Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1948, p. 11

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. "W T Jftn.g/lrl, y • /' :0& Iffi^•" ! f'f^1i„ rJ.-*- >' \ ^ a Thnnd»jr, Octobcr M, 1M8 ri. .r..:-•«<y i^y^.a,.( «<<• tt...j,^^ ' r " V * ftai iieitieass haihdxalxk ^ J&$hj ^ jT ** ^Tr ® n V M b .. -.^L -:}^;,_4-~'X -Jti f 1 /' K" ^ <Wi*^ *syi . * *7 .V . A*. ' .. \. - , , V New Signpost for Health A microscope trained on the eye soon may replace a thermometer in the mouth as the conventional method of judging a person's physical condition. This new development is a result of 16 years of research and experimentation by four scientists on the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that covers the eye. By observing the. capillaries in the conjunctiva^ the scientists discovered that red blood cellseach about the size of a capillarydo not flow through the capillaries freely in unhealthy bodies, as they do when the health is good. Instead, they form clumps Which cut off nourishment from cells usually supplied by the capillaries. This situation exists in at least 60 diseases, ranging from the common cold to acute alcoholism and can- Need Rubber Stamos t Order The Plamaeaier. V ^ TBUX COMPANION "I hear you sold your pig." | "Yep, sold him this morning.'*' I "What did you get for him?" <?• "Eight dollars." "What did tfc cost you to raise him?" "Paid $4 for him and $5 for feed." "Didn't make much, did you?" "Nope, but I had his company all fall." : % WILLIAM M. CARROLL. 4B. * Attorney-at-Law 110!i Benton St. Phone Woodstock 34 Woodstock. Illinois McHENRY FIjORAL Ctf Phone 464 One Mile South of McHenry on Rente SI Flswers for all occssisnat *-- FRANK 8. MAY for not , COPYING % Old Photograph Snapshots and Proofs which negativefifu'e available. $1.00 ' WORWICK'S STUPIO Phone 275 117 Riverside Dr., McHenry , 0M at the Hills, Thriving Mistry First simple handmade pottery was hardened by drying in the sun. Fingers shaped the vessels of clay. Different districts provided different colors of clay, and so color dec-1 oration w&s discovered. This is the basis on which all pottery of the previous 4,000 years was built--the primitive foundation on which all Egyptian, Chinese and Greek pottery was developed. It was ancient man who invented the potter'y wheel. The Egyptians developed pottery of glowing color. The Chinese, out of their glazed, jhard-fired pottery, gave the world jthe white translucent porcelain that fbecame the wonder of the medieval Iworld. 1 Pottery-making was * family art, •*a secret, handed down from father to son, for many generations, according to National Patent council. The practice continued even after the founding of the American colonies, but in the American Constitution there was written a provision for protection of invention without i,secrecy. Today the best in United States pottery and porcelain is as good as any made elsewhere in the world. J Tracking %:w* * . Sand -- Uaek Dirt -- Crashed Gravel ^Jfht EExxceaavvaattiinngc -- Limestone Track for Hire Phone McHenry 58S-M-I R-l McHenry A. P. FREUND SONS - Excavating Contractor*-- Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD, BUILDING-- * Tel. 204-M MelTenry, IN. *. Limestone VERN THELEN Tracking Gfsvel Black D»rt_ Track for Hire Tel. McHenry 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1. McHenry Telephone No. SM STOFFEL 'ft REIHANSPERGEK hue ranee agents for all classes fffproperty in the bast companies. West McHenry, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslya & Parker) __ * Office Hoars: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:0§ Office--Koehr Supply Cosjpany, S42 Main Street, West McHanrr Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1185 INSURANCE ^ EARL R. WALSH ^ fire, Anto, Farm and Life InsuraMt Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When von need insurance of any kind Phone 48 or 118-M Green ft Elm McHenry JjyCjaJi Qjljuvo&A Britain Mobilises Anti V Britain is even mobilizing ante in the struggle to earn more dollanr If plans drawn up by 64-year-old Mrs. Robert Briant and her son are successful, Amber Meadow ants will earn something like $100,000 a year. It is claimed that only Mrs. Briant knows the secret of making ant palaces-- miniature glass-topped castles each containing 1,000 ants busy organizing their own social life. Her late husband, a entymologist, perfected a special process for traps-, ferring ants to an artificial environment. After his death 20 years ago, Mrs. Briant continued the work on the project. The United States is i Halt «f HiifWf I Hlili Wissufcir Iform i "SicsaaV is the byword now* to \ Russian-ruled Budapest, Hungary. According to Dr. A. N. J. den Hoi-: lander, Dutch acholar, "sicsas" is J the Hungarian version of the Span-! ish "manana," when that word is, used to denote postponement! or procrastination. Dr. den Hollander, who spent I some time in the Hungarian cap-1 ital as a researcher and lecturer ; in sociology for Northwestern university (Chicago) says: { "In spite of their fascination at: anything mechanical, the Russians' cannot run anything efficiently. For j all their love of watches, they can-' not do anything on time. There is! a word on everyone's tongue now | in Budapest--"sicsas." "Tomor- j row maybe," is an equivalent' American translation. Ask a re-. quest of a Russian and he says1 only "sicsas," whether he's on: duty or not. "The Hungarians have always! been by American standards, post-1 poners. Now they are amused that ] their Russian masters are worse' than Hungarian& at letting things! go, putting off, and being generally l irresponsible. *i "In the Russian-dominated city many spots are. feverishly gay. Anyone with sufficient money catf buy anything he wants, including American cigarettes, nylons, coffee and tea. Amusements are wide open. The Russians, particularly, flock to the opera. "Real estate prices in the city are lbw, and buying and building are stagnant. Who .wants to buy a house or build one, when Communist redistribution may take it away" i <n - taba Stays at T§# »f List As St ana af Warltf's lifar ^ Two successive record sugar crops--6,48,000 tons' in 1947 and about 6,678,00 tons in 1048--again have demonstrated that Cuba is the world's largest and most dependable producer of sugar. Cuba, with an area about equal to that of Pennsylvania, has produced in both years about onefifth of the world's sugar crop averaged about 90 per cent more than the combined production of the United States continental beet and cane sugar areas as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico, the other principal areas presently supplying sugar to United States consumers. " These record crop* were made possible by Cuba's outstanding natural advantages of climate, soil and topography, and by the skill and initiative of those engaged in the Cuban sugar industry. The climate of Cuba is tropical, being uniformly warm atod frostfree, so that sugarcane grows throughout the year. Mean monthly temperatures at Havana vary from around 80 degrees in the summer moi.ths to 70 degrees in the winter. Are Seeandary One of our much married bretht* n consulted the doctor one night and his wife went along. After the examination, the medfco said to the wife: "I don't like the looks of your husband." Said she: "I don't either, but ! he s good to the kids." CONFUSED FLOWER fused about when Easter actually is. Mrs. Horn said last week that the lily has -three flowers on it now and is blooming in her back yard. The flower was given her last Easter by. her children. When the blooms | withered, she transplanted the flower in the backyard. Evidently, she re- I ported the bulbs soaked up water and (itarted the plant blooming again. * • y* k " Mrs. Frank Horn, Harward, had an j Easter Lily that must be a little «on- Pfoindealer. Order your .robber stamps at Tha MOSEY INN • RlHGWOOD - ! Fish Fry Every Friday Night PRAOER BEER * FRED BOWMAN, Prop. -{Subscribe for The plaindealer Inc. Puerto Ricaa "Boom Town" San Juan, Puerto Rico, Is Araerithe only climate where the ants i ca's newest boom town. Here 50 milwill live in their artificial home and Won dollars is being expended for 11,- the Amber Meadow ants are the 000 new homes for Puerto Ricans. only variety which can be trans- : Two smaller projects, one for 280 ferred successfully from their ant j homes and another for 550 homes, heaps to wooden boxes. 1 totaling more than eight million in { costs, have already been completed. i 1 Puerto Rico ia 40 miles wide, 100 ngges long, and has a population of A Complete ,, CLEANING SERVICE Order yoar rubber stamps' at The Plaindecler. j about two million people. Done in Otur Plant 206 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With Modern Eqaipment Can Furnish Tile LBO C. ZIMMERMAN -i Contractor Phone 16M-M-1 R. F. D. J Weedateck, HL FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R_l, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repafaa Pmapa 8eld and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 462 VERNON KNOX . Attaraey-At-Law Cor. Green and Ekn Sta^ McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternaana Other Days By Appalni Phone McHenry 48 HIGHEST CASH PRICE8 paid for Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Leading -- Tankage and Meat Scraps far sale. Phones ArUngton Heights 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse .Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. Free Pickup and Delivery 8trvffi§ DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 8. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday ^ Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted •.""T^/jlnial Training -- Vkmal Rehabilitatien . ^ Complete Visual Analyst*- - <- Honrs Daily: • ta It and.1 to 5--Saturdays Evenings: 6 to 8:80 p. m. PHONE McHENRY 4S2 is best fOK C00KIH6 CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and park benches, picnic tables, window boxes, trellises, etc. > Kitchen cabinets, and cupboards made to ord^r, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets; Full line of leather belts, snspenders, billfolds, etc.. CLARENCE SMITH ^ Tel. MtcHenry 583-J-l Johnstmrg. HI. • A ** Mn. J: "Ori^M and « ROKR fc«mt rUrMMH9tw ik f atrh em ritg.h' t cooUaf FOR *£f*l6CWI0H fate LEONARD ft VOGEL, Auctioneeni McHenry The undersigned having decided to quit farming will sell at Public Auction on the farm located 1 V^-mi. north of Volo, 5 jnii. south of Pox Lake and V^-nii. west of Highway 12, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19 commencing at 11:30 sharp the following described property iiLJtfit: 20 WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel -- Black Dirt -- Liaiestaae Tracks far Hire Free Estiasating Tel. 6S5-R-2 McHenry, HI JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney at law ' . ' MS Wankegan Road (RFD Bex 1> WEST McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 492-W BELL ft Interiar and Exterier Painting Paper Hanging Alsa Spray Painting 165 N. Green St. McHenry TeL McHenry 24tJ ar v Orystal Lake 1S2S-M-I TeL Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist ( --Office Heara-- Tnesday ft Saturday a: • aja. ta 5 pja. Ereaings and Snnday Morninga fcj Appointment! Laakaat Point Wander Lake, HL FRANK E. LOW /- Insurance Writing Fire, Accident ft Health Auto, Casualty and Life, in Reliable Companies. ftitie 95-J 301 Waukegan St. McHenry, 111. WfeLDING Maintenance and Canstractien Partable Egalpment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 61-J I Soath Green St, McHenry, IH JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Foresee Work lit K. Green SL, McHenry. 11L Phone 24S-R 29 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 16 Holstein and Guernsey Dairy cows, four of these cows have freshened recently and three are springers and the balance milking; 1 pure bred Holstein bull, 2 years old; 3 Holstein heifers, bred; 1 Holstein heifer, open; 8 feeding pigs average weight, 150 lbs. each. AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR 8ERVICE 601 Main St, McHenry Electric Portable Weldiag .Acetylene Wei ALEX W. WIR1 Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY. ILL. elding and Catting WIRFS, Operator DR H. S. FIKE Veterinarian Qa Highway 81 -- Office and Untie Tel. McHenry 31 McHenry, 111. Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 2 Except Tharsdays EreningS by Appoint aunt . DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentist -- 12# Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Offfricoem Hours: Tuesday and Saturdaya 10 to 4. Evenings by appointment. 1200 bales firet cutting alfalfa; 100 bales second cutting alfalfa; 500 bales 1947 hav; 400 bushel Clinton oats; 200 bushel Ajar oats; 15-ft. silage in a 12-ft. silo; 100 shocks corn; 15 Bcres standing corn which will be picked by sale day, if weather permits. . MACHDCERY 1947 Ford tractor outfit complete with plow, disc and pick up bos; Galloway Trail-R-spreader with reversing attachment^ auto stear rubber tired wagon: hay rack with sides; David Bradley hammer mill (1 year old); McConnick Deerin^ wire tie pick up baler; 18 bundles baling wire; Case power corn binder with bundle carrier; McCormick Deering side rake; Case side rake; David Bradley 7-ft. power mower; Hocking Valley corn sheller; Emerson 8-ft. grain drill; buzz saw; two McCormick Deering grain binder; 3-section cultipacker; McCormick Peering 10-ft. broadcast seeder; 8 hole hog feeder; McCormick Deering corn planter; feed bv^nk; bench saw: Clipper fanning mill; platform scales; David Bradley power corn sheller; 2 single unit Parmaster milker outfit with pump, motor and pipe line for 24 cows; 12 milk cans; 2 wash tanks? pails and strainer; Farmaster 10 gallon electric water heater; Jnoubater 250 egg capacity; Conlon Mangle. Some household furniture. Numerous other articles. THI§80 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT DAT OF SALR Usual Thorp Terms. LEONARD HAMELITZ Mw. J»"W» J--u'bw tU awntaa of aaaaeaiv ,,, wtHi Dri*fa sad our T \f0X WATiK HEATH# Ma Ji kuthf the Orl> as* way it automatic... aafs... fspssdabla. Mrs. J sad I •asldat ba wHtiowt Yea, loo, wj# Ilka the 1^4 fsf Althoffs Hardware Phone Main Street McHenry 284 . Weat McHenry TRUCK-TESTING Don't forget, you must have your truck tested by November 1st. BUSS MOTOR Official track testing station Ko. 449 Main Street Phone 1 West McHenry i - There's a new, Fnl-O-Pep nient feed for calves essential autrients ta and faat growth and ta bones. SSeeee as today for year sap* ply of Fnl-O-Pep CaM Rattsn sni. lafomatton en mom ta (Saw M|| robust hsiier calves. McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. Assn. PHONE 739 McHSSSY, ILL. ALL NEW ear -- WAN7ED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for dowa horses sad cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Jahnabnrar • Spring Grave Road Pkana jMISMff S14 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. BOSSES AND CATTLE We pay phase chargee FINANCE CORP. W. F. Powers, Represen tOF Clerking :2»C' What haM • C0CK£lTCOt^R0U ^io-JET SUPER-LOUNGE INTERIORS unitized B0py-FP-Awe CONSTRUCTION COIL SPRIN6S ON ALL 4 WHEELS 07U& Ttecc YOU'LL SEE THEM ALL ON THE FOR'49 The most exciting thing mm wheei* fe. * - 'W-coming noon to DOWNS NASH SALES ELX ST. TSL. MeHXMBT 4M

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