"SO I HEAR It wwii thai ©see each ye« than '«o«H • time when An Md friBm* moods ntek a new ki|k. They have ealled in Halloweea as tor as our memory carries. While th«rt is atwa#* ^ e«tai»» amount of devilment going on at Hal loween time, MeHenry has had little or no property damage in the past few years. Perhaps entertainment has kept the boys and girls busy enough to stay out of too nMh mischief. We learn this ysar that some organisations are staging little parties for "their groups. But, the big attraction la being sponsored by Bob Hindi magi, owner and operator of the "Just For Fun Boiler Bink." JUNMW SPORTS by Ed Murphy We tried to get elose to a play by play account of last Sunday's gue at fit Mary's of Woodstock. Ia that endeavor we were ably assisted by Her- Stan Dowe and Shorty Long who ealled th« names of the boys from a list of the jersey numbers. .Thanks to" bath men. off with Hauek j T's charge. ry 35 where BfcfMlk kiftki*t too and all, stopped himT^ehauf %aad to be turned in on ai' ipi iu. Qibba took it for a first down to tke MeHenry 21, where Long made the tackle. 8tichauf, Hollay nnd Long held them for two. Bud Green stopped a pass play after live yards. He did it again after Stolskey had tramped to %the MeHenry 6. And he did it again hard enough to allow Green to reeoTer a fumble on the three. ' The boys moved out with D. Green going to the 39 on a Ine run. He went again to the 43 with Jeerry Long blocking welt A pass Called because the Woodstock line began to beat MeHen- Long ran to the Wood' MeHeary 26, Wood ' Boiler skating has proved a popular sport ia MeHenry. If you haven't been , over to wateh the young folks, you should mark it on your list of tilings to do. M p.Henry can boast a large rink that'is operated in proper fashion. As the name of the rink implies, you are supposed to have fun when you go skating. Baek to Halloweea. Bob will sponsor a party Thursday evening between the hours of 7 and 10 p. m. for the young people under 14 years of age. MeHenry kicked __ _ .. holding, Stilling booting and Bud atock 41 where the game ended. Green aeting as captain! * Henschel j Final made the tackle and the game really stock 7. started clicking. On succeeding plays Blake, Stilling and Mercure combined . , _ to stop St. Marv'a team cold and Me- WAlUtlOBiO PUT Henry took over. . gTRONO flCfHT B From the singl* wing Long pM|TAS1 .m viftKITOO one on a half spinner. Using the same LOBE AT MWMinwv formation, Stilling went to the 43. Bol- 1 , „ ger was stopped, but on a beautfiul | Last Friday night a determined Mc triple reverse Bud Green, runningi Henry football team travelled to along, travelled to the Woodstock 21.'Marengo only to lose by the score or From there Bed Stilling stiff armed his 20-6. MeHenry outplayed *RI*n£° way over left end for a score. He; 75'% of the game, but eooldnt take bucked over for tht etftra point, too. advantage of Marengo s mistakes and Score-, 7-0. I also lost on aome of their own. 8t. Mary's brought the kick-off to! MeHenry completely the 31 where Gies stopped them. Blake ! rtngo in the final OBly Kor^ knocked down a pass" and on the next i once. With two minutes to * MeCnUa - - Wood- Hipped a 40 yard pass to Whanrad who I scampered over the goal line from the 10. On the conversion there was a nam strwofcT or LIH00UI FOOD TRAIH The first step was taken last Thtmday evening in getting MeHenry county's share of earn on the Abraham Lineoln Food 'Train which leaves the first part of Dosomber. It took the form of a preliminary meeting of eounty repreaAtytivei at the Methodist church in Woodstock. Since last ysar MeHenry county did not co-operate in the effort which resulted ia the Abraham Lincoln Friendship Train, it was necessary first to acquaint those present with overseas need of food and with the nature of the campaign. There followed a discussion about how best to organise the county so that til citiaens may have a convenient inethod of contributing either agricultural produce or cash. IOWUN6 NOTES MenontT EBOBBATIOH Rosemary 8tilling, 182-432; Peggy Kraus, 187-452; Nadine Larkin, 191- 441; Ardell Ross, 460. If a jura B. Piesert, 698; E. Peiasrt, Mil ler, 223-562; Morheiser, 528; Bacon, 230-591; Sutton, 253-572; W. Hagberg, .542; H. Steffes, 235 577; W. Schlitt, Likewise time 52#. b. Krauae, 213-55#) 1. Larkin, Was devoted to preparations for the 1553. Krauae, 533. " ' eounty meeting, Thursday, Nov. 4, ' ' * when the county chairman and' jT j|||M Ireasnrer will be chosen. This meet-j u v',.- 440.V it.-j >1 wLS1 a.*!*11' hOU,C ln | bian, 173-473; M. Wilbrandt, *432; M. play Ray Henschel recovered stock fnmble. Bolger made 5 for MeHenry.' The MeHenry boys fumbled aad Woodstock recovered on thV 21 where Schmidt and Ralph Henschel held them for two plsys at the quarter. Score St. 'Mary's of Woodstock, 0--MeHenry 7. In the seeond quarter an off side fake kick by MeCulla and a pass to Whanrad that sailed over his head and the Hcore stood 13*6 Ib ftvot of Ml* rengo. ^ MeHenry tried an off sIm «« which did "not work and rolled straight down the field where Marengo downed it on their own 40. With 45 seconds gave Woodslock room, and they passed . KranM took" the ball on a left to a first down. Conway and Dowo ^ er#Bged the fieid and went all stopped the plsy. At that point Freund hit a Rt. Mary runner hard enough to allow Ray Henschel to drop on a loose ball. Conway went for a first down With Dan Greet blocking for him. Bed the way. The conversion was good and the game ended with Marengo ahead 20-6< Friday the MeHenry Warriors will travel to Lake Geneva hopeful of a conference win. If the team plays this On Sunday night the older ages will have their fun. Regular admission ^ prices will psevail. The big attraction Stilling went for another first down j »V"thev * did lsst, there is no will be a fine list of prizes for the!to the Woodstock 8. Dan Green wenti 0ue8ti01, about winning. best original eostumos. Ione .var^* Stilling bulled to the 2,«^ • * ; and Green rammed over with Stilling I * Both parties will be "Oowtuhie | and Conway blocking nicely. The j THIRD SOUND WAO* Parties." So get your ideas working point was missed, and rig up a costume that will make' MeHenry. Score: 13-0 for Woodstock at 8 p. m. Sinee CBOP (Christian Sural Overseas Program), which sponsors this project, has eliminated all sectarian objections that might be anticipated, it is the sincereliope of citizens that wide co-operation will be found in every community and rural area of the county. The Tieh productive eounty of MeHenry should be counted upon to share voluntarily with the starving peoples of the world. * . Freund, 167-425; T. Miller, 441; B. Just en, 427; A. G rosso, 176-426; J. Weber, 419; F. Larson, 170-423. NoNfe, 'Ittj-'On- 525; J* Herdrieh, 505; C. J. Stilling, 517; Joe Regner, 180-188-189 557 (consistent, bnt should have had T awre pins in first gnme). Pmk-Battoa Accountant Electronic machines now being perfected after years of research by British scientists are able to wipe out long hows of tedious sort* ing, adding, compotinc and analysing by thousands of office clerks. In a matter of seconds, these robots1 can compile an up-to-the-minute balance sheet for the corporation executive, punch out a railway ticket for the hurried traveler or sort thousands of letters in a flash for the harassed mnO clerk. Technicians at work in one London laboratory have developed an "electronic accountant" that will have considerable efltect on the business world. Push a button and its electronic impulses race into sction, sift thousands of accounts flowing in from hundreds of branch offices, tote up the debit and credit columns, Juggle masses of figures without a hitch and finally deliver • flawless balance sheet. IteoiKiiijl Men- Widen, 217-571$; toby, 520. G. Jackson, 20?'52S; B. 200; J. Jackson. 205-531; 542; W. Smith, 527. Weingart, B. Miller, the judges sit up and take notice. When Hallpween comes, Don't raee and run. Just set your sails To "Just For Fun." Dress up in your costume And glide like a fairy. Hob-nob with Bob And tarry witli Mary. j Ray Henschel tackled the Woodslock 11 tinner on the kick-off at the 50. On jthe first play Gibbs ran 20 yards fot- Woodstock. Dan Green and Freuna | stopped St. Mary's for a yard. Stichauf held them to another yatd on a I clean, hard tackle. Becker batted a INCREASES GRANTED TELEPHONE EMPLOYEES With 31,000 of its 37,500 union em ployees demanding and receiving third round wage increases, G. L. Wilburn, manager here for the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, estimated that approxl- A routine atop at the Palace Monday night to check up on bowling scores-- and were our eyes opened! The girls were bowling and many dressed in special costumes. The first spoctable .to meet oyr eyes was Alice Gaulke dressed as "Maisie." False teeth led us to think we were looking at one of Mortimer Snerd's family. Maisie was a scream. P*" but Jtelakey squirmed to £ , $7,W,000 has been added to the MeHenry 18 on fourth down., company'# annual wage and related Hauck brought him down with a good! b>u are Rnother i3,000 low tackle. Dan Green stopped he j , the company's commercial, first play on the next series. .Ralph 1 v. • Henschel and Wilier combined nicely to hold St. Mary's for no gain. Behind nice blocking a "sleeper" put the ball over for Woodstock and they converted. Score at the half: 14-7--MeHenry. Woodstock kicked to Stilling who ran behind Schmidt to the enemy | given; depending on length of. service. A fumble and a clipping penalty shoved 'of £b and locaUty. Union de MeHenry far back but Long passed to ^ndg had ed to pcr week, Bolgev f„r a return to the 50. D. Green I and federal and „tate co„ciiiator8 « « for Gies who raced to the 41, Uted in the 8ottlement. well-padded after receiving a pass. Fake punt, «Rettlement8 . made to match CtocUii m VWwi Parents can get some idea of how well their chQd seea by watching them in their everyday activities. Hare are some points to check, suggested by Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Do you find jrour child wing any one or mm* of the following: Attempting to brash away a Nur. Blinking continuonrty whan at a task calling for dose eye work. Crying frequently. Having freqvant fits of temper, t a book close to his eyes g. Holding his body rhen looking at distant objects. Selecting small playthings and keeping his face close to them. Stubbing his eyee frequently. Shutting one eye or covering it when looking at nearby objects. Thrusting his head forward in an effort .to see distant objects. Failing to catch a ball thrown to him. Tend- *ALACB • Majors Schlitt, 224-536; Steffes, 202 529; C. Thorsell, 511; J. Thorsell, 501; Wheelock, 535; Budler, 224-553; Crouch, 221- 537; Justen, 528; Hup Smith, 207-583; Tonyan, 200-540; Peisert, 504; Bacon, 511. Friday Wight, October » MCHS Warriors at Lake .. . far Ag^| Mlddfe-age and oii ffcit of mBk *Hy .M| strength their ben« agc. rseant itadks at pertinent station Am their 5Cs, 60's and 701s ars only a cup of milk a day whan they need at least a pint to fUndsh laaiigls calcium, protein and phosphorous for the proper upkeep of their bodies. The studies alao show that oMar women do not loae their ability to store calcium and other minerals if their diets provide theae minerals. ^ Remember tike Kiwanis fooffcall -ban quet at the Vilis Hotel Resort on Nov. 8.' •' 24-sp. ".....•'-"••••v.-'/. * 24-ae ' '.fife Subseribe for The Pisindsalar . Toni Permanent Wave Kits, |1J| laad $2.00. Wattles Drag Stove. g«Wh»| ing to look crossbred at nearby objects. Children who show some of Tavern-- Steinsdoerfer, 212; P. Freund, 201; V. Johnson, 508; Booster, 605; 2eeldorf, 213; Behnke, 531. ^ 0. O. F.-- B. Kreutser, 212-565; H. Steffan, 512; L. Stilling, 575; B. Thennes, 206-540. Old Timers-- Rogers, 202-514; Downs, 561; Criaty, 530. Tiadlet * L Stoller, 172-425: R. Marskall, 200 516; M. Pagni, 436; E. Izard, 455; G. Barbian, 176-451; M. Powers, 423; M. Donnelly, 208-485. accounting and general offices. Settlement with 11,000 long distance and local operators represented by Communications Workers of America Division 14 (Independent) was effected Oct. 15 at the deadline of midnight. Increases of $1, 62 and $3 per week were City-- Regner, 902-506 ; 8teffea, 5S5; Dthese signs should be examined at j Rehaefer, r>07; lUcon, 507; Jones, 522; once by a competent oculist. Hagberg, Jr., 502; H. Freund, 214-552; j ™ Hester, 504; Hagberg, Sr., 502; Behnke, '525. * Lemon juloe can be used to remove rust from linoleum. J Gus Freund, 526; L. Winkel, 181-180- 1182-543 (consistent); C. Weingart, 221 "Hand'-y Hardwares k 8- Protect your home investment by keeping it in good repair. AVe carry , all the necessary tool! and materials for both large and small repair projects in your home. The tools you select here will give years of fine service and make tasks easier -- because they're top quality. You'll get extra value for every dollar spent when you invest in our hard war#. See round-up of tools today! NICKELS HARDWARE4 -'n| M Mildred TOnsala t __ „ „ »js»>ttiement8 .were maae 10 m»ic« J! fo™a^tl^n "prang stilling to the 2. and|t, ird round increa8e8 given by other . fashioned white dress, plume in hat and industry and to pay going wages in the a black veil. Her furs .were gorgeous. Marion Donnelly, in whitfe uniform. lirpt down. Long made five yards. Green twisted i jowng where we operate," the manger to the 3 off of the triple reverse. Boll ! sai(1 „We Pal,.t got atui keep good .'ger and C. Green cleared thf way for ,0 unl<>M we aro even with the looked Ukr- she was ready %o perform a | Stilling to go the distance. MeHenry , ^.a_e markot and these settlements, of majov oj>eration. converted. Score: 20 7. MeHenry. | courtet niake present employees' jobs v u ^ 0 ^ _ I ^ The kick was returned to the '0.1 more attractive. Moreover, in many Yon should have seen Gert Barbian1 Col^nc anu Dowe stopped them with COIlliminili,.8, including MeHenry, we wrapped in a potato sack.--And that! a yard. Stolskey was dropped by np(ld lHort workers, particularly opera hat! , ; Rayeraft and Becker after a first down. tors » „ I Kinsala rushed a pass and Becker in-J "The unfortunate resulf, however, is Pearl Miller didr, t have too mjieh ; tereepted but. an offside against Mc- t« impair critically the eompany's earnroom for the bowling bend in that^lue I Henry nullified the play. Collins and • - * velvet number. " j Freund stopped the next play. Bolger - ~ l a n d Gies broke up We recognized Helen Conway behind j for 3 yards. that mustache, but Mary Powers had us fooled with those long handle bars. "Johnnie" Simon would do' well on the stage appearing as a snappy, little colored number. That may have been Bill Wolfe hat that his wife was wearing, but where did she find the suspenderaf--And that red nose! RoVena Marshall was a dream in that south of the border get-up with beautious shawl. But, she'll have to get baek in the old garb for a 500 aeries. That cute little girl witlf big ribbon in her hair was Mrs. "Torch" Krause. We had to look twice. injds posilion. Our total 1948 earnings for stockholders had been estimated bepass to the flat for<? ftnv wage agreements were signed Then Henscfcel dropped about $10,000,000 on gross plant in on a fumble again. MeHenry s ball. vestment of over $500,000,000 which is One paas failed. Conway lost three • j0M than two cents on the dollar. Wage <^arter' ^5* ^ 'orI awards already made, with another 13,- Stilling who raced to the 13. Benett • employees to go, amonnt to a a much was Stolskey threw Conway! ag thre€.>0urths of 1948 previously over [ expected profit." stopped. for a losS,«» but Stilling rushed from there. ^Stolskey stopped the conversion. Score: Woodstock, 7-McHenrv, 26. ' Stolskey took the kick to the McHen-1 The Plaindealer. Need Rubber 8tanpsT Order Mrs. Harold Steffan'a Overalls and jacket garb looked like she just blew in from the wheat fields. A com cob pipe topped off the costume just right. The Boaing-Sawicki pair were snappy in navy uniforms. We liked the tilt of that Chef hat on Helen Immekus. They tried to tell us Marie Yegge got her outfit from the "Kingfish." Where was the capt Just caught a glimpse of Ethel Conway, Minnie Green and Charleno Williams as we hit the stairs on the way out. Ethel was a little dream-boy. Think we'll have to call on our fashion editor dtscribe the other two gowns. Suppose we missed somebody, but, aftec^all, the whole show waa a surprise tana. - • • r ffr San Sintti Island San Juan and the- adjacent islands make up one of the state of Washington's thriving counties. This water-laced county, which lies between Washington and Vancouver island in Northwest waters, is one , of the few such units of the United States. San Juan island is the second largest of this island group. The county seat is st Friday Harbor. With its scenery and vacation i r Sports, its salmon fisheries, dairies and sheep herds, it is the most populous as well as the most important in trade and industry. Frequent ferries serve the islands, using some of the craft that plied San Francisco waters before its big bridges were built. Tstoaae Tribe The Tdtonaca, now an obscure tribe In Mexico'a wilds, were once a mighty nation, allies of Cortes. Matrons hats in black or attractive shades. Large head sizes. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, MeHenry. 24 Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me- HsniiS-- Have You Winterized - Your Cat? Drive in and let u* check your battery, apitk ho*? and tires. Ask us about the "Firestone SNOW and MUD TIRES raESTONE ffessenger Oar Tires «.0Qsl6. $11.95 pins tax 6.50x16, glS.95 Plus tax TRUCK TIRES Breryoae operating one or more tracks will i money prices. save buying considerable at oar sale FIRESTONE BATTERIES To fit every ear, track and tractor. We allow $3 to W for yew eld battery. SEAT COVERS To fit all cars. Good materials and priced reasonable. $9.95 and ap. ACCESSORIES Pumps, Jacks, Etc. Look over oar atock. Complete line of Belts for Refrigerators and Watei Systems. VULCANIZING Tires and Tubes Bicycle Repairing Come in and inspect the new HRESTONE BICYCLES AND REFRIGERATORS r.-' \ ^ v.y r. .. V* WALTER J. FREUND Tites -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Accessoriss lire aad Tabs Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing / ' ' All Work Guaranteed piwe M West MeHenry OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Main St Phone 2 HARES SAVES SSf 3 N O W ! 9m S A V E DEL MONTE WEEK I N OUR GREATEST &ctees SfOTSBB QHAurr imama •EL VilTi BEilXI Hlllt W BEL MMIE WUmin PElIt TOP TACT! BKEAD «ir 0CKAN STRAY NATOO 0WFIE 2U&N> CHKCSI*Sf«EA0 2-W* flKAFPiE Jliec tflr FANCYTWmMW&lP TOMATO aiSUPlAKIi1 •EL MR Mimou FMIT COCKTAIL M.IMCU TMUflMTMf a kl asm iMun wee IEL SMTi IMEHIMT Kl IMTE KXKniT BLEHU COFFEE 03 4i£2S> *Aasr TANSY ORIGINAL Ft>VOR BROOK'S CATSUP SCHOOL TIME _ _ ^ SA1ERN0 COOKIES SERVE HOT OR COLD SWIFTS OCCIDENT COOKIE MIX ARMOUR'S CHIFFON SUP FLAKES.. NEWER> CHfS... 89* STALEY STA-aO UQUIO STARCH. .^21* FACIAL OR »ATH . BUV-MSMP.«3mI27 iomath* 16-OZ MCS. YOUR GREATEST OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE! -#»•« •* i f-tr - *fmm