Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Nov 1948, p. 6

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of the great nuaftar of ads «hm imar k flu r wh «aak, m haws •k St «n M miim rot BALE . ' '• /x ; " 'A ^ >; T ^ a *, • ?»?%- m iei- , *v* -„, < %t •*•:•)*jv ': ,1 i, ' •?Av «. ^>i >;,, - ' ^ Vi.. ' ^"'.X' • > v1 / -. , 'J- ^ * - rOBiSAUl -- OMRplet* koaMMt lWnishtags at McCiDmi Laki; livftag room epite, twy chain with tttoau bedroost rail*, deak, all pmetically new; Tutu •weeper, tank model with attachment*; kitchen set, sewing ma* chine table and floor lamp, ironing board,' diabes. silverware, etc. Phone McHenry 568 R-1. *26 FOB BENT OB FOB SAIJB -- 4-room year 'round home, oil heat, electricity, water. At West Shore Beach, McCul- Irfm Lake. Call McHenry 638 M-2 after 7, any time Sunday. "26 FOB SALE--Sarouk Oriental rug, 9x12, with Osite pad, $175. Tel. Wonder Lake 886. 26 FOB SALE.Jtrr/ tot in Wattles subdivision, McHenry; water, sewer, etc. $750. Tel. McHenry 112-W or 103 R. 26-2 ^ * ' iiyifiiri •fMr $%• i f - AKO CLUB LXLTMOOB 1 190, ttlt of McH«BT SATUBDAY, NOV. IS „» French Ikied Shrtaap ; and Barbecues • M - * 1 Tf 0mmlM§t'CMI H tl^ddtlttt rspiaslHsns tern* lathe Wi aa aholdup apot. An tut* HAVE TOVB CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cistcrns, cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. MeHenry 280. 29-tf FOB SALS --- Ladies', misses' dresses, coat.», suits, hats, shoes, children's elotfaes, prettv baby dresses; men's, boys' suits, coats, sweaters. Thin clothing in good condition. Antiques, glassware, china ware, riding and skiboots; 12-gauge double barrel shotgun'; miscellaneous items. Hours, daily 1 p. m. to 10 p. m., except Saturday and Sunday, open at 10:30 a. m. Close Sunday Bight at 6 p. m. Terra Cotta Consignment, Resale Antique Shop, % mile west of Terra Gotta factory. Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l.' 26 JfOB BALE--Walnut dining room table j in VA-1 condition; just the table for someone who wants large sise, will •eat 10 to 12 people. Reasonably .priced ; tor quick sale. Tel. MeHenry 22. *26 j FOB BALE -- Three purebred Poland! Chiaa spring boars and one gilt; av.I wt. 200 lbs. Sired by "Unique Model,"! ft prise winning boar. Tel. McHenry 883-B-l. Bob Sherman, West McHenry. • *26-2 FOB SALE--General Electric refrigerator, #75; dining room set, $65; davenport and chair, $60. Call Saturday or Sunday. Phone McHenry 598-B-l. *26 FOB BALE--Cape Cod 4-room house, located on 8outh Green St., near high school. Stanley Schaffer. Tel. McHenry 124-M. 26-tf ATTENTION, HUNTBB8! DOG LO EBB! XMA8 BHOFFEB8! Irish 8e\ ter puppies; 4 best of litter, 11 wkst.; AKC reg.; exceptional field and show atoeks. Richard von Bsmpos. Wonder Lake 556. *26 FOB "T.w--Team of sorrels, medium weight, well broke; mare, 7 years, gelding, 4 years; beautiful registered collie, female* 2% years old; also used Tlior washing machine in good condition. Bernard Klinke, Spring Grove. Tel. Richmond 913. *26 FLOOR POLONKBB -- Ladies, polish: your floors yourself, the easy way, with| our new polishing machine. Rent by the hour at a very low coat. For fur ther information Phone 38 or 63. Niesen's Floors, located at Peter M. Justen Furniture Store, 521 Main Street, W. McHenry. 26 FOB BALE--1941 Ford deluxe 2-door sedan; radio, heater, defroster; new set tires; new seat covers; new battery; completely ^overhauled; body and paint excellent; lest offer. Chas. Adams, 211 Grand Ave., MeHenry. Phone McHenry 228-J. *26 FOB BALE -- One-year-old gas range, excellent condition; large oven and broiler, flourestent light, timer and oven automatic heat control, Tel. McHenry 545-M-2. *26 FOB BALE--Confinement-raised young hen turkeys; premium quality; dressed weight, 13 to 20 lbs.; 70 cents per lb.; also live birds. Ed Schmelzer, Rt. 1, West McHenry. Phone 613 R-l. *26 2 WELLS DBILLBD OB DRIVEN WATBB SYSTEM -- We sell, repairand install pumps. Bill Baeon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf FAINTING -- Interior and exterior. Plastic tile; rubber fleering. First, class work. Insured. For free estimate, phone McHenry 652-W-l. Bert Lngstrom. 5-tf YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with. the best of service. Also rubbish Hauled in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. Tel. 758-R. 7-tf FOB SALE -- Well-matched team of Strawberry Roans. Call Vic Miller. Phone McHenry 261. 26 FOB SALE--Vacant; 66 ft. frontage on John street, garage on James street, McHenrv; nice building site. (Call Hank Nell) JACOB FBITZ, Real Estate, Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. 26-tf CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 93-J. MM# OR BALE--5 rooms and bath; glazed porch; utility room; oil furnace; Wickline Bay. Wonder Lake. JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, Johnsburg. Tel. McHenrv 37. 23-tf FOB RAM--la McHenry; 6-rm. frame FOB «*t.b at.t. YEAR HOMES, house, cement basement; garage 18x18; i $5,000 and up. FARM 8, large hot water heat; 2 chicken houses, 10x20 ; an^ --..11. CHOICE LOTS; LISTMi 10x60; orchard with assorted trees;! INCH, AFFBBCIATED; STOMPO- 1st sue 230x264 ft. Price $16,000. NATO'S Mar. ESTATE, Woodstock, Owner on premises. John Saaee, 716 i jn o»u rmmn.TA £. KNOX, Mo- Oeater 8t., MeHenry. Tel. McHenry! HENBT. TeL 421-J. *21-8 1T8-J, 26 tf * FOB miJI--Tree ripened, taste tested delivered prepaid by express. $5 per bushel, oranges, grapefruit, tan- (ferine*. All of one kind or assorted. Send check with order to D. W. Malloy, Lake Helea, Fla. 25-4 FOB BITiB Cabbage for sauerkraut, 9e per pound or $1 per bushel. Also Cheater White hoar, 240 lbs. Tel. •10-W-2. *25-2 FOB HH -- Eight-room home, immediate possession, near high school Make offer. ^ Six rooms and bath; year-round home; gas loor space heater; Fair Oaks sob. Cflll (Hank Nell) JACOB FBRS, BBAT» ESTATE. Johnsburg. TeL MeHenry 37. 23-tf FOB BALB -- Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors voltage regulators and ignition parts far Ford aad all other ear*. -Seaco Sales & 8ervice, Lilymoer, Fred J Svoboda, Prep. TeL MeHenry 183. 47-tf FOB BALB -- JOHNS-MANVILLE TYPE A BOCK WOOL HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Inatalled bjr the Wallfill Co. Call or write. Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., TeL MeHenry 18. if FOB BALB -- 1'«JPE WB1TBBB, ADD- 1W MUlilip--. Service oa all stakes. Alas ribboas for all makes; earbon faper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St., Woodstoek. Fheae 540. 7-tf BUILD LATBB Is Ml i an the hlaefclef read, THDTX OF XT K te t aerm taatiag an hlacktop «N> K alia fraai stores aad depot. AB gael tlUshle land. Beady to build m aad nlaa year own feed. BRAT TXB KIOK FOOD COBTS Why Bhrs ea a city lot when yea can ITS A OOOD iMVBBTMBNT i today and take ymu pick V ' . fO KBNT CO., Inc. • For ev« tf years. Fhane McHeary s 26 FOB *>T* --- Packing and slaughter house, near MeHenry; all equipments with refrigerator and freezer, including all buildiags. Price $37,500. For information call (Frank Nell) JA0OB FBRS, REAL ESTATE, Johnsburg, TeL McHenry 37. 18-tf FOB BALB -- Used cars aad tracks. Downs Nash Sales, MeHenry. 44-tf mscHBLLAnous BXFBBT FIAVO TUNING AND BBFAZBDIO -- Work felly gaaraateed. MeHenry 681-M-2. 26-tf TYFINO -- Desire typing to do at home; neat, accurate work at reasonable rates. Phone Wonder Lake 158 oi address Juanita Willits, Ringwood, 111. •2( PIANOS 40 miles from high prices. Before you buy your Christmas' Piano, see us for bargains on new and used spinets, Grands and Uprights. DAVID E. CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK AsbeBto6 Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS . Tel. McHenry 663-M-2 50-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. Box 163 PhoM 2M-R -- W. McHenry, I1L 45-tf C. J. H. DIHHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 206-W, 528 Washinrtoa St. 30-tf Woodstock, BH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR for cement, plastering, and brickwork. Nick Easier. Route 8. McHenry, I1L Phone McHennr 6M-R-1. Also 2826 N. Rockwell St* Chicago 18. Phone Brunswick #022. 14*18 DEAD AN1MAI4 prieaa paid far KT po • • and .i Calls Wheeling No. CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. TeL Libertyville 1846. 48-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us STARK PIANO, CO., 20 North Union j (ttspose ct yaor garbage each wash, St., Phsfts filgin 780, Bigia^ IWMis. ac allay if daabea. KoaiwMt 24-4 i ratea. Regular year round rente. John E. HDL P. O. Box 274, Me- FLOOR COVERINGS Henry, Phone 869. tf Asphalt and Rubber Tile liiaoleum -- Carpeting ;! t Sink and Table-Top Work Drop a card for estimate or Phone 699-M, Woodstock, UL BAY IBION FLOOBIMO 22-tf Need Rather Stanpst Ordar a| TM Plaindealer. TZLXNO BBBVIOB FOBCTBI.ATN TILB FOB WALLS AND FbOOBS CaJl or write for estimate FBBD KUVO •18 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, UL Phone Crystal Lake 480 6-tf MONTHLY BOOKKBBFQfO VICB -- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Certified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Kvu6 *Oi - - .TRUCKING--Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St, McHeory. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf WAMTSD WANTED--Watchea and Jmliv to repair. Anthony. Noonan, 100 So. Greea street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Ber.uty Shoppe.) ll>tf WANTE6--Corn picking and wood •awing. Herman Dowe, 206 Richmond jtd* McHenry. Tel. McHenry 241. 22-tf WAMTSO TO BUT WANTBD TO BUY -- 1947 ear corn. Oakmount Pheasant Farm. R 3 Box 271 McHenry. TeL MeHenry 619-J-2. 26 SULFA-DU -- We now hsve on hand Sulfa-Du, the amazing new proven liquid Hydrochloride sulfa dnig for colds and eorysa in poultry. You simply add it to drinking water. MeHenry Mills, Ine., phone MeHenry 9&-B. West McHenry. 25-4 Subscribe for The Plaindealer Helea Weber Says: ,-v. McHenry Cleaners 184-M 16t Weber. Mgr. WANTED TO BUY--Wc pay $7 to $25 for crippled horses and cows; also dead animals. Alfredi J Rendering Service. Call Round Lake 2228 or 2296, reverse charges. 26-tf *U#TO> TO BUY--We have cadi buytira for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FTUTZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. TeL McHenry 87, or Chicago, Uneoln 1888. 2-tf FOE RENT mm BBNT--Rooms. 109 W. Main St., McHenry. TeL MeHenry 100-R. #26 HOMB FOB BBNT -- Large home at McCullom Lake. Desire couple to oecu py home with elderly resident; reason able rent. TeL McHenry 653-W-l. 26 FOB BBNT--Heated cabins, single or double; weekly rates. Ben Connor's Tavern. Phone MeHenry 611-M-2. 26 FOB BBNT--House at Wonder Lake) immediate occupancy; 4 rooms and' bath; baaement garage; oil futnaee; two blocks from business seetion. JACOB FBITE, Baatter, Johnsburg, TeL McHenry 37. 26-tf ^ biaatrj Total >*totaiit ahput iflOQAfr 008 tone have baatf tor export. Domestic conatdnptidn tMa year will average jotne 132 pounds par capita as compared with IS pounds last year. Oattlag Started WHfc Beea The three common ways of starting with bees are: (1) Buying package bees or nuclei from the South; hiving swarms; (8) buying colonies. A fourth method is to transfer colonies of bees from box-hives, trees or the walls of houses, but this method is not practical and should be attempted only by an expert. Rand the Want Ads 5 TUNIT* HD IN TBSf TYWT WIWUL APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO, SOI RIVERSIDE DRIV^ MaH%TRY. PHONE 88. * 10-tf HELP WANTED--MEN -- Cleaning and maintaining buffing aiMlpnieiu 3rd shift" EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Steady work. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO., Woodstock, Illinois. 20-tf • ' HBLF WANTED i MAINTENANCE • AT ONCE '"7^777|WBADY WOBM ^ .. OOOD FAY THE EDWAL ° XJLBOBATOBlaBi BXNOWOQD, ILL. TEL. BICHMOND 6 28 H B L F WANTS K:- SEVERAL MEN FO& SHIFT WORK : f In Production Department . ' Of Company Manufacturing FINE CHEMICALS Interesting and Steady Work a OOOD FAY Opportunity For Advnlitssaaat ; r SICK LEAVE BLUE OBOSS AND GBODF INSUBANCE PLANS 6 PAID HOLIDAYS PAID VACATIONS ' NO EZFEBIENCE NECESSABY jDall at or phone THE EDWAL LABOBATOBIBS, Inc. Bincwood, HI. 28 TeL Blchmondg Lonely Isles The remote British islands of rrls tan da Cunha, In the far South At* lantic, are known as the "lonely isles." World War I was nearly over before news of its outbreak reached Inhabitants of these islands. Yeari passed before the islanders heard uf the armistice. By contrast, It was through World War II that Tristan da Cunha began, losing its isolation. In 1942, a secret metqorlogical and radio station was set up there by the British royal navy and the South Af rican air force. 8trange English Language Yank at Oxford Is an Ox* onian, his Cambridge riva! is a Cantabrigian; Liverpool is full of Liver* pudlians, Manchester holds Mancunians; Glasgow folk gaze off toward Norway and call themselves 0*asweg-. ians. Haltgonians live in Halifax, Aherdonians and Dundonians are at home in Aberdeen and Dundee, the Stilly Ise hold Scillonians, and the Manxman and his tailless cat belong to the Ise of Man. of Jericho tying 800 feet and more Mov Medtterranean level, the grftden acree of Jericho extend toward the Dead aaa, lowest surface level on earth. Ih summer Jartaho ts torrid, and waves of hast mske the desolate white marl hma seem to'dance a wltch'a waits. In winter, when Jerusalem ties froaea under a blanket of anow, Jericho, near ay and far below, la a sunshine paradise. Electronic Ughtalag An electronic alarm that tips off lightning's tricks Is reported by the Sooth African Institute of Electrical Engineers. It was developed to pro* vide added protection for those who wark with explosives, particularly South Africa's gold miners. The device can be aet to warn whfcn lightning has shown its hand within a ra diua of aeven or 20 miles, or when an na-the-spot-flash Is Imminent. Removal of BsHans An easy way to remove buttons from a garment is to bold a comb under the buttons and cut them off with a razor blade. The comb wiU safogusrd against cutting <Im garment. Making To make good meringue, beat egg whites until they Stand in peaks* than add two tablespoons at sugar far each egg white, a few drape of vanilla and a few grains of salt. Bake meringue in a alow (800 degr^ g) oven for about IS minutes. Ugkt Stamhing for OsMte Cottons will not creaae as quickly if they are lightly starched. One designer of cotton fabrics suggests using for a dress the same spuing amount of starch neoonnnramdod for a Mouse. This wiH j^ve the dseee fabric the "body" it needs without making it stiff. Uncle Sam Says Amy flsymflft BONK There's ssltih| Mke a bach lag of U. S. Savings Bonds Is enehle osm le stead ap id leak the world la the eye. And jrsaH be dskUu e hendfal of theai before yea kaawlt If yea aswoB aew for the regalar pasehaae of U. S. Savings Bowdslwllh thaae bends yeaH loae the asnstfarteble feeUng that yaa*re mot getting ahaed. Wlml's good for yea Is good for yeas eeaatry, so start arre--slsllt these Sailap Beads new. In isn yeets «aa jpat ksn $4 far avssy H j sa kmrni isnsjivilaa ^ fW die Payred flsilagi Plan mae jfn week, or, if islf se^lnjrd. fm thi ffisl LOUIS CtJNNINOHAli ROCKY PELL, alias Phelan, alias Finn, turned the green coupe In at the sign that said "Meals--Overnight Cabins--Home Cooking." This out-of-the-way tourist camp, deep in Cenada's New Brunswick, looked tike e natural for Roeky, aranted in a dozen states, with 15,000 for the one wrho turnad him in. Pat diance? They probably wane still tooMag for a blue eadan with Illinois plates. This number, for Instance, came from Arttopa. The old btrd wtie owned it never would ^quawk. A guy was a sucker on a kmely rood to offer e stranger a lift "You're a pal, mister," said Rocky. He stuck a gun in the old boy'e ribe. "Drive down the side _ road and behave yourself and everything will be lovely." The man. his fnc# gray-green, drove down a " narrow- track and at the end was arf abandoned quarry with lota of water. Rocky drove the coupe back alone. He had the money and passport. He wes Phillip Sumter. It was eesy for Rocky to forget him end s dozen like him. He was looking forward to some home-cooking and a soft bedv Hf turned the corner of the drive and saw a white house with meny gables--Robin's Nest. Sure looked comfy. Cabins here and there among the willows. "Ob-obt" A tctrlt! tunic ttiJttng to m old lady in Htu on it* step*. Rocky fttl lb* gun mnitr bit armpit. Nothing to worry about. When Rocky stopped the car, the old lady came briskly down. The Mountie went into the house, "pood day, sir. Welcome. I'm the proprietress-- one of them. Miss Abby Stubbs. My sister Rachel and I run Robin's Rest. You'd like dinner, a cabin--" "Sure," grinned Rocky. "Sure Miss Abby--I want the works. Chicken and hot biscuite and coffee--" s "Very good sir Here's the key of No 4, the cabiifby the pond. Dinner will be ready when you are, Mr.-- "Sumter--P. H. Sumter." Rocky's gray eyes never left the smiling, old blue ones. "Wk% so glad to have you. Mr. Sumter. You have no idea." Miss Abby actually dimpled. "Swell," said Rocky. Just the aame, after he had washed up he did not go directly to the front but strolled around to the rear. I SAW HIM first." Dear. Sweet old Miss Abby's voice. "I spoke to him first. It's the money earit's the one that pays." "Abby Stubbs? I noticed first I sweer I did. You never even got 'You're trying to ehaat a>e, him to regiater. That's what you ware auppoeed to do--." "You're trying to cheat me. I know you, Rachel." v "We'll call it a tie. We'll aplit the money--" Harpies both of them! Rocky atraightened up. "1 have the proof," crowed Miss Abby. "I was talking to Corporal Renault. Ha stooned for dinner, i told him, and he's waiting and. when Mr. Sumter comes in--Well, I'm not going to wait; I'm geing to gel the corporal now." That was why Rocky pulled tin gun on Corpora] Renault when they met at the corner tit the house. "Not ao easy, copper," Rocky snarled and stared at the two trembling old sisters behind the Mountie's broad back. "Those old dames can fighi some more over the $9,000 prize I'm not caught yet Damn you--" That Mountie was a funny cop He didn't look boyish any more though he still was smiling. And he didn't back up. He kept righi on coming. The gun roared but it* muzzle was knocked up and a fist caught Rocky in the middle. He was still on the lawn when he ctme to and there was a familiar feel about his wrists. Bracelets. "Wttt, Jft i ptmeb* I gmu," uid Rocky. "I omymmf, tbo* oU wkebn oM Am* «r«|Br tbo domgt with yea, cefpr. Miss Abby and Miss Rachel,** said tbs Mountie, "had a little pool. They put a dollar in it for ovary car with a different state Hemps-plate. They wsja 4ip te Of whan yon came in with Arisaoa. Ariaona was Bingo. T^ntfs how mat Abby easna to be datmfcic the auMv--M *» there's a bit more coming." »v wm Woodland Pastnrs A good woodland la g poor pasture. Douglas Fir Strongest wood of the Douglas fir spedae grows In the coaatal region of Washington,"Qregon and California. Mod of the lumber aold as Pouglas flr comes from tike coast Complete Hae af Leans peaHzy remodioo at Wstllee.Dn* Store, McHenry. S-tf topped by a lone highwayman here, an<.s8 the bandit atrnggled to make off with the heavy strangbon and tts ,900,000 tn gold, a sharp-eyed pfsstager nailed him with a pistol shot The tfrduaded bandit flit far the brush, lugging the loot, aad dlaappeamd. The naxt day, however, he was found dead by a poses jut he had buried the gold eomewhere nearby. It has never been found to this day. Hew Aging Is The booses of known ss the split broke the power of Brttainrs Actually they oooapy a royal Infa that was dp tits site Mi hefore the Voimn oonfuest to the time of amy Yin. Although parHamant moved in after the»TBder Wnga, the buUdbig sOU has royal prlvflegea It from certain dvte leg# '* -. i ' A0*g le several ways. Many people shrink with age. Others will put on bulk with the years.\Thoae who jhrlnk live longer. And this Is the leaean. Instead of shrinking, some cells may collect aad store up dull. Inert m. terlal like calcium, the little brown granulee In the cells at the heart, aad especially fat. This kind of aging caueea more trouble than quiet shrinking. Aging to well on its way when fatty suhetances collect in the calls and in the arteries, particularly fat their Intfda lining Ttois l* oca form of hardenlng of the arteries. New Sealants few Zealand's)two largest volcanoes are Ngauruhde, a 7,515 foot peak, and Tongarlro, larger than Nguaruhoe, and one of the biggest volcanoes in the world. The two mountains are situated in New Zealand's volcano belt on North Island, where one of the wortd's most spectacular eruptions occurred In 1888. Tarawera exploded with such force it caused s lake to sink and radically changed the geography of the entire area. Ngauruhoe erupted April 80,1948, for the ! first time in 20 years. Arsenate • ^ Caidum arssnate used at the sa4£ of six eight pounds per act* la very effective against the bell weaatf and leafworm. At tWa rate, however, r gives poor central of boOworntf and often cauasa a deetructlve crease In cotton apdde. Uhaiy el Oeagrfa More than a million visitors the library of Congrees each year, an average of 3,700 persona dally. The library to the repository of 8,121,914 various manuscripts, which inctuds the peraonal p^ers of many Ameri* eaa public men aad the majectty ef pnaldenta. Ne Italy has issued an IntsmUnj and cal^fful 'm$ of 11 postage *tattt|NK oommemoratlng the amiivenary of the Risorgimento, the revolution of 1848-49. Pictured are battle eeenea in varioua dttoa prominent in tMP:V fight for Independence. |'!;' BowKag Onee Churefc Bite The sport of bowling aa a religious ceremony in cat cloisters where, if a "parishioner ' ed over his pin, ha waa considered t# be leading a clean life. Forests Renewable A forest Is not like a mine or an oil well. It does not consist of Just so must material, which when taken away Is gone forever. It is a replaceable resource. Forests are living, reproducing things. A forest that is not used is only a kind of storehouse. But with proper use, it becomes a aort of factory, constantly growing new supplies of wood. Cleopatra's Needte Cleopatra's Needle (the obelisk) In Central park. New York City, was a gift to this country from the Khedive of Egypt. William H. Vanderbilt footed the bill for getting it to New York, and the hieroglyphs were, supposedly inscribed by the Bgyptlan who snatched Mooes from the bullrushes. , Promotee Sleep * A hard mattress is beat for heeKh* ful sleep. The quality of qonstructioit, resilience and ability to provide equal support to all parts of the body arlf primary requisites of the proper mattress. vVBPVIVT Wm anHHS P»ny Bdwarde etarts eaeh day's work by begging a penny. She thinks it brings her hick, and keepe a apodal book In which the penniee are pasted over the namee of their donore. Christened Mlllicent. she got the name Penny from the last portion of her given monicker. Poker Frees Persia It' la believed that poker la an adaptioYi of a Persian game and was brought to the United States by way of New Orleans. Full-deck poker with 52 cards was not played until about 1830, while "draw" poker did not come Into existence until the Civil . Heart Beate A mouse's heart beats 000 times a minute: he dies In two or three years. The elephant's heart has 28 beats to the minute: he. lives TO or 100 years. Thi >reat, athletes havis slew heartf, 48 to 60 beats to the minute. Sid*. Largeet Orgaa The skin is the largeet organ of the body. It hae two aides. Inside and out. The skin's elaaticity diminishee with age: it sags, drieo and wrinhlec. This can in large part be oorrected W44paayed by improved nutrition. . ; Danger of Over weight Pat adds many unnecessary mile? Of blood vessels through which the heart must pump blood. Thus overweight jhoilens lif^ by tditinr ton-. dehs to the heart and circulation. Sales Dp Production of fertiliser in 1947- 41 is estimated at 1,100,000 tons. Ibis excludes army output. Adding expected imports of 107,000 tons, this makes a total of 1,317,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizers available to farmers. Shlp-BolldlBg Center The Clyde river in Scotland la re> nowned as the world's busiest shif*^ r building center. Both the giant lineiH Queen Mary and Queen Elisabeth Were built there. - ^ AnnfuT fire M Each year approximately 11,00# people are killed by fire or die from burns received In fires. More than 2,000 of the fatalities are chiidran under five years of age. Spray for Apple Trees Spraying with a naphthslsna aeatts acid ^plutfain ia aaid to heap xtesnod ° applee ontreee for lO^daya*'Wtifcf weeka, so they may be harvaatad at at once. Butter produetioa in the Wis Statea la lower than it was prior t» the war because mere atUk la eseet ss liqbld milk. TISatsns Drtak Meet Tan Natives of Tibet probably ditek more tea than my other people. Bach Tibetan drinks an avenge of 98 to 09 cupe a day. Pat 'Peps Up* Arahe The Arabs of East Africa aaoMt themselves with Item's fat In order tt. gain courage and impress the §s4* Total retail turnover of tolMcco IS Holland last year was more than 49 million guilders, compared with a prearar total of '32 million. fifty per cent of the wofld's suppty. ef cnNo'liasns, from which fholwlsli la afade, are ueed by the UatleK Lake Placid, In the AdltondaoS--- mountalna of New York state, to oag af the beet known winter resorts IK' the world. ioooatah Prsjaets Of S80 research profopts _ way in the home economics depart* ments of land grant 145 are on foods and 100 phases of nutrition. Principal Agrleattural Kxpsrts ' J Cotton, wheat and tobacco mads up about two-thirds of the value of agricultural exports ia every five-year period from 1910 ta 1940, with exception of the Worl# War I period. . Toni Permanent Wave Kits. SLSS and 92.00. WatUes Drug £on. &tf Y<rti know that your physician wouldn't lead you astray. Ask him about our prescription service; hell assure you that we can be counted upon to compound prescriptions with dependable high quality, both in regard to the drugs used and the method whereby they're dispensed. You can look to us for the higheajt type ? of professional service, assiting your doctor by carrying out his every order with care. Nye Drug Store WALCntKKN AOEHCT RiPsrsids Drtve, MdHsnrj Ttltphofn 28 yr.r, * * r ;

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