* ' f < +* v v at Mt itaToo tj»e wt chair tags acratehee ta dry marsbmaUowB •oft and pliable if in the breadboK wtth tlM for a few daya. U- ; - Vm ftov way to floor moat !• to Iteoa tlM flour, alone with aalt and pepper, in a paper sack; the meat in and ahake. • *.» Subscribe 'for The Plaindealer at Duke Mlwnlly in cooperation with the U. & sir that at 15.000 feat a out" after about a That time incraaaea to it so.000 feat aad decreaaea eharply at higher Jt»di Ada* MktMea Poland's moat dtsltngiuohed poet was Adam Mickiewick. He waa born in* Nowogroden in 1700 and died in Constantinople (Istanbul) la 1856. Mickiewick is not only the moat cherished among Polish poets, but also the most widely read by his countrymen. His masterpiece i, Pan T»d«us*j FREUND'S DAIRY • OKADEABOLX Homogenized Milk, Coffee Cream, Whipping Cream, Buttermilk, Chocolate Milk, Butter, Eggs, Half and Half Cream, Cottage Cheese. We close at 6 p. m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Hwraday and at 9 p. .in. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. " PHONE McHENRY 636-W-2 V ' ft Mary* Cathette Chareh Ffrat Pnaay: «:00 an* S«0* ttOO p. a. aad 7:00 fk It.' before First Friday After O.'Ot Maae e 0:00 p. m. and 7HU p. a Msgr. C. 9. Mix, St. Patrick's Cathode Charsh McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service Blade Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading • --o . '• CALL McHENRY 97-J Sunday: 8:00, 9:80 and 11 o'clock. Holy Days: 0:80 and 8:00. Week Days: 7:00,and 7:80. First Fridays: 7:10. Communion distributed at 6:30. 7:00, during the 7:10 mass, 7:80 and 8. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 pjn. aad 7:00 to 8:00 pjb, and on Thursdays before first Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 pjn. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church JThe Church of the Lutheran Hour) ohn St., Vi Mock east of Hwy. 81 West McHenry, Illinois. Sunday School f 9:00 a. m. Sunday Worship Service: 10:15 a. m. You are cordially invited to attend our services. For information phone 65-M. Waiter C. Johannes, Pastor; Community Methodist Church Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45.' Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting,•.•'••pL second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pastor. ELECTRICAL WORK HOUSE WIRING Old and new buildings, immediate installation according to NEQ and Local Codes. APPLIANCE REPAIRING Frayed cords are danger signals. Check yours today for repairs. Outlets installed for ranges and water heaters. LIGHTING FIXTURES Sold and Installed JOHN ADAMS McHenry 933-13 ~ ~ - - ~*cCuHom Lake after 5 p. m. j 8t. John'p Catholic Church. Johnsburg ' Masses: I Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. i Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 ! Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:85 and 8:00 Confessions: { Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 and 2:30 to 8. j Thursday before First Friday-- ( 2:30 and 7;30. i j Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. Masses: Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove ay- Holy DDaa ys: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:80 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Christ Hie King Wonder Masses: Sundays: 9:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:00 aad 8:00 Confessions: Sunday: before each mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:00 First Fridays, Communion distributed at 6 and 6:30 a. m. and during 6:00 mass. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Only a third of all U. S. farms in 1945 were operated by tenants, as contrasted with nearly two-fifths in 1920. IUIIIIIH p,;': &v NOTE!! STOP THOSE TRANSPORTATION! .> WORRIES 4 ^ fiiere is a bus service operating between Richmond; Genoa CftjL ? Wisconsin; 8pring Grove; Fox Lake; Volo; Lily Lake; McHenry, I Illinois. Come in and see our employment counselor today about your new job in the radio industry. and fourth Sunfty ef mA meeting, Thursday -- 8 JO the family with you to M*| and Worship 8a*v a place and a welcome IBANK w. AND: SUbday--PubfiT worship, IK CtoS Miool: 10:80. Choir Rahearsala--Wednesday evening. Rev. Charles Stevens. Pastor. tanwm JWce can be used to I'Unm vast from Hnoleum. ' first Aid Statteaa Almost 2,000 highway first aid ita* tfona and more than 10,000 mobile first aid units are maintained and operated by Red Cross trained volunteers. •••w, •• r'lj ' jr 'niinii Ij'.;..;.- • Indian Burial..,Monad . In Louisiana a burial mound ot the Marksville Indians was 90 feet in diameter, 21 feet high and contained more than a thousand skeletons. Accompanying the skeletons were tools, weapons, utensils and ornaments, probably made especially lor burial purposes. tffel Italia proloeatka ftjy o A % faro of Linoleum Sweep linoleum with a soft brush or a dustless dustmop. Wring cloth from suds made with a neutral soap. Use either varnish or wax for finish. Cleaner for varnished linoleum may !80®c sila®e* be of one part linseed and one part Terms, turpentine. Combine one part of this mixture with two parts paraffin oil. the totter or laundry nam profaata late the -main part of the A U C T I O N EUvlag deeided to «att f analag win sell at Vublie Aactloa» 1 mile nesth of Gary on Silver Lake Bead. 5 idles east of Crystal Lake *HUBSDAY, MOV. M, ¥ at 1 o'clock 16 head of livestock; 12 cows, i bull, 2« years old, 1 heifer calf 6 months old. 2 horses weight 1000 lbs. each, 60 hens, White Bock and Hampshire. FARM IMPLEMENTS McOormlck corn binder. Peering' oats binder, Iron whafl wagon aad hay rack, 3-seetion drag, tractor disc. John Deere manure spreader, 1-irow horse cultivator. McOormlck mower, Papec silo Slier, 1 riding plow, 6-ft. drill (grass seed attachment, 1 walking plow, McOormlck corn planter. 1 fanning mill, 1 Burr grinder, 1 milking machine, puna and pall, cream separator, 1 milk stirrer (electric), 12 milk cans, palls and strainers, 1 wash tank, electric water heater, Stewart cow clippers, 1 set harness. Forks, shovels and other small items. Some household furniture. Heatrola stove (eoal or wood.) mm jW3&r£X£ raLSj"2d°S I_ we --a W» eiai*» aty be Sled against the "" aa to n Mirti 9a or before said date ef suameas. . AIM FELfZ, Bsedater. Vernon J. Knox, Attorney. 'Crystal Lake, DL (Pub. Nov. 411-18) H -on anftyials SmmapOrn, wants AaMrican T*arr Medical asaoUaUuu. Buheenao for The Subscribe for The Plain dealer , Our Special JLuncheons •erved from 11 a. pt to 2 p. Wu ; MOST DSLIGHTFUL DINinSRS 8 P» JftjN JR*. iwoKTaticnis Cafi ' / ' • LAKE ZURICH 2421 > FARMAN HOTEL Open Every Day Lake Zurich, 11L : * GOOD FEED 600 hales clover and timothy hay; (wire baled); 200 ba^es timothy hayi (wire baled), 90 bales straw, 800 bu. j corn in crib, 900 bushels Boon Rom where I sit Joe Marsh, CLAUDE MATTHEWS FRANK MILLER, Auctioneer Gary State Bank, Clerk * To Dunk or Not To Dunk? FREUND^ TRUCKING Agricultural limestone and phosphate spreading. Soil samples taken on request , Place orders early and avoid rush. iBarn Lime and Chips for Driveways CHARLES FREX7ND, Owner 401 W. Waukegan Road McHENRY, ILLINOIS Tel 412-J Dunking doughnuts Is Sober Hopkins' favorite morning pastime ...and for along time Ma Hopkins h«s been trying to break him of the habit. Feels it sets a bad example for the children. So one morning she puts a hea^y frosting of chocolate on the doughnuts ... figuring that will stop him. Sober thinks it over for a while and then: Dunk 1 Taste? Smile!! And Sober compliments the missus on vghe lovely mocha flavor! . I guess there'll always be two , aehoola of thought: to dunk or not to dunk. But from where I sit, it s a matter of personal choice and taste--like some folks prefer beer to cider, ale to beer. And the leas we criticize those differences of taste, the better. In fact, Ma Hopkins got so carious about the flavor of chocolatecovered doughnuts dunked in coffee, that she tried it herself. Now-- you've guessed it--she's a daily dunker, too! Copyright, 1948, United States Brewers Foumdatiem 4-H Chibs...F. F. A. Chapters Rural Youth Groeps...Schools • e« Farm and Home Bureaus... i • r . ( . ; i' ^fv There are Vacancies at present for: #. ASSEMBLERS WIRERS SOLDERERS PACKERS INSPECTORS . - . -V,.\ Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. 5 P Employment office open ^londay thru Saturday 8:00 A. M. 0- CORPORATION Intersection of Routes 120 and 31 ' McHENRY, ILLINOIS -r""• "w 'STiii'T^ • ' > : » t ' * > > • ] *.jl / I,, mlN Slide FilmV p Add variety and boost attendance to your club meetings with Farm Life's f entertaining and educational movies and slide films. Filmed here in Northern Illinois with your friends and neighbors in starring roles, Farm Life mQvies show new developments in many phases of farming that increase agricultural production with less Work apd expense, show homemakers how to make the farm home a better place ii| which to work and live. » farm Life movies are 10 to 30 m&i? BUC ilRVICl . . . - . \ . s i , . . ' utes in lengt|i, are ffimed in color and narrated by your favorite radio announcers. Both films and projectors are supplied without charge,4 and if you wish, one of our Agricultural Engineers will be .glad to give a short talk to your group. ^Simply phone or write your local Public Service store or office to schedule k showing.' -3 /•••. - - JLrfL ' 5