Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1949, p. 4

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AMt fHABA M iieoal^lMi matter at •t MeHenry, 111., under Mar 8, 1879. _ $2.50 DITQRIALN *4, " " , > "* * "'».'vv •pv if • *ri JT "4 ... 'tin' ilot' OM members km «n*tit Attend this meetingand anyone desiring lo Join the club la wiImbw to do so at this time. C f a n e w l T o iMt Feb. ft* VUiiW/ttUMW/tl UM funeral of Charles Rietesel last Saturday were Arthur TuV | Fenske, Erneet Ftnske and Mr. and hiira. Otto Fenske of Chicago ww Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riva of jPnrk Rtdgl. Mrs. Julea Oonseth la spending several weeks In Florida, when iht will be joined later by her husband. Mr. and Mra. Charles Herdrtch and son. Charles, are vacationing at Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. Myrtle C. Henry of Chicago spent Friday. Saturday and Sunday at the home of her sister, Mra. Henry Ekeroth, at McCullom Lake. Mrs. Adele Butler of Chicago la spending this week with her father, Henry Heimer. » Qeorge Nett is spending a few iwteks at Daytona" Beachv Fla., where lie is visiting his sister. Miss Annabel Nett. Dr. and Mrs. Thad Scislowicz ar. spending a few weeks in Florid* Mrs. Mabel Holle of Oak Park spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. m Mlaa Therese Mergen. R. N.. of Cook County hospital, visited her anther, Mrs. John Reed, a few days last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Park Ridge spent the weekend with her mother, Mra. Mollie Qhrens. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Mlnnen left last week for a vacation trip t» Florida. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Tonyan lad two daughters, Jean and Joan, left Satui'day for Tuscon, Ariz., where they will spend the winter months. Mi-- Mary Jean Doherty and Miss Marlon Grace Conway of Rosary college. River Forest, spent the weekend at their respective homes here. Miss Mary Ann Noonan returned hone from St. Therese hospital Waakegan, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Jr., and baby and Miss Marion .Smith, student nurse at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, were weekend visitors In the home of their parents, the senior Arthur Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb of Des "laines spent Saturday in the Albert Purvey home. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of rkicago were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Reed. Mrs. Gilbert Howard spent a few days last week with her uncle, Ed Bacon, at Round Lake. Mias Marjorie Siemon of Los Angeles has been visiting her parents in MeHenry. Among those from stray who Hiss Beth Sen Begin Third Tear With Orchestra MeHenry friends will be interested to learn that Miss Beth Sears, daughter of Walter SearS of Barrington, former music instructor in the local schools for many years, is beginning her third season with the North Carolina Symphony orchestra. She plays oboe and the English horn and will engage In the solo workofthe symphony during the concert series. During the autufnn months she was associated with the Chicago Civic orchestra. About 150 praff»ns will be presented by the North Carolina orchestra daring the season which will close June 1. Afternoon and evening performances are given at high schools and colleges under state sponsorship. North Carolina la unique in that it is the first state to promote a project to give all school children the opportunity to hear good music. | Home Bureau Members Will Study People Of All Lands | Home Bureau « members are ! interested in the peoples of other j lands, in their history their econo- : mic status, and how it affects them and their way of life, as well as ' their own homes and problems, as is shown by the lesson to be I studied in all units in March and April. Chas. L. Stwart, professor of agriculture, economics estension service, college of agriculture. University of Illinois, will m4et with leaders from eadh of the thirty organized Home Bureau units in the county, and discuss with them, "The people of the world, versus the land upon which they live. This is the first time that professor Stewart has trained Home Bureau local leaders in MeHenry county, therefore those who will be privileged to attend are looking forward to this school with unnusual interest HP THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS MMM NAP-OUT GLOVES* Ow-fefr Qft/- Imt Mm 41C % ley wveNl ... **d WORK SOX 33< |mI st tonliifvUi o® 1 Approximately 100 guests were In attendance at the wedding reception held in St Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall last Saturday evening for Laurence Pttsen and his bride Of early this year, Miss Helen Fuchs. The couple married in Nebraska several weeks ago ana took a Wedding trip to Tineas before returning to MeHenry | to make their home, for tike preseflt, with his parents. It was on the morning of Saturday, Jan. 8, In St church k Humphrey, Nqft-., that Miss Fuchs and Mr. Pitaen spoke the words that united them in holy matrimony. The ceremony took place at 9 o'clock with Rev. Father Cecil Koop, aasiatant pastor, performing the double ring ceremony. Rev. Father Ardwin HUler presided at the tfrgan for the wedding music and also during the nuptial mass, at which he was assisted hy the church oholr. At the close of the mass the bride presented her bridal bouquet at the altar of the Blessed Virgin. The very charming bride was lovely In her bridal gown of whits slipper satin, which featured a sweetheart neckline trimmed with beads and pearls. The bodice buttoned down the hack and had long pointed sleeves which were also trimmed with beads and pearls. The skirt fell Into a four yard train. Her bridal veil, edged In lace, fell In soft folds the length of her dress and' was caught to a crown of heads and pearls. Her shower bouquet was Of white roses with tiny white mums caught to the streamers and the bouquet tied with a large white bow. She wore a three-strand pearl necklace, a gift of the bridegroom, and a gold wrist watch. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her sister. Miss Dorothy Fuchs, was maid, of hpnor. Jfor orchid taffeta gown featured an off-th*- shoulder bertha and a net yoke. The bodice buttoned down the back and the pickup skirt had an insert of ruffles. She wore matching mitts and her orchid net veil was caught with orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of pink carnations caught with an orchid bow. Mias Dolores Fuchs and Mrs. John Weingart, both sisters of the bride, were bridesmaids. Miss Fuchs Vore a nlle green taffeta gown and Mrs. Weingart - chose gold. - Both wore matching veils caught with orange blossoms and carried bouquets of pink carnations. Little Janet Kay Weingart, niece of the bride, was flower girl. She j wore a blue taffetli gown styled similar to the gowns worn by the bridesmaids. Her colonial bouquet was of red and white carnations.. The bridegroom's attendants were the bride's brother, Paul Fuchs; and his own brothers, Ted and Paul Pitzen. The mothers of the bridal couple chose black gowns, with corsages of red and white carnations. Following the church services, the bridal party gathered at the home of the bride's aunts, the FueMr Sisters; where they were served a wedding breakfast. During the afternoon a large gathering of relatives and a few close friends was present at* the reception held at the St Francis school dining hall. | A member of^one of the pioneer families of Humphrey, the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fuchs. Born and geared in that community, she attended St. Francis school, graduating with th» class of 1,939. She was employed for a tin\e in Omaha and of late at the Riverside Manufacturing Co. in MeHenry. Mr. Pitzen Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pitzen of MeHenry. He rebeived his education at St. John's Catholic school and is starting in the nursery busnless in MeHenry. Among those who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pitzen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pitsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pitzen, Vernon Reinboldt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Fuchs, spn, Wayne, aqj| daughter, Marilyn Jean, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Weingart and daughters and:. Miss Dorothy Fuchs, all of MeHenry, Mr. and Mrs. John K Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, Jr., and Miss CaUMfine Smith of Okarache, Okla. Circle 1 of the W. B. 0. B.*w»ll hold Its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Hoyts, with Mrs. J. Gallagher as co-hostess. The meeting will begin at 1 9*1 • • • e:" F. T. A- Sponsors Card Party Feb. $ The public Is Invited to attend a public card, party at' S x>'clock Sunday evening Feb. (, in 8t. Mary's-St Patrick's school hall, sponsored by the Parent Teachers Association. Basket Social And 5* Dance On Feb. 19" A basket social and dance will be held In Mutzy's hall, Ringwood, on Saturday evening, Feb. II,'sponsored by the Holy Name ioclety »nd Altar and Rosaihr sodality ot Christ the King church at Wonder Lake. Everyone is invited In the festivities, which begin at 7: SO o'clock. Powers-WBsen . , ' Edgewood Road, Lake Forest, announce the engagement of their daughter, Caroline Mary Jane, to Frank Wilson, Jr., son of the senior Frank Wilsons of Volo. The bridselect Is a graduate of the -St. Therese Hospital School of Nursing In Waukegan. May 21 has bsen set as the wedding date. ; ^ £«* 1g *• ;;.t.A I I Have Valentine Party The Altar and Rosary sodality ot St. Patrick's church wfll hold Its next meeting on Monday evening, Feb. 7, at 8 o'clock In the church hall. Mothers are urged to attend and to bring prospective members as guests. This will be a Valentine party. The ctymnttee in charge will he Mrs. Earl,Marshall, chairman; Mrs. A. L. Koslnski, Mrs. Ralph Bennett, Mrs. Ralph Justen, Mrs. Jerome Buch and Miss Laura Weber. • » * 0. E. S. Plans Card Party The Order of Eastern Star, MeHenry chapter, is planning a dessert- bridge to which the public Is invited, to be held at Acacia hall on Thursday, Feb. 24, at 1:30 p. m. The last meeting of the O. E. 8. was held on Jan. 25, when members of grand chapter committees, Ethel Holly and Chancey Harrison, and past worthy matrons were escorted and introduced. Balloting on new applications for membership was also done. At the close of the meeting. mm Myrtle son ..... The ttest meeting Of the chapter wUl be held on Fetu^-' Celebration Heiers Feng Anniversaries The Robert Krinn home at Lily Lake was the scene of a happy family gathering last Sunday, honor anniversaries of several, members-- the birthday of Mrs. George Wegener on Jta. H, tb* wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wlrfs on Jan. 29, the birthday of Mrs. Joe Wegener on Jan. 22 and the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wegener on Jan. 20. A tasty chicken dinner was served in the evening, with a decorated birthday cake as the center of attraction. During the evening cards, bunco and visiting were enjoyed-* In attendance were the Robert Krinns, the George Wegeners, the Joe Wegeners, the Alex Wlrfs family, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wlrfs and Paul Walter, allof-Mc- Henry, and Mr. Ud Mrs*, William Hampe and daughter, Susan, of Des Plaines. . • • • w John. Frennds Wed v/wa**. , Twenty-Five Tews .w ' " Mr. and Mrs. John' YVeVttd Observed their silver wedding anniversary last Sunday with a dinner at I o'clock in 8t Mary*s-?t Patrick's school hall, followsd by a reception for 12S relatives and friends. Music was furnished by Otto Pyrlts and Art Thorns. The couple was presented with a gift of twenty-five red roses by their children, Norman, Joanne and Diane. Because of the extreme cold, many from out of town were unable to attend. Among those from a distance who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and family of Llbertyvllle, the John May family of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Justen^ and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen of Richmond. Mrs. Rosing was Mrs. Frennd's bridesmaid at her wedding a quarter of a century ago. The best man, Joseph May, Was unable to be present • • • Women's Club Plans Meeting The MeHenry Woman's elub, formerly the Mothers club, has planned Its next meeting for Friday, Feb. 11, at 2:80 p. m. in the Legion hall. The committtee in charge includes Mrs. Fred Wahl, chairman; Mps. Murphy, tyrs. Clarence Anglese, Mrs. A. J. Wlrtz, Mrs. Vale Adams, Mrs. Roy Miller and Mrs. Fred Feltz. Guest speaker will be Atty. John Looze, president of the Businessmen's Association, who will talk on the progress of the junior athletic •ense Mrs. Psti* will, observe their anniversary on _Feb. 8. A mass of thanksgiving will be read In their honor at t o'clock at 8t John's church, and after 7 o'clock In the evening open house will be held in St. Mary's-St Patrick's school hall. MeHenry, for thslrt relatives and friends. ) " " • • •• -V' F*x River Valley Camp Installation Impressive installation ceremonies took place at the Woodman hall In West MeHenry last Monday evening, Jan. 31, when newly elected officers formally took over responsibility of their duties. The committee in charge Included Evora Pederson, chairman; Fan Thompson, Eva Bacon, Julia Rethansperger and Carrie Justen. A program was presented, with Warrne Jones offering a group of vocal selections. Mrs. Gladys Ames of Gnrttee served as Installing officer and she brought with her four escorts and the ceremonial marshal. Gertrude Thurlwell served as Installing chancellor and Lena Stoffel as Installing musician. In all, fifty members, and guests were In *t- 1 tendance. The following were Installed: Lillt&m Miller, oracle; Helene Pepping, vice-oracle; Susan Olsen, past oracle; Gertrude Thurlwell, chancellor; Alice Lindsay, recorder; Carrie Justen, receiver; Eleanor Althoff, marshal; Amanda Brown, associate marshal; C a r o 1 yn Schlessle, Inner sentinel; Leila Howard, outer sentinal; Emma Leisser, manager; Dr. C. W. Klontz, physician; Lena Stoffel, musician; Marie Nickels, Faith; Marie Niesen, Courage; Susan Elizabeth Olsen, Modesty ; Beatrice Peterson, Unselfishness; Loretta Knnz, Endurance and Mabel Johnson, flag bearer. ' + * * Halnes-Hfller Vows Exchanged Friends of Mrs. Ella Mae Haines will be happy to hear of her marriage on Saturday morning, Jan. 29, In Chicago to Alfred Miller of Salina, Kas. Mrs. Haines was charming in a blue dress and an orchid corsage. Their honeymoon will be spent in Iowa and they will return to make their home in Salina. A shower in honor of the bride- Payment of interest on checkmgaocountsinany insured Dank is prohibited dv law or regulation! The reason is that the bank can pay interest qn deposits only out of elrnmgs from the investment of those deposits. Inasmuch as chucking account funds can be withdrawn on demand, cash lescrves must be larger to meet .withdrawal* therefore the amqunt available for investment is and the invetfment period shorter. McHENRY STATE BANK inileiiibflr Federal Keserve System: - Federal O "iX" -^1 « I'Ull 1111 IIIH'HM II111 III 111 IHIIIIIMlit • <9 to-be was given Jan. it In Chicago, with Mrs. George Williams ot Waukegan, formerly ot MeHenry, la attendance. >«, • 1' * #< 5 • - v,W<; Jerome Miller , . a v« Girt Chrlstene#-- -- Fr. William Regnier officiated at the 1 orient christening of the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Miller, held in Bt Patrick's church. "Veronica Harriet" was the name bestowed on the little lady. Sponsors were Mrs. Eugene Miller of MeHenry and Peter Mergea of Chicago, aunt and the baby. - FIREPROOF--The walls and ceilings of your home with J0HK8- MANVlLLE ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION. For free estimate call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., Tel. MeHenry 18. 38-ioc p Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.Q0. Wattles Drug 8tore. 85-tf Petitions lor probation are to Vt filed In behalf of two young mm charged with larceny of antomQ* biles. They appeared In court b^ fore Judge William M. Carroll thin Week. Charles LaVerne 81attoa» charged with stealing a car from Don Hoyden of Harvard on Dee. t, 1948 is one Of the defendants. The other defendant Leonard Flannlgan, is charged with stealing a car from Fred Beach ot Crystal Lake on October 28, 1948. Judge Carroll continued the heal* ings until February 9. CARD OF THAXKg In this manner we Irish' to thank kind neighbors and friendn for the many expressions of sympathy offered In our bereavement We are especially grateful far floral offerings, cards of sympathy an& dasntlons of THE FAMILY OF CHARLES RIBTB8EL Subscribe for The, Plaindealer. OVERALLS COVERT SHIRTS n-so 259 m wvMr 164 SWbMdary SMpe Hi locb.. 2J9 Pert hutting m Swy on k»ig.«eor» IftMftJjb* low Beds ..MS hglllMy'r* Ml eut for comfort, dovM* kllwWBMls. 1M iSkfced Swowglwi^ key# drew type 'pii Si lii[9».»-1i 1.7* olMOraf \ lubber Footwear FOE CHILDREN, MSN, WOMEN • 20% Off r (.k ' 1 Ti-"f4 TOT DEPT. , ^(Qrawliag Baby Dolls ' - ' * % 8cantton at Xaua : , *i.i9> IPtl, _ ' *••• •' ;f. - y . .. til.'- • ."'-'A.;" ::y . * ' ' GomMei The rrisndy Store GEO. C0LLBTTE, Owner DEALER BHOHB McHENRY 48& TO mdmp/" ' .' >C-^ICdBMmY, XLLXXOXS ; •jc k* ' k'J* COMING EVENTO February t C. D. of A. Business Meeting. February^6 Public Party -- Sponsored by St. MaryVSt.Patrick's School P. T. A. --Church Hall. February 7 ^ Girl Scout Leaders' Club Breakfast , Fpbruary 8 Circle 1, W.»S. C. S. -- Mrs. Carl Hoyt. O. E. 8. Initiation--Acacin Hall. Basketball Game -- High School- Benefit March of Dimes. February 10 K. of C. Regular Monthly Meeting. Lady Foreaters Meeting Followed by Opening of Card Tournament. February 11 MeHenry Women's Club Meeting- Legion Hall. February IS •Basket Social and Dance--Mnssy's Hall, Ringwood -- 8poneored by Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake--7:80 p. m. February 14 Dessert-Bridge--1:80 p. m.--Acacia Hifl--Sponsored by O. E. 8. February £7 K. of C. Banquet at Villa Hotel. NEW DIAL SYSTEM Final testing of new dial equipment now being Installed in the Lake Zurieh telephone exchange] was completed recently, W. C. L*then, manager of the Illinois Bell Telephone company, announced. Installation of the apparatus, which will pave the way for expansion of telephone service in Lake Zurich, | increases the capacity of the com-1 munications system by forty-five telephones, Lathen said. Equipment for approximately 140 telephones was added to the Lake I Zurich telephone system last year. Complete .line at Baehs livestock, remedies at Wattles Drug Store, MeHenry. 8-tf McHENRY H. S. GYM for March of Dimes Fund •0 V?- •• ^ mm BENEFIT -m W-4 (GAMES TUESDAY; FEB. 8, 7:30 P. M.f •<te- .. PRKUM1NART GAME ^ ~ McHENRY JUVENILE ATHLETIC CH»nn< I*--<1 0- mpLgm* |V T '• i| FEATURE GAME McHENRY CO-OPS '* (Sponsored by MeHenry Farmers Mill) • •>vsv4--' vs. •; ; •••••• ' TOWNS^NDS, Woodstock •3£' Mosle hy High School Pep h, • 1 •»' fir? . yti.

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