Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1948, p. 10

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;'> -"6 f, • , 7, ? ff* V, "*' *# NomciB OF CLAIM DATE «f William Spencer, Deceased. avsms:A*VE date in the estate of William , Deceased, pending in the Court of* McHenry County, and that claims may be filed the said estate on or Wow ftM date without issuance ef sum- ""SlARY FRANCES SPENCER, Executor. flMd B. Bennett, Attorney. Woodstock, 111. • m _ (Pub. Oct. 21-48, Nov. 4) 'i ft? Vto tt» Kjrwr fja a* tap lpn«* Bible School--10:00 A. Mu7>GrtMi EWveonrsinhigp --S1e1rv:0i0es A--. M T :46 NOJTCB OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Rose Thornton, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persona that December 6, 1M8, is tM claim date in the estate of Roee Thornton, Deceased, pending in the Cowity Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be fnd 1 against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. W. C. ADSIT, Administrator. Vernon J. Knox, ^ Attorney, Crystal Lake, 111. ;? (Pub. Oct. 21-28, Nov. 4) TM, 1:10. Ifctt and 11M Day?: 140: Ml] 1IM. White sauce made with homogan* milk will be thicker than ana wlUt unhomogenized milk. Abbey One of the finest examples of Norman architecture in Scotland, la the magnificent 12th century nave of Dunfermline abbey. FREUND'S DAIRY : 'I': GRADE A MILK Homogenized Milk, Coffee Cream, Whipping Cream, Buttermilk, Chocolate Milk, Butter, Eggs, Half and Half Cream, Cottage Cheese. „ * day, WWeeddanaefseddaayy and Hiurnday mday. PHONE McHENRY 636-W-S We close at 6 p. ai. Monday, Tu and it9 |. n. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. p. m. and T^O p. m. before First After 8.*0t Maaa on '1:00 p> m. a*4 7K» n. m. Magr. C. 8. Nix, Paster. St. Patrick's CatheHc Char* McHenry Sand tnd Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service , Blade Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Cj-rading CALL McHENRY 97-J i: 8:00, 9:80 and 11 o'clock. Days: 6:M and 8:00. Dnys: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:10. Communion distributed at 6:9tO. 7:00, during the 7:10 mass, 7:80 and 8. Confeesiqps: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 pa. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursdays before Pint Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m, and 7:00 to 8:00 pan. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St., y% block east of Hwy. 81 West McHenry, Illinois. Sunday School: 9:00 a. m. Sunday Worship Service: 10:15 a. m. You are cordially invited to attend our services. . For information phone 65-M. Walter C. Johannes, Pastor. Community Methodist Chnrch Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. Wayne B. Price, PastfPt St. Johns Catholic Church. JoMatarg ELECTRICAL WORK HOUSE WIRING Old and new buildings, immediate installation according to NEC and Local Codes. APPLIANCE REPAIRING Frayed cords are danger signals. Check yours today for repairs. Outlets installed jar ranges and water heaters. LIGHTING FIXTURES Sold and Installed JOHN ADAMS Phone McHenry 533-J-2 after 5 p. m. McCullom Lake Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:85 and 8:00 Confessions: Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 and 2:80 to 8. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidart, Pastor. 8L Pater's Catholic Church, Spring Greva Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Christ Hie King Miisiw Wonder and fourth Sunday «f each leeting, Thureday -- 8:00 the family with yon to Sun-1 and Worship Servicea.; place and a FRANK ANDERSON, Pastof. Hag wood Ringwood, HL ibiic wwoorr ahip, 9:80. School: 10:80. Choir Rahearsala--Wodnaaday evoning. Rev. Charles Stevens, Paator. •owipapors Utod la-Walls, Fwattart of Unlive Nomo Celebrated "paper house" at Pigeon Cove, Rockport, Mass., which waa built in 1924, and in which approximately 100,000 copies of newspapers were used in coxf strtietkm of walls and furniture, has been preserved intact by use of vanish. ! Ellis P. Stenman, builder and' owner of the house, started the! building as an experiment to see | Just what could be done with news- j papers to preserve them 1 without: destroying the print. His experi-' ment, which proved a success both i in strength and stability, has made! the housa a mecca for tourists. I Stenman started to prepare the' paper material to be used in the consruction of the walls two years i before the house was built. The | newspapers first were folded and! pasted together. Now the walls con- j sist of 215 thicknesses protected I with varnish. The varnish was ap-j plied originally and has been used | to touch up spots only a few times j since the date of building. j For the furniture, the newspapers were twisted into- rolls of different sizes and finished with varnish. Leading American newspapers and newspapers from nearly every part of the world are represented in the building and its furnishings, including tables, chairs, desk lamps, a granfather's clock and other pieces. •t <4ntal rug kaofcto to hiais that caOsd Iht %ri&f at The «arpet, Jowwn also -as the.-winter f#g, wit wbeit the weather waa too cold tor the courtiers to anlit themselves in the B«wiifkilinrfatt|fClMipiMli the Persian ruMTa pfclaee. The rug meaauwd mmghfymby MP Jaet and was sproad in the vast sudisnos hall where7 its design represented the beautiful spring gardens outside. Whan the Modem forces defeated the Persian armies in 087, A. D„ they discovered the rag en the pel- *et. It' was' hacked to pieces and taken off by the Moslem soldiers as loot; each man receiving a scrap said to have been worth $3,000. It is believed that the Spring of Cboaroes was the original mode) for the lovely Persian garden carpets of inore recent days. That rug would be valued in modern times at two million dollars. .. . < • Famous for One out of every four Presidents ot the United States has come trqm the rtate of Ohio. ^ the fabric eWmfnated. Sum 4. * Qulaay r tat t jwiumjeu man ms noma in thebaatfci* tinaTi "ssafbessttts to fltodnnatl to lay m-"S? <'tti.oorilaito-- eftfca Astronomical to & Observatory. It waa a kng and fkthe oaaT or I WP h* stagMoach. by canal tv J i boat, by steamboat and part of toe aiL ka : by 0,6 invented railread w ~ j train. Much of Adams* dedicatory adconcerned tin neglect c^na* In the United Stotia. Subscribe fer The Plaindealar Phone McHenry 660-J-2 after 6 p. m. LAURENCE N. P1TZEN * JRonte One SHSUBS -- TUB ,-/V" LANDSCAPINa . -r ; *>, ,; Years of Nursery Ixperienco^' 1" ILL. ... >f '.v Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00 Confessions: Sunday: before each mass Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:0ft First Fridays, Communion distributed at 6 and 6:30 a. m. and duibf ing 6:00 mass. >| Rev. Edward C. CoakJey Pastor* -Made Tea Cart A tea cart for clearing the table may be made by putting an old wash* stand or small table on wheels. r' S- • • STOP THOSE TRANSPORTATION Ctofiitttg for Shelves Scrap pieces of linoleum pirovide good covering for shelves and lining for drawers in the kitchen and pantry. One can usually secure remnants cheaply from depaj-trr.ent stores. SEE US v FOR NEW '48 Prompt or immediate delivery on moil/ models ..... Runabouts and Utilities ORDER NOW! Hewes Boat Company, Inc. Phone Fox Lake 2491 FREUND'S TRUCKING Ag^ipultural limestone and phosphate spreading. Soil samples taken on request jplace orders early and avoid rush. : r-> frarn Lime and Ohips for Driveways CHARLES FREUND, Owmr 401 W. Waukegan Road McHENRY, ILLINOIS Tel 412 j casr/ fw'lw lots of eggs at low cost when yoa feed the FuJ-O-Ptp Way. By feeding Vi Vol-O-Pep Egg Breeder Mash, Vi whole oats sad U scratch grains jrovteay sava op to 20% oa feed cost Such a feeding plan is poeeible whea yea feed Fal-0-P*p Bgg Breeder Mash beceose ifs so rich is asseatial feediagrah> M. 8M as teday for yew eepv^ of foM>- Pep Bgg Breeder Mesh. McHenry Co. Farmers Co op. Assn. PHONE 729 • , McBEMBT, ILL. WORRIES -- There is a bus service operating between Richmond; Genoa City, Wisconsin; Spriw Grove; Fox Lake; Volo; Lily Lake; and McHenry, Illinois. ^ Gome in and see our employment counselor today about your new job in the radio industry. There are vacancies at present for: ASSEMBLERS WIRERS 80LDERER8 PACKERS INSPECTORS ^ Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office ogfu Mondty tfern Saturday B;00 A. M. to 5 P. H. - ADMIRAL CORPORATION Intersection of Routes 120 and 31 McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' ' - ' ** " t * -r ' . a ><m . .• -v m hiiiiauuiuwtniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BOVS and G\RLS... HURRY/ SHORT TIME LETT fcr you to enter the Contest k 1 3rd TO 1 0 t h P R I Z E S i WHAT'S your lavorka Illinois landmark in the "OUk LANDMARKS'* ctrflection? A ISO-word essay about it may win you •aa of the many fse prises offered by the Public Service Company ia the "OUR LANDMARKS" Essay Contest. We'responsoring this assay contest to encouragc interest in the fascinating historical lore of our pwn Northern Illinois. One landmark in this collection on exhibition, (only until October 31, at the Chicago Historical Society} will seem particularly interesting and signiacant to you. Write about it, in 150 words or less, and you'll have a chance to win one of the 15 newest model Zenith FM-AM Table Radios, or one of 15 Philco Transitone Battery- AC-DC Portable Radios, or one of 120 $2 5.00 Security Bond*. Read the easy-to-follow instructions below, and get your essay in the mail before midnight, November 10, 1948. Remember* you'll be competing with boys and girls in your own age group, so everyone has an equal chance to win. «MH color* Mm itwshovt Odobifft 194 n it iiviyi frn t# ickc ^ciar&sfcgr. 1 «.lw oa yow jworiw lai priaa* will be twuM ia >. 190 priaet ia all. Kni rast Zaaith FM-AM table [mmiIii aula imiaMhl oa w JSixSti i will be iodsedoaorujaa^ty. SaL Dapli V* ijlowi) »miaa> : !a uw wriwer Sarvicc C«ata*r «01 b* aotitod bv auiU ... • tW doM ot dM coawti. EASY to intor Nothing to Buy! ton's what y$w do fe teler ffte "On* Iawmmks* hsiy Ceefasf Vldt Hm oahlba of 50 wotar color - OhMa yaw oMclal a airy Uaak " <fc*a mm wwy of 1J0 wordt^or palnHn«* of "OUR LANDMARKS" ot for Mm "OUR LANOMABCS" i«M>y law oa yow fcwori»a lawdaiortu Toi Jwlaat. "OW LANDMARKS tmmf Ifca CMcaoo HWorlcal Sedoty bi Coniart (ma Iha IwlotaKiWoo DmIi % *«• *• » J Ayaaaa, Lincoln Pork. at*a HMorical SacMy. Wbaportor*. CMcaaa2. r PUSUC SIRYIUP CQIIPAIIY OF NORTHIRN IUINOIS * .. ' , T fv • • .... •Mi ^ *rr~ rt-A r . " M >/ A

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