Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1948, p. 3

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fUNGWOOD •m n i m 11111 i"ii hum mo "" (By Mrs. Geocne 8henardJ ' Mr. and Mrs. John Shadle are the inod parents of a son, born at fhe Woodstock hospital, Friday. Oct. L Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle are pe proud grandparents. ^ 'The Home "Circle will meet with v«rs. George" Shepard Thursday, Oct. 'dk4. The Rinrwood Home Bureau will JBeet with Mrs. Thomas Kane, Tuesisy. Oct. 5. -- The Youth Fellowship will hold its October meeting at the home-* of Jack Pearson. During the summer some of the young people have attended inspirational camps at Lake Geneva. The group enjoyed a corn roast at the parsonage in Greenwood and now are making plans for a Fall j Festival as a benefit for the Lake Bluff Orphanage. The October meeting of the Young j | Adult group will be in the form of a { I progressive dinner, starting at the J home of the. Louis Winn's in Rich- ' mond and finishing at the Porter |home in.Wonder Lake. { Community night was observed,! Sunday, Oct. 8, with Mrs. Leon i Grosby as program' chairman-?- Hie 1 movie. * God is my Landlord" was ; + i i n i ni n n M i MM n i mi1111 n i n 1 I I H I I I H I * H H !! CLUB LILYMOOR •- : Presents for your enjoyment THE "STAB iYTEMSr Saturday Night, October 9 in 111 i i 11 m»u»i hoi m >i i n ii i i » i u 1 1 1 h SEMI-ANNUAL 20% DISCOUNT OF Beauty Counselor Cosmetics Cleansing Cream, reg\ $2 50 sise Night Cream, reg. $3.00 sise Body Lotion, rag. $2,00 sise ..... Powder Base, reg. $2.75 sitt .. .. Rouge, reg. $1.00 size „... $2.00 $2.40 $1.60 $2.20 ...„80c Town and Country Studio OB Riverside McHenry Um blockf north of State Bridge. Tei McHenry 297-J Mi.*n»niniiiiiiiiiiriiiiii r,n i, uuU Out-of-town telephone calls/cost a lot less than yon think. The typical low rates shown below may surprise you. Service is good too. In about two minutes, on the average, you're connected to your party or have a report on your call. Perhaps thereY a distant friend, relative or business associate you should call today. Long Distance pats you in touch quickly and economically. "Wrfi It ion ways; invito yotf to you SI! THIS! LOW MTIS! hlHMwi c*fl hmm _ OmrUm* T#J » ItfM Detroit, Mich. $ .93 Atlanta, Ga. 1.45 Omaha, Nebr. --1.1S --- Louisville, Ky. 1.05 ffiu fmdmrml Tux) AHmr • P.M. 4mHr IJS5 .75 .70 ILLINOIS BILL TKLBPHONI COMPANY presented. Refreshments and a social hour followed. The October meeting of the W. S. C. S. will be at the home of" Mrs. Kenneth E. Cristy. Plans are under may for a bazaar on Oct. 28. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Tom Patfise, and family at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Sirs. Viola Low was a visitor in the Leslie Allen home at Hebron Saturday. ; Mrs. Rose Jepson, who is spending some time caring for Mrs. L. V. Lusk at Round Lake, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley. Miss Amy Harrison, R. N., of Shawno, Wis., Miss Carol Harrison of Champaign, Mrs. Etta Wattles of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Harrison were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison., Mr. and Mr?. J. C. Pearson and S. W'. Brown attended funeral services for Walter Piatt at Greenwood Friday afternoon. ; Mrs. Vern Malsch of t,ake Geneva-. sper»t Sunday \fcith her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mrs. George Shepard spent Thurs-1 day and Friday in the hiiirte of her daughter, Mrs. Alan Aihger, and family at Hebron. Mrs. Collins is visiting in the home '^f hi r son, Wm. and family at Eeloit. 1 Mrs. Wiii. Pagni and Mrs. Izard of Crystal Lake spent from Thursday until Sunday vacationing at Monte- }fue. Mich. >£? Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Spring Grove and Mrs. Viola Low were visitors at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Dick Oldson spent from Wednesday until Friday night at Skokie and attended the Bible Conference at the North Shore bible church. It was the twenty-fifth anniversary for the pastor of the church Mr. J. C. O'Hair. On < Friday evening Mr. Oldson, with Mrs. Cronin and her mother, Mrs. Fellows, of Genoa City, also attended services at the North Shore Bible Church. Mrs. Walter Low and children and her mother, Mrs. Thomas, spent Thursday with friends at LaGcange. Miss Patty Low remained until Saturday evening when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low, came for her. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens of Pebria, Mrs. Herbert Fa mum and son of Morton, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek of Ridgefteld and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy of Woodstock were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. Johi> Madison and Mr. and Mrs. John Northway of Kenosha, were visitors in the John Blackman home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman. Jr., of AnMoch and 1(V. inftt Mn. Wfebster Blackman of Chicago were her* Sunday to see their father, who is critically ill and in a coma. He passed Sway Tuesday night. Mrs. Milton Nodotf of Madison, Wis., spent the weekend with her neice, Mrs. Paul Wslkington and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller ot Kenosha were visitors in the John Blackman home, Saturday. Miss Patricia and Jay Cristy, Jr. Jr., spent the weekend at Madison and attended the football game. Out of town guests attending the Butler-Benoy wedding Saturday were Mrs. Milton Nodolf of Madison, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neroth of Fennimore, Wis., Mrs. Vincent Moan. Mrs. Ray Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Benoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benoy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtsinger and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kemp of Woodstock, Harry Benov and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Crystal La)ce, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Benoy of Elkhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy and children of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Brown of Palatine, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of Long Lake, bicago son of Morton, 111., Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ellsworth1'of Gary, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchens and daughter of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Austin of Genoa City, Mr. and Mrs. Victor 8tanek and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marzahl of Richmond. Gaseous , In 1947 over 200,000 acres in the Mississippi delta were fertilized with ammonia. Those familiar with the development expect that more than a minion acres will be so treated tn 1948. Fublle Enemy. Ne. I «*» Successful mass attack o$ scientists and engineers backed by unlimited funds, on controlling noclear fission has suggested to many that the same technique be applied to other national problems, including cancer, the No. S Idller in the United States. TO iddm the fundamental knowledge necessary as the background for sn engineering attack, a long-term researel^program must be planned and carried out. Cancer research at present is supported by Mferal and private research funds, totaling several millions annually. Even so, the problem is so large and varied that cancer workers express a need for greater funds at .the present time. Congratulations The horse trader stood watching his young son exchange a rheumatic old mare for a fine young colt. When the deal was over he strode up to the boy. "Congratulations, son," he said. "You're just a gyp off the old block." World's Biggest Bat World's largest rodent is the Capybars rat. It often grows to a length of four feet and sometimes weighs as much ss seventy pounds. It Is webfooted. ' ' •Bad as a Baft: • you give the ltugwr note?" a than asked of the messenger. "Yes, sir, but there ain't no use sendin* that man any notes. He's blind as a bat." "Blind? How do you know? That's news to me." "Course he's blind. Twice he asked( me where my hat was, and there it was in plain sight on my head all! the time. Yes, sir, he's blind as a bat!" ' i; ( : . WaoUnck CsM Blooded Human beings do not sleep nearly aa soundly or as long ss many members of the animal kingdom. The woodchuck sleeps so soundly during his winter hibernation that only a small spark of life is kept flickering. Indeed, his temperature drops almost to freezing, and In very "cold weather Ice crystals may even form in his blood. lBgfcway Traaaportati-- Is If. T# In New York state 54 . per cent of all communities depend aolely upon highways for transportation of goods. Dairy products, of great Importance to the economy of the state, move almest entirely by truck. Using Old i ^ ^b To use up ends of old candles, matt the ends in a pan in the oven. Use the old wick# or get wlcking in a hardware store. Remold .In soup can and unmold by turning can arm awl over gas flame. Any amount otjparjfr fin may be tdded. •- f«r- Read the Want Ads Complete line oi Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store. Me* Henry. MC UM Isle ef Man stretohes north and south for SO miles. Its Bl sjuare miles are a muaeum of surprises. The ansetsnt tongue. Manx, la still spoken by a few of the 51,000 Inhabitants. Crosses believed to data from the fifth century have been found on the Wand. Henry IV of France,"in the edict 'of, Nantes in 1598, granted tolera-' , tion to the protest religion. Louis Read the Want Ads XIV revoked it in 1685 9Cu.Ft. • COOL, SMOOTH • MMMO COMPOtf • COMPLITI, MVIOR-WN COWMN • MfltltfMM, SCINIC MOW • COVITIOM, PIIMMT JlfffOM • CONVINIINT, CITT-CietlB jnmgugMS _._ . Jis tisse for cool, Aatuwn vacations--wonderful week-end trips to big dries--pleasant visits to see friends--gay jaunts to school and college sports events--and for nosey saving business trips, too. Yes, colorful Fall days are ideal for travel with Greyhound. low*co«f thrifty fmr%i MIT HVANsTON OAK PARK MAY WOOD CHICAGO (U. S. BUI. MeBSNRY PHONE 1M-R 0*0. 00LLETTK, Ownar AUTHORIZED DEALER PHONE MCHENRY 4M •si MAIN mar WHBT MCHENRY, ILL. G R E Y H 0 U N FRESH CANDY EVERY TIME .; ; from qffr ' WHITMAN'S BefrigeraAed Candy Departmeat ^ ' la Our Whitman's Refrig«rsi7 Candy DepartsMnt Every Bex Of These Delicieua Confections Keeps Its Richness and Taatinsss the Way You Want Theai - Freeh. BOLGER'S When a asanufacturer produces a car so obviously ahead of the times as the Futuramic Otdsmobile, it's only natural thst demsnd for thst product should break sB records. Add to this todsy's pent-up need for automobiles-- plus continuing shortages of steel and other critical materials--and youll see why we have a real problem on our hands. We value the good will of gJl our customers. We would like to provide <s0 our customers with new Oldsmobile cars. But unfortunately, this can't be done overnight. That is why we are tajung this opportunity to reaffirm publicly our POLICIES ON PRICES AND DELIVERIES. We believe that under present circumstsnces these policies constitute a sound basis for "fsir plsy" to everybody. And we hope that, on this basis, we asay continue to serve you. OLDSMOMU PftlCKS DKLIVERKD IN |MMh| Ml llySta SH« Sriva, a* (AU tf wAm* i Inm CaedWaw Air Matsr aad WMImt mm4 Oroap -V aad tptionmi equipment) SERIKS Chih Sedan >147 JB Deluxe Club Sedan 2268.25 Four Door Sedan 22*2.65 Deluxe Four Door Sedan 2342.25 sails "7«' sauis "W* fittb Coupe - I8S2S.S5 Deluxe Cluh Coupe 214S2A Club Sedan 2054.S5 'Deluxe Club Siedan 2170.25 Four Door Sedan ...» 2097.65 . Deiux" Four Door Sedan.. 2212.25 Convertible Coupe 242S.S5 Station Wagon 30*4.00 SKRICS "68" Club Coupe $2088.65 * Deluxe Club Coupe ............ 220S.25 Club Sedan . 2114.65 Deluxe Club Sedan 2229.25 Four Door Sedan 2156.65 Deluxe Four Door Sedan 2271.25 Convertible Coupe 2482.65 SUtion Wagon 309S.S5 Whir* SidawaS Tirw and OSMT ACMMOHM--OpSowal 0M SMt TOI txlra. Prtow Is Ch--WVko* MBSCS. Club S^dan UOffJlS Deluxe Club Sedan 2327.25 Four Door Sedan. 2281.65 Deluxe Four Door Sedan.... 24Q1.25 WtURAMIC SSRIKS "98" Club Sedan 2533.75 Deluxe Club Sedan 2582.75 Four Door Sedan 2606.75 Deluxe Four Door Sedan.... 2656W75 DeLuxe Conv. Coupe 3024.75 OUR 5-P0IMT PLIDGI TO THE PUBUC >^SaiVfMCS-V<«ilMi«ralMW OMswohiles at the earliest possible data consistent with production. A-MHOS --We will charge no mors thsa the delivered prices suggssted by the. Oidsmobile Division of General Motors. The buyer will receive aa itemtaed bill of sale. ^ TRADE-INS--We will take yaur order sad deliver your ear without rwgufc* ins s trade-in. However, we have sssny valued used car custosaecs we would like to supply snd we will give you s fair sod reaaooable allowance on your present ear. ^-FINANCING --You may pay cash for your new Oldsmobile or fisuee it wber> ever you wish. We will be glad to furnish low cost finsnce sad insurance tense if yen so desire. 0^ ACCESSOKKS-AII cars are delivered with accessories ss ordered, and prices sra figured to cover these. We pledge ourselves to add no "extras" eseept tbose each n» toner orders. " am "M," "Mi*"71k" oarf*7S~ Sln<w< i«M«« O* UM HaiNc SLMRTAE WIMW mmd Hora Ka«. O* twin--• lit Qwtar, Da Ua« Dxjik Clock amd Gtam Ion Door. AMIOWUHC Gton SOB U(M, W Iter Vtaw Mirror. Om "W* •HM S(M> 0* UM STMRIAE Wtwal mmd Nora tin*, Bac- «rft Qmck, ami Giov* Bos U«M. eaour »r UMa Ma* ktaM Vhar VaaSy Minar. l»Ha|i CDH» ml light IMaM UFM--(AS nil* aa, castStaSaa W««aa). OLDSMOBILE li L |K PHKO your ordar now. Tho sooner you ploco k, Iho'soowar you wMI tH dalhrory of your new SUBURBAN MOTOR SALES 403 imOHT STKSST _ r. J. OVERTON MeBSMST, nuson i> - . :»vs •'

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