Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Nov 1948, p. 7

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. " '* «..• >. .<• -'*• Ttaiftgr, tmamti^tjjmh •' * •fclHUWSJ UWftLH NOTES Another hurdle in the ^tnouga Project hu been passed. At least we hmve j eeasent for the bmsement eo we bop« that it will be only i matter of 4aye be- j fore the present building ean be aM?ed. i The final meeting of oar Leadership j Clinic will be held at Marengo Baptist ehnreh NOT: 9. The topie to be diaenaaed will be "Teaching the Pri *ary Department." This is for the teachers of grades 1, 2 and 3. The Official Board will meet Wednesday, Nov. JO, at 8 p. m. The Snnshine committee reports' that several of onr folks are ilL Lete's remember them with eards and with our prayers. Mrs. B. 6. Chamberlain, Victory Memorial hospital Waukcgan; Zion Baker, Grant hospital, Chicago; aM Master Bobby Barr, St. Thereae hospital, Wankegan. The congregation appreciated very mnch the first appearance of onr junior choir for the year. They looked very neat in their fresh robes, and added a great deal to the service in appearance and la sang. They sang, "Early We WiB 8eek Hfan" by Bitter. We are all looking tefted to Mliijf and hearing the eaerab and alao the senior choir*. Don't forget the practices qn Thursday. Junior and Chstubs at 3:15 p. m. and seniors in the evening at 8:00. The Thanksgiving season is here. Let us all show our thanks and express it by our worship. ' "Bee jTou in^chnrch Sunday/' 1 A kettle of boiling water poured down flie drain after washing diahtc will help to keep the drain clean. t Wisconsin Chippewa Potatoes WHILE THEY LAST ' '¥*<>1 $2.65 /; '••*/ • Per Hundred Pounds . PHONE 729 McHENRY, ILL. Women and *0irls The following positions are open: LINE SERVICE GIRLS PRESSER3 . ^ FOLDERS PECTORS Good opportunity for those who qualify. RIVERSIDE MF@. CO. mi 200 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry ' TELEPHONE McHENRY 30 Feather Party BARTS TAVERN WEST McHENRY -'.Q* SATURDAY, NOV. 20 TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS LUITOH SSKVED \. W«*il giv* your Dodgs or Plymouth now looks and now porformanco. arMHf/xtw/r * Convonionco and Sofoty. I orvi YOUR CAE A NSW LIASI ON UfV # TUNE-UP CHECK-UP SPKUCt-UF -- SIISSMSS We Will Chock OB, ll»ai<wertors fee Petaty. Spat* Tim- Tir<t> wheels, Uphobtety deem- Coil, Speak Ptafa, Steering, Brakes, lag. New Floor Matrttmtor, Osui K„ginm Tranemla- * Mate, Seat Cesesa, Carburetor Sedi- • ' _ _ . . meat Bowl, risen akm. Clutch, Rear Ruet Reaaaval, Ap- *Pd R%°|j Axle, Radiator, pearance Repair, Pump. " Shock Abeorbors. Hfeafc, PoMeh. A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc. SOI X. riAKL 87SEZT McHKNSY, TUJMOIS PHONE1M AT IBB time at the Am Corbett- Jeta L. SuDhran bout, Steve Bradie (o< Brooklyn bridge tame) predicted loudly that the champion would knock oat Corbett hi the abrth. Word readied Jim's father and he was enraged. Not long afterward, Corbett introduced hjm to Brodie. The old man looked him over sourly, then said at last: "So you're the man who jumped over the Brooklyn bridge." "No, no," Brodie corrected him. "I didn't jump over it. I lumped off it." Corbett senior snorted. -"Oh," he said in contempt. "I thought you jumped over it. Any fool could Jusqp off it!" Oa Para*. STOUT 18 WILLING... MMUIlMMIMMIMMliri (By Yardstick) Greetings folks: This week we sadly report the passing from t>ur midst of John Beiter, a permanent resident of oar community for the past six yean. Mr. Beiter died at 10 a. m. last Banday morning at the age of 71 after a long illness. Re is survived by his widow, Elizabeth, son, Jack, and two grandchildren, Richard and Robert. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 8t. Mary's church, with interment at St. Mary's cemetary in McHenry. News of the death of Ray Clinton WiUits laat Thursday was received with sorrow by his many friends and former neighbors here. A complete obituary appears elsewhere in this issue. "Chickie" Sales, your Plaindealw salesman, is a verey happy young man these days. It fell began lust Saturday evening when Frank Rourke presented him with a shiny new bicycle, a gift from the McCullom Lake Shamrocks Athletic Club. As official mascot and bat boy for the Shamrocks, "Ohickie" hadn't missed a game nil last summer. It mattered not to "Ohickie" whether the Shamrocks were winning or losing he was there rooting for them just the same. We agree with "Ohickie" that the Shamrocks are a swell bunch. tkeee of as who are fortunate to enjoy good health would help a lot tp speed Erling on the road to recovery. A erowd of more than 150 merry makers eajoyed the Screwy Do sen's annual Halloween party st Roy A1 last Saturday evening. Art Olsen had a hot time of it in his long winter underwear and two bear skins. Try to picture George Baumbeck as a, sia-yearcld all dressed ap for company, or Billy Pries in a hnla skirt. Harry Reimer dressed as Tony Doolin, Tony Doolin as Harry Relator There was much speculation as to th« identity of a masked sleek feiren in black who later turned out to be Mrs. Leo Ulake. . % 1 here v, ere dears dressed as bears, gypsies and many other eolorful costumes in this gay crowd. Take a bow Len Jensen for another Screwy Dosen success. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller son, Jimmy, and Mrs. J. M. Jensen were Sunday dinner guests of the Len Jensens. ^MODEST BEQUEST "!/ Onr Congratulations To Beverly Rourke on her nineteenth birthday anniversary, Nov. 11. Grace Walton on her seventeenth: birthday, Nov, 13; j Nancv Doolin, who Will be 18 Nov. 26.f • ADIOS. i Nervous suitor--Sir-I-er-that is, I would like, I mAn I've been going with your daughter for five years and . . . Hopeful perents--Yes, yes, yes? Suitor--Well, could you see your way clear, to buy a new easy chairT I've worn out the old one. For discoloration, thaw froxen frrtabefore epeUng the perk age. Toni Pensanent Wave 1Mb iand $2.00. Wattles Drug ""Oar Color Preferences Depreciation Goes Dp Tenant--Why raise my rent when my room is all the way up in the (Miserable attic? Landlord--You use moTe stairs than anybody else. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pvritr. were a bit crowded in, their love nest ~laRt Sunday. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, daughter, Pat, Mr. and I Mrs. A. Hoeft, Mr. and Mrs. Walter j Boesch, son, Allen, Louis Molter and j Joseph Boesch, all of Chicago. Otto hopes to have the bulges in the walls of his castle ironed out in a few days Customers' color preferences vary with economic conditions and by regions. During depression days SO to 75 per cent of car buyers wanted black or dark blue colors. Today's choices are more flashy; leas than 80 per cent order black cars. In the Southwest where the sun is bright vivid colors are preferred. • Phonetic Alphabet He-*Please give me Mr'. Dillburg's telephone number.> - Operator--Is that initial "B;* as m William? . !l He--So, it's "D" as in pickle ' Alderney, Guernsey, and Jersey are islands off the coast of France, famous for their cows. Paprika Paprika may be used to decorate j lettuce by placing the lettuce in a ; bowl of water where it has been j sprinkled. Tiny flecks will stick to ! V<-kf ".J Call McHenry Cab Phone 723 BIDE AMD RELAX You'll enjoy the comfort and laxury of a ride in (me of oar daith new cabs. Whatever the distance, it's a good to relax. Try as todaar--youH like as. , 4 : i 'f-' Sandra Lock, Elaine Vycital, MarUn Thcmpsori, Ovnthia Rourke. Karen Olsen, Alice Thomsen, Judv Struck and ' June Jensen were the t ight little misses jwho helped Patty Jensen celebrate her j birthday anniversary Ht a party iu her j home last Saturday afternoon. The many gifts showered on Patty Discussing his tennis technique, j made her a happy little girl that day. the stout, amiable, bald man pant- j After enjoying the many games played, ed: j a delicious luncMeon was served her "My brain immediately barks out I guepts by her Ma. This was topped off, a command to my body. 'Run for-'wit'» onerous seivings of cake and ice ward speedily,' it says. 'Start righl away. Lob the ball gracefully over their heads and then walk slowly back to receive your partner's congratulations.' " "And then what happens?" he was asked. : v "And then," replied the overweight one, "my body says, 'Who, me'?" Privacy Preferred Author Ludwig Bemelmans writes his manuscripts in a painstaking longhand. One day, when he was busy with a script, a friend said to him: "Why don't you hire a secretary and dictate your work?" "I couldn't do that," replied Bemelmans. "Writing is like making love--it isn't good to have an audience." spoiled canned vegetables Never give spoiled canned vege-. tables to animals. Burn them or mi* them with lye and bury out of the reach of animals. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. s»tf A U C T I O N cream aftd so ended a perfect day for Patty and her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Dou Stanton of Pendelton. Tnd., were weekender* at the Frank RourkeV. Mrs. Stunton and% Mrs Uourkc did the sulinjr while, their males enjoyed the Northwestern-Ohio game ia Evans'ou on Saturday after- -noon. This week we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kantorski at> permanent residents to our community. The Kantorskis have enjoyed mar.y summer vacations at their cottage on Park View Lane in the past.. Erling Olsen is still a very sick youn« man at the Woodstock hospital, accord ing to latest reports. His condition improved to a slight degree after a blood donation by Mrs Elsie Osterbv last satTJfday. A card with a few ehesry words from HERMAN F. WSCK A U C T I O N WIIXIAM H. RUB8ELL and WM. B. SULLIVAN, Auctioneers A FRANK MILLER, Auctioneer Having decided to dissolve partnership and quit farming will sell at Pablie Auction THURSDAY, NOT. at 12:00 noon. 11 Oa the eld Abbott farm aboat 9 Vt •dies north of Gary, about 6 atiles east of Crystal Lake, Vi atile east of Northwood Pes Farm. Dapple grey team 60 l-year-eld hens. S seta doable breeching harness, 17 head o' cows. 1 balL FARM IMPLEMENTS--1 10-90 Xc- Oonaick-Deerlng tractor and 1 tandem disc, l 8-ft. Hoosier drill and grass seed attachment, 1 McOenaick-Deetlng push typo hay loader, 1 New Idea manure spreader, 2 MeOendck-Deering horse cultivators, 1 KeOomlck-Deering side delivery rack, 1 MeCormick-Deering 2- bottom plow, l McCormick-Deering corn binder, Bradley cultlpacker, ffftflirter end gate seeder. John DMre 999 earn planter with fertiliser attachment, 1 hayrack, John Deere field cultivator, 7-ft., l steel wheel wagon and hay rack, 1 steel wheel wagon and grain box, hay rope, 1 grab fork. 3 hay forks and pulleys, 6-ft. McCormick-Deering grass mower. Big Sis; 2 single unit milk machines, International Surge type, ssetor and piping for 40 cows; 1 new steel drag. 1 Corn King hammer atfll and belt, washing tanks, all milk h<mse equipment, i electric Scklaeter water heater for milk house, electric stock heater, aboat IS milk cans, atilk pail and stirrer, 1 brooder stove, forks and eftovela. Bonner ttre wkeel barrow. Many ether articles nsaally found en farm, l bob sled and 2 sets damp beards, combination pwmp jack and The undersigned, having decided to qalt fanning and move to California, will sell at public auction, on the farm known as the Doar Farm 51; miles South and West of Woodstock 1 mile south and 1 mile West of 176 from Dean Street, 6|. miles North and West of Huntley, 2 miles West of Ernest C. Swanson from 47. &!. miles North and ! East of Union, on I SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th I commencing at 12 o'clock sharp, the following described personal property, to*Wit: 97 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK--^ consisting of 20 choice Hoistein cows, 5 of which are calfhood vaccinated. 6 are springers the balance fresh and fall cows; 4 heifers 6 and 8 m°«. eld, vaccinated; 1 stock bull; all cattle recently Bangs taitsrt. 2 riding ponies broke for chll- FUBXITURE Walnut vanity plane bench, 9 9k12 rags, oak cheet and stirrer; ample chest; maple bookcase; radio bookcase; 2 nnpainted kitchen chairs; small vanity and seat; maple bed, twin siae, new; morris chalr.^new. 900 ba. corn; 700 btt. oata, 1200 Jwles mixed hay. real good, TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a ccedit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangement before purchase is made. No property to, be removed until for. XVUHBA ft BUSCSB, Preps. - Qary State Bank, decking Hay, Drain and Machinery 1000 bo. of ear corn in crib; 600 ba. Clinton oats; 45 tons alfalfa and Brouie j hay, mixed. This hay is very fine and I green in color. IF-20 tractor on rubber, with cultivator, Road Gear and 36 inch tires (1989); ! Case two-bottom 14-in. plow on rabber; ! John Deere 6-ft. disc, 20-in. blades; {Case silo filler, 6-in. pipe; John Deere j 999 corn rlanter with fert. attach, (en- ' closed clatch); 4-row Appletoa Hasker; 8 ft. I. H. C. grain binder; John Deere corn binder and roll oat carrier; New Idea manure snreader en rabber (horse drawn); New Idea manure spreader on steel (horse drawn); Sandwich hay loader; 7 ft. X. H. C. power mower;6 ft. horse drawn mower; 7 foot I. H. C. wind rower; I. H. C. side rake; Ward's Orainbaster hammermill; 200 amp. Craftsman arc welder, 1 yr. old.; rabber tire wagon and rack; I. H. C flare, type wagon box; wood flare box; doable box and steel wheel wagon; 3- section I. H. C. steel drag; new X. H. a •nd gate seeder with grass seeder attachment; bass saw; wheelbarrow; hydraalic wagon hoist; read drag; De- Laval S single unit milking machine with pipe for 30 cows, new in 1945; 10 •»"* cans; electric hot waiter heater; pails, strainers, sterilising tanks, and many articles too numeroos to muitiou. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Cold Spot 7 ft. refrigerator; combination gas coal stove, table top; overstaffed chair and davenport; 2 end tables; 2 kitchen cabinets; writing desk; 2 chests of drawers; baby bed, bassinette; 41"<"g room set with six chairs; heatrola; round oak stove; 1214' cu. ft. deep freese; highchair; 9x12 linoleum rug; 2 floor lamps; 4 lawn chairs; Speed Queen washing machine; TERMS: AW sums of $25.00 and under that amount, cash; over that amount a credit of six nionths at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No Sroperty to be removed until settled or with the derk^ HERMAN F. WECK. Owner Tint National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking Buy famous Eight O'Ctock or Bohr in Mia big UL famfo Site bag. ,Savo up to 46c compared wHh tin price #§ single pounds el comparable qusfity coffee! Asd Is s^Htes *• NMM |>M< intsp, yesl safer *» pni 9mm KM* MMINS ASP Csts. Aawttas's N*. I ImHli. Nr my pomd vw k«r l« MM la Mw «*•!•. «N* b«w --4 Cm*hm> tniij TMT SFH, |M* rlgkt for bw» NMNI la ym ulnsilifc »w • ki« liMt . . . bay ASP C*«M fod^rl Aad for a W« m)M • . . hay th* IMNV l-U. ta* ^ •#* 0*Cfock C^te. ar SaksH VIGOROUS AND WINIY t O'CLOCK-•.t-l" MILD AND MELLOW REI CIRCE tZUT RI^H AND FULL-OODIED r ..'7 • --; IS! :-3%0 , «„„uo CHOICE MEAT VALUES | FRESH PRODUCE SAVINGS | Broadcast SLICED BACON 63c lb. •AIM Fresh , OYSTERS 75c pint' Mickelberry'g SMOKED - LIVER ^ SAUSAGE Molb. Imported Mixed HOLLAND , HERRING : 2.19 keg 80 SIZE ,10 for 39c MED. SIZE J dos., 39c TEXAS ^KDLESS GRAP] FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES CALIFORNIA PASCAL CELERY IDAHO RUSSET P0TAT0E8. COLORADO RED McCLURES JO lbs. for 46c WISCONSIN CHIPPEWA POTATOES beg 2M JD lbs. for 45c I 'M | BAKERY TREATS | | CANNED FRUITS MM PMMM Ml Ms MS. aa.ea HMH VAMMAA OS CHOCOiAll 1«c Wi Applii DMUFObO ,8ft Ms Oft VAMM1A SROSTIN* 41 PASUBt EscHsb Mailt IOMA HAIVB, Apriestt UD,totM,rani | DAIRY VALUES | InmlH J^llt HO. iy, • I* «#•£« -m.vm.Hnm u.SIJI CkMilM "%itTs •»M»ra«f««ito» .. u.Ns --« CHCSSS FOOO 1-IPMiiHm .Ofi 19c WK>**OA«r OCSAN SMLAT ULS% SMLMIMc. .^ZSC 0««hmrtoN. ,^1ic tszm SUUAMA •#••• ....U. eaAOCA' Switc ClMete .ue IVc u,7tc MyltoK VANISH Mm • BE AVBUVWI sic FmHCrtfrt .^4«S •ACH Mc InpiMl 2 Sis AfASIYMUCHf ii t hory PersoMl Z^tt •AKIN© OR FRYING S0BL0v«iweM Mkwimb * Jwetkeirt oxnoL -- ~ #EALLY DOCS THE XM ft ADM V M43BL lOe KSKCT FOR F1NC WASH MRU... . . - - a ( M f f a i f h l w . »J4« p Kx ~S0* CsMChmr 2~>i£ JUNKET BRAND A RNE tUY P&G SOAP 3 27c 1 \^v\ L v-> b CHIPS© FOR LAUNDRY OR DISHES SUPER SUDS SOS ev . :;:rm itS vj 1 i- • ••'-ft-v - • • i r , -•* ---j-----R •- ^

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