Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1948, p. 1

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. ;,.*\m.' ifr/.. r-vT»r- . s-^ Vx»*V< * >, 4 '<•* * 1 - !t#> c * •• ' ; 3 * * » Z- r ™ - ~ *vw.* * ' •- ^ ; - >*.•' 5* .Jr, . , "-*»V. -V. « # « ;7 ^.^nv .• ^«9h* '-"$: '" ' * i /* ' * * ' ' t-\'. -t %%;,*- »|; mmtmmrnmmm ••* mmm . , #3W#;.'. v . <WA 'if #***»¥*nV4 HaJK .* * W- »*#"• » 4« • !•* 4» v'" ,r4$ «*>W -itfj "-)£•> it t«. V- *V ;Iv/v, * .<*• ».•«. ^ u ^r/f *ry> : < <* < - *' ' ~" '"" •i?>>ii> fc^4- V'iw -. ** ',*••• - J53' 4 £« 'V'v- »>* V >"" ; ft- ', i% Jf' • '-v"i ;?* r.'. •**r£s in ! rr ^lfe "ij^p^' i. -•"l.lS#6-- i.v?:~: McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 taUTAlY RITES DMWIOECEASEO JMVY VETERMS Body Of W*. 7. Karis, Killed At Mkwib, Laid To Beat Sept. 25 : Ah interesting, yet tragic story, was unfolded this week as the body «f William P. Karls, aviation ma- . ,. ... chinist's mate, first class, was laid <**tion full military rites, ROBERT BARXKR OHK dr TWO COUHTY WAR DEAD KKTUKNKD HOME ---- * According to information released litis weak, the remains of 3,586 Americans who lost their lives during World War II, including two from McHenry county, have been returned recently from the* Pacific aboard a United States army transport. Among this number arriving from military cemeteries in the Pacific was Robert A. Barker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Barker, Woodstock, who lost his life on Guam, Marianas Islands, July 25, 1944. Pfc. Barker was awarded the Navy Cross, highest of navy awards with BUT DISTRICTS HELD LEML1Y nilNQS COURT Oonnty Administrator Forecasts Progress Result Of Decision to rest Servif--u £*rls was killed in action on April 18, 1945, at Palawan, PhflUpine Islands, while serving with a patrol bombing squadron* A military giard surrounded the casket at the 'Lane funeral home at 5501 N. ' Ashland avenue, after its arrival on Friday, until Saturday morning, when a requiem mass was read in his honor at Our Lady of Lourdes church. Interment was in all Saints cemetery. The,deceased was born in Chicago, KELVIN P. GESKE, 23, AUTO. CRASH VKTM McHenry friends of, the Frank Geske family, who reside just east of Woodstock, were shocked on Monday morning to learn that their son, Melvin P. Geske, 23, had lost his life in an automobile accident which occurred about 1:30 o'clock on a slight curve on the Ridgeftald-Woodstock blacktop road. His car crashed into a post and then overturned several times, the driver being found dead; about thirty feet ahead of the wreck- J Sge a short time later. The Geske family had attended a birthday party for Mrs. Geske at the OCT., S SET AS LAST MY FOR REGISTRATOR Thirty-Pour County Precincts To Handle 2 Duties On Final Day HGCULLOM LAKE RESOEIIT DIED The important date for" many prospective voters in the fall election will be Tuesday, Oct. The Illinois supreme court last Friday upheld validity of the 1947 community unit school district law. The upholding of the law by the action. The award was" made post- supreme court was received happily I home of her sister and brother-in humously to the parents of the dead by County Superintendent of Schools' 'aw. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Brooks, at youth. Sgt. Barker was related to Roland McCsnnon, who stated that: Burton's Bridge, near Crystal Lake, many McHenry folks, his grandfather j "this should mean, that in time Illi-j°n Saturday night. When they pre- „„„ w w mv in having been the late Peter J. Freund, i nois will have an up-to-date modern pared/to go home early on Sunday, I order to vote in the November 2 one time mayor of McHenry. (school system at a reasonable per Melvin informed his parents that he election. County Clerk Raymond D The second county hero who was; pupil cost, provided the people take would take the blacktop road, and Woods last week informed the board ' ' ..... later ^93^ them as they drove of supervisors that all plans for the registration had been completed. Oct. 4 will mark the end of registration in the officc of the county FIRST DRAFTEES WILL NOT LEAVE BEFORE NOVEMBER . First* draftees to be sent from McHenry county will not be called before \ November, according to information received by the local board from selective service headquarters in Springfield. Members of the county draft board meet this week to start plans for classiication. Hhose present included Chairman John E. White, and George E. Sullivan, Woodstock, William Cruckshank, Ringwood, and! -- LeRoy Strache, Burton's Bridge,' • stunned group of speetatdi William Williams, Huntley,' the other j where a few minutes before OF HEARTATTACK Mrs. Claira Johnsdft Stricken Friday At MGHS Football Game " throughout the coiintvVMoial member has asked Director Paul IjM, been lively cheering, at fhe S S S T S i.l l£ held^--in ^--he ttWhirrttyy l Atrmstron« to rePlaced- j McHenry-Oelav.» football game four precincts. This will be the last day for voters in McHenry county who have not registered to do so in awarded posthumously the highest | advantage of the law award in service, the Congressional ! The ruling removed a legal cloud other guests home. Mr. and Mrs. Geske atrived home elow, son of Mrs. Verna Perry of; organised under" the"^^'^"^"^*^1!1 hou7; ,ater,rec4ivingj word Hebron, who is also among the dead, districts have more than 100,000 pu-i ?K,j. t,me th*t n arriving on the same transport. Big- pils and their area covers more than ! kl . J1ist north oOf Rldfefield. ••••»• • According to Sgt. Jav Medal of Honor, was Elmer C. Big-1 over 133 community unit_ districts ^T; ITaH nnHor fKn 1017 •/*•> TKooa i ^DOUt clerk and in the various places where Richard Burton of Richmond has j ^® lo^fir f)l e'd £st been recommended as a board mem-itu_t M ri i r R m T ber. Attorneys Theodore L. Hamer .MVS- C1.aira Rose Johnson, 50, and Floyd E. Eckert, Jr.. have been recommended as appeal agents. Drs. who had so short a time before been among them, was dead. She J. R. Tambone and Saul Burten have Sjl^r8 - i-JET!?17 watched ^ been recommended as examining phy-jMc^,t nvy tecahme€, rleaandde r- ur^ on ^ With only 527 to be called in the first draft from 217 boards in the state, it is expected that not more 'pa«e<i w»s nnm in i mmon , L• ... -- e . fpecial registrars have been work-1 than four, and perhaps less, will be the son of Mr and^Mrs Wlhfm elP^ hf L 6- ^i5' a fourth of the state. i i? \ °a f?r Past weeks.- Locally, the (from McHenry county. Men in the ^ je aboard the USS Fletcher. The; Vernon L. Nickell, state school ' ^°.\|,0wing_deputy registration officers; 26-year-old class, or born in 1922, ^ i strative .eJffEicieSncSy * SCh<,<,' """""ijS ,„to ftgrt by F. A. K time*8reside^^of McHen^"Because'destr°yer w&s .fired on at Corregidor' superintendent, commented that °he ll?e y°unK m»n probably fell asleep, vv<ill handle registration up to and I non-veterans and single, will be eS^ thls association with 'our ^om- died of wounds suffered | was "happy" about the decision. He! at irlhe Z^LblX wlh !I l!?C,U(ling^?ct-, 4: AIbert Krause, Mc-i called first. Some 1,000 from the •lunitv voune William snent much1 u ™e" showed extraordi- said the law represents a "forward i PP 4 K •.Heiny; Charles J. Freund, Spring state are expected to be called for 2f hischUdhood here^with^is grand- i fonf de«th,9m hW ^ ^ Step" in schocl »dmini-i ^ .... and J. Viola, Wonder I examination in October. parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred | 1 Karls, and will bf remembered by GOVERNOR AND PARTY many of McHenry's young adults today. Mr. Karls served with the navy ~Setween January of 1942 and April of tt j . i Maxwell of Rt. 2, Woodstock, who1 The noil* will Ka WILL DINE AT BAY ON CAMPAIGN TOUR group a numDer oi aistricts into a J accident. He stopped to investigate' until 9 p. m single unit. It breaks away from at,(j finally found Geske's body, after 'B. ^ t. Ptil_ township and county lines in for-1 a ten-minute search. Rales QN MONDAY OCT 4 motion of districts. . , A verdict of accidental death was Jh°(!loJi 1 IVg hn ™.ust "gistef: MUWliAY, .QUI. 4 1945 hi^ travpl^ 'with that branch of1 u j j u r* n TT j Tn© C&B6 wfts &pp6al6d to th? returned on Mondftv mornincr hv . - will be 21 years old onj -------- Se -ervice t^kin^ him to aS partsin de4 by. ..Gover"°^ Dwight H. (supreme court by State's Attorney kroner's jjU- * * a o. before election day; registered The McHenry Choral Club will «f the world, as far north as New- S^aVe^aWn^a camMi^tour of H iUi*ttl ^ Morgan /ounty. The deceased, unable because of their 1ame ^ ^°r }h* first- timX .thif fcnnHlanH T^lnnH Inter to I V[° .?!? a._c?™?.ai?"_tour ?f i »e attacked the law as a tool for nrevious football iniurv ~ " " " " . . . a n n o u n c e d b y J u d g e H e n r y L . C o w - j n A u g u s t 1 9 4 7 i ^ t » - i ^ . . . . wore than usual interest since it Hn, county republican chairman. L,,* fk J ^ Y tW> Involved the narrow escape of a with Governor Green, who is a circuit court upheld the act.! community many yeajs ago. cHenry serviceman. candidate for re-election, will be ®ne. °* ^ main objections wasj While in the Phillipines, William Richard Yates Rowe, for lieutenant that in formation of the unit dis- mav nt/nm n| net Tom Harrison of PisUkee Bay governor, and William G. Stratton, }*)?**, . existing districts could be i 'AK/10 , and both were scheduled to return'for secretary of state. i ? • Wlt . sucb a small fraction of COUNTY home on furlough in the spring of j , While Green, Row and Stratton are | t"eir. territory that it would be fi- 1945. However, due to a change of visiting half the downstate counties, I nancially impossible to maintain a second campaign caravan^Jieaded 8c o°'8- by Senator C. Wayland Brows land : tne three other Republican state plans, Tom returned and William re aiaiaed on the island. When the plane on which he had been assigned was damaged William was trans- j candidates are carrying the campaign ferred to the one on which Tom had1 into the other half of the state. In been serving. It was while on a •ission in this plane that it wan ired upon and he was killed. Two former'classmates of the navy nan, now priests, Fr. Riley and Fr. Fielding, of Our Lady of Lourdes cburch, officiated at the requiem jnass. McHenry folks who attended the rices were Mr. and M*s. Paul' Stratton will also The objectors argued that this was in violation of a state constitutional section that the legislature must provide a "thorough and effi- FROM SPRINGFIELD Taxes in McHenry county in 1947 f tvaiu^uvo vi. ; • • *»•*» vin isviuno ^ 1 & <» 111« ovvv/iuiii)^ McHenry county. Registered voters j to Mrs. Harry Barr, club director, who have not voted in any primary I This program will include familiar or general election for over a | carols, as well as portions from period of four years must re-instate j Handel's "Messiah." their registration, either in thci All persons who desire to. join the office of the county clerk or the: organization are urged to do so at groper precinct registration official, j this time. Since a personal inviegistered voters who have moved ] tation cannot be extended to everyirom one precinct to another within 1 one, all who enjoy singing are asked *' ..vy - * »* > i minutes later, at 8:i5 o'clock, in a physician's office. Richard Patzke and Fred Doctor, students, assisted her as she collapsed while leavim the school ground. According to her family, Mrs. Johnson had been very active throughout the day but had failed to eat at the . 1 . * 1 uiiw) itv \ toilHiv monvu 1 eve•n•i•n••go meal. Swhiiev duiidu inivovt cVoVmIUpyllawinll t»h e county s,i n• ce last registering• , • o»a.r 11 to cvoviniosiiudveir tvhilliis? rive\q|uuveasht tWo be oMrl evbs- of feeling badly,p hnuo*wf CeVv velr ,j uUKnt%ti!l« from one addnss to another within ent to mean them. The clu\> is shortly after the game began wherethe precinct of their residence, must j • - • ... 1 . appear before the county clerk or1 the caravan with Senator Brooks, i cient system of free schools." ! P"^r ,c business, which is the schools.«sjgn an application for change of who is seeking re-election, are Sinon Justice Albert M. Crampton of 1 s tQ^a' county tax increase residence. A. Murray for auditor of public ac- Moline, who wrote the high court's 1 10.9 per cent, however, is 8.8 county clerk's office in Wood- JitTtSS 'fh«ir<^StdTnSrk°oH",>Mi"Uy "' !uP7 started to leav, the Held .re.,. »oe, to. M«H«ry'S big*,,t ^"ro^r r^LtratTon officer .nd MMtin|" *" hdd «» "" ^hool -"d cUawed. each Monday evening from 8 until 10 o'clock. counts, Elmer H. Droste, for state treasurer, and Attorney General George F. Barrett, candidate for reelection. In addition the regularly scheduled stops. Governor Gr^fcs, Rowe, and nake as many opinion, said: "This court has always been consistent in holding that the question of the efficiency and thoroughness of the school system is one solely for the . legislature to answer and . Herv ... that tb» courts lack power to in- ~ Karls. Mr. and IBrs. Left RotherTRtl' other "brief «topf * as time will per-|tmdk. and Mrs. Catherine Coleman. Also I mit. It is their desire to contact as among the large group of relatives | many persons as possible to obtain #cnH friends present to pay last re-;a clear picture of the desires of the apects was a young lady, a former voters. nember of the .WAVES, who was' The party is expected to arrive!that the school system, within the -j engaged to be married to William j in Woodstock about 5 p. m. Due to emasculated ^ district, lacks efficiency Karls when he was in service. She|a later meeting at Waukegan at 8 % is now Sister Carol Ann, a novitiate o'clock, the GOP candidates will be xin a convent near Chicago, which she, taken to the Villa Hotel Resort at «tered in 1945. J Pistakee for dinner, from where they Ensign Gladys Oleiaick {will leave for Lake county. Military rites wfcre conducted last1 " « per cent below the avefage increase f . .„ j- , fi . <" «•' ."!• "»"• 5 p " e«epTs.fu J«>s, .„d- o^ ties so far surveyed by the departSaturdays from 8 a. m. until noon. ment of revenue, according to Director Paul C. Rosenquiati The school share ofsthe total in- Beauty Sxpert To Discus Good Grooming on Oct. 19 Celeste Carlyle, beauty expert, can Mrs. Johnson had been in pour | health for several years but of late» had seemed to be improved. In spite of her condition, she was an extremely active and energetic person, taking great inteijbst in a variety , of undertakings. | She was born in Switzerland on 2 be seen and heard each Friday eve-1 ^ and came to ^ c®un^ ning over station WGNTV, according ^"ty-seven years ago. The Umxly to Clara Greaves Sweeney, home ad-, fad McCullom Lake Miss Carlyle has been!for th* »^st and ,or thtt* - ,JBunciay, Sept., 26, for Ensign Gladys ©leinick, 24 years old, who died on Friday. Sept. 24, at the Great Lakes AROUND THE COURT HOUSE •on the Palmer-Tanner case brought in a verdict for the plaintiff in thfe $50,000 damage suit in -favor of Otis . Tanner and awarded him $29,000. I The case has been on •the court dock- In a special message to the resident _ voters of Illinois, every man and crease Ts $229,623. "<K this total, woman eligible to Vote was urged the sum of $140&8Tmes to the to register before Oct. 5. Three «T»w. f.Z Hi. jeTementary artwofs, wWC&Ss with the!***** radons were given, namely, T J!™ 1 »PProval of the voters, in referen-1 s<> you can vote, so your signature .»'»» <.,««« uioi [ntir i. !' dums bond is8Ues- sc^°o1 Cpnsoli- j °n initiative referendun. will be J „ 5® w JlJ i home. Previously she had been munity unit school district is or- dations and rate increfAes counted, and because your permanent i Comty 1 , ^ ® "„ p j Red Cross director in Berwvn whi ganized does not ipso facto establish The elementarv school' 'districts | registration record may be of great! she resided. Mrs. Johnson 'was _ needed $02,979 rfiore to retire bonds | assistance in establishing proof of {yf" V"" "^registered nurse, having i-eceived her which had previously approved by y0"1" «"8hip . an.d. ,ln obUnung Woodstock hiirti school Thursdav'1 trainin^ in her native Switzerland, the voters and S89.707 more was many benefits and rights at law. : «°oosiock nign scnooi, inuisaa>, Sho fKio needed because of increased salaries 'VW -fr * •:;W; and thotoughness.' Theatre Guild Opens New Season on Oct. 22- a where a and cost of operation. These increases , p . Will were offset $6,828 because less money CoUnty Review Board Will was extended for school buildings. I Complete Report By Oct 9 apparently by rate restrictions, as ™ v"U™ LUl. IV JlIlLVl SI llvUli i IIUI outti t i CI«a .l j « , • Oct. 28; and Marengo high school, Tn' J'TT11/* Friday, No. 12. These programs will: '>et^n SfJi Park' f°r be of special interest to all business! g here. women, homemakers, 4-H girls- and , was devoted to her-family, and all high school girls i "er ,0Ve tor children prompted her I"n i o-rt.d e®r .t.o hehi'daeeftir aavj eexxpneennsseess, fh omsheo ar tn dt iamsesu mage0 cat0re toafk ea liintttloe or- i? The McHenry County Theatre Guild, more money was requested in 1947. i ?he county board of supervisors L slight chaie is Sn^ made . . , , T , . hsts accomplishments, of the Wood-. The high schools of McHenry recentiy granted the boarcl of re-1 Tickets may be purchased from anv iphan glr1' Karen Lundqmststock Players and the Guild that has county are ge^S3.-7^ij5JJ|view an extensfo,, of time until the I Home Bureau member in the county.! Mrs. Johnson was also extremely the entire midwest aware of the year Of this amount. J^o.BUa goes board-s next meeting, Oct. 9, after, Mica ro.ivio v,„c ,Kn«n ! fo,,d of animals, and her home was high standard? and perfection of the to the educational fund for the pay-, Chairnian Carl Wittmus informed the nf i Jrnlminff nt plrh aKva> ;' a refuge tor abandoned pets. . productions. , ment of increased salaries and cost^of. group of men that it woul4 ^ about! fc03 r„ M^Xnrrhpr tnni. lin hli I Sut vivors include the husband, The Players produced ten plays operation More money was also re- * m£nth b€fore the work v couW be' ^nminn t,M^fhnrFmrh^ien^iHJ!if' Au^ust NValter J^nson; one daughter', in the Woodstock ppertt House dUr- quested for the building fund, in- cmnleted Groaning With Emphasis on Hair a| hwme; a ^ Cyrfi Qf % M9000 VfeRDICT fini»g .the summ--er o--f 1947•. As a-- result creasin-g j t he tax $.9 ,603., ,L e,s s m, oneyj i aAwbouuit i2,v0u0 cvoumiiifpHlaaiinutiss hnaav«er bueraenn , Make-up. DelibeAting for only- two houraf & the summer popularity the players was needed to retire voted bonds and j re(ristered with the board of review, the nine-women and three-men jut^E Extended the summer stock into thejinteres , ®*v^.' . ' . which has been in session since ler case broueht winter months under the sponsorship! The total school tax Increase tn|June Kach year the work of this of the McHenry County Theatre. McHenry County is l-.l per cent as, t of countv government in- Guild. They had the honor to be- compared with an average 21.6 P®r 'creaae8 and additional time is needed come a- member of the American! cent for the school district in the to complete the program and turn National Theatre and Academy j ninety counties surveys! over the books to the county cliflC.--- _rs IUIV Iai, wnen i»n- ^(ANTA), endowed by Congress to The county board of supervisors ner who is a n'enhew' of the de-i^P theatres in the process of de- i asked for $71,860 more jn 1947 but * j m r>„i „i--centralization from the large cities to ] tax-rate limitations imposed by the his uncle beat him with a claw ham- communities previously not On the legislature in 1947 held this^ request I mer about the head and caused {serious permanent impairment to his ! brain. ; The verdict was brought in last 1 Thursday afternoon at 2:59 p. after the jury had been out sincia 1:10 p. m. ' Both Tanner 'and Palmer are' ENSIGN GLADYS OLEINICK entertainment circuit. The new season starts October 22 with «the hilarious comedy "Kiss and Tell." • Season tickets are now available. down to a tax Which was $2,433 below the 1946 tax. The for their COMING EVENTS WE OFFER YOU CONGRATULATIONS berkely, 111.; two brothers, jftaul Derak of Paris, Prance, and Dr. Andree Derak of Tunisia; and one step-brother, John Kern, of Chicago. Tne body rested at the ,Jacob Juste n Sons funeral home until Tuesday atternoon at 2 o'clock, when Rev. Leonard Johnson, pastor of a Lutheran church in Chicago and t * brother-in-law of the deceased, officiated at last rites. Burial vfftS . -f, 4. A- lifelong resident of MpHenry,jm .Woodland cemetery. r>„K„„v,;01 11.11: Stephen H. Freund is recorded in ; Mac Westtake Public Party Parochial School HaU our "over 80" book for the second! Funeral services for Mrs. October 3 county board wanted $<2,000 --Sponsored by St. Marys-St. Pat- ^me this week, having been first 1 Westtake, nee Shales, a former Ringleir countv highway fund, an: ric* s ocnoo 1. a% I listed on his eighty-second birthday wood resident, were held last Saturincrease of $24,000. Here again, uctoneir 4 anniversary, two years ago. Mr. day, Sept. 25, at 1 o'clock from the t--ax - r a t e l imi t a t ions he ld th, e. , t a.x | ; A l t a r and^ •R 1o»s a rpyu Sodua liiit-yi iM eoe t i„n g_-- ^Fr eund. ceile lbr -at.edj 1thle- occasion last, ,l'u •n"e ra*. r ,h ome a.t 2600 N. Cicero _w extension down to $»3,286, which • «s; St. Patrick sChurch Hall 8 p. m. i Sunday, Sept. 26, when his family: avenue, Chicago, with burial in the SCHOOL ELECTION •• a rise of $2,703 over the 1946 bill, i }ier Q u M„. spent the day with him at his • Mngv ood cemetery. Mrs. Westlake n>siHf>ntq nf Dunham TownshiD and V j election has been called for; The towns boards of McHenry j Circle 3, W. S. C. S, Mrs. Milton bome on pearl street. The get-to-, is survived by her husband, John W. the nlaintiff was onlv 29 vears bid at' X"u ^?Vvt Consolidated county also asked f°r, "l^re, money,! Smith. , _ gether was also in honor of Mr. Westlake; three children, Mrs. Evethe time of the assault uuon which I ^ - a * 1 PurP?se increasing their request $37,199. Of|St. Mary s-St. Patricks School preund's sister, Mrs. Gertrude Davis, Jlyn Anderson, Mrs. Esther Illness -V toi r Tk thp was based • of voting yes or no on the question | this amount, $25,151 was wanted for j P. T. A. |who had reached her seventy-third, and John Westlake; also two t i Th/t irtheicond trial in this' wbether the district shouid seH at | roads end bridges. Here again, rate °^t^er I, w „ ! birthday anniversary that day. [brothers, Charles and Earl Shales, navy nurse was taken ill the pre-1 - This is tne second trial_ in tpis (public auctin the school premises limitations held the taxes actually --J -- r«i..w *#_. •ious Monday and her condition be- case, a $22,000 verdict having been known as the Lincoln school. The extended down to an amount which ; came more critical as the week pro-1 awarded Tanner in 1942» This ver-, poUs win ^ located at the McHenry pressed._ Services were held at _ the t diet was set • aside^^ by^ W^illiam L. pubijc grj-ade school building between iJreat Lakes chapel, after which1 Pierce, former circuit court judge of about seventy-live members .of the J Belvidere, and the new trial was nurse escort and a volley squad ac-1 granted. sompanied the body to McHenry and: This is one of the largest amounts •sided at burial rites in Woodland iemetery. Chaplain Bannett officii ated at the Great Lakes service. . Ensign Oleiniok was born in Hinsdale and reared in the state of Virginia. (A«fter hep Mister and hrother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor jpowe, moved to Fountain Lane, Mc- CuHom Lake, in 1934, she was a frequent visitor of this vicinity. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oleinick, movdd to McCullom lake three years ago. Besides her parents and sister, Mrs. Howe, Miss Oleinick is survived fry a brother, Phillip, atid a sister, ~llr8. Pearl Padelford, both of Chica- •' <o. The deceased-, a graduate of the Walter Memorial Hospital School of •• Nursing, had been in tike navy ten inonths and was scheduled to be sent overseas *on a hospital ship in the near future. FIVE-DAY COURSE WILL BE OFFERED "GIRL SCOUT LEADERS ,A professional trainer and leader ever awarded in a personal Injury suit in McHenry county. the hours of 7 p. m. and 9 p. m. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mclntyre of 387 Jefferson avenue, Elgin, are the parents of a daughter, born at St. Joseph's hospital in that city on Monday, Sept. 27. The Mclntyres in Girl Scouting will be at the formerly made _ their home here, Woodstock Armory October 4-8 inclusive to train both the leaders and the mothers of Brownie and Girl Scouts was $7,313 below the 1946 tax extended for road and bridge purposes. The cities and villages of McHenry county wanted $21,874 more; $13,500 of this was for the retirment of bonds and interest which had preiouslv, been approved by the voters. Not all counties are showing tax increases this year. Of the ninety counties so far surveyed, five counties are showing decreases--the largest decrease being in Massac county with 9.3 per cent less. Edwards county is next with a 5.5 per cent decrease. Union county's taxes are 2.1 per cent below 1946. Of the counties showing larger increases, Franklin is first with 28.0 per cent, T «ri?- C. D. of A. Business Meeting. ™ aunts, Mrs. Gertrude Justen of Mc- was preceded in death by a daughter, j? rv-tAher 8 « ~ Henry and Mrs. Catherine Marquardtl Helen Mae. Uctooer 8-9 • • ^ *-- " Mrs. Elisabeth McCartin where he was the trades teacher In the high school. Mr. and Mrs. David Haverkamp of Dundee announce the birth of a Johnson' 27.7 per cent and Sanga- All persons interested in learning I St. Joseph's; m0n 26.7 per cent. about the Girt Scout program are1 hospital, Elgin. Mrs. Haverkjunp is welcome to attend any or all of the former Miss Mary Lou Warner WILL HONOR TIGERS . The Johnsburg Community dbb will meet on Tuesday^ Oct. 5, at Nell's ballroom, at which time Ladies Night will be observed. Other guests of the evening will be the county baseball champions, the Johnsburg Tigers. The committee in charge of the meeting includes John, Math, George J. and Baa Schmitt, Richard Schneider, Math N. Schmitt, Michael ' Sehaefer, Gerald Sehona and Robert Gardner. Dancing and the serving of refreshments will be included on the evening's program. these sessions. This is a fine program for mothers of girls between the ages of seven to seventeen. All interested adults, board members, troop committee members, leaders, and parents are* invited to the Friday evening meeting. Refreshments will be served. A charge of fl will be made for the entire course, including five meetings, for out-of-town leaders. Anyone in McHenry interested in the Girl Scout program is asked to contact Mrs. William Green or Mrs. Frank Gans concerning the course. residence changes The Lawrence Klapperich family has moved from an apartment in the Ooettsch place east of the river to their new home of the dtj. in the north put of Elgin. A daughter was born on Sept. 27 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. George Weisenberger of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmitt are the parents of a dai AUTO ACCIDENT Shortly after 9 o'clock on Saturday morning, a car driven by James Fentress, 26, of Lake Forest, was involved in an accident with a milk truck. The Fentress car was going Rummage Sale--Qity Hall--^hnm- Mrs Elizabeth McCartin of 6515 Columbus Day Knilhu ofColumbu, *th .^er^y'j moth«' of "fir's. El'iobeth Ro£rs J Dance--Nell's Ballroom, Johnsburg. | ^uarui ner mneij sixlh aiimvcis*. ; Survivor* im>Iud« h»- Pirola 1 w c • c c uM Mr. Freund's seven children pres-'L.i|y ^aKe- survivors mciuae, oe- W Reiker ent were Mrs. Mary Buch, A. P.(sides Mrs. Rogers, six other children. "eiKer. Freund, Mrs. Cecelia Blake, Carl J. Mrs. Mary GUmore, John J., and LLeeccttuurre. bbyv CCe^letstee CCaarrllvyllee , SSttyvlliiasftc---- Freund, Herbert H. Freund, Mrs. ! Frank P McCartm, Mre Anita Ca- E1]en c and Miss Bertilla! hill and Mrs. Helen Smith and Bart- McHenry High School. Freund, all of McHenry. Their lett McCartin1, also twenty-five grand- November 2 Election For Sale of Lincoln School --Grade School Building--7 to 9 p. m. November 4 ; Public Party--Sponsored fegr C. D. of A. December 5 P. T. A. Christmas* Party. AMONG THE SICK laughter, born on! south on Illinois 31, about one-half Sept. 25 at the Woodstock hospital. I mile east of Ringwood. The milk Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Dau of j truck, driven by Urban Bauer of Island Lake anounce the birth of a] Ringwood, was being driven west, son at the Woodstock hospital on A passenger in the Fentress car, Sept. 24. He will be named Daniel,) Leffins Porter of Lake Geneva, re- Jr. ! ceived severe lacerations' about the A daughter was born at the Wood-' face. stock hospital on Sept. 23 to Mr. and! 1 Mrs. Kenneth Gabel of Wonder Lake .j _ . inv dvtvtvto -Karen Anne" is the name which „ _ DAIRY RECKMTS Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eiwstrom have McHenry counter dairy tarmers reselected for their little daughter, who was born on Sept. 19. Need Rubber The f Order at ceived $875,651.41 for milk delivered to Bowman Dairy Codpany receiving stations during tail month of August. Monthly figures are sent to the Plaindealer as seon,»aa they are complied at Bowman's gaueral office. Jack Thiesf Jr., underwent an appendectomy at the Woodstock hospital on Saturday. M rs. Emily 'Hunter has been a medical patient at the .Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Ruth Barbian was a medical patient at> the Woodstock hospital this past week. Mrs. Magnus Nelson has arrived home from Augustana hospital, Chicago, where she had been confined for several weeks. ^ MARRIAGE LICENSES families were also in attendance. The only missing member of the immediate family was Mrs. Kathryn Barbian, a sister of the honored guests, who is visiting in California. •Brothers and sisters who helped in the celebration were John E. Freund and Joseph W. Freund and Mrs. Emma Barbian of McHenry and Mrs. ^u,KJi'^rifh.°f.rtbKr%»« of ENTER BRADLEY ^ UNIVERSITY children and thirteen great grandchildren. The body rested at the funeral home at 1716 W. 63rd street until Monday morning at 9 o'clock, when services were held from St. Brendan's church, Chicago, with burial in Holy Sepulchre cemetery.. Mr. Freund's children are still residing within the block in which their father lives. , Mr. Freund's activities through the years have included service as secretary and manager of the Johnsburg Creamery Co., member of the j Entering as a freshman at Bradley, University Peoria, 111., this fall, is Michael John Mergen of Rt. S, He intends to major in industrial education. Raymond Howard, Jr., a 1947 graduate of Bradley, will attend that university as a graduate as- Roy W. Erber and Alda M. Miller, both of West McHenry. . • Elgin Butter* Board, member of the;?^stantu? art this year. He will also . i--j . | be working on I-- -- in the same field. McHenry grade school 1 board, town-jmasters ship assessor and later superviaor. " »•--« Mrs. Barbara Engeln Belated congratulations to Mrs. Barbara Engeln of Riverside Drive McHenry, who this month observed DRAFT REGISTRATION According to information released - by LeRoy Strache, secretary of the her ninety-second birthday anniver-j county draft board, the total regisary, Mrs. Engeln resides with her stration, after all * daughter, Mrs. Louis Baker. She is reached 2,48#. The draft board js » J|§ff^ one of the city's oldest residents, now located on the second «eer a# , • ,4, both in age and number of years;226 Benton street, Woedstck. .v , spent here. She came to McHenry I ---- , f # % k in 1871, when driven from Chicago ** Order yo«r stasspa aft "•| 1 y; the great fire. J Plaindealer. _ | ^ ff ^ q ; - •. - 4 ^ - . . . • •

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