Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 8

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k As yea read this, the basaar will || in fan rwiag or fmh history. will be nerved tonight hgrsday) 5 p. m. on until everyone ^-.-•^iieen served. Come early enough 9» 6» aone of your shopping at the UMm' booths. 'fh following is a. calendar Of of the events that will take from now until Christmas: --9:30, Sunday School; 10:45, regular woH^j f - • p. a., junior choir party at the eh arch. Dee. 15--1:15 p. m., Cherub Choir party at Mts. Peter Roche's home on Center street; 7 p. m., mid-week service. Dec. 16--Choir practieos and W. S. I C. 8. Christmas party. iDec. 19--9:30, 8unday school; 10:45, j Christmas Sunday worship; 4:30, I primary department's Christinas | exercises. Parents and friends inj vited. > s I Dec. 24--7:30 p. m., Christmas Eve > •- • & -: a, ...i* ntiwira nlrn ads XJnnstmas Wfui a-, luxurious set of SPORTSMAN--hi» favorite Grooming Essentials. What , better way to say "Merry Christmas* lp the"lcading m^n" in your life. Set of 5hare Letfea, 4 ot, Fish Shave Bowl aad Tsk^ Dfc oa.~HS9 pi* I Set of Shave LotfoiJ, 4 ot, aad Talc, 2% os.-#L50 plus tax. BOLGERS DRUG STORE FHONX 40 McHENBT, ILL. - ,T'.' r.. b' %• NATIONALLY ADVERTISED LIQUOR •vT^>4?'---W "' "" ".s;'Vu:y;: CHRISTMAS o.-. * £V Blended Whiskey m proft flfth piflt "i Blended Whiskey U proof * $3.94 fifth - $2,481 pint -- A SCOOP IN McHENRY-- Give that man in your life •' PERSONALIZED UQUOft A filth of Sir John Schenley Whiskey WITH HI8 VERT OWN INITIALS Only $4.90 &tii > 4 FOUR ROSES Blended Whiskej 90.5 proof A very choic> blend $426 fifth P. M. DELUXE Blended Whiskey 86 proof $3.45 fifth • ' ' $2.20 pint FAMOUS BRANDS LIQUOR IAD MUfDff 86.8 proof s^fJW 5U» 7 CROWN 86.8 proof $3.94 5th nitSTUItY CI/UB 86 proof 1- $3.89 5th OASADIAK CLUB 90.4 proof . 16.65 5th OU> QUAKER 86 proof $4.96 5th VIRGINIA DARE MOGBN DAVID PADBB FOB* ITALIAN SWIM COLONY DELICIOUS WINES ....... 5th 94c ..... 5th $1.09 5th 94c 5th 79c T meat of Saaday School. Dee. M -- 10:45, Student Sunday. Maay of oar eollege students will take part in the service. "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed." Centuries have come and gone since Luke wrote those words concerning the events leading to the birth !>f our 8aviour. Each year decrees go out to all the world announcing the Advent season. Sis we walk down the streets of our cities, a* we turn on our radios, as we read our papers we are bombarded with decrees, most of them commercial, announcing the Christmas season. At times they overwhelm the true message of the Advent. We are wise indeed if we will take advantage of every opportunity that is given us to freshen our lives in the true message of Christmas. Centuries ago, angels proclaimed the birth of Christ in an anthem. The shepherds heard it and went to worship. We can hear it through the lips of our own children and youth in their various programs and exercises of the season. Their message will lead us to worship it will refresh lives. If we "be still and know."' "Let us now go even unto Bethlehejf^ ». and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord J»a|fe pu»de know unio us." >: Friends of Warren J«U| tenor, will be hChpy to hear of the successful recital in which he appeared last Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Sherwood Music School, 1014 South Michigan avenue, Chicago. He shared honors with Miss Aspasia Trigourea, contralto, also a student at the school. The hall was crowded to capacity to hear groups of solo numbers by the voeal artists and later two duets. Mr. Jones offered "Where'er You Walk," "Silent Moon," "Corals" and "In the Silence of Night" for his first group. He laterteturned to sing the aria, "La Fleur Que Tu M'Avais Jetee" from Carmen. His duets with Miss Trigourea, were "O, That We Two Were Maying" and The Desert Song." Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Mias Ethel Jones attended from McHenly. A loaf 01MM ended Baalnf teraoon for Mrs. Esther rtadeisiH. W, of Hebroa, a native of SWedea. She was the mother of Mrs. Herbert Stenstrom tft Cherry Valley. Last rites were conducted Wednesday afternoon from the Andrew funeral 9ft. John's Lutheran choreic •V ; '-«gf Color of the egg shell has no offset on the food value of the egg. . Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf Itfeed rubber stampsV Order at The Plaindealer. >,' , BENEFIT DANCE POT Ctone Huff, who wai recently seriously injured in an auto i Mends. This dance will be held a{ 5-»-« . • SPRING GROVE HALL WEDNESDAY* DEC. 15 Mnsic hy the Adams Bros. > ^ 4 Tickets 60c, plus tax \ [ Stetjr. Btcmt una Ca$y fo operate - ^o|9% tirftome hand Mnrnig. Does *he fob in on#»ftiird ths time. Ask for, demonstration. o i l T N I S T I R I I N O S A N D E R P d l : # FwmlNie • SmoolMsip plaster * AM types of gsasrel mahHsaas • 'Il'liipiiili^u' 1iii.i?i|iii iitM;,, i W> B. BJORKMAN Sl SOIST; i» smnn DBTCI . raOWE 7I9 AM IDEAL GIFT Why worry about that Christmas giftt All you need to do is plaee an order for a year's subscription to the Plaindealer. We will send out a gift card showing who is staking the gift. Do it today. AUCTION Henry A. Freeaian aad Eugene Fredrick, Auctioneers The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Greenwood Farm, located 2 miles Southeast of Twin Lakes, Wis., on County Highway I, or 4 miles West of Wilmot, Wis., or 3 miles South of Bassetts, Wis., on THUB8DAT, DECEMBER 16 1946. Sale to start at 10:00 A. M. Lunch Wagon on Grounds 39 HOLSTEIN CATTLE 18 MILCH COWS--6 are Springers, 4 fresh, balance milking good. 2 heifers, 2 years old; 3 Heifers, IV, years old; 6 Heifers, 10 mos. old; Purebred bull, 10 mos. old; 6 calves, 2 to 4 mos. old; 3 steers. All Heifers are vaccinated, f HOGS--1 brood sow with pigs; 7 shoats. 1 hog self feeder. POULTRY--350 White Leghorn Pallets. 1 electric >roodsr, 4 ehick feeders, 4 chick foants. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Conde milking machine, 2 nnits; 14 milk cans, 2 milk palls, electric stirrer, wash and solation tanks, Dairy Maid water heater. GRAIN, HAT, FEED--600 bales alfalfa hay, 250 bales straw, 1,000 Clinton oats, 40 tons ear ft. silage in 14 ft silo, 35 ft. silage ln 12 ft silo on Bd Nigessea farm 1 arile wast of 41 and 1 adU north on 179; 90 bass dairy feed. TBACTOBS, TRACTOR BQT7IPCase SO tractor with Ugkta, ysver lift oaMTator, en rabber; McDeering F/49 tractec with cattirator, on rabMr; MrDsstlag 9S-S6 tractor, en rabber. (AB of thsss tractors are in A-l condttif.) McDeering S-14 in. tractor gang ylew, Oaae $-ft. tandem disk, MfDssring auuiare spreader, en rabber; barr feed mill, tumble bag, potato Ranter, power post hole Oaae Ml chopper with 9 unloading wagons, gear unit with motor. COMBINE -- McDeering 59-B, with motor. In excellent condition. ?ABM MACHINERY --McDeering 2-14 In. plow, McDeering hay baler, McDeering grain drill, disk, with fertiliser and grass seeder, 50-ft drive bett, three section lever drag, two' section sparing tooth harrow, walking plow, MrPeering con planter with fertiliser attachment on rabber; fertiliser sower, steel wheel fam wagon, 3 high speed trailer wagons, 9 flat hay racks, Berch grinder, stone boat, electric fencer, platform scale, fanning mill, McDeering side delivery rake, set of track chains, 3 new log chains, David Bradley weed sprayer, 900 gal., with power takeoff; paint sprayer, 16 gaL, cap. compressor, 950 ft. hose TBT7CKS--1947 Dodge 2Va ton track with power life box, with stock rack; 1946 International y4 ton track with rack. Some Household Goods, Including kerosene heater stove, gas range Usual Wisconsin Farm Auction Service Terms. FARM FOB SALE--AT 2:00 P. M. 120 ACRES--95 acres now under cultivation. Two booses; one five rooms with tile bath, tile kitchen, bath, hot and cold water, oil heater, air conditioning, completely redecorated, with garage. One eight tenant house with bath, tile flooring, hot and cold water, tile kitchen, with two car garage. Basement barn with new silo, new chicken house, hog house, corn crib combination, new aluminum machine shed, gransry. Farm has cement driveway aad is free of weeds. This farm is located In Kenosha county, l mile from Twin Lakes, Wis., 66 miles from Chicago, 111., and 40 miles south of Milwaukee, Wis. This is a rare opportunity to purchase a real farm. Terms: 10 per cent down, balance upon receipt of title. For farther Information contact FABM SERVICE AGENCY, Lake Geneva, Wis. WOOD lab Omm, Wis., m >': t* *'• 'r 1 Sxpanso Belto for grester tbmfort 19 to 18.75 t-Xparts Belts of better IMather 91.50 to 95 Faultless Nobelt Pajamas |||^ Solid colors, or new Christmef^ Jf Patterns. $4.96 to 910 Quality Gifts chat will delight the heart of a man* Here are the things WiiUfef H things he never has enough ofjj |he famous brands he prefers* Buffer Hose with longer wear lag heel and toe. Fine' raybttt or nylon or bright colored cot 4»n .knits 50c to 91 Wool Hooe which are (hrink controlled 91.85 Handsome Rabhor Bobes for his hours of relaxation. AU wool in solid colors of maroon or taavy. 91340 Mher robes to 9ft Van Hoasen or Wilson Shirts in a wide variety of collar styles. Choose erisp white broadeloth. Candy stripes or solid colors. 9840 $• 94u9S Wilson Cheney or Van Heaaen Ties in colorful pattens tn a wide variety of colors. Included are new panel patterna ia ample length for Windsor knota. ^ 91 to 93 ,0' '* * ' i"•f ' i J IHoves aad MoflOor Sola of flne aU wort, f» trine, canary or carmel, la Viking Knits. , 95 v of crisp white rayoa or warm wool kani " 9140 to 9 of all e $t to 99 Shop eaity for comfifotm color aud size >.of in newest ski patterns. . 97.06 to 912.95 ** ' 1 ' * > * -"i/ , Swank Tie Klipe § fariety of shapes. Adler ^ort Bocks ia tmay white or eolors. I. 6rnn Street 96c Gift purchases, boxed and wropped at no _ _ r % - v - 'Mr:• • • 1 ^ ^ - ' - ...jQr. r1 -* ~ V ..? >.

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