Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 3

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< i * »ia»The am itoafected ti> eaapley A mew lalawiij tot llffertngtra, a 4» tlti&Hi*a pertoas. ^ *Wek t® suunfhetaie maeieal iiutnmwto, iMt »*k. W#* alragly ku km (tutti <• ft Mi,000 fnnl being emtcd oa Gomt*my, wuk*f of wastes! jastm» •seats.'WBbfcr VaAalt lsfc*»d of the MMifa. Mr. feak Hni/k tti iBTeffcess Ml^btAwl, fiat Pala- Toal PmuMtt War* Kits, flit mad $2.00. Wattles Drag Store. (5-tf Mra. t. X. Whitlag Ik* wewwfe in-knini hem Wm**Ut> A *** V H l U M M I I I H H M M M M H H I I H H H l M i m i M <S3*% "«/ - ••> ' •'y »"*"'. .« "^vv^ **&k- r.:-- „«•* '> > -Vv':? •.•:'«a&- , - ' .•- i-nv/ ' J"WW| mm# M M imi i n n imM M M imn u m n im imi i i , . -> ;*5t VL'* .* >' -i?r ,* < * •• •' ii'»-fcWhl'*i*£i - /«**»lAtym v*'4 *3- For his few moments 6f leisure give him te % *u» CT? ' f - i *'J f/3'vK something comfortable, tut smart . / - ' r l * v o • i / ' v. for complete relaxation ^%arm wool robe in his favorite color for comfortable nights. Only $10.05 , y •'""fry Incomparable sleeping comfort in these tailored pajamas in all styles and fOlors 13.95 Christmas it a lot of littlethings combined into something big .... he'll like a lot of these "little" things to complete his wardrobe-- especially if they're from yon. He'll be both f _• ' v"4 .,' *.*"-LV .I Tv -vVl.'?V * • *• Socks to fit any man-- short or long, loud or guiet--all attractively gift Fine Handkerchiefs for boxed. his suits, colors, white. Gift boxed 3fer$1.0(>l ; r '~TrT7 r Choose from hundreds of * ' jQirnn. .• .1 holiday neckties -- latest • .* $=a°lore» boxed # $1.50 and np for something always usable. Gift boxed 11.50 and up Every man needs one- of these gold or silver key chains, in beautiful gift » box $2.50 He'll have no sagging socks with these practical garter*. 55c and ujjg- Tie Clasps, to keep that Ohristmas tie neat and trim, in gift box $2.50 Give him these bright suspenders to help him be well-dressed $1.50 "d np Wintelrproof pigskin gloves for well-dressed comfort $5.95 ¥A One ef these Arte brfts ~ always a useful gift §jr">'= . ITZG ERA L JX^S A gay scarf to fool wintef * winds. In gift box Green St MEN'S SHOP 19 Mm. Um**t 'MM, JWa Low entertained the Bunco elahat a ChriaUUsparftjr at h^t t--^Tiwiiay aflai a»u#> |»||iw ta Jto. VW aai Mk iMaa XXMrty. bus gttli waif* wriiw»tiill. Mirvftei Mia. MUrttW Kaaa eatcrtmiaei tkab 800 aiaf. PriWi awarded to Ma. Walter Uw. aai pNd WalUa««a high and Mrs. Daaiela Bawam aai Clareaee Harrisoa, low. The Home Circle will ^meet with Mrs. Lonis Hawlejr Thursday, Dec. •. A pot lack diirner will be serred. The W. 8. C. 8. will meet with Mrs. John Hogan Thursday, Dee. 10, a pot-luck dinner will be served. Mrs. Win Hoffmos and Mrs. Jack Leuard attended a Stanley Brash party at the home "of Mrs. Loais Wini near Biehmond, Tuesday ot*- ' . Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Spring Grove called on her mother Mra. Viola Low Wednesday afternon, Alan Ainger of Hebron spent Thursday evening in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni attended the stock show ia Chicago, Friday eveaiag. * Mra. Walter Wilcox, Mra. Yiob Low and Mra. Charles Peet <Were viaitors at Woodstock Friday afteraoon. Mr. and Mra. C. L. Harrison left Sunday oa th* Farm Bureau tour to Florida. Mrs. Leo Kark of Richmoad called oa her grandmother, Mrs. Jeaaic Bacon, Saturday evening. ....Nancy and Mary Ainger returned to their home in Hebron 8uaday after spending a couple .of weeks with their grandparents, Mr. aad Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagai apeat 8qnday with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of Me- Henry spent Sunday with bar daughter Mrs. J. G. Pearson aad family. Mrs. Mabel Collins ia viaiting ia the home of her aon, Frank, at Wilmette. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter Mariad, Mr. and Mra. C. L> Harrison, Mra. J. C. Pearson aad Mra. Boy Harriaon and daughter Edith Pearl attended Eaatern Star inatallation at McHenry, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Jackson and family of' Grayslake spent Sunday afternoon and evening ia the E. E. Whiting home. Mrs. Clar» E. Foster and F. N. McAssey of Richmond spent 8unday afternoon in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and family were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting home. Mrs. Lena Peet spent Tuesdsy and Wednesday with^ relatives at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley attended the Stock Show in Chieago, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bussel Nordmever of Mundelein spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. Miss Lora Wiedrich of McHenry i* fro nwliH atlwr home hen. Boy fiToal of Wankogaa apeat the weekend at his Wm here. Mr. aad Mm Sibre Raldwia of Aieago w^re 'callers in the E. E. Whiting home Saturday eveaiag. Mra. Bd Bauer and Mia. Joe E. Miller of Bichmond soaat Friday ia Elgin. Mr. aad Mra. Kenneth Criaty, Mr. aad Mra. & T. Butler aad 8. W. Brown attended the Hoekey game at the Stadium in Chicago, Sunday ere* ning. , Mr. aad Mrs. Dick OldMm were Elgin shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Criaty and. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane were among those 4o attend the Farm Management service banquet at Woodstock Wedaesday evening. Mitchell Kane was one of the speakers. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent the past week with relatives at Waukegan. Mr. aad Mra. Gordon Foesum and faadly of Richmond sprat Sunday i with her pa rests Mr. aad Mts. Kenneth Criaty. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldeon aai family aad Mr. aad Mrs. Gordon Larson and daughter Saadra were 8unday dinner guests ia the Allaa Dimon home at Ostend. Fred Wlcdrieh, Jr. left for a business trip to Albert Lea Minn. Monday. vonoB or olau nan Estate of Edward Jf. Smith, Doceased. » Notice is hereby given to all persons that January 3, 1949, ia the claim date in the estate of Edward M. Smith, Deceased, pending in the County Court of MrHenry County, Il.inois, and that claimq msy be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of suia- Tliiiata of Wat Nahltlaa MATHILDA GERA8CH, Elements now definitely estab- Executrix. lW>*d to bo essential ia minute Leroy J. Welter, Attorney, amounts tp tte normal develop- 1404 Grove Ave. 0 ment of plants are boron, mangan- ; McHenry, Illinoia eae. xinc. copper , molybdenum. ; (Pub. Dec. 2-9-10) and iron. The last named has been l • ^ known to be essential for more -- than 9 century, whereas rigorous prodf of the esstatiality, for a wide > range of plant species, of the other * elements mentioned is comparatively recent. hereby gfv«a tO aB yarsons that January 3rd, elaim date in the A. Thornton, Deeeaasd* the County Court e^ ' ty, Illinois, and Oat filed sgaiast the said before said date withoat summons. HUGH A. A Vaiaia I. Knox. At Crystal Lake, Illiaoia. ' (Pub. Dee. 2-9-M) ' : -- hi -,:MBead the Want A^ OLM8TEAD AUCTION LBONABD, BUB8EL * VOGBL, Auctioneers The undersigned will sell at public auction, all of the personal property on the dairy farm owned a operated by D. J. Obnstead. formerly the S. E. Olmstead Farm, 2 miles East of Woodstock, Vt mile South of 120 from the Fosdick School, 7Vs ml. West of McHeniy, 9 Miles South of Hebron, m FRIDAY, DBGBMBBR 17 umiiiIH at 11 rtloek sharp, ths feUavtag deserihed petsoi prapartjr, to-wtt: 40 HBAD OF UTBSTOCK consisting of B sholoe dairy cows, a amber of whkfe vfU be fresh by sale day, aad the balsam fall and wintar oows, 4 2-yaar eld Holsteta heifers bred, 7 opn hsifera, 1 Holstain bull, 2 yrs. old. Heifers aad ban ralfhood vaccinated. The above livestock have recently passsd the Bancs aad T. B. test. 2 Week Ustsas, 1 sot of harness Hay, Grain aad Farm Machlaery 800 be. Clinton oats, good enough for seed; 1500 bu. ear corn; 1100 bales hay; 28 ft. of silage in 18-ft. MoOormick Pasting Farmall tractor F-20 oa rubber with cultivator, Arl osatditien; MeOonaick Doerlag WdO tractor oa steel; Papec silo filter, 50 ft. of pipe; Mew Idea manure spreader; steel wheel wagon and rack; wood wheel wagon; Mc- Oonalck Peering corn binder; full line of hone drawn machinery, including eatttrator, 6-ft. mower, etc.; McOoradck Peering 3 alngle unit aiilkiag aut«r and pump; hot water heater; wart tanks; milk east; tank hooter; pails aad strainers, aad many articles too numerous to mention, it mflk cans; model A Ford dump truck. -- All saan of $25.00 aad under that amount cash; over thqt amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be given on nofes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. Ko property to be removed until settled for,. , -4 'y Estate of • . |, , -L I. won. &K«> State Bank of Woodstock, Clerkiag CKOW'5 if rAA no u a t w Bass $ « vtf V V CMPRKET 118 S. OrMn St., HeBdiry HEAT MABKST tJMDEE NXW HANAOKHXirr SPXOIALS rOK FB1DAY Aim SATUSOAT Richelieu, •sail whnls Mo.2tta Polatoea 2 for 35o Att Ghroond Beef lb. 59c Richelieu O.P. k Black SO bags Tea Bags 49c Richelieu 12 os. glass Crabapple Jelly 23c Hscshey's 16oa. tin Chocolate Syrup 2 for 25c Quick or regular; SOospkg Quaker Oats i. . 15c Ideal 1-lb. tin Dog Food 2 for 25c Rih er liste SVrlh. ar. Porte Roast lb. 55c Flush Pressed Stowing Hens... _-iib.55c Taadsr Round Steak ...„ lb. 72c MDKATOa IAmUmUal IWflO^LTI M-HkII "SCNKA** HUM HIAWATHA t'yl Puss'n Beets Oat Food . 8-oe. tin 3 for 25c FttlPAT ONLY Lake Perch ,. lb. 39c Lake Herring t lb. 30c Bull Heads cleaned lb. 49q White Fish -- Halibnt Smoked Chubs -- Salmon BICYCLES W hoi eonalracled dsvUo bafihel fcsad Soys 1 styles' W «M base; Iddt stand* »"%90nr leys' or Ofcta* t«UB W srnjwrw>ss<wfctae »' Oysters GouuUBI Uwmmw Misd.b Stars GEO. 00LLBTTB, Owner •OTHOBIZBP PEALBR FKOHB MsMBVBT dlt ^ NEXT TO BAITS KeHBVBT, fUORHB ,. OH WHAT h TO BRUM"** H W^ one to two days -- because efi|fae production is running ahead of car production, so there's no waiting, no delay. The cost? Bven less than a thorough overhaul. Arrange time payments if you wish. Charges vary slightly for different models--but we can put new power ia YOU'LL feel like singing too--when you have one of these fresh-fromthe- factory Fireball engines in ymr time-tested Buick. 1 It's a swell Christmas gift for the whole family--the gift you'll enjoy for months or years of motoring. ^ Just think--today's Buick power fff any Buick built since 1937. your pewwar Buick! _ ^ New bearing, new piitoot, moiling jnyfully forth benew nngt, new electnol hind the wheel of * fnahsystem, new carburetor,, , , lf . new dutch--new totrjtkint BflllRS power^dcr-fcraMemcr as shown by the list at the WfJUnV Christmas, a Happier New right. Year -- from the thrill We can make delivery M«r that oaly new power can --install this new engine n 1 bring. Yes gal al lib -AU NEW I law Ak NIW Cy«ai«t NSW Hywhs«l NSW Hrahssl R. I. (j)VERTON MOTOR SALES . 'ji 403 FKOHT STRUT Vv % i%: ; --..r •* '

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