Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1949, p. 3

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; . - •*. < v ^ '*r r? •*?*?% > vr~zs .•: - /.- ,A>^ 4 ,-'V-r^ '*'V Vv1* '-• . "* •M' -Ef I the new parents of a 9 pound girl, gM - •• -- # s & born at the Woodstock hospital last {BMCwAJLOM Is Alh Jfc {Thursday evening, '"•to. 17. TIm Os Parade '•rn&fa (By YsrdstJekft Orwtlngg, Folks: ® I The big news of this week comes 'from Mr. frorans will name this newest addition to their foursome Kathleen. We art happy to report that both mother and daughter are doing 'nicely. Our congratulations to Bob and Jerry. with grandpa Robert Ooeber, in Chicago, who celebrated his seventy- second birthday last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seeber and and Mrs. Robert Doran, I family enjoyed a three-day visit The mild weather last Saturday lured Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Doolin for a weekend at their country home, and like so many other Mc- Cullom Lake folks, the Doolins tco, took advantage of the many Dollar Day bargains in McHenry on that day. Green Bay: Fbrtxaately.tfce 8M*> do family escaped injury. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walton and Mrs. Betty Cermak waged a weekend battle with enen^y virus X. Regular monthly meeting of the i Screwy Dosen will be held Sun- | day. Feb. 27. at 8 p. n>. at the usual place. All members urged to be I present. , / ;#ms Furnaces, Oil Burners, Conversions and Mowers Installed fgmm Oleaaed ud Itpitn^ - Gutter and Sheet Metal Work JIM'S SHEET METAL WORKS WE Tilicke, Rep. Phone Wonder Lake 268 V irfri'riiH : »v " Harold Vycital returned to his I home last Thursday, after a three [week's stay at Hlnes hospital in isurgery. Congratulations To Patricia Brautigam on her second birthday anniversary, Feb. S8. ADIOS. I Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Blake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Glosjson at a fish fry last Monday eve- | ning at their home. It was Lenny j who furnished the piece de resistance iJr this feast. ' , V ' ' *i « ' ,» Tree ripened, taste tested citrus fruit from Edgewood Groves, Lake Helen, Fla. Quality Fruit for Over Half a Qentury • • p«' > OranareS (lr, Fru(l; . . Assorted Crate 13/5 bn. Yi Crate Bushel ............... Yt Bushel UM S.00 94.00 2£0 S.00 2.00 $4.25 2.75 JL2S Ul Direct to your door by express, i^paM. Send order and check to Dw W. MALLOY, LAKE HELEN, FLA. Were John James Audubon alive to day.'he would be proud to list I Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ebey as his disciples for their efforts to make {life more bearable for our feathered ; friends duriag the cold winter months. There is no housing shortage for the many birds that make ! the Ebey's estate theic home, or | do they ever go without food, as the i many feeding stations are always j well stocked with grains aud wads of suet. The many species of birds who are daily guests of the Ken Ebeys afford theni many pleasant hours. The Lee Sawdo family returned from a week's visit with Grandma Annie Sawdo at Sturgeon Bay, Wis., j last Saturday. They were delayed four days until repairs could ba made on their new car, which was i^am aired when another car skidded i on the icy pavement and crashed into them when passing, through U Come in to THE NEW BOA VICTOi TELEVISION at Wilson's' Radio Shop 206 E. Elm Street PHONE 469 McHenry Cab Phone 723 Tour transportation worries are over if you call us for anywhere. City Council Proceeding! The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermep present: Althoff. Anderson. George J Freund, George P. Freund. Tonyan Absent: Regner. Motion by Althoff. seconded by Anderson, that the minutes of the ! last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. ! Motion by George P. Freund, j seconded by Tonyan that the i treasurer's report be approved as 1 read. Motion carried. i Motion by George J. Freund, [ seconded by Anderson that the col- ) lector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by • Althoff, seconded by George J. Freund. that the Clerk's I report be approved as read. Motion carried. ' Motion by George P. Freund, | seconded by Althoff, to approve ap- {plication for Carnival Permit, covering July 1, 2. 3, 4, 1919, as re- | quested by committee representing 'McHenry Post No. 491. American Legion. Motion carried. Motion by George J. Freund, j seconded by Anderson, that the {following bills be approved iby the finance committee: | Motion carried. ; Letter R. Bacon, salary ... ! John J. McCarthy, salary .... PhUip M. Thennes, salary .... Arthur J. Smith, salary , W. C. Felti, salary : Earl R. Walsh, office expense ! R. I. Overton, salary William H. Althoff. salary .... Arnold Anderson, salary .... George J. Freund, salary .... George P. Freund, salary .... Joseph M. Regner, salary .... Alfred Tonyan, salary .......... Earl R. Walsh, salary ...A Vernon .J Knox, salary Robert L. Weber, salary .... Anton H. Freund, salary , Mayrae Buss, salary and commissions William Buchert, gas and oil, police car and truck ........ The McHenry Plaindealer, printing McHenry C. Farmers' Co-Op. salt A. S. Blake Motor Sales, repairs, police car 111.81 Mfcn J. Vycital Hardware, _ supplies 6.67 Biward H. Nickels, supplies Ml Clark Chevrolet Sales, truck storage and repairs .... 11.41 Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co., street lights 61.42 Henry M. Weber, sidewalk 13.20 Weber Plumbing ft Heating, labor on waterworks 14.00 John the Tailor, uniform repair ,. 18.60 Illinois Municipal League, annual dues (6.00 Wort's Service Station, tire repair .J5 Ero Erickson, police radio maintenance 16.00 Tonyan Construction Co., supplies and labor 22.15 Tonyan Brothers .road gravel 3.26 Frank Thornber Co., election expense 42.3# Freund Oil Company, gas. police car 2.73 McHenry Garage, labor andrepairs J.76 Rockwell Manufacturing Co., parts for water meter re- . P.airs 22.86 Alvin Kuecker, locating water main 16,00 Frank MaSgueiet,' labor on streets ...Q. 16.1* Illinois Bell Telephone Co., telephone service 16.74 . '! Western United G. * E. Co., fM service S.66 Public Service Co., power " and light ..... ....... 237.19 McHenry Sand ft Gravel Co., gravel 16.10 Philip J. Hastings, salary .... 112.00 Elmer R. Murphy, salary .... 178.10 • SPECIAL SEWER FUND: Fred C. Feltz, Salary $136.00 1 Mavme. Buss, clerical ... 20.00! McHenry State Bank, interest 160.001 Carlson Oil Co., range oil .... ; 56.681 Carey Electric Shop, labor j electrical repairs 8.50 j Earl R. Walsh, freight paid. 14.11; Weber Plumbing ft Heating, Co., sewer repairs 142.00 Fairbanks Morse ft Co., j motor-pump 271.32 I John J. Vycital Hardware, supplies 14.00 James B. Clow ft Sons, supplies 77.67 Public Service Co.. power and light 46.85 Motion by George P. Freund, seconded by George J. Freund, to adjourn. Motion carried. • R. I. OVERTON. '•••V' Major, v ^ l^RL R. WALSH. "... City Clerk. STATE APPODTTMEJTT Noble J. Puffer, 47, a resident of the Elgin area for the last 'twenty-five years, last week was appointed Illinois State Director of Registration and Education by Governor Stevenson. He succeeds Frank G. Thompson of ML Vernon. After being a resident of Barrington for the last twelve years, he Complete line of Lee's pwm and his family moved to Crystal | remedies at Wattles Drug 8tw%' Lake 4ast December. Henry. f One* wati point, it eai ordinary cooking rolling boil may food faster than as ing up the heat to faster only wastes ftiaL DR. HENRY FREUNO 0PT0HSTBI8T At 136 S. Green St, McHent^ (Closed Thursday Afternoons) - Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted f; ; Visual Training Visual Rehabilitation * • Complete Visual Analysts - Honrs Daily: 9 to l2 and 1 to 6--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to t:9S PHONE McHENRV 452 "T- ...$220.00 ... 186.40 ... 165.60 ... 186.40 ... 131.60 66.00 66.00 35.00 35.00 25.00 . • 25.00 . 35.00 . 85 00 . 105.00 . 60.00 . 30.00 „_l|i9.40 . 55.83 109.64 49.30 HEADQUARTERS fOR STEERING SAFETY SM Oua MANBEE SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT FOR BALANCING WHEELS AND TESTING STEERING NOW AT YOUR COMMAND ^on. Sa|eti|'4 Sake CENTRAL GARAGE Don't pat vp with shimmy, wobble IjpED J. SMITH, PMp. or w.nthw at your front end. Time' Phone McHenry 200-J •re danger slgnsU. Ovr seienufie test will five trae MM awl correct • Johnsburg cure! Oar MANBEE equipment--dedicated to your safety--b the newest, finest, most scientific way »o test and correct faulty alignment or balance. Stop by and see It. An inspection of your ear will be made without obligation. Don't put it off--for safety's sake. IF YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY OR ARE HARD TO TURN . . . SEE VS NOW! Community Interior New items every week. Come in and see the new "Kirsch Valance Pleator." . DRAPERIES CURTAINS VALANCES CORNICES 304 S. Green St. BEDSPREAD^ m; SLIPCOVERS ^ TABLE COVERS ^ WALL PAPER ^^ * • Phone McHearytM Thennes Oil Co.. fuel oil McHenry Lumber Co.. coal and cement Freund Oil Co.. gas. police car and truck Walter J. Freund, tires and tubes i v$ew...evetyfcsf... i (MMMMttddl •" "Va \ * * ?• lii-i ; it i £ Itolkst thb esdtiaf aswCWviolst from mmg pHttef sad outatde, front, ads aad «ssr--sad agree it's the marteat-looking automobile of urw ymr. For it alone, of all low-priosd cars, p yon the itisHfiiJwd beauty ^ad hunoy of bgr Fishar tbs bodjr featured m bigbest- K flsltle into the deep, soft, form-fittmg seaU. NoUce Ik gtn generous bead, leg and dbowroom of the Sppe^Siae Interior. ^Ride isikii "csr that braatbes" an advaaoed'beating* aad ventilating system 'feat inhales outside air and erhales stale air--giving qread wimps net '(Heater aa \ optkmal at estsa esstO I of all the i thrilling ^v Chevrolet (or lMt is the entaely new kind of driving and riding ease winch ft introduces into the km-pricedjBeld. New Ceater- Ftoiat Design--iadudiag Center-Point Stesring, Center-Point Seating, lower Center of Gravity aad Center-Point Rear Suspension brings you living and riding results heretofore found only ia more expensive cars. The difference is so great--and to jieating--that it's no exaggeration to my it is proving a revelation to all who drive or ride in tins car. Remember--only new Ceatse- VWnt Design can give these finer motoric lUSiihs; and only the new Chev*o)*fc Cfenter-Point Design st lowest eesL at What thdb youH have when you drive this ear! It'l the en<y low-frioed car with a VtMfr&ad <agiM --the --which mete aad ssoie soakers of higherpriced ears are adopting because it gives a muck finer combiaatirwi of petforsmane, economy sod dependability. Aad Chevrolet's world's champios Valve in Head eagbe holds <1 saeasds for mils SKvedaad IW mm» WIT far Swhif • Va^yea sad your family will enjoy maximum ssfety, for Chevrolet brings you JbirfM safety protection Couad only in this one low-priced car: (1) New Certi- Safe Hydraulic Brakes; (8) Extra-Stsoog Fisher Unisteel Body-Construction; (S) Nssr Panoramic Visibility; (4) Safety Plate Glass in windshield and all yriadows, and (6) the sifir itwiilr. super-safe Unitieed Kaee-Acttoa Bids. Owners of the 1949 Cadillac are going to get a pleasant surprise when they take it out for that first crosscountry run. Without any extra effort whatsoever, they are going to wind up that first day's touring about a hundred miles farther from home than they expected to be! For here, beyond any doubt, is the greatest •'mile-cater" that ever rolled over a highway. We are not talking about excessive speed--because, regardless of the power they have at their command, sensible people observe the laws of die road and the rules of safety. But the 1949 Cadillac is so cat-quick and eager--so smooth easy and eJbrdess--that it covers aa Amazing •Btount of distance jpside the safe and legal Units. Yot take the |iilb as fait as the level stretches--ytm maka the first hundred yards away from estop light as faMt ap you make the second hundred--and the car's matchless agility enables you to avoid many of tbe pockets in slow, moving traffic. The secret, of course, is found in the great new Cadillac V-typc engine--plus the marvelous new engineering in the Cadillac chassis. Actually, you almost seem to move by automatic propulsion,' There is no performance like it--anywhere in the world. icHoicfcfrM ureal CLARK CHEVROLET SALES FHOHI 277 ' MefiZKBY, ttLWOIS m : ":\r WJy

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