Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1949, p. 4

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•tnjr Thursday at Me by A. Howard Mosher. IHtor--A dele Froehlieh rhe dMTw €DITORIAL_ ASSOCIATION is staklleville, nth his Ray Page accompanied his daughter, Alida, back to the University of Illinois at Champaign i«nt Saturday after she had spent the semester vacation at he" home here. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting iff of Lake Geneva, Wis., visited their dsweVter and fn'iHv, TV. and Mrs. William Nye, over the weekend, j Miss Catherine Schwerman. who Is attending college tt\ Chicago, i spent the weekend with her mother, • Mrs. Louise Schwerman. •a second-class matter ^at j MJgs Mflry McAuiey was a week- * at McHenry, III., under end v|a|top ln Chicago. of Kay 8, 1879. Mrs Kieanor O'Neill of Lake Ge- 12.50 i neva spent the weeekend with Mrs. --1-- | Edith Hayes. i Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams an'. ! daughters were Saturday guests : in the Ray Walsh home in Fox j Cake. . I Bernard Doherty, who tloned at. Scott Field, E 111., spent the weekend parents, the William F. Dohertys. I Miss Bertilla Freund spent the ; weekend in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Clark left last week Wednesday on a vacation trip to Florida. J j Mrs. Mike Budler and Mrs. Gus Freund were Chicago callers the J • first of the week. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Do well of Lafayette. Ind., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Evalina I • Larkih. 1 Mrs. Edward Lay and baby of Kenosha, Wis. visited her parents, the John Kildays, last weekend. , j Mrs. Howard Wattles is vacation- | ins in California. Miss Ann Smith spent the weekend with her father in Chicago. . • t n| Miss Carol Switxer Bpent Monday Woodstock Players Chicago . .- i Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay -mm-- visited in the Robert Sutton home at Richmond on Monday evening. 1 The Michael Gorski and George ' Zarnstorff famUWs of Woodstock were cajl^wr^fn the Joe P. Miller Lhome one day this week. • Mrs. William Riggs of Cary- has been spending several days with ;her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tesch. j William Herdrlch, a student at Navy Pier, Chicago, visited his ; mother, Mrs. Cora Herdrlch, last i weekend. j Mr. and Mrs. William Merts of i Paddock's Lake visited in the j William Tesch home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller visited i in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Elmer Corey, at Genoa City, Wis., j on Saturday. There they made the ; acquaintance of their new grandi son, John Joseph Corey, born a 'few weeks ago. i RoVena and Patricia Lee Marshall were weekend guests in the j home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles j Egan in Chicago. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski and son, David, spent the weekend visitmsssa y-V>: COOK'S • u r n n i n i n i iHMi n hi u r nm imi n » t CORNER The in *The Two Mrs. Carrolls" Comedy Action -- Drama Mystery [y ||i WOODSTOCK OPERA HOUSE fEBRUARY 11, 12, 13 PHONE 1290 Next Week 4*fres, My Darling Daughter" MW0LE8 1CD WINS" Km Orfffla and Brother Bmm -SWEET GEORGIA BROWN*1 •UNDERNEATH THE LINDEN TEEE" Grade Fields •rOWDEP, YOIJB FACE WITH SUNSHINE" Doris Day •A LITTLE BIRD TOLD XX" Jeaaett* Davis "i- LOVE TO I" SO. MUCH IT IniRTS ME" %UWAY BAF ; Grade Fields fmtij WJi, BOW players selling for Player pies chaise a| >h|ln records. . selectlea ef cUMrea'i tweaty-flve cents each. H Ma Oar Becerd OA Stetfasti QtweOttf 114 W. Main. Street, McHeary fd McHeary 123-J ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kosinski, ln Chicago. Complete line of Bee be livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me- Henry. 8-tf VcHeary Illinale Tm FBI . RAT. la Technicolor Nfflh Siun Hayward ' *TAP BOOTS" * * * flavor ite recipes. SIN. . M0N~ FEB. 1S-11 Color by Technicolor Daaay Kaye Virgiaia -A SONG IS BORN" aad Novelty This week the Plaindealer is beginning a feature which Is making Its first appearance in our columns. It is to be called "Cook's Corner" and^lHU carry the favorite recipes of McHenry homemakers. Not so long tago, during a conversation with one of these homemakers, the topic turned to cooking. She remarked that often she was asked for some particular recipe and she was always glad to oblige. On other occasions she found a culinary concoction of a friend especially tasty and was always anxious to obtain the recipe. She wondered If perhaps the feminine readers of the Plaindealer might be interested in the choice recipes of other McHenry homemakers. We thdught it was a good idqa and decided immediately to provide a column wherein we could print such recipes weekly. We are just starting our flrst week with three favorites of Mrs. Joseph A. Williams of 905 Center street. McHenry, who has been providing tasty meals for her family for many years. Here are some recipes you are sure to want to try very soon. Black aad White Flail . 1% cups prune* 2 bananas 12 marshmallows % pt. whipping cream \ % tsp. lemon extract ~ ' , Wash prunes; boil ten m!ntrt#i in enough water to over; drain, cool and chill. Remove pits, then cut into small pieces. Slice bananas. Cut marshmallows into about eight pieces each. Whip cream until stiff, add prunes, bananas, marshmallows, leinon extract and mix lightly. Serve |n frosted glasses. Place a maraschino cherry on each serving. Mount Vernon Pride Cake 1 cup oleo q 2 cups granulated sugar * «8»S , : . 3 cups pastry flour 3 tsp. Calumet baking powder ~ % tsp. salt 1 cup milk Cream oleo and sugar. Add beaten egg yolks. Sift flour and measure; mix all dry ingredldhts, sift three times. Add dry and liquid ingredients alternately to oleo and sugar mixture. Fold in beaten egg whites. Bake ln three greased tins in hot oven at 375 degrees until done, twenty to thirty minutes. Frost with boiled Icing and fill with Maple Nat Filling 1 cup sugar (granulated) % cup maple syrup % cup water white of 1 egg Ms cup pecan nuts, broken Into pieces Boil syrup, sugar and water until rather firm .and soft ball is formeu when tested in cold water. Beat ffie white of egg to stiff froth and beat syrup into thfs until cold. Then fold in nuts. In order to make "Cook's Corner" a success, we need the cooperation of other homemakers in this community in sending in their Do it today and 1 watch for them to appear in print in a 'future issue. It is a good way to accumulate new dishes with which to surprise your family. Mayo TUE8^I FOR S DATS Myraa Ley - - Fredrlc March "BEST TEARS OF OI R LIVES" • For This Program^Only • Doors Open 6:4» Program starts 6:M p. a. Second Show Starts at ItM p. a. Box Office Closes at 9:10 p. a. IN MEMORIAM In found and (loving mfemory of our darling son and brother, Jackie Hobbs, who passed away Feb. 13, 1946. He is gone among the angels, Where the good are ever blest. He has passed away forever To seek eternal rest. To know that he is in Heaven Must fill our hearts with Joy, But oh, what sorrow in parting With our darling little boy. •39 MOTHER, DADDY AND SIS. SO NEW! Ice Cream Eclairs §N MEMORIAH Til loving memory of Alvln Steinsdoerfer, who died Feb. 10, 194?. Dear son and brother; You are not forgotten, Though oh earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. MOTHER, DAD, BROTHERS SISTERS. Neat Farm Appearance Keep farm machinery out of Iha yard. Locate the machine shed at the back of the farmstead, near tlie field, in order to keep the driveway and service court open and free of machinery and iffiei of scrao. YAT.1MA 808I1D ' LOVELY BRIDE OF MR. FRANK MARTIN In a simple but very lovely Kredding solemnised at the Community Methodist church last Saturday afternoon, Feb. 5, at 3 o'clock. Miss Valeria Scheid became tne bride of Mr, Frank Martin. Miqs Scheid is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scheid of Grlswold Lake, McHeniy, Rev. Wayne Price officiated at the service. The lovely bride was attired In a wine-colored suit, with which she wore grey accessories and % white carnation corsage. She was attended by the bridegroom's sister, Miss Ferol Martin, who wore a grey-colored suit and wine accessories. Charles Marti ij of Champaign served his brother as best man. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Scheid chose a navy blue dress with white accessories and1 a corsage of carnations. Mrs. Martin wore a silk print dress and carnation corsage. A dinner was Served at Art and Lee's Restaurant on Riverside Drive for eleven members of the bridal party and the immediate families. Later, 200 guests enjoyed a wedding reception at tfick's Place at Burton's Bridge. The couple left on a wedding trip to Florida for three-weeks, after which they will make their home with her parents. The bride is a graduate of the Wauconda high school with the class of 1948 and has been employed at the Oaks in Crystal Lake. The bridegroom completed his schooling in McHenry, graduating with the class of 1949, and served with the navy In the Pacific theatre. He is engaged in farming with his father. Among those from away who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin of Champaign, ,Car) Lab of Dover, Ohio, Glenn MaTiin of Milwaukee, Wis., and Le- Roy Witt of Lanark, 111. Theatre Onild Presents "Tfie Two Mrs. Carrolls" After a week of touring, the Woodstock players come back to the Opera House, Feb. 11, 12 and 13 with a completely different mystery comedy. "The Two Mrs. Carrolls" is an amusing tale of intrigue and suspense. Directed by Shelley Berman, well known to the Woodstock theatre-goers for his acting ability, "The Two Mrs. Carrolls" is well on it's way to being the biggest success of the McHenry County Theatre Guild's varied season of t»| Broadway plays. The action of the play takes place in that popular resort area ln Southern France, known to all as The Rlvierla. There is a quaint feeling about the play lets it takes place before your eyes. Comedy is restlessly carried on. Mystery is brought to light. - Members of the cast include Geraldine Page, Norman Krohn, Mykell Myers, Ruth Shechtman, Tom Boyd. Natalie Schwartzberg, Kathryn Darrell and Richard Glll^ McHenry P. T. A. To Meet Feb. IS The Parent Teachers Association of the McHenry community will meet at the Legion hall on Tuesday, Feb. 15, at 8 o'clock. There will b<e cards and bunco and entertaln- ! ment will be furnished by the I Girl Scouts. Refreshments will be served. /' s • • •# Doable Birthday Celebration Feb. 9 Mr. and, Mrs. Phil Brautigan and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Merkels of McCullom Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Obenauf, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Obenauf and Marian gathered at the Bill Hay home last Thursday, Feb. 3, to celebrate the birthday annivercaries of Mr. Hay and Victor Obenauf. The same evening Mrs. Frank Hay called from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to congratulate her son. Music provided entertainment, with Mr. Brautigan playing his accordion. • • • , David Kosinski Observes Birthday . David, son of the A. i.. Kosfn- Ekis, observed his second birthday anniversary at two family gatherings during the past few days. In Chicago last weekend he celebrated with his grandparents, the A. F. Kosinskls. On Wednesday evening, Feb. 9, McHenry relatives gathered at the Kosinski home for dinner and a social evening. Present were RoVena and Patricia Lee Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and children, Ralph, Jr., Zelinda, Christopher and Jeremy, and Mr. and Mrc. Earl Marshall and son, Deninis. •>e am Kllday Hoi* Scene of Snower The John Kllday home was the scene of a personal- shower honor-' ing Mrs. Robert Kralowetx on Wednesday evening of last week. Co-hostess with Mrs. Kilday was Miss Alice Gauflke. Games provided entertainment, after which lunch was served and the guest of honor presented with lovely gifts. Attending the shower were Mrs. Earl Conway, Mrs. Richard Smith, day, Feb. 7. Relatives were presiftt to enjoy an afternoon of cards, with Mr*. Bernard Smith, Mrs. H B. Buch and the guest of honor meriting prizes. A dinner wan served in the evening, with an attractive, decorated cake as the center of attraction. Present at' the party were Stephen A. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Buch and son, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Carl J. Freund and daughters, Carol and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith and daughter, Doris and Herb Freund and family, '.p • • • Valeatlae Party For Rlvervfew Camp Rivervlew Camp, R. N. A., is planning a] meeting and Valentine party, to take place ln the K. of C. hall on Feb. 15. Members are asked to bring a Valentine for exchange. ' e-- *' • Choir Moth** ^ Honor Member Mrs. Wayne Price was guest of honor at a shower given by the Community Methodist church choir mothers at the home of Mrs. Harry Barr on Wednesday evening of last week. A variety of games were enjoyed, after which Mrs-. Price opened her many lovely gifts. A light lunch was served, buffet style, completing a pleasant evening. / • *• .. Altar and Rosary V Plans March Party' ' • A large group of ladies attended the February meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church, held in the parish hall on Monday evening. Plans were made for the annual St. Patrick's party, to be held on March 17. Cards followed the business meeting, with ! a prize awarded to each table. Lunch was served from a table attractively decorated for the occasion in keeping with the Valen tine season. Mrs* Earl Marshall and her committee served lunch. The next meeting will be held on March 7. • • * 0. E. S. Plans Future Eveats The last meeting of McHenry O. E. S. Chapter, No. 547, was held on Feb. 8, with Mr. and Mrs. George Reiker, worthy matron and patron, Payment of interest checkmgarcountsi&a insured bank is prohibit ited by law or regular tion. The reason is that the bank can pay Interest on deposits only out of earning# *lrom the investment of those deposits. In«r asmuch as checking account funds can b# Withdrawn on demand, cash reserves must ijbe larger to meet withdrawals, therefore the amount available for investment it smaller and the investment period shorter. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System .Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation + "vi. I 111 11. -I' j. ,fr fr ft .j. t j M IH 11 1 111 111H* • * w r, w 4 Tjr„j ,, „ i presiding. Ethel Holly of the fraReese, Mrs. Edward Hogan, Mrs. welfare, and Chancy Harrl- Frank Low, Mrs. Robert Donnelly and Mrs. Robert Krlnn of McHenry; Mrs. Edward Lay of Kenosha, Wis., Mrs. Charles Jensen and Mrs. Earl Gorman of Woodstock; Mrs. Kirk Schroeder and Mrs. J. C. Purvey of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Art Jalove of Chicago. Need rubber stamps! The Plaindealer. 'Order THURS., FRL, * SAT., FEB. 10 . 11 . IS "Red" Skeltea Briaa Donlevy In *A SOUTHERN YJLKKXtP Gene Aatry aad Champlea «A STRAWBERRY ROAir NOMICAL la Claeceler of WHIPPED CREAH You will want to serve them often! They solve the d e s s e r t p r o b l e m v e r y SATURDAY MATINEE KIDDIES' Cartooa Carnival Still Mors Piary Tin Cans T« B« Found at North Pojo ' -Peary records recently found In a rock mound on Cape Sheridan by members of a U. S- navy-coast guard task force are not the first to come to light of those cached by the explorer in the course of his 1905-06 Arctic expedition. Nor are they the last to await discovery, says the National Geographic society. On dape Thomas Hubbard at the northern tip of Axel Heiberg island, some 400 hard-hiking miles southwest of Cape Sheridan, Peary planted a tin can containing a small piece' of the American flag and a paper bearing his name and the date--June 28, 1908. There It was found eight years later by Donald B. MacMlllan. In mid-June, 1906, Commander Peary had placed records in a cairn at Cape Columbia, Ellesmere island, northernmost land of North America. The preceding April 21, he had built a cache for his records On the polar ice at 87 degrees, 6 minutes north latitude, farthest north attained by man to that time. While exploring Greenland's Arctic coast six years earlier, he had built a cairn on* Cape Mcrris Jesup, northernmost known land. Cape Sheridan, at the northeast corner of Ellesmere island, is west across Robeson channel from the Greenland coast. It marked the northern limit attained in September, 1905, and again in September, 1908, by Peary's Maine-built ship, the Roosevelt, the first vessel built in the United States especially for Arctic work. Next Party la C. D. of A. Card Toarnameat Feb. 17 Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573. Catholic Daughters of America, met at the K. of C. hall on Thursday evening, Feb. 3, for the regular business meeting, with the grand regent presiding. Four new members joined the court at this meeting. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer gave an interesting talk on thfe Holy Eucharist. At the close of the evening, Miss Genevieve Knox and her committee Jf served lunch, with a special birthday cake honoring the anniversary of Fr. Baumhofer. ^ The next meeting will be held on Feb. 17, with a social hour and card tournament party. The committee in charge will' include Bertha Jensen, chairman; Shirley Ballowe, Agnes Buch, Christine Krinn, Laurayne Tliennes, Marie Schaefer and Clara Stilling. son of the special endowment committees of the grand chapter, were escorted and introduced, as were Mrs, Hortense Gordon, worthy matron of Richmond, and other past worthy matrons and patrons. Initiation of candidates was held, with John Hartkc, past patron of Edgewater chapter, Chicago, presiding in the East during the rites. Plans were made for a Washington birthday party, to be held following the Feb. 22 meeting. The committee in chargfe wiH include Eva Eppel and George Reiker. Following Tuesday night's meeting, refreshments were served by Ethel Holly and Leilah Howard. An Invitation has been accepted by Mr. and Mrs. Reiker, who will preside in the East, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howorka, who will preside in the West, at Richmond chapter's meeting on Feb. 28. Plans are now in progress for the 1 o'clock dessert brdge to be held at the Masonic hall on Feb. 24. Forty-five were in attendance at the Northern Illinois Line Officers club meeting held at the local hall last Sunday. A 1 o'clock pot-luck dinner was served, with the Richmond and McHenry chapters in charge. Women and Girls! ; Take advantage of this offer from a reliable local industry to learn a good trade. We are increasing our volume of business and have installed the latest system of sewinjg. Good opportunities for those who qualify, while you learn. Barn RIVERSIDE MFG. CO. 200 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry PHONE McHENRY 39 GIRL SCOUTS Sarprlse Party For Miss Bertilla Freand p CARD OP THANKS *" | . The family of the late Mrs. Mary Miss Bertilla Freund was honored j Ellen Harrison wish in this way at a surprise birthday party at the i to thank relatives, neighbors and home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake | friends for their kind expressions last Sunday, although the actual; of sympathy and for floral offerbirthday anniversary was Mon- ings. *39 - January proved an unusually busy month for McHenry's Girl Scout Troop 1. One of the highlights was the Installation of new officers as follows: Marilyn Jago, president; Shirley^Thurwell, secretary; Patricia Rosing, treasurer; Lois Claybough, colpr bearer; Donna Raycraft and Elaine Vycital, color guards; Judith Freuud, librarian and Nancy Mueller, reporter. An ice skating party was also held, with refreshments served afterward by the leaders, Mrs. Gana and Mrs. Green. A birthday party at the home of Barbara Eggert also claimed the attention of the young girls. The month closed with a social /neeting at which Elaine Vycltal and Barbara Eggert acted as hostesses. , Consumption of Fish More than a billion pound# of fish and fishery products ate used iar food in the United States eadi year. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.28 and 82.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf COMING EVENTS Saper Smooth LU1CK ICE GREAM, heaped on StJDGE-covered cake I Alt covered with dark, rich CHOCOLATE, an<| topped with snowy peaks BOX OF 4 ONLY 60c ORDER SOME TODAY % AT BOLGER'S AH Saturday Shows Next to Last' Chapter "SUPERMAN* SUN - *©N„ FEB. 11 - 14 Greer Garson - Walter Pidgeoa la "JULIA MISBEHAVES" with Peter Lawford . Cescar Romero Elisabeth Taylor Febraary 10 K. of & Regular Monthly Meeting. Lady Foresters Meeting Followed by Opening of Card Tournament. February 11 McHenry Women's Club Meeting- Legion Hall. February 18 Basket Social and Daace--Muzzy's Hall, Rlngwood -- Sponsored by Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake--7:S0 p. m. . Febraary » % McHenry P. % A. -- Legion Ram 8 p.m. Rivervlew Camp, R. N. A., Valen1 tine Party--K. of C. Hall. Febraary 1? C. D. of A. Social Meeting and Card • Tournament. Febraary 24 Dessert-Bridge--1:30 p. m.--Acacia Hrfl--Sponsored by O. E. S. Febraary S7 K. of C. £anquet at Villa Hotal. March 7 Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's church. i i A TUES. - WED., FEB. IS Dorothy Lamoar la "LULU BELLE" 1« Lock Children la When children are left in the back seat of an automobile make aurr the doors are locked. Valentine party Saturday evening, Feb. 12, at Cubs Inn, Green street, McHenry. With Wally, the One Man Band. Everybody Weicoma to attend. 11 i - NOTICE MI PLACE RESTAURANT & TAVERN GREEN STREET? will be open for business as usual during alterations being made at this time. * BE SURE OF EXTRA SAFE DRIVING DURING WINTER MONTHS WITH OUR TOP NOTCH FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS American Cheese Loaf Grapefruit Segmenta l • 39o No. 2 Can ............. each 15c Prune Plums • -' Candy Cream Caramels Birrs Sja Peas Froseii No. 1 Tall Can L each 14c „%-lb. pkg. 19c Miifrinpiiiyii *kg. 28c Freeh Egga .. do*. 45c Bacen Slices and Ends Pork Butt Roast Round Steak or Sirloin S lb. pkg. 25c 4 te ft lb. Each lb. 45c Grade A, Good Quality lb. 65c BARBIAN BROS. GROCERY and MARKET Phone McHenry 189--Riverside Drive -- McHenry SNOW and MUD TIRES When these tires were constructed every precaution was taken to make perfectly balanced, deep tread tires to grip the road in all emergencies. For tires that give, smoother, safer driving see us today! FIRESTONES -r--^gr -Jo fit all lim. far era, tnwki tad tnwt• a^ v • ' TRACTOR CHAINS Also chains for all can and trades. FIRESTONE BATTERIES Your battery is one of the most important parts of your car. Get a Firestone and be safe. • tgi WALTER J. FREUND Urea -- Tubea -- Batteri-- -- Acce--oriw Tire aad Tabe Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing All Work Guaranteed Phone m ' Weat Mdtar „ OPEN EVENINGS AND 8UNDAY8 ~ ^

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