•> - "• T S •"* £ mmm ; r >*.-•"' •J;{f^ *{ "J'£?**• ?. '• •'•?"$•'.vy'y'i if -."•" HP -fl - tv "V-'*-- ,»',; *ttf ianimov M ilMflCll CDithe McHenry high school with the iTltUnT nJUIUtALtn class of 1945. is a junior in the Uni- _ Published every Thursday at Mc- veristy of Illinois School of agrif'Jbwy, 111., by A. Howard Mosher. j culture. Editor--Adele Froehlich Entered as second-class matter at < ^lr-v Peabody Shower Honors Miss Mary Sue Peabody of Elginr will become the bride of William E. V„.r «o eg Adams of Elgin, formerly of Mc- Henry, on Oct. 16, was honored at • -- -- -- -- ~ b r i d a l s h o w e r h e l d a t t h e h o m e o f his sister, Mrs. John Whalen, last y. , itfA^iiTiAki i week, with Mrs. Morris Powell, aft- ASSOCIATION other sister, assisting hostess. ^ 719--'-- I __j' postoffice at McHenry, IM., tindeT the act of May 8, 1879. NATIONAL €DITORIAL_ SSOCIATION *- j M i | Guests included Mesdames Francis 'm (totem* JfI&hvVL. Adams,. Robert Adams, Robert Whalen, John Aylward and the Misses Jean Conway and Marganpt : and Clarabel Adams, all of Elgin. "Circle 1 At ... Reiker Horn*. 1 Circle 1 of the #. S. C. '9: ^eetat Ae home of Mrs. George W. ™ £onT^ V"sent ' Reiker in Weingart's subdivision on William H.. Althoff, state BRIDAL TTw<Uy , OctoW 7,1*48 Many Attended Flag Dedication __ Many membt-rs of the Catholic Order of Foresters were in attendance » ! at the flag dedication ceremftnies of Sacred Heart No. 1533, C. O. F., held i wft! in the Mother of God parish audi- : torium in. Waukegan last Sunday,! were j , , » n _. ,, , ,, ., , _ court Photo by Medlar, Woodstock Tuesday, Oct. 12, with Mrs..Reginald trustee, and Mrs. Althoff, and^Me^rs,| . MR. & MRS. ROBERT CRICHTON Rix as co-hostess. . • rh*rl«. 1RhiWo AT bride and groom of last month church, Mrs. Crichton is the former * : * '^ I!' 'ihlS ' ° were Mr. and Mrs. Crichton, who were Miss Mercedes Stilling of McHenry. ^Mothers Clufc " * * "m ' married in a beautiful wedding serv- They are mfeking their home in Rock- Friday, Oct.,8* . Henry Yogels * ice which took place at St. Mary's ford, where he is employed. Observe lUSS MUKIKL BUTLXK, ALVIH sisott wn> M* CANDLELIGHT SERVICE One of the few evening nuptial services to take, place in this community in recent weeks was the marriage of Miss Muriel Sutler and Mr. The Mothers clWwWT ml _ Anniversary Friday, Oct. 8, at 2:30 o'clock in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel of Rich-i WEDDING BELLS RING • •the afternoon at the Legion hall, with mond observed their fifty-fourth wed- pnT) - ...... crnrrVT -Mrs. C. W. Gopdell chairman of the ding anniversary at their home last *>'" IJUUIUIJ oiUf v";committee in charge. Entertainment Sunday, Oct. 3. The couple, to- GERALD SCHUMACHER will include musical readings. gether1 with their children, grand- ... * * : • children and great grandchild C. D. of A. Meeting service^^At Pcrochial Hall SEPTEMBER BRIDlf attended services >t the Richmond i „I_n ;.an A^clpti5.nallL"oUPtiali Community churcYand recived ^orldf^nZith i'Sw i The C. D. of Al; meeting tonight Wide Communion. Following services, ^ Loujse stoffel daughter of Mr! (Thursday) will be held in St. Mary's pictures were taken of the gathering an(J ^rg jjartin j stoffel of Mc- St. Patrick's school hall instead of in and a b«Jet styleJerYeJ- Henry, was united in marriage with the K. of C. hall, as previously The Vogels have lived all of their jjr Qera]d Schumacher son of Mr planned. This will be a business J^y-four years of married life in anj Mrs Paul Schumacher of Crystai meeting, with Fr. Eugene Baumhofer Richmond. A son, Henry y?gel, of Lajje fot j»ev Mser C S Nix as guest speaker f ^dstock' formerl>' ma<ie hls hora^ ^fciated at the S o'clock ce^£ Y -M ti \ ' • * • mony. , BetrothaV ToM™ « 'Honored At The dark haired bride was radianti W SM. I D v~ t Bridal Showers' in a of white brocaded satin, I Mrs. Charles B. Younger of Mjss ]yjary Ann gtoffel was guest ^er fingertip veil attached to a tiara, Champaigin, formerly of B^erly °{ hon°r at ^o ^ai Sh0wers dur- of.,crystal beads. She carried a Hills', C• hic, ago, anno«u•n ces the .e n®g ag® e,- iJnn«or. tthhge j)agt ttppnn dav^ TThh^e firfgifrc st borriioddali bDOoUuCq|Uu6eVt oOfI wwhniitter lr oses and ment and approaching marriage of ^ ^ ^ Bt the Leeion carnations. Yln<iarUgtn terhaSMS F iSlrtin HalL with the Misses Marie Smith' Miss Helen Stoffel, her sis J v? "r fntrS'F?M.l Rita Schmitt, Mrs. Helen Miller as maid o ,_honor, sister, acted . _ j it. i"l• ,p „/ aim niui fjciinuu, mr.>. ncien "" """"'j while another m Mr;*nd Tif; Jlwi and Mrs- Marian Miller as hostesses, sister, Miss Marie Stoffel, and a close McHenry. The weeing will take Thp hftll wRg attractively decorated friend, Mrs. Russell Rasmussen, were place on Nov. 20 in ", for the occasion in pink, white and; bridesmaids. All were attired *" d,Thehp^hp«Si«'briCT.'ughter of' ' E' th*l-°f thC after which lunch served, priae. Photo by A. Worwick, McHenry MRS. ERNEST J. PHILLIPS A very lovely fall wedding solem- .. n- .tf ~J.J .LI alter wnicn a tasty luncn was servea. The maid of honor chose a! In* VwtKWern TTThe second shower was held last fuschia-colored taffeta dress, while j wrVitv Mr n Sunday afternoon, also in the Legion Miss Mane Stoffel was in dusty rose' versity. Mr. Martin, a graduate of _ ^ ^ Miga Mary Ann mn* of and Mrs. Rasmussen in aqua. The - nf - McHenry and Mrs. Clara Hermance young ladies wore matching plume < f* y Mr I of Richmcjd as hostesses. Forty- headpieces and carried bouquets of !["fl u ty.. Methodist church on Sept. three guests were prtesent from Mc- yellow and white carnations. | T plfniir^nf Henry, Fox River Grove, Richmond! Ralph Schumacher, brother of the!^vin a"d Ern®^^*J™'11'?8 °f and Johnsburg to enjoy a soc>al hour bridegroom, served as best man, with; La it k.e.-, J®" of games, followed by the serving of Edwin Stoffel, brother of the b^5de, * ^ brides patents for an appetizing lunch. The serving j and Russell Rasmussen, friend of the the *Present* , table had as its centerpiece a mina-! groom, as groomsmen. Ushers were ture bride, with streamers from the Paul Schumacher, Jr., and Richard ceiling being in pink, white and blue.; Freund. ; Miss Stoffel "received a variety of! The very attractive young couple i iovelv gifts at both showers. She i who served as ring bearer and flower 'will become the bride of Vern Helen girl were Donald Gaylord of Wood- {.of Johnsburg on Oct 21. stock and Joyce Schmitt of McHenry I j0hnson"boi I | • COUsins of the groom. ' * ; <i mi it ii 111111 it i n H I 111 H InuiHKHiin•# A( You can do plenty. For instance, you can refuse to pay extra bonuses for scarce articles. You can postpone buying things you don't actually need. You can add to your bank account and thus help provide credit so business can finance the production of more needed goods. Why not start today? Open an account here and make deposits regularly. Photo by A. Worwick. Mclienrv «• McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve Systei$r - Member federal Deposit lnanrar.ee Corporatioa Alvin Benoy of Ringwood last Saturday evening, Oct. 2. Rev. Charles Stephens officiated at. the lovely 8 J o'clock candlelight wedding in the ' '• Ringwood Methodist church which * • united in marriage the daughter of ' | Mr. and Mrs. Butler of Ringwpod and «• the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin i J J ofnRfnrwood!rk8t0n' Wa8h" formerly .j, »»H |.|. ril, j. .tl|..g. y.1' ; . , { • » • } . , | , M |,| |; j Miss Butler was charming in a ~ 1 " . Mr"" H»roratesTanSk"ofhWwd»t"k, ThSTwSr'jCl 'Thf Lorfs Safety Sub^Ct had worn at her wedding. Hep flnwr- Pr>}rel... dortng the scrvk(, she Of Talk To Grade Studeatt tip veil was held in place by a white was accompanied by Mrs. F. N. j : satin tiara and she carried a bridal Muzzy, Police Officer Barron of Elgin, ft bouquet of whrte roses. - i The bride,g mother chose a black state safety patrolman, was guest Mrs. Stanek acted as matron of crepe dresg with t.orsage of pink speaker at the September meeting of honor, attired in a floor length gowniand whjte mums. the Volo school club held last Thursof blue crepe and wearing rose1 ' • „ ^ .. 'day. His interesting talk was on tha colored plumes in her hair. She car-1 ^ > K u subject of "Highway Safety" and ried a bouquet of rose colored mums, i ^a' !?L 'v,- u *if ua-'!i I f was enthusiastically received by thS BBrriiddeessmmaaiiddss wwe«rre. MMrrss. PPna.u,1l WWa»llkk - ?u>sts, after which the bridal couple . afllHpnts ington and Miss Margaret Cruikf""" 1 u> JJ" V- ?TP i students. He placed special emphasig aim luaigmci v^iuin.- w*fi w^P<jn on bicycles on the highway, a timely shank, both of Ringwood, the former ' *f y ^ res e ,n Wood- subject these fall days when numera sister of the groom and the latter SI<L* fnr.mar. r»„f,. • „ ,a.fl ous youngsters are making the most a friend of the bride. Both wore pink V l94^ of the beautiful weather for riding dresses and blue plumes in their h§ir ? j l l McHenry high before the advent of snow, and carried bouquets of mums. A?fv, A been employedinthe The October meeting will feature u d x m j i. i .I. « Auto Lite in Woodstock. The - t_»». w iu- - - Ray Benoy of Woodstock,, the bridegroom graduated from the iiome" bridegrooms brother, served as best .Woodstock school and is at' present N ' t16^ aSjgID0ms" employed at Conrad Motor dales inj 'Saltty in the MARRIAGE LICENSES Elarl C. iBarth and Phyllis E. Stastny, both of Wonder Lake. Thomas Gf Bradley and Gloria J loth of McHenry. Grayslake „ . .. „ . * * Following the wedding, at noon, -- ™ Rubber Stamps ? Order at > dinner was serv'ed in St. Mary's-St The Plamdealer. - ' .. 4* 1 inrsday Last Tim» "EO0 AND I" I t Colbert 7. * HacMurray' Friday - Saturday-...•J:. "PRINCE OF THIEVES" John Hall Pat Morrison Cine-Color Snnday - Monday "SWORDSMAN" Larry Parks Ellen Drew Technicolor Tuesday - Wednesday "FULLER BRUSH MAN" Red Skelton Janet Blah- Children 12 ajid Under FREE Box Office Opens 6 p. m. weekly, v 5:30 p. m. Sunday „ For the Best In Entertainment Attend Often m I LLC N THURS.. FRI.. SAT^ OCT: 7-8-9 Co-Hit •MY DOG RUSTY" Sat. Matinee Only! f a ... Kiddies . .. CARTOON SHOW I - 18 fl- IMom and Dad!!! , 1 i; • Enjoy 'em Too --h SUN. - MON.. OCT. 10-11 TUBS. WED OCT. 12-13 * Coining * JIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY" o-ei Complete lire of Lee's poultry Patrick's school hall to ;the bridal | ^^edies at Wattles Drag Store, Mfr party and close relatives. After | *nr^" 4:30 p. m. a reception in the haU, was attended by 150 guests. ! -- On Sunday morning the couple left on a wedding trip through the east, and upon their return will reside with the groom's parents until their new home south of McHenry is completed. The former Miss Stoffel is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1946 and is now employed I in the office at the, John J. Vycital Hardware store. Mr. Schumacher is employed by Harold Waliens at the latter's plumbing and heating store in Cary. •" ' -M MISS MARGARET LARKIN AND MR. EARL DOWELL TO BE MARRIED TODAY Sjjrj»£ :SJ #, \ • ICE CREAM OMtloa o< Mtuoawl 0«iry Products Co<Sk FLAVORS FOR OCTOBER BI TTER PECAN VANILLA CHOCOLATE PINEAPitp: • 'MINT .. TOASTED HAZELNUT 7J DRUG STOKE PHONE 40 i . McHENRY A wedding on this r (Thursday) -morning at 11:30 o'clock in the Sacred Heart chapel of St. Patrick's church will unite Miss Marg*r#t Larkin,1 daughter of Mrs. Evelina Larkin of McHenry, and Mr. Earl Dowell of Lafayette, Ind„ a former | local resident^ The naptUl. service, | will be performed by Rev. Fr. j Edward C. CoEakley. ! The attractive bride hafc chosen a j Bergundy suit, with which she will wear gray accessories. Her brides- | maid, Miss Florence Larkin, the | bride's sister, is wearing a grey . suit and navy accessories. Gerald | Larkin is serving the bridegroom as best man. Following the wedding, dinner will ; be served at the Villa Hotel Resort i tp the bridal party and immediate ! lamilies. » j Miss Larkin }s a graduate of the | McHenry high school and also of I Northern Illinois Teachers College, i She taught for the past eight years i in the public grade school here. The ' bridegroom, also a local graduate, ! served with the armed forces for | three and one-half years, after which he served as police chief in McHenry. I He is now employed at the Lafayette j Country Club in Lafayette, Ind. The [couple will make their home in that ; city. McHWiry. Illinois FRI? - SAT. In Technicolor Gary Cooper - Paulette Goddard "UNCONQUERED" Feature Sta|te at 6:50 and 9:25 SUN. - MON, OCT. 10-11 .William Bendix-' • Claire Trevor -"THE BABE RUTH STORY" V Plus - W«U News and Short Subjects TUES. - WED., OCT. 1*-1S Charles Winninger *• Marsha Hunt (1) f"THE INSIDE STORY" Lyn & Lee Wilde - Adele Mara (2) "CAMPUS HONEYMOON" STARTING THURSDAY In Technicolor Dan Dailey n • Nancy Gnild "GIVE MY REGARDS ^ TO BROADWAY" man. Ushers were Leonard Brown ' Pj*v of Palatine, her cousin, and Glen Benoy of Ringwood, his brother. Miss Janet' VanKonegan of Wonder Toni Permanent Wave Kits, 11.25 . Lake, a classmate of the bride, sang j and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 85-tf j I®1®. "Keep Homeflres Burning" LVClr' Second American divisicm en* tered the lliMi on the Marne on Juno' ••• pQPULAK ANTICIPATE TOUR Members of the McHenry county rural chorus are looking forward to a possible tour to Sweden in 1949, and perhaps grand opera in Chicago M rrs MAG^fTr in December ?his yeTr/'* A" STf' "TWELFTH- ITREET RAG" Grcftm&led Are Just a Few of the _ Money Saving Values ruu FASHONID NYLON HOSE Oor R*««l«r Law MM 1.40 • Rrat qwaKty IIMW nytoal • Brawn Toaal, Xuti--n Mi #5! mm, SO 1 09 MI'S WORK SHUTS '|i >«|ila tow Mc* 1.19 •AT COTTON HOUSnttSSCS ^ low Ritoe IM • frMt, dMdob and • Red, Brown, Bin*, Or»»i • WtHhabMSML 066 • M»evy Drill SwfctUU • Vot 4y4 cotonl 14V4-17 6IKLS' tUTCNR BOY P TS • Soft, llMcy cotton • SImN Mnfc, Powdw Bl«0 • Print collar and pockat •-14 Man'* Heavy Dvty Waoawt GLOVES JNrir kt. Uw MM, 4SC pr 251 members of the state chorus, in-; eluding a number from McHenry! county, presented a program, before i 215,000 people at the Canadian Na-1 ticnal Exhibition Aug. 30. SPRINGTIME OR FALL? _ "Springtime in the Fall," or some similarly confused name, might well be the title for a new song. Numerous reports have been received by liro.oc-a l three sidents who have f\ouu'-n d *d url- Come i• n andJ «h. ear our sensational) Proof of these statements camf on j P,8y Up l° forty five n,,nutes- Wednesday, when Alex Adams pre- :-- sented us with some very lovely blossoms from his pear tree, which has been adding new flowers each day for the past two weeks. YOU CALL EVERYBODY DARLIV " "MY HAPPINESS" "UNDERNEATH THE ARCHES" "HAIR OF GOLD" "YOU CAN'T BE TRUE, DEAR" "RAMBLING ROSE" "BLUEBIRD OF HAPPINESS^ ' 'THAT CERTAIN PARTY" TUESDAY REGISTRATIONS Reports from three local precincts listed the following registrations on Tuesday of this week: Fifty-five in i precinct 2, ninety-five in precinct 3 and twenty-five in precinct 4. In addition, Albert Krause, deputy registrar, registered about 125 persons between Last Saturday and Monday evening. Ah* - large selection of albums, classical and popular numbers. Children's records and albums. Playtime records^ 25c. Select yoar needles here! Join our record club. Ste^OHi jewel/up •14 W. lh|i Street. McHenry Tel. McHenry 123-J Need Rubber Stamps? Ordef «t! The Plaindeaier. , • Thick, (MM «MM <HMb • QoMly-Mt wrMi • <Mt*dl--larg* Sttat 3 p:r. 1" oiur AU WOOL |L ^ 0»rinili> tfr Mm 1A9 IMOSIM...JWJtt toft, fin* knit a« wc Mm* www Md* lo Ml for 2.9S. Now Navy, Groan, Maroon, Brown, Gray, .7-14. IB' x 16" AH fwqiMO FELT BASE AAATS Owr Rag. Lew 10c • SOVM woor, tear on flaon •Tl* 'n Moral pattanw > • Hoavy locqw*r»d coaNng 5< 90 OI Th*M BoMor Mado WOOMM aOTHESMKS Oar R*o- Low MM, XSC • PanMM "Sonny Day" brand • Sturdy, natural hardwood 9a Twi Wi • QnBHfc || PON1Q nflt 12< M Pint Of l*na*r Lasting UMKCIMB ENAMEL Oor R*o- low MM, 21C B For Mtiriotii Intoftoro • Mo* In 4 kopi-M colon • toy to apply an wood. 13< S W«t» Evor UMM •LASS BOWL SETS Onr R*G. Law MM, 41C 9 6'... 7*... t* bawl* • Smooth, oaty-to^loan 23< Aathorized Dealer Grcmi^ed The Friondly Store G^p. COLLXTTE, OWB«T U1 Main Str<^t WEST McHENRY