at 10 • » * * i i. '>£, • liki MA StIS. a. FOE BALI f*K 8ALE--Ice skates, ski shoes «ai poles; child's sled; 12-gaife paaip gun; children's clothes, mow salts, men's overcoats and OTtts; ladles' coats, dresses, suits, antiques, china ware, glassfireside sets, miscellaneous Open daily, 1 p.m. to 10 r. Close Sundays at 6 p.m. Mrs. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road, K mile from Terra Cotta factory. Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 35 ft* gALE -- Whiterace heifers, >iem fed; good locker beef; fvsaty-six cents a pound. Bill flertxberc. Tel. Richmond 849. *86 8ALE -- Tree ripened, taste citrus fruit, by express, ... $4 haakel. All of or SMprtai. otaases. Sead check to B. W, Lake Helett, Florida. SALE--Black Persian lamb stsa It, %-leacth; form «- style; very «ood condition. »e McHeary M8-W-2. 85 Ml SALE -- Coronado portable Electric iramr. Hag. price. $47.95. Gambles, West Mc iry. 85 SALE -- Bishop freeser, 18 It, two years old. Cost will tall for $190. Call Glen- 147C or write John H. Arm- 540 Washington 8t, Glen- Ill. *85 8AXJ!--1941 Chrysler Royal, fluid drive; mechanically tires like new; two heatfoe nihti and clean throaghreasooably priced. Phone Mc- 884-R-8. *85 LVRITfOH, ICE FI8HEURH - Fe carry a complete assortment ice fishing equipment This ;'s spectsl, completely equippolea, |1 ralne, 89c. Gambles, Feat McHeary- 8S BITill1 Year 'round comfort eeoaomy with fireproof JOHN8- TYPE A BOCKWOOL LTION installed in the walls of your home. For free Ite, call Leo J. Stilling, 200 t, TfL MeHeary 18. 35-tf SALS--Modern Mat hooae; aai hath, down aad up; epraer let; t^ear garage; large attic; oeeaearieal to heat; msk for all fer falck sale. O. 411 Ttaa Si, Weed- *1*. . •» -- Large sil stave with r«aR?i.eee4ifcie*' ™* % gSt* Six-cable ft. O. E. realar; aim diaiag room set, iMe with aew pad aad KM. Call Joe Glosssa, FOft BALE--New Cape Cad 4 hoase located on 8. Greea St., near high school Stanley Schaffer, Tel. McHenry 124-M. M-tf B A 1 8 A X I OWBBB LBATDTO FOB wnoomair. most ssll Automatic oil (furnace) heat; fall cement basement; lot 100x150; aear •tores and bus line, MeCalloa Lake; near beach ,$9,250. For appeiatment call JACOB FBRS, BBAXtTOB, JOHHBBUBG. Tel. McHenry 87 31-tf FOB -- ALL YBAB BOMBS, $5,000 aad up. FAIM| large and small; OHOIOB LOTS; U8TXVOS, APFBBOIATBD; STOMPOVATO* 8 BBAL B8TATB, Wood soctk. 111., Call OEOBLZA B. KNOX, McHENBT, Tel. 421-J. *31*7 FOB SALE -- Rebuilt generators, starters, and distributors, for all makes of cars. Good btoek of replacement parts and accessories. Me- HENBY GARAGE, 604 Front St., Rt. 81, McHenry. Tel. MeHenry 108-R. 90-tf FOB ¥AT-lg -- Year-r^und home, modern; four rooms and bath;*eneissed porch; lot 77x140; in city limits of MeHenTy, Country Club Subdivisioa; immediate possession; eaa be seea aaytime. Price 96,000. Frank Holt, Park Pub, eorner Pearl aad Greea fits., McHeary. Phone McHenry 462. »tf FOB BALE--Used cars aad trucks. Downs Nash Sales, MeHeary 44-tf TUB IB TBB BIOOBST Owner must sell at less thaa half replacement valae, at Celmar, Spring Orore--Fine 7-room residence, exceptioaal large liviag room; automatic oil (steam) heat; large wooded 1st. Beduead price $14,000. For appoin taunt c^ JACOB FBITS, bbaltob. jomoBs Henry 37. TeL Mc Sl-tf lOSOXLLiinOVB CABS FOB OKKUXKBK--Desire to care for children of kindergarten age Monday, through Fridays from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. For information call MeHenry 65 M. 35 WE BUILD HSW HOMSS Altarattoas Heppert ' TsL MtfMsary Ml-B-1 LUf Lake *36 SBWXVO AMD ALTBBATIOMS-- Available to do all kiads of sewing aad alternations work. Mrs. Kathrya Barkiaa, phoae MeHeary 44Wt. 85 tbib nounrat Tiialtaf MIIMII rffiy Aka but work All Worts *85-1 CABPE9TEM WSBK -- Kltchea cabtaets aiu to order with llnolearn or formica tope. -For free estimate call McHaary 784-B. *81 savings ea aad ased Spinets, Uprights, ia our Jaa- Inventory sale. Call Elgia at write DAVID El 8TABK IO CO., tl M. Union 8t„ Blgla. IB. • 88-tf ! |w| SiTiB Tan tablee with arica |) tO leatherette ehairs (new); -in cooler and deep freese (new) j la^peswr dryer aad all tubiag and ! Strings <«?> ; dishes and: kitchen Kteasils. Hoot's Tavern. 202 S. Oreen 8t. TeL MeHenry 360. 30-tf SALS--SBVBff BOOM KESIon Main street, Johnsburg; heat; garage; also suitable far business. For appointment eall JA0OB FBIK BBAL ESTATE, in Johnsburg. TeL MeHenry 37. 28-tf WATBB ANALYSIS -- Well water chasked for feeal eaatamiastlaa aad bacterial content. Specimen mast be traasported ia sterial container. MeHeary X-Ray A Clinical Laboratory, 808 8. Greea St. Phone 891. •84-4tf MODBBVBB YOQB KUTOHSV OB SATHJLOOM with plastic orataalnam wail tile; also risbber floor tile. 3-pc. Gerity bathroom accessories free with each wall tile job. For free estimates caty Waaeanda 5852 or 5758. *34-4tf FBBB BSTXMATBS OH BOOFXirO, Bnmro, xhsxtlatiov. oombdv- ATlOir Will BOWS, BOOMS IV ATTICS, GABAGBS. ..CALL WOKDEB LAKE 099 AFTBB 6 P. M. •38-8 lUMonm 9AB1A9B HAULDTO Begalarly aad courteously with the best of service Also rubbish hauled ia loads or half loads. FBBD WIBTE TeL 758-B. 7-tf WOBX Asbestos Shingles" aad Iairalatioa Free Estimate ABVIDSOXr BBOTHEBS TeL MeHenry 653-M-2 50-tf LAXDSOApIKG--TBBB SUBGBBY AND BBMOYAL -- IVSUBBD FBBB ESTIMATES J, W. BAYOBAFT, F. O. Box 163 Phoaa 89S-B -- W. McHenry, HI. 45-tf O. J. H. DZBHL Woodstodjc Plane Taaar Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, HL DBAD ANIMAL8 -- Highest eash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to. load. Day and night, Suadays and holiday^. Call wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; ^reverse charges. 36-tf GABBAGB OOLLBCTOTO -- Let us dispose of year garbage each week, or oftener if oesired. Seasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, MeHenry, Phoae 365. tf 8TENOOBAFHY--Steaogra^ay aad typing service; billing, letters, etc.; by hour or day. TeL MeHenry 797-B. 29-tf HXLP WANTED good income represeatiag Avoa Cosmetics as advertised in Good Houskeeping and tea other leading women's magazines. Write Mrs. Eva Huffstutler, Dixon, 111., Box 86. . "84-? -- Typist; part time; possibly full time later. Apply by mail, stating experience. Address "G ft E," care Plaindealer. 34-tf WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SBW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOB THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPB WOBX. APPLY BIVBBSIDE MFG. OOn 900 BIVBBSIDB DBIVB, McHBNBY, FHONB 39. 10-tf •ELF WANTED--Men; die easters and plating room helpers, 3rd shift; hours 11 p. m. to 7 a. m. No experience aeeeeeary. Apply in person. BLBOTBIO AUTO-LHB OO^ Wood Stock, I1L 8ITUATIOV WAMTKD htvatni viim my w nw of Plaiadfaler. wi trt *8S waiitsd AU types of auiehiae work aad produetioa Jobs. No Job too large or taa a daily, 1 p. m. to UO p. m. aad 8atardays, 8 a. m. to It. MeHeary MU0» Machiae ^hop, West MeHenry. Phsas MeHeary Home phoae, Biehmoad 984. 80-tf WANTBD--Watches aad Jewelry to repair. Aathoay Naoaaa, 800 So. Greea street, MeHeary. (Froat part of Claire Bsaaty 8hoppe.) 15-tf **5T SALE Generators, armatures, Starters, fuel pumps, distributors reIIage regulators and ignition parts fer Ford aad all other ears. Scaco Bales A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Sveboda, Prop. TeL McHenry 183. TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. MeHenry. TeL McHeary 60-R. 15-tf WOBX--Specialising in store fixtures; also lay liaoleum and asphalt tile, and odd jobs in 47-tf l homes. Phone MeHenry 734-R. *33-3 NS SA1B--T1 PBWaiTIUtS. ADadfNI Manures. Service oa all auukes. Alio ribbons for aU makes; earaoa paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay 8t., Weadatoek. Phoae 549. 7-tf WELLS mULLBD OK DKIVEK WATBK STSTBM -- We sell, repair and install pamp. Bill Bacon, 208 Main Street, Meltenry. Telephone 1«7. 85-tf *. WAJFRDTOBPT W1IRD to >rm»w. kiTt euh buyers for reeort properties, homes aad farms, JACOB FRITS, BBALTOB, at Johnsburgi TeL IfeHeary 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1888. 2-tf TWBNTY-FIVB YBABS AGO No rural delivery Jaa. 1, aad ao teams went with milk as the milk strike is oa aad Ostead had to do without the papers. Henry Hobart has decided to quit the dairy busiaess a$d sold nearly all his cows. The ^reet section of the steel structural work oa the secoad floor at the aew community high school building fell some time during last Saturday or Suaday night and it will now be neeeessry for the work to be done over agaia. Miss Helea Louise Freund, third daughter of Supervisor and Mrs. 8. H. Freund of this city, and Mr, Bernard Smith, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, who resides near johnsburg, were united in marriage at St. Mary's church in this city At nine o'clock on Wednesday morning, 9e¥< Chas^ S. #i*,.o*fici atiag% FOBTY YBABS AM On New Year's Day, Philip Meyers, the thirteen year add son of Mr. aad Mrs. Geo. Meyers, shot a weasel Bear the cemetery. John Palmer, who during the past year has conducted the milk route in MeHeary, has disposed of same to Win. A. Fisher, who has already taken possession of same. A petition if being circulated about the village for the purpose of petitioning the village board to vote oa the questioa of dividing the village into wards. Starr Brink }as just completed a aew barn on his father's place west of the railroad tracks. ^ FIFTY YBABS AO* * * " The January term of the Circuit Court is in sessioa at Woodstock this^ week, Judge Garver, of Rock fori, presidiag. The Chicago Telephoae Company have a large foree of men here' now, putting in new phonee and extending their line to different parts of the county. ' , Thos. Burke has leased his meat market on River street for three years to Erieksoa Bros., of Chicago, who will take possession at oace. The members of Company G. Third Regiment Illiaois Volunteer Infantry, who reside la this village and vieiaity, will go to Woodstoek tomorrow, Thursday, their furloagh haviag expired, where,they exptet to ha meat st sd eat af the service on Salaadag. • , it the efcarek, ia J«haa> Jaa. 8S, by the Rev. VHtbf, Fred .Carls aai Miss Glossoa, both of McHeary Towaship. Woricskoa are now engaged in enlatgipg the MeHeary House hall, aad whea completed it Will be 58x80. State Meat laspectlea Pennsylvania was the first state ta pass meat inspection laws and to sstabUsh a livestock sanitary serv- Largaat Fleet Operator Uhcla Sam's post office department Is the largest truck fleet operator In the world with a total of 10,000 trttaks of its own--many of which are from 10 to 20 years old and breaking down frequently as a result--and an addition*! mo° trades it rents. Coirfplete line of Lee|s potfltry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, MeHenry. 8-tf FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Dona With ' sfjjasTs? ^ LEO C. ZIMMERMAN Contractor Phon* 1699-M-l R, F. D. 2 Woedatock,' 111. FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Whia* Motor Rapaira Pampe ^SoM aad Rapairad TEL. WONDER LAKH 492 VERNON KNOX Altorney-At-Law Oar. Oreen aad Bba Sts^ MeHeary Taeaday and Friday Aftarnaoas Other Daya By A| . Phaaa McHenry 48 Bsy^a Iowa peats at tf eim. Boy's gead salts, $8.00. Wool, double kalt eaps, 85 eaats; Seoteh, kait faaey glevfce, 38 Iseats; Overalls, 45 ceata; Sacks, from 3 cents to 40 coats; Men's fine shoes $1.85; plow shosy$1.00. BL Lawlua. Chas. Gaeria, of Chelsea, Midi,, with his . family, have taken up their rocideace la this village. Mr. FOE RENT FOB' BBNT -- At Woadar Lake, Feb. 1 to June 15, modern famished cottage; four rooau, bath, garage and utility room. Call Wonder Lake 126. If ao answeer, call Woader Lake 408.. • *85-S LOST UWT -- Year-old liver aad white pointer lost two miles south of MeHenry last week. Phone Victor Obenauf, 691-J-8.. ^ *35 CHARLES 8. PARKER, Attaraay (Jealn t Farkar) ^•TlaaHaara: Afternaoaa • 1j$S 5 M sSJr&xsBs, tlm* McHenry <86 Woodstock 11S8 542 X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law $H Waakegaa Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phono MeHenry 49S-W -BELL * SHALES Intariar and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Also Spray Piiatfaii 1$5 N. Greea St* McHenry .the Tiger, 6a«» ft9ain «piii£t simulUneously tat NaMtttit'iStfiit the University of -CtOtmUlk Ahniwmcement by the CWfteaa goeaiw^iiiit of a Metasequoia cceaeriratton com mlttea composed of some of China's most eminent men was re ported by Dr. Ralph W. Chaner professor of paleontoloiy, whost recent expedition stimulated the conservation movement. Prior to discovery by two Chinese scientists, the dawn redwoods were be lleved to have perished 20 tnillior years ago. ' Haw Ta Cook Aaparagils Asparagus should be ccoked quickly in a small amount of boiling water until just tender, then served promptly. To prevent tips from overcooking, tie the asparagus stalks into bunches and stand, them in boiling, salted water in the top of a double boiler. Cover and cook until the stems are Just tender. Or, cook the asparagus in a regular pan by propping the tips up out of the arater. Fit's »»«»' the iterge ^ nucl "tour*®' day, January modeled Sml aad Gravel •IxctVBtiBf and Ors#s SMTTlog Dirt -- 8tad <mIi flwcwai 'Sbau. Htsmi tirjt- "j Air Ceadltleatag Coet Average coats of tir-coodltloiiins cystoma InstaDad in passenger trains range from $4,000 to 88,800 a ear. depending upon type a^imtallatloB mid other factors. Toni Permanent Wive Kfti. $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drag Store. 85-tf OOPTXNG Old Photographs Snapshots and Proofs for which negatives are not available. w-od W0EWI0K'8 STUDIO 117Biv6Tside Dr., Phone 275 McHenry MOSEY INN SkmewooD :-ai ; ~T' t\J • , V TELEVISION^ : " ' praoesbkxs 7ESD BOWMAK, Prop. PR HENRY FREUND 0PT0MXTBI8T At 136 8. CNiesn 8t, McBuetj (Olossd Thursday AftorBooiil) Eyes Fraaiiaed ---'Glassee fitted Training -- Vlaaal Coaipleta Vlaaal Aaalyaia Honn Dally9 ta 12 and 1 ta 6--Saturday PHONE McHENRY OS 6:09 ta 8:80 Mii Tel. McHenry 248-J Crystal Lake 132ft-M.l WILLIAM M. Ci Attorney-at-lai / lloyt Benton St. . fkbae Woodatock 84 Woodstock. Ilttaoia J*. McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phoae 494 One Mila Soath af McHewy Oa Raata 81 TW. DR. Waadar Lake 418 R. H. WATKtNS Dartis --Office Hoare--</ % . Taes^ Thar^, a Sdl. 9 a. au ta 5 p. at hy AppetntaMot FRANK 8. LOW Iasaraaca WrfHng Fire, Accident it Health AaattooCv CCaaaaaaaaHltyy aad Ufa ia Reliable Ctspaa I 9i-J a$l Watt McHaary, IlL St. WEINGART TRUCKING Saad -- Gravel Fining--Black Dirt--LiaMataaa Tracka for Hira Frea BsMaiattog ^ Tel. MB.R.S McHaary, HI. IMHtlUWCB L R. WAL8 'ana A Life Insaraaac EABL WALSH Fire, Aato, Fa RELIABLE COMPANIES ' Vpea «yoa aeed insaraaca af dap Wad Phaaa a or Groea t gha McHeary pielen Weber Says: man the qual •gh Ceaspraselsa Raglaaa New Mgb«ompresston gasoline engines for some models assemble^ In 1949 are being planned now by some manufacturers. Long-range goal of this development, which has been In the experimental stage for several years, is to cut the automobile owner's gasoline bill with estimates of potential savings running as hlg^ as 88 to 40 per cent. However, first models of the new engines will not reach this goal. A higher octane gasoline than is now generally available will be required by the new engines. FRANK S. MAY Traddag Sand--Black Dirt--Crashed Gravel Light Excavfttiag -- Limeataae Track far Hira Phoae McHaary S8S-M-1 R-l McHaary . ' 1 • " A. P. FREUND 80NS ' Exeavatiag Coatrhctors Trackiag, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- Td. 204-M McHeary, IlL WELDING Maiatenaace and Construct ioa Portable Equipment H. B. VAXCB -- McHenry 51-> 999 Soath Green SU McHeary, IlL AL*s A«b SERVICE <•1 Mate St, McHaary Electric Portable Weldmg Acetyleaa WeMlag aad Cnttiag ALEX W. WIRF8, Operator Phoaa $15-W-1 ar 4$4 MHWfflY ILL mm mm • c w PUBLIC SALE a. I :• p.. 0HABU8 UOVARD * ID VOOXL, AnetteMO •afm. ,-ffaf ifi.. _ Hsrfaxg decided to quit fanning, the undersigned will sell at public auction on her farm, located 4 miles northeast of McHenry snH one rnll^ of Johnsburg, on the Johnsburg-Wilmot road, on 12 o'clock sharp, the following described property, to-wit: OF LIVESTOCK consisting of OHS COW, fresh 90 dRys,two bred HEIFES8, two ystrliiif HXIFSB8, two CALVES, • mos. sld • *• . THEEB H0KSS8 TWO 80W8,16 Saad Gravel Lim VERN THELKN Tracking Black Dirt. Track far Hira Tel McHeary 588-B-8 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry know of no better Qv^mn yo>x will find in our modern jnelhods of Your garments are carefully han^ltecNilr, teperti which always assures you of t h e b e s t w o r f c w n » f e i p . ¥ y r McHenry Cleaners mid./ mwrnm. Use «l Ammonhan Nitrate Ammonium nitrate is one of the new forms df fertilising materials i anv-»i?in>¥ m. that is bring used on Tfrited States | * farms. It* us* in mixed fertilizers began about 1930. It was first used for top-dressing crops in the 1942- 48 season. In the 1947 season 374,- 618 tons was consumed as a topdressing alone, fays the U. S. department of agriculture, which anticipates that in 1948 over 400,000. tons will probably be used for *>»<« purpose. About 40 per cent of all the nitrogen in all forms of fertilizers is now supplied by this rela threly new materltl. 4 DR. H. 8. FIKE Veterinarian Oa Highway 81--"Office aad Hoi TeL McHenry 81 Office Hoars: lp. m. to I p. Except Thursdays Eveniags by Apitointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Greea Street H IM McHeary ears: Tnes. and Sat. froai Id to 4. Eveniags by appointment. reniags -- WANTED TO BUY -- Telephone No. 899 RBHAN SPERGER tnsnraitce agenta for all clssaaa af property in the beet companiea. West McHesury, Illinois $6 to $25 for Old Horses, i hors< MINK down horaea and cattle. Wa leas. - MATTS RANCH Johnsbarg - Snrfan Grove Read Phone Jeihnsburg 814 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE Wa pav ahoa> charges It Is poor economy to save space la the milking barn by cutting down on the width of litter alleys and feed alleys. This barn Is the dairy farmers' workshop. Plenty of space adds to convenience and Is a it place la wktob to Lee's poultry Store, Me- W * * 's CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Enrnitnre, Lawn and Porch Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Oabinets made to order, etc. Wash Bs*kets and Shopping and Market Hiilntf i Genuine Tieathmr Men's and Ladies' Belts, BfflfoMi, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Jahwboiy, IIL J? , fboo* BS5J-1 RED--500 bu. oats, 40 ba. ear corn in crib; 50 bu. barley; 25 bu. wheat; 40 tons hay, alfalfa and timothy mixed, some baled; 18-ft. silage in 12-ft. silo; 10 tons shredded, corn fodder. • ICAdHIKEKY--Allis-Chalmers W. C. tractor on rubber and power lift cultivator; Allis-Chalmers, 2 bot., 14-in. plow; H. C. 18-in. tractor breaker plow; McD. corn binder; McCormick grain binder; H. C. 12-in. silo filler,*40 ft. blower pipe McD. hay loader; Oliver side delivery Take, like new; hay rake; 4-rcU corn husker; John Deere manitre spreader; McD. 6-ft. mower, like lew; H. C. 7-ft. tandem disc; John Deere corn planter with fertilizer attachment;, cudtipacker, 8-ft.; rubber-tired fRrm wagon; steel wheel farm wagon. OS LAVAL MILKING HACHI1TE, 2 single units, magnetic with pipes; DeLaval cream separator, 1000-lb. capacity; 11 milk cans, wash tank; Hreiner; electric hot water heater. v . 2 » ' ^ i) i * 2-hp. electric motor; 200(»-lb. platform scale; 2 sets tackle blocks; woven Jimre stretcher; Weber seed cleaner; say/rame; grain bags; oil tank r heater; tarpaulin, 20x24ft.. 5 roils 26-in. hog wire, 20 rods each; 6>Si. belt, 40-ft. long, nearly new. . _ harness and collars; hog feeder, 4-hole; hog oiler; anvil; post drlH? * blacksmith tools; log chains, V2 links, 23-ft and 75-ft. long and other. 1 sises; brooder house, 10x14-ft. chicken feeders; walking plow; one oaw* rfe yoke; cradle; several antique8) tools, shovels, forks, etc. .* TERMS -- All sums of $05 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per een^ wjjj extended, satisfactory to. the defk. No property to be removed until settled for. *Senry Stals Baal* Oitrking HP m * wm