iing aaniveraniy vu thwrr«4 by Mr. ud Mn. ft. W. Smith of Blag- «•»! vkw, t)wy utirttiiii st # gttiitilig of nlitim Oct. St*--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hi«um of Johnsburg celebrated their fifty-eighth uairanuy with their fatally Oct. 24--Mr. and Mr*. Jacob May observed their golden wedding day by holding open homo for their Snany friends. Oct. 29--An anniversary mass, followed by i day of celebration, was the observance of the golden wedding day of Mr. and Mnu John P. Schaefer, who also broadcast over WILA on the memorable occasion. Oct. 28 -- Observing their fiftyseventh wedding anniversary at quifct family dinner were Mr. and Mrs. N. E/ Barbian of Biverside Drive. Nov. 6--Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling, natives of Johnsburg, eele- .. . _ • . , brated their flfty exghth wedding a ?»?' I anpivtreafy «t . f..iU dl»»er. w ^ ^ "e ta . htth k.». o» th. M»»y of their «ve «hil4re., >ix 11--Mr. and Mrs. Henry , celebrated their fifty-fifth J Nov- 2--Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brefeld anniversary at their plea- observed their golden wedding an M In Biagwood, where si* *i*ersary when theif large family children and moat of their \ gathered at their Washington street and great-graadehil- home to honor the couple. tailed to extend felicitations, j Dec. 1--Family and friends joined Oct. 18--Mr. and Mrs. Prank J|. w ith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell ' Wagner of Spring Grove observed! of West MtHenry when they eele- ^ their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary., brated their golden wedding anni- Oct M--Their Iftj-dntl wed- versary.. The couple has five chil- If-^-The first golden wedding to be held in the comwaa that of Mr. and Mrs. fttUHag, Ho reside on the top road. The entertained friends nnd rela at open honke'during the afteri, followed by a family dinner in evening. , .p Feb. 7--Best wishes were extended :||Hr. and Mrs. William Hay upon the ipMMSion of their sixtieth wedding ^•wiversary. Becauee of *r. Bay's* health, little celebration was fk«M of the momentous event. March 1--Mr. and Mrs. William fSfceeh observed'quietly their sixtieth ^ wedding anniversary, upending the with their family and a few TWICE TOU> fleam of tMtiNMt Tafcea 9mm VHm of the PtaiadooUr af Tenra Ago • TWKTTT-FIVB TBA1I ASO of the tilt Wmk just installed lock system M, which oowsists of gait wiUlin the door leHUng to the boxes and safe that the drill- % of the lock will set offa system of ga* bombs and will put an army to OOOft. Qmnpox signs have been peats* on at least two homes fat ^ the past week. BOfore a gathering of relatives The mill pond asaamed its winter's eoat of ice last week and -as aoual the youngstera wm» oa hand, height jihla «tty and early to see jnst how mnek. damage they eonld do. j eloee friends Miss Mary B. May Work of finishing up the exterior;"* J°fcn R Freund, both of this of the laundry building has been go-! ffl united in marriage at St. ing on during the past week or more. i M"£" chu«* here * »**• o cloek When completed the structure will 0,1 w**»esday morning. preeenta decidedly improved -'ag»* "iHim • ~ ~' &y pearance. A flowing well has been struck in the basement which ha* been put in E Baifclaa •IHpi-' *• mattera at the eoaaty seat tost Fr|iay* Batter regained firm at M eohts on the Elgin board of trade Moaday There were na offerings or bid* and Ike eseslen was a qelet one. Local auto wnets took advantage it freex* to a The Good T are- to have a at City Hall and ,11 iiletilMlst lis 84th day. He W been a resident of te eostume JfteStear^r far -over fifty years. , | *® w"10 WIS •abort Button and wife, who livO; y0i »o.the*,t of UU village/Webrated Prom,se y® thiir silver welding on December SO. Cheviot -- tho most stylish dresa goods out, 49 senta at Fitzsimmons k Henderson's, For Sal"'. » tkHk. of 248 acres. Owing to the non-arrival of our of the beautiful day and took a spin paper from Chicago, the Plaindealer in tboir maehinos last Sunday. j i.- one day late this week. It must be Bitc»ted 3' i mUos southwest of Me- Everything is in readiness fot the |tlat *he Holldsys had a bad effect j jjenrVj is especially adapted for harvesting of the 1909 .crops of ice on ^he supply house in the big city. | B^ocj^ 'and will carry 75 head of i at the various lakes througkout this A. 8. vicinity. ' erection Howe has commenced the of a new ice house, near to the barn. Priee $30 per act€. ««Na t|^t .t0*m • oaa*M»a, a* Thmfry* J»». 11, win be tka appointm^ll of a BupeHntoadoat W tike county kone and farm, an eflriee amde vacant by tho roeent de^ith «f t, j». Allen. Although a sneceea ja only a matter pf eoajeeture at tkll time, Good spring water runs right »eT*ral rumors hava bona clroukted All of the tillage hose carta arc his residence up tho river. He will Good clean Tea Dust 10 cents, 10|™*Vr^ now stored on the Iwww floor of tho build one large enough to supply: po„ndH 90 cents; extrn Honey Table1 3 6ity hall, where they may be found j every family in town. ^ Isvtud only 35 cents per nllssi "*71,^1 Senator Granger went to Spring- 60 Wats per bnshel; I syrqp only onions on'y FOBTT TBAXS Ajfa whenever needed. Miss F. Hillebrand wishes to an- j J»orai»« J® b« ®n1 hesvv brown cotton flannel 0 cents nounee that she has removed to " "* a'-~-' rooms in, the M. E. parsonage, where ahe will be pleased to have her friends eaH. Orders taken for-anits, jooata, waists and skirts frma Chas. %!' Stevens i Bros. W. E. Bradley aqd F. B. Wattles have been chosen to serve on the FIFTY TEABS for the new home to be erected by **""c wn wv\ _ ~ . iM' ' Henry Quinn, just east of the rivor. ^ from thl« t0/n I ®ro'- **** fW up s . 1- *. «_ >hip> #kile C. Sherman and Geo. ^ a very fine cigar in boxes of twenty- A lighjigl of snow eeaarrllyy l^t -- <» «... day morifii^looked good to otaay of us who had beoa looking for a white Christmaa. A new barn has just been completed on the farm owned by Win. Zenk soqth of this eity. Tho structure waa framed aad completed by StekwHIi will serve as petit jurors I've, specially for a Christmas presdurint tho oa*e term. / »t. Oao day last week while "Buff Fella waa enjoying a ride in his ieo boat on the mill pond, John Bojrlo< who resides west of town, waa lit kit field plowing. ( Miai Oortrude Weber' apmt several Water works are being put Into the new Gorman church, the residence of Dr. C. H. Fagers aad the lively barn of Harry Wightmaa. The Graphqphoae concert at Staffers hall, on Tuesday evieniag. hand at tha opening of the State Legislature. ' nu« A#; and seamless Scotch eapa only 40 Bonplett ft Stoffel. The Harvard Herald celebrated its first birthday last week, and we ean but congratulate brother Walsh on hia success. Dr. Osborne's family have arrived and he has taken possession of the M. E. parsonage as a residence. Prof. Linn. H. Young, principal of our publie school, will spend his" vacation visiting hi* parents at Sturgis, Michigan. E. A. Shedd, of the .Knickerbocker Ice Company, Chicago, was here last week makiag arrangements to fill their iee houses here as sOoa aa T.'-: VarteMw a* Most common variety of summer squash is the bright yellow (dad, formerly called "crooknock." but now grown with straight necks. Pattypans are a .white variety, round, flat, with aomowhat walloptd edges. Thar* art hi* early squash Wliti|it ajrt in shspe, of WWi <Wbo(wBi attd suchini ate tw«. aammar aqdhrii is low in calores 'an4 hanea la • food vegetable for thooa tryiag te avoid high-calori* foodf. IfailHtui^ flavor and food valoa hira obtaaad tqr Ottng the entita OQVash, lUb InAi and all. >lo oaajWalaa sinee the of we bounty honu One «i theee is to . a,«atrsa, u bo aarirtoT b^ on* of the empleyeV of tha fh«ii. Tha msmlttoe wiu preseat its seleotion for approval by the board. tie holiday season brings joy to many, many people but to sotee misfortune may come to take all the cheer and happiness oat of the season. MiafOrtaae has esaae to a well known Mhrengo citiaea, lf»ip Pierce, Oa Dee. 14b Mra. Pieree left F % Mareago pootofllee without her poree #hich imif Imi 0140 in cMh aag many valuable payers. „ of «piatnchid# d b» a to--od aalad add to the color and appetite pppaal of the salad. -# (mm MRS. MEL DeGRAVES 51 Tears IK 4b MBS. HABBY F. JOHN SMITH ; KX2 ' £ 1 - Married SS Y 3 Yeas. , • . ^ ' . \ , - ' McCANNO* HEKBY WILLIAMS 55 Yean MB. * MBS. JOB. H. HtJEMANK - Marriai 58 Te^f.'W&A •i iwll.li. 5tYOMa AiiuU i ' ' Married 51 llara . 'V, mm