Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1949, p. 3

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!'&» 4 :i: OV V*4 6*oi|« flkawii) 'f-'i • • • Cih--wlty nlsfct will be at the E~* ko~- ^ J" TIm Home Ctrcle tu MitertitMd i the home of Mrs. J. C. I Ffcaradfcy. - OiriiHng her* wm Mr*. <:jLsster OUT and Mrs. Clayton Har- NtoL Lancheoa was served at :M. after which a fine program In ,"i iftarge of Mra. Paal Walkington was enjoyed. I 1W stadeftta of the- fUngwood gradee appeared on the Time Program, Tharaday book *U1T* .. ^ by for they are to titOT^ ^ *• »ivia* * «Utpra*t*y|M of program. After leart** ijwbreeacajtln* sta- Uon they wera vwfy foritenate to ^escorted thrtngh the Woodatock eosjfty court lQMae. Tit and off their exdthi* Swralnf 0»T also visited the Woodstock telephone office, later returning to Ringwood to school aboat (noon. Wm. McCanaoo was operated upon at Victory Maflamial hoaplui in ^aakagan on fhrldar morning. He la getting along nicely- The Yoath Fellowahlp SK«9 met \ an HAVZ kkhodblxd OTO XAKKZT TO oms :,Q,IMr8 Wn, PanI •'< • with __ •***'*}• amwi were played and an enjoyable eTenlug was spent Mra. Loots Hawley is with her ,Mrr John Woodward in • * lorlda helping care for her grandchildren a* Mrs. Woodward la ill with pneumonia, in the hospital. j A group of yoang married folks Pleasantly surprised Mrs. , *"icbell Kane Saturday eyenlajr in • honor of her birthday anniversary. All went to Woodstock and saw the Woodstock players present "The Purau't of Happiness." Afterwards they came back to the Kane home where lunch brought in by the gnosis * as served. Those to attend were Messrs and Mesdames Louts Winn. Walter Low, Glen Benoy. Daniel Rawson, Paul Walkington. and tbe Mitchell Kanes. Suzanne Muzzy and Blaine Barber of Richmond went to Chicago Saturday and saw the play "Ham- Mrs. Mitchell Kane visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane who celebrated their fiftyseventh wedding anniversary st j their home in Mundelien, Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Pagni and Mr. and Adolph Marchl and daughter (of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. '-'PR-. . . » ^ * V * ' Ayr;' MIIuiMiM Jeanette Mackeastadt of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter. Alice. *ra. Paal Walkington and child- en visited relatlvea at Woodstock, Saturday. Miss Audrey Merchant, R. N„ of Elgin, spent the weeknd with her | parents, Mr. and Mra. Ray Merchant. I Mr. and Mrs. David Porter of Rockford spent 8unday with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Ed Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family were Sunday dinner goests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Skater and family. Mr. and Mra. Leslie Olaon and daughtera, Susan Elisabeth and Carol, of McHeary were Sunday guests In the Wank Wiedrich home. * Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting nnd son, George, were Sunday dinner guests in the Roland Jackaon home at Richmond. Mr. and Mra. Don Smaft and son. Bill, of Waukegan spent Saturday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mra. Anna Martin of Woodstock Qporge Whiting of Champaign sisnt the weekend with his pMmta, Mr. and Mra. B. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saundera and Mrs. Bertha Saundacs of Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn, and daughter, Janet, of Richmond, apant Sunday evening In Ihe Pred Wiedrich, Jr., home. • • ' M-s r. jg - !#•*• Of , tOmn Voters at Aah^e of Mra. Borne at Wonder Lafc* Thaiadaj evening. The ccfrate wbelpe anywhere from S to 10 papa. They are bora somettana Id early April. Only aom Otter generally is born. produced tttth __ . medleal betratoomay treat value In tanner tbertpy to causa of their high penetrates pow. aa and lower surface sbsargHuu aa thay pass into matter. „ , ®wwn trout Is not or.. of Amer- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Cry- j iea's native trout, but was introstal Lake called on Mrs Jennte Bacon Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard attended the Ice Review at Milwaukee Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch visited his mother. Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. Krs. Hacry *Anderson and Mrs. Robert Anderson of Richmond visited Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan attended the ski jump at Cary Sundays • Mr* John Hogan Joined the duead In 1US from Europe where it had bean a favorite for many years. The original of •Us was from a Von Behr of the German fisheries society, and for some time this trout was known as the Von Behr trout, or the Garman trout. Brown trout can live In warmer waters than most trout, and evan when the temperature of the water reaches 80 degrees they, apparently suffer no major ill effect!. The caution of the brown trout is developed to a greater degree thin it Is with most trouts and it is a habitual nocturnal feeder. BEST SERVICE PO IUHT OF TIHE. (LB IN THE LEAST Mrs. Etta Wattles and son. Glen, of McHonry spent Sunday with her [daughter, Mrs. C. L. Harriaon and | hlf s-vuid. Mrs. Agnes Jencks of Chicago . , visited in the Clayton Harrison TO BELT SMtVK* ITEMS STAT »ESH LONOKE vpxni eeteioeeatoiu .. ; r ; :: ;^^ISnSiS^Si .»d ----- ------ ,: f»Tin.' 1 >• y her mother, Mrs. I "! at 1 Tartland, Sunday, i M-s. D«' k Oldson and Mrs. Allan "i;"">n • jii" I Allan Dimond at the ; Evn'*~'_on hospital, Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harriaon j spent Wednesday evening In the i I home of their daughter, Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family at Huntley. Mrs. Wm. McCannon visited her ' husband, Wm. McCannon, at Victory Memorial hospital at Wauj kegaa, Thursday. Wm. Pagni spent Friday In Chicago. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harriaon of Antioc!i were callers in the Mra., Lena'Peet and Raymond Harrison | homes, Tuesday. i Mrs. E. E. Whiting ^nd MrBI. cander Lay spent Friday in Chleacw. J t'r. and Mra. Alan Alnger and i fm iily of Hebron spent Sunday j with aher parents, Mr. and Mrs. jGeorge Shepafd. Mrs. l<oui8 Winn and Mra. Viol* Low attended the semi-annual {meeting of the W. S. C. S. at tha ! Chicago Temple, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith art son. Dick, of Chicago, visited rela* tlves here. Sunday. Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Sprlnc Grove spent Thursday afternoon with her mother, Mra. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Crulckshank and daughter, Margaret, attended m shower for their daughter ai sinter at Deerfleld, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison visited Mrs. Georgia Harriaon and daughters at Elgin Thursday era* nlng Miss Laura Wiedrich of McHenry spent the weekend at her homS hce. Mr. and Mra. Andrew Hawlef* were Sunday dinner gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle 8mith and family. Misses Marie Dlenllen of Chicago and Georgia Schmltt of Spring _ -»ou* Mahegaay la • Earliest use at mahogany In Eng» bnd was in the construction of Not tingham castle In 1680. But at Ada early date there was no distinctiqp between cedar (Spanish cedar) "M* mahogany, so tha. reference is to cedar. This particular "cedar,** however, was very heavy and hard, so the conclusion is that it must have been West Indian mahogany. Roast lb. 53c uares SIMPLE TEST NOW TELIA YOU WHICH COWS HAYE MASTITIS m-- is a aetafc ev way to «•* yev esaa tor •mMMsTTm mm 4* II yNmlf ihM la rear wa hem. Tart to tees la to <n Aad M Tm| mm yea e iaaa Bare la ai rw tot A* as tor Iks smmM BMN W M Cai We wST*m sea yea 4e Is Mer tka » to eeri. We lane 1 t auto la stock asw. Jut I stoatr totor. Iisiati m wmA la toeMaa year i mot aam mm* ef year >s year. CHlt** Hy-Liae Chicks are usually sold out la ai jsnce. So dont delay. Place your otder now •or your choice of hstcUag dates. Dootwwdaje and asoaey oo ordlaacy cUcks. Share ia these Hy-Liae baarfnT^ iMriaaMto mW| hriattows ZZ3ZT**m*mmf * le tore peeedi leas toed aar daeae eg* laM, ' ' -lltMlSwn . . •^iwpfertoil par yeek o«r HUimsTJ** _r*r oner Uaa Baaka O-Laa tor 4mr aai LeataMaa aeai NIGER'S DRUG STORE McHENRY MILLS PHONB M McHENRT. ILL. W»0W 92-R West MoHenry, I1L T *• < lb. 45c Ilk 32c lb. 49c N O W C O M i l T H E I E A D E S W l CENTRAL BKKKN STREIT MoHXNRT • . . THE TALK OF THE TOWN * .R, '"f";:- teJ.- .trm• RNAL REDUCTIONS ALL SALES FINAL -- KOSZOHAHOKS -- NO BJSrUXDS mtm DRESSES ?7.00 iA ma Valpas to 122^0 SLOE JEANS "W-i •2^0 $4.50 value • * \ - '--ti ' C*?' f ' ' • - • •2,00 - *3.00 Tallies to $4.98 8CEBTS $2.00 broken sites values to $7.98 koviltt KHir inrnwa tLoopsr/ values to $^.50 sizes 32 to 52 •2.00 values to $4.98 GOWNS sizes 34 to 52 i 13.00 - *4.00 values to $6.98 PAJAMAS $2.00 $100 values to $5.98 broken sizes B&TOCH COATS $2.50 broken sizes $3.98 value Mffm psomi mw 306 KLM ST., K»HKNRY Complete Una reatdka at Heaiy NIX McHEN&Y 4S% TMa mocWra woj of bonding tough lining to brcdeo •hoes without using rirats giVM fon more bn&m wear for joor Bonoy . . . mora brako lining lor fcnt«fr stopping brcdMs. Play serfs--be serfs ... ses us for a rsline todoy. MARTICKE & Iaeerperated TIRE SEEVIOE HEADQUARTEB8 <a ' '?*, >*?. i,'f : i ' <*&$•.* "0"$,.' 'V"" ' . >'.•*!} ;* * $ *- t |7 t ( •mw ^mm aap aaa asrsvn' ghaa daar le al' StonalataNMi wmrtmLiwm Q& WSPUY SATURDAY .* t, ai j 1 • f '-y frim sad with •olst for *4»--ths first wplstofi near tear ths upkeep for which Chevrolst products Isadsr has built m mora thaa mnpm jmm always bsea famous. and tk» mott bwutifml tog qfmtt/ . M Yea, hare's ths mmmt ti afl YoaH find it's tha most bsantifal baj tsstsd and preprovad pa the great stgrling, for driving and riding ease, lor pegl Motors Proving Ground--and predestined te fonnanos and safety, and for sturdy «idu|> win even wider preference for Chevrolet a^ ^ WniUWJ ance born of quality construction throughout d# mod btaidiful buy of att, from every poii . . . because it alone brings you all these of view and on every point of value. Come ' advantages of highest-priced can at the lowtt " u and see it! fflnrtJbrQua/ity atZoivest Cost AMIIICA'S CHCUCi »• Y1AH f • (^H^RQIjET SALES PHONE 277 . 'V' f aE mi isr®" wg*1*

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