Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1948, p. 6

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haifera for eloagkter Mats Mr poaat; «ttr» good quality. See L. Bittaat Tali, In. r Beautifully redeoe rated diifag nta, Up •uadd lliivvtiaug fnntrrtteenn,. aupwprrowx.. 5 ten# W* outside eity limit*. Owaer ill saeriiee. bua nH. >0111 lit JMinVAIOV fin amort, w inr It Mint mm 1245. or BBSIDKNCB S79, WOODSTOCK, ILL. er MmWUfc E OMUL „ ^ MeHBNBY 481^. 32 3 New 1M8 Pontiae L -- . _ lew thaa U-- miles, at list TOW, SALB--lee fishing poles, *1.00; price. B. G. Ulfariek, Bt. S, MeHeary. , leather fUght pants, #7.49. ~ ! Gamble's, Wert MeHeary. «4" TeL 9S9-W l. •32 32 •«T-«--iso b&aa accordion, j FOB SiLB--Used juke bokea, 1940 tvt switehee, professional model;, Mills, perfect working condition. 707 Mm wed. Ideal Christmas gift. {g. Green St., MeHenry. *3t Will sell or trade. Call Wonder! is Lake #98 after 5 p. a^ *32 i FOB SALE--Lincoln bicycle, like -- 9-eu. ft. Prigidaire. 1 new. TeL 667-J-l. •31-2 kle; also solid walaat spinet FOB SALB--New 20, 24 and 26-ia. t .i fAuso and bench, like new; 'boy's or girls' Schwinn bicycles, $35 iryortboardmotor 6% bp. used jand ap^ Adams Grocery A Market, k*S than eight hoars. Very ream- John.barg. Phone 679-W-l. 31-2 Phone MeHenry 739. •ALB--Two toy Eeary 697 M l. barns. Call', •32| 1A1SA1M LEAVING FOB I wuvOimW, MUST IffiTX , lAlaB--Hadsaa antomatic elec-! Automatic, oil (fnrnsce) heat; 'fall ft--Hag taak heaters. VyeitaFs [eement basement; lot 100x150; near re, Green St., MeHenry. 32-3 j atorM mnd bas line, McCnllom Lake; •ALB--Year-eld oil hot water j-' ,«S£2? M-gaL sine; reasonable.!^" JAO°* Deraa, MeOaUom Lake, 2JOHNSBUB0. ith of Bay-Al Iaa. BBOTBTBBBP We ate offering for isuaediate a aamher of ear excellent feaadatioa heifers, artificially bred |a| vaeeinated. Phone or write toMard Toaya* IagleeMe, HL Pox lake 2236 St-tf BBAX.TOB, TeL MeHeary 37 21-tf FOB 8ALB -- ALL TBAJt HOI 95,000 aad np. FABM8, large aad amall; OHOXOB U>Tt; lollnras, APPBBCIATBD; STOMPONATO'S BBAL BSTATB, Woodaoctk, 111., Call CBCBLIA B. KNOX. ,T, TeL 421-J. *317 -- 194f Buiek Super Oiavertlblt; radio; under aeat defrosters; spot light; fog Ma; IM2S. Phoae Fox Lake i«r FOB SALB -- Tree-ripened, tasteteated frait delivered prepaid by express. 94 per bushel, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines. All of one kind of assorted. Bead check with order to D. W. Malloy, Lake Helen, Fla. 31-7 -%-hp. JE isSo IFOB SALB - Rebuilt generators. t«y motor. Phoae *eHeary j turte™ d~d^ri^« all i makes of ears. Good stock of replacement parte aad accessories. Me- WJ: Rt. 31, 1108-B. MeHenry. TeL MeHenry 30-tf &;5.EN?,Y SI CaM Hebroa 475. Harvey Jaeebsea, Box 59, Roote 2, Rich I1L *32 'FOB I ALB -- Year-round home, en-- JU8T city aaaaeager ear heavy Aaias, #6.25 set; ~ ehaias, 92TJ5. Gamble's, West MeHeary. •ALB--Super Olds wr; will sacrifice. 9m*j 573-J-L tBBTwn I modern; four rooms and bath; duty tire clo,ed P°reh! lot 77x140' in 7 50x80 dual i of MeHenry, Country Club 8ubdivisioa; immediate possession; can be seen anytime. Price 96,000. Frank Holt, Park Pub, corner Pearl and Green Sts., MeHeary. Phone MeHenry 462. 29-tf trumpet, TeL Me- •32 SALB -- Ataiial Coasolette set, aew. Phoae MeHeary JITT. Levies Sehwermaa, MeHeary. St taUes with aaica ehairs (aew); aad deep freaae (aew) iv tear and all tubiag sad •Mr): dishes aad kitehea Seofs Tavera, 202 8. TeL MeHeary 390. 30-tf MeHeary 37 MeHeary; 6-room ; e--eat basemeat; hat heat; garage 29x29; 2 ehiekea 19x19,10x90. Orchard with 95 trees. Let sise 2BN294. 919J999. -Owaer aa ptumisss 715 Ceater 8t. Tele. 2T9-J. 27-tf BdTJI Generators, armatures, fuel pampe, distributors regalators aad igaition parta ord aad alL other ears. Seaeo A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. , Prop. TeL MeHenry 183. 47-tf •ATJR _ JOHNS MANVILLE E A BOCK WOOL HOME IN TION. Guaranteed not to set- Istailed by the Wallfill Co. Call write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl TeL MeHenry 18. tf Nl IALB--Cape Cod 4-room house, located on Soath Greea 8t., near high school. Staaley SchaCer, TeL MeHeary 124-M. 26-tf FOB HI1 Used ears aad tracks. Pywns Kask Jales, MeHeary 44-tf nainD TKB BXOOBST Owaer must sell at less thaa half replaeemeat Talae, at Calmar, Spriag Grove--Fine 7-room resideaee, as* eeptioaal large Eviag room; aatamatie oil (steam) heat; larga wooded lot. Bsdased price 914,599. For appoiatmeat eall JACOB SBRB, HUUTOL JMDTBOBO. TaL MeHeary 37. Il-tf msoxLLAnous XVBULAXXOV WiMDOW*, booms nr 6 P. M. •32-8 ADnm MAOBfKSB. Service on all awkea. Also ribbons for all makea; eaeiwn paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Wiadstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOS SALE -- USED RECORDS TMOUSAHDS TO CHOOSE FBOML tUB TOUB PICK. 25c EACH OB if TB FOB A DOLLAR, 707 8. OBBBN STREET. W.AB Q|. TBAKCE. *32 OHB STOP SBBTIOB Tea*re heard this about aatas. Now we offer yoa this serriee far Baal Bstate. Oar office la MtHif y, for arer 26 years, can 1--Locate a lot far yea; 8--Arrange to havfc a koaae Mlt far yoa; t m 3--Finance the heme for ysftt . 4--Insure it for yon; 5--Sell it for you. If if s Baal Batata, Financing or Instance, fee aA. THE KEHT 00. Birenlie Drive • Fkona S - MeHenry OB -- We sen, repair aad iaatall paap, BUI Baeoa, 999 Maia Street, MeHenry. Telephoae 197. 25-tf TODl CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tasks, eisteras eleaaed K Eddie's Saaitary 8erriee. Eddie iff, Prop. TeL MeHeary 190. 29-tf TBAB-BOinn> OABBAOB KAVLDfO Bagalarly aad eoarteousbr with the beet of wrriek Alee rubbish hauled in loads or half loads. FBBD WIBTS TeL 75S-B. 7-tf OABraimnk and OBMEKT WOBX Free Estimate ABVUMON BBOTHBBS ' TeL MeHenry 953-M-2 50-tf LAHBSOAFIVO--TBEB SUBGBBY AMD BBMOVAL -- IHSUBED FREE BSTIKATBS 3. W. BAYOBAFT, P. O. B«X 193 Fkona 298-B -- W. MeHenry, HL 45-tf O. J. H. DIEHL Weodstock Plane Taner Phoae 208-W 526 Washiagton St. 30>tf Woodstock. HL DBAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help aeeded to load. Day aad night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; rererae charges. 36-tf OABBAOB OOLLBORWO -- Let as dispbee of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 174, MeHeary, Phoae 395. tf STENOGRAPHY--Stenography and typing aerriee; -billing, letters, etc.; by hour or day. TeL MeHenry 797-B. 29-tf oabpbmtMb' WORK--A complete line of kitchen cabinets, also glass work of aay kiad, paaes, mirrors aad tope. Free estiaute. No job too lai*ge or too --isll, Phoae MeHeary 674-J-l. *29-4 FLOOB SANDING AND FINISHING-- Dependable work done by Asp A McPherson. Phone Crystal Lake 321-M or Woodstock 540-W. •29-5 T7PHOLSTEBING--At your home or place of business or my shop; awdera fabric selectioa; alM leatherette work; repairs. TOTS UFHOLSTBBY SEE VICE. Piatakee 551-B-L 31-2 HELP WiilTXD MALE HELP WANTED -- Man wanted with car who is interested in getting into his own business right in kin own eounty. No selling. Protected territory. Can work either full or part time. Nominal latestmeat. Caa abealately show where you eaa make ap to 990 in a day. If interested for full details write P. O. Bos 532, Wiaona, Mian. *31-8 AND OIBLS TO SBW. OOOD OPPOBtuwti fob non intbbbst- TYFE WOBX. AFPLY BIYBBUDB MM. OOn 909 BlTBBn»B DBIYB, MeHBNBY. PHONB ML ]S4f LOST -- Between 129 Country Club Dr. aad Barbiaa Grocery, wrist watch. Liberal Reward. A. F. Lilley, Phoae MeHeary &9-M. 32 LOOT - FOX HOUND; Mack aad white wttfc tan aisrlrtngs Lost Saaday in Tidnity of Lake Daflawoe BXWABD. PHONE BOUND lAXB 4H49. (ByYar^stiek) Groetiags falks: Never before la yean gone by has the true Ohristawe spirit baoa more evideat throughout' ear eMMMuaity. The many Maatifally deiArated treee that dot' the saow eaTfcred grouads with the myriads of multlcolored lights that come to life when darkaees falls, traasfMm McCullom lake into a fairylaad. Elmo MeKim aad son, Alla% have done a beautiful Job oa the big tree on the grounde. Fraak C. Howard did m let ef elimbiag aad reaching before completing hia masterpiece at the entrance to his estate. The Screwy Dosen's Community tree on the Knollwood Midway, too, is a sight to behold: Messers. Bsumbeck, Rourke and Jensen are responsible for this artistic creation. It's Christmas, aad the spirit of this holy day is in the air., This has beea a week of parties, for youag aad old alike. Last Saturday afternoon the Screwy Dosea held their annual Christmas party for the youagsters at the home of Mrs. Betty Cermak. The party began with singing and recitations. Then 8anta Claus made his appearaaee with a huge bag upon his back aad began diatributing gifts to all the children. Aftei Baate'e departure, a delicious luneaeoa of baked ham, potato salad and other tasty dishes was enjoyed by the kiddiee. This was topped with generons portions of cake and ice cream, i The enildrea's party, lasted until early evening and after that, the adult membese of this organisation took over where the children left off. During the festivitiee the many gifts which were heaped under the beautifully decorated Christmas tree were exehaaged by the merrymakera. " The party lasted far into the early yawning, aad it's seedless to say that a grand time was had by alL Yiolets to Len Jensen, Beverly Rourke and all the members on the committee for a joyful day. The McCnllom Lake Shamrocks Athletic Club held their Christmas party at .McDonald's last Saturday evening, which was a very gay affair. The many tasty dishes prepared and served by their gracious hostess, Jean McDonald, aad the refreshments provided by Hughie contributed much to the success of this gay event. It was the cad of a perfect evening for all bat Fraak Rourke. The poor guy palled the wroag number oat of the hat aad woa aa aseigameat te K. P. du^jr. "Sueh a pile of dirty dishea I never saw," said Frank as he robbed the lotioa oa hie disk pu hands after finish lag the task. Happy aaniversary to you was sang to Mr. aad Mrs. Bay Osterby and Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Tbomaea by*, their guests, oa their twentieth anniversaries of this happy day in their lives at last Saturday's bration. Oar eoagratulatioas and beat wishes for many morauflslL kiPPE days ia the future. WANTED MACHINE WORK WANTED--All types of machine work and production jobs. No job too large or tod small. Open daily, 1 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. and Saturdays, 8 a. m. to IS. MeHenry Mills Machine Shop, West MeHenry. Phone MeHenry 92-B. 'Home phone, Richmond 924. 30-tf To oar readers go our best wishes for a *very merry Christmas, and aty the spirit of good will toward all abide with ye in the future. ADI08. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. 91.19 and 92.00. Wattles Drug 8tore. 85-tf wvnr ,OSR 19 • fewpt 'of fll fttt and nn mnmi ppiN iw mil v IH wwnHrwre kM boea eahaoaed by ft radto itAtioo ocaatructad rnoalc feat resdw it crowds frett load speakers eonooalad In the branches and aa apparent voice tram the heavens that comas from a spaahar wanted ate* a naarhr# aat water tmr. Thnafi of people gather around It eadi ni^t durtngPecamboi toUitan or Jota In the CShrlstmai carpUng. The tree won Its title as ttw largest Christmas tree in a contest held so*» oral years ago. Need rubber stamps! The Plaindealer. Order At OlAttLtt 8. PABKER, Atteraey (Joahrn dk Parker) Offlco Hoars: Wedneadav ATteraooas--1^)9-5^9 Offko--Koefcr Supply Company, 542 Main Street, Went McHfeary Fhono Mcltsnry *** . Woodstock 1115 ' EARL S. WALSH Plra, Aato, Farm it Life Iasaranoe Representing ABLB COMPANIBB yaa nasi iaaaranca of any kiad Phono 4S or 118-M Oroon * Km MeHenry FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Dene Wltfc Madera Baaipmeat Can Farnwk THe LEO C. ZIMMERMAN Caa tr at toe Phono 1999-M-l R. Fv& * Woodstock. 111. FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE v K, 1, RINGWOOD. ILU Electric Wiring Motor RipStf* Pnmpo Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 492 VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Oer. Green and Elm Sts., MeHenry Taeeday aad Friday Afteraooem Other Days By Appointment Phono Mclefer 43 JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-a^-law m Waakegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phoae MeHeary 492-W Batar SootlaCielivy fe^copten fW lha lergeet ia the world whea aHeraft ag.. w•*.•* >. q1ma. 't oLlrad^.-e •r- _ rii±a* eed •T ^VVM» flrvflK QVw Mi iha navy «|B bring ta lt the number of rotary-winged aircraft of aB tppas eeaflahle for use by Soot aad hised units for rescue, trans* pstt aad observatiaei mlsstoas. The ttGMV&iks a iHsiliiiam sala of oHadb at UN feet per minute at sea Order your rubber stamps at Tkt Plaindeaty. 4r^W. Woader Lake 41§ « > DR. R. H. WATKINS • . .. Dentiat --Office Honra-- Taos* lhars., * flat, v . 9 a. m. ta 5 p. m. :>v; 0flBinp By ^rPVUlVMR Lookoat Point Wonder Late. I1L Writin FRANK E. LOW Insaranco ting Fire, Accident ft He Auto, Cheaahy gad Ufa ia Reliable Co«paniea Walkega Health 95-J S01 Walhegaa 81 McHeeury, IIL WEINGART TRUCKING Saad -- Gravel FIIHng--Black Dirt--T Imestoae Tracka for Hire Fxoe TeL 655-R-Z MeHeary, tlL WELDING Medateaaace aad Cuaalratllua Portable Egaipmeat H. E. TANOE -- IKBary 51-J Ml Soath Greea Stn MeHeary, IIL AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE . Ml Maia St, M< Eloetric Portable Acatyleao Weldiag ai ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phono 915-W-l or 494 M'HENRY. ILL. IcHeary WeUing and Cutting DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian Oa Highway SI--Office aad Heuae TeL MeHenry SI Offko Hoars: la. a. to 2 p. a. Except Thursdaya Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 119 Green Street 292-J MeHenry Offieo Honrs: Taea. and Sat. from It to 4. Eveetings by appeiat- BELL A SHALES Interior aad Exterior Paiatiag Paper Hangiag Spe !W MeHeea TeL McHeeury S4S^I er Also Spray Paiating IM N. Groea St McHeefj Crystal Lake lSSS-M-l WILUAM M. CARROLL, |Lttoraey>at-law ; lioy, Bestoa St. Phono WooSMoek 34 Woodetock, IWaoia JR. McHENRY FLORAL CO. __ Phoae 494 One Mile Sonth of MeHeary On Route 11 -Flowera for alf occaakma! -- WANfB % BlJ V -- Wo pay ft ta 928 far Old Horses, loaa far down harass aad cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johaabarg • Spriag Grove 1 Pheeee Johimarg 114 CALL AT ONCE ON DBAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE -JELlSLJtiSSS-iSfcKIS A. P. FEmm SONS •X --BOAD BVIL1HNG-- 1W. 294-M MeHeary, HL No. MS ffPOFFHL * RflraANMPBRGBi ageata far aB oi property la the beet West McHeeury, TlUnsia THE CHARM Q0USE ULYUH CHRISTMAS n't' Thursday, Dsoomber 23 throsgii Saturday, Dsosmbsr SB Open on Sunday, Dsosmbsr 98 v NEW YEAR'S Olossd Thursday, Deeembsr 30 thro^|h • Saturday, Jsiraary 1 ; Opsn on Sunday, January £ MYRTLE and JXA1T BOOSTER Wish Everyons a Vtry, MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW TKU f ( r \ ELM STREET FLORIST T f . < 2 j ' . oy u v/ ^ ' ' ft L ut, if (• L 0 a £ li s Need ruoDer stampsf Order at The Plaindealer. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. JTLOOB COVERING Asphalt and Bobber Tile Linoleum -- Carpeting Sink and Table-Top Work Drop a card for estimate or Phone 699-M, Woodstock. IIL BAT E&XON FLOOBING 313 TBT70E3NG -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. MeHenry. Tel. MeHenry 60-B. 15-tf 'Av Helen Weber Says: WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, MeHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED. BBAL BSTATE -- 100- 190 acres of yaeant wooded land with approxiaiately 200 ft.'on good lake; auitable for eamp. Must be within "190 miles of Bacine, Wis. Arthur B. MeDoaald, 228 E. LaSalle, Ohieage. Phoae Ceatral 0-3740 or Lake Tllla 4541. 30-4 WANTED TO BUY We couldn't let this holiday go by without wishing our many friends £p#he merriest of all Christmases. ^ MeHenry Cleaners £h«9(|f#14-M 191 Bba St. Holsa Weber. Mar. WANTBD TO BUT--We pay 97 to 928 for crippled horses and cows; also dead aaimala. Alfred! Rendering Service. Call Boaad Lsftn 2229 or 2296, reverse ehargos. 29-tf WANTBD TO BUT--Wo have eash buyers for resort properties, hones and farms, JAOOB FBXTX. BBALTOB, st Johnsburg. TeL MeHenry^ 37, or Chieago, Liaeola 1333. 2-tf WANTBD TO BUT--We pay 97 to 926 for erippled horses and cows; also dead animals. Alfredi Rendering Service. Call Bound Lake 2229 or 2296, reverse charges. *29-9 paging womsnl 'A Magnetic Field Stratosphere flights at the navy's ew liquid fueled rocket Aerobee are being made to obtain the first measurements of the earth's magnetic Said. Beaching an altitude of 79 miles in the ionosphere, the rocket carries 190 pounds of Instruments in its nose to record scientific data. Flights are conducted at White Sands proving ground. Las Cruces, N. Mex. Complete line of Lee's poultry 'remedies at Wattles Drug Store, MeHeary. 8-tf Need rabber stamps f Order at ^he Plaiadealer. ... ,.:t wMmim YOIIR CAE IS BUNG WRECKE9 FROM BELOW f* : b told la aoMe eeeaathaaeM to yaa, via a trieefCsTerhetaarhfciB Beaqasw --tws eaacss aaeh ef Twoad, d Minds er Shaa^2 I ha gov hex. BLSOS BIU ittL Bom's DRUG STORE PHONB 49 McHENBT. ILL. TT IIBBBB8BA MfcaHM WfOTlCTIVI COATIN MAKIS CABS RIDB QUHT0I...LAST LONOfll Bwoty m0» yon driwa, yjmr ear la taking a boating wider* aesM Ftyiag rods aad gravel tear away at instate Corrosion and rust aat infea finders and under parts. 8oaa lattleo and siyeafca atart and your car is old. ofcak aad . noiay bafcia Ha time. 8o sat "UNDERSEAL" Protactiva Costing right aoarf It's the new oprayad-on coating for car undarbodios that •piaadsa toupt, ^ iach thick "hide" of protection agaiaet fat, wear, squeaks, rattlee . . ineulatos against duet, Itamaa, drafta, heat, cold .. . aakee aay car last longer, ride quieter. Ask us about this low coat protection now. It's guarsn- Hicf to protect for the life of your car! A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc., 301 B. PSAKL STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 106 X C i > I DUVS, Kemanrr CANADIAN CTLUB kiMOD : SBACttAMS V. O, _ BONDED WHIBXT OLD I IBM 119 ^LU OLD 9KANOAI OLD TATLOK 18.75 I5J6 ..5JS0 '111 m.lHll.l!0JII|lIj^| JI|I|II| JI| . • I Hljin^w---- ^BABOLAT |fU»MOBB / -- WAIJEBB'S •^Ji H97 •r'ii 'V a. SCOTCH WHISKY BLACK AND WHXTB HABVBTB WAIJEBB'S BSD LABBL WALKBB'S BLACK LABBL WHITS SQBSB -- S5JS7 5M Z.. 6JS7 6A) BLENDED WHISKY WALKBB'S IMFBMaL £ OOBBfTS OALVBBT 99.17 . S.4B S.99 M4 SJM VALLIANT WINES «SJfff»J|P®'SOATBL UM : Ught and Daft Si 9L15 IMPORTED VERMOUTH SWBET AND DBT fS.79 IMPORTED CHAMPAGNE COUDQUOT -- YINTAOB OF Qt.e8.06 . 1 ' "i (I HI ova HOLIDAY BUS , '• T • / " - , * • •ini.jii ft /iiiirr 'f •' fa S9.B0 it • * .: . a ' i-S l-'£>

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