Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1948, p. 2

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Iteft T«» 1 > ** I . •*, v'« ^-"T" TH* Wonder Lake given in a long: time was one given < Oct. 81. The girls Will also have a p.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marius booth at Milbranlt's during Girl Scout Hansen recently. Guests ' had to Week and will sell official Girl Scout bring a curious assortment of items, j cookies. Watch for them, ala treasure hunt. Some of the j In the very near future, the things on the lists were: a 1946 li- Brownies will go on a horseback rid* cense plate, a bubble, a key, a device,' ing trip. The trip cannot be planned a French story book, a live frog, until permission is received from all There wiTf be no "business meeting Dt>an milk carton, a magnet, a joke,, of the mothers. Women Voters To [held. j a corset, a noted person's autograph; Hear Russell A Ilea I At a board meeting of the League,] "Wings" package; an ear of corn. At Meeting Tonight Tield on Tuesday evening at the home' an acorn, a hickory nut and a 1936 Russell Allen, assistant state's at- of Mrs. Mary Kay Carman, Mrs. newspaper. torney for McHenry county, will be; Carman tendered her resignation as | Libby and Bob Moreau was 111» 11 jen Thursday evening (tonight) Muzzy Hall in Ringwood, at 8 p. m. Hie marking of the ballott will be discussed. • Any person interested in learning . more about the proper voting proicedure is invited to this meeting, . _ _ • | which there is no admission charge / By Vai Yhnrsday, October 14 1M ^ Briefies Mr. and Mrs. Ivar FredricHiHi, Mr. and Mrs. Kinley Engvalsen, Mr. and „ . D . _j Mrs. Earl Glende, Mrs. Betty Selsand ad- dorf an<j j|r an(j Mrs Fred Sells «He speaker at tfte meeting of the presiaeni tne Mr»ifur, one i jugea me biggest "live frog" and amon- thf>8- attending the din- League of Women Voters of the i regretfully decided to do this at this both girls blew their bubbles with j ho * f Governor Green held Wonder Lake area when they meet time as she plans to move soon to j bubble gum after the arrived. "ast Thur^.v evenfnr at the VHla -rWNew Jersey, where her husband has| others attending this gav party H?tel Skee Bay A number o? :secured a fine position in a chemical (were;j jjr. and Mrs. William King, the senior airls from MHenry high •B ••• !Pla,nt* M£" Carman leaves Wonder, Mr and Mrs Harold Quasny, Mr. assisted with the serving AmoSg ^ M r s . C l a y t o n I f o r t o n a n d M r s . , t h e m w a s E l l e n E l t o f t o f W o n d e r new duties and Mrs. Carman will fol-1 c,ara shlaupka. all of Chicago; Mr. low vas soon as she sells their home an(j Mrs. Fred Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. : here, and completes other necessary. chuck James and Mft Vi*»- ! arrangements. . | cent Adams. " f JVfrs. Dorothy McEachren .will take HOW YOUR YOU OWN CAN TEST COWS FOR Lake--Former residents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thoms, were also present at the dinner--Dick and Hazel von Bam pus spent all day Saturday in Chicago celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary--Roy and Alice Noren were among those attending the McHenry-Harvard foot- MASTITIS •art U • talck. wv way to teat /Mr aawa iat Maatitim. Yaa mm da it >antf rifkt k yaar awa ton. Taat 1# caws la >• •la. wttfc tlw Baafce "BTB" taat. Ami H 4aaa Ml Mtk yaa a h«W. Har* la all yd 4a t AA m far tka apacial Baaka , 'W1B1 Taat Cui Wa win tita yaa fW aaa taat card far a«di caw ia yaar kfi. Al yaa 4a la faDaw tka riaala ewdlaaa aa tka card. Wa hart Baaka "BIB taat cards ia atacfc aaw. AA far yaar RR aa*a>y ta4ay. Biiaakar, a •aw aintaa ayaat la taatiac yaar cawa fer Maalltla say aava af yaar aiaat aalaakla aahaala (raa riugkter. Oaa paaka G-Lac far traafit la katfc • the chair of the League; Mrs. Olive •('Mrs. Pauline Grill Tallman will serve as first vice presi- Again Elected To dent; Mrs. Lillian Forsberg will be (Head Community Club _ second vice president and in charge j At a meeting held on Saturdayevfc- ball game at Harvard last Saturday, of publicity; Mrs. Velma Sinclair will ^ng in Harrison school, Mrs. Paul- Gave them a queer feeling to see j serve as socia activities chairman; j ine Grill was unanimously elected to the number their son had worn so Mrs. Grace Sellek will head the pro-, again hold the chair of the Com- iong on the jersey of a member of gram committee; and Mrs. Jane Setz- munity Club. Mrs. Charlotte Mayer> the junior Varsity--Bob Armstrong ler will be membership chairman, j will also serve again, as vice-chair- • -- These last two have not yet signified man, and Mrs. June Morin was their willingness to take office, but ^elected to serve as secretary. -the hopes they will take the posi-j Misg Dolores Myre has just retions mentioned. turned to her home in Chippewa Mrs. Esther Born and Mrs. MarylJ^ afte7 having S a ,Pilch will continue to serve as sec-; w k' jn th;' ho of her fiste^ M„. retary and treasurer respectively. Lyle Stensrud. Miss Myre returned with Uie Stensruds when they came back from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Myre in Chippewa Falls. WATTLES DRUG STORE SIS MAlft STREET McHENRY j Welcome Stranger! It's a baby girl for Mr. and Mrs. i R. J. Justen of McHenry. She was tern at the Woodstock hospital on i The McHenry Choral club met last ^ a j • u t h a t Mn a n d M r s . M o n d a y a n d e l e c t e d t h e i r o f f i c e r s f o r Ivar Fredricksen are pro^ly pr^djthe co^ng year of their first granddaughter. The ( wonder Lake members include Mrs. Justens also have a little son. . Virginia Monteleone, Mrs. Delia „ . .. . . ... !Cheney, Mrs. Ethel Hansen, Mrs. One of the most interesting parties pau]l_- fir;n m™ n«ra Mr. WONDER LAKE , ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Lighting Fixtures, Oil Burners^ and Pomps RAY SULLIVAN TeL Wonder Lake 346 Rt. 1 Ringwood, 01. r.' J, • •• K ' 1 - HOME FREEZERS - Jfow is the time to install a General Electric Home Freeser. Save time and money by having a year's supply of food right in your basement. Bee us for immediate delivery. , WONDER LAKE HOME APPLIANCES One Door West of Standard Oil Station Woader Lake. Ringwood. 111. Phone Wonder Lake 388 aa saves WATcR--rreciou8 not water ana soap, 'important savings that help the Laundromat pay for itself while working for you. 9. WASHES GLEANHt--Exclusive patented washing ••--'action .washes gently, thoroughly. Soiled water drains AWAY from clothes, not THROUGH than. X BOS WASHDAY WORK--No bending or stooping. ^Completely automatic. Fills, washes, triple-nans, ' damp-dries, deans itself, shuts itself off. fc»AlBllf../aWfestin^ioaae CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - TELEPHONE 251 CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERNOONS Pauline Grill, Mrs. Clara Cristy, Mrs. June Morin, Dorothy Heilman, Bud j Mrs. Schau, Joe Monteleone, Mildred and j surgery Louanne Howorka and Bob Christen*! Wednesday, Oct. 6, was a happy day is the manager of the McHenry Football team this year--A wonderful dinner party was given last week at the home of Mrs. Mary Audino. Hear it was a real Italian feast with all the trimmings. Her guests declared her to be a perfect hostess--Mrs. Dorothy McEachren was present at the big luncheon at the Stevens hotel in Chicago when Governor Green and Adlai Stevenson spoke to the statewide League of Women Voters--So glad to hear that "Uncle" George James is back home again--Mrs. Elizabeth Graff had the misfortune to fall and break her hip on Monday and is now in the Woodstock hospital --Mr. and Mrs. George Spelyn are parents of a boy born on Oct. $-- Catherine Boldt underwent on Monday morninginteresting State Names Many state names, besides those derived from European monarchs and Ideations, have colorful meanings and come fropi the French, Spanish and Indian languages. Vermont, from the Prench, means "Green Mountain," while Florida comes from the Spaniah (Pascua Florida, or "Palm SundayV' Montana, from the classical/ Latin, means "mountainous." Idaho and Utah are names derived from Indian tongues. Minnesota, from the Sioux, means "cloudy" or "sky-colored water," Idaho (said to be named from the Shoahonean) "gem of the mountains," or "it is sunrise," while Utah is named for the Ute b Early Days ef Fletaare-Takftag 8ixty years ago, to June. 1888, Oeergf Haatman introduced the No. 1 Kodak. The new camera was an oblong Mack box that took wall round pictures two and one-half Inches In diameter. It was sold ready-loaded for 100 exposures. The price for camera and film was 835. when the hundredth picture waa taken, the camera was sent back to the factory at Rochester. Here the film was talun out, developed, and, if the son was stabling, prints were made Research to develop improved sal* thoda of combating the costly catUs disease, anaplasmoais, Is underway. The disease ia reported to exist fee SI of our 48 states,, and is parttads^ troublesome in southern and central areas of the United The estimated national loss from; plaamoais last year was tab three and four million dollars. In Gife lahoma, alone, It exceeded half a ss» Hon dollars. Read the Warn. Ads , Complete line of Lee's remediea^at Wattles Drug Store, -- Henry. Mf " Name "Junket" had ita origin In the olden days In England, when men would go on pleasure trips to London at the expense of the public. These trips were called "junkets", and a great delicacy known as junket,, or curds and whey, was always eaten. Subscribe for The Platndealer --• s^v¥v,sv,>jru*uiijiai ; [• »"ii iimi'iinnmH i«h 1 • It isn't too late to become a memi ber of the Choral club. It meets each | Monday evening at McHenry high school with Mrs. Mary Alice Barr as I director. I Tenors are now needed, with the 'response to the appeal for basses j turning out quite well. More of every j range can be used, however, so if I you want to sing, go to rehearsal. The Christmas program being planned at this time. • On Saturday evening, the Hickory | Falls club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bastien. There were ! twelve present to enjoy cards and a ; sumptuous spaghetti dinner. for Tom Horan, when friends dropped in to extend congratulations--Mrs. Olive Tallman and Mrs. Virginia Monteleone attended a Brownfe and Girl Scout training course held in Woo/istocfk last week--Surely no bride could be better equipped for her wedding nor more beloved by her friends than Betty Druml for whom showers were given on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. The first was given in Chicago, the second at Rolsine Grill, and the third at Horn's. , > Installation of the new Legion Auxiliary officers will ber held on Friday at Muzzy's hall in Ringwood, at 8 p. m. This is an open installation and everyone is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Alta Schmeidling of Richmond will be the guest speaker. Her subject will be "Child Welfare." Each room at Harrison school was visited by a photographer last week and he took a picture of the children and their teacher. These pictures are now being distributed. 'Nice for the childi-en's memory books. Stephen von Bampus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert von Bampus was christened by Rev. Roger C. Kaufman in the Grace Lutheran church of Woodstock on Oct 10. Mrs. von- Bampus if the former Betty Anderson of Woodstock.' THAT SAVES Uf TO 10 G Allow OF WATO Pit LOAD £ AM Y0- FOR PROOF to m a load of soar dothas washed ikeroufklif clean the easy, effort* lass Laundromat way. There's no obligation Brownie Capers There are now twenty members of the Brownie Troop under the leader- Ship of Mrs. Olive Tallman and Mrs. Virginia Monteleone. The little girls 80n UIJC oul,cllliro, have already started rehearsal on a bush Qf the pastor. dramatization of "The Brownie Story," and the little play will be fiven at their regular meeting on aturday, Oct 23, at 1:30 p. m. at the school. It will also be given some time in November when the girls hold a tea for their mothers. Sandi Sells will direct "The $rownie Story" and the cast will be composed of Virginia Audino, Cora Jean Henthorne, Mary Lou Miller, Sandra Monteleone and Barbara Reinhard. All of the rest of the girls, are on various committees which will* take charge of the stage, costumes, etc. On the last Saturday in October, there will be initiation ceremonies and the Brownies will receive their pins; j Oirist the King Church Masses at 9 and 11. ' On Saturday morning at 10 a. m., the wedding of Elizabeth Druml and William Kamprowski will take place Betty is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Druml of Wonder Lake and Bill is the son of former residents. On Sunday, Oct. 31, a pot-luck dinner will take place at the church, sponsored by the parishioners. Last Sunday about fifty men from McHenry Council of the Knights of Columbus came to Christ the King and received Communion at the 9 a. m. mass with the members of the Holy Name Society. Gospel Center Among the visitors at the services last Sunday, Oct., 10 were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wilford, Mr. and Mrs. Walitzer, Misses Lillian and Glayds Boessel, Ray and Alfhild Anderson! and Don 'Liberty, all of/Chicago. Of the "home talent" taking part I in the musical program at the eve-1 ning service were Joan and Clayton1 Dornbush, Gale Johnson and Carol1 Jean Oldson. 1 A Boys Brigade will, be organized in the near future at the Center.! Any boy over 10 years of age may, apply for membership. J3ee Mr. Old-j the superintendent, Mr. Dorri- This is a work j; SINCERITY j; OF SERVICE, Beauty that stirs "the soul •-- kindness ? that warms the heart -- distinguish our services. Our paramount consideration is to serve you with thoughtfulness, efficiency and economy. We extend every possible effort to keep faitli with the trust our clients place in us, and cany out their every wish with the utmost integrity. Let us assist you in times of loss and sofrrow. ••Jacob Justen Sons- FUNERAL DIRECTORS Funeral Home - Phone McHenry 108-JI Green, Cor. film., McHenry •f t 1I I111| 11 tllll n 111! n i l- -AptMite" Smocked ^ Hifiiiiiii colors €«rf«rvi tewei in satin glow jersey ... luxurious - • runproof Celanese* rayon jersey. As lovingly needled as a cherub's party • 4ress. Elegant ribline. Skirt full enough tp drift. Conversation piece, indeed, at this wonder p r i c e I S i z e s 32 to 38. . . . •6.95 Pink hyacinth Green orchid Hyacinth blue Gladstone9# McHenry, Illinois of vital importance. The pastor will be preaching at the morning service next Sunday, at 11 o'clock and at the South Baptist church in Belvidere, 111. In the evening at 7:30. He will be leaving for Haxard, Ky. on Monday morning for a missionary conference, but expects to be back on Sunday, Oct. 24. "Every man's need is first of aH Christ as the Savior, then as an example." New Blackberry Beret ~ 4 new blackberry variety sepscij ty suited for freezing has been derdoped at Oregon state college experiment station. The new variety, called Chehalem, is a cross between the _ , Santiam and the Himalaya. Outstandings coming Saturday the girls are, ing characteristic of the Chehalem Is starting a Girl Scout poster which its bright black glossy color, whi ~ 3vill be on display at Milbrandt's store jind which will be in commemoration of Girl Scout Week, which starta Is retained in both freezing and canning. THE DOME Route 176 -- Island Lake Phone Wauconda 4234 " COMPLETE DINNERS from 5 p. m. to 2 a. m. Sundays from 1 p. m to 2 a. m. -r-o- FRIDAY SPECIAL 8-COUKSE FISH DINNER, $1.00" We serve steaks, froglegs, lobster tails, French fried shrimp, barbecue ribs. IET YOUR FORI RESTORE PEP and POWER TO YOUR FORI ENGINE with this lord Plstos Rlif Sptdal If your car's engine smokes, loses cosajpression, or kg« on the It is •wasting your gas and oil. Stop this waste by bringing your Ford "back home" to us today for this Ford Piston^Ring Special. It's rtml Fpr4 scrvjce w i t h : ~ ~ " • Ferd-tralnad Maehanlaa ' • Factory approved Methods • Special Ford Iqulpmont • Genuine Ford Ports i his Piston Ring Special can pay for itself in the money you save on gas and oil... it will make driving more pleasant. See your nearest Ford Dealer fJsy! Your Fofd Dttter imitM ywi to IMn to tt« Fred AIIm Straw, Sandty t»i»lii MSC Natwtrfc. LMm to tkt Ford ThMtor, Fridty EvMiaft--CBS •totwork. Sm yaar Mwspaptr tor w station. Wore's W«f We Ita _ IWd . * 9 ***# now cyand-T*"** m y. uuu*-t farms. YOUR FORD DKALIR KNOWS FORDS RIST BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN 8T. PHOTO 1 HbHKHRY, ILLXHOIB

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