Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Mar 1949, p. 8

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©l?S *• v, . . mmo xr-; •\~wir* f"* ' V?;',. yfr •* r^napn ym iia 7«|i toHy TOP With «a. Wayne B. Price, Pastor. stsfsryv nMjfj 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30. lib Dtji: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. Week Days: «:45 and *:OOM: first Friday: 8:30 aad S:0fc- Ooafsssion»: Airily- 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. ®. Mndij before First Friday: After 8:00 Maw on Thursday; |:oo p. a. and 7:00 p. m. f Msfr. C. 8. Nix, Pastor. LteMtaM VERN THELEN Tracking Black Dift Track for Hire «M. MiBwB^Hor 588-W-l McHenry iimi Box in. Rt. 1, MhImm No. 888 tffOFFHL | REIHANSPERGER IwmM afents for all claeeee of |npatj in the Wat com West McHenry, Illinois ".u FARM drainage Tiliaf Work Done Willi Modern Equipawnt . •*t . Can Furnish Tile LBO C. ZIMMERMAU * ; Contractor ? Phone l«§t-M-l R. F. D. 2 Woodstock. 111. v FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE ' R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wirin* Motor Repair* Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4*2 VERNON KNOX Attomey-At-Law Oteen and Elm 8ts„ McHenry. y and Friday Afternoons Days Br Appointment Phone McHenry 43 JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 492-W : BELL & SHALES Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Also Spray Painting. ItS N. Green St., McHenry TeL McHenry 243-J or Crystal Lake 1328-M-l friLUAM M. CARROLL, Attorney-at-law llOVt Benton 8t. Woodstock 34 Woodstock, Illinois •# McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 One Mile Soath of McHenry On Route 31 Flowers for all T»|- TeL Wander Lake 418 Dg. R. H. WATKINS tr'< Dentist : ^--Office Hoars-- wues^ Thurs^ 4 Bat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Bvanings by Appointment lookout Point Wonder Lake. IB. FRANK E. LOW Insnrance Fire, Accident * Health Aato, Casualty and Life in Reliable Companies Ifteae 412-R 613 Waukegsn St McHenry, I1L j 3:00, 0:30 sad 11 o'clock. Holy Days: StSO sad isOO. Week Da|» 7:00 sad . 7:89. First Fridays: 7:10. Ooabaaaioa distributed at 6:30, 7:00, daring ^ the 7:10 mass, 7:30 sad 8. Confessions: fl|t«rdiyi: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on Thars- * days before First Fridays^ 4:00 ' to 5:00 p. a. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. BTMipMrl Lutheran Church (the Church of the Lutheran Hour) John 8t., % block east of Hwy 31 West McHenry, Illinois. Sunday School: 9 a. m. Sunday Worship Service: 10:15 a. m. You are eordially invited to attend our services. For information phone 65-M. Walter C. Johannes. Pastor. . Oomaranity Methediet Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to POCjoJL QffjuvoJtA' Inc. A Complete CLEANING SERVICE. Done in Our Ow» Plant . 206 S. GREEJf ST. MeHENRY Free Pickup uUEL, Delivery Service Phone Tm Gospel Ivory Sunday, I to 4 p. n. Legion Hall, Orepi St., McHenry. Teaching of Worship Service A message for all ages. Donald O. Liberty, Directs* Everyone Welcome. For Additional Information! Write, "Christ for McHenry." P. O. Box 238, McHenry, IB,;' . Or Phone McHenry53-W. ^ • ft. John's OathoUe Johnsharg '§*}w>* I Invented which, not being Mr anything Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 8:00. " " ' , Weekdays: 8:00. First, Friday: 8:35 and 8:0$. Confessions: Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 and 2:30 to 3. Thursday before First Friday-- ' 2:30 and 7:30. Bev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. / :9L Peter's spring Chore Masses: 8onday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:08. Holy Days: 8:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:0Q. •' First Friday: 8:00. . Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and t:i5. ' ' Thursday before First Fridays 2:30 and 7:15. \ 'Bev. John L. Daleiden, Paster. Christ The Xing Mlssisn,. Wonder Lamb Masses: ,1, 8unday: 10:00 a. m. '* Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Sunday: Before each mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:00 Bev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. -- Gospel Center Wonder Center, Wonder Lain (No&sectarian) Services: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a. Sunday Evening Service: 7:45 • p. m. (Second and fourth Sunday of each month.) Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:80 p. m. Bring the family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. FRANK W. ANDERSON, * fc * ^ ***** . * ^ Pingwood Cknrch Rtngwood, m. Sunday: Public Worship, Church School: 10:30. Choir Behearsals: Wednesday evening, Bev. Charles Stevens, Pastor: else, are more llkaly Is ha available when wanted far the smsrynj of a firs. Always seek ths sijMw of your &re diief b«hw ju--hsslni Are extinguishers, thsss jforices are not nattoBa hi sffsiHtaniss. Some are designed for spadal situstisns only and flsr certain eluses af irea. Deer Himtiac Is P«uw^p»nia A rfilllfam dear hontsn sopA Pennsylvania's woodlands ajaH fall. Since 1941 they>re drtrpa aw«ywith 273,441 dsad dssr. Ds^tta ma, 60,- 000 Pennsylvania 4sif'gtQbllflar will starve this winter. TUs ls Mt un- •as 98 pm cent to 70 per cent «f its lawn «n» this way annually. And though a er may vend all day in f without seeing a desr a vey by three outstanding showed 30 of the 48 statss are both and by deer-crowdiag. Oar As of October 1, 1943, mor* lhall 96 per cent of all sleeping equipment delivered to the railroads in the postwar period, had' been built' by Pullman-Standard. This is a performance far above the com-; pony's postwar percentage of total sleeping ear orders. Tomato Jaloe A five-ounce glass of tomato juice gives en adult about one-third ef the vitamin C he needs for a day. A half-cup serving of canned tomatoes will supply about the same amount. Tomatoes are about onehalf as rich in ascorbic acid as are oranges. The vitamin keepe well in both foods because they are acid before they are digested. . Gorgeous American Bivi Wood duck is ens of the most tidily colored and most hssmtif|d in the world, with only the Msaftsrian of China as a rival for gorgeous coloring. Truly a bird SC the North American continent, it nests from Canada to Central America and from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast, Inhabiting most every territory suitable to its requirements. This shy bird is almost exclusively a fresh water duck, living in the cyprsss swamps ef the South or the peaty bogs, or along the streams of northern laksa, . T' *. Brake Accidents Lead An ICC analysis of mechanical defect acoidents of motor carriers during 1947 revealed that as h> previous years brske defects were responsible for more Occidents than any other type. Tire failures are second in number end rtisutt in the most property damage. If Showed also that mechanical dafsst accidents are continually incsaafkig in number but are decreasing as a percentage of all motor Carrier accidents. lee Cream In / In Scotland, "ice cream" is'lhfcde by boiling for 30 to 80 mhmtee s mixture of milk, sugar and corn This mixture is allows* to and is then froxen to a semiconsistency. "ttte lMU a . ^ £t . sckntistsar* trying to isirn how to keep the earth ftp* flying Show* It H designed to reveal the facts «!• wind srcsln, so that caa prsEvant the latum of "Dust Bowl" conditions in the *^g** With a single portsWe1»lowei^ unit --a fan driven hy a gasolins «aglns the investigators caa Mtk aithsr indoors with a built-in wind tunnel of plywood and glass, Or outdoors with an aluminum d*(ct that caa he moved readily from place to place; In the AHA they will he able to study the action of controlled and meaeured "blows" on soil in its natural state, and compaif, for example a dean-plowed section of a field with another that is "stubble mulched." Marty New Yerfc Mew York state reached piaek in the nation fat manalactu6» ing in 1810, and in the decade 1838- 40 became the foremost state in the vahw of manufactured products. It has staadlly maintained its national leadership aver sines. The state has beat favored greatly in commerce and industry in its geographic position ss well as in its agricultural, forest and mineral resources, aqd the water power of its streams. Phone 723* Tour transportation worries are over If yon call as for tad servics. W& travel Children "learn good training in a to prevent oeat to the have filed a salt.In chaneear Is the circuit court addng th%t Joeeph Morreale he p«raMu»sat|y restrained and eujofaad from uatag oertaln real estate la the vicinity for hoaae or for thl purpooe of slau^itering, custom huteherbm, rendering or for any other hugbMis or uae not permitted under tha Mo- Henry County ZonlngOrdlaaaoe. The plaintiffs charge in their ... iWtm to hnr, «•. knoirn aa the Pas Ihru say tkmf hava ao»i^ atracted peramaent hosaee In tmT> victaty, hat* huproved the nH«f of buildings, aossa tor othera tor Just rsaldaartal uae» aa that DIsMet Tm plana to < struct a school building which coat some $400,000. Order your Plaiadealer. 'S the opening of thb INN" MAIN ST., WAUCONDA, ILL. •M' ; if-Sr. • I e SATURDAY, MARCB 5,1949 S at 2:00 P. H Swing th» finest in OhiiMM Toods, Steaks, Chops, SudwichM, ate. 't g'ft- Under Management *! "THE COAKLEY'S" ef Ui The rich pitchblende deposits of^ the Belgian Congo and Canada's^ (heat Bear Lake regiop, which sup% plied experimoatal materials for • the first atom bomb, are still considered the world's outstanding uranium sources. Chechoslovakia's, pitchblende from the Jschymov^ mines is often mentioned, with the newly important carnotite:, ores of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, and the extensive but uranium-light titanium ef . Arkansas. i J WSDfGABT TRUCKING -- Gravel Dirt--Limsetsns Trac^i for Hire Free Estimating 88S-E-J McHeary, IE WIELDING ice aad Ceastractien - Portable Bqaipment ; |M. B. VAVCB -- McHenry Bl-J #8 8oath Greea &U McHenry. m. iL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 881 Maia St, McHeary Electric Portable Welding icrtylrae Welding and Cutting, ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 81S-W-1 or 484 M*HENRY. ILL. DR. H. S. F1KE Veterinarian FRANK S. MAT Trucking Sand--Black Dirt--Crashed Gravel Light Excavating -- Lim Track for Hire Phoae McHeary 588-M-I R-l McHenry TeL A. P. FREUND SONg Excavating Contractors . Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- 284-M McHCnry, m. Save Money call us WEG£N£B« Palatlag -- Decorating Phones 488.M er 689-J-8 Call after S p. a. 31 m. to 2 arsdays hy Appointawat P. m. DR. R. DeROMB Dsntist -- CHARLES S. PARKER. Attorney (Joelyn A Parker) Office Houra: Wednesday Afternoons--148-8^8 Office--Koehr Supply Company. 842 Main Street, Weet McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodatoek 1135 tv -J' dome in to fee THE HEW BOA VICTOR TELEVISION &M-V - •* ••••••"• ' • Wilson's Radio Shop ^ x 206 E. Elm PHONE 460 iMai y t HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid far Bead aad Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hegs--Sanitary Power Loading --Taakage and Meat Scraps far sale. Phoaes Arllagton Heights 18 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1118 or McHeary 8KS-J-8. Reverse y. Office closed Charges. Palatlae Readerlag y. Servka. F6KFLTfer Old Horses, horses ud cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Jafenshurg • Spriag Grove Road Phone Janaabarg 314 'CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD fMKMk, HORSES AND CATTLE I Wo pay phone chargea Gi INSURANCE I EARL R. WALSH I Fire, Aato, Farm ft Life lnsaranec Repreeenting RELIABLE COMPANIES When yon need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green A Elm McHeary CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Migi, Pier and Park benches, Picnic Sets? BHadow Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand BOM and Ptay Pens. Kitchen GaSinets made to " r,etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Oemrine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, , eto. ^ % €1ARENCE SMITI#* ifcv ; ' HmSW4 Community Interior m1 wofca up f--Ung blight m o buffo*:: aincm Fv8 been sl--ping undmr my afsiiik OI(MNV8 II# ^MIIN WWWHI nwit fw d--p iii a jiffy * • • and Mpt mm natty sfnfdt duf ami. relax. I think iff WondtM, too, thai juft onm blaakat h--p§ ma m complatafy eamfortaU% B im*pitaaf cftaogiBg tamparaHtnuu .M^fmall^wandar J woke up bright- ' • WNew items every week. - , ^ Gome in and see the new "Xirsoh Valance Pleatar." ; ' CURTAINS VALANCES CORNICES SLIPCOVERS TABLE COVERS WALLPAPER 204 S. Green - m- - •Mr • Af- V easy to eejoylkis ttodtfa sloepiag eotofoct HI Joet eec the dial to the temperature yoa wane, turn oe the swiith, aad fall>astoep assoM of being coofMtP ably warm nntil yoa awake in the morning. Nomat« ter how the temperatare in your room diope or rieee, _ 4 the automatic control of yoor dearie bedcover will make safe yen stay just as warm as foe wane eo bet Pceah air fiends can open the Windows as wide as they like still sleep in warm m „, i - comfort. Ificm'll find electric bedcovers are easy to carejbr, too*..fclankets can be lanndered and coe^orters cleaned with no troobleat^lL And if you're interested in catting lad yoa can still sleep in comfort when die heat is turned down low. . "v a,# i i lasie ere M*s*sf 8t».M# *esi WSM, 799.99, Of MORTHSeSI -

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