Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1949, p. 6

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m IFOR SALE -- THE MODERN jGROCERY AND MARKET at Long | Lake, 111., six living rooms; furnace heat, also two cottages and garage, large grounds. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR* in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37, or ! Chicago, Lincoln 9-13S3. 38-tf . of the great number of ads which appear in the er each week, we have it iapoesible to keep books Ml s*ch tmfiTI accounts. Tbere- 0Ke, IB tke future, only ads which Wt pttt for before this section 9t tke paper goto to press at 10 fflpWfr ob Wednesday mornings Will be printed. 'FOR SALE--New Cape Cod 4-room [ house located on S. Greeft St., near high school. Stanley Schaffer, Tel. j McHenry 124-M. ' 26-tf Ml FOR SALE FOR SALE -- ALL TEAR HOMES, $5,000 and up. FARMS, l a r g e and small; CHOICli LOTSi U8TINGS, APPRECIATED; STOMPONATO'S REAL ESTATE, Woodsoot k. 111., Call CECELIA E. KNOX MrHENRY, Tel. 421-J 38-6 SALE--Hardwood meat block meat grinder in good eon- Address Box "S," in care at McHenry Plaindealer. *39 V*B 8ALE--1949 Ford tudor, fully j e«Bipped. 3,000 miles. Call Wood- HMk 744 after 6 p. in. Can be j at 912 Clay street, Woodstock, i •39 FOR SALE -- Year-round home, modern; four rooms and bath; Enclosed porch; lot 77x140; in city limits of McHenry, Country Club Subdivision; immediate possession; can be seen anytime. Price 16.000. Frank Holt, Park Pub, corner Pearl and Green Sts.,'McHenry. Phone McHenrv 462. 29-tf Asbestos SBtadM and XMlatfaft Free Estimate" ARVEDSON BROTHERS N 1V1. McHenry 653 M-2 80-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR* TI'NITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK.- APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO„ 800 RIVERSIDE DRIVE. HeltESRY, PHONE 89. S9-tf HELP WANTED--MEN AND WOMEN-- Several openings available for spray painters; experienced in painting manufactured parts. Hours 4 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. Apply in person. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. Woodstock, Illinois. 38-tf MISCELLANEOUS VALENTINE PARTY Sjptnrday Evening, February 18 At Tubs Inn Green Street, McHenry " With Wally the One Man Rand Everybody Welcome to Attend 39 FOR SALE--Airplane, navy Wacotrainer 2-place; completely rebuilt ! •nd recovered last July. Will ac- J cept car in trade. Can be seen at J Woodstock airport. Will teach to j. operate. Bill Johnson. *39 j FOR SALE - Attention farmers," contractors, group riders, make | your own truck or station wagon out of used hearse or ambulance. Ride like passenger car with strength of truck. McDermott, phone McHenry 742. 39 FOR SALE--1935 Buick. $100. Call^ McHenry 686-W-l. 39 FOR SALE^Now vacant, 6-room j modern home, g a s , e l e c t r i c , hot) water, shower, automatic oil heat; . full basement, 100 ft. highway frontage Volo. Call McHenry; f€7-R-l. *39 FOR SALE--1942 Chevrolet 4-door CLEANING AND PRESSING on Sedan; good condition. Call Mc- men's and women's clothing; also Henry 90-M. *39 repairs and alterations; will pick Call Vincent Schiavone. Tel. SITUATION WANTED POSITIONS DESIRED -- Woman desires job as baby sitter or will do work by day; prices reasonable. Couple would like caretaker Job; tenant house necessary. Positions needly badly so song may be published. Phone McHenry 608-M-l or call at W. K. Jolitz home,. Rt. 31, Rt. 3, McHenry. " *39 WANTED WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen must be transported in sterile container. Charge $4. McHenry X> Ray & Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. Green St., Phone 291. . 38-tf j WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 Sq, Green street, McHenry, Front part of Claire Beauty Shopp^|> 15-tf WANTED TO BUY | (by Mrs. Charles Freun£) On Thursday afternoon, Jan. 27, Mrs. George W. May entertained members of her club at her home. A luncheon of chicken-a la-king was greatly enjoyed and the afternoon was spent at cards. Those receiving prizes were Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. Ray May, Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. Paul Lewis and Mrs. Arthur Klein. The Pinochle club met at the home' of Mrs. A1 Schmeltzerin Round Lake on Friday night. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Harry Myers and Mrs. Albert Brits. * • Danny Freund celebrated his birthday on Friday afternoon, Jan. 23, by having several of his friends at his home for ice cream fend cake. As a special treat, they then proceeded to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alberl Britz to watch the shows on television. They also enjoyed seeing a picture of Danny appear on the screen during the "Happy Birthday" program.. Those to make up this little party were Donna and Dianne May, Terry and Tommy Britz, Jerry Miller, Ginny Dawson, Judy Weber, C h a r l o t t e Freund and Vic and Dan, Freund. There was a nice crowd at the March of Dimes dance held at Nell's Ball r oota in Johnsburg last Wednesday night. The special --TTr--Z 1 r I Prizes given went to Jack.ThieiC WANTED TO BUY W e have cash i gen ^ay an(j Clinton Bell. Among buyers for j those from here who attended were farms, JACOB FRITZ, REAL-> an(j jyjrs Frank' jVlikoleit, Mr. J,? at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry. an(j ^jra Charles Freuud, Mr. ;uicl to b* held "tft are parish hall on Saturday ttffft. Feb. 19. The rigalar meeting of the Firemen was held in the Fire House M Monday night. Aftej the meeting, there was an evening at cards and a luncjr served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Jake Miller entertained members of her club at her home on Wednesday night. Cards were played and prizes awarded those achieving high scores. A lunch was served by the hostess to complete the party. -DIES FROM SHOCK Chris Tennyson, 86, of Aurora, who was Rescued from his burning home last week Thursday, by firemen, died that night, in St. Joseph's Mercy hospital. Tennyson, who suffered a burned foot and from smoke which he inhaled before being carried to saftey by firemen, wed from shock. World's Biggest Bite ' Two new clamshell coal buckets, unloading coal from boats to dock storage on Lake Superior, have the biggest bite ever taken by this type . of unit, 23 yards. The 27-500-pound buckets, when open, are 22% feet long and 19 feet In height. TlrrtsV tbo Ant' paper sofll, the miH of WilUaan Rittenhouse, was established In Philadelphia in lflM aad the, first water mailt came otfe of that mill. The first book entered for copyright in this country, 1790, was called. The Philadelphia Spelling Book. Printing was first manufactured in this country in Philadelphia in 1804, by Charles B. Johnson, and it is a firm which is still in existence. The printing of the first perforated postage stamp was done in Philadelphia in 1857. TJ»e first printing press Invented in this country, the Columbian press, was invented by a Philadelphia^ And the first auto-gyro mail delivery, direct to the post office, was made hero in Philadelphia on May 29. 1935. A * Louis BraiBt flot the idea for Ma system of reading for'the blind when seeing the dots on dominoes. First stxMOlhratfeur year tain 181 days, sbOt flw second months, contain 184 days. Rom where I sit... iy Joe ^f&rsb §^„! 'fs. i A;ift 4 ft Duke Git* Hh Tractor it, - v ;; Freight Locomotive* Although railroads in 1947 had 20 per cent fewer locomotives assigned to freight service than the} had 25 years ago, thesfe locomotive# performed 80 per cent more service in terms of tons hauled and miles covered, Subscribe for The Plafnde^. 137, or Chicago, Lincola 1333. 2-tf | FOR RENT AUCTIONEER SERVICE Farm or Household Sales J. A. FITZGERALD Phone McHenry ."•.KM-2 or Crystal Lake HS6 *88-4 FOR RENT--Rooms. 108 N. Court st„ McHenry. Phone 90-M. *39-2 Mrs. Harry Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Ray May and Mr. and Mrs. Edward May. Mrs. Albert Britz and Miss Klain Smith spent last Monday in Chicago. Mrs. John Sanborn visited her up. FOR SALE--Solid mahogany frame McHenrv 615-R-2 davenport and matching chair. Call McHenry 721. 7 39 FOR SALE -- Year-round 4-room kome, full basement, two-car garage, furnace heat. Price for ^uick sale. Two blocks south on Itox street. Phone McHenry 122-R. •39 36-tf WALL TILE--Plastic and metal ' in many beautiful colors. Elimi- ; nate costly, periodical painting j bills; also rubber and asphalt floor j tile. Call for feree estimate.' J. M. i Stangarone, phone McHenry 661-J-l I 36-4 ' MODERNIZE TOUR KITCHEN OR ' j.t FrO..R . SALE. --. Double .b.a..s.i n cast iron BBATHROOM. wit.h sti.c or a,lu mi- kttchen sink with fittings except • 1 trap, which is not included. $20. jnum wb11 tlle: al»° rubber floor tlle- Phone McHenry 224-R. *39 3 Pc- Gerity bathroom accessories « i free with each wall tile job. For W1 8ALE--14 French windows, 12 , free estimates call Wauconda 5252 or light, txtO-ta., hardware included; ! 575s 38-tf It catalog price, phone McHenry j :-- 1 til-R-2. *39-2 ; FREE E8TIMATE8 ON ROOFING, n : I SIDING. INSULATION. COMBINWR SALE--PIANOS--40 MILES 1XTION WINDOWS, ROOMS IN ROM HIGH PRICES 3 Spinet ATTICS, GARAGES. ..CALLWONPianos returned from rent; 2 Otand Pianos. All can be bought aft big savings. Call Elgin 780. DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO., 21 j TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. DER LAKE 696 AFTER 5 P. M. •32-8 H. Union St., Elgin, 111. 38-4 AU TEAR HOMES FOR SAITE Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf At McCULLOM LAKE, six rooms,; WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN s, oil heat, lot 100x150; full '• WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repsir Price $9,500. and i n s t a l l pump. B i l l Baeon, 206 Main 8treet, McHenry. Telephone AT WONDER LAKE, five rooms, 167. 25-tf hath, running water, furnace heat,: ,,. .. fall i basement, lot 100x150. Near j ^7® Y0XTE CESSPOOLS, catch htoekton road nrice M 250 por t basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned avpstatmMit call JACOB FRITZ, ^ Eddie's Sanitary Service^ Eddje r Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. £9-tf TEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING •BALTOR IN JOHNSBURG, Tel. McHenry 37. or Chicago Lincoln 9-1123. 38-tf FOR SALE--Tear 'round comfort i »nd courteously with the aad economy with fireproof JOHNS- ! !>"? °{ w'rv t i<,f; , A'"° n,hbi*h hnnled MAKVTLLE TYPE A BOCKWOOL : I? balf load8- FBED WIBT* INSULATION installed in the walk i Tel" 758 R" 7 tf aad eeiliags of your home. For free GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us Mttmate, call Leo J. Stilling, 200 digpoge 0f your garbage each week, ™ «twetp TeL McHenry 18- ( or 0ftfner if desired. Reasonable &>-tt ; rates. Reen'ar year round route. MB SALS--Tea tabl» with »!« '41" 4 °' B°* 274> top*; 40 leatherette chain (new); I ? 3W- ^ walk -in cooler and deep freeze (new) j EXPERIENCED SOmpreaaor dryer and all tubing and ) LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY fitting* (new)'; dishes and kitchen ; AND REMOVAL -- INSURED •teasils. Hoot's Tavern, 202 8. j FREE ESTIMATES Green St. TeL MeHenry 360. 30-tf J J. W. R A VCR AFT. P. O. Box 108 Phpae_2® R -- W. McHenry. 111. VOR SALE--Generators, armatures, 45-tf Starters, fael pumps, distribu^brs j veltage regulators and ignition parts f for Ford and all other cars. 8eaco FOR RENT--Bedpa^m and use of house for couple. Tel. McHenry daughter, Mrs. Clifford Schulz, and ; 223-J. family -in Chicago last week. j in'iifii.•!--i • • 'M-----" i Mrs. Marilyn Ford was euest of LOST J honor at a shower given for hep, at • \ • • i i the home of Mrs. George McGratlv LOST--Tan, hand-tooled purse at on Wednesday night. There was a crossroads of 120 and 31, on Sun- ] delicious pot luck lunch servec day night. Jan. 30._ Reward for its j buffet style. The guests were prereturn to Mary Doyle, 835 Ash sented with a corsage from their. St., Waukegan. 111. 39 jgricious hostess. The honored < guest was the happy recipient of •.A.UIUft ' some very lovely gifts. Those pres- IfOMt RIIITWN •pWllllll |ent were Mrs. Agnes May, Mrs. Ttll$ How to DlVllop Ta«f ' Mlkolelt, Mrs. Eva Halliday. r . „ Mrs. Marge Schmeltzer, Mrs. Bever- There are some golden rules jy NOVak, Mrsi Orian Brown, Mrs. to follow that will help anyone da- ghirley Dawson and Mrs. Eva velop tactful ways, says Miss Freund. Margueritte Briggs. ; Mr. and Mrs. A1 Maleckl of »er- Miss Briggs, who is family re- wyn visited Mrs. Shirley Dawson on lations specialist at the University Saturday. of Illinois college of agriculture,, Funeral services for Mrs. Margeuoffers these hints: rite Marks were held at,St. Petals Look for the best points In each church Saturday morning. Pallperson whether it's a family mem- bearers were Paul Weber, Ben May, ber or friend. Janey is good about Arnold Kattner, Charles Freund, taking care of the younger children. Ford Hanford and Anton Meyer. In Dad is mighty handy at making terment was in St. Peter's cemebookendi, etc. Compliment people t tery. on their special assets. ! Mr- and Mr8 Arthur Kattner and When praise is earned, give it »I>ent # Sunday with Mrs. freely. Even if ifs Just that Billy j Re«lna S^eter'D Fox£*k* ,, made his bed extra-well this morn- Lr Mr' a°d M^r8 H Georg® rrwifid and tag. .r e..m.n ember •to- •t-e1l1l Khiimm sMo amtt Mr- and Mrs. Henry Smith of Mc- Henry were gue>tg |n the home of dinner tune. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund Study people -- your family and Saturday ,_ht friends - so that you will taow Mr ^ Mr> Normaa Br|u ot when they feel displessed Woodstock spent the weekend with what is being said or Bone. ThenjMr and Mrg XIbert Britl try to steer away from that topic, j june Miller invited her class- Or, if it's a situation that has to j mates to her home on Sunday afterhe faced, try to handle it a little i noon in honor of her birthday. The differently next time. j children played games and sang Respect the way others feel and songs and there was a lovely lunch think about certain questions--, which included a large birthday politics, religion--even though their' cake. Those present were Marilyn opinions may be different from Millar, Mary Ann May, Frances yours. Within reason, everyone has | Frances Obenauf, Laverne Meyer, a right to his own opinion. | Elaine Huff, Mary Ellen Williams, Take a little, more time to think Patsy Popelka, Catherine TinneyL problem through before you] and Mary Lou Kagan. Grown-ups a decision or give a com-; who were present were Mr. and . Duke Thomas bought a farm with the money he'd saved ia the Service, but he couldn't get a tractor. He needed it badly, but was tenth on the local dealer's list. "Tell you what," old man Peters says. "If those nine fellows ahead of you agree, you'll get the next ope I get in." "No, thanks," says Duke, "111 just take my turn." But old Peters mails out-nine postcards. And the other day he tells Duke Ills tractor will be in; next week. "I simply wrote tha fac^s to the fellows ahead of you. "They decided it." % From where I sit, it's that i of understanding that helps oar democracy so great. Ui standing for the ether fe9sw*a problems and respect for tha ether fellow's rights--whether it's his ? right to eara a living, Ma right to cast his tote against yoar candidate, or even his right to eajojr a v. moderate, friendly glass of beer or ale--if aad when he chooses. Let's always keep it that wayl St. «iWf" Copyright, 1949, United States Brewers foundation a make mand. How is the other person going to take it? And hard as it may seem, sdmit your mistakes and ask forgiveness. Then forget the whole incident. C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. I Phone 208 W 526 Washington St. Bvoboda, Prop. TeL MaHenry 183. 30-tf Woodstock, HI. 47-tf . DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest casb ~*~R SALE--yewmTcRS, AD- prices paid, for eows, horses and BEVG MACHINES. Service on all; hogs; no help needed to lond. Day sukes. A*o ribbons for all makes; nnd ni«»ht. Sundav* and holidays. Cftrbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Call Wheeling Rendering Works, ^ypodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf | Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges.. Need rubber stamps? Order at' 36-tf the Plaindealer. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Helen Weber Says: ftompt. Reliable DRYCLEANING Saves You TIME... . Saves You MONEY... v . ..Saves Your Finest FABRICS Too! **• party <*••• won't HIT i|*la for a whiX«; tha "iptcUl oceuloi" cloth**; tha immuI tlilBgs; doa't than amy bafor* thay k»« ba«a caralully dryclauad. • -A - i surface aoll will alak la to thoaa ttw fabrics aad becoaa ao "aat" that axtra effort, atrongar soap aolutloaa, ntt be uaad to gat It out. Soli aloaa caa. destroy, dla, spoil tha beauty of yovr fine things. bra your special occasion aafl aeasoaal clothes ready to waar wban you waat their long Ufa. thalr beat with McHenry Gleaners '"*T> Leading Types of Accidents •srious studies reveal: That falls are the leading type of farm work accident. That accidents involving machinery rank second. That accidents involving animals and hand tools almost tie for thirti place. That burns rank next to falls as * type of home accident. That tire* arms and drownings are important recreational types of accidents. That motor vehicle accidents killed more farm residents than any other type- Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies st Wattles Drug 8tore, Mc Henry. 9-tf Read the Want Ads. pn Valentine's Day. Yon never miss when you sand Hallmark Cards. See off. complete selection AGATHA SHOP Green Street McHenry I LAUGH AT CHRONIC MASTITIS* Because I know of the Beebe G-LAC treatment that can be given in one minute. My boss doesn't use a syringe . . * he uses the new Beebe G-LAC tube. The easily inserted lip gives me no discomfort and believe me I get relief. I know he does not have to keep it in the refrigeratoiT ... he does not need to warm the tube. He knows that authorities agree Beebe G-LAC (tyrothricin) is • the most efficient treatment known- The Beebe G-LAC remains active in my udder for days. Only one of my milkings needs to be discarded and that can be fed to the calves. Remember one out of four of us has mastitis. He tests my pals and me regularly with Beebe Test Pads. He gets them free at the store with the Beebe Bull's Eye on the door. •Due to Streptococcus agalactiae* My boss buys at . . . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHEXBY, ILL. me Every prescription we fill is triple checked " to assure quality, purity, potency of the drugs you use. That's why we can better follow your doctor's orders in filling your prescription needs. Our service is quick, yet careful. . -' Next time you have a prescription to fill, bring it in to us. NYE DRUG STORE rv- • 7' 129 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry Mrs. Harold Wirch and son and Mrs. joe B. Miller of Richmond and Mrs. Peter May. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz attended the wedding and reception of ines Carlson and Andrew Schaitz at St Bede's in Fox Lake on Saturday. The Firemen held their first dance In the new fire house on Saturday night and It was a great success. There was a nice crowd who enjoyed dancing to the music of Bessie Baril's Orchestra. Refreshments were served. The Holy Name members of St. Peter's parish are planning a dance THIS IS IT! THE QUALITY AND LOW f RICES • THAT ALL OF US HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR, FOR SUCH A LONG TIME. WE HAVE MADE SOME VERY ATTRACTIVE BUYS IN QUALITY MEAT&AND GROCERIES--AND ARE PASSING -- THE SAVINGS ALONG TO OUR CUSTOMERS. * GROCERIES * Bmg with CONFIDENCE! FOR A MUABU USED CAR AT A MjSbNABLi PI 5 VISIT YOUR LOCAL V&u/u« iirush Sf on/ PAINT a„j PLASTER ONE OPERATION ft*" fWIWPLAST «« mm m»H «tu ntmm • COVMS MACTM CRACKS » mu HAH HOLES A SUMS o uvas UNevm SURPACM O LOVKY HAKMONY COIOCS • IASY TO Amr O WASH IS NRFSCTUr • FOR ANY MTBUOt fURMCI VYCITAL'S PHONBN HEALER - Leek Ssr the slg» "Select Used Can** and yom will know that TM can bay with confidenea* M will And many make* maey models of Select Used Cars on our big let. All Select Used Cars have been i lmAed and reconditioned by oar staff • of skilled, facteinr-trained ase- * ehanies. Yo« wiH find these eats look right, perform right aad are priced right. Come in asrf look them over today. HEINZ KETCHUP 14 oz. bottle 21c WILSON'S CERTIFIED TAMALES (wth sauce) 1 lb. glass jar29c ALL POPULAR CANDY BARS 6 for 25c (or 90c for a 24 bar box PEACOCK BRAND BEVERAGES (all flavors) Half gal. size at only 15c Full quart size at only 10c (plus bottle deposit) We also stock a gopd assortment of fresh frozen fruits and vegetables. COFFEE Boca. Flavor fresh lb. 3 lbs. for 11.10 RIVAL --- DOG FOOD ' 3 cans at 29c (or case of 48 at $4.00) SEALTEST ICE CREAM All popular flavors per pint 32c 24 oz. FRESH EGGS ... doz. 47c J§iBD CA* '1*47 5ASH AXB. 1947 NASH <00 1941 NASH AHB. 11941 NASH 609 1940 NASH <09 1986 FORD V4 TON FORD TRUCK* DoWns Nash Sales 406 El* Street leHBHRT 484 Also Towlag Serrloa Vel SOAP POWDER 29c Dreft SOAP POWDElt 29c American Family SOAP FLAKES _ 31c Surf S0AP$QWPE1 LINCO FULL GALLON at only 39c QUALITY MEATS fl" WHOLESALE and BCTAIL • * Grade A Steer ROUND STEAK lb. 69o Grade A St^er SIRLOIN STEAK 69c Grade A Steer POT ROAST 55a Grade A Steer ROLLED RIB ROAST v lb. 59c Grade A Steer SHORT RIB OR PLATE BEEF ^.Ib. 33c HAMBURGER (All pure ground beef) ..... Milwaukee RING BOLOGNA at only 49c lb. Oscar Mayer's WIENERS 14 oz. tins 47c Round Summer MET WURST Milwaukee Style at only 59c lb. GOOD STEER -- TINDER QUALITY Hind Quarters of BEEF ^ Front Quarters of BXJSW. L BEEF ROUNDS BEEF LOINS lb. 39c 37c , lb. 42c lb. 43c BEEF RIB (for Rib Roast) (Standing) Ib. 43c BEAF CHUCKS (for Pot Roast) , ^ K I (about 50 to 60 lbs. each) -- • t \ ' v/ ^ :lh. 39c •r V* Load up that deep freeze NOW--at the^ above--LESS THAN WHOLESALE prices. . • / •" *V-*rAf 1ST M Boneless P^rch -Halibut vr'.'\ ...Fresh Co4"T^v Haddock .Oysters Spiced Herring *7Ae A>U SmUk tyoodt Stoteb Our McHenry Store PHONE 250 4^0PEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK Our Johnsburg Stox£ PHONE 400 J I

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