Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Nov 1948, p. 7

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- p" ^ ' *•'•**«* -K^I•* C^*- 4 vvt*- vi *&&£;> ' f J ;&' *! •MiBHI'j »\ •. l/ . VmW. *• **':.i J? ..'V * • *••. • " "t j»iu. ' - ( t 4' tt ^ i.V * **"-<r<s ; 'V' 4^£r: i']U Ai J notice or raoipogRD change > IN 8C001JIJ Toth« Patron. of theljttnofa Bell TelephfSph^ Qsm(aia9K . » ^ The ; %9 tiie"i>nblie"that it handed idtfc ^ lB^i<Kl.rr, Commission * pWPSSSd ehaa{gejn **• rates and AkigM'ltt'tidMhiw. Mm in the 8tate of Illinois uS ml Mid change involves a general increase In the rates and charge* for local exchange services, intrastate tell services and special contract services. A copy of the proposed ehiafe is schedule may be isapeeted by any interested party at any business oRm of this company. All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. ILLINOIS BELL TELETHONS * T COMPANY. V By L. O. Bratton, General Commercial Manager. | (Pub. Nor. 18 and 25) 2ireed Rubber Stamp* t Outer at The Plaindeaier. s» . . , m WILLIAM M. CAREOLL. A Attorney-at-Law '.) 118% Benton St..'"'" Woodstock - Woodstock. McHENRT FLORAL CO. ^ PIMM 48t One-Mile Mrth of MeHenry M Roate tt Flowers for alt occasional FRANK 8. MAT Trackteff ' . 8and -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone ' Track for Hire PWne MeHenry 588-M-l R'l MeHenry A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contrsrtars Trucking, Hydrsnlfe «nd Crane Serviek --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 104-11 McIIeary, IIL VEEN THBLEN Tracking Oravel Black Dl* Track for Hire TeL MeHenry 688-R-2 or 688-W-f Box 172. St. 1. MeHenry Telephone No. 300 f" 8TOFFEL ft RElC|£NSPERGEB Insurance agents for all classes of property in the bast companies. West MeHenry, Illinois CHARLES 8. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn ft Parker) Ones Honrs: r Afternoons--1.88 t M [oehr 8a poly Coatpaay, „ 542 Mali Street, West Mcilenr it* 1115 ft INSURANCE t EARL R. WALSH Fire, Ante, Farm and IJfe Insurants Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When yon need Insurance of any ktai Phono 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm MeHenry FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done WUh •. ,f Modern Equipment , ^ , ' S Can Furnhh Tile . ,?<• - «|QO C. ZIMMERMAN Contractor Phone 1899-M-l B. F. D. f Woodstock, IIL FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R_l, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repairs Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 481 VERNON KNOX Attorney-A t-Law Cor. Green snd Elm Sts„ MeHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appelate Phone MeHenry 43 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tankage and Meat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or MeHenry 659-J-2. Revettse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. "'1PBSEPH X. WAYNNE ™ r ^ Attorney at law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 482-W BELL & SHALES •*g* -• Iaterior and Exterior Painting ftojper Hanging Also Sprsy Painting 195 N. Green St. MeHenry Tel. MeHenry 243-J or Crystal Lake 132S-M-1 Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Honrs-- .Tuesday, Thareday ft Saturday > 9 a. m. to 5 p. n. Evenings by Appointment Uskoat Point Wonder Lake, m FRANK E. LOW * Insurance . Writing Fire, Accident St Healtfc f. . Auto, Casualty and Life, in Reliable Companies. Phone 95-J 301 Waukegan St. MeHenry, DL AViUI ¥ mill man marrisd a S** *»« «gwpi«ny tall •*!«* A tew weeks altar Aw woddfagons at his Minds cap** npon Ua loiddiig my Ott, "What's ths nutter?'^asked the Mm. "Isn't your new wife agreotmv *mb's Undress ttsslf/' said the > good hoasekeq>er--• said "Isnt • nod 1 •tN»»S tetter in thi world, tbm poom, drooptef a BWe "Then iHiafs flu matterT "I'd be porfsctly happy," bhirtsd Ami littte man, "if paople didn't call ma *tha widow's mite.'" Mr. an Mb as old at mankind. For osnteriaa man have held fairs to snrhihlf and sail the things they wiaka. b tha Old Testament the Book of bridal refers to the faira T^rrs, whore merchants showed tlMir )swala, animals and spices. Janiaalam had a famous fair held during tha Pasaover season. Ninevah. Babylonia, Athena and Rome held fain, and as civilization •praad acroas continents fairs were astahHahed as trading centers. v- - Road the Want Ada . " V W W W W V ^0 oopYnro Old Photographi Snapshots and Proofs for which negatives are not available. WORWICK'S STUDIO Phone 275 117 Riverside Dr., MoHenry QjjjyXHjtftAInc. • Complete SERVICE Dan* in Our Owp Plant .206 S. GREEK 8T. MeH BJCRY . • 'J ' - Free Pickup and Delivery Serviae MeHenry WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel _ Black Dirt -- Liawataas Tracks for Hire Free Estimating TeL 8M-R-S MeHenry, 111. WELDING Maintenance and Coaatractian Portable Eqaipment II. E. VANCE--MeHenry 51-J 989 Soath Green St., MeHenry, IH AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE •81 Main St, McHwry •setric Portable Welding Acetylene Weldfatg snd Cattibg Alia W. WlRre, Operator Phone Mf-W-1 or 464 MTIENRY, ILL. I DR H. 8. FIKB Veterinarian On Highway 81 -- Office and n*aw - TeL MeHenry 31 MeHenry, 111. Office Hoars: 1 p.m. to 1 pJk Except Thnradaya Evanlags by Appointment iUHMiJiWI1 1 DR. R. DeROMB ^ -- Dentist -- 128 Green Street Phono S98J. MeHenry Office - Honrs: Tnesdsy and Satnrdays from 18 to 4. Evtalaga by appaint meat. -- WAN1ED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $88 for Old Horace. Icaa for down heraea and cattle. MA1TB MWK RANCH Ishaobnig - Baling Grove Read PkMM JlUMfK S14 CALL AT ONCB ON DEAD HOG8, HORSES AND CATTLE Wo pay phase chargeo «t buartai a ratetetT 1 lahal ywi . Jour final selectian ap you will know the Und of protactkm you can expect from your new gar- »*•!. Tha label alao will tell you bow to daaa tha coat and whether the finish is permanent or will bo lost in dry drpning or washing. For wear in a heavy rain a gar» *nent marked "waterproof* gives the bast protection as it haa a that seals out water. Make aura the thread used for stitching alao is waterproof ao that dampness will not enter at the aeama. One disadvantage of « waterproof coat ia that tha that aaals tat water alao keepa out air and makea hot and uncomfortable lor general wear. Such a coat should have hmes or slits under the arms for some ventilation, aays Mra. Barnard, Missouri university clothing specialiat. A coat labeled "water-repellent" Is usually more comfortable Inordinary wear. It will protect from a ahower but not from a drenching rain. Such coats are often made of firmly woven cotton fabric with 4 water-repellent Before buying, learn from the label, whether the finiah is permanent. Some finish** are loet a little at a time with wear, or dissolved in dry cleaning or washing. The coat is then no longer rainproof until it has been reftnished by the manufacturer or by a cleaner who <iwlaltiw in such work. TWICE NtD < mih ef litamt fun Frem e* ef Yean Aga TWIMT»-F1V« YBABB AOO Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blake have moved their honsehoM effseta from the Ben J. Adams house on the west side to the Mrs. Elisabeth Smith home in the north end of town, where they hsve taken up their abode. Jacob Schaefer, his brother, Henry, and their mother have taken up their abode in the beautiful new home erected by the former on the corner of Court and Washington street. The Agatha 8hop of which Miss Ethel Jones is the manager, is now nicely located ia the Owen estate store on Green street between the Brda hardware and the Cary Eleetrie shop. The store bnilding, owned and occupied by Peter J. Heimer on Kiverside Drive as a meat market and grocey is to undergo quite extensive alterations and improvements at once. FO*fr YBABS AOO store, and commended his duties ok Monday morning. T. J. Walsh sold on Tuesday to J. B. Perry, a handsome two-seated rig, known as an English trap, and it is indeed a beauty. It is announced that Ben Brnfleld and Miss Maggie Wirfs will be msrried at St. Mary's church in this village, on Tuesday, Nov. 22. We learn that Fred Kamholts and Miss Bertha Lucht will be married at the Lutheran church-in this village oa Wednesday, Nov. 16. SIXTY YEARS AOO Miss Ella Spaulding in the Nichol's block, ia now prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking. Bsrbian Bros., have moved into the brick building one door south of the postoffice, lately vacated by J. Pekovsky, and now have one of the finest cigar manufacturers to be found in the northwest. 8pring Grove, 111., on Tuesday, it being . v« - the marriage of their daughter Hannah , |; to George Carr, of Ringwood, 111. : Mathiaa J. Baur, drrcind. * Clarence E. Myers, who has been en 1 Notice " hereby given to all peifc gaged in the store of H. V. Shepard the that December 6, 1948, is th past year, left for his home in Pennsyl- i clsim date in the estate of Math las vam& lAflt «'M»k , _ NOTICE OF CLAIM "*• maat Caws many farms, beef cows offer the most practical means of getting an Income from untillable permanent pasture and unsalable roughages. Baur, deceased, pending in the Cooat tJourt of McIIenry County, Illinois, sn. that claims may be filed agaisst the -' said estate on or before said date out issuance of summons. ANN PELTZ, Executor. Vernon J. Knox, Attorney. Crystal Lake, Illinois. • v (Pub. Nov. 11 1S-2S) i*s Old Carlselty SfeM» A famous Dickens "haunt" which has changed very little in appearance since Dickens' time is the Okl Curiosity ' shop in Lincoln's inn fields, London, where, it is claimed, according to the story by that name, • Little Nell- lived with her granfather. Here are to be seen pictures 1 by Hogarth which Dickens hung in his own rooms, a pen tray used by him, first editions of Jiis novels and a variety of original etchings of London. As in Dickens' lifetime, the Old Curiosity shop is still an antique shop. It waa a favorite port of call for G.I.s on leave In Lon- <|Dn during the war. A beautiful fall wedding took place at 8t. Mary's Cathotte «hurch. yesterday morning when Miss Caroline Niesen and Mr. Peter M. Just en were united in the holy bonds of matriarony. The new engine and machinery for the MeHenry Electric Service company has arrived and is now being jmU in place. \ The Northwestern station at this place is again "opera tor less." Well, why should not one of the best paving sta tions on the Wisconsin division be treated this wayt It would be very unreasonable for the Northwestern to show its appreciation towards us for the profits it reaps from the MeHenry station. The wedding ceremony of Mr. William Adams and Miss EHsalieth Thiel was solemnised at St. John's Cstholie at Johnsburg Wednesday morning. A quiet wedding took plaee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cole, near M A S T I T I S CAN S f CUR E D I The Nstisnal waifMii ef leading aatherttk% sarveyad aH treatsMata far *E austitis due te Streptaagalactiae. The ap to 98% ef la milking quartern by treat* lag with G-LAC (Tyrothridn). Tyrothrida, surkated aa Hatha GLAC la saspendsd in a saathlag adnsral afl emaWan la radaee irrtmm YEAM AOO Harry Fay, who has been employed at the Riverside Hotel' for the psst four or five years, has accepted a position in Miss Julia A. Story's drug Daeet 48ee. Baafly Injected late the teat eaaal-qalck acting -- leas Milk can baaaed atttS after treatsMnt. MOSEY INN • RINGWOOD • ;Q:-^;¥BXEVISION PRAOER BEER PRED BOWHtiiT, Prop. NIGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 48 McHENRY. ILL. That you can get a FREE GREASE OR WASH JOB at Smith's Service Station Ask for particulars at the station Oor. Routes 31 and 120 MeHenry, Di IVA U C T I O N 0HARLE8 LEONARD and ED VOOBL Auctioneers CLARENCE'S SHOP SELECT YOUR CHRI8TMAS GIFTS NOW! Barnyard sets, garages, doll houses, table and chair lets, writing desks, toy chests, kitchen cabinets, ironing boards, etc. Full lino of lawn furniture. Men's and ladies' leather belts and billfolds, wash baskets, market baskets, eto. CLARENCE SMITH TeL MeHenry 583 J-1 Johnsburg, 111. Having purchased a small fam in Wisconsin will sell all my personal pronerty on the Leonard Smith, new called the Herendeen Farm, on blacktop, 3 miles sast of Crystal Lake, 6 miles soath of MeHenry. half mile south of Barreville, 3 miles west of Burton's Bridge, en TUESDAY. NOV. 30 beginning at 12 o'clock sharp, the fallowing described property, to-wit: | 31 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 122 MTT.IT COWS; 2 heifers, 2 years old; 2 heifers, one year old; 4 heifers, 6 to , 0 months old; registered Holsteln ball, .9. years old. ! Sorrel T< 3DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green St., McHemjf (OJeeed Thursday Aftwrnoon^: -u Byes Esailaid -- Olsssss Fitted Ifeaal Training -- Vbaal IsfcahUitntfan Caasplste Vianal Analyab Hears Daily: 8 «a IS and 1 to S--Satnrdaya Ereninga: 8 te 8:88 p. PHONE McHENRY 4tt . . • 4ACCORMKK-IMIRI HAY AND OR A IK 40 tons ear corn; 600 bushels oats; 38 tons mixed hay. loose; 25 ft. silage, MACHINERY / John Deere K tractor and caltiyater: John Deere T disc, 7 ft., new; John Deere 10-T disc; McD. 10-20 tractor; McD. 12-ln., 2-bot. plow; McD. 14-in., 2-bot. plow; Weed Ho sprayer; Kromer sprayer for power takeoff; McD. corn binder; McD. grain binder; McD. hay loader; McD. rubber tired wagon andj rack; McD. wagon and box; McD. hayi nower; J-D side delivery rake; grain: elevator; hay rake; Oehl silo filler and, pipe; manure spreader; S-sec. drag; BJarkhawk corn planter, fertiliser attachment; hammermill; boss saw; cultivator; Hlnm&n milking machine and pipe; cream separator; 22 milk cans; water heater; 2 wash tanks, pails and strainer. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Ohifforoll; Simplex ironer; buffet; dining room table and chairs; 4 bed springs and mattresses; fibre closet; dresser; kitchen cabinet; coal and wood stove; S-plece bedroom siUte; bod, box spring and mattress; kitchen tuble and chairs; aany articles two nomercae to mention. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS: All sums of 928.00 and under, over that amount a credit ef months at 6 per cent will be exon notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled far. AUGUST BENKSTEIN, Owner MeHenry State Bank, Clerking Your portrait--in miniature--just the cheerful, per* * tonal touch you want in your holiday greedng cards. ' Hie price is low, and the results beautiful. if you pl^me, we'll be pleased to explaio our plan. ORDER THEM HO#f ~ Bring your photographic problems to a photographer. We can deliver anything you can get in Chicago or New York from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. ; -- CAMERAS, FILML AND SUPPLIES If our large stock does not satisfy your needs, m obtain anything in still or movie equipment. WORWICK'S STUDIO PHONE 275 McHENRY, ILL. A MU.KIR S1KVICI DAY WILL SI HILD AT OUR STORE ON MONDAY, NOV. 29 Bring in your MeOormick-Deering milker units and stanchion hoses. Let our trained milker servicemen adjust and repair your Jtnits to assure you of operating efficiency. There will be no charge for service only for parts jf necessary. t ' ' ; % • - PHONE 186 I, LA.HOE SELEOTION OF leairttful Plaindeaier . -A ' '•

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