Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 11

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mm ion soboou A $98,000,000 beale state aid in wu recommended retwtijr for iiois poblie grade and high aehools the two yean starting neat July $98,000,000 would provide flat its to every publfc elementary >d high school, aad special aasistite in the fom of equalisation payents to needy school districts only. Itis excludes state money paid for ipil transportation and other aide. A |3 increase in flat grants and ind Umttow VERN THBLBN Tracking Gravel Black Dirt _ Truck far Hin ' TeL McHenry 68t-SrS sfc 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry ' ephone No. m )FFBL ft RE*HAN8*JBH&1» ranee agents for all tlaaaw af property in the beat West McHenry, Illinois LRLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joelyn ft Parker) Office Hoars: fodneaday Afternoon* ifi Kichr SsMly Cmbiij» 12 Main Street, west McHenry Phone--McHsnry 486 Woodstock 1ISS VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry I Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law Waukegan Road (RFD Bos 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. • Phone McHenry 492-W BELL & SHALES Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Also Spray Painting 105 N. Green St., McHenlf Tel. McHenry 24S-J or ' Crystal Lake 1S28-M-1 TeL Wonder Lake 418 QR. R. H. WATKINS * Dentist __ --Office Hours-- Tnes., Thurs., * Sat. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings by Appointment [Lcykout Point Wonder Lake, TIL FRANK E. LOW Insurance Writing Fire, Accident ft Health Auto, Gaaaalty and Life in Reliable Companies Phone 95-1 Ml WaBcega* St. McHenry, I1L WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Filling--Black. Dirt--Lim Truck* for Hire Tree Estimating TeL 655-R-2 McHenry, I1L WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J 909 South Green St., McHenry, 111. AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. DR. H. S. FIKE •Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and Hi TeL McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street - Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hours: Tnes. and Sat. from 10 to 4. Evenings by appointment. -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay to $25 for Old Homes, less for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges HtSOTUNtt KARL R, WALSH t Anto, Farm ft Life Insuranec Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When yon need insurant* of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M ireen ft Elm McHenry FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With Modern Equipment '?•' Can Furnish Tile LEO C. ZIMMERMAN Contractor hone 1699-M-l R. F. D. ^liL------ FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. |Electric Wiring Motor Repair* Pumps Sold aad Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 raising eqaalisation payments $135 were recommended. Mat grants currently an 622 for Iia* iliwl'ity- and ft far each high hM papiL Eqaalisation payments are based on 690 for each grade and #100 for each high school papiL "Our basic concern," Irving F. Pearson executive secretary of the infaMis Education Assn., said i# an interview, "is that sufficient state aid be made available and goaran tee that foundation programs be maintained ia all school districts of the state." His organisation fonnd that at least 6135 per pupil would be necessary to provide a good basie program. Such a program would include trained teachers, modern housing, good libraries and Equipment, varied curricula of cultural and vocational subjects* and a school term of at least nine months. "The association's program would give relatively more state aid to poorer areas and extend equalisation to areas which heretofore have not had it," Pearson said. Need rubber' stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. 4h Rid* • %S6N6CA RYBT EASY TERMS !?• a nifty! Nsariy 4 feet kmg- Tubular gteel framework, lacquered a gay red and yellow. Ball-bearing construction, aemipneomatic tins, adjustable V-belt drive, rubber pedals ft handlebar grips. Seat-and bar adjustable. Bike fits 4 to 9 y«ac old*, boys or girls. Ordtr to- «ay by phone or j,|013.95 :• Mm J. Vycital Hdwe. GREEN STREET PHONE 98-M Santa Clam School Gents of its C3aus school educational buttla the world. " white wig and ^Mffcara, red suit trimmed in white for, wide white bait, and black leather boots. * A course at the school preparee fee prospective Santa Claus to prop, arly shake when he laughs like a bowl full at Jelly, remain calm when a chad glares and yells "there ain't no Santa Claus" and maintain prop» er diplomatic relatione with a parent who thinks Santa has givn hw tot the brushoff. \ • Tinsel . Old and tarnished tinsel can be made to look almost as bright as new by washing It in warm soap suds to which a few drops of ammonia have been added. Dry tinsel with a iowel and hang it up to flohh drying. Carpet Beetles and Moths Routed by DDT Oil Spray Toxic qualities of DDT may make its use in many places questionable, but there arc still many places where. the Insecticide can be used to advantage. * 1 Jade Lomax, extension en-' tomologist. University of. Nebras- i ka, suggests that cleaning of j clothes closets can be followed up { with a DDT spray on the walls, woodwork, baseboards, and shel-! ves. Such a spray gives protection | against clothes moths and carpet beetles. J An oil spray is best because it; does not leave the white deposit j the water spray does. It should be: a residua] spray rather than aero-' sol bombs or space sprays if it is' to be effective "over many months. ! Aerosol spray kills flying insects ; or those which happen to be expos- . ed at the time, but has no lasting j effect. | DDT can be sprayed lightly on; wool clothing without injuring the 1 fabric. Too much solution may j show up as whitish traces on dark ' clothing, but this can be removed by brushing or dry cleaning. I DDT protects clothing hanging in closets, but moth flakes or crystals j are advised for clothing stored in i bags, trunks or other containers ! . where fumigating effects are desir- j <sd. Added protection is given stored clothing by spraying them and ; their container with DDT. | Display at manly strenglb has always impressed the womenfolk. A female gorilla will find the sight atAlbkm, ^ ^ tier mate, with flexed bleeps and fists thumping his chest, irresistible The elephant seal will pose for hours with head thrown bade and chest extended if there are admiring females nearby. Ia sea lions and sea elephants the bulls, who are enormously bigger and stronger than the cows, come ashore during the breeding season and stake out mating territories. As the females land, the males fight for them and establish harems. In some species they may seize the cows by the neck and pitch them over their shoulders into the harem. Strange American Tews {ftany American towns bear strange names. For instance, there's Annabessacook, Maine and Zephyrhills, Fla. Railway expressmen don't blink an ere when they spot express shipments bearing address labels reading: Choccoloces, Ala.; Agawan, Mont; Embarrass. Minn. And, for the "romantically inclined there's Loving, N. M.. Eden. •0., Paradise, Cel.; while the statf of fexas offers, Lovelady, Honey Island, Happy, Blessing, Ponder Moody, and, to top it off, there if Goodnight Tex. A few more, which might suggest the high cost of liv ing: Cash, S. C.; Cash Mopey Fla.; Dollar, Ore.; Greenback l^enn.; Coin, Ark.; and Dime Box Tex. Eliminating Melee - tfc Mil moles quickly, a rubber hose should be attached to the ex haust pipe of an automobile. Ilie Joint should be made tight by strapping with electrical tape. The other end of the hose should be inserted in the mole hole, and the motor alo^ed to run for five minutes. To concentrate the fumes, a damp cloth should be placed tightly around thehose'where tt enters the ground. who are the oAdal cooks family, will reap added pralge holiday season if they plan a Christmas menu for every en Christmas day. While "something special" is expected for dinner, a minimum of attention will make the other two meals a pleasant surprise. > Here is a menu for the day which w01 prove popular. . BREAKFAST Orange juice Waffles _ _ Grilled Sausage Cakes Coffee ^ Honey MlHr . CHRISTMAS DINNER C#Mn and Tomato Juice Cocktail Roast Turkey, Giblet Gravy Celery Dressing Mashed Potatoes Buttered Green Beans Calavo and Grapefruit Salad Assorted Relishes Cranberry Sauce Hot Fruit Cake Pis Coffee : . v • S U P P E R ; Nutbread Sandwiches Mixed Vegetable Salad Fruit Gelatin Dessert Yfca imt i' Ifs a good idea, too, to crowd a cutting board with assorted cheeses and crackers. Place tt hi the living room for those who may not be able to eat candy or wha Ap't eare for nuts. f' Hunting la indrep yean A Complete CLEANING SERVICE Done tot Our Own Phn* Good Cars in Laundering Linen Handkerchiefs Urged \ With linen and other fine fabrics costing so much these days, homemakers find linen handkerchiefs are a prized possession. Good care in buying and laundering will extend the life of handkerchiefs considerably, says Miss Helen Rocke, extension clothing specialist. Buy the handkerchief with the even and compact weave and weight for longer life, she suggests. Etltbraidered initials, open work and Ljnd-hemstitching make •a prettier and more costly handkerchief, but these things also make a more fragile item. The first break often comes at the hemstitching where fabric is thinner, or around the initials where the i embroidery is heavier than sur- j rounding lineh. Hand-rolled edges j are less sturdy than stitched hems. When handkerchiefs are launder- i ed in the machine with other cloth- j ling it is a good idea to tie them in ^s loose cheesecloth bag. This saves iwear and tear in washing and getting caught in wringer rollers. In pinning handkerchiefs up to dry, pin them on top of a towel, leaving them only until dry. Flapping in the wind makes for much wear and tear on handkerchiefs. Deer One hundred years ago Wisconsin had an all-year deer season. In 1851 the legislature restricted this privilege by creating a limited season beginning July 1 and ending February 1. From then cn deer hunting season* were established annually, with the exception of six years of no deer hunting. Almost all of the thousands of deer taken during these many hunting seasons were by rifle and shotgun hunters. The bow and arrow had no place in the equipment tof the deer hunter until recent years. Twenty years ago there was no bow hunting in Wisconsin* • Who Ran Japan? Until the war ended a half dozen Japanese families, together with tne leading -banking Interests of thf country, controlled 57 per cent of Japan's coal production, 88 per cent of steam engine production, 5$ per cent of pulp production, 68 per cent of aluminum output and 51 per paft of airplane manufactures. Products of the Whale New factory whaling ships which roam Antarctic waters now have refrigerator compartments to freeze the catch and preserve the flavor ot whale meat. The secret of cooking the meat, whether it's "whalerburgers," stew or steak, is to add onions and peppers. Food isn't the only result in a good catch of whale. Whale oil is used in soaps and in making glycerine, for munitions, and in processing leather. The oil is used also in preparing face creams and ointments. The rarest and most valuable of whale products is ambergris, used in fine perfumes. Sand and Gravel Excavating and Qrane Service felidc Dirt -- Sand and Gravel ^ Road Grading Fairs in Early Times Merchant guilds of the Middle ] Ages found that traders preferred j to barter in one city rather than in half a dozen. Thus we came to have one community famous for its lace, another for leather, a third for pottery, and so cn. The great international fair at Leipzig founded In 1170 furnishes an example. This institution had a marked effect Upon the commercial development of Europe. Highway robbery and pillage were so common in medieval times that rulers granted safe conduct and protection to merchants on their way to and from the fair, even though the merchants came from an enemy nation. The Leipsig fair was revived fallowing World War I, and in 1922 reported 12,586 exhibitors and 155,000 buyers, flOO being from foreign lands. When Hafeging Pictures A Heated nail may be driven into walls without splattering the plaster. . 8wine Vacclnatlen 8aceeaMI More than eight million pigs have been vaccinated against swine erysipelas in the past 10 years in the largest single animal disease control experiment in American history, livestock health authorities report The huge experimental project using the live-culture and serum method of vaccination, has been carried on since 1838 under the federal and state supervision, the American Foundation for Animal Health reports, and results have "been "entirely satisfactory". Swine erysipelas runs quickly through the herd, killing many hogs and making other victims unprofitable for market Moreover, the disease can be contracted from swine by other animals and poultry, as well as human beings. tood on «ha land u Hraas destructive crops, it raafea next la Mm »« the bulkiest ^ counterpart ! is belligerent and . Up CaaMllewer When sewing cauliflower, grate raw carrots over the top for added eve and taste appeal. • about a third of \ Produced in this cnaky consumed in that form. «s bottle milk. Approximately total goes into factory euch as butter, < evaporated and Some IS per cent is _ _ _ only original use of cow's a state of nature--tt* Bossy's cam V--» Bead the Want Ad& • i • UUIGI SELECTION OF '•*<% & l' k i, SfturttM • (Ehrtatmaa OJarhjg h « ' li1; The McHenry Plaindealer '^ r :'f$f Distinctive business cards as well as a wide variety of personal M r cards. Select ytrars esrty and be assured of the typ$. of which exactly suits your taste. N. GREEN STR McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Santa Claus 9 tip • *1 "••%** *4« FREUND'S DAIRY $ 'v.VE •Ssf' FRt&PAIRE with famous Live-Water action! GRADE A MILK Homogenised Milk, Coffee Cream, Whipping Or saw, Buttermilk, Chocolate Milk, Butter, Eggs, Half and Half Cream, Cottage Cheese. We close at 6 p. m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday aad Thursday aad at B p. a. Friday, Saturday and Sunday PHONE McHENRY 636-W-2 Car and Truck Owners Attention! wwHer in loss o Clems itself e Can be hand teii* (roiled fort pec i«l|obs o Needs no bollion (iess A c c t s s o * , | S » ENGINEERED AND BUILT BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION w-- /\few-/fbtRew/fr/ 206 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY Free Pickup and ^|irer| Service Phone McHenry WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law .110 Vs Benton St. Phone Woodstock S4 Woodstock, Illinois McHENRY FLORAL CO. i i'jd'.o Phone 484 Ope Mile South of McHenry On Route SI Flowers for aU occaaions! FRANK S. MAY ^ Trucking Sand--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Liaaeetone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry All BRAND NEW PARTS ASSEMBLED AND B10CKTISTED AT FACTORY vf// Latest Improvements! A. P. FREUND SONS f Excavating Contractors Trucking. HydrauHc and Crane Service ' --ROAD BUILDING-- Td. 2C4-M McHenry, HL WtJ You'll welcome a Frigidaire Automatic Washer this Qiristmas and remember it for many Christmases to come--foe wash days will be almost like holidays. With this marvelous washer, all you need do is put in clothes and soap, set the dial, and forget it! Ia less than a half-hoar clothes are washed cUmm by Live-Wati» action, rinsed twic* by Live-Water action And the Rapidry-Spin gets them so dcy some are ready for immediate ironing. Come in. See t demonstration. ' BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 E. PEARL STREET ^ PHONE 156 McHENRY, ILLINOIS i},Cr I BUUMMHii UMiinmnRUiiainuuHiNiniKaHui m ||so saa Iht Frigidaire Electric Clothes Diytr Frigidaire Electric Ironer Green Si, Cor. Elm PHONE McHENRY lO^t

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