Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Nov 1948, p. 2

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'V; ;! m lUcMitait machines alter years of ^ h scientists am abi* to n^nwt fang hours of tedious aort» log, adding, computing and analysing by thousand* of office darks. In a matter of seconds, these robots can compile an up-to-the mtnyta balance sheet for the corfaratkti eeaoutive, punch out a railway ticket for the hurried trsveler or sort thousands of letters in a flash for the harassed mail clerk. Technicians at work in one London ltb> oratory have developed an "electronic accountant" that will have t considerable effect on the business | world. Push a button and its elec-1 tronic impulses race into action, | sift thousands of accounts flowing in from hundreds of branch offices, tote up the debit and credit . columns, juggle masses of figures without a hitch and finally delivei • flawless balance sheet. Uncle San Says Fatal Farm Accidents An average of more than one fann person is killed by accident every day in every state. FRESH CANDY EVERY TIME ' > from our WHITMAN'S Refrigerated Candy Department The yeart fly by quickly and before you know H the Utile "toddler" is ready for the big decision. Should be, can be go to college? Tomorrow's problem* will be ao much easier to face if yon get the habit of regular sayings today. Hie safe, sure and convenient way to save is to buy U. S. Savings Bonds on the automatic Payroll Savings Plan where you ? work. Or, if self -employed, nee the Bond-a-Montb Han at your bank. Every $3 pat into U. S. Savings BosmIs today will return you f4 in ten years. VJB. Trmtmtg Dtpmrtmiut In Oar Whitman's Refrigerated i Candy Department Every Box Of! Tbeae DeKcknw ConfeetMns Keeps j Hi Richness and Tsstiness the Way! Ton Want The* - Freak. ! 4 BOLGER'S ! Gall a McHenry Cab Phone 72£ REPUTATION FOE SAFETY Ironclad dependability for smooth driving gives us oar popularity. Enjoy safer cab-riding with '«st - FLOOR FURNACES - ^ - t ? We install and repaid all makes of oil burners, including Coleman floor furnaces. Don't neglect necessary repairs on your household electrical appliances. Let us fix 'emu AMAlflrnE viCToittj^' ARDETH HAINES listened as th« band playad at tha Fair. Tht tune was gay but not tor her. Frank, her husband, was listening, too, at the other end of the field They had quarreled. They should have b&n together, holding hands, not apart nursing anger. Was it her fault if she was thrifty? Why did Frank have to blow up when she hinted at his extravagance? She was only thinking of their future ahd of the house they dreamed of owning. ' That morning she had founcl him in the garage. "Isn't it a honey now?" Frank had asked pointing to the portable radio on his work bench "It works like a top since I put in the four new tubes." "Four new tubes?" Ardeth gasped. "How could you when you know how much ,I Wanted new dishes?" There were angry tears in' her eyes. Frank grabbed the fedio and threw it into the corner. She stalked out, hurt and defiant. „ Later, when Frank asked: "What --« about the Fair?" 3«MinVte answered, -j.. stubbornly, "I m rrcrion going, but I'm go- ----------I ing alone." And the way she said it made Frank dash out of the house and slam the door. Suddenly there was a fanfare and Mr. Getty,,, master of ceremonies, announced loudly: "This is the moment you have been waiting for. For weeks we were fine-combing the community for the happiest married couple. Folks, here they are, Mr. and Mrs. James Pratt. Married twenty-five years and happily!" Mr. Pratt was holding his wife's hands and looking down into her face. Mrs. Pratt was beaming. Ardeth looked over at Frank but he was staring straight ahead. Mr. Getty talked into the mike. "We can all pattern our lives after this happy couple." He showered them with gifts; furniture, groceries and a bond. As Ardeth watched them walk off, she wondered about their recipe for happiness. Twentyfive years! Surely, Mrs. Pratt would be glad to help out a broken-hearted woman! 'The next morning was Sunday. Frank ate breakfast in silence and disappeared into the garage. Ardeth walked over to the bus. It wasn't a long ride. She was surprised to find the Pratt's house smothered in bushes and trees. It certainly symbolized happiness. A dream house! She ran up the steps wjth a lightened heart. She pressed the bell but no one answered. She could hear the radio and knew someone was at home., If they didn't answer tha front, perhaps they would the haok WONDER LAKE HOME APPLIANCES Om Door West of Standard Oil^ Station • Wonder Lake. Rincwood, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 388 it* n DEPENDABLE - SAFE -- LOW OPERATING COST If 5f HUDSON LektrikHeet STOCK TANK HEATtR Auxiliary and Party Cannon presided ft her as the new chairman f»r Gun Auxiliary when the regular »fft£ag was hfcld on Friday evening at the Rolaine Grill. There were twenty-six Members present A new rale was proposed that, instead of roll sail members should register as they arrive, and this rule was adopted. Plane were made for Saturday, Dee. 11, when a bazaar, smorgasbord, and Christmas party will be held at the Lake View Ijin. The next meeting of the auxiliary will take place at the Mill Inn and will be a fish fry. Walter Deans Are' Mamma and Papa , It> <a little girlfwr Wiei&£*3lftd Walter'Dean. Most folks have to just take what nature provides in the way of children, but this lucky little creature was chosen for own* sweet little self by thp Deans. On Thursday evening, Libby Bepfln, Betty Pavlik and Jean Dean were hostesses to one of the most wonderful Ot baby showers ever held for a new mother. It was the way Flo's friends had of saying, "We think you are a swell gal." ^ The little stranger received about as many things as she1 can possibly use for the next six months. / Happy birthday to Catherine Faxell of Hickory Falls, who celebrated her seventeenth birthday on Nov. 7. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Faxell, and her sister, Eleanor, accompanied her to Mr. and Mrs. J: Faxell, and het sister, Eleanor, accompanied her to Chicago on that day to celebrate the occasion with relatives thefe. Catherine is wearing a beautiful silver Indian bracelet to commenorate the day. _ »©e«U sun a*** too - - . Ktat tM wsrsatuay is sailed mmod bm that •ka had ^sAjafsj* Anyway, (warre in!--'Bonalm WHfcafan, now has • fake new job asa radio engineer for the Zenith Corporation -- fHends of Ha^y B%gsr« wffl beglsd faThear that he haagained Sfteea pOands. He waald weleaaM esDers to his bedside in the Lake Oanty Sanitarium, on Bt. 120, just outside Waukegan.--Hear that ttrang Pkt Fallow is now a teenager.-- Fat seneked that landmark of IS on Oet. 80, said; with his parents^ his auat and. uncle, Jfcnd his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan, with whom he makes his home^ celebrated with a big barbecued rib dinner.--Birthday felicitations this week to Arthur Frennsen, who was 11 on Nov. 6; to Ronnie Fredricksen, who was 14 on November 6; to! WaUy Dean, whose birthday was Nov. I 8; and to Mrs. Hilma Fredrickscn,! whose birthday was Nov. 3.--and toj Clarence Wilhelm /who also passed j another landmark.--Mrs. M. Dolgopol' left this week to spend two months in1 Bellevue, Fla. We hope she will come! back healthy and rested.--Another; birthday last week was that of Alfred Mueller, who was 76 on Nov. 2. Mr. Mueller and his black dog, Jackie, are a familiar sight to those who use the County , road. He* and Jackie go .hunting every day.--The Bod and Gun Club met on Sunday morning and discussed plans for hunting, and heard the month's reports.--Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Murphy were present at the 100th anniversary cekbvation of St. Mary's lodge, held in Woodstock last Saturday night.--The Holy Name Society will hold *a card party at Christ the King church on Saturday night, Nov. 13.--Hear that the Old Timers' party held at the Lake View Tnn cn Saturday, was lots of fun and that some of the outfits were out of this world. far na , . tha tea ifeoOqft from groan or partially decayod logs. Although flat rocks ara piaptiftil, they should not ha used, inawnarh sa thap rrHi ...... a record of a machine for jea, data of May 17,1784 line of Lee's at Wattles Drag Store, Henry. Order your rubber stamps at Tip-. P l a f n d e a l e r . - • * ' •- • < * - Floor m . 1275-gaL Oil Tuik l|£oor Furnace with At k Pull Price 245.00 r Down Payment 22.50 Monthly Payment 11.80 for 21 m#t. WONDER LAKE . . m,ECT^ICAL MAINTENANCE •' HAT SULLIVAN " <md«ri«ke 346 Bt. 1 V Bingwooct M. On Thursday, Nov. 4, Ray C. Johnson, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, went into the army Infantry. He will be stationed, for awhile, in Kentucky. The Wilhelm family had a hair-rais ing experience in the fog last week •when they lost a wheel from their car about seven miles out of DesPlaines. Both of the boys were with them, and all four searched for the wheel for nours before they found it about 100 yards over in a farmer < field. Later, Bonnie hitch-hiked back to Wonder Lake, picked up Tony Grosso's truck, and went back for his marooned folks. The officers of the Bod and Gun Club and those of the Bod and Gun Auxiliary will meet on Friday evening at, the home of E. E. Murphy in Shore Hills. The meeting will start at 8 p. m. and mutual plans will be under discussion. Happy Birthday to Hazel Von Bampus, who had two. birthday eakes, both of them angel food, to celebrate the occasion with. The cakes had been intended for a tea which was to b<> given as a farewell party for Mary Kay Carmen, who leaves this week for the east but Mary Kay was ill with the fln and the party had to be called off, so Hasel is still eating bi^th^ay cake. Sandra Jo Montel^oiie celebrated her tenth birthday with a party to which a number of her little friends were invited. Qames were played and they all loved the refreshments. <» At Woodstock | Ugh school, three Wonder Lake girls have just received fl. A. A. credit for having completed the hoekey season. They are: Laura Weak#, Geraldine^CormW^ and Dornbttsh.: * 1 . Gospel Center The Bible Instruction Class (Confirmation) is still open for young people j in the age of 12 to 15. Meets on Sat- | urday mornings at 10:00 o'clock. Our only aim and purpose is that of in- i structing the young in the infalliable I Word of God. j Again we wish to remind the young ; people of this community of the Youth! for Christ Meeting at Crystal Lake Ev. J Mission Church, Saturday evening, Nov.: 13, at 7:30. It's something really worth j while for the youth of our day. Come I and enjoy this meeting with its whole- I some christian program. Fellowship and refreshments after the meeting. Bemember the date: Saturday evening, 1 Nov. 13. j The pastor conducted the funeral j service of Mr. Bay Clinton Willets at the Peter Justen Funeral Home, on I Monday morning, Nov. 1. We extend I our deepfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones. We invite one and all to our services I next Sunday, Nov. 14. Sunday Bible | School at 10:00 a. m. and Morniug Wor-1 ship at 11:00 o'clock; There will also! be an evening service at" 7:45, when | the Gospel Team from Elgin will be in charge. Welcome! * Need for Riboflavin ' Everyone needs riboflavin---for growth and to aid in the process of j burning food in the body. Rfeuiae TUNB-UPS |ok« Hit discord out pff driving \r ^r<*ATtui maun knock tmeeitw hckhip too much «as • Clean and adjust spark * • Check primary and plugs. secondary wires, aaidj • Adjust distributer tighten. ' • Check fuel level la • Clean and tighten bCt» line. tery terminals. • Check compression. » Check coil wad coi* • Check vacuum, adjust carburetor. • k • Clean aa<>oll altcleaner. S&MHS7VOAY/ COMPUTE INGINI TUNI-UP A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc. 801 E. PEARL STREET MoHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 156 v . % • VS'- , This winter, ssve many hours of work snd dsity drudgery tny s HUDSON Lektrik-Heet Stock Tsnk Heater. finest, most practical pieces off equipment evnf ll^eloped for Hie farm. Keeps water <rt desired lemperatwae «• winter long automatically without any attention. Canawaias electricity only when needed. No danger • wwrt operate if tank goes dry. Easy to install, completely soft. Fife all tanks. Lock-in socket...stock can't disconnect Jlw ©of Your Ukhik-H--t Stock Tank Heater Today John J. Vycital Hdwe. Co. 'Ta goi||, bat I'm gaiag alssie/" she answered. door. Walking around,, she heard Jpud voices in the basement. Is that so?" yelled Mrs. Pratt, tliere was a blasting noise and ^rdeth heard falling glass. Then another voice. "How in the blazes JKas I supposed to know you used the pan for that?" More crashes. t'My aim is as good as yours." the lirst voice screamed. "If you crave to throw, I'll throw Something, too." Later on, when Ardeth had been Invited in, Mrs. Pratt said: "Sa you came to me for advice?" She patted Ardeth's shoulder and said: "Perhaps I can give you some at that." She offered Ardeth some home-made cookies. "We're happy. Quarrels don't matter, every normal ipouple has them. But you can't ,'rhange a husband. You've got to Accept his shortcomings as he must, accept yours . . There isn't any recipe for happiness. But you can overlook, many things in life." When Ardeth got home Frank was still in the garage. She went straight to him. "I'm sorry about the tubes, Frank. I'm an awful tightwad." Frank's eyes brightened up like sparklers. He reached to a shelf. "I got you this ^at the Fair," he said, handing Ker a huge bow-bedecked box of candy. It looked awfully expensive, but Ardeth remembered about the overlooking part Mrs. Pratt had mentioned, so all she did was to look into Frank's ayes. (Copyright) , MMM Sy WNU r«MW« were admitted officers of the right- to levy roads, etc. Bell he was not officers were doil son he would notj The court hel Shore Kills lUsidant Has Jadgement Entered . Ai fe hearing hfld before Charles F. Hayes,; Justice of the Peace in Woodstock, on Saturday, Nov. 6, the Shore Hills Country Clttb Association sued Janes W. Bell to recover the amount of $06 which they claimed was due for maintenance of this roads and other improvements of the subdivision. According to the records, copies of the deed i evidence that the ssociation have the Ir improvements of ted in court that I with what the and for that rea- •X, to owner* of property in «Wun<ler Lake; .where the deeds set forth l^venants that, officers of an association pan levy for improvements, those covinants are binding. A judgement .Was entered against Bell for the amoukt-of Iks apuMtnti sued for. "SPEEDY* NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE I SEND MY CAP OVER TO HICK MILLER S RmENKVGMAtt . AMD LET THEM r l THINK MV WAfS BETTER. I LET THEM GAVEMVCAt? . wauiawcworupg THAT 1 NEVER PUN INTO HEADACHES 1 NEVER TAKIN6 I USUI HOW DO NDU,. GET B© OF rr? 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 3X PHONE 108-R \0h**t «md P%m*d: sesiraiN! GKBEN STREET PHONE 98-M Carp Witt Class Caataed flaked freshwater earp, one of the most promising fishery products evolved during the war, now is offered to the trade. The carp is netted in Minnesota lakes, brought to a canning company alive, and processed. The fish is lean-meated, firm-fleshed, and has long been regarded as a delicacy in Europe because of its excellent flavor. Meed Rubber Stamps? Order at The PUinaeaiar. League Held Silver Tea la ^ W?h?League of Wtifasit Wonder Lako region held a silver tea on Sunday afternoon in fhe beautiful lake front home of Mrs."Ruth Woodward of Wonder Woods, Wonder Lake. About fifty women were present during the afte rnoon! and to heat a 'review on the book, "Smile, Please," written by Mildred Spurrier Topp. The review was given by Mrs. Vanesse Sells of the Woodstock Daily Sentinel staff. Mrs. Velma Sinclair was general chairman for the tea, with Mrs. Betty Selsdorf, Mrs. LilliSn Forsberg and Mrs. Virginia Grosby as hostesses; Mrs. Ines Krueger, Mrs. June Morin and Mrs. Ruth Woodward in charge of the tea table; and Mrs. Del Tslhnan in charge of the muaie. Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, unit president, and Mrs. Woodward poyred. Present from Woodstock were Mrs. I.owe, Miss Mab^l Hobbs and Mrs. £. M. Phillips. An announcement was made, at the tea, that the League of Wonder Lake, will sponsor a talk given by Chauncey Reed, congressional representative from the fourteenth district, on Nov. 18, at 8 p. m., in the Wonder Lake Gospel Center. The public is cordia^r invited to attend this meeting. Briefles Alice and. Roy Noren are back home and exhaunted after spending a week end with their son nt Laurence college in Appelton, Wis. They think collego life would be too much for them as a regular thing. However, they enjoyed the football game, and Roy was delighted with the banquet for dads held at Skip's fraternity house. While in Appleton they also visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mr. Jones was formerly a chemist at the Ringwood Chemical Plant -and Mrs. Jones -was Flree, 'Delivery £ DICKDW 5 i | ,t a n i--> i s t r- MARKET M « W E N RV 5 Fancy < Groceries Free . Delivery 118 S. Green St,. McHenry MARKET UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY * PETERSON Quarter BUTTER (93 score) lb. 65c SAUERKRAUT •NATIVE BEEF No. 2% tin None-Such POT ROAST 4 - tforSSc |b.«6c S?RY .. FRESH GROUND 14b. tia BEEF 41o ^ /v . * lb. 59c " KITCHEN KLENZER PORK LOIN ROAST IS-oz. pkf. Rib or Loin End 2 for 16c 3%-lb. Av. lb. 59c BLUE WHITE FLAKES AMERICAN CHEESE 2^-og. pkff. Snappy- Aged 9c lb . 90c $PNEMBER TO ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY POULTRY NOW i -J r>A: / ' ...r-. * I. -V# . . . /

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