Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1948, p. 4

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. VtofctbtMd «rwf Tlnrdhy at Mc- Ifitor--Adele FroofcUch at leeoDd-cIui natter at A* postofftce at McHrnry, IlL, under •Hi act of May 8. 1W>. Tear ..HL60 . . . . • , €WTOfUAL_ SSOCWpON JfltmStK. !*• Iittofk Armory, with twenty-ive ii attendance. Charles Schwarnweber was elKtfd president of the newly formed group, whose theme mug is the same u other such organizations the world over. "We love to sing those minor chords, in food close harmony.*. «• • • v ' • ; • ' • ' ' •'X: 4,; : :'V • v Circle 3 At ItBMi Bona •- : Circle 3 of the W.S.C.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Jensen on Waukegan street on Wednesday after ioon, Nov. 3. - , * • " • / '; ; % D. of A. Officers ' • - ' x :- Will Meet Nor. 4 Officers o the C. D. of A. will meet I'fct 7:30 o'clock on Thursday, Nov. 4, jfit St. Mary's- 8t. Patrick'* school hall for a short business meeting. The pub- " lie party will follow at 8 o'clock, fevervone is invitedto attend. • • * ' • • I Orfanise lit Jnvenile Court On 8anday, Oet. 31, at 1:30, the organisation of a Juvenile Court of 8t. Agatha's Court, C. O. P., No. 177, will be held in St. John's school ball at Johnsburg. • • • HEW BAXBBMHOT ORGANISATION The first organizational meeting of the Woodstock chapter of Barbershop Quartets was held Mat week at the • ' ; * • 4. ' m i l l e n STABTS THUM.. OCT. 28th The Story Of America's Most Beloved Oay! -- "THE BABt KUTH STORY" With Wm. Bendiz Claire Trevoi Chat. Blckford BAT. MAT. ONLY CARTOON SHOW FOB THE KIDDIES And Adults Too! HOORAY . . FUN FOB ALL! / at our " •' r ' • CUiaH&lloweta ; HEDNITE SHOW ^ BAT. NITE, OCT. 30th 11:30 9. m. Doors O^en 11:15 9. m. r~~ Admission to all 44c Joaa Brefeld's Bstiolhsl Told . Mr. aad Mrs. Joha Brefeld of 136 Doreheeter Cobrt; Waukegan, announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan to Edward Kroll, son of Mr. aad Mrs. Alexander Kroll of 139 Keller avenue, Waukegan. , Miss Brefeld is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld of McHenry. • • e- s!.'. Observe Anniversary Of 0. D. of A. Ooart • Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic | Daughters of America, met ia the R. of ! C. hall on Thursday evening to observe j the twenty-eighth anniversary of the I Court. Eight charter members were in attendance. | Cards provided entertainment, with prizes awarded to Miss Laura Weber, l Mrs. Clara Stilling, Mrs. Lena Bohr, | Mrs. Delia Miller and Miss Bertilla Freund in picnochle; Mrs. Lina Kilday. | Mrs. Nettie Fleming and Mrs. Margaret Simon in auction bridge; Mrs. Ella Buss and Miss Mildred Kinsala in contract bridge and Mrs. Ethel McGee in bunco. A chop suey lunch, with individiual birthday eakes for dessert, was served | by Miss Marie Powers and her com- ! mittee. The table was beautifully deco- ' rated for the occasion with aJMAterpiece of autumn decorations. \r * • * ' Guest of Honor At ' , - - Miscellaneous Showers The first of two surprise miscellaneous showers to be held honoring Mite Mary Ann Regner of Yolo took place! last week at Woodstock, 'with Mrs. Ernest Monsche as hostess. Forty-five guests enjoyed a social hour, which was concluded with the servings of a cafeteria lunch. The bride-to-be received many lovely gifts. The second Shower was held at the Alfred Regner home at Yolo, with Miss and Miu^i^Bt Regner as host eases. Twenty gueeta Were fat atteataaee to enjey gamee, after which a taMy hneh was served and the .gaest of honor presented with beautiful gifts. Miss Begaer will be mafried to Frank Maae of St. Peter's chureh, Yolo, on Saturday, Nov. 6. t * • and «raec Kuat, all of MoHeary. FAMILY Ontdoor Theatre Grayslake THURSDAY, OCT. SS Betty Grable Dan Dailey in "MOTHER WORE TIGHTS" Technicolor . . . ; • • • . v . chilis r**' Screams! "THE SPIDER WOMAN STRIKES BACK" and "SHE WOLF OF LONDON" Oet r? a Party Now! i SU*. - MOW.. OCT. 31 - NOV. 1 By Technicolor "TWO OUTS FROM TEXAS" with Dennis Morgan Jack Carsoc TUBS., WED- NOV. 2 - 3 VV»'9T?r91frj'*J>9sr9*929B0A 2 Co Hit "ARTHUR TAKES OVER aFRt - SAT., OCT. 29-30 Bing Crosby Gloria Jem ' ' in 'IF I HAD MY WAT' SUN. - MON., OCT. 31 - NOV. 1 Dennis Morgan Jack Carson ^ < in -^-4-- "TWO GUTS FROM 7-- . TEXAS" , . Technicolor EXTRA--Color Cartoon Box Office Opens Sunday, 5:30 p. m. TOES. . WED. - THURQ., NOV. 2,3,4 June Haver George Montgomery "THREE LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE" Technicolor Enjoy tiie movie from the privacy of your car. Children, 12 and under, admitted free. Johurtwcg OoaHBMllty - - r, OtaH WllI hfoet irov. Ihs . •< The Johaaburg Community enA will hold itovnoxt meeting oa Taeeday, NOT. 2, at Noll's laBnaa, with the following committee ia charge: George Thoatpooa, John Weingart, William Weingart, Jeppe Jepeen and ^eo Young. • Jimsa Olosaon OSthtoii A )>arty was held at ue home of Mrs. Maud Rothermel last Saturday eveaing in honor of the first birthday anniversary of Jimmy Joe Qlosson, son of Mr. and M|£ John Glosson. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and eon, Jon, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glosson and daughters, Carol and Patsy. Little Jimmy, was presented with several gifts befitting a 1-year-old. - t . . e • • Dinner Hoaort * . John A. Adams A dinner was held on 8unday, Oet. 24, at the Albert Adams hoolo, honoring John Albert on his first birthday anniversary. The table was attractively decorated with blue streamers leading to the center of intereet, a birthday cake decorated in pink, blue and white with a miniature "little boy" candlo on top. Attending the dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin May and family of Johnsburg and Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Fish of Woods took. • • • Entertained On Wedding Anniversary \ Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Freund of Waukegan street were 8unday guests in the John Borgeson home in Harvard. There thirty friends gathered to honor the local couple on their fifth wedding anniversary. The hostess served a two-course dinner at 2 o'clock, and two hours later the guests again gathered at the table when the wedding cake w&s cut and served. The honored couple received many lovely gifts. Friends were present from St. Charles, Marengo, Belvidere, Harvard, McHenry and Ringwood. • * * Surprise Party For, Mrs. John Freund Mrs. John Freund was surprised at a party held on her birthday anniversary last week Wednesday evening at the Freund home north of McHenry. A tasty lunch was served at the close of a social evening. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Young, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Thompson, Leonard Freund, Leota McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Foley and Mary Ann Freund. The guest of honored received a coffee maker from her children! * * * Annual Teachers' Party On Nov. 2 'j"'-"-; The annual teachers' fttarfrr gi*<tn by Mothers club will be held on Tuesday evening, Nov. 2, at the Legion hall. All members of the club and their husbands are invited to be present at the 6:30 o'clock supper, which will be followed by entertainment. «Mrs. Ota Gygi is chairman of the committee in charge. The next regular Mothers clnb meeting will be held t>n Friday, Nov. 12, at the Legion hall. 8tate Federation of Women's Club speakers will be present to talk during the business portion of the meeting and Mrs. Clarence Anglese will give a book review. * . 0 • Minnie Green New President * Mrs. Minnie Green o'f McIIenrv was elected president of the Past President's club of the American Legion Auxiliary of the> county, held last Thursday evening at Fox River Grove Mrs. Christine Krinn was elected secretary of the organization. A fashion parade of hats was a featured portion of the program. Each hot was the replica of a popular song. "The Lamplighter" was a bit of millinery topped with a lighted lamp, while " Little Street Where Old Friends Meet" was a duplicate of Fox River Grove's business street, with its stores in miniature. Others includes "Rock- A-Bye Baby," "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" and "When You Wore A Tulip." The next meeting will be held ia Me- Henry in April. • ». • Birthday Observed With Family Reunion Tommy Michelson observed his ninth birthday anniversary last Sunday, Oct. f'4, when a family reunion was held at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Susan Bishop, on Riverside Drive. A 5 o'clock supper was served to the eighteen guests and Tommy was presented with a variety of gifts. In attendance besides Mrs. Bishop were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Michelsen of Chicago, his grandparents, and Bill Conrad of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller and family of Elgin, Mrs mm w If* '• J •" ' "*«• Thursday, Ootobcr 28, IMS and daughter, j t l l l t M i l l I I I M M H I I H M U M y Lee, Mfis Mile W da, Mr. 8t Mary's-St. Patrick's school P.T.A. will aooi-^a Wednesday afternoon in the school hall for the regular •Meting. Fr. Eugene Baamhafer aijrtsr the group, aad thea mothers of the aevepth grade pupils wttt^aet Marriage Of FiMela MoCabe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. MeCabe of Couneil Bluffs, Ia., formerly of Mc Henry announce the recent marriage of their daughter, Patricia, to Charles F. Shanon. The couple was married on 8ept. 30 in 8t. Patrick's church, Me- Cook, Nebr., the Bev. J. Hynes officiating. They were attended by the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. -Shanon are making their home in Council Bluffs. , The bride is a granddaughter «f D& and Mrs. B. G. Chamberlin. v- MISS DOROTHY PEOHOUS AMD RICHARD FREUND WBD AT ST. JOHN'S • ----- One of the very beautiful fall Wed* dings to take place in this community in reeent weeks was the nuptial service last Saturday which united in marriage Miss Dorothy Pechous, daughter of Mr. 'nad Mrs. John Pechous of Fox Lake, and Mr. Richard W. Freund, son of Mrs. Nick N. Freund of Waukegan street. Fr. A. J. Neidert officiated at the 9 o'clock double ring ceremony performed at St. John's church. Given k marriage by her father, the pretty bride approached the altar attired in a white satin dress, with long train and veil. On her head she wore Photo by A. Worwick, McHenrv ICE CREAM flMil-- el Mmsail Dwi^wdmi Cwa' FLAVORS FOR OCTOBER BUTTER PECAN VANILLA CHOCOLAfE PINEAPPLE . t . MINT TOASTED HAfcELNtJT BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 MdHENRT Colony McHENRT, ILLINOIS FRI- - SAT., OCT, 29-30 Wm. Elliott - J. Carroll - O. McLeod (1) "OLD LOS ANGELES" Wm. Tracy - Beverly Lloyd (2) "HERE COMES TROUBLE" Plus - News A Cartoon SUN. MON.. OCT. 31 - NOV. 1 Lloyd Nolan Mark Steven* Richard Widmark Barbara Lawrence "THE STREET WITH NO NAME" This la one of the greatest pictures of the year, holding each individual's attention, by showing how the FJB.I. agents operate. A picture for the entire family. Plus • World News A Cartoon TUES. - WED., NOV. 2-3 Wayne Morris Claire Trevor (1) "VALLEY OF THE GIANTS" Roy Rogers Lynne Roberts (2) "EVES OF TEXAS" STARTING THURS. Dick Powell Lisabeth Scott "THE PITFALL" a band of matching material and carried a prayer book upon which were placed three baby orchids. Mrs. Irene Pechous of Ingleside, -a sister-in-law of the bride, served as matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Marguerite Winkel of McHenry, sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. Johnnie Simon, a friend. They wcro attired similarly in wtyite moire gowns trimmed with the 8atne-jpolor trim. Mrs. Pechous wore yellow ^rimmiug, Mrs. Winkel royal bine, Mh, ^obrilon, forest green, and Mrs. Simon, eerise. All carried dainty white baskets which contained white mums. Gerald Miller, a close friend of the groom, was best man, and groomsmen were Emil Simon, a friend of the groom, Leonard Antonson, his brotherin- law, and Roger Pechous, the bride's brother, of Fot Lake. The men were all attired in morning clothes. Little Beverly Pechous of Ingleside the bride's nieee, was the lovely little flower girl, wearing white moire trimtn^d in pink and pink bows in her hair. The ring "hearer was Richard Antonson, nephew of the groom. Mrs. Pechous wore a grey crepe dress with blaek accessories and a pink rose eorsage. Mrs. Freund chose a green crepe dress with matching accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. The newlyweds left the' church in an old fashioned surrey drawn by two black horses, the carriage gayly decorated for the occasion with pom poms and bells. They went immediately to the Freund home tot a toast to the couple, and at 11.30 o'clock dinner was served at the Villa Hotel Resort for forty-five guests. Late in the afternoon supper wis enjoyed at St. Mary's 8t. Patrick's school hall, after which almost 250 relatives and friends attended a reception in .the hall, an orchestra providing music for dancing. The couple left on a wedding trip through the South and upon their return will reside in the Justen home in Lake View subdivision. The bride received her education in Chicago and has been employed at the Fox Lak A. & P. store. The bridegroom is a local graduate, served with the navy air corps during the war, and now operates Freund's Service Station in West McHenry. Those from out of town attending the wedding were lir. and Mrs. Nick Ileins, Mr. arfd Mrs. Tony Heins, Mr. and Mrs. John Heins, Richard Heins and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Donnelly of Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Michels of Duluth, Minn., Mr/ and Mrs. Vivian Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall of Richmond j Miss Blanche Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie End res of Woodstock. H'Ji Lester Baeon' and his mother, Mrs. Zena Baeoa, speat a few days this week oa a flahiag trip at Hayward, Wis. William Martin of Sterliag, lit, vJattdd hip fathaf, Oareace M Uwt weekend. . ,; • Mn aad Mia. Perejr Lodta of Crystal Lake visited McHeary friends on Banday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, Mr. and Mri. Wilfred Freund, Mary Ann Freund, Ted MeNish, Leonard, McCarthy, Bud Albertson and' Phyllis Smith attended the Rodeo at the Chicago Stadium on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby, Sr., and Mrs and Mrs. Robert Frisby, Jr., have returned from a trip west, where they visited relatives. In Bioux Falls, 8. Dakota, they spent some time with the former's brother, Walter Frisby, and liis sister, Mrs. Dan Curley, and at Havana, N. Dakota, visited a nephew, John Frisby. They also visited at Boys Town, Nebr. The Misses Dorothy and Louise Walsh have returned from a trip to the Ozarka. They spent a few days enroute home at the J. Burke residence in Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Winkleman have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ferris of fruntley at the latter's summer home at Spider Lake, Birehwowd, Wis. * Mr. and Mrs. Lenoard Peterson of Milwaukee visited last week in the* M. J. Walsh home. Mrs. Fred Krohn, Jr., and children of Colorado Springs, have been visiting relatives here. Mrs. Timothy McCleary and son of Forest Park visited McHenry relatives last Thursday. . Among those who visited Miss Ellen Dohei% on her ninety-fifth birthdaV anniversary last Thursday were Mrs. Floyd Cannon of Waukegan and her daughter, Betty, of New York City, the Louis Young family of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh and Joe Walsh, Mrs. Thomas Forrest and children, Sheila -and Dennis, of Woodstock, and Leo Cooney of Chicago. Miss Patricia Briggs is visiting her family in Detroit, Mich., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter have returned from a trip to Birchwood, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Freund and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Freund of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fillweber of Belvidere were guests in the Peter W. Freund home last weekend. Sunday afternoon guests in the Magnus Nelson home were Mr. and Mrs. John Thorson of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peafson and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Prahl of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Anderson and family and Mrs. Nellie Johnson of DeKalb, Mr. and Mrs. John Granath and daughter of McCullom Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene son of Wonder Lake. Ox toby of Ringwood and Leonard Nel- The Misses Clara and Lena Stoffel, Mrs. William Spencer, Mrs. Hugh Murphy and Miss Huemann have re-| turned from a two weeks' trip to! Tennessee. j The Renard Blum family of Chicago were McHenry visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett and family witnessed the rodeo at the Chicago Stadium on Saturday evening. Mrs. Olive Geer of Crystal Lake| It refers to the fact that for each 13 you invest in U. S. Savings Bands (E Series) today, you im receive $4 ten years from now. TTiatV food interest, and your money is invested' in the soundest security in the world. Wb recommend regular purchase of Savings, Bond*. This is i sure-fire wajTof cultivatthe thrift hatnt. Try it at y our bouse. •\ • McHENRY STATE BANK ^ Member Federal Reserve System M«pk«r Fa^al Dcaoaii baaraaca G«s«f*ll|i ' I HMIrM't Ml H | MM It! I I t t l t f l t l 111 Mt-MM^M M HI 1 »i spent Sunday visiting in the George ] this week from a Kenosha Johnson home. Weekend guests in the Arthur Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith where she had been confined for sever weeks. MEETING DATES and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Lester . Mfere tinKgs\ of\ the American^ LeIgSi-oJa Smith, all of Chicago, and Rev^Nic!« i'ary .C^P J arf held ®n the Schmitt of Hennem^ Okla. Monday night of each month. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penney of Winnebago, Minn., spent a few days this week visiting relatives in McHenry. ' Mrs. 1'. P. MeCabe returned Tuesday to her home in Council Bluffs, la., after spending a week visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. Mrs. Wallace Dobyns returned home French berets back again in a variety of lovely fall colors. Select yours today. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. 24-soep Order your rubber stamps at Tha Plaindealer. pom A* "BUTTONS AND BOWS" "EVERY DAY I LOVE YOU" "UNTIL" -- r--- "COOL WATER" "ON A SLOW BOA* TO 08XMA" "CUANTO LA OUSTA" "CONFESS' -- "AT THE FLYING W "THIS IS THE MOMENT" "LIFE GET'S TEEJUS, DON'T IT" Come in and hehr our sensational long-playing Columbia records that play up to forty-five minutes. Albums of College Songs. Also largo aelection of albnau, el*"ffc*l popular numbers. Children's records and albums. Playtime records, 25c. Select your needles herel Join our record club. 814 W. Main Street, McHenry TeL McHenry 123-J Christmas is everything beautiful-=-everything beautiful is "jewelry--gleaming rhinestone ear- ; rngs and necklaces--the gold or silver glow of encliantirigly designed bracelets -- exotic jewelry at reasonable prices. It's not too early to select your Christmas gifts or-at least plan for the holiday. Use our layaway plan. Main St. Phone 123-J McHenry FOX LAKE GIRL SATURDAY BRIDE OF WILLIAM KLAUS m A wedding of local interest occurred at 10 o'clock last Saturdav morning, Oct. 23, when William Klaus, son of the Norbert Klaus' of Spring Grove, took as his bride Miss Joan Ochse of Fox Lake. The service was solemnized at St. Peter's church. The, bride's maid of honor was Mite Lucille Ochsf, her r, while Miss Maiy Ann Klaus and Miss Jane Klaus, his Hitters, acted as bridesmaids. Roaald Prosser, a cousin of the bridegroom, acted as best man, and groomsmen were Paul Bereiter and George Barrett of Fox Lake. Mr. aad Mrs. Klaus are residing in Fox Lake. Mr. Klaus has been signed up by the; Cubs baseball team and . aflpll leave next spring1 for training. • r ~ ~ Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattlea Drug Store, McHenry. The finest felt hat which will look equally as fresh at the close of the season ae they da today* Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. 24 GcwnMcd NEW lEICILES AU Pu^poSm " I I I I I I I I tr a 4f a W • PMCtftON CUT AND MMUD WM IASY lOUINO TOOKfMt • MAY Jl ERECTS) IT NON-SKHUD IftSOK IN MOUI M MAN-HOURS Hm U a hlfh-quality, low-cod building wMk deer lnr «m •f 1176 *q. ft. and over 11,000 cw. It. capacity. EisirisWy wall odoptiM to «torog« of lmpl»m»n>», howM of llv* <M, worshoutlng and grain ttorag*. Straight wain biMra 100% MOM WM. Two t sliding door* or* provtdod for the «nd of •Mmt sUk. Tubular door trade and MB lnhrltslii dopr*»ll«r» orm furnl«hod. St«o( vsnMlatar-typ* wtadswt artrlyudia. Wu glau. SImI plat**, ttrcm end gwtaata era yiylI tWowgtiou ». SpwIaOy d>ilgn«d OmI itlmtgi mm pravid«d far ewkk, ow-moii roof iiutallatian. tha Hsrwdas iMitdlao b cwwd wWi .094 corrugated IHMm tduminvm. Founwrtlsn plena, anchor Irons and oaiy-to-follow frocttan ixtfudlim ar» wppill. IVRYIHINO i* UMUOIATf OftlvS*.!";, ^ OHLt $1400 GcvmMe* f N I M l I N D I ¥: • ' S f O I i GEO. OOLLETTE, Owner AUTHORIZED DEALER MAIN STREVT PHONE McHENRT «|» WEST McHENRT, ILL. r

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