Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1948, p. 4

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w.. .... is ' ./• JJ* ; , 15'• •* ^ ****, ""vm «* /•«**.» o* • V & ;'» «»•'* *»<" MS: ^ ^ ^^v,f ^ ^ _ ¥ -;|4 ,^. y- H >%•;* K fy* **• < *m FN^ Fow ,v_^ ...:.^^_,.il.^.„ w "Y ' j?x v|^. ' ir *V„ JiilWMiUifi THE ITHEHfiY PlAiOEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, III, by A. Howard Mosher. Editor--Adele Froehlich Mrs. Louis Died rich visited Alfons Dietrich in Belmont hospital, Chicago, where he, in recovering from surgery. Mrs. George Vales of Chicago spent several days this past week visiting in the Albert Vales home. Entered as second-class matter at Mr. and.. Mrs. Walter N. Sears o_f the postoff ice at McHenry, 111., under ; Barrington visited old friends in the act of May 8, 1879. ; McHenrylast Sunday. . -- -- -- i o " i s A 1 M r s - E d i t h H a y e s s p e n t a f e w On* Year t »i.ow ^days this* past week in Chicago. I NATIONAL (DITORIAL- 1 tSSOClATION 1 the K. of C. hall, Court Joyce Kil- •ner will celebrate the twenty-eighth birthday anniversary of its founaihg Miss Marie Powers is chairman of this event, to be assisted by Laura Phannenstill, Margaret Simon, Clara Stoffel, Theresa Steffan, Louise Schaefer and Laura Wiser. Following last week's business meeting, the chaplain, Father Baumhofer, spoke on the Sacraments, their jiature and purpose. Lunch was served *by Evelyn urphy and her committee. ?iverview Camp o Meet Oct. 19 Joseph J. Sutton's : Entertained Oct. 9 About thirty workmen and their families were guests of Mr. and Mrs. f r TTI' 1 ' p" T* t PLAHTDXALKX Z jj*. Vv **.. r *: vr <t xs • A- "4 ULA FISNIY BERT HARRISON IN CHICAGO A very lovely wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, Oct. 6, in Our Lady of Peace church, Chicago, uniting in marriage Miss Mary Paula Feeney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Feeney of Chicago, and Mr. Serbert F. Harrison, son of Mr. and rs. frhanday, October 14, 1*48 S mss vntomu witt OHARMINO BHJDI OF MB. NORMAN ntlVHD ;|" i n 1 1h i i i n h im i ni mi > ni nu nit i a»itn 1 1 1 » A beautiful wedding was solemn- I! ized in St. Patrick"is church last Sat- • > ui-day morning, Oct. 9, when Miss j" Virginia Witt, daughter of Mr. and,!» Mrs. George Witt of Griswold Lake, I' • became the bride of Mr. Norman _ Freund. son of the John R. Freunds , » Frank Harrison of Pistakee, of McHenry. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S> Bay. Officiating at the service was!Nix officiated at the double ringiJ. Fr. Thomas F. Byrne, while Rev. Fr.' ceremony, which was performed at '« • Ryan, chaplain of Mercy hospital, 10 o'clock. . !' * Chicago, and Rev. Fr. Baumhofer of| Th* nhirmino 'X wCIC ux uiiu iIt C a H r en^',^ere i"rfS1 n dancep,on the,of an^" Joseph J. Sutton of East River Road hrothp^nf nftT ! fin£ertiP veil, the latter held by t aatt aa *sr*ayv hhoouussee fwaarrmmiinngg parrtty llasstt h COU8?j„! the br,de' and Peter Wal,M tiara of seed nearls. She cJ-i h-n Saturday evening. The party wasl "* . a heart-shaped bouquet of completed guest | * radlAnt bride chose a gown of: gladioh apd wore a rhineston i's estate. After White slipper satin, with 0lace yoke lace and bracelet, gifts of the ~"' ' train. Her fingertip veil; ne Riverview Camp, 1 its next meeting at St Patrick^ hall, in the newly on Tuesday evening. Oct. 19. house on the Sutt^n *• * {enjoying an evening of merry mak- an^ loni r ltuI Hannel^raph To Be ling, a delicious buffet supper pre- was held by a coronet of mother of groom's sister, acted as maid oi n coming0 festivities held »t DeKalb Among the contractors «nd their rosea and s>ep»anoti». [of Wauconda, friends of the bride " !n"LhTkrted' No™.?^,. All wore blue taf. white satin, with long train and „ a pearls. carried heart<-shaped bouquel white inestone neckgroom. Miss Joanne Freund, the bride-!'• of matcnea i-ne . narmw w,i-" to nresent Flannploranh Kprthern illnoi* State Teacher* col- to present ^ Ian t nelfrafh- Father Coakley Jo Mrs. Ray Sabath of P^takee Lake, gpeak To Foresters Mrs* Fred J^ieberson of Pistakee Bay The next meeting Kane, Joseph and Tonyan Bros The party lasted morning and there St. Mary's' son present who She carried white and Mrs. Eleanor Rer.ard spent Frl- c0u^ No? 594Catholic ~ Order "of Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh J. Sutton made blue velvet bonnets. They carried and'yeflow"riada."'^ ThT headnieces"'^?' ' - - - - - - - .shower bouquets of coral glads and the attendants were of blue fifing '11 ... wore pendants ofv rhinestones and with yellow glads across the topi" sapphire »Umes on silver chains, The maid of honor and bridesmaids!!! gifts Of the bride. wore rhineston® necklaces, gifts ofr' Thomaa Harrison of PisUkee Bay, t the briae. !l m a#, lliaa i 11 * 1 LV.i. ' M i » .. ... day evening in Chicago, where they Foresters,' will 'be held on Tuesday j* J^rfect host and hostess attendee? » concert at the Opera eVening, Oct. 19, with Rev. Fr. Ed-! * . * House givfiS hy Jose Iturbi, cele- war<^ c.: Gaakley addressing ^ Helen u Feted at SR6W«t A bridal shower was Sunday afternoon in honor of_ Miss brother of tile groom, served as best' Edward Buss, friend of the gr i, and ttshers were James P. Fk»«' served as best man, and Eui oom. j ugene|;; brated pianist. . , group. Mr.jind Mw. Uwrence of * * Park Ridge Visited h^r mother, ""^F'tertained At ^Molli^ qjVfens,, liitet Country Club •jatss Christine Adams a few \frs g Fullerton of Barrington days the first of the week visiting entertained few friends at dinner, , , ... - . , - in the Junes Watterton home in at the Barrington Country Club last Mrf I?8A?kee i ^J1 u » Chicago. Friday evening. Present from to Shes Eileen Durkee Mrs^ clothes, as did the bride's father, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams Henry were Miss Carolyn Bauer, f Stran«? and Miss Gertrude who gave her m marriage. . have been visiting her sister in Iowa. Miss Laura Grever and Mrs. Eleanor Lo*™e/eir- , brides mother was attired 10 cesaones ana Mr and Mrs. fiarl Seepe of Chica- Foley. „0t,her ^{f, i" a ^ beaded Crepe dre?f' and white carnations. Mrs. Freund was m were McHenry callers last week- * * • . i l ana green accessories. Her corsage attired in a grey dress with brown 1 Pr««lt J Wmurji aTt" 1 " ' r r ^ n ^° " was of pink camellias. Mrs. Ham- accessories and wore a cors*»V of en<L . ' . j * ! S*nk ' jO Leary, Connie O'Leary, Herbert 80n chose a light blue crepe d " " Miss Barbara Carey, student at Observe Anniversary .iMalmstrom, Theodore€arrelts,Robert black accessories and a pink Barat college, Lake Forest, spent the Acquaintances will be happy^ to Wyse> Ear'j WilcoXf Calvin Leiech, mellia cS« P 1 j l""-" fKof «« n'+ 18 "nH Mrs. n.nU/'hn.Qn anA *ho Mienea 0 . ^ * ... . . ... Guests at the wedding included the Helen Garrelts, bride-elect of Charles „„„ ^ O'Leary, by Mrs. Edward Amann ney, Jr., brother of the brids, of Nichois and David Page were grooms^ 1 ^ tnurrutmru a i<r» x..^«,uo !at her home \n Costal Lake. Bridal Chicago, and William Davidson of men. Ushers were Robert and Lester I" in the James Watterton home in &t th Ban.iryfton Country Club last Kames were played with pnzes being Pistakee Bay. All wore morning Witt, the bride's brothers. II Mc-!?™^ t^Miss ^fe^^r^Mrs. Mrs. WStt chose for her daughter's « • -kla/»lr /IrAfla on/I am. 4 > wm A person who boErov# wisely doesn't go into; debt needlessly. If a banneas loan will heljp , you produce more goods or better services ... if a personal loan will help protect ' :|wir family's health or welfare, and yo^ wn repay the loan in a reasonable time--* borrowing at your bank is a sensible ids* •'%{ m n McHENRY STATE BANK Member rednal tLmurt Briton Meaiber Federal Deposit Iamam CsiBsratin wedding a black dress and grey accessories and wore a corsage > of j H' 111' • 'I"t' 'I' 't1111111' I"!111'1"1' 1' I' 'l^1 '1^' 11' 1' !• • 'I11' W"t' H'tt'H'l '1 '!'• Forest Park spent . vast week visiting in the Frank Gans Mr*. E. R. Sntton home. Hostess Club Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill and; Mrs. E. R. Sutton entertained mem-' j^ew Foreeters daughter, Janice, of Aurora spent bers of the East River Road Pi- Officers Installed ^ borate"68 the weekend in McHenry. On Sun- nochle club last Thursday afternoon. | At an impressive service held last „ ge* „ day, Mr. and Mrs. Thill and Mr. and Frize winners were Mrs. George Mil- week, newly elected officers of St. wMiss Syvlii The honoree received many lovely -J Cl^nal^and-^ ^onoV the newlywedsat ® ls* • • « mother, was also present, wearing ception. French crepe dress with black, Mr. and Mrs. Freund have been and a white ' . the river. Mrs. Bradley is manager yellow glads and roses. ~ ; j" ^ !of the kitchen at the McHenry Rec- The children's choir of St. Mary's -- Q^ed 0n 0ct* f Creation, and her .husband_ ia^ an em-; church accompanied by Sister An-: fr ' ployee of the Palace Recreation. In a quiet nuptial service solemn-' 'M - w. , Mrs. Frances Thorne, accompanieA Judbe Charles! j^rg Frank Wilsbn of Wonder Woodstock on Oct. 2. | L&ke, left by auto this week for and Mr. Thomas, St. Petersburg and Orlando, Fla. McHenry, were j ' . re-1 united in marriage. ^ • I Spending Klsh^r The bride was '^attractive in a Total Upending in the United states Colony McH®nrv. IUinoit FRI. - SAT. In Technicolor Dan Dailey - Nancy Guild "GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY" SUN., MON., OCT. 17-18 Irene Dunne - Barbara Bel Geddes "I REMEMBER MAMA" Plus - World News & Cartoon TUESDAY, OCT. 19 Lois Collier - Jerome Cowan (1) "ARTHUR TAKES OVER" Richard Martin - Frances Rafferty (S) "ADVENTURES OF DON COYOTET A Family Program Comedy and Western WED. - THURSf., OCT. 20-21 A Natural For Women Ruth Hussey - John Carroll Vera Ralston (1) "I, JANE DOE** Donald Barry Dale Evans Ton Brown (2) "SLIPPY McGEE" gardenia on a short weeding trip, and upon maroon-colored sui£ and hat, with ^ t^UI^^ndllS their return will reside with her j which she wore an orchid corsage Duignan, a classmate i parents for the present. j and black accessories. She was at-; reached an au-time peak in 1947 of ler, Mrs. John Braeseke, Mrs. Ben Marv's Court N<T594 Catholic"6rder the bride, sang the nuptial music,! The bride is a 1948 graduate of temted bv her niece, Miss Donna m°re tlhan $229 billion ama may W1ta Dietz and Mrs. Eleanor Nye. The cf Foresters Were installed the in- including "Ave Maria," "On This the Wauconda high sehool. The-Freund of McHenry, who wore a rate of $247 billion in the second half next meeting of the group will be stalling officer Heine- State Chief Day O Beautiful Mother," and later groom atteifded the local high school, I Ifrey dress and wine accessories. of this year. Personal income is likely " " " ' " " " "* to climb from $205 billion a year to a rate of $211 billion a year for the aero and state trustee jHuwret. i --w. wm.v«. j • -- -• ---o^_ -- ;• r •* 'r aecond half of 194ft. , Attend Opening lti;rn;"o^" Althoff acted as senior and Ninety-three guests were presenti . • [Milwaukee, Wis., to visit the groom s| -----# ... : Of Music Season junior conductors respectively ** ^ wedding breakfast held at the I . ,, .. # , . ! family, the couple returned to Mc- Complete line of Lees PoalMl junior conductors respectively. a' Need Rubber Stamps? Order at Henry and are residing for the pres- remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- * A 191 aiMHaala* . • . , «# _T ii* i _ m *v * A aJ stallinc beinir u*y u oeautiiui Motner," ana atienaea tne nign scnooi,; ui™» #nu mue on Oct. 21. with Mrs. Sutton again Raneer George Waff of Chicago. "Panis Angelicus" as the couple served with the npvy durin? the I Robert Bradley, brother of the acting as hostess. John Bauer chief raneer of Kettler dedicated themselves to the Blessed war, and is now employed at the bridegroom, served as best man. « •__*_ * • -vx court 0o1f CVhn.i,cC®a^?o° ' aannda Ssttaattee ttrruusstteeee MoXtTh:e--r.* .. j Buss Motor Sales. . Following a short wedding trip to 4.1. ' _ J .• Milwoiilfoe Wi» to visit .rrnnm'. 7100 The Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Miss Ethel Following are the Courts leaders South Shore. View hotel at Jones, Mrs* Paul Schwerman, Mrs. M. chosen to serve for the remainder of South Shore Drive, Chicago. F. Clark, Mrs. George Johnson, Miss this year and 1949: Spiritual Director. couPle then left on a wedding trip Maud Granger and Warren Jones Fr. Eugene Baumhofer; Chief Ran- to the Ozarks, after which they will attended the opening of the 1948-49 get-, Paul R. Yanda'; Vice-Chief reside at the Bay. Fox Valley Civic Music Association Ranger, Jacob Freund;' Past Chief The bride is a graduate of Mercy season ~in Elgin last week. Guest Ranger,' George, J. Freund; financial high school in Chicago in 1945 and artists were Hugh Thompson, bari- secretary, George P. Freund; record- was graduated as a nurse from tone, and Thomas Emeas, pianist, jng secretary, Charles Weingart; Mercy hospital in June of 1948. The who appeared in a program in the treasurer, Leo' Blake; trustee, Ben bridegroom is ^graduate of Bishop city's Masonic Temple. : ... Jjung; speaker, Joseph M. May; ju- Quarters Military school and the Mc- * * * • venile director, Fred Meyers; senior Henry high school in 1943. Imme- Motbers Club * conductor, Stanley Schaeffer; junior diately after graduation he joined Plans Two Events conductor, Alex Justen; inside senti- the navy and served until Novem- The Mothers club met last Friday nel, Alfred Weingart; and outside b®r of 1945. He and his brother are afternoon in the Legion hall, at sentinel, Diehard Blake. *n partnership *s managers of Pink which time two important events of | < , Harrison's Report at Pistakee Bfiy. The Plaindealer. ent at the McLaughlin home east of Henry. 8-tf the near future were discussed. The, ' first occurs on Nov. 2, when the club MISS AGNES PFEIFF»r-- holds its annual teachers' party. Mrs. < u~n TACVDD -D/\txrvDil Ota Gygi is chairman of this event.1 ***' ~ rUWfiHe On Thursday, Nov. 11, the club is MARRIED SATURDAY sponsoring a fall festival at tire Just For Fun Roller Rink, with Mrs. Henry Smith as chairman. A very enjoyable musical program Guests present from this area, including" McHenry, Pistakee Bay and Elgin, included Mr. and Mrs. Pink Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison and daughter, Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Noonan, Sr., Miss A simple but impressive fall wed- ®?ary XT nn Noo"®n» A'la" and Anding took place last Saturdav eve- thony Noonan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank • i • pm > • nin* at St Thomas church, Crystal Jmmekus, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank was presented at last Friday's meet- j aif„ „nifin«r in mnrrin^o Mi«« Immekus, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Edward ing. Guest artists were three young Xg£s Weiffer daughter if Mr and Fluche- Mrs- - Joseph Hanley, Mr. and talented Elgin musicians, Kay jjrs Christ Pf'eiffer and Mr Josenh and Mr8, Will'am Hopkins, Mr. and Leonard, pianist, Mary Moody, Xwers wn of Mrs MaW Powefs Mrs' William Kolti- Miss Mar?ie soprano, and Jack Meyers, tenor, i both of Crystal Lake ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jesne, Their entire group of selections met I ^ bride was lovel*y in „ own of Mr. and Mrs. ^rthur Thompson aad with enthusiasm by the audience, j white 8,ipper satin w'ith lac* in8er. Tom Wilson. < „ especially the singers duet. You tions. Her fingertip veil was held in ___________ ^NOWHBf FULI^SW IXC - Are Free." a beaded tiara and she i C. D. of A. Plans bridal., bouquet of white j Reception Nov. 18 ! Court Joyce "Kilmer, Catholic i Daughters of America, held .its regu- gQ^ ' lar meeting on Thursday evening at Coo St. Mary's St. Patrick's school hall.' _ J.J . 'e.'W. * , , «"», • iiwuu, WW* VnOCHMHB. DOU1 WW candidates, to be held at the were attired in blue taffeta gowns Mov. 18 meeting. an/i WAM u a Mrs. Elsie Winket and her committee are at present very busy in preparation for the puMic party which will be held on Thursday, Nov. of the bride, as Kerosene In Dangerous Bole Sneak killem lurk in virtually every American home. These killers are poisons which claim more than 2,000 lives a year. Small children five are the mtoet frequent kerosene. Kerosene's poisonous characteristics have long been overahad owed by its fire hasard. With the e* ception of food poisoning, kerosene leads the list of virtually every home poisoning survey, the National Safety Council says. V, ^ WED. . THURS., OCT. 1314 ^FULLER BRUSH MAN" S*ed Skehon Janet Blair FRI.-SAT., OCT. 15-16 "THE MATING OF MILLIE" Glenn Ford - Evelyn Keyes SUN. - MON., OCT. 17-18 "WISTFUL WIDOW OF WAGON GAP" Marjorie Main AWbotijl& Costello TUES. - WED. - THURS. OCT. 19-20-21 "IT HAD TO BE YOU" * Ginger Rogers - Cornell Wilde Also Excellent Short Subjects Children 12 and under FREE Box Office Opens' 6 p. m. Nightly 5:30 p. m. Sunday Fine Entertainment for ^ the Entire Family m I l l en Today--FRI.-SAT., OCT. 14-15-16 THE BOWERY BOYS* ----Co-Hit'-- o'bSTen mm MWWYL --SAT. MATINEE ONLYKIDDIES' CARTOON SHOW Mom and Dad'll like Them Too! SUN. - MON., OCT. 17-ffc r _ive my Regards to roadway I Colef by TECHMCOLOk TUES. - WED., OCT 19-2o" DAN DAILEY Need Rubber Stamps? 6rder at The Plaindealer. place by carried roses. Mrs. Phyllis Powers acted as matron of honor, ^rearing a floor length own of dusty rose taffeta with a p skirt. Mrs. Marie Ewert, sister PI a ng1 "we re made^forV mtStlon*of ^an" Oaard against these sneak • killers in ..... 1 i u . i 4 . v - 1* friend, were bridesmaids. Both three places where they lure usually . , , j found: Bathroom -- medicines and pieeesT ^ taffeta head- Kitchen--clMning, bleaching Jack Powers, brother of the groom,' and <*i«inf®cting c<mpounds. served as best man. with George ment or garage--insecticides end 4, at the parochial school half.' S Xother-fn-Uw"41' ?nd Har?W Ewert» public is invited to attend and is as-igroomsmeT1 sured a splendid evening of enter-i The bride»8 mother choM . blue tainment. (silk dress with black acceasories, s n Thursday evening, Oct. 21, at | while the groom's mother was attired in a gown of smoke grey with black accessories. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Odd Fellows Hall for 50 guests, after which the couple left on a short wedding trip. Upon their return they will reside at Crystal Lake. The former Miss Pfeiffer has been employed at the Arrow Manufacturing Company in Crystal Lake. The bridegroom is employed by the McHenry Sand and Gravel Company. Fnowit MMIh lbil|i by D«| Wltk Flufe A change of the dog's bedding every time the family's befrlinen is changed would bring relief to millions of flea-pestered dogs, according to authorities on pet health. Dogs that are bathed regularly ,and treated scientifically to remove fleas still may be troubled by these parasites if owners neglect to change their pets' bedding at fre* quent intervals, says American Veterinary Medical association's committee on small animal diseases. A A A A A A A A •VVVVV™V™VVVV Fleas deposit their eggs in the dog s sleeping place, where the eggs hatch and go through the larval stage. By a complete change of bedding, at least once a week, fleas in the process of development can be eliminated. Use of a thin film of DDT powder on the bedding also is helpful, "the committee says. Bedding removed from the dog's sleeping quarters can be used again after it has been washed thoroughly and placed outside to dry. Colorado Wet-Dry Spate Wettest spot in Colorado is Silverton with 25 30 inches of precipitation annually. Garrett is dry eat, with 5.74. Moat of Colorado average* between' U and 18 inches, based en 60-year observations. •TT8 MAGIC' ' "TWELFTH STREET RAG" "YOU CALL.EVERYBODY DARLIN*'» "MY HAPPINESS" "UNDERNEATH THE ARCHES" "HAIR OF GOLD" "YOU CAN'T BE TRUE, DEAR" "RAMBLING ROSE" "BLUEBIRD OF HAPPINESS" "ON A SHOW BOAT TO CHINA' Come in and hear our sensational long-playing Columbia records that play up to forty-five minutes. Alao large selection of albums, classical and popular numbers. Children's records and albums. Playtime records, 25c. Select your needles here! Join our record club. Steffcutl fowebuf 514 W. Main Street. McHenry TeL McHenry 12S-J MOM MKT KM MIKMS Our R«fwl«r Lew Price 1M O Mack, Irawi^ Gray, OfMn •• ata«-yt a, a-a gobordhw rIMV 24-30 66 CM COTTON H0WMBSB Oar Rtwhr Lew Price Itt • PriMi, Qmfci, end Stripe* • fed, Brown, Me*, • WodwMelSMl 2" HOI'S' WORK SIMMS - Ow Regatar tew Wnttf--- • HeetfyMUSeatortKd • Vet dyed frfenl 14Vi-«y„ 163 •0TS STRVB OM SOCKS Om Befalar lew Mae tie •Tee eed Nseli Mt DesUe Aa •Meh«, W--, Manii^ Many Mt 0WS' WKW SOY f r$ mm lioNsm sun Oar leaaler lew Mae S.«i • hetfed«flhS*ef Use Aif • Yoke aad Midriff Mm Cat # •Teaiam aad WWtab S2-40 A Mea's Nsavy Daty Ns|Wil GLO VIS Oar Re«. Lew Price, 4ie pt • Thick, gold «i fteace <W(| • Cleaaly-lnie wrfch • QaMedl--laree She* 3 P*' AH HiUiII Arttaah lOAfflRI Oar la*. Lew Nii^ 14iM IS' x M' AS Perpeae FELT BASK MATS Ow Rag. Lew Price, 10c • Sowec wear, tear ee fleam • He 'n floral patterns • Heavy lacewered coating 5< M Capacity, Heady, Sdwriirf SSSSlI BASKITS Oer Roe* Lew Pricer UN • R^id Cwotnictloe--1 be. • 17* a 1H4"--Wire drop • Sturdy cwboMad betteei 98< It Oewt AN Metal MILK MILS Oer Re«. Lew Price, etc • Soams aoldered--Wire handle • Tin ptatod prime atodt ' • Gearaeteed leakproof 44< 3 Piece Ever UuM SUSS BOWL SKTS Our R*e. lew Price, 41c • PaHahed cryttol (km • 4"...7*...8* bewdi • SiootK eory-to-deoa 23< Authorized Dealer Phone McHenry 4&9 Gcuwdei The Friefxiy Store GEO. COLLECTS, Owner 521 Main Street WGST H.;: , -

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