BifilsSS m to IflM WMK PP n» AS vft» wvi op«r V A' tunbOTMM band e iMri flm was eaeesH tvely MM Ml Its use was Ma sited qr. bi later yeara, howm * pt spread, deelgna Im- 1 eai tke cost naturally deio^ m •m+i _ [aatilyhas enough meat I ce waste fat to provide the IM 1* fpap making, this Mas practice at any time, wwntal and thrifty. Bead the Want Ala. nSrC 1 ICC Smd tb Water treat, like flowers. win to beta# leapt with the baaa ta the water. Rera are .two simple things to do It you want your tree to stay green and fresh. Buy a tree which has bean cut as recently as possible. - Cut off the end of the trunk diagonally, at least one inch above the original cut. This will expose a moist surface which will absorb watar. Stand the trunk of the tree in water at once, apd. if it is not to be taken into the bouse for several days, keep it in a coo! place. OWH must form Oiatiwis wtthmUkiag production. MORROCO WASHED STOKER COAL #or dean, economical and carefree stoker opnation, try a load of this specially prepared stoker ooaJL Washed and sised properly to get the utmost efficient from your stoker. • trial load will convince yon. OaQ yonr local tmcksr or phone as at Morris 80 or 90. tire The following sixes are also available at attrac- LTJMP 6" FUBNAOE LUMP 6"x3" SMALL EGG 3"xl" Morris Coal & Mining Co. . Box 311 .. MORRIS, ILLINOIS t * ' . - " • T • / Mine located at junction of U. S. J and HI. 47 Iik of lives'on Ocean AiSmUmmm divers for pearls, shetfflsh, edible seawead, and verloua items of commerce, woman of Oriental toasts for centuries have outdone the men. Those of Cheju, 50 mOas off Korea's southern tip, have been notably adept An estimated 10,MO today live by harvesting ocean acres, while their men in soma cases tend' the children and prepare the meals, notes the National Geographic society. « From this feminine monopoly hM grown the tradition of Cheju as an Amazon isle. It took positive form in the West ab&ut 1100 when a traveler brought back the tale that the island until 1M0 had been populated solely by women and young children in storied Amnion style. in (he IMS census, Cheju counted SVt,14S Inhabitants, virtually all on the coasts of the 45-by-XMxiile oval at land. Ihen were 113 women to each 100 men on Cheju in 1048, whereas on the Korean mainland men outnumbered women. Cheju port on the north coast Is the Island's capital and chief center, counting 10,000 inhabitants. ~Yh«iy live larflaly in crude, thatched- roof huts of mpd and stone. Andent walls to defend against pirate attfek still stapd jlong the shore. aa Sea American Home Economies association recently conducted a survey of 18,000 women to see what they considered to be the necessary qualities In a house dress. The woman questioned said that house dresses Amid be moderate in price, eolorfastr controlled for shrinkage or stretching, and constructed so as to prevent excessive raveling, and should have vfell made seams and h*ms, good stitching, good buttonholes, well secured and reinforced fastenings and pockets, securely attached trimmings, properly constructed collars, plackets and facings, and shoulder pads properly constructed and olaced and secured firmly. Toothpick It On A novel way to add unusual flavor to roasts is with toothpicks. Fasten onion sections, olives or garlic cloves on toothpicks, then insert the picks into the surface of the meat so that the food rests against the meat. As it cooks, the juices drip down into the meat and baste it, much as when the fat surface on meat melts and runs down through the meat. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. r; * A • • FRKHCAIRE #f $309.75 met St., Cor Holiday feasting will be better --and easier than ever-- a new Frigidaire Electric Range -- not only now but for many holiday seasons to come. The Twin-Unit, Even- Heat Oven is big--it will bake 4 pies or roast a 25-lb. turkey easily, and will turn them out better than ever. The Cook-Master Oven Clock Control keeps an "eye" ee meals while you're away; turns oven on, cooks the meal, then turns it off... all automatically. Radiantube Surface Units heat faster, are cleaner, and the Triple- Duty Thermizer is a deep-well cooker, a small oven-- or pop it up and it's another surface unit! CMpm in. Ask about the complete line of Frigidaire Electric Kawgafi 9*4 all the eltier Frigidaire appliances* I $149.73 10*7 ' * _ i Poor Soil Di^M9» Is ~ Too for Jlggrmto If your ooca well drained soil is clogged up» don't put aUtta blame on your drain tile system, tfce poor drainage may be due to damaged son structure and less eferganic matter caused by overcropping. Too many grain crops yMar after year and too few deep rooted legumes in the rotation have slowed drainage down to a "walk" on thousands oZ farms. Failure to return plant nutrients, manure and crop residues to the soil have aggravated the problem. On such land the cushiony soil structure hil been broken down. Soil particles are Jammed into a hard, compact mass, instead of clustering together in loose granules. Circulation of air and moisture is cut off. Water ponds on the surface instead of soaking in. Roots are up against a "concrete floor" that stop! them from stretching out for needed nutrients. Crop yields are low. For unclogging poorly drained soils, deep-rooted legumes such as alfalfa and sweet clover are particularly Important Hie tap-roots open up tightly-packed soil and let water soak in faster. When well fed with phosphate and potash the roots put mineralized organic matter deep into the subspil. The organic matter added by roots and tops of legumes, manure and crop residues contains compounds that stick soil particles together in dusters. That makes, good tilth and a loose, well-drained soiL The organic matter helps the soil hold mere water longer. Boots find it easy to get at moisture and plant Crap yields increase. $ Howard - Granriieh, agricultural agettt for the Northwestern railroad, pats Out his "ag" letter every month which I ^s^ey reading. Howard quotes the county agent in Brown county, Wisconsin, who says his edaaty is the highest pereant electrified (91%) in the V. 8. That takes la a lot of territory, including Me- Henry county, HL, I've been here four years and haven't aeen but two terms without electricity and 1 _ laiu'Wto l*eb.-§i. lb three , men freateach eoanty la the «a cooperatives with the idea of. teaching them now to be leaden of ench organisations in their local communities. Aire there three young men from 17 to 25 who we <pn send from bur countyt My batting average in getting onr young men to take ad vantage of auch opportunities has been about 0 per cent no far. My heart always feels sick when I go to state eventa and find young people notieed they got it in the laat year, j from most every other county but Do we beat Brown county or isn't | McHenry there taking part. Omr McHenry conaidered in the U. 8. f boya are nlways too busy. No one Do yon know of a .farm without dcetrlcityf The AAA, who has charge of the corn selling program, eay they won't inspect aaaay cribs for selling until after Jan., because moet of the few they have sampled .up to now carry too maek moisture to seal now. They guess that by then the moisture content win be down enough to pasa. Hope so. At the banquet for atate outstanding 4-H members at the Morrison Hotel last week, put en by the llli noia Agricultural Aaaociation, President Charles Shuman aaid that it used to be that if a boy wasn't very goon in school, didn't any more than get through the eighth grade, if that PEB DAT BT far, and was generally kinda dumb.JPJiOVEMENT. it was expected of him to stay on > the farm because he couldn't do mueh of anything elae. Now that story is different. The farm is now attracting the beat farm boys with college educations. can be too busy to learn more. At the Farm Bureau Farm Management dinner, the other night, Lawrence Johnson of Hebron said a sow producing two 7-pig litters for him per year, netted aa much return aa n cow producing 325 pounda of butterfat. John Lindsay of West McHenry said they handle 2,500 pounds of feed daily feeding ,the dairy ~herd on hia farm. He aaya by pasture improvement where he can lengthen the paatuiie season by one month, they the handHng of seventy-five tons <of feed. By scoop fullf and fork fulla that takes a lot of *time: I sny the average "armer can SAVE TWO HOUB8 PA8TUBE IM \ Light for Cow* Four square feet of window space usually is required fo> each coif in Let's keep our! the milking barn. kd^^'^up. His hate was like » light. <0 weary, weary were the world. But here ia all aright.) The Christ-child lay on Mary's breast. His hair was like a iter. (O stern and cunning are the kings. But here the true heerts ere.) The ChristehOd lay on Mary's heart His hair was like a fire. CO weary, weary is lbs world. But here the world's desire.) The Christ-ehBd stood at Mary's His hair was Ufce a crown. And all the flowers looked op at Him, And aO the sters looked down. H3. K. Chesterton. - »•" ---- • •v.,; Deogsr la Feqr JNetore • Poor ppstnre Is responsible lor many vf gue aches and pain. Oood breething It impossiUe with improper posture, and digestion is affected hr crowding of internal organs. at • In tional. 4se\lUs made it to add to the Vinter diet the of vitaoUns that are nermaBv vlded If the summer in than eooM he groom lots during aO seasons of the in i»M, good If hroilsrs attained a of one end one-half to Mra . at the enff of e » to 18 we^c iod. Today, broiler producers grow a three and one-quarter four-pound bird in the same o* time. day to test the fcaby wiB have a . carriage, aid ready-cut,meats oil come in transparent plastic peal 1 Dr. Robert Arte* of Pot stfll only in its growth, will hring Complete line of Beebe livestot remediM at, Wattles Drug Store, M Henry. 8- From where I sit Joe Marsh ^ Yes Sir, Insomnia's Contagious! When Bad Swanson had trouble deeping nights, and tried to get over it by turning ep the radio fell blast, he started an epideadc of insomnia all down the block! Folks finally dropped a hint to Bud that he close the windows or turn the radio a little lower. Bud did--and that was the quickest cure for oihtr folks' insomnia I've overheard of I Not that any "of as object to the radio, or swing bands, or anything else that helps another _ lax of an evening. (Myself, I like a glass of beer with a bit of cheeee before I go to bed. I can't speak for tfott.J From where 1 sit, good neighborlineaa meaaa nothing more than aimply rsaparting the other peraoa's tastes and rights--without forcing year own tastsa or opiaioaa down hia threet. And that geoe fer Bud's radie, my glase of veer, or whatever toaiporatc pliaenre pea happcu te eojey. ANNOUNCEMENT We dedre to annooiioe that we have purchased Nagy'g Restaurant at 138 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, and will continue the business under the naitteof BRITA'S RESTAURANT beginning Friday, Dec. 10, specializing in Plate J.nneh«« from 11». m. to S p. m., lOe.jHail#* the basket, steaks and chops, pins -- '£ ; ,t4, ' *•>' • SMORGASBORD y " fwrjr Saturday and Sunday . . ERlK and ENID BJORKSTRO^ WATCH FOR DATS OF GRAND OPBM1M H Wat a Tough Fight JUSTEN SONS ^ • McHenry PBOmt XcHEMXY 103-S Bedragged and wern is' Bhede Island Bed hen which top egg-laying honors fer tte eeentry In IMS at the Maide egglaying test. The new champ owned by George B. Tread well Spencer, Maaa., turned eggs and scored 368.7 points, thereby trimming all entries in 181,: official egg-laying teste throughout the United Statea. Farming Is Dangerous k Terms oi Accidents Farming ia dangerous. Of the eight major occupational groups ill the country, farming is fourth in terms of the frequency of fatal a<p cldents. According to a report released by safety engineers of the Lumbermens Mutual Casualty company of Chicago, 52 farm workers per 100,009 Were killed accidentally last year. Only more dangerous were mining, construction work and transportation. Safer groups were wholesale and retail trades, manufacturing, service industries and pu|dic uttoi^ ties. Only Chevrolet Seevy-Sety Tracks offer ell these extre-velee feetures! CHEVROLET Early Egg-Laying Cited As Not Good ioi Hens ¥ H* althy pullets can be fed to induce the starting of egg-laying during the fourth month, but experienced feoultrymen usually avoid this •arly production on the theory that such pullets do net make as largs or rugged hens. Egg size continues to be small for a longer period where pullets ate encouraged to lay early, thus reducing long-range profits through prodevelopment. f George Beppelwhite George Heppelwhite was a practical cabinet maker and designer who first created strictly in the Adam mode. Later he developed fat his own way the treatment at the ahield-back chair. He originated designs for a sideboard evolved from the three-piece arrangement of side table and two pedestals J>bu j** m H? & Quicker, •a*i*r and qwtetar in opeiMftai* ChewoUt'* mw 4-SKED SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION in on«-lon and haaolar duty mod«l« anabiss Ih* driver to maintain wnd MOMMNltlM OR flfWVMl Another Chevelet SHMED REAR AXLE HUS CONNECTION intwrM odd*d (trenglh and greatar durability in heavy haiiteg. Chewolafi foanei CAB THAT "MKAXWV* brine* yew all-w«ailMr mdell Oetilde air b drawn in and inad air Is forced omM Heated In cold weather. The power-packed Chewelet LOAD-MASTS , VALVE^N-HEAO ENOME, wSrtd feieess tut ] b new en In operation. • The neal-Mo«eed Cab • Unlwald, e8 steal cob Hyp eld rear aulas In It-ten and heavier dsty aodeb power bfehas ee 2-ten andeb • Ia8 beering iteerine • Wide boM wheab There's a miglity big difference in heavy-duty trucks and you'll know it the moment you hit the highway in one of Chevrolet's new heavyweight haulers. For there's a rock-solid quality, an ease of handling and pull-away power in these Advance-Oesign trucks. But discover the facts yourseif. Compare valued Thes*-- compare pricesr You'lf find that only Chevrolet, tracks have 3-WAY THRIFT--low cost of operation, low cost of upkeep and At lowest fist price* h» Ae entire track AekL ^."'5:1 "••y •• '<> . -Mim Uf, • y-n -.;VSi CLARK CHEVROLET SALES ' -W. PHORX 277 . . ' ' " ; • ' /"/Kl HsHXlIXY, W.I.IIIOH •/: .mm * • S,