E.CTSON VM . of the great number of „,,,, ids which appear in the tlllndnliT each week, we have 'Iml ft impossible to keep books fa Neh null accounts. There- (DN, IB the frtare, only ads which mm paid far before this section «f tte paper go* to press at 10 fflnlock en Wednesday mornings Will be printed. Bsiirct Tons photogeafmic P80BLEI8 TO US--We can deltrer anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying*and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mc- Henry. Phone 275. 40-tf TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf FOR SALS J SALE--Johns-Manville Home isolation, installed by The Wall- Co. For estimate call Leo J. ling, McHenry 18. 40-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf HAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned HXLPWAMTXD WANTED -- A raljibl. mu for general farming by March 1. Room and board furnished, good wages. Write Bo* "HW," care of McHenry Plaindealer. # *40 M*N WANTED AT ONCE - APPLY AT HUNTER BOAT M. irilEHBf, ILI* - HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR. bv Eddie's Sanitary Service Eddie TUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST- &H.u1fTf, PP™rop„ . TTeolf. MMcrlH I eenn rr yv 229900 . "-99 ttff ™pL y™ R ITTHEIRS8 ITDYBP EM FWGO RcKo._ A^PRIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY, PHONE &. W-tf SALE--Baled oats straw Tel. cHenry 612-J-2. **0 t*OR SALE--1933 Chevrolet. 4-door, with good tires and in good running •condition. Tel. McHenry '410-R. •40 TEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with the j HFIP u t vTrn Awn wr best of service. Also rubbish hauled i HELP »»ANTED MEN AND WO« in loads or fialf loads. FRED WIRTZ MEN--Several openings available Tel 758-R. 7-tf 'or spray painters; experienced in _! --' -- | painting manufactured parts. Hours Let us, 4 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. Apply in ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE 38-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING dispose of your garbage each week, j person or oftener if desired. Reasonable j CO. Woodstock, Illinois. rates. Regular- year round route, i John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Me- ' .. .. - - Henry, Phone 365. tf j FORMO Indian COVO TOmplOS jPOR SALE--Six tons of corn; In ternational corn planter with fer- EXPERIENCED - tilifer attachment; Ford-FergusonLANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERT tractor with cultivator and plow; i AND REMOVAL -- INSURED 1S29 Model-A coach in good con- . FR5E ESTIMATES "dition with new battery, % 1 3 5. j J. W. RATCRAPT, P. O. Box 163 iPhone McHenry 596-W-2. 40 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. „ ---- -- • ^-.tf FOR SALE--14 French windows, 12 I , light, 8xlO-ln„ hardware included; ] % catalog price. Phone McHenry C51-R-2. *39-2 j "FOR SALE--PIANOS--40 MILES j -- FROM HIGH PRICES 3 Spinet DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Pianos returned from rent; 2 prices paid for cows, horses and Grand Pianos. All can be bought! hogs; no help needed to load. Day «t big savings. Call Elgin 780. and night, Sundays and holidays. DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO., 21' Cal1 Wheeling Rendering Works, N. Union St., Elgin. 111. 38-4 Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. ' OO'vX C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208 W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, 111. ALL YEAR HOMES FOR SALE J "At McCULLOM LAKE, six rooms,, furnace, oil heat, lot 100x150; full basement. Price $9,500. j AT WONDER LAKE, live rooms.; Jbath. running water, furnace heat, i full basement, lot 100x150. Near, blacktop road, price $9,250. For ; appointment call JACOB FRITZ, KEALTOR IN JOHNSBURG, Tel McHenry 37, or Chicago Lincoln t-1333. 38-tf , CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel, McHenrv 653-M-2 50-tf LOST LOST -- Black cocker spaniel, female; answers to "Lady." Child's pet. Reward. Call McHenry 543- R-2. " 40 |POR SALE--Ten tables with mica t WANTED Itops; 40 leatherette chairs (new); ^ , . . Walk in cooler and deep freeze (new) WANTED--Watches and jewelry to compressor dryer and all tubing and repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. ifittings (new); dishes and kitchen i Green street, McHenry. (Front part utensils. Hoot's Tavern, 202 8. | of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 30-tf 15-tf i Green St. Tel. McHenry 360. WANTED TO BUY ^FOB SALE--Generators, armatures, . 1 Starters, fuel pumps, distributors • WANTED TO BUT--We have cash- Jvoltage regulators and ignition parts ( buyers for resort properties, homes | for Ford and all other cars. Seaco.and farms, JACOB FRITZ, REAL-! Sales Jb Serviae, Lilymoor, Fred J. TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry Bvoboda, Prop. Tel.* MeHenry 183. j 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf 47-tf | Still Stand in Hyderabad . Hyderabad stata, which yieldad to the Indian Union after five days of military action, was virtually the last of 562 princely Indian states to hold out against accession by either of the year-old dominions-- India and Pakistan, In area, population, material wealth, historical and religious importance, tills landlocked state that spreads almost completely across the Deccan plateau in south central India is outstanding. Glories of earlier civilizations, centered in the cave cathedrals of Ajanta and Ellora, make it one of the world's rich regions archaeologically, notes the National Geographic society. Ruled for 37 years by its present Nizam, Hyderabad compares roughly in area and population to Pennsylvania and Ohio combined. Six-sevenths of the 17-million population is Hindu, but the Nizam and his nobles are of the Moslem oneseventh. Almost two-fifths of the land is owned by the small ruling, group. Despite this arrangement, which finds the ruler adding ca,sh, bullion, jewels and other property to coffers that make him a billionaire, the lot of Hyderabad's masses has been improved through the Nizam's reign. Irrigation dams have advanced farming, cottage workers in textiles have benefited from special training, and new industries have sprung up. ~ Experiment for CooH»rt C*PH WILLIKER, the laziest man in Jayhawk county, whs conducting an experiment. Lollihg in his favorite rocker on the front porch of his little cabin, he would turn his face to the west and rock a little while, then turn toward the south and rock some more. Changing back, the experiment would go on. "What's the trouble, Eph?" his wife called out. finally attracted by his peculiar conduct "What are ye' movin' about so much fur?" "Jest tryin' to find out which is the easiest--rockin' east and west with the wind, or north and south with the grain In the floor," was Epb'a reply. .. ^. fgf?* New Wording "The Washington biological survey, which puts metal bands on wild birds to study their migratory habits, recently ordered new bands with different wording. They now read "Notify fish and wUdlife services/ Washington, D. C." Formerly the bands said simply, "Wash. Biol. Surv." Unofficial explanation of the change: An irate taxpayers let. ter complained: "Sirs, I shot one of your pet crows and followed instructions. I washed it, I boiled it, and I surved It. It was terrible. Stop fooling the p e o p l e . ~ •MMltMli M*r m ItemM kyfatMMltiM Ticks smell with their front legs. Spiders digest most of their food before eating. These are some of the peculiarities of one of earth's oldest and most widely distributed animal classes, as described by R. E. Snodgrass of the U. S. department of agriculture in a report issued by the Smithsonian institution. It is an exhaustive description of the feeding organs of the group which Includes spiders, mites, and ticks. In rocks laid down about 500 million years ago, geologists find fossils of sea animals known as trilobites-- very remotely related to the spiders and crabs of today. They were the dominant form of life in their age. They were essentially lawless creatures, having only a mouth through which they probably sucked mud into the alimentary tract. They depended for their nutriment on whatever organic matter might be contained in this mud. Since then jaws and Qther accessory mouth parts for grasping, tearing, crushing, and chewing have been developed in the processes of evolution. The spider and "tick groups, however, have followed a line apart and remain about as jawless today as their jnost remote ancestors. This is one of the ways in which they differ most strikingly from the insects, it is pointed out in Mr. Snodgrass' report. They must live on a liquid diet. In the feeding of spiders, digestion outside the body plays an important part. A powerful digestive fluid from the stomach is discharged on the prey and completely liquefies the soft tissues. ItriNllOttiMi Straits la ltOl, a SI-year-old Englishman named Richard Trevithick successfully demonstrated an Invention which was to revolutionize world economy. It was the first workable self-propelled steam engine and it pulled passengers through the streets of a Cornish town. Stationary steam power had been in use for a hundred years, but this one and those shortly afterward built to run on rails by George Stephenson actually moved. In this day when the most fantastic scientific advances are taken as a matter of course, it is difficult to realize the skepticism toward the moving engine. They didn't believe it until they saw it; even when they saw it, some didn't believe, notes R. G. Henley of the N. and W. Ry. Thirty-five years later in America Facts About Pole Star The pole star dtaniae/Owing to an effect called ptecesaten of the equinoxes the point in the sky directly over the north pole shifts in a circle among the stars. The star in the little' dipper which we call the Pole star is merely a transient occupant of that post' In the future we will have other pole stars. For example, the one called Alderamin, In the constellation of Cepheus, will be there about 7,800 A. D., and Vega, in Lyra, about 14,000 A. D. About 8,000 A. D. Thuban, in Draco, will again be the pole star, as it was around 2,000 B. C., when some of the Egyptian pyramids were built 1VMTI TAXK Under the : supervision of the Crystal Lake tfark hoard. Veterans Acres is being enlarged and im- / proved this winter. The huge crowds that attended lest year's Fourth of July celebration revealeda the limitations of the park. Besides* the enlargement of the park, mor«^ parking facilities, a new entrance™ and "grading of rough terrain in the parking area are a few of the improvements being incorporated la this area. Read the Want Ads." , ' MARKSMANSHIP FOR KENT 'FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADSgvo MACHINES. Service on all FOR RENT--Rooms. 108 N. Court •akes. Ateo ribbons for all makes; j 8t., McHenry. Phone 90-M. *39-2 carbon paper. L. V. Kiltr, Clay St.,1 deadstock. Phone 549. 7-tf Increasod Calcium in Diet MR 8ALE -Doubie basin cast iron; Recommended as Investment kitchen sink with fittings except i trap, which .is not included, $20.! Getting barely enough calcium In Phone McHenry 224-R. *40 | 1111111 or other daily food to meet the body's current need is not the FOB SALE -- THE MODERN 4K0CERY AND MARKET at Long •Lake, 111., six living rooms; furnac6 heat, also two cottages and garage; large grounds. For appotntmeQt call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37, or •Chicago, Lincoln 9-1333. ^8-tf Timber Consumption * in the 300 years since 1030 we removed twice as much timber as was growing when the first colonists landed, and we still have abundant forests that will serve us in perpetuity if we manage them sensibly. Need ruboer stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. TOR BALK--New Cape Cod 4-room Jhouse located on S. Green St, near jhigh school. Stanley Schaffer, Tel. 1 'McHenry 124-M. 26-tf ! FOR BALE -- ALL TEAR HOMES, | $5,000 and up. FARMS, large I and small; CHOICE LOTS; LISTINGS, APPRECIATED; STOMPOVATO'S REAL ESTATE, Wood j soetk, 111., Call CECELIA E. KNOX, HcHENRT, Tel. 421-J 38-6 j FOR SALE -- Tear-round home, modern; four rooms and bath; en- j closed porch; lot 77x140; in eit}' . limits of McHenry, Country Club Subdivision; immediate possession; tan be seen anytime. Price $6,000. Frank Holt, Park Pub, corner Pearl 'and Green StB., McHenry. Phone McHenry 462. 29-tf 'MISCELLANEOUS WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen must be transported in sterile container. Charge $4. McHenry XRay it Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. : Green St., Phone 291. 38-tf best planning for good nutrition. "When calcium is increased to a more generous level, the human body is able to put the added amount to use for long-range needs. That is, the added amount of this mineral is a good investment toward sturdy, healthy bones. It aid4 old people no less than young adults. In women of child-bearing age, it even extends its benefits to future generations." That is the meaning of the new recommendations for increased calcium in diets of grown men and women of all ages, arrived at by the National Research council. In advising more calcium for adults, the council's food and nutrition board and committee on dietary allowances reviewed scientific knowledge on calcium need, and took special note of recent laboratory findings. Putting the new calcium recom- | mendations in terms of daily food, | the easiest way to plan regularly I for calcium needs is to get plenty 1 of milk and its products in diet ; Ranking next as good sources of i this mineral are dried beans and i peas and certain of the leafy green j vegetables such as turnip greens I and kale, but it is difficult to get {• enough calcium without milk prod- ; ducts and especially some liquid ! milk, worn Reliable Trmmmportattom AT A Reasonable Pric^ CHOOSI JK • 1 '% CLEANING AND PRESSING on men's and women's clothing; also' repairs and alterations; will pick up. Call Vincent Schiavone. Tel. j McHenry 615-R-2. 36-tf MODERNIZE TOUR KITCHEN OR BATHROOM WjUbl^^Listic or alumi- j nam wall tile^elso rubber fieor tile. *Gerity bathroom accessories free with each wall tile job. For free estimates call Wauconda 5252 or WW. 38-tf Reed the Waatf Ads. Hamburger, Favorite According to a prominent hotel consultant, hamburger, of all foods, satisfies the greatest number of people. Heg Wise Feeder Although corn is considered the basal swine feed, the hog can utilize a larger variety of feeds to greater advantage than any farm animal. Subscribe fer The Plaindealer. USED CAR Yoti can buy with confidence whenyou buy a Select Used Car. Tne mounting demand for the sensational new Nash Airflyte has given nt one of oar largest stocks of clean, late model used cut in years. Select Used can are checked and reconditioned by our staff of expert mechanics. They are good* clean cars with plenty ot pleasurable miles left i|l them. See us today! . '47 NASH AMR. *47 NASH 000 *47 KAISER •4« FORD CONY. '41 NASH AMR. ' '41 NASH 600 '41 B^JICK CONV, *40 NASH 600 *S6 FORD l^z ton Ford track L.W.B. Downs Nash Sales m Elm Street McHENRY 484 Alse Tewing Service m A tipsy hunter was standing in a rocking boat trying to get a bead on one solitary duck flying over a lake. After weaving his rifle back and forth several times, he at last fired, and to the astonishment of onlookers, the duck dropped. A spectator congratulated the happy huntsman on his fine marksmanship under such adverse conditions. His modest answer was, "Well, out of the whole flock up there, I ought to get at least one." EjJIo Inftaence Sammy's father was an ardent radio fan. Every evening he had special programs to which he listened, but of them all his favorite was a "continued" mystery thriller. The four-year-old couldn't take it all in, but he was quite content ' to sit for hours in his father's lap, listening to the music and dialogue pouring from the speaker. So his mother was not particularly surprised to hear him conclude his little prayer one night with the announcement: "Tomorrow night at this time there will be another prayer 1" ADVICE TO PARENTS Main Cauui of Farm Fires And How to Prevent Thtin | Defective chimneys rank high «s a cause of farm fires during the heating season. Repair cracks or Other defects and ^replace rusted or turned out stove pipes as a first step towards preventing a fire. Use a metal or asbestos floor covering under wood or coal burning stoves. Use double metal ventilated thimbles where stovepipes pass through frame walls or partitions. Another group of farm fires are started by sparks on roofs. A spark arrestor on your chimney will eliminate this risk. This hazard can also be reduced by installing flre-retardant roofing. Other farm fires are due to the misuse of petroleum and its products. Every time you use gasoline, kerosene, or tractor fuel to start or hasten a fire you invite disaster. Don't gamble with leaky connections, defective equipment, or poor adjustment on kerosene stoves or oil burning furnaces. Tank heater, feed heaters or any other type of heating equipment around your farmstead should also be checked carefully. See that they are in good condition and Installed safely. Defective tank heaters, or installations too close to buildings, straw or other flammable materials lead to many costly winter Area. Rate Frem Europe The Norway, or brown rat, was Introduced into America from Europe, arriving on ships which' a learned mathematician "proved" brought early settlers. with formulae that it was impos-* sible for an iron wheel on an' iron rail to ascend even the slightest grade. William Norris, this country's first outstanding locomotive builder, conducted a public demonstration and secured affidavits from every passenger to contradict the professor. The development of the steam locomotive to its present high efficiency is a fascinating story. Its history began in England about 1700 when Thomas-Savery and Thomas Newcomen developed a crude coal-burning device for pumping water from deep coal mines. n In 176S, James Watt a young Scottish Instrument maker, was hired to repair Newcomen's engine, and succeeded in building a better and more economical one. From this improved steam engine, patented by Watt in 1769, modern locomotives can trace their beginning. HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fer Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs--Sanitary Power Loedlag --Tankage and Meet Scraps foik sale. Phones Arlington Height* lit or McHenry f&M-S. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. Clothes Basket Liner I Made of Oil Cloth ; Makes An Ordinary Bushel Basket " A, Fine Clothes Basket 89c VYCITAL'S Hardware ttieet Metal Sl\op Washington's Birthday ' We celebrate George Washington's birthday on February 22. Actually, however, he was born Feb ruary 11. 1731. I LAUGH AT CHRONIC ' MASTITIS* 1 (Because I know of the Beebe ! G-LAC treatment -that can be ; given in one minute. | My boss doesn't use a syringe 1 ... he uses the new Beebe G-LAC ! tube.' The easily inserted tip gives me no discomfort and believe me ! I get relief. I know he does not i have to keep it in the refrigerator j ... lie does not need to warm the i tube. He knows that authorities ' agree Beebe G-LAC (tyrothricin) : is the most efficient treatment known. | The Beebe G-LAC remains ac- ! tire in my udder for days. Only j one of my milking* needs to be : discarded and that can be fed to the calves. ^ Remember one out of four of i us has mastitis. He tests my i «als and me regidariy with Beebe 'est Pads. He gets them free | at the 8 to re with the Beebe Bull's i Eye on the door. j •Due to Streptococcus agalactia*. , My b o s s b u y s a t . . . j BOLGER'S DRUG STORE I PHONE 40 \njM PO/HTS Ymi REMEMBER We dispense prescriptions as quickly as accuracy will allow, to give you the benefit of your doctor's orders as quickly as - possible. ^A.11 our drugs are fresh, potent, just right to enable your medicine needs to ' work quickly and capably to improve your health. See^ us next time yon have prescription needs to fill. • NYE DRUG STORE ^ . COoUjrcen ^qencv 129 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry ••"medies at Wattles Drug Store, Mr Henry. 8-tf HOWDY l*OLKg ... Child Training Expert--If your children become unmanageable, quickly switch their attention. Puzzled Parent--Their what? Helen Weber Says: Always depend cm the finest in Dry Cleaning and Pressing .. ...tnd^ the Bert' . in town, make it a habit to rely on.us log lop quality wojkmanship and sozvloe. McHenry Cleaners Mel-- Weber, Mgr. Pfcene 1M-M lflt Kla. JM. Disappointed! Rudolph had heard a great deal about his little cousin Peter, hut had never met him. So when he heard Peter was coming to his house tor a visit, the youngster was overjoyed. But when his cousin arrived, he took one look at him and burtt Into tears. '1 thought." he wailed, "that Peter was a rabbit I" rOOUSH WHITE MAN man dlaeevtke Indiana It. There were ae taxes, there waa no debt. The women did all the work. Aad the white aaen thought they oeald Improve « a system Uke that! A skeleton Is a man with his outside off and his Inside sticking oat. Young M. D.: "Well. Dad, now that I'm hanging out my shingle, can't you give me some rules for success?" Father M. D.: "Always write your prescription illegibly and your bills |rery plainly." The MI who Invented slew motion movies got his Idea while watching a Scotchman reach for a restaurant check. ^SNdget. did I eee yoe Wsslng that policeman in the kitchen? I'm ama*ed at you." "Well, mum, It's against the to resist an officer.'* ....-self Phone McHENRY, ILL. F-Model, Chassis and Call with 6.50 Dual Rear rns...Nmral Hm9! High Wlnda aad Corn |Bgh wind can do the most damage to a corn crop by blowing it down and preventing the pollinatior of the kernels. Pruning Fruit Trees Fruit trees may be pruned as eooa as the leaves have shed or anythsle tram ths» until sap daaa In the spring. Ibose who practice fall aad winter pruning avoid havlag * de this Jet She: ocean." He: less?" She: •Uk U ; "You remind me of the "Wild, romantic and reat- "No, you Juat make me • ill • Stop n and let hs give you gas, oil and tire check dally to assure safer driving for you at all times. SMITH'S SERVICE STATION Oor. Bta. SI aad lit McHenry Here's the truck that's giving thousands of truck users more for their money: 1. MORE power for brilliant performance with a "Job-Rated" 109 HJP. high-compression engine. 4. LOW operating cost fron^many advanced cost-reducing struck engine features . . . such/as L-head design, light-weight ahumnum alloy pistons »nd heat-res^ptfng valve, seat inserts. 8. LONGER truck life with loadengineered frame, clutch, transmission, axles, springs, and brakes ... completely "Job-Rated." 4. TIME-SAVING ease of handing with short turning diameters and wide tread front axles. 5# MORE comfort with large, roomy cabs •.. and with the safest vision ever designed into a truck cab. These are only a few of the reasons why famous Dodge "Model F" l}£-ton trucks are today's- top tmnsportatio* -relpt. There are many mote. / Come in... at your earliest convenience ... for off the reasons why you'll save money with a truck that fits your needs ... a Dodge "Job-Rated" truck. Of~ y o u r ' h U S ; , l L ; U-K&A TRUCKS A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. S01 K. PBASL STRUT PHOKI1S^ MsHXNXY, ILLINOIS