Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1948, p. 4

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S*W" i'S ?iX* »i, A i* W gtts 1 1 1 1 1 M I I M M I 1 1 I I I ! I III „ niwjr Tkandiy at Ms- ,, by A. Howard Mother. tor--Adele FroehHch M wceai-elftM matter at at MeHenry, 111., under ef May 8, I87».__ $2M eOlTORIAl-- 5SOCIATtON MHMiniiiiMiimtm Mr. and Mrs. Orville Preuad announce the birth of a daughter at the Woodstock hospital on Dec. 4. A girl was born at the Woodstock hospital last week to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hueraann of Johnsburg. Mrs. Nellie Baeon is a happy grandmother since a danghter, Gretchen, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich of San Carlos, Calif., y who also have another daughter 11 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larson, of Ringwood are parents of a baby boy born on December 11, IMS. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenee Klapperieh IDKAX. OITT I Wly woiUr about that Christmas fiftt All yon need to do is place of McHenry are parents uf a baby la order for a year's subscription to; girl born on December 12, 1948. the Plaindealer. We will send out a.|". • gift card showing who is making the' Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.28 gift. Do it today, ' | and $2.00. Wattles Drag 8tore. S5-tf READY FOR B-tmm tar* PORTABLE IRONER e Csmai tktckin. _ Pree relte eie wtoetf smIst. 695 CsnsM^ checker* Recreate i Bb*w comrai AsIsmNc Nmt* |1J> ysf wssfc, •PWpH RADIO SPECIAL iuvr V m- SON" OR AM - FM RADIO 8-tube set apf Previously sold for $59.95 Appeals continue for aid in the county-wide drive to collect $5,000 for the Children's Home in Woodstock. The campaign started on Wednesday, Dec.. 8, and will continue thrMgh 8aturd«y^y?ee. 18, , While tw drive is sponsored by the Woodstock Civic Club as it has HMhe ptlt,* _ for the two yea^s no direct drive waa made but the Home shared in the proceeds of the Community Chest Fund, it is pointed out that children from all over MeHenry county are cared for in the home, and therefore the responsibility for their eare and maintenance should come from everyone in the county. The funds received from the Community Chest Fund were not adequate enough to maintain the children from McHenry County as last year they" received an average of $6.50 per child, while the weekly, eoat approximated $11 per child. The home hail an operating budget of $31,000 last year, receiving $14,000 from parents and the county court, and $17,000 in charitable contributions. Of the $17,000, approximately $10,000 was received from the Free Methodist church, $1,600 from the Woodstock Community Chest, $500 frun miscellaneous contributions from MeHenry county and $1,300 from Chicago Have-a-Heart Tag Day and $3,500 from miscellaneous sources. • Rev. Eugene Maxwell points out that the policy of the home has changed over the years, that as time goes on, fewer children from Chicago and Cook county are taken in and therefore contributions from Chicago funds are less. Children from Mc- ( Henry county and the sponsoring • church are given preference and therefore it it /elt the people of the county should assume more of £he responsibility. Through the 'present drive the physical plant can p)|oto A Worwlck. MeHenry v be maintained and expansion into the cottage system take place. It CARL J. BICKLER is hoped that by the summer of 1950 The community was saddened last the first cottage will be ready and week by the death on Dec. 7 of Carl it will house the first high school J. Biekler, who had resided most of age group of children. ° "his life in McHenry. Services wero At present the children are re- held Friday morning from St. Mary's turned to the jurisdiction of the church. ,s court when they finish the grade! school. This is not particularly good Young William D. "Powefb, tj, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, did go fcoam lest week as he had planned, bat hie arrival was an ninappy one for his family. Powers, who had planned to lwr* on Wednesday e *ei*fe.for .Oskaledsa, was killed faring "the r, |u|ernMta while working for the Contracting and Material company of Kvanston out of Crystal Lake. The crew was employed to string additional wires on existing poles. Powers who was sent aloft to adjust a wire, was secured by a safety belt but was not wearing the required rubber gloves. Apparently he touehed a live wire and was killed instantly. The accident occurred about 3:15 p. m. on the *Algonquin- Huntley road, about three miles east of Huntley. Other crew members who saw his body slump into the safety belt called for a power ahutoff and summoned the Crystal Lake fire department squad and inhalator. 1901-1948 Pact Oracle* K$M Annual Xmas Party Mesdames Cfcrrie Jasten, Mabel Johnson, Carrie Ensign, Alice Lindsay and Gertrude Thorlwell. attended the anatial ChAwifp^ the MeHenry Cbanty Past Oracle* chib, which was held at Shady Rest, norfb of Woodstock, last Thursday afternoon. A delicious turkey dinner was enjoyed, followed by an exchange of -gifts. _ ........... i Now $39.95 for the children as they have formed Former McHenry Pastor friendships and again have their Passed Away In Georgia lives disturbed by change of environ-, __ ment. At present a recreation room ' Rev. Arthur Robert of Homeis being remodeled and equipped land, Geirgi%, passed away at his with ping pong tables, sound pro- home on Monday, December 13. jector for the showing of movies Rev. Roberts was a former of merit, all of which is being ac- pastor of the Universalist chureh in complished through the Thanks- McHenry, having left here about giving and Christmas offerings ef 1910. He was retired from the the various churches during 1947. ministry for the past twenty ye*r& Judge Henry C. Cowlin was one He is survived by his widow and of the speakers at a recent meeting two sons, Orlando and liewia,' both of prior to the campaign and pointed Jacksonv ille, Fla. out that 75 per cent of the work of the county court was handling of CARD OF THANKS v children and their problems of In this manner we wish to express St. Agstfca Tinas Psirty A pot-luck dinner will be served at 6:30 p. m. on Dee. 21 in St. John's school as the start of a real Christmas party for members of 8t. Agatha's Court No. 777. A gift exchange not to exceed fifty cents will be part of the evenings' entertainment. The Junior conrt will hold their party on Standay afternoon, Dec. 19, ivt 1:30 p. m. in the school. They, too, will start with a pot-luck and have a gift exchange not to exceed twenty-five cents. All children are invited as Santa Claus has promised to be there during the afternoon. v Mothers' Olub Hold Party The annual Christmas party for the children of the Mothers' Club was held Friday afternoon, Dec. 10, in the K. of C. hall, with Mrs. Walter Hopkins in charge. Santa Clauf was present in the afternoon and distributed lovely gifta to all the children. The tree was prettily decorated. An interesting program was enoyed, with |'The Night Before Chirstmas" presented by a mixed ensemble from the high school; Mrs. Donald Stewart read several appropriate stories and Mrs. Carl W«ber performed sevagal selections onwhe piano. * The elub voted to join the county federation of Illinois clubs. Plans were made to hold the next meeting on Jan. 14, when election of officers will take place. All members are urged to attend this meeting as several important matters frill be discussed. . • Alpha Theta Member! Enjoyed Xmas Party Eighteen members a( Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Gibbs last week. After McHenry members of the chapter served dinner to the group, initiation of a new member was held. Miss Cecile Morris, teacher of Latin and English at Crystal Lake high sehool, became a member of the chapter. During the business meeting which followed, the president, Mrs. Verda Dierzen, reported that recruitment booklets, es to 8ee and Find Your Own ntier," by Dr. Margaret Stroh, Jfr. and Mrs. Henry d. ftrepd of Crystal Lake, entertained their children and grandchildren on Sunday, Dee. 12, in honor of their thirtieth wedding anniversary. V S. j*/ putomrSuMocfui Circle 2 the W. S. C. &<4s gi»teful to all those who helped to make the dessert luncheon on Dee. 3 so successful. Members are especially thankful for the donations >of refreshments and prises by the Riverside Dairy. f v. APTMNTKS EMCTOft SIT Crystal Clear GUSSWARi SETS nfeintenance, tfnd it was onV of the our heartfelt thanks to friends and ! the organisation had voted most serious problems. He spoke neighbors for floral offerings, spirit-'^ A ' highly of the splendid eo-operation uai bouquets, donations of cars and the court received from the home the many other kindnesses extended and it was his hope that all children jn our bereavement. We are coming before the court for place- especially grateful for the services ment could be taken eare of within cf Msgr. Nix and Father Baumhofer. 3.00 24 Fc. 2.49 Oas«f SMsy Mklshslp year < V. Uw Prkm 1.W * gl«L Cut tecf Mp m gLmJt - AM ' Luifejl DRESSES and BLOUSES • ri Our complete stock reduced .. feftj • , SESFormerly 12.98 to $5.49 Kow $2.29 to $4.19 DRESSES-- Formerly $2.98 to MM Now $2.66 to $11.95 the county and in the home. Many questions were asked of the director of the home, Rev. Eugene Maxwell, who welcomes inspection of the home at all times by the citizens of the county. He feels sure that if everyone made a visit 31 MRS. CARL BICKLER. MR8. JACOB BICKLER. MISS INA BICKLER. irono* '"SirPlace bar will be open Christ- •• 1 • to the home to see what is J>eing maa Eve and Christmas Day, but the done for the children that the real-. dining room will be closed all day ization of the goal will be easily i Christmas, Dee. 25. 31-2 reached. | t The McHenry State Hank has very' Order you; robber •&•!**• at The kindly extended their co-operation Plaindealer. • w in the collection of funds for the Home. To those of you in this community who are considering making your donation to this fund, all that is necessary for you to do is to call at the bank and anyone will be glad to take your gift, your name and address. At the conclusion of the drive you will individually receive an acknowledgement in appreciation. A re-broadcast of the Woodstock Civie club program whieh launched the drive for the Children's Home will be held on Thursday evening, Dec. 16, from 8 to 8:30 o'clock over WILA. COMING EVENTS fee present to each high school in the County, had arrived and had been presented to the schools. Chapter plans to present some worthy young person who is training to be a teacher a scholarship grant of forty dollars were completed when Miss Lois Bungard of Woodstock, who iB training to be a teacher and who is attending Illinois State Normal University, was chosen as the person to | fljfceive the scholarship. ^Following adjournment of the business meeting, those present enjoyed lovely Christmas banquet ar- 2ngements, Christmas legends, art, td Christmas music in "The Teacher Keeps Christmas," presented by 11m. Agnea Giesselbrecht, Mrs. Sue FcmtflU Plan Open ltocting On Tuesday evening, Dee. 21, at 8 o'clock, at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's sehool hall, St. Mary's Court, No. 594, Catholie Order of Foresters, wiH hold an open meeting. Santa Claw will be present to distribute a gift to each juvenile. Uym class will be held on Dee. 10, at the high sehool at 1 o'clock. # • * OhrtetBM Party H*M • In P«tp{ W. Prennd Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Freund of Waukegan street entertained twentysix guests at a Christmas party at their home Sunday. At 1:30 a dinner was served. The afternoon was spent in visiting and a Christmas grab bag for old and young was enjoyed. Guests present to enjoy the day were from Raeine, Elgin, Aurora, St. Charles, Rockford, Harvard, Belvidere, Marengo and MeHenry. • • » • Entertain At Buffet Sapper Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Phalin of Johnsburg, entertained at a buffet supper on Saturday evening, honoring the birthday anniversaries of her mother, Mrs. O. M. Kerns of Woodstock, and his mother, Mrs. Thomas Phalin vfe McHenry. A social evening followed, with Marcia Lou Kerns providing accordion music. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. William Phalin and daughter of Wonder Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin and son and Mrs. William Spencer of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerns, James Latham, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Kerns and daughters, Janice and Mareia, and Harry Kerns of Woodstock. - V * *>. ' • jiwf"" «}' i mumMuntitm \ \ Woodstock Players Outstanding Production That well known play. "Another Part of the Forest," will be presented this Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings at the Opera House by the Woodstock Players. This outstanding play is directed by Will Haas. The story centers around the Hubbards, who have the unchallenged and uncontested rating as the most hated, diabolical family in the South. They don't even like themselves. Not many people want to meet this family, but those who have seen the play guarantee tfra&tre lovers that they are at least an interesting group of people to watch. The Riverside Bake Shop will be open every day, starting Monday, Dee. 20-until further notice. 30-2 Bach depositor In our bank is protected against loss to a maximum of $5000 of his total deposits. We are membcrs of the Federal Depoeit Insurance Corporation, and we pay the entire cost of insuring your deposits through this corp&ation. Sound management, too, will always be a vitally important factor in safeguarding our depoattors' fluids in good tmUMt or bad./ McHENRY STATE BANK ? ISsmlttr Federal Eeserre System ^ - Member Federal Devoait Inaaranee Corporatie» .yr\:y;4j <»tMn mii i him until nil mi 1111* n n»»i i/H» SHOW MOVXB DEO. 19 The motion picture, "Mother and Home," produced by Evangel Films, will be shown for: the first time in this district next Sunday,. Dec. 19, in the Legion hall at 3 p. m. This is being presented in connection with the "Chriat fbr McHenry" meetings held every Sunday afternoon, Donald 6. Liberty in charge. An interesting Christmas program will precede the picture. Special music will round out a gqod time. Complete line ef Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, MeHenry. 8-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer. j OABD OF THAJTKS ! I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and sincere * thanks for the many cards, flowers and gifts I received for my birthday. J God bless you.- 31 2<RS. JOE N. MILL SB. i • ; \ • ' THANK YOU" _ • We would like to thank everyone j who has helped us with their kindness when we lost onr little Chipper. CHARLES, VI, BONNIE BRDA. It AND GRANDPARENTS. 4 Keystone State Mountain laurel is the official flower and ruffed grouse, the official bird of Pennsylvania. > u ' * V IW MDR n* •: "Mother and Home" A sound color motion picture SUNDAY, DECEMBER^PfH at 3 p. m. •*: •'.$ LEGION HALL, McHENRf An interesting Christmas program before the picture ADMISSIOlf FEEf EVERYONE WELCOME .>v Donald Q. Liberty, .\J I ICE SKATES For Everyone Mm's Hard Toe * WhJt, la. 3-12 VM tpMNsT Whit* fig** Skcrtw. $I|.H mi« Dirilllng SLEDS for nwD "lry». $J.„ MAWATHA 45' Sleds For boys and gtrfc...... $4.19 MAWATHA 45r "ItotoM?! SlMb. Mux«........... $5^9 Gfuimei The FriehcRy Store OOLLETTE, Owner PHONE McHENRY 469 McHENRY, ILLINOIS December 16 C. D. of A. Christmas Party. W. 8. C. 8.--pot luck--home of Mrs. John Hogan. Legion Auxiliary party at Downey hospital. December 19 St. Agatha's Juvenile Court No. 777, Xmas Party--1:30 p. m. Girl Scouts--Xmas carol singing & party--grade sehool auditorium. Christmas Concert -- Presented by McHenry Choral Club «-- High School Auditorium. December 20 Legion Auxiliary meeting 4 Xmas' party--8 p. m. Kiwanis--Wonder Lake Area - > . December 21 •«! ' Christmas Story in song, Zion Lutheran church choir--8:15 p. m. St. Agatha's Court No. 777, Xmas Party.--6:30 p. m. St. Mary's Court, C. O. F., open meeting, St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School Halt Juvenile Forester Christmas Party for Fathers and Sohs--8 p. m.-- St Mary's-St. Patrick's 8chool HaH. & j/1 m CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors, many friends and relatives for the dowers, spiritual bouquets, donation of cars and their many other acts of kindness during our recent loss. Special thanks to Father Dalieden. NICK HUFF AND SONS, 31* HENRY ADAMS FAMILY. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc Henry. .• • " Christmas Specials 2-lb. Christmas Tins, with our Assorted Candy, each $2.25 A . Solid Milk "Chocolate Santas, priced at 2 for 35c, 25o and 75c each Hand-made Canes, 6c each or 55c dos. and the extra large cane at 75c each Our hard-filled candy, lb. 69c Itoxe&«-»ir 2, 3 and 5-lb» in your individual;,choice :;.t , - ' priced from 95c to $6.00 ' ' . 5 if A%fs|pipped in Christmas pper. „ . We ship anywhere. Gandie4, . , It's Fresh, It's New and Made Especially For You smmmk UKnriBB whenever* i)ii(ld «M Is <sM ler--nve e 21 |ewel SUIOVA KXCSUJNCV «*h--Ike highest acMevenieiil el Ibe iieUlun shir's «« fc Nit miuiin "i* it inrcu • n>> CKCUlCNtT "lM It ICWClt ' C. Nff CCILLEMCT "IP IIIEVEU CREDIT TERMS mM tiM nctiiucT n mot $n» 806 Wist Elm Street ttcHenry, ILL. 814 W. Main Street, McHenry TeL McHenry 123-JV 1 jj- :4' 1.,: •t<'; '

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