m to- %EARLR.,^AI^H " '^^foair *So I Hear:' : 'h - > "To« probably kan mi dur- Mc fbar'alco reet I* thf hospital, t»at the Notre Draw Ot«b of St. Joseph Valley on Thursday last, ipotaorad Its twsnty-ninth Annual Civic Testimonial Banquet for THE football team. m "You read how Bill Fischer in- ^bugurated an annual presentation of a shillelagh from captain to captain--the monogram awards-- the gold-gootballs--the awarding of tl«e J., Hugh O'Donnell trophy to Michigan as 1948 national champions, (according to the Associated Press poll), how the aftair was attended by distinguished persons -- newsmen -- coaches--radio and movie stars--of the stirring tribute and classic remarks, by jPrank Leahy. 'If I couldn't coach Jrt Notre Dame I would never want to doach any place else in the j United States'-- "And I thought you might like to hear what goes on 'back of the scenes', or why Mr. Albert 'Notre Dame' MeOaan TOWS each year that 'never again' will he hare anything to do with the banquet-- but like Sarah Bernhardt's farewell tours-- About the time each year when le tycoons of industry of our city return from business trips which have happened to coincide with football games scheduled by Notre Same from Baltimore to California » «*la meeting is called. 'The general pattern of plans Is -rMr. N. D. McGann sex to me . Mbout 1J:80 a. m.) 'Will you take % look at the conference room, we're having a meeting this noon-- and oh yes--couldn't w« arrange «• a little lunch?' Well, the comttee goes into action and about an hour later, the obliging restaurant next door has club sandwiches cherry pie, coffee and cigars ready and waiting. One never has a committee meeting without food! "Of course this is followed each Week by luncheon meetings at the various hotels and clubs In the Vicinity (none of this 'covered dish to pass' stuff like we foolish women C Savings Basil purchased In nil- [aals la IMS established a new high ink. tor the peacetime program, sgeeedtag 1MT in both Series B and Striae % r, and o totals. > Arnold J. Rauen of Plstakee Bay, -- PALACE -- . R. Fredrtcka, S18-Xld-UT; B. Thennes, ZOO-617; H. Steffan, MS; L. 8mith, 243-613; L. Thennes, 201- Buln Critic r\NCE when John Barrymore was touring the country in one of his classical, or long4udred. Darts, a dramatic critic in 9L Louis described in minute dalail hoar the actor wore his hair mid the way his neck was shaved. He scarcely touched upon Mr. Barrymore*s acting. Later tain week a oft reporter on the same newspaper asked the Great Profile, "Mr. Barrymore, what did you think ef ear erttirlsm of your play?" •Td Uks to see'ftat atttfa." J«*n replied. "TAB know !>e played ta my important etty In Sm United States, but Oils Is rva had my * • Ljtfle Oscar, whoaa rsrsnQi movedinto fhe was playing with seme at Ma feund friends in ie backyard at * Dm aelgfcbar, a eort oI woman, looked out ef her window and called oat to tbe newcomer, "Hello, therel bait ttria a pew taeeT" A deep red aaOMad Osear*s freckles. "No, it's not. new,** ha patiently explained. "It's Just been washsdl" Tor this position," the atom Since the Revenue Act of 1§4S changes the standard deduction, a few words of explanation of the standard deduction should prove profitable. The. optional standard deduction Director of the Treasury's [ waa Introduced in 1*46 as- a tax 0. S. Savings Bonds division, in his ] simplification device. It sparse a annual report pointed oat that the I taxpayer the neceesity of ltemts- $181,000,600 Series B sales of 1948 |lng hlj personal deductions'such as were eighteen million dollars over j contributions. Interest, trices, etc. 1947 and twenty million dollars > In lieu a flat Reduction is allowed ahead of 1946. Total B, F, and G j the taxpayer. sales in the state were $624,OOO.OOC Under the new law the maximum this year, which is up seventeen mil- j standard deduction allowable on a lion dollars over last year and up < joint return of a married couple or twenty-six million dollars from the return of a ainfcle person has 1946. b^en increased to $1,000. Married "This record," commented Rauen.i persons filing separate are still "is due to the good investment > limited to a maximum of $500. judgement of the purchasers and j Persons with adjusted gross into the many public spirited citizens ' come of less than $5,000 must, if who serve on our various com-! they do not choose to Itemise their > mitees throughout the state and actual deductions, determine their I Rogers, 539; Blake, 202-533. help to promote the sale of Sav- [tax from the tax table on page 4 lngs Bonds. The co-operation we i of Form 1010, which In each case have received from countless i Includes an allowance for deducorangisatloas, from the radio and ! tlons of 10 per cent of the adjusted TV stations, the press and through j gross income fiver*-- , 4C; Graadt, *0«: •. Jtdmsoir.tl*- Kl; N. Freund, 609*. Duttko, 612. Majors-- Miller, 646; Bacon, SIC; Peisert. 221-214-200-636; Rosing, 626; C. Thorsell, 204-546; J. Thorsell, 505; ®a if C. L. Stilltng, MS-Sft; B. Koslnskl, 101-613. t. F. W.-- "" Low, 262-585; Smith. 506; Bacon. MJ-5S5; Qetaer, 60*; Pries. Mllehasburf-- J. Frett, 611. nuniK Steven Sachy, 54, attendant at the Mala tag in Cary, waa k&led Wednesday morning by press train as he waa el snow from the tracks g walk near the tower he The crossing galea, wh|ej^;- lowered bat < witness. Saehy sr-'* ^ . szsst z: ® . Farm Hand < Larceny Of Two Radios The City OouaeB met in regular semi-monthly anatlnj with Mayor Overton preaHlfeg, Alderasea preaent: Althoff, Andereon, George Ji, JVennd, George P JYeund, Regner, Tonyan. Absent: None. Motion by Regner, seconded by George P. Freund, that the minutea of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Reports from committees andb head* $4 various municipal departments Were received by the Council. B. Schlltt, 526; 1L chTrfw ! *A committee o«f ' tavern operator^ s5oSV i?SSS «° • - « riq. \i i iwm hand Old Timer*-- D®wns,' 621: Barb tan, southwest of McHenry Mr. Puller '"'"•W »' ordinance pertaining ; charges that th. radio ... takS S1""™ Wt,° "»" »»• cro°™n. u the purpose of procuring liquor. g B gnaI*- sponosred advertising haa been out afttndlag "That this support haa been effective la promoting added sales is evidenced by the (act that ^Illinois eold Ml per cent of the E Bond national volume. Similarly, in total S, F and O aalea Illinois sold 9jl per cent of the total aa against 9.99 per cent and 8.44 per cent in the two preceding years. When we ooBsider that Illinois haa about 7 per ceat of the effective buying income of the country as a whole, aad yet sella thia much larger percentage of bonds, it indicatea that the people throughout our state are storing up savinge for the future at t higher rate compared to income than in any large Industrial said Rauen. FREAK ACCIDENT Four valuable milk cows owned mI, anager said, "••w e want a man who amp. were electrocuted In a freak is responsible. 'accident recently. Mr. Yates re- "That's me, boss,** the applicant ported that an electric light wire In "ev"e"ry• ytim- e somethin1g --we*nt• «w rong, 'S# barn brok. o« and the current they told me I was responsible! TRAFFIC BULKS 'And, presently Mr. Costin mentions on the sport page of the Tribune that tickets are ready and will go on sale. The rush is on, although the tickets are really sold before they are printed. "We get out the old chart of the Dining Hall and number the tables 1 to 73, twelve to a table, knowing all the while that Mr Ford, head of the Dining Halls will have to add No. 74 or the walls will bulge. ^ "The battle ranges--th* main concern Is whether one will be assigned to a table near the Speakers' < Table--or the Steam Table. Some- i thing like the 50 yard->line. I "Twehty-one purchasers of tables t this year had the privilege, of enter- | taUning two monogram winners. "More trouble, but eventually all fa settled--the president of the dub draws Capt. Fischer--an oldtimer who once lived in a western ^ty is granted the pleasure of the ftmpany of that city's contribution to the team--all seems serene--but then an AU-A,merican has Invited his father--more switching around --another old timer do*ss't care-- he eata with the boys eMry day in the cafeteria. "Our good frienda at the University, Father John Gavanaugh, Father John Murphy, Herb Jones. Art Haley, and Bob Cahill and the various members of the committee Kl help members In arranging for e distinguished guests--the freshman squad--the band--the glee club--the policemen--High School coaches--Board of Lay Trustees-- the radio--cocktail hour -- hotel reservations -- transportation -- decorations -- trophies -- gifts--a replica of a .real fire engine, built by firemen of South Bend for a volunteer fireman, Fr. John Murphy C. S. C. vice president of Notre Same. ^"All seems to be arranged .and then about 6 o'clock on the banquet day. the fireworks start-- "A call from last years' starsh-- they are arriving and will pick up tickets at the doors. (Then isn't sdch a thing as one ticket left.) Mr. N. D. McG. gives up his own pla.ce and grabs a ham sandwich in the Caf--more shuffling-- "Two gentlemen from Indiana arrive with their loving wives--no 0|e had informed them it was strictly stag ($10.00 refund). Six o'clock and an old friend arrives to pick up four reservations. Horrors, that gal In the office sold them-- we find a way out--know a guy named Sheehan--a lost ticket--our chart comes out and a duplicate is issued. "Someone has placed an orange rfl>bon (or perhaps it's gold) on tbe shillelagh. Vfe dash down the fatpy just as the store is closing *101 doors and emerge with a streamer of green satin--the day is Cred -- And about this time we pe' all tickets are pronerfy asalgned and are reminded of the Chioago scalper who approached ue last fell prior to the Northwestern gairo )with his offi«r of $40 per ducat* and after being properly squelched, remarked "That's the trouble, the wrong people is got the tickets!' If "Tour S. B. C. "P. 8.--Now next year If we should accidentlv have anv remote conf$ ction with the affair--and you -• afe in good health--Maybe wr can gfet you a single at Table IS--** tome- I hope tb listen to Joe Brand's broadcast" Joe, a truck driver, stopped suddenly on the highway. The car behind crashed into the truck end the owner of the passenger car sued. "Why didn't you bold out your hand?" the judge asked Joe. "Well," replied Joe Indignantly, "if he couldn't see the truck, how to heaven's name could he see my "Look at this--jost look at this!" eried a woman, tossing a faded dress on s shop's counter. "What's wrong, lady?" asked a dark. "Whafi wrong!" shrieked the lady. "When you sold dm this dress you said its' color was flnt Ant look at it now. Hie color came out the very first washing.** "Well," said the clerk, "wasn't that fast enough?" ran through the pipe to the milk machine where two pipes were touching. The current traveled down the stanchion frames and Mr. Yates believed that the cows were electrocuted when they moved and rubbed the stanchions. The cows were valued at $1,000. Persons with adjuated gross incomes of $5,000 or more may, if they choose, claim the standard decductlon In lieu of their actual deductions which is computed as follows: On the return of a single person, 10 per cent of the adjuated gross Income or $1,000, whichever is smaller. The joint return 6f a married couple. 10 per cent of tho adjusted gross income or $1,000, whichever is smaller. Separate return of a married person, $500 and no more. One provision used to effect a tax reduction under the Revenue Act of 1948 increases the prcentage credit allowed against the tentative normal tax and surtax. The normal tax and surtax were not reduced. They remain the Sift; j from the barn on their farm. , I The first radio was taken laat [week from the Walter Wolthaueen barn in the same vicfhity. Gasch were only the City--- - Rogers, 158-548; Schaeffer, 115- 'bad been helping Mr. Wolthausen 566; Weiser, 611; Steffes, 537; get his cattle in shape for a sale Freund, 548; Hagberg, Sr., 551; i*nd had noticed the radio in the Meath, 539; Matthesius, 512; gtol-jbarn, he told authorities. He relor ,502; Conway, 518; Kreutier, turned that night and took the ma- Following discussion, the sample , Toni Permaneat Wave Kits, ordinance was referred to the City snd 92.00. Wattles Drag Store. 101-618 --HcHEHRY RECREAT10K-~ •*|er»-- W. Hagberg, 506; Sutton, 107- 119; Bacon, 509; J. Larkin, 619. Early Birds-- M. Freund, 177-411; D. Schaefer, 111-449; B. Peterson, 474; H. Bar- the board of directors of the Elgin teee, 419. i National Watch Co., for the paat •« ;year and previous to Quit preatteat Hlto Owls-- | for sixteen years, died on Monda^ 81a Weber. 171-467; B. Hoyte, jevenlng, Jan. 14, at the University 184-482; J. Hoffman, 445° ]of Pennsylvania hospital. PhlladA- , _ i pbia, Pa., following a. phirt fflnsia "eaal ' ! He became ill while visiting a sister C. Thorsell, 109-619; ft Weber,,in that city. chiae to his room on the Copp farm. He was apprehended by Sheriff Fred C. Bau bat when he questioned at the time about the other radio in his room he aasertod that it belonged to hint. f. ALBERT POTTER DIBS T. Albert Potter, (5, chairman of ";5 • "'Mk-: Here Jfeit|irday, January 29th »Th* Knrt Bwntifnl totf Oa WkNb bverton Cadillac-Pontiac Co. <66Fr<mt Stmt via *: VISIT THE AIDED NEEDY FAMILIES There are probably many people in the community who are unaware of the help extended to needy j than $5000 who do not elect to families during the past holiday itemise their deductions, has been season. Through the kindness of adjusted to conform to the new the V. F. W. post, the V. F. W. I law. Auxiliary, th# Legjon Auxiliary, There has been allowed in com- 517; B. Peisert, 505; D. Kennebeck, 502: E- Ingersol. 528; L. Adams, I One out of ten persona ave sufsame as under the prior law. Under j 537; R. Jus ten, M0. iflcently stall mentally to reqaire the old law a flat credit of 5 per-i --wUw medical attention. cent was allowed against the tenta- D. of A.-- - ' tlve tax. The credit under the law L. 8mlth, 414. J Subscribe for The Plalndealer. is computed as follows: If the tentative tax is: 1. Not over $400 the credit Is 17 per cent of the tentative tax; 2. Over $400 but not over $100,000, the credit is $68 plus 12 per cent of the excess over $400. 3 Over $100.00iQ, the credit Is $12020 plus 9.75 percent excess over $100,000. A new limitation haa been set to the total amount of tax. In no case may the total tax exceed 77 per cent of the net Income. The tax table on the fourth page of Form 1040, designed for the use of* taxpayers with incomes of less BASKETBALL On ' • r * ' Palace Recreation 119 8. Green Street MoHenry, Illinois Open bowling every afternooa from 2 till 6 p. m. McHKlTRY CO-OPS AND FORX8TXB* : ' ii Girl Scouts, Elks, Red Cross and Mrs. J. S. Dickson, twenty baskets were filled with clothing, food and toys for distribution locally. The committee in charge of this worthwhile work is grateful to the individuals of these organizations for their help in filling and .dlstribtttlng these baaketa.- # U. S. Papulation Population of the United States reached 143,414,000 in 1947. This was a 'gain of 6.9 per cent since 1940. During the same period California showed s gain of 42.1 per cent Make your contribution* to Hie March of Dimes before Feb. 1st Need rubber stampsf The Plaindealer* . Order at FOB SAFETY'S A woman m the United States sait s play pen to s friend of hers in Australia, after tbe arrival of her third child. The "thank you" not* read as follows: "Thank you ever so much tor (he pen--it's s perfect godsend. I «tt in it every afternoon and read, and the children can't get near me." • J CSUHCIL FLOODS POND ' ^ During the cold weather of last week, skating was reported to be ptore popular than ever at the skat- 4ng pond on the corner of Washington and Court streets. The/city |i» now taken over the work of j|o0dlpB the pond, relievtag the M«- Henry firemen, who eo generously donated their time for thia Worth- Vhlle parpoaa ia the pa#4U BBTWBBN IBB LIMBS to • veal deal by a nelgfcfcer. Be to usatrsl Ma anger aa he toe fells w lag lettor to My secretary ism"* type what I yea, aad L betag a geatlessnnst say It Bat yea* beeither, will what. I mean.1 Fstettmg Dark Woedwerk When painting dark woodSraak white, first a:ply s coat of stain gesler to prevent the dark stain from "bleeding through" the new fcaet of light paint Ttreifoie SNOW and MUD TIRES : Well, the skow has arrived at last and driving is difficult unless yon have snow tires on your caror truck. If yon have never used FIRESTONE Snow and Mud Tires, just ask the man who has them. We can supply your siss. " i: •' ( •. .v «.-'£• J, f '»• ' V -it nrst Game 7:30 teHHOLY HIGH SCHOOL GYMRIIRW ynjeM VMI WnCKC. TVU m putlng the table a credit of $600 for each exemption, an allowance of approximately 10 per cent of the amount of the adjusted gross income in lieu of itemized deductions and the appropriate credit against the tax. The table hae also been adjusted ttrglve effect to the Income splitting provisions of the new law. It is still possible for a person with income of $5,000 or leas to use the short Form 1040 and find the correct amount of the tax on the table on page 4. Additional columns have been provided to show the tax oa a separate or a joint return. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me; Henry. 8-tf Bead the Want' Ads. * FIRESTONES To fit a41 sixes for can, trucks and tractors. ifcfirractor Chains Also nhains for aU csrs and trucks, FIRESTONE BATTERIES Yon can get one of these high grade batteries now to fit all the late models of Buicks, Pontiacs, Olds aad Cadillacs for $17.80, plus your old battery. WM- "1:W LOOK AT AU THfSl| sisr checse uirsi MBMaSBS..I£Wl»g«g auniu ul mm 2 £ W I U.I ' Ik, 95 KRAFTS VELVEETft 2£75c ffig&Bt.:. -St AwArwtfvY IwMiMisMiiOufweHi JA ||li a>0U "T Al--Clll 40k| As CreamBnckCfceese 59* CKODMI CHEESE .u69* • HJUKMOON$MM _ „ nB E2le*UTEK CHEESE « 39" S on • MOfBl N#OMB> swtss _ PAa jMIMb tpnei.-mm S&2T VERA SUV e£29* r is: it VITAMIN ENRICHED EVAPORATED NATCO MILK About one-third of the medical discharges from the armed 'forces were far neuropsychiatrie reaaohs. Teal Permanent Wave Kits. |14S, Sj eg ftfi w»ni»« t>th» Si t•o wrwe • .} S'fWt. -U WALTER J. FREUND tlrt Tfree -- Tabea -- Batteriea -- Accaaaoriea aa|| Tpbe Valcanlsing Bicycle All Work Gaaranteed B4, .*'• Weal' McHeavf •TSNINGS AMD SUNDAYS Z2T . 3 DELICIOUS--NATCO SPICED PLUM PRESERVES; W HUM. MOR REDI-MEAT or TREAT •oners iu 3^41 ASST FUMNSA - JELM..3~2y mm jam, m nmac ok imm Trssl Shsrtsatac. «" Low Pricas in Fmh Fruits and VaoafcabUs IOA4f Z22k~ 2 aw ^37 B0RDUPS URBERKRMZ ^""33 HAFT MMAWK Oalavo Pears ea. 19c SHOW