Inter-; and ,"®r- and Mrs. Arthur' esting and steady work, good pay,; aVen cf Cnicago spent the holiday opportunity for advancement. Sick weekend with Mrs. John Kattner. | leave, Blue Cross and group in-' n an<^ Mrs. Fi-ank Sanders of surance plans. Six paid holidays. Kockiord spenty Saturday and Sunday! No experience necessary. Call at or Wli|} George Sanders family. j phone The Edwal Laboratories, Inc., „ ^he firemen's carnival held on! Ringwood, 111., phone Richmond 5. Saturday night was again a great1 16-2 success. There was a large crowd; throughout the entire evening. Win-: HELP WANTED -- LtBdrers. Apply ners of special prizes were Mrs. Zera Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. Tel. | Haldeman, Edward Brautigam, W.' W. L. 221. 14-tf McHenry, and Russell Rudolph. „ ... --Z7 : 7 The Fremen's water fighting team: HELP WANTED--Short order cook and their families enjoyed a picnic and waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, lunch together at Marengo on Mon-i Green St., McHenry 13-tf day afternoon. The team took part HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND1 j" Jh® &t Mareni:o and, TtRMTY^RE?HOSG^NlSSraT A ftS?jS&ng was held at the! Hn iN THls S wnRK aJ; home of Mr a"d Mrs. Paul Weber, PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO.. 200 RIVERSIDE PHONE 39. DRIVE, U.UPVDV > waf served on the lawn and the i ,n J' afternoon was spent visiting. • In the 10-tfi evening the guests greatly enjoyed HELP WANTED--Men and women, the moyies shown by Paul Weber boys and girls, 16 years of age or over, to work nights. Apply at Admiral Corporation, 507 W. Elm. St., McHenry, or call McHenry 470. . _ . , „ , „ „ . 12-tf °' Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber and children of McHenry, the' and the gi and Tom Freund. Those present were Mrs. Peter Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and children, Mr.' and Mrs. Martin Weber and family SITUATION WANTED George W. May family Charles Freund family. POSITION WANTFD--Bookkeeping, andMrs. Ed Hoffman and typing and general office work; ex- fon3 r* Wilmette visited relatives perienced. Tel. McHenry 678-J-l. 17,^® over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe of Chi- > Complete line of Lee's poultry1 cage were visitors in the Frank Wagremedies at Wattles Drug Store. Mc- ner home on Sunday. Henry. 8-tf i Mr. and Mrs. George Fierscheng, # ! M'«ss C*l:a Miller and Arnold Engels Read the Want Ads are visiting in Iowa this week. i RELIABLE, -- SAFE PRESCRIPTIONS It is our standard to adhere closely to pViar-.. maey's finest traditions. By using only pure, fresli ingredients of standard strength, combined with pin-point accuracy, we margin for error when we fill your doctor's prescriptions. Be safe! Bring your doctor's prescrip-» tions here for compounding. That way, you'll be sui* of highest-quality drugs and prompt, R eliable service. . *\ * NYE DRUG STORE PHONE 26 SERBIAN F. NTS, R. PH. McHENRY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let Nis estimate your next job. W^dA^erpho-l.V'6«i."*' CU»7S.if TOR SALE--Used 42-inch Wt-h.nd *£™.ERM.]fL -- :-- i aoron. riarht-hand well sink and i ^ Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 760. apron, right-hand »nd, FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks, faucet; 24x28 2-sash window and i Downs Nash Sales. McHenry. 44-tf frame; walnut dining table and six! WTS TOE SALE--Lots, 5U.JS0 ft, S'mis"1"15, Spn°g G'°"' ^2 9 Entertainment and Recreation for the Entire * * Family tM iwWtf depot. 716 Center St. FOR SALE--ALL YEAR HOMES, Tel. B" *" ~ - on Route 31, about two block from >t. Inquire at McHenry 27&J. 22-tf *5,000 and up. FARMS, large and ' D 0 . , „--... small; CHOICE LOTS; LISTFOR SALE--ALL-YEAR HOMES |INGS APPRECIATED; STOMPO- 6 ro L om9' ne»r !>"«; running NATO'S REAL ESTATE, Woodstock at McCullom Lake. Price; m.. Call CECEUA E. KNOX, Mc- 55,500. v HENRY. Tel 421-J. *12-8 o rooms, cement basement, oath; at McCullom Lake. Price $6,950. FOR SALE, FOX RIVER HOMES 4-room modern home; automatic oil i 5 rooms, water front. Price $7,250. heat; hardwood floors; full base- 4 rooms, near beach. Price $4,000. ment; immediate possession; at Duplex, 4 A 4 rooms, near beach. Wondfer Lake. Prire $10,750. Price $6,500. JACOB FRITZ, Realtor, 5 rooms, water front, in Sunnyside, at Johnsburg north of Johnsburg. Price $7,950. Tel. McHenry 37 11-tf j ) JACOB FRITZ, Realtor. 7T1 7~, • " at Johnsburg Order your rubber stamps at The- -- Tel. McHenry 37. 11-tf Plaindecler. 7 -- EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Phone 298?R -- W. McHenry, IU. 45-tf ---- C. J. H. DIKHL --^ Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, I1L WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN; WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 93-J. 10-V HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddife fluff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf DEAD ANIMALS prices paid for Highest cash i , horses and Helen Weber Says: Phor gs; n-o help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. | Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, j Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 1 36-tf! COM AS YOU AM. This te fm for everybody wNfcmrt drtm up botlnr. • DO SRINO THI CN1LOMN. If. toAmt mmd chnp*f to hrtaf A# etifldrtd THAN Iww HUM fcon wHfc o iHtar. CMMTM WRFW 12 adMiltad ITM. • NO BOX oma UNL UwWorwd Ndwl flbfe wM boy yomr tidwl «t4 ImmI yes It* «H|WS in *o»r car. "•OUUVARO" PAV*> PARK. Hard wrfacad lliMtr* park. No iMid. No <hn». No IOOM stowo®. • ritPKCT PICTURE PRSHNTATION. Giant, briHiont pktaro* con bo MOM oasity and pM"1? from ovory ear location. • • --1_.. SPEAKER INSIDE TOUR CAR. Hans it on your (tearing wK*«l or window without gotting out of your cor. Ragwlate it yooraoK--a* iood or aft at Cone Just as Yen Are • Relax ia Comfortl Enjoy the World's Finest Movies in the Privacy •HYoir Carl READY SOON--the new Family Outdoor Theatre, at Grayslaka-- tha finest entertainment and recreation spot In Northern Illinois for mother, dad and the children. Come and see the best in motion pictures, out of doors, under the stars! Drive your car right in and •njoy a fine show in the comfort of your car. No dress-up. No parking problem. None of the bother of ordinary theatre-going. Come often. Come in a holiday mood too for the picture Is only part of the entertainment. Double the fun. Double the enjoyment with the family group together and fine snacks and freshments handy for good old-fashioned picnic fun. READY SOON. Watch for opening Parfjact Viow for Evoryono. announcement. --and you'll be pleased that -- you did. Our many special services are yours -- our Special Care Treatment of your clothes will keep them looking new and they will last longer. McHenry Cleaners Phene 104-M 103 F.lm St. Helen Weber, Mir. CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the! electric rod cut out the obstruction. | No digging, no lawn mess. Septic j tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all ] construction. Lake County Sanithry I Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of year garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route.1 John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 3(^>. tf BARN SPRAYING-r. Whitewash or DDT. Frank Henkel, P. O. ^ Round Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry &43-J-1. > . \ 3-tf| TRUCKING--Livestock and Lime.' Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St., [ McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf REFRESHMINTS-SNACKS. Avoitobio whan you want th«m at central rofroshmont building. Fin# foodt, refrothing drink*, ieo croam, candiot, ttc., at popular prlco*. REST ROOMS. Contrally located. Modorn, clean and tpacioui «rMt rooms. Drying fountains. Everything for your convanionco and comfort with •*!- -Jornwd attendants to mrm ya courteoutty. • RAIN OR CLEAR. No ckanco for lib «roathor to ipoN your fun. Poworfol projectors mako pichm doar m« on rainy nights. ^ ' CNOfCS SEATS. Voar ear -thofcr, i-->M wots, and ow»ry btr of 4M family IMM a good viow. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf FAMILY OUTDOOR THEATRE tyicifyitaAe. 7C(. ' * Why Camel Is "Dry" Desert animals are able to go a i long time without drinking because i of their ability to change jrtare&jf food into water. V ~~~ • t* t' Where Highways 21 *120 nd83 Meet Wtftch for 3penin4^fl*e' ^nnounccmcm

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