Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Dec 1948, p. 10

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:M:± : ct nOIMty men, > bwntw or e (writs ' itoliws )Mte Outside parte at huilfflng including of the artificial lake In chmL Even if the could be nbHflt, It then Mm one or two yean to re- Wn, depending on rainfall. in 52,000 auto repair la fee United States. * should be tadlt ao aa to keep rate out Kfferts alao should be made to avoid favorable rat harbors within In iplws held b waD spaoaa under and aftNnd equipment stash as feed b satis, mangers and ftefek blna. - Ifeed rubber stamps t "tWSw'.•! The Plaindealer. i ifeH FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limestone and phosphate spreading, \M Soil samples taken on request ' • f ^?l»ce orders early and avoid rush. f .>-t <• . Bam Lime and Chips for Driveways y CHARLES FRETTND, Owner 401 W. Waukegan Road ; \ McHSNRY, ILLINOIS Tel. 412-J wk SPECIAL - ^ s4 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY • All Wool Suits ^ ^ • Tailored to Measure • Any Style Yon Choose . • Guaranteed Satisfaction • Hundreds of Samples • - to Choose From on Main Street Mc&enry Only $58.00 ELECTRICAL WORK * HOUSE WIRING^ CM and new buildings, immediate installation acto NEC and Local Codes. APPLIANCE REPAIRING Frayed cords are danger signals. Check yours today for repairs. Outlets installed for ranges and water heaters. . / ; LIGHTING FIXTURES Sold and Installed * JOHN ADAMS ItcHeniy 533-J-2 McCullom Lake alter 5 p. nu Schsil Aid far Navajse An American Indian .ebflt aid project will be started with help to schools on the Navajo reservation by ttie Save-the-Children federation. of New York, with the cooperation of the bureau of Indian affairs. Ike protect wiB take the form of a school sponsorship apta, slang On same linee as that arthe American tnrill Child Service operated by tiie federation In backward areas of eight states. H» Navajo Indians, whose reservation covers parts of Arizona. NfJtKa-. ico and Utah, have recently been shown to be one of the most needy of all population groups. There are 90 day schools and eight boarding schools on the reservation. Many of the children live in crude shacks and come from families whose average income is less th«n |400 a • yeer. • **':> ' '^'h • .fef'U •" - • 1 ' » f»> > ;.:Y_ •• ' . . .-'Wl Twa-Raw Cera Planter ^ibro-row planting machine wii patented by George W. Brown. Galesburg, I1L. in 1853. This machine could plant 15 to 20 acres per day if the area previously bad been marked by cross-plowing. HOWDY FOLKS . . . While placing flowers en a grave a man saw an old Chinese placing a bowl of rice on a nearby grave and cynically asked, "When do yon expect your friend to come up and iat that rice?" The Chinese replied with a smile, Same time your friend come up to smell flowers." " Snob: "My ancestors came over oh the Mayflower." Snubbed: "Good thing they did, wasn't it? The immigration laws are 89 much stricter bow!" To Mike Aluminum has prMM^tts turs bility and usaAdoesB telllttlttheii, according to Mr*. Planus Lamkin. horn® econesnksi department, University of TlHiinie college of agriculture. Knowiht tte bii of aluminum will maim chopping Sor It easier and more satisfactory. Aluminum Is combined with other metals to make te hard cMugh to resist warping . btoitag. Utensils may beof east or stamped altimlnum. Cast aluminum is used for sturdy top-of-stove pans as well as roasters and casseroles .for oven cookery. These are made by pouring metal into molds designed for pans with thick bottoms and sides; they taper to reduce thickness to give even heat distribution. Chromium and nickel are sometimes used as surface finish for these pans. Stamped ware is made by facing sheets of aluminum of desired gauge in heavy presses which stamp out the utensils. Heavier gauge pans are generally a better choice, as they resist warping. Light-weight utensils bend •warp easilv. _ ^ '1 Nebraska has for its motto, "Equality Before the Law." The state flower is the goldenrod and 'the western meadowlark is the official bird. No joke--you will like our friendly one-stop service. We will keep your car fall of the best gap acd oil and we take small things like headlights and windshields into consideretlML . Drive in to4tf!. SMITH'S SERVICE STATION M Oor. Bts. SI and Hi McHenry NOTE!! STOP THOSE TRANSPORTATION * WORRIES rri*' ... ' fhete is a bus scrvioe operating between Richmond; Qeiioa City, Whewwin; Spring Grove; Fox Lake; Yolo; Lily Lake; and McHenry, smart Santas send the pretty, practical "Pi'V® Flocbn" Light Christmas start in her eyes with Lenthlric's slender golden perfume container, glass-lined and leak proof. Comet filled with her pet Lenth&fc perfume for only $2.35 to 13.50, <m» t attr ls la the driver's seat behind Ite protection «fa» steering wheel, an te most dangerous seat la the one next to the driver, according to Dr. Clair* L. Straith, ehiet of plMtfe MMMcr at Harpef hospital, D*r0*t Tle^leted in.a report, istbe ^iiii|pii Medical eseeciattpa Journal Stt|ta a stu# of i» parents UlSi liiilM facial injuries in automobile accidents ft par eent el the patients were young women tetu hAil been sitting next to the driver. More than half of those firbht se'if* patients suffered head and face injuries. Beacea Fires, First Lighthouses Priests .maintained beacon fires as the earliest lighthouses of record. Lighthouse towers first were built by the Libyans and Cushites in Lower Egypt. Lesches, a Greek poet who lived around MO B. C., mentions a lighthouse at Sigeum, now Cape Incihisari, in the Troad (northwestern Asia Minor) which presumably was the first lighthouse regularly maintained to guide ships. It was, of course, not a tower, ^ : v - " ' i f i. ayS'f ; Need " rti^'bei' The Plaindealer. «VagR£|iPi|LP^.' , Q'if mni t|t fv "vUp <ihHMR|r rfwa. at«tea jpnwa celers ii eaeto sh^> depending on Hi* estate's taste. A meeting of -**3fe,s,ast pprm nf -w" (he rule In eeUe*- aavies. ait h» 4ue eelnrte ^ camr beiere the king. . ii* were lanrlted to •lad hi their Ideas of patterns and Aa the national eolprs at were blue. It seemed these would be chosen. Vrid white also had^ strong and George II finally pickafter seeing the Duchess of Bedford in a riding habit of fhese coktrsrlhe order for the first naval uniform foUowed from the admirality in April, 1748. fee Bugged Idahe Most of the couAties in Idaho were named sifter people; Bonneville county for Capt. B. L. E. Bonneville, early Idaho explorer, Gooding county for Gov. Frank Gooding and Caribou for "Cari6ou" Fairchild an early settler. Santa Clans will be at Althoff's Hardware in person'from 2to5p.m., Saturday, Dec. 4. 29 BwikNt *• % k% w BepreseateMve J. Usls Lan/er of Hampand he own flfty banks. The twks aren't quite the eonventUmal tjpe. Thay aw made <4 metal and «•" *»• ^cabinet at the tanfer home H WHU this particular hobby when j#T«d and have •ever grew* out «f Laufer ex Wans. In faet, right now his eoii «ae and meet teMsnal In the est- hank hi the eejRetfleu Is 1875, while the n»ajority were aude in the eighties ul nineties. • ;• 'i| lh J 4$ . Qnm North Dakota's agriculture UBi pends en grass for a Mg part of Mi Income, despite high returns freas grains and ether. &ih crop* -; ' l* r A ; RINGWOOD v ' • TELEVISION PRAOEK BEER FEED BOWHAH, FNp. DON'T WORRY AB0UT1 HOSPITAL BILLS ' f . i V _ Now there's an easy way to banish the worry of ham to pay big expenses when accident or sickness Strikes yon or yonr family. The Great White Cross Plan can protest you against Hospital and Snigical bills for just a few cents a day. Find out how you can enroll at charter rates in groups now starting here. * . .' ' . •uitjm'iua ' v. *'1 4 ^ e s T r u L L n r r o a i U T i o i r *1phc«ie Marion E. Rothermel at McHenry 780 or send post card to 204 Kivendde Drive, McHenry. - Floor Furnaces Installed Complete * 1275-gal Oil Tank 1 Floor Furnace with Automatic Control. Full Price 245.00 Down Payment 22.50 ~ V Monthly Payment 11.50 for 21 mos. /"•' WONDER LAKE v SLECTRICAL MAINTENANCE • RAY SULLIVAN ' ' Tel. Wonder Lake 346 Et. 1 Bingwood, III M I L L IN 3 Formerly Barnard's Mill . ir j North End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge Closed >111 Day Tuesday During Winter 1 $ TELEVISION v COCKTAILS LIQUOR WINES BEES f COMPLETE i DINNERS SERVES 1 From 6 to 9 p. m. Daily except Monday Saturday 6 to 11 p. m., Sunday 1 to 7* p. m. FISH FRY EYERY FRIDAY WE CATER TO PARTIES Frank and Jerry Wiedeman Phone 312 BOUGH'S DRUG STORE PHONE 4S McBKNRY, ILL. AUCTION in Yom: BULLETIN • hi1'- \i'i: = CHAS. LBOH AMD M V} JO&BL. • , Come in and see our em job in the radio indnstrff » your new 5 There lure vaoancies at present for: •A-'Jt" WIRERS SOLOSREW PACKERS - 1 BfSPECTORS ^ S , * i V '• ^1. " not necessary. - Secure a positioh ln anHv^lNLi radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday thru Saturday 8:00 A. M. to^ 0 P. M. hi|" derided te aett eufc awl mere te Wisconsin I win sett at Public Auction en the Wlghtman Turn leeated on State Beute ISO, 8 allee West of Cbaidiln, Sendee Bast of •olo, on TKUBSDAY, DBOBMXSE 16 Sale te start at 11:90 a. m. ihai|. Tie following lisBilil fiunert^. SB HEAD OF LZVBSTOOK Oeiislsilag of 88 head ef Helstein dairy cewa, 10 ef theee em te frsshsn In 9e> eember and Juaur; 3 fresh 1b Xorembet; halanoe bred hack ail ndlking good; 8 head ef Bthteto heifers,'14 mm. eld; Helstein heifer, 18 mos. old; 8 Kelstein heifers, 8 moe. old; Holstein boll, 9 nee. old,-cap be registered. 6 head of butchering pigs, weight 800 lbs. each. Psr-i. p:,. r '</ ; . CORPORATION Intersection of Routes 120 and 31 MeHENR Yf ILLINOIS . *' •. . • ' ' "<5tv &£ ^5 %• A %. •• ^ hiistnias doming, we've been tutting to the bottom of the stoqr of the yubtide pustfag than you may think); and the andeot gieetmf custone wh2oh|ad up to the yule card (verbal chawne and "beggim soags**!). Looking up, the ClaislmaaVaid'* Mjp txee, we found a •-M *uiA . 600 hales alfalfa hay; qnsntity of chopped hay; 350 bales oat straw; 900 bn. Clinton oats; 400 bu. ear corn; 10 ft. silage in 14-ft. silo MAOHIKEBT McD. Farmall tractor Model "W. starter, lights, power take-off, with new rubber on Tear; Mc-D. doable row on rubber; Farmall Model "F-20" on rubber; Oehl Forge Harvester, with motor, hay^attchment and' blower, new; McD. "52R" combine with motor, new; McD. tractor drill with grass seed and fertiliser attachments, new; J. D. double bottom 14-ln. tractor plow; J. D. No. S. 6-ft. power mower; Case *^» oellvery tractor rake, new; mounted power aprayer, with 18-ft. boom, new; Oehl 10-in. hammer mill, new; Lets feed mill; J. D. 7-ft. quack digger; wagon and rack; potato planter; platform scale. 1000-lb. capacity; McD. electric cream separator; 2 feed carts; 2 rolls snow fence; MeD. milking machine, 3 asingle units, with pipe for 32 cows; 26 m»v cans; pails and strainers; 2 wash tanks; set of harness and collars; Flichbaugh wagon unloader, 7x24-ft. apron; electric milk stirrer; 75 New Hampshire Bed and Leghorn chickens. Ladies Aid of Bound Lake church, will serve lunch. KENNETH BATS McjpEenry State Bank, CUerkiag -- • •"•"7: ~ J:v !-.'i: tried to find <<fix8t8.M One was the English card most responsible for today's annual avalanche of maiL Ad| one most go«iped about, we might add! We had a very pleasant time esiecting the early American •• cemduded that ifs hard to improve on the most aapent of Christmas greetings, so--even though it's a bit early--we'd like to wish you a p.s Risnnns nno npAPpy^tciu , 7 * 1 s 7fLr$. v i . • • ' - •. . • Ok ym, wuTwt km* CMftas* +wtiom» with Wto-moftt inMntctkm* m the About You and Your Hotue pagt. IVy on detigntd ty EUtutar Hodrkk, who among other thing* htugiUedtk* walnut, tk* pi** com, madm** the pip* cleaner for your tree, and ha* dreamed up a cane cushion for the kiddies, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS •t '"...J-- . c; >, l. * f - ' •

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