Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1948, p. 11

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mwmlmwm *W5SeS»! aftS-w^Tsr-j jt< -*•> / * \ to so »ew if «a indttstfcat Htf* to now _ mrhyl H win do. to 1bio^p®» hpwoiwpJj to teflt* cat* that ft $ib be umd where a high ratio aI MmfA to mUht to aoodrt. nipciti «( flw bureau of adiH ud otttt org^atoatkni indicate that an aariy major use may i ha in high qpaod piatfM-aad otter forms of transportation. It may go into corrosion rsstotawt equipment and industrial machinery such as printing pnswi and textile equipment. Titanium to the serentii stoat **•»"»-- metal, and the ninth moat common element, in the earth's crust, and is mora than a hundred times as plentiful as copper, zinc »fSp :/ V- W •' * *' ' / Step-Mother Birds Cuckoo lays her eggs in othOr tSMa' nests and permits her young to be raised by others. The name derives from the harsh, rasping sound of the bird WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney >at-l<air 110*4 Beaton WL'&fKPhone Woodstock 34/ "•* Woodstock. Illinois McHBNRT FLORAL CO. ' "V Phoae 494 One line Booth of McHenry •n Route >1 Flowers for all occasions! Miitotmuinra* Yon know there1 cW about a broUou «ttar meats that seem extra good when broiled. Francos Cook, foods and nutrition nww IaHsl. University of Htt> coltega of agricuttwre, lists •wae meats as oadaPemi for broiling: _ Steak or ground meat one Inch thick, lamb chops one inch thick, liver one-half inch thiffr, h»m «j*-hairinch thick, and flShaleaks. These take about 15 minutes to broil. , Remember a few simple rules for perfection when you broil meat, Miss Cook says. Let the meat stand at room temperature about SO minutes before broiling so it won't be thoroughly chilled. Brush any meat except pork with melted fat. It's best to preheat the broiling unit five to 10 minutes, but do not preheat the pan. Set the temperature control at the position for broiling. And place the rack where meat will broil best--usually where meat will be three inches from the source of heat. The meat should be turned only rce, Miss Cook points out. Broil half the required time on one »idt, half on the othari v : i • FRANK 8. MAT Tracking M Sand -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravelf Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M*l R-I McHenry A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic « and Crane Service --ROAD' BUILDING-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, I1L Limestone VBBN THELEN Trucking Qravel Black Dirt . Truck for Hire 1 Tel. McHenry 588-R-2 or 58?-W-l Box 172, Bt. 1. McHenry Telephone No. S00 STOFFEL & REIHANSPERGBR Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best coaipaniei. West McHenry. Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER. Attorney (Joslyn ft Parker) Office Hours: Wedneeday Afternoons--144-5 M Office Koehr Supply Company, S42 Main Street, West McHen Phone---McHenry 486 Woodateck 1115 lenry INSURANCE « EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm and Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When yoa need insurance of any kind Phone 48 or 118-M Green ft Elm McHenry COPYING Old Photographs Snapshots and Proofs for which negatives are not available. $1.00 WORWIOK'8 STUDIO Phone 275 117 Riverside Dr., McHenry on tailor's tablet afa a far ctf tram ttat pleaaed the palate oI H>|fn Tamrl It* probaZle, at least, that the beauteous queen of ancient days ate pam, tor they wars a fart of the reguter diet eg marirind as far bade as pra-htotorte days. They were relished alike bgr Egyptians, Romans and early Chrtathe latter part of the nineteenth century, archeologtots found paas in earthen Jars that were buried for 34 centuries in the ruins of Troy. While dried ripe peas and cooked whole-pods were the piece de resistance on ancestral bills of fare, almost all peas sold in the modern gourmet's world are canned commercially. It is a fact that earned peas on the average have greater nutritive valve than home-cooked fresh peas. Moreover, the average cost of the fresh peaa is more than twice as latnfeeiie*«l€aanint When Fraam* Napoleon, was fightinjt tbe otter nations of Europe, food for thtf French armies was one of the greatest problems. The French government, as a military measure, offered a prize of 12,000 francs to anyone who could And a satisfactory method of preserving food. A man by the name of Nicholas Appert was among those who set oiit to win the prize. After 15 years, in 1810, he announced that he could preserve food by first heating it and then sealing it in air-tight containers. This was the beginning of the art of canning. Appert was given the prize and is called the "father of the canning industry." Subscribe for The Plaindealer AUCTION Banjul* Franklin and Food Ja hto early youth Benjamin Franklin was a vegetarian, not so much because he didn't believe in the values of meat, as because he saved money by this practice. Sup. par, whoa he was • poor strugtfing 'printer in London, consisted of "only half an anchovy each on a very little strip of bread, and half a pint of ale between us." Necessity did not force Franklin to remain a vegetarian, however, and in later more successful years he became interested in rendering meat tender. He expressed the belief that fowl killed by electricity was uncommonly tendab* •miling, gracious yeaag girl tm Kfatogtapfc. The ml* i Tommy Bidgway, who seised rra sad posed Miss Powell for a FAMOUS THUMB Jaae Powell eaused a furore in the Crystal Lake Cob Scont park meeting recently, when the petite movie star wai introduced by Witmer Rnmaey as (djPer picture, but eoald not make a surprise guest. Coatract limitations' e*»era work, beeaaae of eprroaioa. did not permit her to sing, but the I " meeting practically disbanded while While there is still a beaatifal SS» Cubr tore oat of the high school music i sortment of choiee Christmas Oarla room into the eorridor to press the order them now at the Plaiadaalir. Each person consumes, on the average, the equivalent of. 890 quarts of milk each year--including fluid milk and cream, butter, chees^j, ice cream and concentrated. miUts. WM. BU88ELL, BD VOQEL and uHARLEB LBONARD. Auctioneers TT^ritead the Want Adi *1. MOSEY INN y'r:- UNGWOOD I TELEVISION PRAOEB BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop. great, according to university tests. ( -- Peas of old doubtless were eaten ( Having purchased a small aa they came; big ones mixed in "U m7 personal property with little, and soft, sweet peas i Psna, located on with irregular ones. Modern can- sooth of Mchenry. 8 miles north; CHARLES LEONARD and BO VOOBL of Crystal Lake, on £\JEA UCTI O blacktop. Vi mng methods allow sorting as to size and shape. The early or June types are usually smooth skinned and nearly round, and the sweet or sugar types are often of irregular shape and possess a naturally sweeter taste. FRIDAY, NOV. 26 I beginning at 10 a. as. sharp, the follow-! lag described property, to-wit: I 64 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 34 MILCH COWS, 10 freshened in last four weaks; 15 wringers, 9 milkers; Auctioneers Having purchased a small farm in Wisconsin will sell all my personal property on the Leonard Smith, now called the Herendeen Farm, on blacktop. 3 miles *ast of Crystal Lake, 6 miles south During the time of the French . *??, of McHenry. half mile south of Barre- i-fiisW-Pt- 3. r- r * •tarto°'* ^ $62.50 a pint. Today canned peas! stein registered are one of the few inexpensive items in the market basket. While the cost of peas during Louis' time made them a soughtafter delicacy, the passing of years with its strides in the intricacies 7 mos. old. 23 Chester White hogs. iiPUBSDAT. MOV. St MACHINERY begfimtog »t 12 o'clock ahaip, the fol- 3 tractors; 2 Farmall H tractors and lowing described property, to-wtt: ' " cultivators; Allis-Chalmers A. C. trac tor; 2 McD. 14-in., 2-bot. plows; Rode-j rick Lean 8-ft. disc, new; 4-sec. drag.: SI HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of o f ^ r o m m e r c i a l h 8 , h 3 n , w : M l n n e a p o l i s - M o U n e 6 - f t . c o m b i i , ; , 2 2 M D J C C O W S ; 2 H e i f e r s . 2 y e a r s o l d ; canning has brought piclnip attachment with motor; McD. 2 on« rear old; 4 heifers, 8 to them to a popular level. Ppco&. Qjlf&ufiAInc. A Complete CLEAN SERVICE Done in Oar Own Plant Rembrandt, Biblical Student An • "Inner urge" drove Rembrandt, the great. Dutch pairtter of the 17th century? to produce hundreds of Biblical pictures--despite fertiliser attachment; McD. bay mower; the fact that there was little de- 2 New Idea manure spreaders; General corn picker, 1-row pall type, new; McD. windrower, 8-ft., new; John Deere 8-ft. grain binder;* McD. corn binder; Oliver Sorr*l Team, side delivery rake, new; Oliver hay loader, new; Papec silo filler, new and pipe. Lime spreader, new; grain blower, new; John Deere corn planter with 9 months old; registered Holstain bull, 2 y ears old. HAY AND ORAIN 40 tons ear corn; 500 bushels oats; % tons mixed hay, loose; 25 ft. silage. mand for religious art in Calvinist •Holland. This is the conclusion of Professor Jacob Rosenberg, curator of prints at the Fogg art museum of Harvard university, after a long study of Rembrandt's life and work. In a two-volume study of "Rembrandt," Professor Rosenberg reports that the great Dutch artist gave the world 850 representations of Biblical scenes during the course of his lifetime. These included paintings, drawings and etchings. FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With < - -Jflodern Emipmentr^'.:^ - Can Furnish Tile -- c. ZIMMERMAJC "• Contractor* -- , Phone 1SM-M-1 • R. F. D,1 Woodstock. 111. lij FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE fT* WONDER LAKE R..1. RINGWOOD. ILL. Bectric Wiring Motor Repairs Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoon* Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 206 S GREEN ST. MCSENRY Free Pickup and Delivery Serving HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fori Dead and Crippled Horses. Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Load- • h»g ~~ Tankage and Meat Scraps j for aale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry 4&9-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. __J0SEPH X. Attorney at law H| Waulcegan Road (RFD Box 1) --^ WEST McHENRY. ILL. PHONE McHENRY 492-W ' McHenry 20 qpk* Food-Freezing Tip Freezing does not destroy spoilage organisms. It does slow down the action of these ^organisms; therefore, it is important for frozen foods to be used at the right stage of thawing before spoilage can set up. MACHINERY John Deere R tractor and cultivator: John Deere I disc, 7 ft., new; John cultipacker, new; J. D. cultivator; hay Deere 10-T disc; McD. 10-20 tractor; rake; fanning mill; 2 endgate seeders; McD. 12-in.. 2-bot. olow; McD. 14-in., walking plow; O. K. Romer Weed spray- 2-bot. plow; Weed Ho sprayer; Kromer er, 26-ft. power takeoff, new; tractor rprayer for power takeoff; McD. 3wn chain for H tractor; rubber tired wagon binder; McD. grain binder; McD. hay and box; iron wheel wagon and rack: loader; McD. rubber tired wagon and oil tank heater; 2 silage esrts, one on rack; McD. wagon and box; McD. hay ra^)^>er- | nowir; J-D side delivery rake; grain MILKING EQUIPMENT elevator; hay rake; Gehl silo filler and oeLaval muicing macnine, 4 single pjpe; manure spreader; 3-sec. drag; units, pump, motor, pipe, new; electric fiiackhawk corn planter, fertiliser atwater heater; 2 wash tanks; 30 tiSHk tachment; hammarmill; buss saw; cultlc* ns, pails and strainer. : vat or; Hinman milking machine and FEED pipe; cream separator; 22 milk cms; 30 tons clover and alfalfa, baled; 100 water heater; 2 wash tanks, pails and bu. Clinton oats; 2600 bu. corn; 10 strainer. tons straw. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS HOUSEHOLD "FURNITURE Not Responsible For Accidents Cbifforoll; Simplex ironer; buffet; din- TERM8: All sums of $25.00 and under ing room table and chairs; 4 bed springs that amount cash; over that amount a flnd mattresses; fibre closet; dresser; credit of six months at 6 per cent will kitchen cabinet; coal and wood*stove; be extended on notes approved by the 2-piece bedroom suite; "o^d, box spring for th« • • <h«»rf»l, personal touch--» send Made from your portrait negative, Portrait Greeting Cards are in a class by themselves as &- means of saying "Merry Christmas." If we have your negative on file, the rest will bit easy. Please phone--we'll be glad to explain the details of this new idea in greeting cards. 1 ORDER THKM HOWI ' ilf?. : SubrcriDe for The Plaindeal|£ clerk... Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangement before purchase is made. No property W be removed until settled for. JOHN FICKEN McHenry State Bank, Clerking CLARENCE'S SHOP SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW! Barnyard sets, garages, doll houses, table and chair sets, writing desks, toy chests, kitchen cabinets, ironing boards, etc. t*ull line of lawn fnrniture. i Men's and ladies' leather belts and billfolds, wash baskets, market baskets, etc. v CLARENCE SMITH Tel. McHenry 583-J-l Johnsburg, 111 and mattress; kitchen table and chairs; i ninny artlcUs two to mention.; LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS . Not Responsible For Accidents I TERMS: All sums of 92&.00 and uader, cash, over that amount a credit of | six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk.' Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No I property to be removed until settled; for. AUGUST BENKSTEIN, Owner McHenry State Bank, Clerking Bring your photographic problems to a photographer. We can deliver anything you can get in Chicago or New York from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. CAMERAS, FILMS AND SUPPLIER If our large stock does not satisfy your needs, we oan obtain anything in still or movie equipment. WORWICK'S STUDIO PHONE 275 McHENRY, ILL BELL ft SHALES Interior and Exterior Painting Payer Hanging Also Spray Painting 105 N. Green St. McHeary Tel. McHenry 243-J or Cryatal Lake 1328-M-l "•iff Tel. Wonder Lake 4t8 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hoars-- Tuenday, Thuraday ft Satardai^ t a. m. to 5 p. •, • i_ ®TeJ^r" ^ Appointment Laakout Paint Wonder Lake, I1L FRANK E. LOW Insurance Writing Fire, Accident ft Health Auto, Casualty and in Reliable Companies. Phone 95-J 801 Waukegan St. McHenry, 111. xvurem Tel. WEINGART TRUCKING -7--^7 Sand -- Gravel _ Black Dirt -- Liawatone Trucks for Hire Free Estimating 655-R-2 McHenry, III. WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J 909 Sooth Green St., McHenry, I1L AI/S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE <01 Main St, McHenry Electric Portable Welding ; Acetylene Welding and Cutthyj ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. DR H. S. FIKE Veterinarian _ On Highway 31 --- Office and Home TeL McHenry 31 McHenry, 111. « Office Hoars: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. w Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment?- T DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Hours: Tuesday and Saturdaya from 10 te 4. Evenings by appointment. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 8. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) fWa ppi^iR • • / ' • " * Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted Visual Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis Hoars Daily: 9 to 12 and \ to 5--Saturdays Evenings: 6 to 8J0 p. m, PHONE McHENRY 452 When Your Horsepower Runs In tfkc&AYOU'RE GETTING NOWHERE FAST! -- WANTED TO RUT -- We pay to $25 for Old Horses, less (or down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnaburir - Spring Grove Road Phone John^onrg 314 CALL AT ONCE* ON DEAD HOGS. nORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone chargea Feather Party BART'S TAVERN WEST McHENRY SATURDAY, N0V> 20 TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS LURCH SERVED LIT YOUR FORD SEALER ' RESTORE PEP and POWER TO YOUR FORD ENGINE with Hits hri PirtM Mm Spatial If your car's engine smokes, loses compression, or lags on the "pick-up," it is wasting your gas and oil. Stop this waste by bringing your Ford "back home" to us today for this Ford Piston Ring Special. It's real Ford service with: • Ford-fralnod Madientai . • Factory-approved Motfcode • Special Ford Iqulpmont • Oenaino Font Porta This Piston Ring Special can pay for itself in the money you save on gas and oil . . . it will make driving more pleasant. See your nearest Ford Dealer today! Your Ford Dealer invites you to listen to the Fnd Allen Show, Sunday Evening*--NBC Network. tMtn to the Ford Theater. Friday EvtmnfS--CBS Network. See your newspaper for time and station. Here's What We Do: rtn,. 3c:r«r*cHn--- <yand*r ""tm 4 • , "rvfc*- $38.95 *• >•' - . -iM your roas dmui knows Foaas assr BUSS MOTOR SALES 631 MAIN. ST. • PHONE 1 UcHXNXT, HXINOIS 'i"'% ijjg I,;.'!" yjM, '•

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