Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jan 1949, p. 3

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One Stop Bettor . Mrs. William Brits entertained her card jclnb at her home on of last week. i iDC flv*hwsdred ww* played prises went talim Frank Tin- ritw Charles Gillespie, Mrs. Oliaat Basils, Mrs. Frank May, BVfciiir Wagner and Mrs. Ben Refreshments were served sr cards. Mrs. Alice Wagner spent Monday Chicago. Rev. John Daleiden and the ilMhers and their wives enjoyed a dinner at Westlake's Wednesday night. Alter dinner, fhther Daleiden, acting as toastsr, called on several present or after dinner speeches and he gave an Interesting talk, were played as the evening's »rsion and prise winners were Charles Freund, Mrs. Walter TO and Mrs. Charles May, »rge May. Charles May and rles Freund. Those present rere Rev. John Daleiden, Messrs. lad Mesdames Anton Meyer, Ben May, Charles May George A. May, rles Martin, Charles Freund, iton Widhalm, Gregorjr Kattner, liel Miller, Walter Brown, Paul ITeber, Jerry Miller and Miss Anne idler. On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. ids Peacock was hostess to ie members of her club. Cards rere played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Tillie May, Mrs. Laura Harrison, Mrs. Myrtle Sledachlag, Mrs. Minnie Pierce, and Mb: Virginia Gltlesple. The occasion was in honor of her birth- . lay- Mrs. John Sanborn visited her fcughter, Mrs. Clifford Schultz, and rally in Chicago on Tuesday. Mrs. Laura Harrison of Rockgord •pent this week with Mrs. Alice •liWagner. The Christian Mothers and felessed Virgin Sodality held their ineettng at St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night. After the meeting there was an evening at .. cards. Winners 6f prizes in tor. the next westing Joseph P. Freaad, Mr*. JStoahy tar, Mrs. Ralph CHeaarVlM Evelyn Busch, Shirley May, Clarice May, Mrs. Utile Bell and Mia. Hazel Nlst. Mr. and tfi, Fraak Suders of Rockford spent the weekend with uie ueorge Sanders family. Miss Catherine HuC of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John Sanborn, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Robert Lent and Linda visited the Mike Degen family in Kenosha on Tuesday. The teen-agers bwk advantage of all the snow on Wednesday and en- Joyed a toboggan party at Rich" w»a»4 In the evening. Babbits As Carrte®»' • ' Wild rabbits are known to spreso liver dukes to cattle and sheep. Unemployment In Swltaeriapd Unemployment in the Swiss watch industry increased 750 per cent for March over the same month last! year, according to government employment statistics. Fifteen person# were unemployed, ss compared to two in March, 1947. The Swiss watch industry employs approximately SO.000 persons. Jewelry Prices Cat Peojple are still buying Sne Jew#- ; ry. ss distinguished from costume j pieces, but prices today are half whit they were two years ago. , special order Jewelers report. To !^ut costs, more extensive use is j being marie of the new platinum ' metal palladium. Because it holds j diamonds and other important gems { securely,' palladium iv being tB» j creasingly used as settings. 'HE train was pulling out of the station as a young man threw his bag onto the observation platform and swung himself up over the hand ralL With a tired look on his face he stood panting as the train gathered speed. "You young fellows don't keep yourselves In condition.** commented an old man, comfortably seated In one corner of the platform. "Why. when I was your age I could cany • cup of coffee In one hand, run a mile, catch the 8:18 by the skin of my teeth, and stilt ha fresh es a daisy." "You" don't understand. Pop," puffed the young man. *1 missed this train at the last station." Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc Henry. 8-tf - H - NOTICE l'_ Sch&efer's Grocery & Market 527 Main St., West McHenry will be closed every Thursd«gr afternoon but will be open Saturday evenings and Sunday forenoons until farther notice. • Brita's Restaurant (FORMERLY NAOrS RESTAURANT) ; 138 No, Riverside Drive * McHenry, 111., Phone 43§ We Serve Launches, Sandwiches, Dinners, Steaks, Chickens, Fish, etc. Open Every Day From 11 a. m. Except On Mondays Will Be Closed All Day. SPECIAL DINNERS EVERT SUNDAY ERIK and ENID BJORKSTROM ' . *** •' If***. • F O R R E N T STERLING MRtAILE ELECTRIC SANGER Eosy to operate -- •limlnotes tiresome bond •ending. Does the job in one-third the time. Ask for demonstrations » t Sweet Tidings Tommy Ames came honio from school with a black eye. "What have you been up to?" his mother demanded. "I've been fighting Johnny Briggs." Tommy confessed. "Well, take him soma cake and make friends again." his mother said. Tommy did so, but In the afternoon he came home with another black eye. "Good gracious!" his mother exclaimed. 'What's happened now?" "He did it again," Tommy said, sadly. "He wants more &k§ tomorrow." For writing an essay on "How Can We Make the Barley Crop Bring More Dollars Per Acre?" Bobby V. Bruegger, of Plymouth, Wis., has been named winner in a contest conducted among high school students of vocational agriculture by the Midwest Barley Improvement association. Bobby, who is 15 years old, and In hia sophomore year in the Plymouth high school, won the awerfc which consists at (SB in cash. In competition with hundreds of high school students In the live Midwest states of Wisconsin, Minnesota. North and South Dakota, an# Iowa. As the winner of the Midwest regional prise, young Bruegger Also was a winner of the first Wisconsin state prise of $39 and the 8hoboygan county prise of (8 In the contest Son of Mr. and Mrs. By run Brmi* ger, Bobby helps with 0m worts of the funny's 40-acre farm, where the principal crops are grains and alfalfa. He has been active In 4-H club work for a number of yesrs and Is a- member of the Future Fanners of America. Sandy McDonald asked a lady Mend to accompany him to the fair. tVest morning the girl's father asked her how she enjoyed the fslr. "Didn't see it," the girl replied. "What?" the father asked sharply. "I thought you said you wece going to the fair." "We were," the girl explained, "but after walking eight miles, I was so tired I couldn't climb over -;the fence." r y .- -V'. - 'is• * • j i . i ... ' Bpeealattsa An angular spinster, self-chosen supervisor of the moral lite of the village to which she lived, delighted In embarrassing her fellow citizens. One day she lectured i bricklayer publicly. "Don't deay that you were drinking last night," she snapped. "Didn't I see with my own eyes your wheelj barrow sitting outside the public j house?" The workman doffed his cap and made no further attempt to explain. But when he quit work that evening, be pushed his wheelbarrow up to her door and left It sitting aD night Hog raising is profitable oply when 100 pounds of hog on the hoof will bring the price 13 bushels or more ef com. Jarbridge canyon in Owyhee county, Idaho, was once a saerftflclal place for Shoshoni Indians, who claimed the canyon was Inhabited by the deviL The "devil" turned out to be a huge mountain (An. 'IN,. ... _ "Anar kick," he asked. "Any hick!" was the , "Why, got m pike out of yesterday." "Do you know who I "No," said the fisherman. "I'm tiie chief magistrate here, and an this estate Is mine." "And do you know who I am?" asked the fisherman, quickly. "No." "I'm the biggest liar la the United States." WINDY WINDMItli Poultry TB Eliminated In One Year With Can - Tuberculosis hi chickens can be eradicated In one year, according to Prof. Frank E. Mussehl of the University of Nebraska poultry department. He advises raising chickens h dean quarters and on clean ground, changing the location of the range every year. Eliminate or seQ old hens from the flock by June 1 of each year unless the birds are very high grade breeders. Hogs are by far the most valuable farm animals for converting Waste and by-products of the farm Into marketable products. "I am a woman of tew words," said the haughty mistress to the new maid. "If I beckon with my finger, I mean come." "I am a woman of few words, too," replied the maid, "ft I shake my head. 1 mean I ain't comin'." State-Chartered * |>f the 14,008 banks, exclusive of brandies, in the United States, 9,« 60S are state-chartered banks. The total resources of these state {in stitutions are $88,840,838,000. or si* most one-half of the total banking resources of the entire country. Rydrolube, the first noninflammable hydraulic Add, has been developed by scientists of the naval research laboratory, Washington, D. C. Using a water base, the new fluid, which is the result of four years of systematic search, wOl eliminate fire hazards result*' Ing from use of petrolevon-base fluids In hydraulic systems. Help others by giving to the March.of Dimes. to buy y»«r , , , v a U n t i a e e , fUlw1iaM mmI ovT.M , jl Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattle* Drug Store, Mc Henry. at# THERE 18 ALWAYS A LABOX ASSORTUB^T COLD CUTS AMD RI8H HEATS TO WB* WITH YOUR MENU PLANNINa. . The long-winded lecturer had been holding forth for over an hour, except for brief pauses from time to time to gulp a hasty drink of water. Finally, during one audi intermission, an old man In the audience leaned toward his neighbor and announced in a loud whisper: "First time I ever saw a windmill run by watert" ri I T H E S T I R L I N G SANDCR FOR: f. B. BjorbuH & Son 130Jfciyer8kU Br. Phone 722 UNDERFED UECmym Xi BABY NEEDS Trained Specialists fo !i give you EXPiRT ADVKX on WHAT IS Of ST FOR YOUR SAtY • Complete Line of Baby Need* . i i f i • Baby Pants* Baby Shsstf Baby Powdf • Baby Oil • Baby Cream -- Nlpplti • Cotton • Baby food - EOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHOMB 40 ^ W I XcHENEY, ILL. * Frsfssslsnsl Frtde A snrgeon. an engineer and a poll* tician were arguing over whose pro* fession wss the oldest. Said the surgeon: "Eve was made from Adam's rib, and that was a .surgical operation." "Maybe," snid the engineer, "but prior to that order was created out of chaos, and that was an engineering job." "But," Interrupted the politican, "somebody crested the chaos." Leaded WUh Vitamins Patron--Waiter, there's a fly In my soup. Waiter--Be careful, sir, our. food is so full of vitamins he may attack you. "You are right, sergeant," said the C. O.; "that new man is skinny. Put him to work cleaning rifles." "Yes, sir," said the sergeant, "shall we push him through or pull him through?" Superstition "Is it true that it's bad luck fcr a black cat to follow yoij?" . "Depends whether you're a man or a mouse." '* • ' • TRAVEL INSTRUCTIONS "Please tell me which platterm I take for (he train to "Tern to the left and yeell be right, lady." "Young man, don't be Impertinent." "Okay, lady, hes tarn to the right asi mH he left!" Long Dlstaaoo Jumper A professor who has trained fltarf says that a healthy flea can Jump what would to us bo the equivalent of hilf, s mile. A Nationally known advertising expert defines salesmanship ss "the abmty to make people want what they already need.f*_ MEN'S CASEY JONES COVERALLS Dehydrated Egg Shells Kit shells now are being dehydrated and ground into a AM p der or flour as a commercial terprise. They ere used for the most part in livestock feed. Where available, however, they offer an economical means of supplying time In human nutrition. ^ WE ENCOURAGE FRIDAY SHOPPim Sliced Bacon . . lb. lb. V, SAURKRAUT -- 1 QT. FREE WITH EACH % ORDER OF 8PARSRXB8 QR FORK HOCKS. PEN THURSDAY McHenry, III .•rtSvV Phone 182 <'i'y mm* IIWI> Radioactive Stockpile Atomic piles in Oak Ridge and elsewhere are making available to all branches of research a supply of radioactive materials that progslses to spehd the solution of many current medical as well as chemical problems. America's Shortest River Link river, which Joins Upper Klamath lake with Lske Ewsuns, is one of the notion's shortest streams. Less thsn s mile long. It flows entirely within the city limits of Klamath Falls, lumbering and agricultural city of southern Oregon. The nation's shortest river Is the D, 400 feet long, flowing from Devils lake Into th§ *ea.*long the Oregon coast Make your contributions to the March of Dimes before Feb. 1st. • Grey-Green Color • Two-Way Open Top & • Sanforized Fabric • Heavy Weight • (Sizes 36-46 • Inseam Measurements • Action Back and Highfla ws art for dks yen aey.. • that's the big thing la hnyfag7f. And wftf?(San** OMsmnliiir, yea fee ra-Matic Drive, "Rocket" Engine! fk. " ^5 ^ i *K> <• '.-'f'"" ^ nawey. morw ax»PWi mmm wr It's SMART to Own an OUsf to supply, and-we will give you a lair and teasoeahk allowance on your present ear. PTMANCINQ--Yon may pay cash for jour new OW»- mobile or finance it wherever you wuh. We will he glad to furnish low coat finance and insurance terms. IOBIIS--All oars are delivered with accessories -- -m ered, and prieea are figured to cover theae. We will add no "extras" tacept those customer orders. SERIES "Mr riwb r^Ti-e .fWli.U DeLaxe flah Ceene Club Set'an DeLnxe Clah Sedan 8187J* Town Sedan 81«flM DeLnxe Town Sedan SltflJi Sedan DeLaxe Sedan HEAL1R Cenv. Cenpe SUBURBAN MOTOR SAUE8 EXOffflON f ft*, , , t_W- ^ adiver all new OUsmofailes at the earliest possible date consistent with production. PUB! We will charge no more than the delivered wilts suggested by did •mobile Division of General Motors. Buyer will receive an itemised bill of sale. tIADg-INt--We will take your order and deliver your car without requiring a trade-in. However, we SftTO nttj fftlnid iModl oir customer* wc would 1Ik© • B I L E

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