Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1948, p. 6

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. -J*Afct "iW. • ,-Afev '-n-v- •a *C ' * V-.^i J... v ' V % . 4^ -*„ *V'l, "'jfj * >^»!,~T ^>1 "fcjifc •1 ** - j:mtf&« <>>•% ^ it .;•. v "T: ;; •••::; V *rl%S Hr: rV>: Homes _ ^ •£!s&risM itm SALS FOR SALR--Pedal lewin men's ice skates, site 9. Te 69S-W 1. i machine; McHenry •24 FOB BAT.B--Ycarroqnd modern 4room house with full bath, glassed porch, floor furnace, insulation, hot water; one block from lake. Call Wonder Lake 373. > 24 FOE RALB--Oil heater F. Hoffman, Skidmore Farm No. •. Tel. MeHenrv «6 W l. '24 FOE SALE--Fire wood, ent to lit your fireplace. Tel. McHeary 616-B-2. 24 FOE *ATB--Maytag washing machine; about twenty "storm windows and screens to mateh. Tel. McHenry 012-J-2. 24 FOE RENT OE SALE--Forr room cottage oil heat, electricity, wafcer, at Mc- Cullom Lake. TeL McHenry 638-M-2 after 7 p. m. *24 fOE BALE--By owner 5-room house, hath, automatic oil heat, full base- j PQR SALE -- 6 rooms and bath; ment, all furnished; laufldry with tubs? glazed porch; utility room; oil furstore room; attic room finished. Lot nace; Wickline Bay. Wonder Lake. 150x150, with beautiful shrubbery. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, Johns*- Must be seen to be appreciated. Tel. ! burg. Tel. McHenry. 37. 23-tf McHenry 643 R 2. Terms can be «r range d. 8RKET METAL AND FURNACE WORK -- Gtattax* aftd'furnaces repaired. JohaJHcDoaald, iowman St, McHenry, IIL PhoM KeHinry 772-M. W-tf aaritoint ^ BUILDING MATERIALS Wo* Write or can JlcHenry 1 H-Ot FRANK GANS SM Rinrwii Drivo, McHenry Rsptntithr far i ~~ ROEBUCK ft COk & 11-4 PAINTING V Interior and exterior. Plastic tile; rubber flooring. First class work. Insured. IV* free estimate, phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Lngstrom. W* 24 i FOR SALE--Oil burner, 7 £o 8 room -- ! siie; with blower; one year old; A. C. FOR lA1-18--Electrolux cleaner, $50. demons, Box 33, Ringwood, HI. *28-2 Louise Schwerman, 109 Elm St., Mv YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with the best of service. Also rutmsh hauled in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. Tel. 768-R. 7-tf Henry. Phone 177. 24 ACREAGE BUY NOW BUILD LATER FOE BALE- Furnace pipes in good con , The Keller T.r.u.stA i s nowj , selling dition; reasonable. Write Box l7, in acreage onjtte^wrttop^roaa, eare of Plain dealer. \ 24 CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone. Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. i 50-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SY8TEMS--We sell, repair and install pumas. Bill Bacon, 106 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone »&J. 10-tf THINK OF IT y2 |o 2 acres fronting on black "iJwarjrig to build on and raise your own food. BEAT THE HIGH FOOD COSTS Why lire on a city lot when you can buy a 2-acre farm for $1,606. ITS A GOOD INVESTMENT, See us today and take your pick. THE KENT CO.. Inc. Selling Agent* For over 25 years. Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 663-M-2 50-tf McHenry ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Let us estimate I ®ichmon<® 8 FOE 8ALE--Burnham electric steam radiator with thermostat: practically aew; reasonable. H. Maxwell. Mi' 1 Oullom Lake. Phone McHenry 533 R-2. I »24 FOE BALB--Large Coldspot refrigera-: tor; good condition, $40. Porcelain] (garbage, like new, $25: oil heater for. C rooms, #20. E. W. Harth. Tel. Mc-| Henry 577-J-l. *24 FOB SALE -- Plymouth 1936 sedan,! good condition; $500 cash. Phone Rich-1 _ n-rn - n mond 654; after 5:30 p. m. Richmond FOR SALE -- ALL YEAR HOMES, J, »VDSCAPING TREE SURGERY «46. 24 $5,000 and up. FARMS, large and ANe REMOVAU-INSURED -- -- 7 small; CHOICE LOTS; LIST- FREE ESTIMATES FOE SALE--See our champion stock IN^gt APPRECIATED; STOMPO- , w RAYCRAFT P O Box 163 hox^r pups, eleven weeks old: ^"NATO'S REAL ESTATE, Woodstock, pho' 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. eolor. Tel. Nielsen, McHenry 414 R. j|j can CECELIA E. KNOX, Mc- 45.# •r Nielsen, Round l^ke 2231. 24 HENRY, Tel. 421-J. •21-81 ------ FOErSALE--Wgal. hot water tank; FOR SALE--Packing and slaughter fas burning water heater jand^ tank house near McHenry; all equipments j ~ " refrigerator -+ EUiranrAirqB MB«,. - .. AT OVOE ttSADT WOEX GOOD- FAT THE EDWAL XtAEOEATOEIBB OTO rr.T. $ IPSE" hi"**; Sirt ivei WAXfTED--Kitchen help, full or time. _ Jfagy's Restaurant, 138 iverside drive, MeHenry. > Tel. Me- Henry 422. 24 HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRUS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR. TUWTY m TH08B 1W11H1. B IK THIS TYPE WORK. AP PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO, Mt RIVHISIDC^DRIVE, McHWRY. PHONE M. 10-tf HELP WANTED--MEN -- Cleaning and maintaining buffing equipment 3rd shift. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Steady work, ELECTRIC A.UTO-UTE CO., Woodstock, Illinois. N. 20-tf HELP WANTED--Short order cook and waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, Green St.. McHenry \ 13-tf HELP WANTED -- Several men for shift work in Production Department of company manufacturing fine chemicals. Interesting and steady work, good pay, opportunity for advancement. Sick leave, Blue Cross and Oroup Insurance: done about Floor furnaces. your next job. _ ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP n. • a 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenrJ^S *43 gg ^ Phone McHenry 760. plans, 6 raid holidays, paid vacations.! No experience necessary. Call at or phone THE EDWAL LABORATORIES,! Inc. ftingwood, Illinois. Telephone 24 of Flin Flon, ID whose vicinity two uranium strikes have been reported recently, was an important mining canter longv before atomic energy demands brought uranium new and dramatic value. ' The tall, smoke-pouring chimneys of Flin Hon rise in the- heart of tiie doftunkm, in th* rocky, lakespattered region that geologists Mil the Canadian Shield, notes National Geographic Society. How the town got its name is uncertain, but specialists in tall tales have evolved some, colorful legends to explain it. One of the bMt tells how early prospectors te the neighborhood found a lurid dime novel whose hero w«| named Joseph Flintabbaty Flonatfo. After a series of fabulous travels, this Flintabbaty Fiona tin had come to s hidden land ruled by Amazons, where gold was so plentiful that tin was used for money. The end of the novel unfortunately was torn off, preventing further knowledge of the secret land. Then one of the prospectors came on a great hole in the earth full of gold-bearing ore. 'Tve found Flin Fkm's mine/' he exclaimed. And so the town that sprung up was named. The present Flin Flon ore body came to light in 1915. Because of World War I, little at first was it. Gradually, as in- EXPERIENCED vestments rolled Up to more than 30 million dollars, this mine grew into one of the biggest zinc and copper producers of the continent. Flin Flon now has a population of 8,000 to 9,000. The town, a typical mining settlement of rambling frame buildings, is built steeply on a hill. To help climbers up one tilted street, a hundred ^steps have been provided. stand: 1-burner gas plate: 20 ft. gas refri£erator and freezer. -- pipe: davenport and chair: 4 oak dining c]udln^ all buildings. Price >37.500.1 av~u room chairs; studio couch: Power por information call (Frank Nell) King jig saw, % hp. motor; table model JACOB FRITZ, REAL ESTATE. radio. Call evenings, Mrs. Lester Bacon.^ johnsburg Tel McHenry 37. 18-tf BB3 John street. Phone MeHenrv 175! -- ' •24' ANOTHER GOOD BUY C. J. H. DIKHL Woodstock Piano Toner Phone 208-W. 526 Washington St. Woodstock, IIL . FOR SALE -- Five-room permanent FOB SALE--1936 International track; home in good location, close to river, eaaopy body; rebuilt motor; A-l con | electricity gas, oil heat, bath and run- 4ition; beat offer. Tel. MeHenry 169 or i ning water. Possession in thirty f«». Ask for Armonda. 24 days. Price $7,500. Reasonable THE KENT CO., McHenry, - National cash register, j n™ 0ne 8. For over 25 vears. 2* like new; gioeerr adder type; will take; year maehine in trade. C. F. Epley. i FOR SALE--Used ears and trucks. Fheae Cryatal Lake 1303-J-l. *24 Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf •ewly -- 1933 Chevrolet sedan, j rebuilt motor, good tires and M180SLLAHB0U8 body, sealed beams; heater. Max Tire|EXPERT PIANO TXTVXNO AND EEft Battery Service, Lily Lake. *241 PAEBIirO -- Work fully guaranteed. BITIE Portable sewing machine, i McHenry «»l-M-2. yaetically _AEWR »80. Lonis Hawley.j F1AVOB *24-2 ood. TeL Richmond 792. *24 j 40 miies from high prices. Before you iJlM - WiaehMt.r tgun, 12-guage, with aydarsight; I Uprights. DAVID E. h r*T*£™ on new "d n,ed •PiBet8' .v b- l. li ?• iiraaas machine'"^dTSS »TARK PIANO CO., 20 North Union Eng»trom. ^^eL 1 PhaPC E1«in 780' ^ FOE BALE--GE 1940 Btratoliner stove,! •100. TeL MeHenry 699- W-l between' 10 and 5 o'clock Mondays through Fri | days. 24 > FLOOR COVERINGS Asphalt and Rubber Tile Linoleum -- Carpeting Sink and Table-Top Work Drop a card for estimate . or Phone 699-M, Woodstock, IIL RAY IRION FLOORING 22-tf FOR SALE--^Purebred Poland China; nnng boars, 200 lb«. Robert "E., Knox. Phone McHenry 691-R-l. *23-2; FOR SALE -- Eight-room house;i C • • •• ___ furnace heat; lot 66x179; near High CABINETS BUILT TO ORDER -- FOR RENT School and business district. Quick'Also carpenter work and painting! sale, $8,060. 1 wanted. Call McHcnry 674-J-L. *22-4! FOR BENT GENERAL CONTRACTOR for cement, plastering, and brickwork. Nick Hasler. Route 3, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone Brunswick 9022. 14-13 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Wheeling No. CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on sll construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1846. 48-tf ALTERATIONS--Call Vincent Schiavone for alterations and repairing on men's and women's clothing; also cleaning and pressing. For service call McHenry 615-R-2. 18-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let, us dispose of year garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round rout* John E. HUL P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 866. tf TRUCKING--Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl StJ McHenry. Tel. McHenry 00-R. 15-tf Six rooms and bath; year-round1 home; gas floor space heater; Fair' Oaks sub. Call (Hank Nell) JACOB FRITZ, REAL ESTATE, Johnsburg. j Tel. McHenry 37. 23-tf! FOR 8ALB--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors i voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford Seaco COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write for estimate FRED RUNG MB W. Crystal Lake Ave.. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 480 ord and all other cars. * S*rvice, LUymoor, Fred J. 6-tf _ | STENOGRAPHY-- Stenography and Svoboda, Prop! 'tel.' McHenry 183! biUin^, letters, etc.; 24 47-tf 1 by hour or day. Tel. Heated cabins, single or double; weekly rates. ..Ben Connor's Tavern. Phone McHenry 611-M-2. *24 JEST JESTIIM Slow-Footed Greyhound TWO men Invested in a greyhound, with the hope of sharing its winnings. The animal was entered in several races but finished last every Km*. Ttio disappointed partners decided that the dog wasn't worth the expense of his food and made up their minds to get rid of him. Taking him for a walk one day, they came to a river hank. "Hera's our chance," one fellow sold. "Let'a throw him in the river." "No, we can't do that," his companion replied after a look into the dog's appealing eyes. Then he brightened: "I know," he said, "let's run away from himl" CHANGE OF MDFT FOR RENT--Two professional office rooms and share reception room in Pries building, corner Green and Elm Sts., McHenry. 19-tf FARM FOR RENT--170 acres, located 3 miles east of Volo, on Route 120, known as the old Stanford farm or Maple Lawn; modern buildings. Charles Brainard, Round Lake. Phone cHenry 797-R.4410. *23-2 Salvaging tf Sugar Plants In Hurrieana Ntfs Award Salvage of one of the most valuable collections of sugar plant breeding material in the world from damage by' two hurricanes last fall won a superior award unit citation for employees of the United States sugar plant field station at Canal Point, Fla. Potential value of the sugarcane breeding material which has been collected in the tropical belt and other areas during the past 30 years is reckoned in millions. It is the U. S. department of agriculture nursery from which parent stock for most of the improved. hybrid commercial varieties of'jjugorcane has come in recent ye«|. Much of it could not be replaced.1 The cane plants in a SO-acre field near Lake Okeechobee were flattened by the first hurricane and then flooded when another storm breached the dike holding the lake waters. The second hurricane also uprooted about 100 trees which fell on the prostrate cane. Although it involved many hazards and required the most careful planning, underwater salvage by teams of men working from boats offered the only practical method of retrieving the cane plants from the chaotic tangle in the deep water. So efficiently was this difficult task carried out by Maj. Bascom A. Belcher and his eight associates that more than 95 per cent of this stock of valuable cane varieties was saved. 19M*O are IS states In this country where you can't marry youi' mother-in-law. There are nine states where you can't even marry your-yrife's grandmother. These §re only two of the "many odd laws which states have on their books governing marriage and di- The states recognise a total of SS different grounds for divorce. The range is wide. Nobody can get divorced for any reason in South Carolina. New York recognizee only adultery as a reaaoo for diwaa Keatosslyiaccspls MM number of pounds--17. A roundup of state laws by Richard V. Maehu lawyer, in a little booklet fiM "Law of Marriage and Divorce Simplified," gives this information and says the most common ground for divorce is adultery. Forty-seven states accept it. Next come deeertkm, in 48 states; extreme cruelty. In 4S; conviction, for a felony, in 41, and habitual drunkenness in 38. Kentucky has all of thesC and more. Other grounds in the Blue Gra^s state include wife's pregnancy at time of marriage (provided husband had nothing to do with it); an attempt by one mate to murder the other, and "wife's unchastity." The last ground is generally uUgerstood to mean a commercial type of immorality before marriage. Marriage to an immediately close blood relative is prohibited in all states, but many go further in their restrictions,. Besides the ban on wedlock with a mother-in-lsiw or grandmotherin- law, marriage with a stepmother is specifically prohibted in 21 states; with a stepdaughter, in 20; with "grandfather's wife," in nine with "grandson's wife," in 11; with "wife's granddaughter," in 16 and With a daughter-in-law, hi 18. Unlfss MMIIMI IHtaM It Is questionable bow long the mourning dove (classed as s game bird, but rightly entitled to bo classed as a songbird), can withstand the mounting hunting pressure to which It la being subjected. The vast incroafo of hunters and accuracy of modern firearms, the ease with which these birds can be shot from telephone wires, and &0ir natural mortality and habit of brooding only two eggs at a setting, all combine to speO the doom of the \ doves, despite their great value to agriculture as weed-seed eatara. In irtjwol thMOcU-cumstance* the Dmitniiii «af f>neis ^ • • , i nois have placed the doves^under tective legislation is nullified and defeated by states that have an annual open season, beciuse the migrating flocks, on which the Northst detip ends for Increase, are decimated to the point where not enough breeders return to keep up tiie numbers. In Minnesota, which has had 15-day open seasons up to 1946, the estimated kill fell from 41,118 in 1939 to 17.ST7 in 1840, a1- ttough ft* hunters Increased QOMtr nTOOO. Even itf the far South me peril of the doves now is recognized end hunting is being curtailed by game directors. Oregon's State" FiartUi Oregon's territorial centennial vbttors during 1948 have a choice of visiting more than 160 state park areas, making up what is credited with being one of the most extensive state park systems in the nation. Located in every section of the state, they offer choice seascapes, high wir terfalls, deep forests and scenery of unsurpassed appeal. These areas are operated without entrance fees. Complete remedies at Henry. line of Lee's ... fettlee Drug Store, BMlltW Read the Whnt Ads ReaC the Want Ada Qii/uUmai Gasuli . Seloct yours early from our flnoot assortment since pre-war days. Beautiful scenic cards. Cheery holiday greetings * Special family cards as well as attractive ones for individual members. Make your choice now from our reasonably priced selection. McHenry Plairufeafer McHenry, III FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE --r WANTED TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING^. SULAT10N. Guaranteed not to settle. SERVICE -- Records installed and j WANTED--Board and room for boy Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Cer- • who atteada school in Johnsburg. write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl! tified Tax Consultant. One mile north j Address Box "G." care McHenry Plain- St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox, deaier. »24 --- ------ 'Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5601.1 POR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- 8-tfi WANTED--Consignment and resale ING MACHINES. Service on all 1 -- -- a 77 i Second-hand stored Gen A Is's, third • nukes. Also ribbons for all makes; HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch j house from state bridge, going south • Getting Prepared eubon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., basins, sentic tanks, cisterns cleaned lon Eaat River Road 0pen Wednes-f Dad and his small daugl Woodstock. Phone 649. 7-tf bv Eddies Sanitary Service. Eddie daV- Thursday and Friday from 9 to After dinner, the young marrieds had engaged in their first argument, and for the rest of the evening neither had spoken. Unable to bear the silence any longer, the husband finally decided to give in. "Please speak to me, dear," he said. "I'll admit that I was wrong and you were right." His wife sniffed. "It won't do you any good," she retorted. "I've changed my mind." Cotton Farmers' Production Cotton farmers produced 11,851,- 000 .bales of 500 pounds gross weight in 1947, 3,200,000 bales more than in 1946 but 539,000 bales less than the 1936-45 average. In ginning the 1947 crop, 4,679,000 tons of cottonseed are estimated to have been separated from the lint. This is about a third more than from the 1946 crop but less thsn the 10-year average. About 87 per cent of the cottonseed probably will be delivered to oil mills for crushing. The combined values of the cotton and cottonseed was $2,291,202,000, second only to the 1919 crop. Cotton sold before May 1 brought an average price of 31.9 a pound, threefourths, of a cent below the 1946 season average, but 17.1 cents above the 10-year average. FOR SALE--6 cu. ft. Westinghouse .. „ ^ , -TT day, 5I Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf and Saturdays from 9 to 9. 15-tf | daughter were standing in front of a lion's cage at Reasons for Scrap Shortage refrigerator in oerfect condition. Art j BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or yy ANTED--Watches and jewelry to Thompson, Fox 8t. MeHepry. Need Rubber atamns? The Plainaeaier. Order at ) *24! DDT ' Lake, • repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So.! , Volo. TeL McHenry 548-J-L; Grewl street, McHenry. (Front part j 3-tf of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) 16-tf, the zoo. He was explaining how strong and fierce lions are. His young hopeful took it all in, and. then said: Postwar shortage of scrap has been'attributed to: (a) the shipment of over 20 million tons of scrap abroad before the war; (b) the - A R C y o u R C A D Y F O K I " ' I WINTRY Sim Special IMS WEEK ONLY... POPCORN POPPfR 7x9al%. "Daddy, if it got out of its cage drain of about 130 million tons of V-- Helen Weber Says: S•Mn.SqMt <«#««Wr Prof in . Tim eton H Ma ItffodsAw tMkmtdmt And them his scholarly Mtfetfc* • Has had hit dethm *U+m~dand Phone 194-M I«S Elm St. Helen Wefcer, Mgr. WANTED--Com picking and wood] sawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond 1 Rd., McHenry. Tel. McHenry 241. I 22-tfi and ate you up, what bus should I take to get home." SITUATION WANTED POSITIOV WANTED--Desire woric as| baby sitter after school or evenings.] TeL MeHenrv* 128-M. *241 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT OB RENT--Year round home or small farm near McHenry ; must have three bedrooms. Good references. Address Box "M," care McHenry Plaindealer or call Chicago, 8eeley 3-9875, collect. *24 Tracking m Cow The train ground to a sadden stop. The - nervous lady called the eonduetor. "What happened?" Conductor--Nothing much; we Just ran over a eow. Old Lady--Was she on the tracks? "No," replied the disgruntled man, "we had to ehsse her across the fleld." WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOR nUTZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1888. 2-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--2 or 3 bedroom house, unfurnished; in or near McHenry on long term lease. Will pay $66 to $70 per month. Address Box "W," or call Chicago, Wabash 2 2535, Extension 8, collect. *24 Historic Hawaiian Bulldlag Oldest frame building still standing In Hawaii la the American mission home In Honolulu which was built In 1821. The building now houses pictures of the early American mission- •ry grease who bseaght Christianity to the islands. Keroeeae In Daagerene Role Sneak killers lurk in virtually every American home. These killers are poisons which claim more than 2,000 lives a year. Small children under five are the moot frequent victims. Chiard against thess sneak killers in three places where they are-usually found: Bathroom -- medicines and drugs. Kitchen--cleaning, bleaching and disinfecting compounds. Basement or garage--inaectlcidee and keroeene. Kerosene's poisonous characteristics have long been overshadowed by its five haaard. With the exception of food poisoning, keroeene leads the list at virtually every home poisoning survey, the National Safety Council saya. steel products from this country during the war in the form of shipments of ammunition, armsr and other supplies to our allies and our armed forces abroad; (c) the reduced rate of scrapping of automobiles, railroad equipment and other items, as compared with the prewar rates, and (d) the continuing high levels of consumption of scrap over the past two years. FURNACE CEMENT S LSI. 55* kit qvdllty otbatlot malarioli. Adheres firmly Oft* t*N in a few hours. CHIMNEY SWEEP (POWOIR) A soot doslroyot lo pr«v«nl chistnoy firas in coal, oil, or fe* fvmacas. PUII BRUSH Tonl Permanent Wave Kits. S1.26 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 86-tf Trlok l«af-raW Leaf-raker, recently * patented, picks up dead loaves hy Snellen, Hke a vacuum cleaner, then shreds and mashes them with a bristle-armed steel roller to reduce their bulk for easier disposal. Losses From Mastitis Illinois dairymen have losses from mastitis totaling mors than $7,- 500,000 each year. Recent reports show that Illinois hss more thsn 1,100,000 dairy cows which produce Ave and one-half billion pounds of milk. About 22 per cent of the cows have mastitis, which reduces milk production by 20 per cent. Yearly loEH in milk production from mastitis amounts to 242 million pounds, or enough milk to supply 331,500 children with one quart a day fsr a yesr. Uses ef J|jS. Imports papain in relatively qusntitles. Such imports amounted to 334,000 pounds 1^1*47. The greater part came from British Bast Africa, hut Qeyton also > tributed a significant Share. Papain is utilised commercially In medicinal preparations for digestive ailments and in "tenderiserS" tor tough meats. n32Si£ your rubber at The 75c. Mod* of rovoS stool wka, wHfc % in* *%a«Vka4 incite*. STOVI Wl DAMPfl 43c Improved M|* Makes Mils 4a*pef easier to install Por e i«ch pip* si«e. Iff# TRUE VAUM MKWNO PLASTER Par repairing crocks IN watts and ceiliafs. Sots slowly e«d wiS not shrink. Baromatrk Draft Control $3.25 draft. Can So wsoe an hoilionlol at yerticol installations. W. Bjorkman & Son Hdwe. 130 HtviaM* D*hro m. Plum* 722*** . V ".r -1 -rsif"1' .

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