Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 6

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at 10 FOI HTJ -In time for Christmas, handsome Bonn of champion stock; A. K. C., 4% fawn. Nielsen, phone Round Lain Sttl. *30-2 - Rebuilt generators, starters, and distributors for all makes of cart. Good stock of replacement parts and accessories. Mc HBNBT GARAGE, 604 Front St., Rt. 31, MeHeniy. , Tel. McHenrv 198 B. 30-tf FOR SALE IFOS SALS--Light weight sidewalk • bicycle; exoeUent condition. <12. 9feiB >tTI>--2^-in. well drill and j Call 858-R-2. SO TC«k breaker with aO-ft• «jj FOR BALE--Hot point electric stove Mon pipe and burners and cooking well, perfect co^ngB. t'S ^arhen ndu ^ dooble dr#in board Kse with P««e^n top $10; *h.te jain sink and fittings; 2 oil «Mb«ard withi|h«:front $10. Trio ud ^ olL McHenry 757. $Muchilla rabbit* over 6 mos. old u s strain, $40; seven White : ' c*Tie*^ *2 a°d 'FOB SALE--Glass china cabinet; B 12,1 mile south of Volo.Fhone I dreMer8; wall kitchen i cabinet; record albums; curtain • _ LAHU I stretchers; hair dryer; kitchen FOB SALE--5-rm -vear round houae, | gtoolg. Xlriai treo ornaments; sled; J*-*?®1'1' o' hMt gsr^e atUched., wa , wooden doll house with ^^O^er renting with option to buy. furn.ture. 9.ft tent with floor; iquire Thomas Grocery, wept adc , mjmv tovs. Also furniture and render Lake. •jo: many other toys. wearing apparel. 30 SSt BALB--Boy's 26-ia.^, FOB BALE -- Christmas trees; de. very good conditi#n. Phone wreath9 bundle, of boughs. whit<f enry 613- birch fireplace logs. Dale Thomas, IVOB f *Tg--Brood mare and colt by on Route 120, East of McHenry. le; one yearling mare and one ;Marling gelding. Piae Tree 8tablea. |k»u McHenry WW. SO •293 _ JR •*T-«--Two beautiful blond 1 Oeckcr Spaaieb, 8 weeks old. Reason gMe. Tel. MeHenry 575-M-l. 30 FOB BALK -- Tear-round home, modern; four rooms and bath; enclosed porch; lot 77x140; in city limits of McHenry, Country Club Subdivision; immediate possession; SAXJK--1»37 Terraplane, 4-door can be seen anytime. Price $6,000. aloe 1837 Chevrolet 1% ton j Frank Holt, Park Pub, corner Pearl track, van body, long wheel base, i and Green Ste., MeHenry. Phone offer take* them. Call MeHenry McHenry 462. 2»-tf MI. *301 : : --;--jFOB SATJB--Hudson automatic elecmiea j trie stock tank heaters. Vycital's , 4ft leatherette chairs (new);, Hardware, Green St., McHenry. 29 3 t-in cooler and deep freeie (new) • IT.B T-» tables with ocaspreeear dryer and all tubing and iFOR a*T-B--Livestock, feeder steers •MiaC* (»•*); «®d kitchen' d heifers, about 650 lb. 8H and Mcneils Hoot's Tavern, 202 S. | jOteea St. TeL McHenry 360. ! WF Durham; gentle and acclimated. 30 U i Phone Wauconda 3572. *29 2 SALS--Television set, aeverIFOS >ATn -- STT BOOX8 AKD used, $165. CaU before 3 p. m. | BATH. Automatic oil heat; full ce 148 J. Wa. it St., MeHenry. Ahreaa. 607; •29-2 i mm- BALB--SBTBir BOOM BB81- on Main street, Johaaburg; keat; garage; also suitable i |sr bneineee. For appoiatment call (JA0OB FBZTS BBAXi B8TAT2, in Mirg. TeL McHenry 37. 28-tf BALB--TBB (10) BOOM BBBIB0OB on Fox river, near Johns |«|g bridge; automatic oil heat; fine Avoplaee; lot 60x150. For appolntmeat Vail (Hank Nell), JACOB nitS, BBAL BSTATE, in Johns barg. TeL MeHenry 37. 28-tf ment basement; lot 100x150; 1% blocks to stores and bus line; McCullfpn Lake. For appointment call flUnk Nell), JACOB FRITZ. BBAL BSTATH, in Johnaburg. TeL McHenry 37. 28 tf FOB BALB--Cape Cod 4 room Aouse, located on Roath Green 8t., near high school. Stanley Schaffer, Tel. McHenry 124 M. 26-tf r:" .5 • FOB SALE--FIYB LARGE BOOMS AMD BATH, fufaace heat; full ce- •est basement; garage; large lot; Bear St. Patrick's church. For information call JACOB / FBITZ, BBAL BSTATB, in Johnaburg. TeL McHenry 37. 28-tf FOB SALE--Teed cars and trucks. Downs Nash Hales, McHenry 44-tf FOB BALB--Maple bedroom suite (double bed), extra mattress and spring, cherry wood Welsh cupboard and server, miscellaneous Items. CaU Johnsburg 621W 2. *29 2 MISCELLANEOUS BALB--In MeHenry; 6-room house; cement basement; hot water heat; garage 20x20; 2 chicken hoaeas 10x20710x60. Orchard with 65 aasorted trees. Lot size 230x264. W* $16,000. Owner on premises. Samec, 715 Center St. Tele.1 MeHenry 278J. 27 tf } FOB SATJE -- At all times, good j dairy cows; new milkers and close I springers. Wm. Pierce, Crystal Lake, { •n Bt. 176. TeL Crystal Lake 413-M. *27-4 EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING--Work fully guaranteed. McHenry 681-M-2. 26-tf jNMtjBALE- -Generators, armatures, fuel pumps, distributors regulators and ignition parts and all other ears. Seaco ft Service, Lilymoor, Fred JY ftrefcofe* Prop. TeL McHenry 183. 47-tf ONE STOP SEBVICE You've heard this about autos. Now we offer you this service for Beal Estate. Our office la McHenry, for over 25 yean, can 1--Locate a lot for yon; 2--Arrange to hava a houae built for you; 3--Finance the home for $*t; 4--Insure it for yam; 5 Sell It tag /flit If ifs Beal Estate, Financing or Insurance, see us. THE KENT OO. Bivorifde Drtvfe - FkonaS • McHenry 38-6 FOB BALE JOHNS MANVILLE TTPB A BOCK WOOL HOME IN BULATION. Guaranteed not to set- j Me. Ista lied by the Wallfill Co.-Call • or write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl j 8t^ TeL McHenry 18. tf; FOB BALE--1' K FBWK1TKRS, AD- 1XD» MACHINBS. Service on all ' aakes. A4) ribbons for all makes;: oarbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St.,! Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf J FOB BALB -- THE OVLY LOVE! TltAT MONEY CAN BUY--IBISH 1 miBB FUFFXBS from Golden MONTHLY BOOKXBXFING BEBDawa (Show) and Bevonac (Field) ; Y1UB -- Records installed and main- Come out and make vos L'ine^ EI™er p- Adams; Certified Biekard von RIM»,H RB« Tax Consultant. One mile north of w ^ .**2*™. 7.?* 1 Fox Lake on Boute U. S. 18; Fox paone mo. * W~der Lak3e0' - HL Phone Fox Lake 5962. 8-tf FLOOB OOVEBUVO »halt and Bubber Tile jLinoleum -- Carpeting Sink and Table-Top Work Drop a card for estimate or Phone 699-M, Woodstock, 111. BAY IBION FLOORING 22-tf COMPLETE TILING SEBVICE POBCELAXN TILE FOB WALLS AND FLOOBS Call or write for estimate FBED KLING W. Crystal Lake AVO. Crystal Lake, Dl|7 Phone Crystal Lake 490 6-tf UH1MNBI BLOCKS--Wall curbing, catch basin blocks, dry well blocks, building blocks, rings and covers. J. Justen, Biehmond, I1L Phone Richmond 1304. *30-2 H1LP WAHTO WBLLB TIBIT.T.BI> OB DBIVBN WATBB S»STBM -- Wo soil, repair and install pump. Bill Baeoa, 206 Main 8tre0t, MeHenry. Telephone 167. 28-tf HAVE YOUB CBSSFOOLB, catch basins, septic tanks, cistertu cleaned by Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. TeL MeHeniy 380. 90-tf CEMENT and CABPBNTEB WOBB; Cement mixer for rent, J. M> Stanga rone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf YBAB-BOUND OABBAGB HAULING Regularly and courteously wit|i the best of service. Also rubbish hauled in loads or half loads. FBED WIBTZ TeL 758-B. 7-tf CEMBNT WOBX. Estimate JPOH BBOTKBBS cHenry 853-1F2 50-tf HTFKBIENCED LANDBOAPUrO--TBBE SUBOBBY AND BEMOVAL -- HVBUBE^ FBEB BSTIMATBS 1. W. BAYOBAFT, F. O. Box 163 29S-B -- W. McHonry, HL 49-tf O. J. H. DSHL Wooditock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Waahington St. 30-tf Woodstock, HL DEAD ANIltAIaS -- Highest cash prices paid for eows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, 8undays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering W orks, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf CLOGGED SEWEB7 -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. TeL Libertyville 1346. 48-tf TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonvan. Ill W. Pearl 8t. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R."l5-tf OABBAGB COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage eaeh week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf STENOGRAPH*--Stenography and typing service; billing, letters, etc.; by hour or day. TeL MeHenry 797-B. 29-tf PIANOS 40 miles from high prices. Just in time for Christmas. Three Spinet pianos returned from rent. Tw* G(and pianos. All can li* bought at big saving. Call Elgin 780. Open Monday evenings until Christmas David I*. Stark Piano Co., 21 N. Union St. Elgin, 111. 29-3 CABPENTEB WORK--A complete line of kitchen cabinets, also glass work of any kind, panes, mirrors «ad tops. Free estimate. No job too rge or too smalL Phone MeHeniy 4-J-l. *29-4 FLOOB SANDING AND FINISHING-- Dependable work done by Asp A McPherson. Phone Crystal Lake 321-M or Woodstock 540 W. *29-5 UPSGLSTSBINO SERVICE -- At your home; fine fabrics; also repairing, cushion filling; leatherette work. Vies UPBOLBTBBOra. Phone Pistakee 551-B-l. *2».f WANTED MACHINE WORK WANTED--AU types of machine work and production jobs. No job too large or too small. Open daily, 1 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. and Saturdays, 8 a. m. to 12. Mefienry Mills Machine Shop, Weat MeHenry. Phone McHenry 92-R. Home phone, Richmond 924. 30-tf WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Nponan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part Of Claire Beauty 8hoppe.) 15-tf Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf WAJTTBD -- YOU1NI XAJT FOB WOBK nr OONTB9L LABOBAT09BT. BOMB nOWLBIB OF ICBY THTTB BUT NOT BSSBNTIAL. TBS BDWA^ LABOBATOBZBB, INC., BDFo* WOOD, ILL. TBLEFHONB BICHMOND 6 • 30 buors and Unu. JJ fOm, atJohnabnrf.TeL 37, i»r Chieago, Lincoln ISIS. IWANTBD TO/ BUY--We pay $7 to for crippled bosses and eows; Abo dead anissals. Alfred! Bender ing Service. Gall Bound Lake 2288 or 2296, reverse charges. *29-5 HELP WANTED--Men or boys for part time work as pin spotters. Apply at Palace Bccreation, McHenry. 27-tf W Subscribe for Tie Plaindealer. Helen Weber Says: ' A SMa ofe'i knomm hardly * will h* ft Ip# close frimd. Sandy McTmnih tinHSS it it lo Hoot man", ssz As. "Hr anahtr if I fine durfty kdti, fm always larmg or occomplidiiTHMt IR HITM daytimo frogroAcos folk done* a ® t--* -- /--j. •MfnstTwsed.Mirades^Conef I in aistdng of jlver, UM and red. I3.7S, phu tss. % ' d McHenry Cleaners IM-M 1M Elm St. Holoa Wcbor. Mgr. 'WANTED'•' M" ' GENBBAL M^NTENANOB MEN AND I STBADY THE BDWAL LABOBA1 INC. BZNGWOOD, ILL, TBLBPBONB BtOBMOl 5 "Spike" nbout day, OK* Lv Bobert Justen, 206 N. Park St. Reward for return. Phono 75*J. *30 iY WAinrsDTOJUDrf TO Bm--Houae, aht rooms or larger; exeeReat references. Address Bos 18, Care Plaindealer. 30-4 WANTED TO BBVT--Boom or two with kitchen privileges, by working couple. Can give carpenter work in exchange if necessary. Call Hebron 755. *30 Complete line of_, Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Dmg Store, McHenry. ^ 8-tf Santa Pictured By Thomas Ntf ItaMi Haft, the (famow evtoonfat who created our conception of Ihido Sam, ttao Bopobllcan ola* phaat and BM Democratic donkqr. It dw tnlN «Mng lea tta firat modern pletorlaBkatioa of Santa Claua. Rut irat sketched his notloo <( Santa CSaua in 1873. This a roBMdng, chubby old man smoking a pipo and dressed hi .what looked like a night shirt witii tar collar and cuffs. Since that day ho haa grown tailor and counter, has developed a tall white hoard and mustache and haa acquired the traditional rod suit bordered in ermine. HBFCFR WANTED -- AND GIBLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOBTUNIT< FOB THOSE HVYBBE8TBD IN THIS TYPB WOBK. APPLY BIVBBSIDB MTO. OO., 200 BTVBBSIDB DUVB, ^CBXTNBY, PHONB as. 10-TF HELP WANTBD BBVBBAL MEN FOB SHIFT WOBX In Prodnotion Popsrtsasm Of Oonsany Manuf act*tag ' FINE CHBMIOALB Interesting and Steady Work GOOD FAY Opportanitjr For AdTancenent SICK LEAVE . BLUB CBOSS AND 1N8UBAN0E 6 PAID HOUDAL _ PAID VACATIONS NO EZPEBIENCE NECES8ARY Call at or phone THE EDWAL LABOBATQ&IES, ' Bingwood, 111. 90 TeL Biehmond 5 CHBISTMAS OABDi The Plaindealer still has a good selection of Christmas cards but we advise customers- to make their choice now. Do it today. for Mr atsUadsartfae fai heme eeonowtee exienaion work at the meeting of the National Home Demonstration > Ms station in Chicago last weak. She received reeejpdtlon at Why worry abont that "hrislnm gift# All yon need to do is p|« an order for a year's aahasSiptien 1 1 •uiifia recognition »i ^kfadeiler. Wo wi|l sand oat a lanokaon along with Mia. Eaa K. j «*** lowing who in auUdag th Ch e e n e y , S t e p h e r--1 county h•- o--me - Ij •***• ^ today. ! " > ^ - WATER ANALYSIS CfttMk weD watsr aft frequsnt intanrmls f&r feoal oontaminstioiL Unsafs well water may cany dlasaae. Watar can be tTanainad for bacterial content. -"water niuit be JnuMPOrtid kt atarila ;W: : • ! ' ' * details Plume 891 or 482. MeH#nry X-Ray and Clinical; Laboratory Fee$6.00 ' •T . :yn BART'S TAVERN PSIOK 3Sc--ALL YOU OAK XAT DON'T FOSOXT THB rKATHXK PARTY 'jfATVKDAY, DK0. 18 " S. '•% ^hristmaiisa tmSly f iSo, give thorn all a Do Luxo with larger, colder Super-freezer Chest! BolgerY Drag Store PHONE 41 MEHENRT, ILL. -V ' er s uejunxe Canadian Olnb 11.» ^ jm ntnisiff WINES f-Hfths--» fwtai Ooleay Forty Sherry, Muscatel Rhine Wine II White Hone $339.75 Other SMIMS hmm § le UV4se.fl. Oil YOUS Christmas 'Tf AT 31 ... OLD BRIDGE TAVERNF 140 livmM* MW - McHBNKY k .4' ' . -'..v I 8chenley 7-0rown 4-Roses __ Imperial M. • i i.jip i .••••yH'ii*!'*" '• • 13.94 3.07 4J5 ZM 3.46 SJT $ Feathers , ; 3.00 ; *1 ^ • • i tOlTDK) -Ftftiuk- ' - * , #ld Grandad . ;J • ©Id Taylor :fi . 6.7$ Ijld Fltafarald 6.75 4^1d Forester 6.75 Kentucky Tavern Xmae Paekace .. .. 6.75 $4.97 . 5.55 Make this Christmas lak for years aa^ yoars, for die whole family t You can do it with a Vrigidaire De Low ftelrigerafor. It's powered br the tunoos, lesled-in steel Meser Miser morhanism with 3-Yoar Plocecdon Plan -and KM Jsaft at these ote fsaauoal A fall-width Sopor-Preens* Qhest to Crosae food or keep froaen food for weeks -- Quickube Trays #ith Instant Cube Release - All-porcelain, glasstopped Hydrasor -- Ali-alnmioum, rust-proof shelves --Aluminum basket-drawer for eggs sad small package#--Large, tall-bottle space r and man* otksi insmi Tan ikouU cmsteaodaee! ::s.-V^5 Alw, ask about Hie FrloTdafro Cloctrlc Itangoa, Automatic Wi iloctric Ironor, Electric Clothoa Dryer, Home Frsszert JACOB JUSTEN SON TGhreen St.. Oor. Elm room McHKMEY 103-S 'A B.diwtaw, aMM, - ' - |3.l0 per ease, phis ' y-m11 :r^ >xi\ ^4|T0II AKD JXKET" ' 41 "•- en Christmas Day • Old Bridge •;. •4tftop in and eee TXLEVISIOK Boxing, WrestUng, Football v| *?sry Might * r

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