Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 10

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WENT LASTWBEK f. Jsrecki, Collector of In- «bd« for the firft dintrict made the following an regarding the mailing of return blanks on Form year IMS to taxpayer* 4M»lMtriet: f LBeglaia^r December 1, 1948, the of the Form 1040 return blanks for the „year IMS were mailed to each of approximately 1,400,000 taxpayers who filed their 1947 lacome tax returns on Pom 1040. 2. Each of these taxpayers receive* two Form 1040 retura blank* for the /ear 1948 in order that one ipay be used for filing and the other retained a'S the taxpayer's copy. On page 4 of Form 1040 appears a tax table which shows the correct tax for any income up to #0,000. The table, makes allowance for exemp- FREUND'S TRUCKING - . ^rriftnltnmi limestone and phosphate spreading* | I j Soil samples taken on request Place orders early and avoid rush. 4 Barn Lipie and Chips for Driveways CHARLES FRKTOD^ 401 W. Wwkeg&n Road KeBXKRT, ILLINOIS tions, for aay split income benefits due married couples filing joint rc turns and also for an allowance of about 10 per cent of the.taxpayer's income for non business deductions. 3. Each of those taxpayer* also receives with the Form 1040, one Schedule D blank to be uaed, if necessary, in reporting Gains and Losses from Bales or Exchanges of, Capitol Assets and Property other than Capital Assets. When the use of Schedule D is necessary, the eame must be attached to the income tax return, Form 1040, when the return is filed. V, 4. Also enclosed with the two Forms 1040 and one Schedule liD, is a 16 page pamphfet containing helpful information to tax payers on how to prepare their U. S. Income Tax Return on Form 1040 1o4,1948. The pamphlet summarises the most important requirements of the law and regulations relating to income tax. It calls the taxpayer's attention to exemptions and deductions to which he is entitled and which reduce his tax. It also contains the 1948 tax rate schedule for the use of taxpayers who elect to itemise their deductions on Form 1040. fllgDR. HENRY FREUND * OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Bye* Examined -- Glasses Fitted Visual Trakrfng -- Vtaaal Rehabilitation Cess plate Visual Analysis Hears Dally: Its 18 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to 8:30 ^ THONB McHENRY 4SS ELECTRICAL WORK HOUSE*WIRING Old and new buildings, immediate installation according to NEC and Local Codes. APPLIANCE REPAIRING Frayed cords are danger Signals. Check yours to£ay for repairs. Outlets installed for range* and water heaters. • • 4 , LIGHTING ITXTURJSS tot*' Installed ADAMS Phone McHenry 533 J-2 McCnllom after 5 f m, HOWDY POLK%%; I • Jimmy was assigned by his teacher to write a composition About his origin. He questioned Us mother. | "Mom, whan did Grandma feoms ' from?" | "The stoik brought her/' | "Well, where did you come ftwrnr* | "The stork brought me, and yon, too, dear." i ( So the small modern wrote as the Introduction to his composition: "There have been no nautral births : in our family for three generations." 1 Our service is something you probably wont laugh at but jron will certainly enjoy. You'll like us giving j you the best in gas and oil and remembering the little things like headlights and windshields. -- " w a r - SMITH'S SERVICE STATION From Nuts twim aA e*er the world go into your mtHttwlet OMktmas. Like Cbrist^ai tradfttOM, ft* nuU so popular it tjhls Hum q| a mixture ef many different histories. The English walnut, for i> not Bngiiali dL ft in Asia' centuries ago called "the food at the The round little fllbirt tet the almond came from the Old INrld. Other nuts, so familiar atCfcristmas. the hickory nut, the black walnut and the chestnut, to say nothing of the pecan, are strictly American. The pecan is native to America and ,is found nowhere else. Two other American nuts worthy of mention are the chestnut and the butternut Although many nuts originated in other parts of the world, almost every -variety known is now grown on American soil and expert* art constantly searching for more kinds of nuts to transplant to this country. The keeping of Christmas or saint's days, and the making of mince pies were Illegal in the early Massachusetts and New Haven colonies. The strict religion of the Puritans banned observance of holy days. McHenry fcounty taxpayers are once again reminded that a mass meeting of taxpayers of Boone and McHenry counties has been ealled by the yfsxpayers' Federation of Illinoisier Thursday evening, Dee. 9, at 8 p. the Opera House ia Woodstock. The primary purpose of the meetings ai before explained, is to find out what stand the taxpayers want their senators and Representatives to take on important issues which will come before the 1949 j*tato sessions of the Illinois general assembly and federal eongress. Local state office holders will be present at the meeting. Ballots will be, given each persons attending the meeting, each of whom will be given a chance to express his or her preference as favoring or opposing proposed legislation. The Federation is a statewide citizens' organization working for the purpose of getting morp for the taxpayers' money from local, state and federal governments through taxpayers action based on faets. •rent very f during iii However, a fow H'tij's pronfbht people waffMbom in Deeelhber and here Dfc. 8, Eli Whitney, inventor qLfte cotton gin., wic. lO.Ludwigvon Beethoven. Dec. 17, John Greenleaf Whittier. Dee. 94, Christopher (Kit) Car» son. ' Dec. 17, Louis Pasteur. Dec. 28, Woodrow Wilson." Dec. SI, Rudyard jtipling. Hifnim I / I 1,1 mil Safety Measure Luminous paint, uM extensively on main highways!to safeguard motorists, now Is being utilized by some railroads to letter box cars and provide an added Measure of safety at dark crossings' in rural ana*. Latest rairoad to use the reflecting markings, which light up when motorist's headlights strike them, is the Chesapeake it Ohio en the 1,000 box cars )u<t delivered by Pullman-Stand ard . C*r ? Manufacturing company. « */***» trad from fee *t m*ft on gliinlrtg qf llu ibly Season in Some. o'nipdt everyone is in churdi to wftoeei the colorful and solemn processions of eccfcsiastic dignitaries which precede the elaborate midnight Mass. Since everyone baa fasted for twenty-four hours, teirtive banquets are in order after the religious solemnities. It is a gala after-midnight in Rome: hotde and restaurants remain open, families and friends gather around sumptuous tables in gaily decorated homes; and in anticipation of the festivities, many people attend church dressed in formal attire.' i Between Qtristmaa and Epiphany, the «Calabrian shepherds--Pifferani revisit the homes where they were most| cordially* welcomed during Advent when they came down from the hills fj play their Italian bagpipes before the shrines of the Virg n. The Pifferani play for their Advent hosts during the post-Christmas holidays ami receive gifts of wine, dried flgs, end suma of money from their hosts. . miwnim The Wedtaum Evergreen Nurseris* Sled suit against Waller Steer M Chicago recently ssHag judgement in the, amount of fSSSJW pfe, interest from Aagaet 80, 1948. The bill relates that Eisner purchased merchandise in the amount of1 #837.85 and that payments of $900 #131.29 and $50 have been made, bat there is still a balance of $360.50 unpaid. Nitrogen, the aisment most i ed fcrf tree growth, is the oafer required chemical completely driven from the soil by flee. Need ruoDer stampst Order at The Plaindealer. MOSEY INN; rimqwood V TELEVISION PEAOES BEER FEED BtfWMAW PMp I Complete line of Lee's poultry I remedies at Wattles Drug Store,-Mej Henry. - gtf ^ COPYING / Old Photographs Snapshots and Proof? for which neg&tivef f^e, not available. . ^ $1.00 / ; , WORWICK'S STUDIO 117 Riverside Dr., Phone 275 McHenry *£tf; 1, I WHITE HOUSE DOOB . . were having Christmas dinner the White House this Is what: eee as yea approached It. England has two towns with Christmas names. Christmas Pie is a small village near Guildford, Surrey. while Christmas Common is near Oxford and Henley. The ur* Cor. Bts. 31 and 120 McHenry w WOTEM STOP THOSE TRANSPORTATION WORRIES New Car Problems work involved in ".bringing out" a new car is described by Automobile Manufacturers association d a "colossal task." A brief shutdown tot model change-over In <me company involved installing 1,080 new dies, 2,015 tools, 805 fixtures and 104 production presses and machines. Because the frame of the new car is built into the body, the two final assembly lines, each a half mile long, had to be rerouted to fit new assembly methods. Workers also had to be taught new assembly processes. This procedure alone meant relocating nearly 1,000 presses and machines and shifting whole departments. • Floor Furnaces Installed-Complete - 1275-gal. Oil Tank I Floor Furnace with Automatic Control. Pull Price 245.0Q Down Payment 22.50 Monthly Payment ll.*0 for 21 mos. WONDER LAKE ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE ' RAY SULLIVAN Tel. Wonder Lake 346 Rt. |f Riugwood, HI. M I L L I NN Pornlerlv Barnard's Mill ^ Horth End of Wonder Lake at the bridge CIo3ed All Day Tuesday During Winters ~ TELEVjSION COCKTAILS LIQUOR -- WINES BEER COMPLETE DINNERS SERVED From 6 to 9 p. m. Daily except Monday Saturday 6 to 11 p. m., Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY WE GATES TO PARTIES Frank and Jerry Wiedeman phone Richmond 312 f Paper Predion Market *rom 1988 to *1940, expenditures for miscellaneous household paper products in the United States inceased 02 per ccnt. AUCTION OSAB. LEONABD * ED VOGEL, Auctioneers ')£?> •W<i -.ri- 'J6-™ Iliere is a bus service operating between Richmond; Genoa City TOKaurin; Spring Grove; FoxLaJ^; Volo; LUy Lak.:a^d Come in and see our employment counselor today about your ntp jo* in the radio industry. * 'is t -f ^ There are vacancies at present fop; ASSEMBLERS WIRERS SOIDERERS v. PACKERS ^ INSPECTORS ' . * *• , E?:perience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expandinsr ^,!ra:Uo-teleyidon industry. ' ^ Employment office open Monday thru Saturday 8:00 AriTlP • '* P- ^ • ;f;v. ADMIRAL CORPORATION Intersection of Routes 120 and 31 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Baying decided to sell out and move to Wisconsin I will sell at Public Auction on the Wightman Farm located on State Boute 120, 2 miles West of Grayslake, 8 miles East of Vdio, « ' .' 5?; THUBSDAT, DBOBMBEB lf ! Sale to start at 11:30 a. m. sharp, the following described property: 86 BEAD OF LIVESTOCK ' Consisting of 23 head of Holsteln dairy coita, 10 of these cows to freshen in December and January; 3 fresh In November; balance- bred back and milking good; 2 head of Holsteln heifers, 14 mos. old; Koljrteln heifer, 8 nios. old; 2 Holsteln heifers, 2 mos. | old; Holsteln bull, 9 mos. old, can ; be registered. 0 head of butchering pigs, weight 200 lbs. each. FEED 500 bales alfalfa hay; quantity of chopped hay; 350 bales oat straw;; j 900 bu. Clinton oats; 400 bu. ' corn; 10 ft. silage in 14-ft. silo I MACHINERY ! McD. Far&all tractor Model "V*'i starter, lights, power take-off, with new rubber on rear; Mc-D. double row on rubber; Farmall Model "F-^O" on rubber; Qehl Forge Harvester, with motor, hay attchment and blower, new; McD. "52B" combine with motor, new; McD. tractor; drill with grass seed and fertilizer; attachments, new; J. D. double bottom 14-ln. tractor plow: J. D. No. B. 6-ft. power mower; Case side delivery tractor rake, new; mounted power sprayer, with 18-ft. boom,! ne"w; Oehl 10-in. hammer mill, new; Lets feed mill; J. D. 7-ft. quack digger; wagon and rack; potato, planter; platform scale, 1000-lb. capacity; McD. electric cream separator; 2 feed carts; 2 rolls snow fence; McD. milking machine, 3 single; units, with pipe for 32 cows; 25 milk' cans; pails and strainers; 2 wash tanks; set of harness and collars; Flichbaugh wagon unloa^er, 7x24-ft. apron; electric milk stirrer; 75 New Hampshire Bed and Leghorn chickens. ^ Ladles Aid of Bound Lake church, will serve lunch. ___ KENNETH BATE ..;j^5--aicHenry Male Bank, Clerfctaif > •My i >%* ' $ hP' 'Ay.. , .1, H hove to Midi vp on plenty of rest and when I get home, because itfs a toogh job... thig filling the stockingB of yoqngstees all over th^v . world ... that's why I use an Electric Blanketf Nights get mighty cold up at the North Pole, aik|Z it's really wonderful to sloop nnflftr the relazm^f all-over warmth of just a single blanket! I gav^ Grandma Claus an Electric Blanket last Christy mas and she says she's never slept so well in he* , life. So, if you're planning something special fbf someone special on your list, take my advice, give an Electric Blanket^* . • ' -I • ^ ^ Sdect yomr gift Ebuti ic BwkxxmiiMga at your dealer's cromr Hmreatatm* today. You'll fi*d a wide adection of fleecy+ofl, f i off wool-faced electric blanketa and luxurious mtin-cooeni ' txmtforien. Chooee from luecioua pastel colon or rich deept tones. .Bkmkefi in twin bed sue with tingle control and double bed eifes with tingle or double control*. Comforter* | ^s, are double bed ti*e with tingle control. For your complete ** aeturanee, look for tit* aeal of approval jky Underwriter? Laboratorite, Inc* •s •$ PU

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