Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1948, p. 9

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FIRE LOSS 17:15 p. m. Tuesday of last week and • A large bam on the Milner farm,' approximately twenty-six tons of lacsged between Capron and Che- j baled Hay, a quantity of grain and a was destroyed by fire about! corn binder were also destroyed. SHIP YOUR POULTRY ^;^^pt>.€ailCAGO via .'"v-j;../ ^ KEI^ MOTOR SESVXCE V tel. McH«nry ; We farnish coorps iU Rom where I lit.../p Joe Marsh How to Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary ' Tk. -OM<k- HBbr. nMnM "• Wedding Anniversary fctofcy.Iwiytlhi hadte be tia. «w ate off tia plates, aad draak coffee oat ef tia caps. ' When it was time to drink a Meat to the "bride and groofm," out came the final touch: ice cold beer in cans. And come the Millers' l$th anniversary (Glass) I expect well be toasting them with sparkling beer in bottle*! And I couldn't help thinking that there was a lesson for Married folks in the way Dutch aad his missus have got along together*** in their policy of lWe-and-letwith never a criticism of other's differences in taste. Pre* where I sit, it's dae to two things: Tea^eraace--as that moderate preference for beer suggests, and Tolerance--fer their own differences of opinion--mad for the tastes of others, whether applied to beer, to politics, or how to celebrate an anniversary. Copyright, 1948, United States Brrwtn Fvundati, VISIT Milbrandt's Variety WONDER LAKE for your knitting We have a nice selection of KNITTING WORSTED AND FINGERING YARN ALSO TATTING THREAD AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS OFtW EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERNOONS COMPARE Duo-Therm's BIG Hepplewhite Heater • • • with asy ether M ei bsatsrl It for KONOMYI You get fael savings of up to 1 fall gallon of oil •« of every 4 with Dao-Therni's exclusive Power* Air Blower. You gee more best from every drop ofoM because the Dno-Therm Hepplewhite is built around an amazing fnel-miser burner. The Hepplewhitf^ 1m a special built-in Waste-Stopper, too, that gec| v more heat into your home . . . keeps bent froat . : flying up the fltoel It for COMFORT! You get gentle waves of warm air circulating evenlf from floor to ceiling ... no cold corners ... no Cold floors. Finger-tip Control Dial makes it easy ns tuning a radio to get just the bent you wand Compare It for 11AUTYI You get fine period furniture styling. The Hepple* white bemmtifiot your home ms it bests it! Come ia, Me the Duo-Therm Heppiewhtte Heater today at-- John J. Vycital Hardware Green St -- Phone 98 -- McHenry A Dalit Evrataf By ULUACB MONTOOMERT MITCHELL JOB went into the elevator of Sallie's apartment building, settling his coat on his shoulders with a satisfied smile. After all, one might as well live in style! Sallie probably paid no more for her room in this building than Rita did in that walkup flat where she had roomed (or three years, ?• "Rita is a- good sort,** he told himself with a note of apology even in the thought, "but Sallie--say, there's a girl with daah to Q • MiMrte Sallie had ruahed O Victim to "Kb •- wr>p . over her arm "Oh, Joe. I'm so glad you happened in. They're throartag a dene* over at Kitty's and--" "But, say, after the way I've worked all day, Sallie. I absolutely can't dance all night! I--I Just thought we'd have a quiet evening and--and talk- " He did not go on to say that he had wanted to talk 'over serious problems with her such as the burning question as to whether two could live as cheaply as one. "A quiet evening?" she repeated "Who in heaven's name wants a quiet evening?" Her piquant little face upturneo to his, Joe allowed himself to be hurried from the room and ^own in the elevator. "How far is it to this--Kitty's? Was that the name of the girl?" asked Joe Sallie nodded. "You met her a month ago--the same night, you met me. Joe. Don't you remember her --a girl with red hair--no wave at *11 and long green earrings?" "I'm not going," said Joe, stubbornly. Sallie looked up at him, her foot on the running-board of the taxi. "Ob--yes, you are," she said. "Yes --you--are, Joe Marshall!" "What's the addresa?" Joe naked quietly. He repeated it to the cab driver. "How much--about?" asked/Joe. " 'Bout fouiHuxty." answered the man. Joe handed him a fire-dollar bUI. "Keep the change," he aeid, cloning the door. He turned down the street in Rita's direction mechanically. Five dollars' His lunch money for days gone. He shrugged; after all. a fellow could not aspect to take out a girl Uke Sallie without spending Re had thought that he would visit with her all evening as he had done so often at Rita's but this girl--strictly modern, he told himself. He had thought to buy a oox of candy for. her and this was yet in his pocket. It was a fancier hn than he had over taken Rite, t he " TWICE TOLD of 'tnkcreei Ift&en Proi the FRea ef the Plafadealer of Years Age late,' and is one of the handspmest wheels m town. G. S. Hubbard, of N>unda, has opened a harness shop, at his old stand, over the Town Hall, in that village. Michael Krapf, and Miss Maggie Stoffel, both of Volo, will be married « that place on Thursday of this week. Mr. Dotxler and Miss Mary Seuxen, also of Volo will be married next week. So says dame rumor. , YEAST CONTROVERSY was then the city decided to again Oral arangements in the case of present the case before Judge JMS* Crystal Lake and the National Grain vaik. > Yeast Corporation started before federal judge Phillip L. Sullivan in Chicago •l ast Thurs;ddaa y. i Cutting i yheno V? cast was 1 fi/8.t h,eard hl . Many tenners wait too long to ~*~*>r hay. For be* remits. It sixtyteX RS AGO , TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO A new addition is being built to the F. E. Cobb home on Elgin road, which should bt retdy for occupancy very shortly. The W. D. Wentwortli home on W^ukegan street is undergoing some changes that will greatly add to the convenience and comfort of the place. AU of the altars, the pulpit as well as five windows have been donated for St. Mary's Catholic church here and it is expected that these improvements will go in within the course of the next few weeks. Mrs. Margaret Wallace has moved ths Wm. J. Wdsch house on Waukegan street to the flat over the J. J. Vycital hardware store on Green street. FORTY YEARS AGO the city. His decision was then reversed by the Circuit Court of Appeals. Then lengthy testimony was given before a Master whose findings Are re then adopted by the court. It should be cut when 10 to 12 inches high. After this, sericea becomes tough and woody and the leaves aMNi' V tar badly. Dr. H. T. Brown and family broke j camp at Pistakee Bay on Thursday I last, and can now be found at their i residence in this village. j j Miss Mary Madden, who has been • j in Chicago the past few months, re- i | turned to her home in this village I ion Friday last. I I Fruit and vegetables of all kinds; ! at Althoff Bros, market. Mrs. E. W. Howe is in the city j today purchasing a full stock of i new winter millinery, and assures the ! ladies that she will show them the [best selected stock to be found in the county. Butter "took a jump of a cent and a half on the Elgin board of trade Monday, being declared firm at 27% cents by the quotation committee. Joseph and Nick Klein of Johnsburg purchased the Nick Etten blacksmith shop at Spring Grove. Consideration $2,000. I Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller are now conducting the Rosedale hotel 'and summer resort, their cottage on the river being rented to Carl Larsen, who conducted the hotel business the past season. Worts St Boley, propietors of the McHenry brewery, are getting ready to place bottle beer upon the market a thing never before attempted during the business history of N the brewery. >' Aroostook la the growing ooantty of Jutting ilssply to almost reach Riviere 4hi Loup, high en the at Lawrence river above WOODSTOCK MOOSE MIGHT GAME THURSDAY, OCTOB1E 14 8:15 WL COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL 17BLD, WOODSTOCK Admisgion 50c, plus tax FIFTY YEAR8 AGO who has been church in this Rev. J. R. Clark, pastor of the M. E. village, for the past two years, preached his farwell sermon on Sunday morning last, and on Monday left to join his wife in central Illinois. Master Willie Claxton is the proud poasessor of a new bicycle, presented to him last week by his psrents as a birthday present. It is a "Conso- 90S In the Chain O', Lakes It's HEWES BOAT Company, Inc. -- Fox Lakfe, IU. -- Vox Lain 2491 Prompt deliveries of ndw 1948 Chris-Craft are available YES j all compatteoHA jo/toy* Rita herself etfMtd'the door. "Hello." she aaM. warmly. '1 waan't expecting you. Joe. Nocome back here to the dining room. Mrs Mateo* had to go to the den- MORE VALUE Mo*m Volte* in Riding Comlpgft You'll fend that Chevrolet give* more ridingsmoothness. more riding-steadiness. on any and all kind* of roads. That'* true because it has the original Unitized Knee-Action Ride. It's .first in all these basic motoring advantages . : . FIRST IN M--m VaUem in Performance with Khnb the Rita's eyes. ost s and Fm taking care of the youngsters. Mary Is at her homework " - 'Maybe Mary'd like some ot this candy I brought." said Joe. "And I was wondering, Rita, about--about that furniture are were talking about--" ' 4 Are you proposing to barf" d» manded Mary. Now it eras Joe's turn to flush, rhe kid needed e spanking. But he managed to get out with, "Any oblectionsT" "I was hoping that Rlta'd mari* » good-looking man," retorted thfg ->urprising youngster. Jo* stared at Mary. Than, faintly. - f began to see the humor of the ittuation. He looked directly into Rite's eyes. In them, he thought he might be good-looking. And from the senee and wiadMn fcehlttd Rita's eyes, he might even learn goodnes^. too 'Yea," he aaM |a the youngster, directly answering be*< <|u«s!ioe. "vaa I em proponing.'* Mo** t/aLm in All-roimd SaiaAy Chevrolet bring* you the fmMi aafet)T' protection of Fuher Uowteel Body-Comtructfcw. safety plate gjaia in all windows, the Unitized Knee-Action Ride and Po«tive- Action Hydraulic Brakes; and this is another combination of Big-Car features found ehowhere only in higher-priced cars I BIG-CAR QUALITY at LOWEST PRICES . . . j u s t a s i t ' s f i r s t i n tionwide registrations! There's nothing Uke Chevrolet's champion Vahre-»<Haad engine . . . with its record of h**int delivered Mart ads of satisfaction. to mm* mtimri. over a isnfsr period, than any other power-plant buik today • * and VaJve-in-Head design is exduHve te Chevrolet and higher-priced cars! w \ # • • • •• CHEVROLET-W^ CHEVROLET MiMe 1/mJtm in Beauty and Luxury &ksnr that there's only em leader in 6m eaarhrnit--Body by Fisher! It's worldfamous for true <|uaaty. beauty and luxury, ant only ia esterior dess^i. but in important itsrior appointments audi as kardttart and afkektmg. as weL Aad Body by Fisher, too. ia andusive to Chevrolet aad higher-priced carti IS FIRST! CL'ARK CHEVROLET SALES PHOHX 277 ' i n : i i n i i i w e w b w i M i d i i j i a i ^ ^ T^1«P!PWPB • w* ..'.id!

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