Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1948, p. 11

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V. , " V> .% 'XV'Ci J VMf U ' .. . M % *: %t « »,*r. and Mrs. Cku. _ <|iHm of Long Lake, litrt into a pact of the Win. j.^elek.tou*# on Waukegan street. . - -*• $jr\ FORTY TIAIT MO tlmTmi rnu AOO A Hhough the duat hu been afcaost Unbearable, oar itmti have once store " been put back in ptntblt conditio*. The Pnblie Service nd Illinois Bell ' Telephone companies are this week completing new service lines from tliis ,-t'ity to the Owen, Stenger k Allan subdivision on the west shore of Pw rivwr, son of Mr. and Mr*. Mathias A^ams of A short distance south of here. _jRpring Grove, was solemnised at 8t. Now, if that mw watt on the west side of Green street wonld not end so abruptly, we wonld all walk on it. Wm. Bacon dfilled a well for Mrs. Emily Cole at Spring Orove recently, getting a fine flow of water at flftyf? e feet. Interest among local howlers appears to have taken a decided slump this fall. Bo far very little bowling has been done. Cqpe, boys, it's tW»e ti> loosen np those muscles in rcniahs for the season. The marriage of Miss Liacie Sehaefer, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Schaefer of Johnsbnrg, and Mr. Peter Adams, Bock Biver Ooaferener pnlpita in the M. J5.i in this village and at Ringwood fof. the eeadag year. 3. C. Parka who has been living in the B. Waite house in this village, has moved lite family to Aurora. * r ; ' J L " • SIXTY TBABS AOO A petition, asking for the paving of Main street from the depot to the aew community high school which has been in circulation among the property pwners along that thoroughfare for > JUUUUWXWK*ii*<" WILLIAM M. CARROLL. JR. Attoraey-at-Law U«!4 BmtM 81. gj PImm Wssdstetfc M : '•'..f. Wosdstotfc. Ithah Tin Jil'l' John's Catholic church last Thursday morning. at Johnsburg WFFTT TSARS AOO " 4 - That paper carnival and Oyster sapunder the auspices of the good emplars. on Friday evening last, was well attended and a highly enjoyable affair. Hon. ., A. J. Hopkins at the Parker House Hall, tomorrow, Thursday evening. Don't fail to hear him. It is expected there will be three hundred torches in line tomorrow evening. Come out and see them. Tlie new floor in the jewelry tatorc Of O .W. Owen, which was laid laxt week, was a much needed improve luent. - . - r. T McHENRY H/ORAL Cflt MO* Flowers for all aeeaalenat I'rsnk Wsrd is haildii"' a "'W houn<> on a lot purchased of Mat. Englfeii, in the north part of this village. Jos. Blake has moved iptn his honse, lately vacated by Henry Poile, in the north part of the village, having rented his farm to Michael Hoff. Bev. W. L. Whipple has been ap FRANK 8. MAY Tsnckiag • . Black Dirt -- Crnahed Gra»«l Light Excavating -- Limestone Track far Hire FbHw MeHenry SM-M-| ^ R*1 McHW<ry - ,j yN A. P. FREUND SONS" Excavating Contractors Ttackhig, Hydraalic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING--•: . Tat 2M-M MeHenry. W. \ Limestone •ERN THEUBN Trucking Black Diet : Track for Hire MeHenry 588-B-2 or 588-Jf-l Box 172, Bt. 1. MeHenry j -ymr -iriim •;V i. - '* • ;\J>- • 1 COPYING Old Photographs Snapshots and Proofs which negatives are not available. '$1.00 WORWICKS STUDIO Phone 275 117 Riverside Dr., MeHenry Weighty Pig Iron " It is relatively easy to,weigh cold iron and ittd Weighing molten pig inn is aomeflyag else. Every ladle of pig iron tapped from a blast furnace or charged into a steel furnace is Weighed. Because s ladle gradually accumulates scale and its brick lining absorbs iron, ita weight increaaes while its capacity decreases. This mains it necessary to weigh an empty ladle on each trip to the furnace. It also must be weighed again when filled. Ladles aerving a blast furnace are mounted on railway cars. The entire care and its burden are automatically weighed while the train passes over a weighing scale at a speed of four to five miles an hour. Slag alao is weighed in the same manner. Only in that way can the quantity and analysis of all products tappet from the furnace be checked against materials charged into it and the efficiency of operation determined. i City Children in Pittsburgh's ^ "city within a city" in saving the big folks about $SS,MB a year. % Tfcey do it by reducing false fire slams and by curbing juvenile dels other ways. CiQr,*' as the project is IS fkSSl|S& deep in Pitts* _ I'S predoariasBtly Negro hill district referred to in socialogica] reports ss a "blighted area." Governed by the youth of the district, under the supervision of Howard C. McKinney, founder of e agency, the "city" has its own mavor, council, Judges, district attorney, police and a counterpart of every department and bureau in Pittsburgh'a municipal government, j City officials say the self-govern- Went process has worked well. For Instance, in addition to the $25,000 saved by the reduction in false alarms, shoplifting in Pittsburgh stores hss been reduced about 63 per cent, gang activities have been cut 96 per cent and vandalism more than 60 per cent. Main purpose of Hill City is "to make the children feel they are not outcasts of society and that America oilers them a future even though they are Negroes." Any neighborhood child can join Hill City for 18. cents a year. No Other charges are made. When entertainment ia given, admission is never with money, but by some article of food, however small and cheap. .. "if • V yy ~W ' s^r^i, SILENCE D GOUMEM M Hawk Paaslly lltat most hawka are feeding mostly on rodenta and iasecta, has been substantiated by examination of thousands of hawk stomachs. lUere are three »» groups of hawks: the Buteos, Falcons and Acdpetars. Hawka la the Boteo group (broad wings and fan-like tails) ar "" Mange, rhigwom, snd of lssthir pre in mtfs cause miBkas of es to tbe Amerkan have to put more woA en are parasitised or otherwise dMMgo* which increaaea prodoetlen -carts S^ much as 20 per cent la the damag^ ia aa hawka or hen hawks, and have suffer- , hidea are practically ed most at the. hands of gunners who ' management practices ell think they destroy poultry and game ' •* to avoid costly Injuries, ' the skilled use of Insecticides to issi J livestock parasites would fee far la Ord« ft** nMtt rtwor it n»' '4 Plaindeales. ' I Subscribe for The Plsinlilw | #6 Landlord (to prospective tenant)-- You know we keep it very quiet and orderly here. Do you have any i -children? "No." ' = "A piano, radio"m phonograph?" "No.** . "Do you play any musical instru- - ment? Do you have a dog, cat or parrot?" k "No, buv~|nqp fountain pen scratcbea a little sometimes." Dried Skim Milk Dried skim milk, formerly used extensively by poultry an4 livestock farmers, now is largely diverted to human consumption. Order your rubber 'stomps at The Plaindealer. \ ^ 2'.,' ^ ^ \ • V MOSEY INN | ; R1HOWOOD Itelevision • f Fry Every Friday Nigliit FKAOEK BEES HOD BOWMAN, Prop. •> V'l'W 1 % .• J l-LM LBIM& h HttttUt ImlMal (djljUlMtHAVERN THELEN ' TRUCKING Agricultural Limestone Spreading ' •••• -:-N; Soil Samples Taken On Request ---- SAND GRAVEL BLACk DIRT Johnsburg, MeHenry, Ili Tel. MeHenry 588-R-2 HA, VMfsssUr d IkVJL. PkA, UaHmMr BEAT THE "HIGH" COST OF UVIN6 Q*t CmUa Pamil wdh yxrt fUmi Suit John^the Taiior NUNDMDS OP QUALITY ¥VOOUNt ^ 12S*R TO CHOOK rtCMd 416 Main St. UNI HCK INC STYIf YOU MffR McHeecy Special Price Sale Finest Quality Only IB8 ' ^ -Inc. c;^§k Telephone Na. 200 STOFFEL tk REIHANSPERGEU Insarance agents for all classWs of property in the best companies. Weet MeHenry. Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn & Parker) Office Hoars: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5 Office--Koehr Supply Company, 541 Main Street. West MeHenry 486 INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm and Life Insarance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When voa need inaarance of aay kind Phone 4S or I18-M • Green & Elm MeHenry FARM DRAINAGE TiKag Work Dene With Modern Equipment Can Furnish Tile LEO C. ZIMMERMAN ,v~ Contractor ^ 16M-M-1 B. F. D. t Woodstock, 111. FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE 1L.1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Etactrte Wiring Mator Repairtfc • Passpe Said lejalrad TEL. WONDER LAKE 4J2 • VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Car. Green and Ska 8ta« ftaaday and Friday Afterneas Other Days, By Appslntniiat MeHenry 4S &.-J • renr|; Dead CASH PRICES and Crippled H mg -- for sale far Cattle Meat Scraps Arlington Heights 116 ar MeHenry (5S-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. JOSEPH X. WAYNNB Attorney at law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Box WEST McHENRT, ILL. fHONE McHENRY 492-W CLEANING SERVICE Done in Our OWH Plant -- sp to M p«r ImMMm -- v to N par cant ins. •smSm OMk* G-Lm la Turtliihai. Baaka G-LAC (Tm«kricto> Is WATTLES DRUG STORE 515 MAIN STREET McHENR* 206 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY free Pickup a«§ Delivery Servici Phonp MeHenry 20 i). . » • * ' BELL * SHALES Interior and Exterior Paiatiag Paper Hanging Alsa Spray Painting 105 N. Greea St. MeHenry Tel. MeHenry 24t-J or Cryatal Lake 1S28-M-1 TeL Wonder Lake 41S DR. R. H. WATKINS Deatial --Office Heara-- TSeeday, Tharsday A Satnrday 0 a. a. to 5 p. at Bveainga by Appointment Laekaat Paint Woader Lake, 11L FRANK E. LOW Insurance LfViriting Fire, Accident dc Health Auto, Casualty and Life, in Reliable Companies. Phone 95-J 301 Waukegan St. MeHenry, 111. WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel FIIKag -- Black Dirt -- IJnwetane Tracka far Hire Free Estimating TeL 655-R-2 MeHenry, 111 WELDING Malateaance and Constractlan ' Pertable Egaipaient n. E. VANCE--MeHenry il-J tet Saatfi Green St, MeHenry. IH- »..-8 WELDING AND REPAIR (VICE Ml Main 8t., MeHenry Electric Pertable Wddlag Acetylene Welding and. Catting ALEX W. WIRF8, Operatar Phone 615*W«1 or 464 M*HBNRY. ILL. DR H. 8. FIKE Veteriaarian Oa Highway 31 -- Office aad Home Tel. MeHenry 31 > MeHenry. 111. Offke Hoars: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Except Thnrsdays Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 110 Green Street ' Phaae 202-J. MeHenry Office Honrs: Tuesday aad Satnrdays from 10 to 4. Evenings by appointment. £!.M STREET FLORIST X7£. 120 . 3! *v M jfw ucl •WE ^ »2 S WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old HorSest Um for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Jehmtharr - Sprinr Grove Road 'Pboee Jelmaaiirg 314 cal l. AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE Wa pay phaae chargee ^ CLARENCE'S SHOP SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW! ' Barnyard sets, garages, doll houses, table and chair sets, writing desks, toy chests, kitchen cabinets, ironing boards, etc. ______ Full line of lawn furniture. ? Men's and ladies' leather belts and bfakolds, wash baskets, market baskets, etc. ' ; CLARENCE SMITH Tel. MeHenry 583-J1 Johnsburg. 111. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETBIST At 136 8. Oreen St., MeHenry (Glosfed Thursday Afternoons) Et« Examined -- Glaases Fitted Vlaaal Training -- Visual Rehabilitatl^ Campleto Vianal Analysis Hears Daily: t to 12 aad 1 to 5^-Satardays Evenings: 6 to t JO p. m. PHONE McHENRY 452 i! DIGNITY..-AND ECONOMY ^.roLOPiPm' Tbere^i a new, munnknf way el •n'PtMglati productive heifer cahm. Widieeconomical Fal-O-Pep Way with Pid-O-Pep Calf Ratten. TMe cooveoieat feed for calves provides lainntlsl nntt1m*t *•|* "*• and fast growth and to beild strong banns See as today for year sapair of Fal-O-Pep Calf Ration and ation on how 10 grow big, heifer calves. 1 1 MeHenry Ca Farmers Go-op. Assn. PHONE 729 ; ; , ; f KcHENSY, ILL. • , llllllll ' i im Sullivan and aossel, Anctioneers The undersigned having purchased a farm in Wisconsin will sell on the farm located 8 miles east of Woodstork, 0 miles south of MeHenry and 2^ miles north of I'rvstal Lake on the Crvstiil Lake and Mr Henry blacktop road, on M e I I I I I I I M + WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Oonuneneiitf; at 11:00 o'eloek sharp, the following described property, tw wilj 56 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK * consisting of *" 37 Holstein Dairy Oowa 8 of these cows bnve freshened in the past 2 weeks and 6 are close springers, < >';20 eows in this herd are 1st calf hcitcra all ralfhood vaccinated. Afr the present time this herd is producing 20 cans of milk daily. 11 Holstein heifers. 7 to 10 mm. old, cnlfhood vaccinated; 2 calves I mentb old; 1 registered Holstein bull,- 1 Jtar old; I Holstein bull, ST years * 4 Chester White Qilts, weight about 250 pounds each, not Wl.%" ^ Chir - service is never rarasiiivd in dollars sjK»nt --it represents t!ie utmost in valued in all price ranges. Here you are asa perfect final trib- J} ute for a loved om\ at a ; | cost well within means of all. Relv on uf I to take over your burden* I and give special assist- ! I ance in many matters. Be- ! gardless of the family's means, fine service available at our expferi- !! enced establishment. 1200 bushels ear eorn in crib, 2500 bushels Clinton oats, 35 ft. of silage in a 14 ft. silo. •'<> tons 1st cntting' alfalfa (baled), 10 tons 2nd cutting alfalfa (baled), 10 tons alfalfa and timoth^ Qbalcd}, 20 tons baled straw, 5 tons haled oat hay. * , " •• ig-} •' ' Machinery Joha I>eere Model A trnctor with lights and staiter, John Deere tractor cultivator with rotary hoc sttaahnient, John Deere Model M tractor with lights and starter, John Pecre wire baler (1948), John Deere 7 ft. power mower, John Deere 2-sectiou rotary hoe, John Deere 290 corn planter with fert. attach, .lolin lieere tractor disc, John Deere 12-A combine with motor, John Deere 4-bar tratcor srde rake on rubber, John Deere 2-bottom 16-iu. tractor plow, John Deere manure spreader on rubber, <>ehl C40 silo filler,' Gehl hummer mill with cotter head. MeCormick Deering 10-ft. fertilizer. (irain drill with power lift and tractor hitch, McCormick Deering Model H • •!tratcor with lights and starter, McD. Model H tractor cultivator, McD. 3-bottoas 11: tractor plow. McD. 7 ft. grain binder, McD. uower corn binder on rubber with loader snd wagon hitch, McD. H-ft. tractor disc, McD. 2-bot., 14-in. tractor plow, McD. single row cultivator, U. K. grain blower, Lindaay 4-section harrow, tired wagon and rack, set of tractor chains for 38-in. wheels, 75-ft. drive belt. :: Jacob Justen Sons;; FUNERAL DIRECTORS Pnnersl Hone Pkone MeHenry 10S-R • Green, Cor. Elm^ MeHenry 60 ft. endless drive belt, 50 steel posts for electric fence, 10x12 brooder house Jamesway hog feeder, electric clippers, 2 steel stock tanks, weed sprayer, electric fence conrtoller, Hinmsn 3-unit Jiffy milker outfit complete with pipeline fet the j 42 cows, 40 milk, caua, electrk. bruoiU;r, electric water heater, electric julfc . ..(stirrer. ' •, . 50 White Leghorn chickens. ^ . .. jj.-- . • This is the best line of farm equipment that will be offered for sale daring • > 1 the sale season. Nearly all of the equipmeat was purchased new in the lsat 15 ' }j months. Inspection of the dairy and equipment ia iavited befare the day af sale. ! | This being a large sale it will stsrt promptly at it o'clock. ig ) Ji grounds. -Una) Thorp Terms. ARTHUR MEIER FINANCE CORP CleeWng W. F. Powers. Representativo • I I I I I 1 1 1 F L I I I 1 1 1 1I MMM» Phone Woodstock 110 (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) •••••••••••••••••••• JV + W Many H i II In UM OARAGES • CARS • MACHINERY . . r rsm •*, UNIQUE PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The M«tM Y*wr Car or Trwsk Opsian Mm Air Cswprsissr ba*o*M .f.-'jai, J- ftk. m- TUMNAM won • mum row FAINT JOB PROFESSIONAL *4 UN la PpyrAirs'* Cmh^cM tin# «l Urs* Sprmy OvIfiM .Uss/IRm KOVB« NUfh^ •» OpfpR^ John J. Vycital Hdwe. Co« GRBEN STREET PHON* 98-M ' DON A. WICKS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR , STATE'S ATTORNEY OF McHENRT COUNTS Urges yon to exercise yoor right as ft* American citisen bv casting your vote at the ; GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 1948 And re pectfullv solicits Jfour vote and support ^ for tl^e REPUBLICAN TIC! •r * *

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