Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jan 1949, p. 8

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I mm* ypwf * Gm4 Eacnes v,*i. _ __ . A*® .' WW-- FMHijllWI, sent* mite y4 •fleB^t of Kefeea, en rnr. at • arfiee we* of TOWQAT, ?A*I*ABY11 AS Hl' lAIfl BASS. oriw i yn^akUNta; 1 i# wt. ut* s* i mi -- -- M» mn^M te itaL >fc#,atortfcel«a; «• >«. TidiaA •i ton feed Juaf ear COM, 7 to lift. tflO. * BMfOt BQUIPW. C. traetfer on rubber ptww lift cultllod cherrite tony' place up to half n ten *f send eubon dlosUe (ta let) In the'rnttlgtoator kMM reneWli* wp* piyof gia. btti oCHxQ^k uetpM so that the ear rarely has more, .than a lO p«r tMt ll|^|f. Cherries, lflte otoer indts.-respire( br««|he). Tb^ «* «ryftn «*nd gWt air carbon dicntde. Why not pack the jcherries to a gaslight package and make use of this naitoi supply at the gai? IWW'tHt, J^OB many m« mtih the lag Junior te the pierlaa, Thai lip tank saw no reason «lqr hi dNM ^•jbSu e£i?k^lito^fti^M the manager whispered barehly, TB hate to a* yon l|.h«w.r to-be BVQPflV PiWe in Wa aeat, totally cherries In a tte/%ag available and generated toe nucb trthtoi Qcsdic aad^ao got ferita* w* «n» - What la nesdai lea strong, trang. pajm* ""{J *** M m( mneh) USfci 'at, Mtfrid* fnd iiiiniii air. Vh* Idsalfiftm %ouM retain M the ligM proportion ef eaitai dl* o*lde^ad moictuee H*W ef a weak dr 1§ *9*> ' ^taa^>; 'WW Junior •... punofw" ^ S*iial OujuwoUl end sua a™ as fine to Bever and md aa high hi vttanh eontaut aa thoee frown tar mere n* commercial .metheda* says nBea lCahle .Dotemna, extension floods ««!,% I eew a aratt Mi toy hraine and «• «HM." YtgitAho h ponnd packages <» quire twe houra to tfneae solidly by jtoBtfaeitlal Miwdi and aa moeh aa eight hours to heme freeaers, yet tests made at Hi* New. York state trrf ™ --' station a*sw no to appearing qualities and nuUlUte value after codktng. Many folk have felt that the mora rapid commercial freezing makes a better product. It has been suggested that foods should be commercially frosen and home tra used for storage only. tftftor; 1 jOaae traefco* gang plow, S However, toe New York station re- .&kn Sen ipi sen wtth fertOto^. John. Haifa toitaaytoaetor. -- l.Jtovid en rubber, porta, the ho^nemaker need net hesitate to use her home freeaar far freezing vegetables at. home. Idas DOremua amphaaiaaa toe importance of ipm), to handling and cooling foods tor hqpe trecatherefore relatively warm n* aloeefetathe 1 say, old chap, dent you aver toka your wtfe out tor a Sunday drivef* ' ..- • * . ' •Hope. M» car*s ge^ Old «nd I cant eppe^itfi both ^them iik ^w ' iteae.** ef theaar* •ft. St. - «» m mm9 aa tr a» gwssnf It Is aal «M nmtr lf jpt or rato. er It haa toaw aaee. AM I# >nri»j>ha ften 'atf traflte sltfkala npen «- pMk «» »vdM*; a^ the toT to ef restetetod UmM woaldbe dies ed and ispottod. The beam brokm tar an eMect. and toe n sets into operation alarms, signals, i luuaMja and ether electric equip* ment. wmm «<*• #***&* jffi-'® Breeze through flMwt'JMpp"* Sw . i I dent get rid at tote IH be a dead ana,** Jockey to the onerrtae boy. Dldla do whet sign an his dear said II W V I wouldot msnkoy wtth f <sWi ILUNOIS »aatoa«»i#y ift Ball, showa hair i cttiaiidgateut aawmlll eantofceen^etay to buatoeea and remain iMMn# M the Do^tt^femlly. in ito Mtoy. toere s«HB.or mofa aaaatoiBs to toe area, enfelflrtag 94 produtirfg aaoreShaii a MBUn and! half feel"c»csttie luniha#%'9tMr Eahauslhto of the Ue fir followed. Only a low of totf old Mill* Mnnata. but nth*f gi* doing a aaoehelooer |ah f| turn." And->new come to- Ahaat nton^aia'em ployed> slmest as many «p tt* phbBX fa^ifcut aidy work to sawmUto r than a thtod ef the voiamt pasaea ttwtoi# Orays Jiai^or than pupi* tteaufh. * ynarr agik ^ Today thafafa mnoh etoaer utili. sntlcft«f!to« foaeat. natiaiteagf^ha Ift'M of tewik iil ttse ts bdni mpde el which tormertyVwanC-to i burner er the Wgler 2ij HtBdUsf Mf rarmare who use their nmvie Hena! hay hasdttng syatompt ear* riar and track, with a toqff ttoi grapple tork. are abtb to topload and maw away more tona>ii hay par hour per man than Igr ^tosr mills cf gattlng hay Into la nav, stadias recently ecnduftod hy tha bnraian ci aplcultain spamoin ica. University ef Connection*, to <tlceta. "Mars tons ware harvested per hour, on boto *fl outfit and iv tnan basis, when unloading was done with a hay torythan with the ckopper and blower," the report slates. "The loose ttoe grapple for^da superior to others under a variety oi conditions. Uae of a bay hlristjMldR raaa<urabty to elflcle^cy la unditfg when a'tork Is uierf.** W In the study, It is reporte^thal 3.6 tons per gnan hour wa* unloaded with the grapple fork! IS tons when stationary chopper ^nd blower was used; 2.6 tons wkm field chopper and,stationary blower warn uaed; and &f tons with a bale delator. Itoaa moat barns are already eouipped with conventional ha^un* loading systems, It Is practical to add m fork and heist to Ineraaas ,Om|l g|eiancy of tha operation. to life her la thorough was the |>ulld-up gfr- Henry en Ah&le that bar reputation. altoost ecUpsed all other women Plinky, with her famous marksman- husband, Ad, held American • auntacas vpellbound by feats of shotgun, rifle and revolver pnriftif II' m years 'of barnstorming:. ghe was regarded at jhe «re»te«t traptfiooter of her time. On Noveaiber 11»1*M. she astabliihe# atfl| hMtia|?enge* woman's -ij Hmffflw by imaridng l.iH^of StM Kkjrard clay targets to tme hours, 15 mtoutes actual shoottfcig ilme. .r.-, • It war Ad tbepperwdln. hdd by many experts to be the best markamte America has fver produced, whoitontht' hhr wife to riioot; the - day' ¥M»k trat aaw^him he we» a «miat iWaai^visitog toe Winchester Rfpaatlng Arms eompefiy lp Ifavr Hafen. Conn., where she W^s Jtm ammunition maker. :•/' ' T^ai Pemfaeat Wave Kits, 4** il.00. Wftttiee praf fttore. SS^r Snhecribe fbr The Flaladealer. Ulinou the erection Hitott as having ffhe of any af toe of a buildiag in the citjr. A,» -«*» - 0 it- CeulMa Jpe al^LeCs. penltr^ reaie^tea at wifiUea fikngMaceb Mt Honey; M Dec. i lHi|elW|li*s Men's 8hop obsenrad fsan4.aflii(i|g-hi their ««w>i bnlldtag oa-4heen^i>eet, with M* eallin# 1*1*% «he d^y. • ' - Balph 7ittts, wH ef the 1MV ri • *1 r ijipri IIUm tf HI I 11 in i age, wise hy h^ag • gnMt at the Car^mdif-Qreea Bay . football game ^la^Mi nt domiakey Park fa Ohleai^i*>"•«; , The Busiaeea. Mea's big «arniwai' at the. J|pUer Bisk attracted large cnrtrla' Bay MeOee was again. named ekainnan hf the aaakaal ' liareh of DinessDilvei^ Mettrtbjr;^ ^ Leeal resUHill jwere pat into tbe holiday meed with three choral eoaeerts -^preaeated ia the dijr. .. > - tie T. lfc W. etohheone w«a' entered far the second tisM la $ meath hy,hmvlare. Ohristiaaa toall was retried the heaviest in hletery. u. VERN THELEN TRUCKING ^>v'y i ,.E • > • •.u ro"» i Ma oaiMjpiMi OSAVK. lotmibnr(,.)(eH«ti7, DL Td. *"WKSW m>.*> & ^ . * i., *" • wg \--rf ;ri.m '« 'I ' -'l » ^ieMMth«yaif ^rtcisidn tdfUd, U^oa«yei7 qr batteriaa, a( «m*»1 to •Wt loosen, NVV 'mm. OmilC UNOEl Ee^|i^o|torat«-aHmrnof «» ffrmoma bond icwdNig, OlWtHtiobln onn-thlrd lib- flmn. Atk loc^nmonstroNon. - :-ii I*#- WB ALLOW «S fit MXCIUXea 'I' i 7% rOBTOVEOU) At '••.i v. •if. •>«.- !« SNOW and W HRESgj is another ntcanitytA wig go iato tto fistir Hiidn., Oomeintoday andta&ito^r. U SI » else ,. tTltllNO SAItef* . :• f^snasSp?. • J -"- (J jfe t T.BQwfaanrftSwBbi _ . .. >;• • r . --.v- ;«• 'i H:" WALTER I; flttUND \r., • Tbent Itya aad - IMfti Aim* ami irmnttk amp sinteAtB w«g| p»- A vlsllor to an asylum asked a^ tomato htt;n«to4 : . j "George * Washington," waa th# reply. - . V ,) "But," taid the perplexed visitor^ "last thne I was here you wer# Abraham Linnoln." "Thai** aaid the man sadly, "wa^ by toy tost wife." The Junlar aantertft law ittn was ssot ant af town to try a criminal -aaae. •'Let me -toio# tomied* n a isiillel liasJ hisil aannsalad' tbt aeAlec ^ week later. -Jha senior mt rewind a telegrami "X» baa triumphed," H read, hasltatten ha wlmd nt -Ijfe* {' " ~m?$z ft'S . fe'-i.-jf?'* " ft :-j0S */%%' 1; v "il§- ¥^*' V 5* f r- i-f*' ' 1 I 1 ? t. ">*. • '•H+*' iSfstSV t *A<*3Q!"tW; iH .-K «• * .i:,:-: .• .'-V vi'jiVafi J»i : Via .;jH. • r- <V'f viiirTSars OM nmty yogi bn liakled to ;"i l» ilia ttp wttb-Md fora«oo4 grbwtni tend ol happr Mk» wlil out m tidy awntlMIBiipki^ iy*n« ini^fanty toaovodoff Aoot i Mobilitjr for inatgnoe. All the Ufa aadl^n# dC -• ')-#M| Fir«bnll povrgr plutta, urniMgd to laliul !^^ga^o^ifeMiOQHI-Poigad.«ii|ba moonfiliti. Uttfc aswnoth opcratiop on d^r itnelor optn nra™ ----w throogh tb« ncar-mniic oTJPiriiaflqw Drfre,t arallnUa now oa tbc Baitk Sum •• well aa the RqadmasTBB. MW ' jf Eegy-goinf |nuod oovetage from eoft coil :.f<. springs gnd pillowy biitireaoooveriize rime. Aad what a wnderfol outlook' yon find ^a**FW«e<nW*IAtT*,«^Nwel w eelieewei *FBlee*hL harslThroo^ibfoad, high* full suiviagwind shiekta thatreally let yos see Through deep, airy side wiikltmi that sead the whole cwiliiiMt passing hi reriewthrough wide, one-piece reqr wiatkiWi tihf make parldag and beoldng mod* eesier. StatistieaSy, m fpat ii #at 4-daor Sedans have 22% mors glass -area' than before. Frtc* tieally, tha thlag to do is «t in one of these beavtiaa--a^ »ote how beaatiftiily vm see the world, jf Note, while yov*ra at it, tha figares your darfar*s price tags. Evea they of a mighty hippy pao* ture that makes it advissbia lo get jrear order M in whhoat delay. - *«t - - A •.i-& fiip- ;r: /. rw to Htntri mm MC wmsiaer* a L OVERTON MOTOR SALES '• '" ;iVf. dOSIBOiVT CfUST Xr- 4)

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