Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1949, p. 7

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LEGALS iaat ta Om" A first aid kit and a flashlight should be in the glove compartment of every automobile It Is not Ironing of «m sow. oc vibrionic M The reason: "vibrio the germ that causes this which often results in heavy of lambs, thrives-best In firl*- «li Ite-s .r Tiffereit Talenfrrnni the File# of the Plsindealer •f Team Ago A new and deader atomizes and spreads Us McHenry Sand and Crave! Co. vatinf and Crane Seryioe Dirt -- Sand and Grant ; ; load Grading - " , «• MXTY TEARS AGO m MOSEY INN * . -1 .WPfjBPjfWy •'*4 '/'rt • / RINGWOOD "^TELEVISION PRAOER BUS - ' FRED BOWMAN, Prop. <9 FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limestone and phosphate spreading, j. Soil samples taken on request £lace orders early and avoid rush. < "Barn Lime and Chips for Driveways .. CHARLES FREUND, Owner 101 W. Waukpgan Road . McHENR*, ILLINOIS -- ^ 4124 0 BOOKKEEPING and TAX SERVICE Records Installed and Maintained " " j* Inoome Tax Brians Prtpu* . By Appointment Only . . ELMER P. ADAMS Certified Tax Consultant FoxLake 5962 1 mi. No. of Fox Lake on Rt. 12 Assorted Tree ripened, taste tested cltras fralt from Edgewood Groves, Lake Helea, Flu. Quality Fruit for Over Half a Century Oranges Gr. Fmlt Crate 11/ft ha. ......... Vt Crnte ..>....-- Bashel Yt Bashel * Direct to yoar door hjr express, prepaid. Send order and check to B. W. MALLOY, LAKE HELEN, FLA. HjM MM ~ SJt --W &S0 KM £25 OR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST 8. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Ryfcs Examined -- Glaaaes Fitted - Tiaual Training '-- Visnal Rehabilitation Complete Vlanal Analysis x Dally: ® to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Bvanlnga^ i;Q0 to ' PHONE McHENRY 45S 0 0 0 iUUS-flUUHiS V-BELTS Only Allis-Chalmers V-Behs «g» made to die exaa aod precise specifications of Allis-Chalmers cngioeeis, Any other V-Belts for A«C farm equipment aie only substitutes and lack approval*#. A«C engineers. You can be me of these advantages when you boy an A-C V-Belt for your Allis-Chalmers tractor, All Crop harvester or other ^*rnl machinery: 1. Exact sis* far lha I--d H be howdled. 2. Correct angle far Ike sheaves. S. They laat four V'Bdt need* today. Seep in or give as a ring. We cm Mffij yon with genuine Allis-Chalmers V-Bata, ( SALES AND SEftVICE 1 R. M. FLEMING & SON Xmpkmenti Waukegan St • .< • _ -,L, fceoommettd. Twenty-six pounds good prunes for $1; thirteen pounds good blackberries for $1.; 8 cents per lb.; Fifteen pounds rice for $1. Bonslett and Stoffel. We are having a light run of sleighing now, the first of the season. All persons who have their names i at Althoff Bros, .store, or at Besley's I drug store can have a bus call for ' them on the night of the 22nd party at the Parker House. ' The populaity of Smith's Quin- i tette Orchestra, of this village, is j shown by the ftfet that they were Creamery 06. Amount of sank received 269JS4; amount of batter made. 12,744; antout money ceived for batter, 20 cents; average yield per 100 lbs. milk. 4.7SS;* average oil test of factory S.M; average cost of manufacturing, 2 cents; over run, 19.51. The supper, given by the ladles of the Willing Workers Society, connected with the Universalis church, at the City Hall, on Thursday evening was a grand success financially and otherwise. The receipts were about $50. We learn that H. E. Wightman has sold his cottage and grounda, at Pistaqua Bay. to J. W. Peters, of Chicago. Consideration $1,600. ,, - FORTY TEARS AGO A sensational drop of three cents in the price of butter enlivened the weekly meeting of the Elgin board of trade Monday. The quotation committee declared the price to be 29 cents. John M. Phalln, haying rented hl» farm, will hold an auction on his wanted in six different place#, for premises Tuesday. Thursday ni9 g. 1h - tA o_ fM tA. Ih- -i s w- ee^ Sk _ . JT* /hi. • FIFTY TEARS AGO« ^ Statement of the McHenry AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD ft ED VOGEL, Auctioneers Having sold my farm, I will sell without reserve on my farm, located 1% miles Northeast of Ringwood, 5 miles south of Richmond, on the old Richmond Road, ;on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2S, 194# Sale starting at 12:30 sharp the following property: 37 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 18 head of choice Hoistein milk cows, 12 of these are new milkers or close springers; 1 Holstein heifer 2 years old, due to freshen in February; 1 Holstein bull 2% yrs. old; 1 Holstein heifer, 3 mos. old; 10 head bred gilts due to farrow in April (wt. 325-350); 1 Poland China Boar, wt. 300 lbs. 1 brown and bay team 12 yrs. old, wt. 2800 lbs.; 1 bay gelding, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1700 lbs.; 1 sorrel mare, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1300 lbs. * FEED 30 ton' mixed alfalfa and timothy hay (loose); 250 bales of straw; 500 bu. Clinton oats; 500 bu. hard ear corn; 750 bu. forvic oats; 15-ft. silage in a 14-ft. silo. < MACHINERY W. C. Allis Chalmers tractor and cultivator, like new; Allis Chalmers 7-ft. tractor disc; Allis Chalmers, 2-bot. tractor plow, 14-in.; Gehl silo filler; 50-ft. of silo pipe; 3-sec. steel drag; 3-sec. wooden drag; McD. manure spreader on rubber; Deering graiil binder. 5-ft.; Deering hay mower, 5-ft.; CaBe hay loader; McD. corn planter; 100 rds. of chicken wire; McD. side delivery rake: 8-ft. grain drill; McD. corn binder; rubber tire wagon and rack; single row horse cultivator; sulky plow, 16-in.; walking plow, 14-in.; 1 set harness; 2 gas drums <55 gal.); 6 hog houses, A-shape; steel wheel wagon and rack; 2 single unit Universal milker units, pump and pipe line (175-ft.); 11 milk cans, pails and strainer; 2 washing tanks; 1 Fairbanks scale (600-lb. weight); other small articles too numerous to mention. TERMS -- All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desirr ins credit kindly make arrangements before-purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. Not reponnible for accidents. WILLIAM MILLER McHenry State Bank, Clerking: AUCTION The old smoke stack on the old electric light plant was rased on Wednesday afternoon. A pulley rope and several strong arms did the work. Emil Fetter is now occupying the Henry Wegener farm near Lily Lake, having vacated £he Mosgrove farm, which he had been working for the past ten years. ' li temperatures. Tests have thai at 45 degrees F. the disease aaeleria lived an average of SO daps. At TO to 100 degrees the ordanisms da vs. Cintf i NOTICE Notice Is hereby given the Capital Stock of the McHenry State Bank, McHenry, Illinois has been increased to $100,000.00 by a stock , dividend by action of the stock- •f**"™' »urv'vcd fM.^a*a*||fc holders of said bank at the annual e( anlv 10 davs. " meeting held January 11, 1949, ! said action being approved by the l( Auditor of Public Accounts, State , of Illinois, in accordance with Proi vissions of Section 12 of an Act of i the General Assembly of the State of lIlnioi8 entitled, "An Act to re- Water for Cows Records show that dairy wffl show an increase ill milk pr duction of from five to 10 per cent when water is available to them at all times. . Night Crli Of the fatal traffic accidents reported in Washington, D. C.. for ( . _.. .. ... ., . one month. 83 per cent occurred at 1 J"*®"""* bl«™ night, and 80 per cent of the night j deaths were pedestrians. The re- j P°rt» reveal crimes against worn- j en much more numerous after dark, j with night-time purse-snatchings 79 j per cent of the total and assaults j 57 per cent. ^ . Subscribe for The Plaindealer. stantly by a special electric The insecticide has 100 per cent fly kill and for a roach kill of 98 out of 100. high-pressure steam makes prolonged suspension of the cide particles in the air a greater killing effects. Why Lambs fcaf ^ Wool eating is s form of depraved appetite in young lambs that leads to formation in the stomach of dirt-arid-wool balls, and death sometimes results. According to veterinary authorities, lack of necessary minerals, especially phosphorus, may be a major causative factor, since wool eating rarely occurs among pasture-reared lambs Wwm well-nnurifthed mothers. vise the law with relation to banks and banking," approved June 23, 1919, enforced December 1, 1920 as amended. McHENRY STATE BANK, McHenry, Illinois. ROBERT L. WEBER, Cashier. (Publish Jan. 27, Feb. S and 10) Idling Tractor Meters When tractor motors are allowed to idle, gas is wasted. Lubrication of an idling motor is likely to be faulty, too, as the oil system was made for operation under load. TWENTY-FIVE TEARS AGO W. F. Vogt, the progressive pro* prletor of the West Side drug store, is making arrangements for the removal of his stock of goods from the present location in the Jos. W. Freund building on Main street to the Mrs. Peter B. Freund building just across the street. Clarence Martin, wbo has been a tenant on the F. A. Cooley farm south of town for some time past, has moved his family to this city. They occupy a home in the north end of town. John J. Sauer, who for a time conducted a Perfect System bakery in the Mrs. Emma K. Freund building on the West Sido, but who closed down the business some time ago, moved his family to Chicago last Saturday, where lie has secured employment. The ice on t^ie mill pond, when measured, was ninteen inches lu thickness. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, ED VOGKL and* WILLIAM RUSSEL Auctioneers CHARLES LEONARD and ED VO(«EL Auctioneers The farm having been sold, I will sell my personal property at Public Auction on the Harrison Estate Farm, located 2 miles North of Ringwood, 4 miles South of Richmond, 1 mile West of route 31, on TUESDAY, FEB. 15 commencing at 11:00 a. m. sharp, the following described property.: Having sold the farm and decided to quit farming we will sell at Public Auction on the Wattles Farm located 2 miles West of McHenry, % mile South of Route 120, on THURSDAT, FEBRUARY 1? commencing at 10:00 a. m. sharp; the following described property: S3 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 34 head of Holstein dairy, cattlef, 8 of these being first calf heiferd; all fresh and calfhood vaccinated; 2 Holstein heifers, bred in October; 2 Holstein heifers, 16 months old; Holstein stock bull, 2 years old; j registered Holstein bull, 1 year old. HORSES -- Saddle mare, bred; yearling mare colt, 2 saddles. HOGS--9 brood sows, 6 Chester White and 3 Hampshire, start to farrow latter part of March; 1 Chester White boar, weight 250 lbs. FEED--2000 bu. oats; 2500 bu. ear corn; 10 ton baled alfalfa hay; 8 ton baled red clover hay; 15 ton baled timothy hay; 8 ton baled straw MACHINERY -- Three tractors: John Deere "B" tractor, new motor, cultivator attachment; McD. Model "H" tractor, 2 years old, with cultivator attachment; Allis-Chalmers1 Model "B" tractor with cultivator attachment; one row corn picker attachment for McD. Model "H" tractor, new; M-M. combine, with motor, _ new; McD. tractor corn planter, new; John Deere power New items every week. Come in and see the new ,rKirwh Valance Pleater." DRAPERIES CURTAINS VALANCES CORNICES BEDSPREADS SLIPCOVERS TABLE COVERS WALL PAPER »nwlti| I)- 204 S. Oram St. Phone HcHenry £10 SCHOLARSHIP IN LEADING CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE OFFEREB TO HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS... AB high school students, graduating this year, are digMe tar enter (he annual contest for this 4-year acholanhip. Writing the winning any oa the subject, "Why I am Choorin Chiropractic as My Profession" will make available to you finest possible Chiropractic education at one of the nation*! outstanding Chiropractic colleges located in St. Louis. Chiropractic is a rewarding and satisfying profession, whidh brings health and happiness to thousands of patients. MI |ivf iMSf&rip OkvesaSA BASIC CHIROPRACTIC PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Scholarship Award Committee -- 303 Iowa Theater Bldf. -- Cedar There'* spring in nfy step every day . because I get a good night's sleep every night under my electric blanket. At my age sleeping G&mfort is important, and my electric blanket kpeps me just as warm as I want to be. I 'like fuming the blanket on a few minutes early and slipping int$, a nice warm bed, too" 41 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 41 mower, 6 ft., like new; Oliver corn 1 planter and check wire; Papec i silo filler and fipe; 4 section drag; j tractor manure spreader; 2 rubber i tired wagons and boxes, like new; j 2 rubber tired wagons and hay' rack; Allis-Chalmers 2 bottom, 14 j in. tractor plow; Oliver 14 in. 2 bottom tractor plow; 32 ft. Harvey j elevator with motor, new; 24 ft. j SS head of dairy cows, 88 Holsteias Walsh weed sprayer, 50 ft. hose | and 6 Guerneys; several new milk- and extension; McD. self feeder ers and close springers. hammer mill with cutter head: 6 head of work horses, 2 set of work John Deere 8 ft. grain binder with harness. i wind rower; McD. grain binder; 2 plprs, weight about 200 lbs., each. ' burr mill; 4 section spring , FEED -- 1000 bu. oats; 10 ton tooth harrow; McD. 7 ft. tract*® timothy hay; 20 acres standing Hlolr" T " - corn. MACHINERY -- A l l i s - C h a l m e r s "WC" tractor; McD. 10-20 tractor; Allis-Chalmer'S tractor disk, new; Allis-Chalmers tractor cultivator, new; tycD. 2 hot. tractor plow; quack digger, new; side • delivery rake; McD. grain binder; McD. corn blnd^; hay loader; 3-sec. disk; Roderick Lean 7 ft. dislc? | new; McD. side delivery rake; 800 lb. platform scale; fanning mill; ] buzz aaw; cooking kettle; corn i sheller; 275 gal. gas tank; 2 - 10 I hole Jamesway hog feeders; steel j water tank; hand drill press; power drill press; \ hp. electric i motor; emery wheel; blacksmith | forge; vise; pressure grease gun; | drag; McD. corn planter with fert. i ^ electric fencers, 40 steel posts! attach., 2 iron wheel wagons,1 and wire: *»ttery fencer; 100 ft. j double wagon box, rubber tired endless ™ endless belt: , wagon and rack, rubber tired 11 8acks 12"12 fertilizer; 3 sacks j wagon, manure spreader on rub- niJnera'• Quickfreeze deep ber, Mcp. 6-ft. mower, 2 single row | freeze, chain hoist; 1946 Dodge cultivators; hay rake; Broadcast ' Electric bed covers bring new sleeping comfort to •very member of the family. You'll find you sleep better and feel better ... when your bed is kept at a constant temperature. A dependable control automatically assures you Of the warmth you want... it adjusts to changing temperatures. You'll sleep the whole night through ... never waking to add a blanket or tfirow one off. ~ Cold spots are a thing of the past with electric bedcovers, your bed is cozy warm all over. And, if you're planning to save on fuel bills this year, an electric blanket will let you sleep in comfort no matter what the room temperature is. If you like feeling spry as a cricket every morning ... you'll like sleeping under an electric blanket, comforter or sheet. seeder; thistle cutter; pulverizer; Universal milking machine with 1 single and 1 double unit, and pipe line for 38 cows, and motor and pump, complete; 12 milk cans; electric water heater; electric stirrer; pails and strainers; 1937 4 door Pontiac sedan; Farm Master pastuerizer; heatrola atove; 2 dining room tables; many other articles too numerous,to mention. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS ALL DAY TERMS -- All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. RAY B. MERCHANT, Owner McHEN&Y smm BANK, Clerking 4 door sedan. (DAIRY EQUIPMENT--McD. milking machine. 4 units, pump and ; motor, pipe for 50 cows; 2 electric water heaters; 23 milk cans; 2 wash tanks, palls and strainers: lot of old iron. Many other articles too numerous to mention. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS Not responsible for accidents. TERMS -- All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. - THIS IS A LARGE SALE AND WILL START PROMPTLY AT 10 A. M. , MRS. FRANK H. WATTLES and JOE KLOECKNER, Owners McHBNRY STATS BANK, Clerklnc r'"'« • a food Ueeft •?$*,*rA-:i- M. ukcL&i my &tu&Uc Stoumetf*] there tore several types of stuMt bed covers from which you amy chads*: i 9fce««i $29.95, Bkmkf (Twin M Stan) from $39 95, f MJfaa) from $41.95; Comforters $49.85. AKprkt mi ftiife Tsiiwaf fsiiss Taa $me tTofr Dealer or Omr Ifeor--I iNft PUBLIC SSRVICI COMPANY OP NORTMIRM I S,'

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