Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1948, p. 12

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# "" f{^%» ^ v v ffCrpf jili»llll fungi tf NaMti j "lirtd" houiiviTti may find |mm relief tor their feeling of exjliaustlan from suggestions offered I by home management and child devetopment specialists. - 6M reason for tiredness, of feouree, is overwork or lack of rest, ft is true physical fatigue. Tew household tasks use up enough energy to cause this kind of tiredness. Work such as doing the family wash without modern equipment, canning large amounts of food, moving furniture, or constant lifting and Carrying of children can cause overtiredness. ; Quite different causes result in two other kinds of "tiredness." One Is fatigue caused by just plain boredom. Wives who do the same jobs such as dish washing or dusting in, the same way year after year and j have no interest in the tasks can become tired from the monotony.' 'Another kind of tiredness comes: from mental conflict. Housewives who have more to do than they! think they can accomplish, whoj have constant interruptions or who may be worrying about something, , such as family illness, have a tired feeling because of all the conflicts ithey face. i Rest and sleep help all kinds of, Itlredness and are the only way of > flighting physical fatigue. To over-' ibome boredom, introduce interest .in your housewifely tasks by trying, •itew methods, or trying to "beat your own time." If it's worry that's Ihaking you tired, decide what is j .bothering you most and try to remove it from your situation. H#*# itM, Utmi, ftttiria Mans Uagar fegfs need to be kept both cold and covered if they are to keep fresh and in the best condition for eating. Extension food preservation specialists urge that eggs be gathered and immediately placed in a refrigerator or other cold place and kept, there until used. Experiments show that at ordinary room temperature, eggs lose as much freshness in three days as they do in the refrigerator in two weeks. When eggs are stored in the refrigerator they should be covered for two reasons: To keep them from losing moisture through the porous shell and to protect them from absorbing odors or off flavors. Instead of keeping them in ai) open bowl in the refrigerator, put them in a covered dish or one of the closed vegetable containers. Another tip is not to wasfi eggs until just before using them. The dull bloom on the shells is a protective film which helps prevent germs and odors from entering the egg through pores of the shell. New controlled methods of high temperature egg washing have l>een developed. It is best to store eggs to be washed at around 50 degrees* so they will not sweat when taken from tiie cool room. Knowledge at s Pries AT the bridge table, the fclayers encountarad a problem. Being great sticklers for rules, they finally decided to wire a bridge expert in New York for a ruling. He wired back a chapter from his bookcharges collect f The four seekers after knowledge split the expense. In a couple of days came a bill from the expert for $25 for services rendered. They appealed to an attorney and mutual friend. He advised them to pay it. They haggled over the matter a while and then shelled out. the money. But the final blow warf yet to come. In a few days they received a bill for $10 from the attorney for legal advice! - m; < v 4 A GOT HIS WISH Sen: "Dad, what was yoW ambition when you were a boy?" Dad: "To wear long pants. And I've had my wist\. If there's anybody else in the country that wears his pants longer than I do, I'd like to see him." New-Manes far ; Radio-coritrolled planes will be tHed in Australian rain-making experiments. The aircraft will be fitted with recording equipment so that accurate observation can be tifeen inside storae clouds. Research experts claim that flying conditions inside these clouds are highly Pettsh Miners In Britain A new kind of Polish "underground" movement is paying off rich dividends in the British coalfields. More than 5,300 Polish volunteers, mostly from the Polish Resettlement corps, now are working in British coal mines. A further 386 Prsyerfal Parson "Yessuh, we shuah has got a fine new minister; you eughter hear him pray." "Can he pray better than the other one?" "My, O my, yes; he can arte for things the othah minister never knew de Lord had." ExcsMive Use of lime Exhassts Soil Fertility SpwialM Want Other rat FM4S llHiiiNd Liming can exhaust rather thar rebuild soil fertility, unless lim6*is accompanied by the return of othet needed plant food elements to the soil, declares Dr. William A. Albrecht, University oU Missouri. • "Up to the present time in oui yilMilllAllllilii.i i i. McCiiWmi Lake On Parade "••••••••If •; (By Ya• rds1 tick*%) •%. <- ,.--0 v;S t>; Greeting folks: were 8undav jtbintr and .Mrs. H*rol& Vyc •%» j : -V. The regular monthly meeting of the directors of, the Prcperty Owners association was held at the beach Ttarvday , 0«6bpr % IMS If it's new* give us a bun. T1 lumber is stHlfJR$-J-2. AUOi The oaaef Vacuum tubas, ftanfflar In and televMon aeta, are eC «Klft portance in tyme in airplane Their wartime application tensive. Now Hie tubes era 00 increasingly tat machine tool dnctlon and electric payer V. 8. Seeds to Farm people, particularly Mi club groups, thought that a good Sbtjr tqr . Glacier National park in wdrterp Montana, one of the lfcrgest and most scenic of the parks, . „ abuts on the adjoining Canadian house last Sunday morning, with all j Waterton Lakes perk to form an un- - - - - . . . - directors present. Clarence Feierei- usual international vacation re- ! *° '°°" "jwtage ™ Eusel made a motion that facilities be wrve-known as the International "f6" provided for those who eniov ice1 Peace Park- GUcier has grown peopie help themselves by grow- » k . t l n g d u r i n g t i l r i Z t e ' Z n l t o ; « " » « * ? I " * m ° " « * ? on our take. , TM» motion was c«r- W"; •"? "J0*! to OUcier: . • ned. George Gorenson, in charge of to***! »Jaa M Waterton Lakes I distribute seed packages to needy the beach and 4>ark, will see to it park. * I families in those countries. Ite that heat will be provided in thel Glacier is perched astride the packages of assorted feed, enough beach house for the skaters and the Continental Divide, and is famed ' for • f*mily of four, include peas, ice on the lake will be kept *" Nobody Knows Woman "Fancy, dear," said Mrs. Smith to her husband, "it says in this magazine that in China a man doesn't a_rrea m trainmg„ . LT argely »thv ey are i know his wife until after the wed- dini. c_remonv » mm fmm tw* t>nii«h D_.-» i *un» ceremony. men from the Polish forces in BritAnd why is China specially menain who did not wish to return to Poland. These men are a vanguard for an additional 35,000 European workers from displaced persons' camps in the western zones of Germany who have found a refuge in tioned?" asked Mr. Smith, moodily. farous for normal planes. The "fly- | Britain. For the Polish miners, it tog wings have been developed to j means a new home, being once i P0*?1*® ,e*t*ier by miniature 1 again self-respecting members of a milae jet engines patterned on the ; community and a chance to put German flying bombs or by gasoline ; their skill into practice again. engines. Planes of a similar design ere being used for meteorologicei >" Witb I Need Rubber Stamps! Order at ftrsonic aircraft ! The Plaiqdeaier. Best Buy In the Country! . If it's in building, see us. All B and Better Kiln Dryed Lumber Used. HOMES AVAILABLE NOW! At last! A homfe of your own at an amazing low price! SaYe $1,000 to $3,000 on this beautiful 5-room Cape Cod Cottage--the dream home you can afford. These comfortable, attractive Economy homes are factory built--the last word in home building--a sensational development which guarantees low cost, uniform high quality, and maximum speed in completion. They are not pre fabs, but luxurious homes of conventional construction--designed to meet building codes anywhere. Built to Economy's exacting specifications, these "Factory- JPIfc" homes include large windows, roomy closets, full stairways to basement and second floor. High grade lumber and materials used throughout; sturdy West Coast Fir, heavy slate-surfaced roofing shingles, top ^quality hardware. Erected by Economy on your lot in only a few days! Spacious, scientifically designed floor plans--24'x32' including 2 bedrooms. Also available With 3 bedrooms-- 24 W, ."-v x- SOME Fix: . Little Susie, age four, said to her mother, "When I grow up, will I have a husband like daddy?". "Yes," replied her mother. "And," continued Susie, "if I don't get married, will I be an old maid like Aunt Louise?" "Yes," replied her mother again. "Well," sighed Susie, "I surely am in a fix." No Brimstone? HOMES 24x32 24x40 ll/2 story, 8 rooms . ..... 13 20x40 5 rooms and bath 20x38 4 rooms and bath . r 20x30 4 rooms and bath ... $3400 I! 4000 .... 2260 ..... 1335 1785 Modern Kitchen, Automatic Heat, Full Basement, and Fully Insulated--- Extra. ' SUMMER HOMES 14x20 My Dream Cottage ... . $800 14x30 Happiness Cottage „.._„.J1125 20x28 Thrifty Cottage $935 20x22 Chateau $900 ROADSIDE CABINS , 12x14 $520 . • 14x30 Double Unit *1X26 ALSO, GARAGES Single and double car and overhead doors 12x24 __...;.L $650 - • • 20x24 .......;......,;:rbzx v - • ~ S9S0 :• - Farm Buildings, small type. Hog houses poultry houses - aiy size--Turkey hawses Cora Cribs and Grain Btns OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS AU prices are F. O. B. Factory and Shell Type * ;pM. MiM General Supply & Implement Co. SUDOLPH tlCKEir, Local Agent Phone McEenrv '620-J-i •p iSL. m A circuit rider, encountering many a meal that needed seasoning, carried with him a tiny bottle of tabasco sauce, and put it on the table before him at eating houses. A stranger, eyeing it with curiosity, asked permission to try it; and put a liberal quantity on a piece of beef, which he then bolted. There was a pause. The stronger (gulping down a glass of water)--"Say, parson, you preach hell, don't you?" The circuit rider--"I feel it my duty to remind the -wicked that there is retribution beyond the grave." * Stranger -- "Anyhow, you're the first preacher I've seen that carries samples." beans, beets, carrots, onions, radishes, spinach, turnip, rutabaga and cabbage, as well as cauliflower, cucumber, kale, lettuce, parsley, parsnips, squash, tomatoes and broccoli and brussels sprouts. The selection wqs recommended by the U. S. deland u»e." says Dr. Albrech., "w. | .Tiuble To^i.Ton "£r dur*1 m*nr «Uci"» have b«„ puttu., limestone on ,h« ,toting N.HomI Park U «, named r To most of us it may seem a bit because in the hollow of its rugged !I e ven think o#f cHold wealtChu ers, ,bautitn gsi.n ocer; i mountaintops lie more thy" 60 •mail vlacier* it is the policy of the Property Own-! • •' • ^ w. w ers association to always build their A 01 38 mountain sheep was} partment of agriculture and acbridsres before they are ready to reported near Many-Glacier hotel ^epted by American Seed Trade a*, cross them, one can readily under- fa thfe park during the past winter relation. Two separate assortments stSnd why this measure was voted by a park ranger Glacier's big- j have been packaged, one for north- ', . _ , ™rn .w .c. ^?ere are more ; ern and one for southern Europe. Chris D vore, chairman of the road than 200, faced extinction m 1936 by i The northern nackaae doesn't h«™ committee and the spark plug of the a threatened lung diseaae. The any sqUash or tomato seed, the oreamz&tion, will see to it that the herds have dwihdled in other na-1 unuthprn nackaae ° doesn't holes in the pavements will be filled tional park areas but now we re- ! 80Uthern d0e*n 1 have m the near future. ; ported to be slowly increasing. A To prevent destruction of property bighorn ram weighs up to 400 soils under the mistaken belief that brussels sorouta. reS!d re<i"dn5 on Halloween, plan, f„r an org.'m^ soil acidity. We have gone ahead i patrol were also made. ^ with our campaign with the idea j * * - ,, .. .• SS STA"! 'ha,J' Wm. SJATE '^"FN^: that if a Uttle is good, more will i>e tation to the directors, as well as all j property owners, to take part in a This generous use of lime has general cleanup of all of the unhelped produce more proteins in ] finished little jobs on our beach house legume forage and other crops. But; as well as the beach grounds next the added crop production has used • Sunday at^ 10 a. m. up other plant food elements. Among j these potash has been the most Joseph Lekavitch has been released prominent. from the Woodstock hospital and is "We have credited the lime and convalescing at the home of his the neutralization of the soil with | daughter in Bell wood, 111. Working wonders, but we have not! realized that liming by itself was j. Mrs. Margaret Davidson Is'spendhelping exhaust our. soil fertility ,1"^ ® days in Chicago to be at more rapidly," he points out. i ® bedside of her sister, Mrs. Jean- "It is essential," concludes Dr. Al-; Qu T an- who underwent surgery brecht, "to remember that we need Lorett° hosp,tal Us,t Tues" Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, lite- Henry. 8-tf WW* potash to make- the carbohydrates in the growing plant before We can convert them into protein." " i day. Sturdy Roots Required For Top Crop Output No crop can do The Vernon McKinzies of Orchard Drive have sold their property and moved to Waukegam r Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' McCauley of Gary, Ind. enjoyed the past weekend a better crop j at their cottage on Orchard drive. L,. producing job than the roots ,,that j nourish it. To get strong, healthy,! plad to report that Mrs. /Frank C.j bushel-boosting growth above the I Howrfrd is doing nicely after her I ground, you have to have a sturdy root development below the surface. Roots need plenty of "living room" to stretch out for moisture, GROWTH YOU MU6T HAVE GROWTH HERE. recent operation at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan. Af meeting of the McCullom Lake Community Club was held on Sept.' 20 on the Barthelds estate. The fol-! lowing officers were elected for the! • ensuing- year: president, J. Melka;' vice-president, B. Bartheldes; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. L. Braun. Aj new board of directors was also ap-' pointed, namely, J. Wagner, E. Giese,r B. Bartheldes, H. Jahnke and O. Hubsch. ! Mr. and Mrs. Merle Conroy and daughter, Kathie, Mr. and Mrs, tack | Wheelock of Wauconda and Mr. arri Mrs. Charles Schroeder of McHenry pin Mfes ^rdiapen Me more pin holes In baby's shirt tall! - Garter's famous Jiffion-Nevabind* baby flirts are jjlade with "Diapenda" pin tapes, these soft, sturdy loops swing free...are easy to handle..^adjust os baby grows. Sixes, IK yr* . Gladstone's Phone 182 K'v - McHenry, Illinoi#: * ^ 8towaway Pays air and plant nutrients. They need that room not only in the plow layer, but also in the subsoil below. It takes plenty of organic matter to keep a clay or loam soil roomy, well drained and ventilated. Part of that organic matter is burned up every year in producing crops. If it i3 not replaced, then your soil packs down. It becomes "stuffy" and hard to cultivate. It loses its sponginess, or porosity. Roots cannot grow readily, top growth suffers and lower crop yields result. Several steps ate necessary to get good catches of legumes. Liming, based on soil tests, is important. So is the application of fertilizer carrying phosphate and potash. To round out a balanced soil management program and add to the organic matter supply, animal manure and crop residues should be returned to the soil. Steel Farm Trailer An inspector boarding a streetcar was surprised to see the conductor sitting at ease smoking while a passenger was collecting fares. "What does this mean?" he demanded. "You sitting there and a passenger doing your work!" "That's all right," said the conductor, an ex-sailor; "he's a stowaway I found on board. He can't pay his fare, so Tm making him work his passage." Beainess Before Pleasure The young lawyer had been delivering a long and tiresome diesertation on the merits of his case when, noting an apparent lack of interest on the part of the judge, he paused to ask, "Is it the pleasure of the court that I continue?" The judge, heaved a sigh and replied: "Pleasure, my deer air, has long been out of the question, but you may proceed." Qoppertwi Copperhead snakes infsat the eastern, south central and gulf ooaat statee. They can be rcoognised by the reddish-brown saddleHke blotches and heart-shaped head. Average length ia about three (eat, but four-foot sopperhoada have been observed. Need Rubber Stamps f Older at \ This two-wheeled farm tr&iier has an all-steel frame on which any type of tody ean b& plr.ccd. Welded fabrication on the trailer frame eliminates bolts which work loose and cause rattles or breakdowns. The tongue in this trailer is attached in a way that avoids trouble in service. It was designed at Colorado A ft M college. lohnson Grass Control Termed Community Job Johnson grase control is a community job because it requires the attention of everyone !n the neighborhood, according to Purdue university. Watch for new bunches of Johnson grass that start in cllan fields. Kill them by pulling or hoeing before deep roots are formed. The grass spreads both by seeds and root parts and is scattered by water, in hay, by cultivator or wind Totsnae Tribe The Totonacs, now an obscure tribe In Mexico's wilds, were ones a mighty nation, allies of Cortes. In any Four glasses of milk are energy value te approximate one of tbe foOawtov feeds: 1 lasn beef, t ens, t pounds sptaarh, It small oranges* three broilers, aevsn banaaaa, 5 pounds of raw at me Spring 1KSS CLEANING! With a Westinghouse Electric Range, walla and curtains stay clean longer. h me Summer COOLER KITCHENS I All the clean electric heat goes directly into the foodovens are heavily insulated I Eloctric Ronneg on f t i f f c e f s f f fKlfTEt MOIV VARIETY! Vegetables are more flavorftal. Meats are juicy and tasty, are "perfectly baked. h Me WMer MORE NEAITNFIII MEAttf Valuable, health-giving vitamins and minerals arp retained with Wesdnghousa Vitamised rv»«M«.g and Itiey do more for yowl Take < look--see that new style and beauty! New cooking capacity, too, with four full-size Corox Surface Units, and portable Econo-Cooker. Outstanding features galore and new timesaving conveniences -of new 1948 Westingfrouse Electric Ranges give a lift to living ••. better meals and more leisure. MODELS FROM $199.95 CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS . tslsph««I8I V, ' CLOSED THURSDAY AFTESNOONS :

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