Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1948, p. 7

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•&m*mtmwt *• » K ! ,™&i. ONr» «omr kWi «f waB at atMr typ» <* . arc Bflii efta karate 8ubaeribe for 11M PUbdctkr innAAOiwiAitaj^wuuuv^f M* iffcfifj^ ^ **df' , •, . Call a • .-^""V.iAu'* * ' -.<• .. '<-.» McHenry Cab Phone 723 - <*"'• '.' 'i'-*:, •:./• *-;r.* --" V V"' .* • ' "*"-1'*• Speedy -- But 8a£e Hfcko and away, yoa |«. trarelikjr in oareaba! Tfcey arc the seme of kodeni speed and cowfort and don't cost aaeh either. For safe, dependable speed, call 783. Uncle THE quitting ball Bounded through Um office and Immediately ordered routine gave way to confuekm as workara prepared to leave. That is, all but one. Jerome Clayton remained seated, elbows leaning on the polished top and cupped palme supporting his chin Jerry's abstracted gaze watched employees' hurried exits. His emotionless voice anmr • swered hastily ut- 3-MM* tered farewells, fbika Laat Friday he had been part of that This Friday %0 aiimiiull On (By Yardstick) Greeting folks: This week we sadly feport the pass i»K of Robert Bodia. Newi ot his death at 10 p. m. last crawled under the hood of the Siegler's chariot and eurlSd np close to the warm radiator to take a cat nap. | Soon after. Bob, being in a harry to J fiake an errand, jamjed into his ear and! Started the motor. The noises that came j but from under made his hair stand on, end. H« suspected that some prankster j had fastened a buzz bomb to his ignition wires, and sat there paralysed with j fear expecting the thing to go off any! moment. j Soon all was qniet again so Bob i BMiMRwrt Wrest Way F«r iNtiri EMpi Trail As far as western Europe is con» earned, (he Danube river, moat voluminous and, second longest stream on the continent, flows the wrong way. Visions of the river flowing west instead of east ordinarily are inspired by the trade plums that would accrue if by some Need The PUndMler. *8u.n»d£ay? ,afftt"er a" lwong ilnlnLett sJhho^ckkVedd igat,h ere.d c.o urage enough to take a peek magic IthSe, Danube basin-one- N«^«.U K« tm~* •»,. aadmt fi a. This ras > is Mh Mdw<B| the MM, --' -- arc ihi» hicgeat hi aMMl W Is the safest' mmMc and always available. Nothing pood Tern, like this MC, whn^MS^ so «*eli as U. S. Saving* Bonds. Yoa know that Savines Bonds provide nsore security than cam' because they will be replaced if lost or stolen and they also bear interest, paying $4 for every S3 invested, in ten yeora. I) 5 Twttmr* Dtpmlmtml * ama for Chamelons. aold at circuses, are j really American lizards. They are seldom kept alive in North America. SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, NIGHT, NOV. 4th LEGION HALL 2 Important Subjects for Consideration Full Attendance Is Requested. McHENRY BUSINESSMEN'S ASSN. "Ughl Smok« signal say h«ap loss pow«r •. • heap loss wampum!" The chief's right! Telltale exhaust ^oke from your car or trade means lost power . . . wasted oil and money. Don't let smoke signals put the Indian sign on your pocketbook. Let us inspect your car or truck. If you need piston rings, w^ can install MSPaI Fewer Pwcfc Nttn Kings littery Infineered and Inspected DODGE-PLYMOUTH CARS mrf * •• DODGE JW**er TRUCKS A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc. 301 S. PEARL STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 156 NEW! with firaitur* styliag! The distingu new SHERATON Fuel Oil Heatei DUO-THERM VX Keeps you wans wkb- ~ out work, without dirt Requires very little w floor space -- adds cham and distinction to any »/ Yon save • on fml he op so 29% foal bills with the Power-Air Blower. Saves at amch as 1 gallon of oil in every 4 by actual test! Gets heat into hard so heat corners, tool / Yon get more heat firoas every drop of oil! Duo-Therm's fuel-miser Burner is the secret 1 No aoving or mechanical pans --•it's utterly silent. r IMPS new. h*r John J. Vycital Hardware Green St 9* . . well, m use hurrying home to be greeted oy four bare walls. Of course, Helen would take the furnittirc. She had bought it by installments from her salary. Jerry recalled how her grey eyes lighted with pleasure when first she had seen the suite. "Modernistic Design," she had announced, identifying it. A slammed door interrupted Ui reverie causing him to glance up. He recognized the elevator operator and realized the man was taking his last look around to ascertain if all the employees had gone. Jerry hurriedly locked the deak, slapped on his hat and rode down. It was then he remembered Jack's his many friends and neighbors at Mc- jhood. ' Cullom Lake. Unele "Bob," as he wa«!. A» that he found of Gert's pet andj affectionately called by all ,who knew n» nine live* were a few bits of fur! him, established permanent residence! wr*PP«d around the fan belt. Thus here si* years ago after retiring from1 c"® Gert's eat. thirty years of employment as a tool; ---- and die maker at the Vestprn Electric I The Harry Reimers had their ear plant in Cicero. I equipped with a king site heater to His friendly manaer and cheerful >ake t!|eir w^ekend drives to their; disposition gained him many friends co,ta8e Jn comfort. ^ during his residence here. He was1 Harrys -problem now is where to loved by all who knew him. . mount the fuel oil tank so that they _ . . .. - . . . , can get some heat out of the thing. We join the many friends and neigh-, * 8 bors in their expression of deepest sym-: ^ pathy to the bereaved Budin family. i - an*wer to the many requests from i, , . ... . , . our readers for pictures taken at the! Complete , ohituary ybewhere » ^.Property Owners association carnival ' ' . • -I-'-'- " '" ' • ? last Labor Day, copies can be had by • " :• • • * i-contacting your correspondent. Mrs.Ire»»e«ale«iseoavsleseiAgat k#r| Thus fjr requests for pictures showhome after undergoing' surgery at the winners of the Soap Box derby Woodstock hospital. which appeared in the Plaindealer are Our good neighbor, Erling 01son| is! heading the list. also well on the rosid to recovery at I ^ the Woodstock hospital after a little .• Oongratalatlons It carving job on his anatomy at that j "Mr. attd Mrs. Alvin Blake, celeSratinstitution last week. Erling hopes'to ling the seven-hundred and thirty-first be with us again the latter part of this , day of wedded bliss 8aturday, Oct. 30. week and it's glad we'll be to see him.' Patsy Jensen on her eleventh birth- -- I day anniversary, Oct. 30. Saturday evening the Screwy Dozeni . 8chmitt on the thirty-eighth aawill unleaah theft pent-up energy and.tniversar-v of *"• *«tal day Oct. 30. will bust loose at Boy-Al with one ofj ADIOS. tFeir old time parties that has madei this bunch famous. I •n^.t inuM, m IEI ntert>a4i n--m<1e1 nt chairman LenK Jj.e*nvs^e.n„ ij «finn3ds 51i2 .0n0n . Wwaftntlie.s Difr ug Store'. 35-tf tenth of Europe--could be tilted the other way. Then the river would feed the raw materials of southeast Europe's farms, forests and flocks to the factories, cities and, seaports of western Europe. As it is, the Danube riaes just out- j side the continent's most highly industrialised section and flows eastward away from it tor 1,725 miles, traversing comparatively undeveloped lands and landing its freight on the faraway shores ol the nearly landlocked Black sea. By ocntrast, the Rhine river; whose headwaters so interlace with the Danube's that a raindrop fall* ing in that Black florist has a 50-00 chance of reaching either river, flows to thf North sea through Europe's most intensively developed area. Although leas than half at long as the Danube, the Rhine in modern timea always baa carried at least twice the volume of commerce. • Also, the Rhine is recovering from the war more quickly than the Danube. The eastern river is still largely boatless and bargeleajk. tells us it will be combination birthday . . . - and Halloween costume party. A double poker session, pre-arranged *>r heikderi and jndging from the feverish j 0 dock. He shrugged. All wwk he , activities among the Screwy Dozen had been groping for a suitable ex- these past few wefits in making cusa to tell Helen. Now that none preparations for this gloom chaser, | was required, he had no desire to | there will be a lot of happy people at ' sit in at the game. Well, no use j McCullom Lake that evening fllnievfat Fish Odors To remove fish or onion odors from pans, wash the pan with soapy wa» Produce mOk with lower kao* tslris count sad lsss sedfcasaft. It is mere whdssoats, kriagi more money. Clipped ttsa are astir to keep clean, take less time. Pse Clipaaastar year-round--it will pay. W« hmw Hi* Order your rubber atamps at The *er to which two tab'erpopn* of vino- Plaindealer. ] gar have been added. Balanced for fast, easy dipping ia all positions Powerful, air-cooled aoMr uses aa more current than lightbalb. Complete jdth blades. John J. Vycital Mm. GREEN STREET PHONE 98-M * mooning around down here. He walked away slowly with no destination in mind, his thoughts tumbling over one another. So, after a year, this was the end. fie len should have known that Grace meant nothing to him. Had he not ! done everything except tell her bluntly that he was not interested? But Helen thought otherwise and had started acting up to that Charlie with the patent-leather hair.. Jerry's thoughts were rudely jerked back to the present by the sound of screeching brakes and the vitriolic tirade of a truck driver. He was crossing a street with the red light against him. Grinning sheepishly he glanced at the street sign to determine his location, then started, surprised He was only one block from home. His subconscious , mind had directed him to the route ! habitually followed when returning ! from work. i ! Jerry turned the center slowly. | Suddenly his mouth felt dry. There was a sickening void where his J stomach should have been. Weights I seemed attached to his feet es he i shambled on unwillingly, yet unable i to stop. In front of the house was | tfie furniture. No chance of his mis- I taking that "Moderniatic Design " ; One of the draymen went in as Jerry came abreast the dwelling. The sec- I ond one said: "Gotta match, palt* i "No. But will a lighter dor* "Okay., Thanks." He accepted the inetrumeni and began the somewhat difficult task Gfert Siegler's pet eat came to an untimely end last Saturday when it rUBNITURE AUCTION RICHARD J. WOOD, Auctioneer SUNDAY, OCT. 31 commencing at 1:30 p. m. Located 2!'_ ml. south of Woodstock, on route 47. on the A. C. Wood farm. Sofa Chair Helen kad .started acting up to that Chfrtie with the patent-leather hair ot endeavoring to tight his pipe with a cigarette lighter 'Beau rfll." he grumbled between puffs, "how much extra work people can cause Take this customer, foi instance We get her stuff all packed, drives to her new place, and what happens? Says she's changed h«r mind and wante it hauled back." "Whatl" exclaimed Jerry. 'Yeah," the mover continued!. "1 was surprised myself But I think she's nuts When we get back here she bursts out crying and runs up the steps like . . . Hey. here's your--" The drayman removed his pipe from between alack lipe. He scratched the lobe of his ear with the stem and a puzzled frown wrinkled his face. He started to pick up a chair to carry in. Than be began to grin. ' Dropping the chair, he hoisted the loveseat on his bock •*oejeV sMtw pa»updiaA& Sf pus liiMHWO jo dam « SMOqa 'aire* poa jpqd aoAVtneo fi Ipraufe aqx •pai a y pue eniq a g 'afdse » g Usatf eaa«?aso i axs aaofoo pue aaniaa aa -panaiftrMNi n » X*)«npuj jo leeqnlon eqi 'jaunnetisJpeis pue jasoqs « TO* JMoqn « laptop eats .pod an -sen ipnaija iof uSpwp pio tea peiupd-jaAO pue edmep *eu JMg penssi esq eowo jsod ua|eu--|sno •Ji Order your rubber •t up ad Mi Fader let ' Dinette Set . ami jahleC Lamp Tables Coffee Table Platform Becker Occasional Chair Chair and Ottoman Bunk Bed Double Bed Medicine Cabinet China Cabinet Stee! Clblnet Radio Wash Madhtte 9x12 Bugs Small Bugs Refrigerator Plat Irons Lamps _______ Ironing Boaijla Imitation File Place Some Toys Many articles too numerous to mention. Some of this furniture is new. WOOD and MEYER, ' ,v.. ' ~ -. OWVEBB ______ AUCTION CHASl LEONARD Jk ED Auctioneers VOGEL, To dissolve partnership and to quit farming we will sell at Public Auction on the old Hoffman Farm, located on the East Johnsburg to Spring Grove Road, 4 miles North of Johnsburg and 2 miles Southeast of Spring Grove, on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 commencing at 12:00 noon, sharp, the following described property: 62 - HEAD OF LIVESTOCK - «2 consisting of 12 head of Pure Bred Holstein dsiry cows calfhood vaccinated; pure bred Holstein bull, S years old; Son of Kpng Btyude Supreme again; pure bred HoL bail calf, S moo. old; 18 head of extra fine Hotetein dairy cows, milking good; 16 head of purebred and grade Holstein heifers, see 1 month to IS months eld vscrinated. 7 head of breeding gelta; 8 feeder pigs, weight 100 pounds each; 2 head •f work horses; 120 spring pullets; Leghorn and New Hampshire Reds; laying heavy. HAY & GRAIN -- 900 bu. Clinton oats; 1000 bu. ear com; 60 ton baled alfalfa hay. MACHINERY--Allis-Chalmers "WC" tractor withi cultivator; 1937 Chev. truck, 1% ton, new motor, grain and stock box; two bottom A-C tractor plow; 8 ft. McD. tandem disk; U. S. grain blower, new; John Deere 999 corn planter with fert. attach-; 2- section wood drag; tractor grain drill with grass seed attach, and fert.; McD. corn binder; J. D. mower; J. D. side delivery rake; McD. manure spreader; J. D. horse manurespreader; 3 unit Surge milker, complete; end gate seeder; New Idea rubber tired wagon, high speed; 12- in. hammer mill; 4-sectien rotary hoe; actylene cutting torch; 50 ft. drive belt; chicken feeders, brooders, waterers and other equipment; set breeching harness; hog waterer and troughs; elect, water heater; 23 milk cans, pails, strainers, etc., tanks ?nd elec. stirrer; carpenter tools and ence tools; and many other articles ' of tools and equipment too numerous to mention. , ^ , TERMS. All sums of $26.00 and under that amount, cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended oiv notes Kproved by the clerk. Anyone deing credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. ] LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS CHARLES MILES. SAMUEL WOLF, Props. McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking! kjoMB ONE * COMiLLt COME EARLY * SALE 8TAET8 PEOMCTLY AT MQQM ji PRODUCE VALUES WINTER STORAGE POTATOE8 IDAHO RUSSETS 3.95 bag Colorado McCLURE'S 3.95 bag BED TRIUMPHS 3.95 bag Wisconsin COBBLERS 2.99 bag Yellow ONIONS 4a lb. bag 1.79 Florida JUICE ORANGES 29c dos Home Grown CABBAGE 5c Hi. r California TOMATOES 19c carton MEAT ft FISH VALUES Smoke PICNK HAMS ib. 53c FRESH OYSTER#* 75c pt. .'JV. Hy-Grade CANNED HAMS 6% lb. 7.75 Cndahy's SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT 3 lb. can 1.59 Wilson's SLICED BACON •9c Ifc- Mickelberry's FRANKS 99c lb. 2% lb. J«T I SALT : HERRINB Mixed 2.19 f Milkers 2*9 Gorton's CODFISH 55c lb. pkg. Mickelberry's VEAL SAU8AGS 70c lb. | BAKERY TREATS \ \ DAIRY SAVINGS' [ »KM * tm. ....OS4 Wa; Swwttyh>«Mti SAMs COWiCAM Ptoiappli BraM ...each 19C MdLMff Me jot*: 29c SMdwieh Braatf LOam5l ITc tefee Sake !££%* *a. S$€ GREAT SAVINGS ON ANN PAGE FOODS (taMey Margarine n^SBc j^cfioowJIAPjCo|sJ CatAMT, SMOOTH Fessst Better .....MR 37B Ketekep ."jiiZIC CHOCOLATE, VANIUA. MITTIRSCOTCH Sparkle NMiags ...IACH SB Spa|M«l t'W'llB FOft LAUNDRY ANO MSHB SWERL IDEAL FOR QUICK MEALS Blackberry Jelly firape Jan 2U HNC. tHOAD 0* MH>IUM Eaeere Needles ..mS' 27C Salad Bresstag SULTANA PLAIN Qeees Wives PINT 88c 4¥rSnl 28c MILO ANO MHLLOW • BWeek Ceffee 3 VIGOROUS ANO WINSV IM Blrele . 2 RICH ANO FULL-ROQ|B> BekarCeffee 3 u. a M6. A SUM! DELIGHT SUPER S0BS • •» IT FLOATS DELICIOUS COCKTAIL PEANUTS ^ PURTEK • •• HEINZ DELICIOUS TOMTO SOW 2 MAKES DISHES SPARKLE a PALMOUVE SOAP 1^29° BAKING OR FRYING FOR LOYEUNESS GIANT II-OZ. CASH1ERE--3 FRESHB4S YOU UP PaMiwSoap 3 iARS SBE CAKES \SX \V>vh\ S\^V •1- Bl* 37# T 34' 23* -iuS - ••

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