wwW'. oath* "WM#t'ttfeA Mlak Jmltft IHMT that,partl* , _s not u -- «|$ permit, commence tk* at » Oil boas* at on land belonging to Wuil.PIfl TllM ACM Tha mint psailaoefa tkNaDmt tUa Ytdafty in awtoMir waiehi> l the outcome of tha strike which haa ten golngon nlnca the Ant of the year. Moat of tti producer* hereabouta are willing to atlck. *To ny farmers have milk and Veam In abundance la patting It mildly. Tea, add they have good sweet butter in abundance. Some are shipping cream. The Blahop estate hoapa on Park avenue haa been purchased by Dr. N. J. Nye of this city, who is planning on some improvements and alterations. A wedding of lntereat to many people of thla community waa solemnised at St. John'a Catholic Peter now occupying tto«aM* cottage on Main stiaei. John J. Bach, the prietor at Bach's awjaaaar UIBrt. la building a new aefltiBB to his hotel. M. Weber ft ta Is doing the work. We understand that an out 61 town liveryman ia aerlously con- ' templating the idea of renting the I Riverside barn for the carrying on of a livery therein. Nothing definite waa decided at | the meeting of the stockholders of jthe McHenry Canning Company | held at the city hall last Saturday. | Quite a number of the stockholders | are in favor of selling the building j and its contents and discontinuing I doing business. F1FTI YEABS AGO Qeo. 8. Curtis cut- STOR-A-WAY w^lmTiionKH wwl TO STOki Ml riOTECT YOUIt STOIMS AMI SCREENS ^Ba^l scre^Mss ies breabags. TMy up i>w*g»awss ia your I STOR-A-WAY bndnti mount dbadly on |atsH l|i aagls wKi pnWsd skle out and let iwtn| fewHy iale »si thai ™ pasMea. Lasts a HfaNma. In use 12 walla a yaar. Mada af liaavy £^aaf^t aa^catradla® alaaslaaai* v-, >'10 window sa»(2 brockets) •$150 SI window sat (4 tfrockats). ••••$4.99" VYCITAL'S " CUBS' T. t. We underatand the Pistaqua Yacht Club will build an elegant dub honae at the Bay this year, tt will be 85x70 feet and finished atf in a style second to no building of the kind around the lakes. The Citizen's Telephone Company will, about March 1, move their , exchange office to the building now i occupied by Mrs. J5. W. Howe as j Millinery Rooms, and wil| [ The Mull--if Military Band proponed- togive a grand concert and danee at Riverside hall, on Friday evening. H. C. Mead, at thin village, has received and accepted an invitation from the Farmers Institute ot Lee County to read a paper on Ensilage. at their meeting to be held at Dixon, early la February. Y WaaMa*' To expedite washing of floort,ttse two gahranlaed ileal palls instead at one. By filling one pail with soapy water and'the other with rinse water, a trip back to the sink for clean water is eliminated. institute all night serviced SIXTY TEAKS AG# The Northwestern railroad are movlbg their hand-car and tool house to the grounds opposite the pickle factory, thus giving morA room for unloading freight near the depot The ice harvest to progressing Sleepy Greand Baairrela • .Some species of ground squirrels In th^. West go into a summer sleep calfll "estivation" during the hot dry period of summer. They also h^wrnate during the winter, spending only two to four months above ground during the year. , ~ Bead the Want Ads.' 119 8. Green Street McHenry, Illinois bowling every aftSfttiai from 2 till 6 p. m. Hardware Sheet Metal Shop BRITA'S (FOEMEBLT NAOrS RESTAUHAWT) . 138 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111., Phone 425 SWEDISH - SMORGASBORD SATURDAY from 6 p. m. We Serve Lunches, Sandwiches, Dinners, Steaks, Chickens, Fish, etc. Open Every Day From 11 a. m. Except On Mondays Will Be Closed All Day. ERIK and ENID BJORKSTROM M tiwt*£fua-BNSi,pMr'm M Iks mm WOhf Wtarf Ifcs 95kf Sfr! " " V- M tto'fyfoGril'%rfcys k fmrt tmW k 1k Mff M fke wfaL.pMfll In* Iliftimjw-jfrwgfct • . . M •'I •" ^ IHr M BMIk lulls p1i Mn to DM Fn< UH Sh» SnAy MwwL ;::vv jm us? Ne,«.oi<„ Ui font news pa par lor |m Md t HDk Home Heaisn So}ve Fann Problon Eaiily Attached to Walls in Winter TOM Nobody enjoys working in s cold milk house. But until very recently, farmers could do little about it--except, perhaps, add another layer to their already yncotafortably bulky clothing. Experiments conducted in the last two or three years, however, have helped solve the milk house heating problem. One type of equipment, developed as a direct result ot such agricultural engineering experiments, is shown in the accompanytog illustration, it is a 3000 watt, HO volt, thermostatically controlled electric space heater. Easily attached to the milk house wall, it is five feet high and produces a temperature range of between 40 and | 80 degrees. Other new developments along this ] line include the use of small hot water radiators which are connected to standard dairy water heaters, and -ft ^ 4:>. A larger attendance greeted Dr. ; tha speaker m the Family Life Serlea, laat Sunday than the tenner week. 8tM spoke on "Adjustment to Marriage." Dr. Shafer opened her lecture with the statement, "Happy marriage is an achievement, H la not a right." She continued by aaying that a happy, successful marriage la baaed upon a wise choice, emotional maturity, propor attltudea toward marriage, and education for marriage. This education must be carried on by the parents in the home and the teachers in the school and the church. If the home is to be a success it must be the source of affection and warm relationships; security, a place where we really belong; appreciation; recognition and the place of dreams. These are the responsibilities of a 1949 marriage. Marriage is the most important cavtract that • *nd it m*st%e affeftkn, that Menda two have bpen developing their own personalities lor eighteen or years into a union. Thau for It ta be successful marriage there muat be the desire within each Individual to make all adjuatmenta that are Necessary. Married happiness is aomethlng that we must accept with deep gratitude as a gift that is ours for our co-operation with each other and with God. Thie is but a feeble attempt to retail some of the yaluable things that w*re given us by the lecturer the other evening. It is hopd that more will take advantage of the opportunity to hear first hand the speaker, this coming Sunday evening when Dr. Sylvanus M. Duvall. professor of social science and religion at George Williams College. Chicago, speaks . on the Subject. 'Family Life With Young Children," The place is the Methodist thrna their help' The Junior aa , ng lor JM daring the t day. Their umber I familiar hymn, "Sweat i jean tell that Ok j like to sing bat I'n j would rather afaur to ^ , i parents and friends^ aa laCfe them a break. "See yon hi " Sunday." If breakfast cereals oeed freshening, crisp flan in oven. Ifeey shouldn't be ed. so use only s warm oven Complete line of Beebe li remedies at Watties Drug State* Henry. vs " Arthur Miller ef Unlen, III., admire* the new heater recently inatalled la bis milk house. the conversion of electric milk cooler compressors into heat pumps. Most farmers, however, are interested primarily in "spot heating"-- that is warning only the specific places in which they happen to be working at the moment. This is a relatively simple Job and can be done by placing heat lamps directly above or adjacent to the space to be warmed. Those Greener Pastures 'The old saying that "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" hss a scientific basis in fact, according to Dr. William A. Albrecht, head of the soils department of the University of Missouri. Cattle's grazing habits, he said, are based on a search for feed that will best nourish them. "When a cow risks her neck to get grass on the other side of tha fence," he-declared, "she Is showing good sense. She does this because the neighboring grass not only looka, but Is greener. She Is nmtMghshr seekfeggrasf frotnsoU hldir%Ifrjm unrip* «lo- IW that fcoavy gauge Heel 'Lifeguard*Body an! 5 member box section frame #' Sffltrr aadv ptm • Sjfe. • upt>SSX8aii«rMlft)j Tlisrei aA yourfutuft Drive a ford and y £EEL the difference PS*SPIS! fertility. Dr. Albrecht said. DecJiiv ing soil iertility means a decline in the health of our livestock, our crops and ourselves. ----- Dr. Albrecht warned that widespread loss of "life-giving elements" from the soil is becoming more serious. Rebuilding the soil's fertility ength so that it can produce crops with body building values, said Dr. Albrecht, depends on proper soil management That includes liming, the growing of deep-rootert legumes regularly in the rotation, the use of phosphste end potash fertilizers and the return of barnyard manures snd green manures to balance fertility losses through crop removals. From Chick-Fed Mink To Chic Fur Coats Poultry raiding habits of wild mink have provided a tip for economy la the feeding of captive mink which for years have been fed on horse meat and fish. But ibe fondness of mink for poultry suggested the feeding of the wsste from poultry dressing plants --the heads, feet and entrails. Experiments proved that both adult mink and kits thrived on this cheaper diet. BUSS MOTOR SALES MAXII,ST. ^p-i-HOItt-4',- MoBENBT, ILLmOIS ^ JK ' Often Needed (nfartest^ number of any part of the body is In tongue. Time-Saver « ft la time-saving to use two galvanized steel water pails when scrubbing the kitchen floor. Use one for soapy water and the other for rinse water, thus eliminating a trip back to the sink for more wa- "SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S McfiENRY SARAQB |!4SMrrMMCE OF RKKMUErt j M<IUNKYGMA6i / « THERktracr x HAVE^^T IjGLUpNo S C«N BUT THHB/ZTZXI fw^ms XAA KSMBfa--1 ML 608 FRONT STBXE1 SibPi went HMF T /~T>1 v«xrup. SU. 4M£ \f OK.' HxIMaNw AMiOe afipK^ s«ac5% r Roin rs 31 SDMC SNHRRMSSR \/R A BUCK ANO A HALF f &&$.' FOR HALF THE 3D0-1 lS& i PTUS-N-MKMPAE/F IPW FOR IMWHw \L JSStt, soMeBQAfi&f/* PHOHE 10MI LET INAUGURATION DAT START YOU OFF SAVING^ EJfERY DAY AT A*R •MAT VALUES M JUICY THUS SEEBLESS ^ 10for4Bc Ched-O-Bit Kroccssca AMERICAN CHEFSE ruu juiob otAaess _j«Si NEW OXBXH GABBJlQB : OKAMBEIUUXS Ik. 1S» razsHOAur. daiXs i POKTO KIOAH TAMS _ MCHX5AN 0B1PPBWA POTATOSS.BQ Tk. TXLLOW BKY OMIOMS ••mtWK • MMO«S CHiODAR CHUSK NNIVASnNd VSLVHTA CHUM BRAND ri ...ta. WFC xttu PHIL.CRCAMCHICSI | S&SSs ,BLnTcHCRSi mm um>n*m iQt iQMwiwNa mimm* ih. at®. GOLD-nJScM CHSISS . U.7SC 79o lb. SNOW DRIAM CUPCAKES 3 PINK, 3 WHITi, ICED TOP KG. «Ae WITH COCNttt • a a a' 'a OF* COC'NUT CARAMKT COFFEE CAKE ENROBED CHOCOLATE QQMUTS SPANISH BAR CAKE EACH 39c Hlckelberrys HkkeBaerya VmI Bulk M llnr SMaafi 69o lb. 36c lb. mm:*-"' •:v 15c JANUARY CANNKD VALUCS • »• »• EACH MILSDA AVNED UMPE LTLOO W1 2c A POUND ON AftP COFFEE! EIGHT O'CLOCK VIGOROUS ANO WINEY BOKAR COFFM VI SI.3 5 S'.SI.IS 39c ion a tomatoes; t •&.' m A&P SAUERKRAUT "°nU Ik ORANGE JUICP ^SS&tn%4lc RICH AND FULL^OOMD RED CIRCLE S u*iS7c HEINZ BEANS '2SSP ttS3le RED SALMON soMNnraaooa im NESTLE'S COCOA •»* ^ suNNrmu> PURE LARD <&S0* so* lAKwe oamwe SPRY FOR BAKING OR FRYtMi YOUR DOG WILL THRIVE ON «T1 M»w»na. HjTjSffwaia UffllW MTS IMP mrmatm STRON6HEART DOG FOOD 3 TALL YOUR DOG WILL LIKE #11® pmTjmi 3 13* AMI