Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jan 1949, p. 3

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I.' , Jan. £££14 • ~ Jul T--George lWltltt*74» m n* tw of MeHearyf^itioA in Hyde Lake, British fcohmpMa. Ju. #--A ltaf illness ended fo |b«. CaTotiae Downs, 67. Jaa. JEUsabeth Kians |nwi mjl inthe Woodstockhospi tal i week after she suffered Genoa, m Jan. 12--Frien** of Jfrs. Mark Data, at, «4Tt wtiy t« learn of the ~eira ftwm: Tolas, PF QFVIK9NB| V(€ HI 1*. JOM|* Bempe, [of it.iMriit'i ekarek at ti#' ftg« of 88 ia ktfMf loaf of eommaaity, lljr •ifito at work at ended ia McBetrjSanil r.'. t . ; Bk«k Dirt -- faftd aad#!^•. !, t";- * 2^: hrndtaf t ' CALL MerfSHRY 97- ' '«jL ;*t; i-MOSEY .flLEVBld: is Mtra BcjwMAHi Prop. >.)• • fr? PJtAQKR BUI the.. tot Bernard, 6tin 54 locality. ' 26 -r~ Old time the death of John J. Bred his early life in Be day Mn. George W. **>>- ia Saa Diego, Calif. inn. 29--Henry Hetteraaaa, a lifelong resident of Johnsborg, tied after a lingering illness. Jan. So--The McCuIlora Lake earn* inanity was saddened by the aatimely death of Jerry Cermak. The ««• day death claimed Mrs. Ida Fisher, 79, and John Cairas, Sr., of Elgin, both well kaown in this vieia ity. The same day service were held for Miss Katheriae A. Crook of Chicago, formerly of IfcHenry. Jaa. 31 --- Joseph J. "Batch" Freund of m*r 18 -- Aa iaquixy vaa ««. £*•**, M, of Chie*;^iK fonad dead in bed at ler.aasuaer home at May 20--Mra. Geergtaaaa Ward, 80, pasted away after a short illness. M noon, Levis Broekman, 50, -died suddenly while at work at Fitsgerald'a Men's shop ia Fox Lake. May 81 -- Mra. Mary Wildner Kause, mother o^George Kaaee of MeHeary passed away. May 27--Mra. Mary Hataoa, 77, a native of Ringwood, pissed away ia Woodstock. May 28--Mrs. Gertrude Bitter, for more thafi thirty years a resident She was Albert M. Ki reeideat; Chicago. r" " * ; Oet. 24--B*betjt fcodia, 66, H rigl dent of McCallom Lake for aaveral t,-JaA „ Vaa- Natta, wha fonaer^r. owaed a lanadry here, dmd in Chicago. The -eatire eommaaity mourned the death of Fr. William jfaaaii:. Nor. 80--'William Paul Genegels, yearn, died after a lingering ,jltas>s j 23, of .Chicago, died in fa auto Oet. 98 -- Death claims* ifce.| eir*'k .wiieh occurred aear Pistakee Norma Powers, 50, who passed *wiy • in Ashlaad, Ohio. - | 24--A lifelong resident of Oct. 88--Bay a Wiffits of Wondor i Johnsburg, Philip 8chsfer, 82, died. Lake, fort several years a resideat:TO* ***** d«y Miss Lueille Newlin, of this eommaaity, died. 30, formerly of Biagwood passed Oet. 31--Friends were shocked to * 5""VCity' whW# ,be learn of the nnexpected death of Wa" - wo * Henry H. Frett, 58, in CHicago. • i Nov. 26--Death came to Joseph Nov. 1--Michael Padil of Saaset H®f^' aJOB« «»W«t Johasburg, for many, here, died unexpectedly. Vi«w sabdivisioa passed away. yeaf highway comminioner ia this] 80 years old. township, died at the age of 68. May 31--James H. Murtay, 74, Death also took little Karlees B.jof Chieago, passed away while va- Hternberg, infant danghter of the, rationing at Pistakee Bay. Lyle Sternberg^ 0f West McHenry.j Jane 3--Sadness «•« to the Feb. 5 -- L. H. Freeman, well family and friends of Mrs. Matt B.I " -v Q 84 _ «<-. re-idaat. known .Mtlowr wk. « ^ r"' ™ Nov. 7--Two former residents of thia vicinity died, Charles H. Parker, 78, who died in Grayslake, and Mrt. Jessie L. Wille, 78, of Bidgefield. Nov. 8--Friends were shocked fo of Wood lawn Park ! Nov. 27--Mrs. 8tella C. Lauck, 87, i widow of Bev. 8. W. Laaek, fonaer !.pastor of the local llethodist chttdi, [died ia Elgia. i Dec. 1--Mrs. Margaret Taraer Dee. many yeari^ at 8t. Lake's Dee. 13 -- Bev. fbrmer pastor of the level Kt chuwsli, died im Georgia. . Dec. 14--A short illneis the death of Mrs.* W. C. Felts, 86. Dec. 16--Patrick H. Gra&aaa, well known in this community, died in Elgin. Dec. 17--Death took Emerson C. Greenwood, passed away consin hospital j Jane 7--William H. Saad, 88, Feb. 7--McHenry friends monraed (father of Mrs. Panl Patske, died ia, ^ ^ ^ the death of Mrs. Josephine Drey- Crystal Lake, The same day Jamee1*^5 Chapmaa of Woodstock, who miller, 85, of Hampshire, mother ef F. Smith, a resident of Pitsen's Ptoiat:11^* her fc«r* im her yoTlthhoepital. Jlov. 8--Death claimed Mrs. Linda John Dreymiller of this city. j for foar years, passed away, Feb. 8--A lingering illness ended I Jane 8--The hsppilieiw in the death of Mm. Emma Whit-'school eommeaeemimt Was short comb, 59. I lived for Jeanne Marie Bvaeh, 17, Feb.-13--James Ketehioa, 78, died who pueed away a week later folat the home of a daughter, Mrs. lowiag a loag period of poor health. William Craickshank, ia Bla«Wood.| Jane 11--Mrs. Ada* MAM, 87, a The same day Mrs. Estelle Beed, 88, native ef MeHenry, passed mway ia a aative b'f Greenwood, passed away.' Chicago, ' Feb; 16 -- Mrs. liorence Howe i Jane 15--^The death ef Baqrmoad Y^n7> who lived her early life H. Owen of Chieago, the son of here and taught in the local schools, I pioneer MeHenry residents, was died ia Elgin after aa exteaded ill-j monraed here. »«* 1 Jnne 18 -- Frank Bo^iermel, a Feb. 17--Mrs. Jalia 8chmtdt, 48, native of MeHenry, died in Chicago, of Weader Lake, died earonte to thel June 25 -- Oae of the meet tragic Woodstock hospital. J aecideats to ocenr ia MeHenry in Feb. 18--Mrs. Cora fright Kellej many years took the life of Biekard died at the home of a daaghter, Mr*. ..Williams, 28, Legioa eommaader. Olivet Lawrence, at Bingwood. ] Jane 28--A short illnese ended ia Feb. 21 -- Death claimed Heary death for Mrs. Aaaa Loek, 68, who Schatt' of Indian Ridge subdivision, operated a store in Volo. The. same Wonder Lake, after a short illness, day Joha H. Meier, 33, passsd away Nov. 11--'Funeral. services were [ held in Spring Grove for Mrs. Jennie ' Mees, 82, a former resideat of. that eotamaalty. Nov. 14--Mrs. Math Glesson, 87, lifeloag Midot of the eoamnaity, •S TRUOUNG Agrieottvrml ttmectone and phosphite spreftding. Soil samples Ukssi on ramtrt •'" ,1 PIMS orders esrK and avoii rash. Lime anidd O^ips for O1 r "»»». - OHAKLES RKUHD, 0tra«r 401 W.'^7ank«gmn Ko»#i ~ MTMNTT, NXWOIS T Feb. 22-^--William Hay, 81, died oa liis wife^ birthday aad ' just three weeks after the couple had celebrated their sixtieth weddiag anniversary. Feb. 23--Old time residents were saddened to lesrn of the passing of had made his heme ia this eom Mrs. T. L. Kimball at her home ia .maaity years ago, passed away ia H0XX8 OAJtAOKS- -- S^mre woax ft R WILUAMS & sop OKMXKAL OOKTKAOT9KS ' V ! » ' '--p. *cK«nry2a74. lltohsa Oabia«ii BOOKKEEPING and TAX SERVICE Installed and Tax Returns By Appointaient HMPl'P..ADAlpS^il=' 1 mi. No. of Fo< Lake on It. 12 after a two week's illness; Jaly 2---Friends were-shocked t# leara'that Stephea Sehaefer, 41;^f Fox Lake, had drowaed after falliag from hie speed boat iato GraH Lake. July 5--Albert Bowman, 81, who Dec. 4--Friends ware saddened to leara of the pairing ef lin. Adelaide Ostrander, 71, a (ormer resi deat. Dec. 5--BalvatSre Boauao, 64, a a retired fedfral baak examiner aad av resideat of Kmerald Park for maay years, died ia Chieagot Dee. S -- Charles "CMf**? Brda, 3%-year-eld son of the spaier M Park Bidge. Feb. 26--Harold D. Kelsey of Barrington, Republican eandidate for his sixth term as state representative, died suddenly ia Spriagfield. Mareh 1--Mrs. Bosssll Tuner, a former MeHeary resident, died inhoi Chieago. March 2--The community was sad* dened by news of three deaths: N. C. Kleia of Waakegaa, Mrs. George Jens of Orchard Beheh, aad James A. DWyer of Chieago. Mareh 4--Friends were shocked to leara ef the death of Kleaaor Mae Fraak Mathews Clafk, Bchaefer Flint, 18, who passsd away j away at the home of a sister ia in a Waakegaa hospital following (Greenwood. the bitth of a daaghter. • j July 25--Mrs. Bergert Skjoldager, Mareh 5--TW commnaitymoarasd 68, of Chieago aad MsHeary the death of Liaus Newman, 88. away ia a Chicago hospital. Mareh 8--Patrick Marray of Chi- Jaly 80--Carl A. Vogel, a resident cago, a former local resideat, died, of Pistakee Bay for fifteen years, Woodsteek. Jaly 9--Frieads leaned with regret of the passing of Clareace barren in Hebron. Jaly 10--Peter J. Freend, former mayor ef McHen'ry, died at the ems of a "daughter ia Woodstock. July 18--An Island Lake ekild, Pamela 8nauaers, 4 years old, was struck by a ear aear her home aad died a short time later of la juries. July 18--Death claimed Mrs. Boss Miller, 74, after a short illaess. Jaly SO -- A lifelong resideat, •'.sfr-sy $$1^rS. : mg a raw sxRvxox -i .'•to? TO iBisooiiinnnTT <:*:,»• OPENING JANUARY 8th V .v- . •jss&a •: Community Interior Service '51 •ee otir felectton We Make DSAPK&llS OTTETAHVB VALAHOti 00UII0S8 BKDSPEIADS BUPOOVXS8 VAMJTT TABLS8 PILLOW8 mm* v i -j- • i PR. HjENRY OPTOMllllR1 •t 136 ft. Green St, (CHosed Thnrsdaj IftmopB) Byes Riamihed -- G1 1MHh« -- Yisnal Complete Yianal Aaaljfli Bafly; S ta12 aad 1 to 8--Satndaf PHONB McHKNBT 4SS OP ,JWTA^S RESTAI ^ ' VOBHBBI.T JKAOTB BWTA11>0<- Ho. EiTtnids Dvivi SWEDISH -- SMORGi !»W- - '"fifi " "if SATUftBAT AMD SUHIJAY, JANUARY 8th and 9th, XM» front4p. m We lirvi Inadm, Sandwielkss, UBMI^ Ohkkaot, Fish, etc. Open Ereiy Day Froai XaoeptOnllondaTs WlHBeOloeedAllDaj. '-Ml mm,' Bwwlish Smorgashord Win Be ^Tf^l ! dif and Snnday tton 4 p.m. COLES RADIO SERVICE Bring your set in for immediate or very quick service Most types television sets at special disoonnti. tubes in the' county. SHUCK COLES * ^ Telephone MeHenry 303 VENICE^PARK (Road across from City Hallto end) Mareh 8--Death claimed Alice died snddealy at his home. Beaaett Mayes of St. Paal, Mian., Jnly 81--Mrs. Boss Maldeoa of a former reeideat. Woodstock passed away after • March 10--The loag ittaees of Ber. short illaess. ( H. C. Collins ended in his death. Jaly 88 -- This entire area wae March 11--Mrs. Emssa Aylward.f shocked to leara Fr. John Blake of 88, of Solon Mills, passed away. j Biekmond had beea killed ia March 13--Patrick J. Gallery, 83, antv aceideat. well known here aad retired police captain, died. Mareh 14 -- The death of John * CI (~puii£ iq DICK0W5 - . -i ENk ' 5 Thursday and Friday AJMC 14 .oa. tin Oisoiiiinr 2 for 21c Old Dutch 14 OS. can Cleanser . 2 for 23c Blrfcelten •. 1 ja. Salad Dressinf 32c 81 Sash Mo. 8-lln Tomatoes 19c 1V4 ss. pkg All Beef Ground lb. 59o Bib or SVt lb. avf. lb. 55c Bonslsss Brisket .. . lb. 65c MM native Pot R lb* 59c AY ONLY jumbo Lake P lb. 48c Lake H lb. 25c White Aug. 10--Two well kaowa dents, both' satires of this maaity passed away, Hubert Frennd Sehmitt, M, was mourned by his 81, and John P. Weber, 87. maay friends in Johnsharg and Mc-j Aug. 17--A long illness ended ia Henry. J the death of Mra. Magdalena Bohr. March lit--John D. Lodta, 75, i Aag. 88--Miss Amy Yager of former tailor in MeHenry, died at Waakegaa, a resideat of MeHenry his Crystsl Lake home. . , many years ago, died after a short March 14--Mrs. Charlotte Hoslam, illness. a summer resident of Orehard Beach j Aag. 81--Tragedy straek two Mofor many years, died in Chicago." , Henry homes. Just, before noon, March 17--Louis Oapek, who re- Aarold Diekow, 36, took his owe h»«. sided at Burton's Bridgo for twenty with a .38 calibre revolver in the years, passed away after a lengthy basement of his grocery and meat illness. ' market on Green street. A few March 22--Friends were shocked hours later Arthur Diedrich, 88, was to learn of the sudden death of Mrs.; electrocuted when a crane which George Adams, 56, of Elgin. The was moving a pipe which be was same dsy Boy H. Cromwell, owaer guiding came into contact with a of "Snuffy's Place," passed away of high tension line. a heart attack. I Sept. 3--The lingering illness of March 27--A long illness ended William Spencer, 71, ended in his f<* two MeHenry men, Henry *«.-. death. He was a .MeHenry businessmeten, Sr., 81, and Robert Sehaefer, man for more thaa forty years. 64. ) Sept. 18 -- Joseph Sehaefer, 73 March 80--John Walsh, a aative years old, a reeideat of Johnsburg, of this vicinity, passed away in died. Harvard. I Sept. 17--The long illness of Mrs. April 4--Joseph R-, 6-moaths old John Samec, 89, ended in her death son of Mr. and'Mrs. Clifford J. Hyatt j Sept. 18--Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Lilv Lake, smothered beneath the of Elgin passed away at aa Elgin ERIK and ENID 480 bed clothes. April 6--Death claimed Bernard J. Frisby, 72, a native of MeHeary. ! The same day last rites were held for Mrs. Alice Halleman, for thirty vears a resident of Pistakee Bay. April 8--Mrs. William Hepbara of Bingwood died suddenly at the home of a daughter in Milwaukee, Wis. April 9 -- Death claimed Mrs. Frank itf. Wiedrich at the age of 68. April 10--One of McHenry's oldest residents, Patpck J. .Cleary, 84, passed away after a, short illaess. April 16--Edward T. Locke, 40, Woodstock bosiaess .maa.and foraef M STAMHV was ww m Elgin hospital after ill health which extended over a period of several months. Sept. 84--Ensign Gladys Oleiniek a navy nurse stationed .at Grays Lakee, died of pneumonia after a short illaess. She was well kaowa here where her parents and a sister resided at MeCullom Lake. Whilo witnessing the McBeary-Delavaa football game oa the. tocal 8eld, Mrs- Claira Boss j©has&,.$0, of MeCullom Lake, was stifekan 'witjb a heart attack and died. Sept. 25--Mrs. Mae Westlake, .M* Shales, a former Bingwood itp}d«aV died in Chicago. Sept 88--Wallaee B. Peatt, a reM& deat ,of . Gxeeaweod, .died at the local resident, passed away< April 17 -- Friends mourned the pgsiing. of Mrs. Ellen Mannix, 71. April 20-r-A aative of MeHenry, of 87. Charles White, 56, was killed wheal Oct. 3--Albert Thornton, 52, of struck by a Chicago k North Spring Grove, was killed in a eel- Western, train near Woodstock. rlision of an anto and truck near his April 30---Fritr "Pop" Feaske, 71, home. His wif«, B«»«> *^e passed away in Belmont hospital, Chicago, after a long illness. Early the same morning the commnnity was shocked to learn of the death of following morning of injuriee sustained te the same accident. Oet. 8--Charles Bunyard, 88, of Antgjpeh died while visiting in the jack Hart, 31, who was instantly home 0f the Fred Fowles. The •»»»• killed in an auto accident. |day death elaimed Harry 8. Barber May 8--Mrs. Agnes Goranson, 43, of Chicago, hasband of the late of MeCullom Lake and Mrs. Lacelia Powell, 86, of Sloenm's Lake passed T --- Halibut fflnbbi Oyitera Pinn Haddie away. May 18--L. Donald Bauer, 81, died in an aeeident when the anto he was driving' struck a cement abutment aear Lake Forest. 11--The antimely death of : • M'c-:.: ' ;imif \ • Mande V. Goodman Barber. Oct. 10--Mrs. Catherine G. Althoff, 84, a native of Johasbarg, died: at Freeport. Oet. 14--Math Baur, loag time operator of aa iee house in Me-f" Henry, died following a short ilia see; Oet. 20--"Uaele Ed," (Edward it! U/MM yo* so# *• 1W9 ClMVrqW^a vV akam wM b* eiSHSli to tal yov tfM/ro now--dl now--fcilne«Mf Jn boouty and slyla. Aaltf wfion yew look inrido, and undv «m heod« afid " youl see llNMlNir h net morely in outward bppearoncn. but b» dnsign and englneerfag aed M, le a bl ef peepk, Ae 1949 Owvr». lot is alraddy «W. Thay know what It doi, and fcow eneeedlngly welll n* de #<raR about M* umfannanca. Ss eonrforV Ms pown jS*. JP80H1 877 PPPP

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