Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jan 1949, p. 3

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hi GWOOd they of IV •re havjhor kda of day m i m h m mmm wmmm Uaivtinity of <i?ajka at -- *•? IW vtv*o^pQMPt;._, •a mi exemioa to IfattCife- ...(» mountain reeert efemc 100 (M tlu campus. She writes blgokly light BOW. m a , * 'S • • is® mumi rauroMtT) ,f .'**' J 138 H6. Biveriid# Drt7« -r4* Stvw .- " + UeBmrj, DL, Phone 435 SWEDISH - SMORGASBORD EVERY SATURDAY from 0 p. m. We Smn Lunches, Sandwiches, Dinners, Steaks, Chickens, Fish, etc. Open Rvery Day From 11 %jn.. Except On MbndaysaWill Be Oloeed All Day. ERIK and ENID SJORKSTROKl / • *• |f;: '^h r^- b* < 7 * , - . i* u Jfuaz<tii >}T&*tic DICKDW 5 M P R K E i a^-'. V c N hN '- i 5 *V. i • SI4**' , t IC1 118 S. Green St.. McHenry OUT MAXKZT UNDER NSW *AKAQBM*NT W'-' '• FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Mo. 2Va tin Saner Kraut...... 2 for 33c All Beef Orottnd Beef lb. 59c 1 lb. carton Primes jLl_ _ 84c BstnLmi Nati* Pot Roast Steer Liver lb. 58c 69c c Ko.3tin Ofllft, "...' t for 47c Oram Style Veal Roast lb. 55c Ball Qrow I lb. WES* FRIDAY OMIT Jtebf BanBctd* •leaned lb. 57c J for 17c tl oa. bar WUt* n«h - WUmt (Miln OyiKn w "MSi •# •• T* +M r£5&m«*r1 (by Mra. Georjje 8he?ard) Mrs. C. L. Harrison eatertaiaed the women'. 500 club at .her heme ™ ednesday. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Marie Wegner and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Those from here to attend Home BSreau »t the K. of C. hall in Me- Hfcnry Tuesday were Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Raymond Harriaut. Mrs. Lena Peet, Mrs. Ed Peet and Mrs- TroxeL Pastor 8tam, of Milwaukee, will conduct services at Muzzy's hall on Sunday, Jan. 16, st 3 p. m. The male quartet from the Milwaukee Bible Institnte will furnish the music. All areweleomed. Mrs. GeorgcT^hepard entertained the bunco club at her home Thursday a fternoon. Prizes were awarded to M*s. Lester Carr and Mrs. Georgia Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting eater itained their 500 club Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cria^r and B. T. 3u»ler, high, and Mrs. Weldon Andrea* and George Shepard, low. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan entertained the Round-tip club at their home, Saturday evening. An oyster supper was served. After the usual business meeting, pinoehle was played. The W. 8. C. 8. will meet with Mrs. Lena Peet Thursday, Jan. 20. A pot luck dinnet will be served at noon and a quilting party will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Foseam and Kenneth Cristy speift Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacoa of Antioch visited his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, 8unday. Wm. McCannon was moved to 8t. l-uwiius": la Mastitis Traateaat TIM U WHAT LBAMNO AtmOM* TBI CAT i hi IN# Mm NsMmmI Iwmk Ciail mM a r«ewl made kr a mkmmmmtm at tha MWwtaf sataNMsi flu Ins-- 11 lbs C. S. Ima. ru, B.TJL, IM|«S imi c«n>s». W. M. Minis, fU.. Whmfer 0 W. N. PtMtttc* PhA. VMvenUp t» +rM. n*. V I n Tiis^ilsla -- a» ts Si par awl • fii I In < to Tl par «si wm. In eS -- a» «• M *sr «Ml -- e* •» M par «al sasaa. MM la NIGER'S PHONB «e • if*-. Mra'ltUM M vidtii Vn. Okn fliaias and Xk Jennie Baem, Saturday. Mr. aad Mra. Letter Carr and eon, Joe were visitors at Woodstock, Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bamaker aad .family returned to their home at Thor, Iowa, Tuesday, after speadi «S the holidays with her pareata, Mr. aad Mrs. Boy NoaL Mra. Louis Hawley afoat Monday and Tuesday ia Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Biekie of Bnrringtoa and Mr. aad Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Sunday ereniqg ia the Louis Hawley home. Mr. aad lira. George Haberline and Harold Weber of Chieago were viaitors ia the George Shepard home Wedae«day^ Mrs. Luella Stephenson returnea to her' home Wednesdsy evening from the Best Homfe at Solon Mills. Mrs. Mildred Mnnshaw of Elgin is visiting her eouain, Mrs. William MeCanaon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were visitors at Woodstock Friday after noon. LeBoy Niel loft for his homo ia California Thursday, after spending the holidays here with his pareata, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Alaa Ainger and family of Hobroa spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mra. George Shepard. Mra. Louis Hawley was ealled to Florida 8undny by the serious iltusss of her daughter, Mrs. John Woodward. She has pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beek aad family of Arlington Heighta spent Sunday with her father, Charl-- Carr. Mrs. Armour Burke aad Mrs. Florence Schneider of Woedstoek were callers in the Beatty-Low home Saaday afteraoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low aad family speat Saaday with her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Dale Thomas, at MeHenry. Mr. aad Mrs. Lelaad Berg won diaaer guests of his. parent Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg SuMay. Mr. and Mrs. Mitehell Kaae aad daughter, Nancy, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaa«, Sr., at Mundelien, Sunday. Mra. Elisabeth Sehaaitt and Mn. Leo Hiller of Johnsburg visited Mrs. Ed Bauer Tuesday afternoon. Mra. Viola Low aad Mra/ Walter Wilcox atteaded funeral services for Mrs. Harmer at Waakogaa Moaday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sehmitt aad family of Johnsburg visited Mrs. Ed Bauer Tuesday eveaiag. Mrs. Matt Sehmitt, Mra. Wm. Young, Mrs. Antoae Widehelm aad Mrs. Store Freuad of Sprtag Grave speat Wsdasedny afteraeoa with Hi*. Ed Baaer. Saaday diaaer giMti of Mr. aad Mo. Loaate at* . Mr. {udMrm. Oilin. am W.HU. Oi «>, diw ofMeHanry. Mr. and Mrs. Claytoa Harriaoa, Mrs. Mildred Munshaw and Mrs. William McCannon visited .Wm. McCannon at W oodatock hospital Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Joe E. Miller of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kattner of 8olon Mills visited Mrs. Ed Bauer Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. David Porter of Bockford and Mr. and Mrs. Ben F®ute and sons of 8pring Grove •pent Sunday with their parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mrs. Wm. Hiller and son, Everett, and daughter, Eatelle, of McHenry visited Mrs. Ed Bauer Friday. Fred wieanch, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, were viaitors in' the Phelps Saunders h6me at 8ycamore Sunday. Mrs. Wiedrich, who had been spending the week there, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Arsneau of Richmond spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy aad """i Neleoa aad Jerry, spent Satav* toy ia tie Jtfhn Cristy home nt Huntley. Mi1. *nd Mra. Gregory Kattner of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. Mr. and Mra. Weldon Andreaa and family spent Sunday with the letter's parents at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and' fnmily spent Sunday afternoon in the Wilbur Benoy home at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Sunday ia the Victor 8tanek horn* at Biehmoad. Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Walkington and fnmily of Libertyville were visitors ia the Boa Walkington home Sanday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rsymond Harrison and Mra. Leaa Peet and daughter, Alice, visited relatives at Crystal Lake Saaday. Mr. aad Mrs. Dick. Oldson and family were visitors in the Richard Cronin home at Genoa City, Sunday, Mrs. 8teilow and daughter, Betty, •f 8kokie visited Dr. Hepburn Saturday. Mr. aad Mrs. Bob Dawaon of Waukeaha and Mias Toni Wegner of Evanston aad Mr. and Mrs. Linus Wegner aad fnmily of Woodstoek visited their mother, Mrs. Marie Wegner, Saaday. NmAb ForUHner is thi key to sac* cessful production. The lest fertOo the Mil tte more Commercial flwtflittrs nrast be sppUed to Ml • mmmA \ fcMfe Mtwtrial woekf ta< mdla Mrvaata. aumhor t4aauii«iM*,orth«n MM ta HM OMM Main labs# to ima caQoas of ta fla rathe radiator cap oft ran tbm engine until it is warm, •nd than drain Vb* radiator' and flush witti clean water. Thirtfcea blgjntay delicloua surprise jftttihiiffjji Charles E. Behaa ef Orjmlil this yeair by a tree whieh ntveir fore bore more thaa feur leasMi none In the paat tea ye4cn. 1948 cro"> seems to be trying to nt for all the tree's past failures aad Mrs. Behan has enjoyed X-ray Ail "x-ray telescopc"'capabl* of giving physicians • fluoroscopic view of a pattent's internal organs SOO times clearer than now is possible is being built by Wostinghouse scientists. 11M "x-ray telescope." whieh will make possible movie- Uko viewing of the human body, has been described ss "potentially th* greatest advance In x-ray diagnosis since these rays were first put to medical use. • '-v ' . 'I A OompMi CLEANING Done in Our Own* Plant 206 8. OREElf ST. • McHENRf^t Free Pickup and Wivsj; 8wri«« the tangy fruit to aumerous friends. Henry. INCOME TAX 25 Years of FAIM1DOKI ifcTAtt^'^raOLBSALB KAirvr J. J. NEUHARTH TeL McHenry B9UT-J . • • • ' A handj tractor for *my faxm or •icy and truck farm. Full line of tools--| harrow^ pi--caltivatos, i Msal for v^ccablas nntis^'WOiflK. "dnon" tractor -- ossa only two to Am qMH ef |hI par hoor. Spaods imm ^ b^Il to 7 CONTACT U$ PQR FREE DEMON ST HA l^anle-Rich W-0-Pap Chick Siertw - relstf Mtliy, wfcsil cbldaj -- %M|drichaailiitial|n« wtsTsKlifcawl^MBiarartlaaitnB ...dhofl*a«« Aeldadyoawaat... Ha ante it prows iwMy Mtkt «iAiNM*ekUIM4V 4 Wg pellsts +* Uy. So CUck Sonar raisss, tsa. Yoa ses, MRyoardriiftsoaAd^f^pChkk K*Q-Pepisbaataiusai iilifiwa tecav thb ywr. Y^ Uke yomt i as«Mw/asd fuiiiftsd with rasolto. Take advantage of this - - . lodayt HURRY' 6K-.\c, i' THIS G Ff[* M -INK TODAY/ YOU C A N s A V £ UP TO ies | I eacdfjr I be I | Maasa m I IpcU 'tb-Wnfe" Mfsr Ti Rotas M This Nmpips1 I I 5ti^&^¥^Ve11g|feyoe2$#o»oneachlOOll».oflBU).Pap | IP** "P to oae ion. Siga yoer nam# and indkats aiaftum • SIjOO per CHWrnar. Discount allowed oa oae | of M-O-Pap Chick Scanar oa mr UUal | ia-" ..!• ' . -.v.1 ! |l COM IN TObAY,.. offor .xplr.l M>r<h »1, 1»4» J ^McHenry County Farmers native •t i Phone McHenry 729 ,j £< '• MeMmj, XfiL 'i'i.ji**#".. iL .'.t.'f -: "a, I'- JwijNfeir "iKuji-y S CHHLME R. M. FLEMING. & SON 33 Hew samples oominff in+wmj look. Come in an see onr Oome im of fawics. 0' i.auili.ig ODBTAms VALAHCB OOUflOXS SIDOOVBBS VAKITYT TABU OQVXKS Ml* after all llwy pal 1 ihwash b pacat pwvad fe* «paad, b awalawllaa, to «W^"' Tha paafafctoe erwWg ItaMab'MatlNr aOWDOwnahftafcMr Invest the liKund U«| «i ctni» sttndiw rncow MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Of Tha €; ^ CHEvft 8«vobrlbll

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