Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 4

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flandajr at lie .'Howard Madam. Adfle Protbhci •eeead-elass matter at at MeHenrv, 111., under i* May 8, 1879. $2.50 €DITORIAI SSOCIATION JTUZ Onr-ttomw HWlill ToM Mr. and Mrs. James Orr annaonee SN* Thoi 4um Ben Diets, •or ;Nye, George Oipa and Amy V'^v • • • out teo«t V - AcUvMN An inveitRart eeremeay Was held for Troop No. 1 on December 6 at Legion Hall and Gail Brefeld and Patricia Rosing received their pine Marilyn Jose, second class scout, received her design badge in tke field of arts and crafts. At the Leaders club breakfast held on Dec. 7, Mrs. Jefcnnette Vance, president, announced the Christmas party that was being planned for December 19 in the afternoon. At this time the program is for the girl scouts to sing Christmas carols in the business district, starting at 1:30 on Riverside Drive. They will then go to the grade school auditor*, ium where the party will take place. Everyone attending is being asked to bring a toy to be given aa a gift MMpR ***** meats were and her eonmi bytilft«IM«er oamittee. . 1 " SXAtTsAijK ii| TMAfl IN COUNTY REACHED $4,030 tan wist tke engagement of their dauglitor'to the children in the Woodstock Itther Jeaa to Mr. George Tliurow i Children's Home. Mrs. Minnie Green •t Chicago. The wedding is planned social chairman was in charge itr next September. Esther is emtfoyed at the Oaks Mfg. Co: in Crystal Lake while her fiance is iu the garage business in Chieagb. •f the breakfast. of Aft lock Shower MM. Robert Kreier waa at a stork shower held at the of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowell Saturday, Dec. 4, with Mrs. Helen Darnell of 8t. Louis, Mo., aa hoatess. MM were enjoyed, with prises be lag awarded the winners. Refresh stji were served late ia the eveaiaf* la, attendance were Mesdamca Chaster Kreier, Martin Carbon and OtUi Kraeger, all of Woodstock, Mn. jDon 8phrr of Hebron arid Mrs. IVaAtKroka of McHenry. ' • «. • Otoib O. D. of A. Plaaa Christmas Party • Court Joyce Kilmer* Xk 5^3, Catholic Daughters of America, met in the K. of C. hall last Thursday evening meeting. The first two weeks of the 1M8 Christmas Seal 8ale in MeHeary county brought a total of $4,030.95, it was announced Wedaeaday by Mrs. Jamea Laag, county fieri- Sale director. This year's 8eal 8ale, the proceeds of which will finanee' the 1949 tuberculosis control program of the McHenry County Tuberlosis Association, opened Monday, Nov. 22, and will continue iratil Christmas. * These returns of the first two weeks indicate that a number of county residents have acknowledged their Seals by return mail, Mrs. Lang explained. "Their promptness serves to emphasize the deep interest of this community's people in the of i work of the tuberculosis association to prevent the spread in this community of a disease which kills approximately 50,000 Americana a year. Oar mailing Hat b made «p of purchaaera throughout the yeara. OP If your name is not oa the list and for the regular business j y°u would like to purchase Seals, Plans were made for the «u or write the MeHeary County A* Mm Christmas' ?a,rty oa Thursday, Dee. 16. Mrs. Ella Buaa, chairman, announced this will be a dress-up party. A fifty cent gift will be exchanged, with all members encouraged to attend. The committee assisting Mrs. Buss includes Catherine Clark, Betty Gende, Rose Huemann, May Justen, Julia Justen, Carmel Maynard, Martha Freund and Laara Weber. This will also be the first party of the card tournament. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer, chaplain, save a most instructive talk last Tuberlosis Aaaociatioa, Court House, Woodstoek, 11L, and- the organiaation Will be happy to mail them to you. THANK YOU* The Woman's Auxiliary of the Woodstock hospital, and I, personally, as chairman of onr recent hospital project, wish to thank the people of McHenry county for their generosity and fine spirit of co-operation iu our recent effort to raise funds for The East River Road Pinochle club j Friday on the Sacrament of Con- Mt last Thursday, Dec. 2, at the firmation, which was followed by a Iwme of Mrs. George Glos on East! question and answer period. Illtf Boad. Prices went to Mea- i Following the meeting, refresh- Since time immemorial... the most perfect, the ttost cherished gift for HER is jewelry. ; '"One lose jnrar, voting May ooaviettens, over a period of etfht houra las Friday night, held oat for a guilty verdict in the $6,000 Attnage suit of J. Ivan Peters agatait Thomas Bodne, Harvard <r»y«&j|gpmunity nieghbors, so that JMge William M. Carroll waa forced to dismiss the jury at midnight, after failing to agree. Called to the court before midnight, Judge Carroll asked the foreman of the jury, Robert H. Brown, if he thought there was any chance to get together -and the foreman replied that he didn't think so. Judge Carroll then asked the other members of the jury if they thought they could get together oa a verdict and they replied that they thought it impossible. The lone juror holding out, reported to be Elmer Carlson of Woodstock, indicated it would be impossible to get tegether on a verdict. The jury stood 11 to 1 for acquittal. the ease ia qneettoa waa Mfere the court for two day* It involved an accident one half milk waft. of Harvard oa Augast 9, 1989) la which Peters altogei that h« teived injuries far which he Mkod •5,000. He testified oa the stand that h« sostaiaeA fractures of his toga ant other ia juries. The plaintiff charged that Boadk drove hia ear at the seeap of the aeeident in a willful, wanton and negligent way. The death ef a young Harvard soldier, who witnessed the. accident, dunng the war delayed settlement vof the ease. The. jury which heard the eaae the building of a wing on our present included: Elmer Carlson, Dorothy hospital for the care of mothers and j Schaefer, Arthur Pfannenstill, Bobchildren. Especially do we wish to; ert Brown, Loretta Miller, Bva D. thank the Woodstock American | Niewerth, Gertrude Weber, Thqmfts Philben, Eleanor Schatz, Evelyn Sutherland, Fred Anderson and Martha Freund. v Legion, Benevolent and Protective order of Elk, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Moose, the American Legion Auxiliary units throughout the county and many other organizations and clubs that contributed so much materially and morally to our cause. In this day of seeming greed and selfiishness it must be gratifying to! Mrs. Bertha Drennen of East everyone to know that the people of | River Road is still confined to her our county are eager to respond. to j home after her auto accident which appeals to help such a worthy cause, occurred Nov. 27, on Elm street Through your generosity we have' near Park avenue. •I'M"!11 H I' 11 I « 11fM M t AMONG THE SIOK • M H i l l l"t t III 14"1 l"M"H M a balance of $15,448.55 in our special account to date, Nov. 29, 1948. This money will be put in a trust and cannot be used for anything but the building for mothers and children. Your continued support is earnestly requested. Thank you. MR8. FRANK J. GREEN. Chairman of Hospital 80. Project. CARD or THANKS We wish to thank our many, many fricds, who se'nt us such lovely cards and flowers and the beautiful gifts we received in celebration of our Gold*#! Wedding Anniversary. lift. * MR8. FRANK 30 ' THURLWELL. It's time to leave for the Opera House in Woodstock to see the in "CHARLEY'S AUNT1 - Fri. - Sat. - 8ul Disc. 10-1112 MBS, PAULINE HUFF Above its pictured Mrs. Paufiae Huff, 85, of 8pring Grove, who died in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, last week Monday, of injuries suffered after the ear which she was driving was struck by a tractortrailer truck* A son, Eugene, 13, whom she was taking to school at the time, suffered severe injwiie|, but is Reported improved. PXUOHALS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and daughter Dolorea were 8unday visitors in the home of their niece, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Busse of Arlington Heights. • Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon and his mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon, accompanied Bill Bacon to Kenosha' hospital, Sunda^, where they visited Mrs. H. L. Damm (Rose Bacon) who has been on the sick list there for the past two weeks. They report her recovering nicely and it is hoped she will soon be not. Mrs. John Phalin and Mrs. Eleanot Foley were Elgin eallers last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hester and Clarence. Martin and daughter, Bita, William Jnstea has bora eeveral w«ek* visiting in of her daughter aad hasw. and Mrs. Robert, Bestoso, W. Goodell and Miss Bthel sJeaes attended the annual Christasas party of Illinois Federatioa of Music clubs of District 2, at th« home of Mrs. Elgar Post in Elgin on Dec. «. • H I I I M I I 1 1 I O I I I H I M* BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. L. Gene Dowell ate the parents of a daughter, Lindn Sue, born in Denver, Colo.', en Nov. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearell are the happy grandparents. Mr. and Mra. Bruce Klonta are proud parents of a eon born Nov. 28 at 8t. Therese's hospital, Waukegan. The baby has been named Bruce Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Winkelkake are the parenta of a daughter, born at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, on Dee. 1. Dr. and Mra. Robert Bestoso are the prond parents of their sixth daughter, born recently at Newport, B. I., where the Bestosos reside. Mrs. Bestoso is the former Miss Kathleen Justen of McHenry. wyfTm 111 i;t iffipifyfi VETS WARNED TO jLEARN STATUS OF INSURANCE POLICIES Illinois veterans of World War II holding original National Life insurance policies were warned this week to watch the expiration, date of their policies. The warning came from Homer G. Bradney, administrator of the Illinois Veterans Commision, who pointed out that original NSLI policies are expiring every day and will continue to do so until December, 1953. Veterans holding such policies are nrged to renew their insurance for Generally spanking, a bank's credit requirements remain rather constant. Loans are made to individuals wljo pay their bills, have dependable earnings or income, and who are in sound financial condition. One variable factor, is whether or not the loan is economically sound--whether or not it is for an essential purpose that is good for the nation as well as for the borrower. m v . - • ' - • v - ! * . V>.;-' r Member Federal Reserve System Federal Pwaitt ImwtmM Omirrthi < n i n i m 11 h 11 im ii. n ii 11 n* ii 1111 ii 11 hi 1111 h another five-year period before the I expiration date or to eonVert to one ) of several plans available. i To prevent losing their insnranee, every veteran should check with their insurance. | '"The IVC office in McHenry county la located at 100% N. Beta to*, St., ia Woodstock. ' Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf The Riversid^ Bake Shop will be open every day, atarting Monday, Dec. 20 until further notice. 30-2 Subscribe for The Plaindeiltf; Tickets 55c-90c-$1.2041.80 Curtain 8:30 p. at Phone 1290* Mrs. Bernard Bauer is a patient this week at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Dorothy Bauer of Ringwood has been a patient at the Woodstock hospital. Glen Eppel is a patient at the Woodstock hospital thia week. Willard McCulla ' entered the Woodstock hospital Friday night after suffering injuries in a basketball game in the local gymnasium Mrs. Herman Nye underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital the first of the week, ( : Pha Lmotomi D*«. Wt TOT 4-H Olnb LaadetS Leaders of the county 4-H clubs dftring the past summer are eagerly anticipating a lnncheon in recogni tiOn of the fine work which they and their * 4-H members have accomplished. The luncheon, will be held at the Seneca Grange hall in Franklinville on Saturday, Dec. 11, immelshue, specialist in 4-H work lit the University of Illinois, will be present to diseuss with the headers the changes in projects for 1949. : Mrs. Arthur Beard, county 4-H fhairman, will serve as toastmistresM for the program and Mrs. Russell Reed is in charge of decorations. Among other members assisting in |he program and luncheon is Mrs. |faul Walkington of Ringwood. AN IDEAL GIFT Why worry about that Christmas gift! All you need to do is place jan order for a year's subscription to Ithe Plaindealer. We will send out a gift card showing who is making the gift. Do it today. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. 8-tf S PECIAL AVINGS from $40 % Sport Modal NEXT WEEK ' 'ANOTHER PART OP THE POREST Waterproof Watch^ 129.50 to |58.50 ' •how Place of the Middle West Lake Geneva. Wisconsin ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S EVE CELEBRATION PRIDAY, DECEMBER 31st Our stock of Jewelry appropriate for Christmas is mof-t compete. Here are just a few suggestions: WATCH BILL FOLDS PEARLS COMPACTS ELECTRIC CLOCKS , RO8ARIE8 and PRATER BOOKS PEN and PENCILS SETS LARGE STOCK OP RECORDS DANCING BAB RTNOS PAYORS COSTUME JEWBLKT Everything for a full evening of fnn and enter received ^ Elgins, Bulovaa and Waltham tainmesL s. »:f Lord Elgins. $67.50 to $135 admission, per Person Including Federal Tax, $2.50 Mail check or money order to The Riviera and your reservation tickets will be mailed to you. Ask About Our Lay-Away Plan h Sorry, but reservations cannot be held unless paid for in advance. MH Main St. Phone 123*1 McHenry ft : XLFKZ ' Our Grade-A-Meats for Friday and Saturda Grade-A Beef Pot Roast/lb. - -f - Mr Grade-A Round Steak, lb. ; . ^ 79c Grade-A Sirloin Steak, lb. ' 79c .Fancy Ground Beef (Hamburger) (100% Pure I Beef), - ' 59c Fancy Bacon Squares, lb Grade-A hind quarteft, fire quarters, ^ rounds and loins of beef at wholesale prices. . ^JUE ANI SMITH 44c FYOOD STATED, McHenry Store Phone 250 Johnsburg Store Phone 4# ETHIN6 GeMnllsi • t|ss Thsna CsHel i * Sta|ii Omsbltai asnSi ilCsly ishitsr hrl^i CAMFIILD'S Urn llv«-Rlb|N>n Toaittr What a perfect QtfH WHh a CAMfVU)^ " yon «lve Ihe ««ff of perfect teewt any, day in Mm yaerl And Mm gleaming, dwosis WnWistl CAMimO TOASTER Is, . such a biovHM gWt, too. So hnwchowa ... And «o biwHM In performance-- 6 wperb sxample ef fine eafkeeilnfl --a crowning ocNevweeat of CAM* mo •nginsart' long ssperiewce in <>*"**>• Urn FriinJy Star* GEO. COLLETTE, Owner ARBORIZED DEALER PHONE MCHENRT 4SS •21 MAIN STREET WEST McHENRT, ILL. This roomy chair isi built to comfort with spring filled cushions, back easing design ... oomplett with lasting fobric flush and low priqfc - dift ^uggpattanH - PIOTUBBS END TABLES OCCASIONAL TABLBS FOOT STOOLS LOUNGE CHA1BS -- BOOK CASES CEDAR CHESTS BRIDGE SETS SEWING BASKETS v WASTE BA8XET8 DESK LAMPS "~ HAND CLEANERS UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC LAMPS--Table A Floor SEWING CABINETS 8MOKINO STANDS CARD TABLES COCKTAIL TABLBS HASSOCKS BED LAMPS FRIGID AIRE ? f - BEFRIGERATOip " " FRIOIDAIRBV I ELECTRIC STOVB8 BREAKFAST SETS _ J CHROME SBTS * , -- PORCELAIN TOP TABLBS CORNER WHAT NOTS RECORD CABINETS' RUGS--Large A Snail | MAGAZINE BASKETS ' " PLATFORM ROCKERS % 8ECTIONAL DAVENPORTS IKONS UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC SWEEPERS--Tank and U»- right 8MALL RADIOS KITCHEN STOOLS • BATH STOOLS cmuNUBrt ^ OO CARTS ' J' TABLB AND OHAXR SBtf ROCKERS AND CHAlBll ^ ; HOBBY SfbRSES DOLL BUNK BBDS CHILDREN'S LAJaPS (D Sons ABO Washer Corner Green and Elm Streets M^JMCHENRY Phone 103-R

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