•MWiWld Mel«irr b«r of lathe ftse, m the enlp ads whh* «n 9m «k Ww this sscuon «T «M mmt nit to eress at 10 be printed. ! FOB 8AIE--Buss nv, stationary or tnetoMBMBtei; fltewaitcow clippers, both ' lite wt; tractor umbrella. Also domestic rabbit* for raising or eating. Phone Mc- I Henry 617-W-2. *8t FOR SALE--Victor portable 8-baak adding machine, completely overhauled recently. $60. Tpl. He- Henry 188. - *87 rokiiu f«E SALE--Model A. Ford; very seasonable. Phone Richmond 291. •87 m4m m wmexLLAxmov* WiTKI ANALYSIS--Well water checked tor fecal contamination anl bacterial content. Specimen mat he transported in sterile container. Charge $4. McHenry Xiriical Laboratory, 308 8. fhone 291. *34-4tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE farm er Heasekeld J. A. FITZGERALD Phone McHenry SW4-2 or Crystal Lake 8M *»•# lot fronting on highway in Tolo -- -- Reasonable. "Will finance responslf »E SALE -- 1941 4-door deluxe jble party. Call McHenry S67-R-1 Plymouth in good condition; for , *37 . gtaedlate sale; |795. Tel. McHenry FOR SALE--Immediate possession; newly remodeled and decorated, 6- room home; automatic oil heat; hot | CLEANING AND PRESSING on and cold muting water; large | men's and women's clothing; also cabinet kitchen, shower, linoleum repairs and alterations; will pick Aaama #tetl 1>m aani nit t AA_#i tstwwa Im« n^ll GLthlewAdA T©1 36-tf floors, Ml basement. 100-ft. town' up. Call Vincent Schiavone FOR SALE---Automobile radio to lilt 1941 through 1948 Chevrolet; also maple dinette aet. like new. Call McHenry 202-J. *37 |QB BALE--1836 Plymouth coupe; ids 1941 Dodge motor; bargain. 0*11 McHenry 139-R. « 37 r1----~ i FOR SALE--Immediate occupancy; HMt SALE--1947 Pljrmouth, special • 27-foot, 3-room Liberty House club coupe, 16,500 mllss: !Trajler. llke new; running water Wte neW; $1,1T5. Tel. McHenry aB(j sewer connected; toilet and 81-M . : *71 grower facilities; many extras. aiT* b«k-*.»h«iiv hnllt! Priced far below present market ' Finish interior Thomas,c *Hso *nyw p'ord rS,ub d,i.vvis,io8n-, Wonder Lake. elf. Full price. |2,975. See on the Lake Shore. T. P. ITHEWS, Real Estate and In- Broker, Wonder Lake. 36-tf »R SALE located -1% lots, slse 75x150 in MU1 Stream Ad- Corner Grand Are. and York St. Fox Lake, 111. *37 FOR SALE -- New Holland baler, used very little. Tel. ^nnd Lake 4680. *37-2 FOR SALE--Mink-blended muskrat Phone McHenry 140-J. *36-2 j coat, ^ 16; insurance value, 3200; SALE NN*eww HHaalllllrlrcarfatefrtse r1s8je^U for *150-i n|mArl|sUo| C•Cilv er fox COm11"." S£tSl ^:givTw^nAh^; price $59. Tel. McHenry 654- M-~ Front St, McHenry. Phone K"z S6"2 j SPINET PIANO--Beautifully staled d, $4 buhei.' ah of l°T JT;ation or assorted, oranges, grape- details write Gordon Netzow the it Send check to D. W. MAL-: dealer now living in Milwaukee, Y, Ldfce Helen, Florida. 35tf; Wis., at 4627 N. 27th Street, Apt. 10. -------- --! Matching bench. Drayage included SALE -- Five-room modern j if liring near McHenry. *37 flNune house and garage on large lit; house insulated; near churches, i FOR All McHenry 146-R. Ernest M.! in McHenry 615-R-2. WHY NOT CLEAN THE EASY WAY! .Rent our new scrubbing and polishing machine. Nlesen's Floors, located st Peter M. Justen Furniture Store, West McHenry. Phone 63 or 38. 66-2 WALL TILE--Plastic and metal in many beautiful colors. Eliminate costly, periodical painting bills; also rubber and asphalt floor tile. Call for feree estimate. J. M. Stangarone, phone McHenry 661-J-l 86-4 WE HANDLE drapery and curtain rods of all kinds. Nlesen's Floors. Located at Peter M. Justen Furniture Store, West McHenry. 86-2 MODERNIZE YQUR KXTOHE* OR BATHROOM with plastic or aluminum wall tile;' also rubber floor tile. 3-pe. Gerity bathroom accessories free with each wall tile job. For free estimates call Waueonda 5252 or 5758. *34-4tf FREE ESTIMATES OH ROOFING, SIDING, INSULATION. COMBINATION WINDOWS, ROOMS IN ATTICS, OARAGES. CALL WONDER LAKE 698 AFTER 5 P. M. •32-8 TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-B. 15-tf SALE--15-30 tractor motor good Shape. Call McHenry .fihr. Executor, 115 Broad St, Mc- 523-R-l. *37 FOR SALE -- Year-round 4-room round comfort j home, full basement, two-car garage, furnace heat Price for Two blocks south on Phone McHenry 122-R. •37 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf SALE--Year , eeonomy with fireproof JOHNS TYPE A ROCKWOOL j quick sale. LTION installed in the walls • Fox street eeOings of your home. For free { rmate, call Leo J.. Stilling, 200 Pearl stiest, TeL McHenry 18. 35-tf FROM HIGH -Trukaeadous savings on and used--Spinets, and Uprights, in our Jaa- Javeetory sale. Call Elgin er write DAVID E. STARK CO., <1 N. Union St., Eight, S3-tf „i •ALE--Tea tobies with odea j 40 leatherette chairs (new); ;-ia cooler sad deep freese (new) dryer and all tubing and (new); dishes and ldtehea AM Tavern. 202 8. TeL MeHeary 860. 30-tf J*--MWB8T BOOM Ranen Mela attest, Johasburg; Ink Barege; also suitable nr MBoUtuwt eall IRS REAL ESTATE, in TeL MeHeary 37. 88-tf t CTsaetators, armatures, (Ml pumps, distributors regulators and ignition parts and all other ears. 8eaeo A, Set vise, Lilymoor, Fred J. Prop. TeL MeHenry 188. 47-tf DONT FORGET THAT BIG SALE iff USED RECORDS at 707 South Green St Best records, best artists, best prices. 15c each, 7 for $1.00; 25 for $3.50; 100 for $10. Hurry now while they last *17 FOR SALE--Deep freese. 16 cubic ft; oil heater-and hard coal^tove. Barblan Bros. Phoue McHenry 180. 86-8 FOR SALE--New Cape God 4-room house located on 8. Green 8t., near high schooL Stanley fkhaffer, TeL MeHeary 124-M. 26-tf IA86AIV OWNER LEAVING FOR ' WISCONSIN, MUST SELL s . Automatic oil (furnace) heat; fntl cement basement; lot 100x150; near stores and bus line, MeCnllom Lake; near beach ,69,250. For appointment call JACOB FRITS, REALTOR, JOHNSBURG. TeL MeHenry 37 tl-tf FOR SALE -- ALL TEAR HOMES, 65,000 and up. FARMS, Urge and small; CHOICE LOTS; LISTINGS, APPRECIATED* STOMPOVATO* S REAL ESTATE, Wood , -- , soetk, 111., Call CECELIA E. KNOX, SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD-j McHENRY, TeL 421-J. *317 Service on all M Aim ribbons for all makes; FOR SALE -- Yeat-ronnd home, paper. L. V. Kilt*, Clay St.,,modern; four rooms and bath; en Phone 549. 7-tf j closed porch; lot 77x140; in city SALE--Fur coat, slse 16.. in ! ^ .°f Uc™enT?> Country Club condition. Phone McHenry i8nb^Utton' i™^d;atejK>s^«on; HAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septie tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. TeL McHenry 290. 29-tf YEAR-ROUND . GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with the best of service. Also rubbish hauled in loads or half loads. FRED wiaTZ TeL 758-B. 7-tf CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS TeL MeHenry 653 M 2 80-tf experienced LANDSCAPING---TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED 3. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 168 Phone »6-R -- W. McHenry, HL 4S-tf t*3» 0. J. H. DISHL Woodstodk Piano Tonor Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 80-tf Woodstock, HL Moslems McHenrftlt, Phone 86^1 HELP WAltEB-Woman" to assist In houMWbMt wA take care of children. Phohe 677-W-l. *36-8 HELP WANTEDr--Housekeeper on farm near Spring Q»m; .middleaged woman preferred; references desired; steady work; stay nights. Nick Huff, Rt 1, McHenry. Tel. Richmond 485. *37 LEARN THE REAL ESTATE PROFESSION-- Wanted an active man or woman in this vicinity to represent a well established, Real Estate Co., as salesman, must have a car and willing to devote most of their time to the business. Write Real Estate Investment Co., Post Office Box 24S, Woodstock, 111. 37 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Modern > Lake Shore Home at Wonder Lake; living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and complete bath; furhlshed or unfurnished. See TP on the Lake Shore. T. P. MATHEWS, Real Estate and Insurance Broker, Wonder Lake. 36-tf LOST LOST-- White wire-haired' fox terrlor. Blind. Vicinity Johnsburg and Wilmot Road, just south of Rt. 12. REWARD. Phone Richmond 16 or 916. *36-2 Political Motto i'Vp| A BOMBASTIC politician oune out to deliver s csmpslga address lir a certain city. He was strictly of the old school of "sound and fury" orators, signifying nothing. Classical literary allusions were this particular gentleman's weakness, and poetry and polished prose quotations gushed from his large and mobile mouth like erode water In a spring freshet. "Onward and upward is my way!" he cried. "Hence my motto Is 'Excelsior,' 'Excelsior!'" "It should be!" cried a youthftil voice from the back of the halL "You're stuffed with - DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for eows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, 8und»yf and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse ehsrges, 36-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Begulsr year round route. John eTh^TP. 6* Box 87*, Mc Henry, Phone 365. tf 37 SALE--10-room cement block and cement block barn, latte? 1 <MHable for apartment; house ln- ^ Mdated; on larg* lot; near , *] jdhnrches. Call McHenry 140-R. " Hraest M. Bohr, Executor, 115 '••-'I jjsard St., McHenry. 87 •, m SALE--Being overstocked will a few good Holstein cows. In Ferbuary and March. TB | ed lot. can be seen anytime. Priee 86,000. Frank Holt, Park Pub, eorner Pearl and Green Sts., MeHenry. Phone McHenrv 462. 29-tf STENOGRAPHY--Stenography and typing service; billing, letters, ete.; by hour or day. TeL MeHenry 797-R. '!# • *®*tf THIS IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN Owner must sell at leu than half replacement valne, at Colmar, Spring Grove*--Fine 7-room residence, exceptional large living room; automatic oil ffcteam) heat; large wood Reduced price $14,500. T WANTKD MtM« Alter# Lm«w* I. U. SjMlalM Explain Molds, borne on the air from crop Soldi, play a part second only to that of pollens In causifcg at lerglc symptoms, and, it has been Estimated, about 80 per cent of allergic persons are clinically sensitive to molds, a Northwestern university specialist reports. Dr. Theodore B. Bernstein, s member of the allergy division faculty in the medical schooL spoke before the opening session of the week-long orientation course in clinical allergy, sponsored by Northwestern end the American Academy of Allergy. The ihost important molds, from the standpoint of alldtgy causation, are the group known as fungi imperfect!, Dr. Bernstein said, bt fti« class are included the most .important molds commonly found in the air, such as alteraaria, hormodendrum, sspergillus. penlcillium, and monilia. Mold spores (cellular reproductive bodies) are present in the sir all year 'round, and some types show seasonal fluctuation. Others, which are usually less important as allergens, do not Alternarla and hormodendrum account for 78 per cent of the total number M molds In the air, and about 80 per cent of the total alternarla crop to found during the six-month period of June through November. Hormodendrum and smuts also occur In large numbers during this period. , These statistics, the specialist said, were compiled after surveys conducted In Chicago during the last 10 yMrs, and hold true in genoral for conditions existing between the eastern and western mountain n»mi (The mold committee of Mm academy last year instituted a nationwide survey cf atmospheric fttagl.) •;a. Panle^L Utile Willie had Just begTfti to see the latest addition to the family. Now, he sat quietly In the living room, an expression of puzxlement on his freckled young face. His step-father came into the room, and Inquired a hit anxiously: "Well, son. what do JIDU think of him?" "Did you say be was my halfbrother?" Willie replied. "Yes," said his step-father. The boy considered briefly, end then blurted out: "WeU, tell me, pop, where the heck is thf other half?" . W If a child annoys you, quiet him by brushing his hair. If that doesn't work, use the other side of the brush en the other end of the sMM. WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 80. Green street, J^eHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED TO BUT Bsnap tested. No mastitis. For I appointment eall" JACOB FSITZ, Richmond 949. 'SEAI&OR, JOHNBUEO. TeL Mc-1 WANTED TO BUY--Used upright For' piano' in good condition. Tel. *37 information call | Walsh, McHenry 608-R-l. Henry 37. / 31-tf Helen Weber Says Cbgf-Home Comfort Cornee oi DKYCLEANED Furnishing* Tfca#• la tie* So 4o HUIUSS jHmlt «KM" IM|I»IIT is s--1st SporkllBC Irtn ewtalu trtparlM and tprttd* gay lBBACUlKt*. to your Blip covora.. . .tka Mat M4iaf imt aaS eloaa OON'T (orgat to hava your favorite hoataoa gova apotlaas fraah •baa coapaay arriyaa, |o« •ajoy tbals vtalt, rolaaoS • *ad raato4, 'and proud o< the ^^keerlulp cloaa appaaraaco s nft licHenry Cleaners WANTED TO BUT--We have cash buyers for resort propertiee, homes and farms, JACOB FRITS, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. TeL IfeHeary 37, or Chicago, Lineola 1388. 2-tf II. ! N I^? 'HMNrNf AtMilMslitr Ti DctNt, Otvit N«atr«RS A tiny atom-smashing machine, no larger than a flower pot, has been developed by Westingjiouse scientists to detect and count neutrons-- vital building blocks in matter's structure. The new device, which contains a very small amount of uranium 888, generates a series of tiny atomic explosions to reveal the presence and behavior of neutrons. .It is expected to eneble scientists to penetrate more deeply into the core of the stom and eventually to solve more of the mysteries involving the powerful forces at work there. Called a "neutron counter," the Instrument was developed Jointly by Dr. Wlllism E. Shoupp, manager of nuclear physics and electronics at the Westinghouse research laboratories and Dr. Kuan- Han Sun, Chinese-Wn research physicist. "Witt the aid of this new Instrument," Dr. Sun said, "we will be able to make more accurate studies .of the number and weed tf neutrons. Selelde Remark A fellow actress was with Jealousy at the success of Gypsy Rose Lee in the literary world. , So sfter congratulating her on the success of her play, "The Naked Genius," she comment, ed: "I enjoyed 8 e let; who wdr It for you?" I , 'Tm so glad you liked It," purred Oypsy sweetly. "Uto read It te you?" Invisible First Gob--I hesr Sam Is In the hospital. What happened* to him? Second Gob--Oh, he came down a ladder about 10 minutes after it had been removed somewhere rise. Free Delivery Service Boy (in street)--How can I to the hospital? Traffic Cop--Just keep jftajg$ing where you are. Meat Vahns ' High lfmabw oi IajnriM Result of CankNBMS 4 One of the less spectacular but nevertheless important factors contrtbutingL to the reduction of meat and livestock values is the waste of meat and lower grading of pork cuts becauss of bruising. In view of this it is important to the welfare of the livestock industry and consumer alike that more care and patience be used in hsndling hogs. Bruise tests conducted recently by the Live Stock Sanitary Committee at Sioux City. Iowa, on 5,706 hogs Teste made en 8,708 hegs l»- dieate that the hams receive mere bruises than mf ether part of the animal. . { * indicate that there sre more bruised on hams than on all other major parts of msrket hogs. When the snimsls are driven they tend to turn sway from the driver, which often results in their getting hit or kicked on the hsms. The bruise tests on the bogs turned up s total of 902 bruised hams, 207 bruised bellies. 146 1>ruised shoulders and 134 bruised backs. Hams are much more often bruised on the lower part of the cushion and shsnk, or collsr, According to the tests which showed 511 end 653 bruises respectiv^far. This indicates that hogs probaMy are bruised when being driven or sorted. *" Most of the injuries are surface bruises, and many are caused by the driver kicking the hog or punching the animal with a cane, sorting pole, club, end gate rod or tome other handy instrument Some of the ham bruises are caused by protruding nails, broken boards, bolt fcteads or ends of gate hinges in yards, alleys and loading chutes. Others occur when trucks are not flush with loading or unloading chutes and platforms and the legs of the hogs slip into the space between the truck and the chutes, scraping the sides of the shanki 19 te the cushion of the ham. hii imqjB 'meet '.A hOLhe banker « story snd brought the liHHMl -ejte-'dit, anecdotes, but the latter didn't laugh--end he didnt lend the editor any money either. A few days liter the editor was passing the beak, when its president espied him through the window. end broke into a veritable paroxysm of laughter. "Come In. John, end get that money you wanted," he caned oat "You know. It wasn't unto thte morning that I caught tee point of that Joke yen told me the other day" "Wh«t did you do after that?" a friend asked the editor. "Whst do you suppose?" the ed|> tor retorted. "After that I always tell him a Jokd a week before I need the money!" iHv ; of as soon as poeslbiiti should be e»P!ipi:r<ea|0r stored away, and all pelil gNfipM rials kept tightly covered. MNO jHERSTA Perms at DeSarS In Peat Latest available estimsterf place Minnesota's peat resources at somewhere around 6,835.060,000 tonsmere than half the estimsted U. 8. Manage of 18J88.000.080. The U. S. figure Is Mid to exceed that of any ether nation with the exception «( the U. S. S. R. Nature of Virus Viruses sre 'complete parasites, living at the expense of living host colli, hot the chemical and metebotic processes by which viruses reproduce themselves'at the expense of the cells are unknown. A boxer eras oomlng to after being knocked out. "So my opponent's champion now?" be asked. "Not him," replied the pecond. "He's been besten twice since he knocked you out" DIRECTIONS far te the nearest town?" Inqalred Em motorist "Five miles, as , the crew flies," was the reply. "Hew far," persisted the sseterlst, **tf the crew has te walk, carrying a ean of gaaottne?" Driven te Tears , ' The hostess st 1 large party, rattier proud of her wee. rendered "Carry Me Back pa Old Vlrginee" in a rich and throaty tremolo. She was touched to notice e distinguished, white-haired man bow his heed snd weep quietly as the last notes floated over the room. As soon as she could, she went over to him and said: "Pardon me. but are yon a Virginian?" "No. madam/- saiA .the elderly man. brushing away a tear, "1 am a musician*" Before the war, ssys a Century Fund survey, cartel meets Increased the priee of sted carbide, an aBoy of diamondllke hardness used on the cutting edgei of high-speed midline toots. 888 per esnt over the prevailing^ price In tee United States maifcetH In 1887. Its market value was 1J times the vslue of gold. Help others by giving t* March of Dimes. •yTjTjx/xjvxnnAriri"* " J. a* FITSGERAL1K Auctioneer -Having sold my home end moving te another state I wll| sell our household furniture at Public Auction, at 316 Ellsworth St. Cryslftl According to a Twentieth Century Fund report, there ere about 188.008 miles of highways, S18ifl00 miles of roods and S18j800 xnllee of trails now serving Amerlce's forest tends. Bacteria gtayosa Two bacteria slayers. on •>' 1 Sunday, Jan. 30* at i fe; living room set; 8 'Mi* lampa; rugs and pad 18x14; rug and pad 9x12; rug and pad 7-ft 7 in. x 8 ft 6 in.; desk; 8 table lamps; end table; lounge chair; small round table; large square coffee table; 2 round mirrors; 11^ Ing room chair; 1 hook cases, New Console stewing machine (2 mos. old); Electrolux tank vacuum cleaner; hand vacuum cleaner, electric; antique walnut table; mahogany dining room set, large table, buffet, 6 chairs; Universal table top gas stove; Frigidaire refrigerate^ bedroom aet bed. springs, innerspring mattreea, 8 dressers; large chifforobe. -- ---- , 2 new knotty pine dressing tables; Maytag waaher; 2 new. laundry trays; girl's bicycle; 4-pc. Wicker porch set; t act tire chaini for rise 6.50x16 tlree; lawn mown and garden hoee. 8 taetal utility cablneta; 1 let i kitchen table and 4 chairs: table radio; unfiniahed twin bed headboard with fixtures; Craftsman bandsaw with 4 var. slse blades; Duro belt sender, heavy duty; 2 carpet aweopopei tern ptete gas burner stove.J ^ Mur other articled too nuriroi to mention. TERHS-CANL tnd bicteriophige. ere mere potent when mixed thin either to wben used alone. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McH e n r y . ' - j - S - t / Lynn F. Clerk, H. EHLEBT »1« Ellsworth Street Crystal Lake farm that Raft Control Program There's scarcely a Isn't troubled by rfte nt Michigan State eoBeii specialists are igftag tunics to continue rat control csmpilgns through tee whole pear. If you'll maks it hard for fee rate to ted food, they can be eesily poisoned or trapped. Feeds should be storey properly and KraBe end girbatfs kspt in ratwobt dqatatews. Rat- Htwtera Nned Geological Map Every deer hunter, or for that matter every hunter who enters: large stretches of strange timber, j Should make it a point to know Just l about where he is at all times. This, is not so difficult ss it sounds. Unless he Is going with an experienced guide and Is willing to follow that Individual's instructions imnlicitly. he should, when planning ||e trip. proof buildings are a good meesure secure a U. S. geological pip of to keep rets swsy once you've rid the farm of them- Putting motel ri|ieLds around huOdlng supports and protecting rides of cribs wMh metal stripping are two good steps. Keep scrsp lumber piles ewsy from cribs since they attract rata and provide a shelter for them. Royal Couple'^ Income Income of the royal Couple (Princess Elizabeth and the duke of Edinburgh) is.paid from a fund made availsble by King George from ssv tags on his own incoms effected during the war years. During I960- 41. for example, the king drew less then one-tenth w£ the amount be is granted. Annual sums paid to the king are given in exchange for property inherited by the royal family, and the public gets far more bsck te revenues from the royal lands, than It pays out to royalty. Id year the British public made • "profit" of neerly tour minion dollars on the eschsnge. febceribe ier The thst srea. These maps ate quite detailed and are ideal for ie deer hunter, not only hi allowing fctanself to "keep up wtth himself" but to locate the bed testing places. They show an the physical characteristics of the land-swamps, lowlands, ridges, cliffs, streams and' mountains. Having e fair knowledge of the use of Me compiss and7 possessing one of these maps, prectlcslly any hunting tyro can fnd his Wiy arc to both. Gas frees Underground Ceel In the U. S. S. R. s method of burning coal in the mine without digging has been perfected. By forcing, and regulating a downdrsft of air, combustion Is regulated so ss to produce a combustible ges for use above ground. A similar project reusntly has been Initiated la the U. S. r l ; ra* A cannibal took his child to a witch doctor: "Doctor, what's the matter with my kid . . he don't feel so good. He Just won't eat Anybody. trouble TIME FLIES money (WW Talkative W|Te She--Did you know Jim hasn't spoken to his wife in more than a year? He--Maybe he doesn't want to Interrupt her. The soprano, ssekteg an gagement, was teg agent a trifle "Hew many years In grand opera dM yen say?' "Farty." "My, my,you maet havfc knows Madam Batteifly as a asere caterpillar." Warning to CMckea TMeves Following notice appeared in a country newspaper: "Anyone found near my chicken house st night wilt be found there in the morning." bowers rati nui Tests conducted by Tennessee Valley authority revealed that a^house completely Insulstod with mineral wool reduced the fuel bil by 4f per Make your contributions to the i Si Dtetei belere Feb. let -- -- -- • \ :. 'f, ,, £.r.