<br v. Mb) r-: \ apiainn fott JMM to assist ] board of Harrison school ill, it Wonder L^e, in detint to do to realifce the condition of the a vote of 8« In favor of building on the present site was east, with only 5 votes opposed. _ The meeting had been called primarily for the purpose of heaTtag the report of a committee appointed a few weeks ago to investigate other possible sites for a school building. The committee, composed of Mrs. Alice Noraav Mrs. Olive Tallman, John Feyer and Tony Grosso, had called on various persons who own tracts of land near and In Wonder Lake and. asked them the prices of such OPPORTUNITY * Applications now being reoeived for popular car franchise, available, for McHenry and vidnity. requirements; good references AH replies strictly confidential. A. H- FREEMAN 1428 School St., Rockford, VL * Uf:'l Can You Afford to Pay Full Price and Not Get Full Value? of us can. If you want full value in your next saifc see us now! Not only will you got a basted try-on to make sure of a perfect fit but you will from hundreds of original patterns, all 100% and all for only $58 if you act noWt JOHN THE TAILOR, McHenry, Hi. ~ -- Guranteed Satisfaction Always M I L L I N N Formerly Barnard's Mill Horth End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge . Closed All Day Tuesday During Winter TELEVISION > COCKTAILS LIQUOR -- WINES BEER COMPLETE DINNERS SERVED From 6 to 9 p. m. Daily except Monday Saturday 6 to 11 p. m, Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY T WE GATES TO PARTIES ffcuflcasd Jerry Wiedeman Phone Richmond 312 THE NEW TRACTOR with DEARBORNf IMPLEMENTS Available for Immediate Delivery l^LLEY BROTHERS t 152 N. State St. MARENGO, ILL. PHONE 30 Jm -- 45 years with Ford -- The oonttM had desubmlt a favorable report five acres owned by Mrs. George Martin and located on thj> UUkMv read list northof tke Beaao* term aad suggested that a twa-rtitm schoM be Mint there. However, at the start of the raeetia » Mrs. Novo* clerk of the board, read a letter from Mrs. Martin that the property had been withdrawn from the market as she intends to build a permanent home thefe In the near future. Presented Flfures Robert Behrens, president of the board, presented the figures which clearly showed the number of children attending the school from the various subdivisions and it was noted that, using Wonder Center as a focal point, that the children were pretty evenly distributed. There are, at this time, children from the various subdivisions as follows: Wlckllne, 10; Shore Hills, 14; Deep Spring Woods*,Jl, totalling 46 on the south and 42from the north broken down as follows: Indian Ridge, SI; Lookout Point, 6; Hickory Point, f. There are 22 children attending from Wonder Center. Teaching these children are five teachers in what are really only three rooms, but with two of the rooms divided [down the center. Mr. Behrens explained that It will cost between $30,000 and $85,- 000 for two rooms and complete basement, and not more than $40,- 000. This was brought up after Kenneth Christy, member of the board who Is filling out the unexpired term of Anthony Audlno who resigned from the board last month, had said that, together with Mrs. Benwell, whose land ajoins his, it will now be possible for the board to purchase four acres of land for $3500.00. ^ ' 7-Xaa Beard Also, upon being asked by WPS. Gertrude Watkins conerning the possibility of securing a seven-man board for District 36, Mr. Cristy explained that when a district contains more than 1,000 permanent residents, a school board should have seven members. These would be elected on the second Saturday in April at the regular election but those intending to run would have to file petitions at least twenty-one days prior to the election. Ascertaining the number of residents would be the next Step and someone called on Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, president of the League of Women Voters of the Wonder Lake Region, who told the board that the League had taken a population survey of Wonder Lake last year and that the survey had shown the population to be 1,036. The survey was taken last August and was done on a houseto- house basis as a part of the regular League work. Mrs. McEachren offered the League records to the board for their perusal, if such action was all right with the officers of the League. Present at a school meeting for the first time were: Mr. and Mrs. Diettrich of 8hore Hills, Mrs. Bott of Shore Hills, and Mr. and Mrs. Steinle of^Wonder Center. To close the meeting, Mr. Behrens said that tke school board Planned a meeting for the following evening, and that plans would go forward for a bond Issue in the amount mentioned so that the addition could be built in time to relieve the congestion in the school by September of this year. _ Indlaa Ridge Meeting . . The board of the Indian Ridge Association will meet on Wednes- RUPTURED? WE FIT NON-SKID SXCStMOft TRUSSES wlSl'Iaeet at tie tfflltt Forsbatg aim, March It, at I ffSfc, Charles Hayes, JuaUoaof thfc'vpeaee In Woodstock, will speak os the town- THE?*" This is an ops* fiwittug aai all visitors are ewNtellj laaifca* to attend. Mr. Hayesls a Im speaker and presents iaforaui*« material. Members are all urged if ipstog their husbands to the msstlnf The League will tUscust a program for the coming year and suggestions will be welcomed at the March 10 meeting. Harrisen Stadents ' * - * Talk Over WELA At 9 a. la. on Wedneitey ing, six youngsters from the Harrison School at Wonder Ltki, presented a program on "Friction-- Helps and Hlndfraneee.** The children taking part in the program were Win Davidson and Sandra Sells of the fifth grade; Martha Boldt, Larry Larsea. Johnnie Cecich, and Paul Renter, all of the sixth sra£e. The children are all pupils of Mrs. Marjorte Lathrop, who wrote the script and coached the youngsters in their parts. Brswnia Capers ,The Brownie Scouts will visit rf?. Gay's animal hospital In Woodstock on Saturday afternoon between the hours of 1 and S. The girls are asked to meet, in at MUbrandt's at 12:30 p. Philip Sanseae Is Three Satiofaction Guaranimi QUTSIDE of • aurslcal operation, a good correctly fatted. U the only aafc relief for rupture. Vtaltour Trass Department and teem mora about these wonderful Trasses. Tears Old On February 26, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sansone of Wooded Shores drove from Chicago to celebrate their small son's third birthday. Bruce Sansone sat his little friends around a table which held a big cake centered with a yellow clown holding different colored haloons. Present at the celebration were: Pat and Suzanne Jacobsen, Jtmmie, Bobbie and Dennis Hammil; Jane Ann and Peggy Wrede, Gregory Erber, Linda Mansfield and small "Flip" Hastings. Games were played and refreshments were served. formanoeot "Taming of the Shrew" A the Woodstock Opera House those btglErtlieras last wtiHt. Beauties, tktr ware, too--Percy Cormier, his son, Charlie, of Chicago, and Frank Cheney drove to Itfft QrWa4AlASt week to tnke tn the famdas Mardl Oris. DeBa Cheney fleW south to Join them on Monday-- Wonder Woods Forms Volunteer Fire Dept. At a meeting of the residents of Wonder Woods, held recently, a volunteer fire department was formed and the subdivision was divided into four districts. A number of fire extinguishers are being purchased and will be available at central points. A siren will be installed soon, probably at Thomas' store. The fire department Is one of the many projects proposed by the new president of the subdivision, James Stendebach. The next meeting will be held on March 17 at the home of John, Hoffman at 8 p. m. Kfwanls CM Four new members were Inducted Into the Wonder Lake Area Klwanls Club at its regular meeting Monday night at the Rolalne Grill. They were Joe Wayne and Jim Downs of McHenry, and Thomas Cashln and John' Van Kanegan of Wonder Lake. The club Is less than a year old and now has more than fifty active,members. Several; new applications for membership will be-brought up at the next meot-i ing on March 7. , The Klwanls Club will agali sponsor "Merit Awards" to the outstanding pupils in the eighth grade of the schools of this community. An essay contest will be added in connection with the prise this year. The pupils of the eighth grade and their teachers will be given more information on this in Urn ne future. The club is planning many new projects in the ensuing months. Next Monday evening two 16MM films, "Highway Mania" and a travel film of Hawaii will be shown to the group. Each member is asked to bring another man with him. The club la planning to erect highway signs-giving the date and address of Wonder Lake Area Klwanls meetings for other Klwanls members who might be traveling through the community. The 1949 officers of the Club are Floyd Covalt, Jr., president, Anthony Audino, vice-president, M. F. Clark, secretary, and George Cotlette, treasurer. Christ the King Church Mass at 10 a. ms on March 6. The Altar and Rosary Society will meet on March 10 at 8 p. m. and will make further plans for the bake sale which will be held on March 19 at the church. Gussardes Lose Infant Daughter Our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gussardo (Arllae Kamp) whose first child, a little <i«nV*r was stillborn on Saturday at the Woodstock hospital. The baby was named Katherlne Mary and was buried from 8t. Patrick's Catholic church on Monday. Bill and Betty Druml Kamp of Wonder Lake were the deceased Infant's aunt and uncle. , Van Kaaagaas Are Entertainers For Doe Club Meeting Janet VanKanegan was featured soloist at the ninth birthday party of the Woodstock Doe Club on Monday of this week. She was accompanied by her father, Johnnie VanKanegan. Among the hostesses at the meeting were Mary Jo Berry and Lilly Re pan. , --- County Reb Cross . * Launches Fand Drfre * The Red Cross Fund Drive got off to a good start on Tuesday of this week and the chances are that within the next few days, roads permitting, a worker will call at your house and ask your support for the McHenry County Red Cross. The Red Cross is very active in the county and the assistance given to servicemen and their families is still going on and will continue for a long time. Also the Red Cross has been responsible for the fine W^er Safety Program instituted lafct year. Courses were conducted in Wonder Lake last summer for both children and adults in an effort to teach every man> woman and child Shoulder Braces, etc.. and ow reasonable prices how to swim. According to national will surely please you. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET *McHENRY | i on a Heating P roblem? Vycital's Experts Solve It For You records, no deaths are more needjless than those deaths by drowning. The Red Cross offices also ! have conducted First Aid lessons in every district where tetiTor more have gathered and signified a desire for the course. If you would like to'make a donation to the Red Cross, and a worker does- not call on you by Friday of this week, won't you call my home, 128, or bring the mon«y to me. I will be glad to see that the money Is turned in to the Hqd Cross and I have a: supply pf stickers and receipts. mm OIL BUHNERS, SPACE HEATERS, FURNACES, installed and serviced by experts. Our modern, fully equipped, expertly staffed shop is ever at tour service. We do all kinds of sheet metal work. Estimates cheerfully given. VXCITAL'S FOR SERVICE " ^ ? t PHONE McHENRY 98 •M* -nib • . Briefles Mrs. Anna Knoth of Wonder Lata Js a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital--Sharon Grace Sells, accompanied at the piano by Joan Dornbush, sang a solo at the Wednesday night meeting in the Free Methodist, church of Woodstock-- Mrs. Harold Wohnrade was among those of the Women's Missionary Society of the Richmond Grace Lutheran church when they surprised Mrs. C. H. Carlson of Richmond on her birthday and presented her with a life-membership in the society and a beautiful pin--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wurm moved permanently into their Wonder Woods home on March 1 The Earl Glendes moved to a house on Washington St., Woodstock, until their new home is completed in Inverness. -- Incidentally I v a r Fredricksen is building the new Glende home--Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Carroll have Just returned to their home in Wonder Woods after having spent a three months' vacation in Hot Springs, Ark.--Young James Van Kanegan is back in school after having recovered from an appendectomy performed at the Woodstock hospital last aontb*- Mr. and Mrs. Pojuyta Blomnt ami Gospel Center Hews The Sunday School Contest, recently launched, has already resulted in the enrollment of a number of scholars, some from McCullom Lake and others from Wonder Lake. The contest will continue for another five weeks. It's an excellent opportunity to bring in that boy or girl, that young person or older friend as well. Sunday School is for all. Let's all be for the S. S. No better way of spending an hour on Sunday Morning than in getting together to sing the good old Gospel hymns and to be occupied with the Word of God. Jerry Johnson, the young student from North Park College, brought the message at the evening service last Sunday, Feb. 27. Musical numbers were provided by Carol Jean Oldson, Sharon Sells and Joan Dornbush. The next Youth for Christ Ballf will be held on Saturday eiening. March 12, at the Free- llstiinjiit church at Woodstock. The pastor will he leaving for Kentucky next Thursday, the tenth, to conduct Gospel Services H for missionary conferences. He expects to be back on Sunday, March Next Sunday, March «, the services will, be at 10 a. m., Sunday School and Morning WorsUa service at 11 o'clock. Plants Threatened Indiscriminate weed eradication threatens extinction of many valuable plants which could supply a perpetual source of raw materials for Industry and at the same time implement water and soil conservation, Prof. A. C. Shead of the University of Oklahoma warned at s meeting of the American Chemical society. The conservation programs demand a permanent cover of perennal plants which, according to Frodsssor Shead. should do double duty, furnishing such products as | drugs, fats, gums, flavor and per- ! fume oils, rubber, sugar, waxes ! and chemicals for tanning leather, i In addition to preserving topsoil and February Si, INI Council met yttuMrting Ovarton presiding. slit: Anderson, George J Qabrge P. Fraund, Tonya*. Absent: Althoff, Regner. Motion by George J. Freund, soooadsd by Anderson, that the minutes of the last meeting bo approved as read. Motion carried. Reports of officers ware received by the Council. Auditor J. W. North was preasnt to review the tax situation and financial status of the city, recommending consideration to change in Corporate Tax Rate. , Motion by George P. Freund, seconded by George J. Freund, that the meeting be adjourned. Motloln carried. R. I. OVERTON. ••-Y; Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, , City Clerk. Longest Light Installation The longest, continuous lighting InstsBstian in the world, in which flbur ribbons of fluorescent light will almost two miles, has been by New York City's Tri Bridge and Tunnel authority In collaboration with engineers ei thi General Electric company. First of MS kind, the installation .wm Illuminate the new Brooklyn- Battery tunnel now being constructed under Now York harbor by the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel au< thority. Each of the tunnel's two tubes will carry two landk of traf fie. and will bo lighted by twin rows of white fluorescent lamps. Need rubber stamps! The Plaitfdealer. Order at all Umi vast of wuslly Is to plaee the two ft ,la Yfe of eowtr forpais it ter in the lea*, to the report; Wiseawlht has IMT,41( attas la eemmunty tesris oooparsd with for the rest «T the nation, or a total of 4412*0 ttr the ttetts* Mates. As without regard to has.SOa of the 2.112 in tin Top meat prodnosr ls Iswa lfcl per cent Other st-tes. In « are Illinois, Minnesota. Nebraska and Texas. first labor adopted by the union label wna $ used tn San Francisco in tf^. • \ ^ relate wesaga Best storage temperature tatoes is batweeu M sail 21 F. They are likely to temperatures' below 22 to sprout above 4 Subscribe for The PlaiadeaSsr. Complete line of Beebe Hi remedies st Wattle* Drug Store, Me- Heatjr. CLOTHES DRIER "LOW-BOY". SMOS SAVXK -- rOLDINO 1U0X $3.50 ' Hardware 8heet Metal 8hop a The Heatilator is a hollow sted form built into the fireplace. It saves and circulates heat wasted up ordinary chimneys. Eliminates common-csaass of smoking. Heats cabins in cl^Uy weather. Saves labor and materials. Pro*»devery- ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. Wast JfcHoary, IHIaols PHONE MCHENRY S AT LOW COST WITH NEW POWIR Kino TOOIS. Year owa workshop--lolly eqpipped to ssehl jaayihiag la wood yea weac for yovr borne-- be wiafafal dUakiagl Now you Power KJag. They give yea the beak •ess, accuracy, awl capacity yoa ased for an oadless variety of projects. Yoa'll ««ickly -recognise their qaality coastractioa that em today's top values. Come la sad. KOEHR SUPPLY &>MFANir POWZB TOOL DISTRIBUTORS "542 Main 8t. r-: -- . H0HMu7.HL -;vv Dairy OeftfS A good Job of feeding dairy cows means feeding according to the amount of milk produced. AUCTION On Hwy. No. 120, 4 miles west Grayslake, 1% mile southwest Round Lake, 3 miles east Volo, 8 miles east McHenry, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 at 11 o'clock v K ft M LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS , * GUERNSEY CATTLE . "Sixteen cows, consisting of 4 springers, 2 fclth calf at side. biJaace bred back and milking good; S bred heifers, vacclaated; • open heifers, vacclaated r 2 heifer calves, th months old; 1 Beg. hall from tioldea BaU Farm stock, TB aad Baags tested. MEW McD. MACHINERY McD. "M" tractor on rubber, with starter, lights, pulley, PTO and fluid in tires; McD. 2-row tractor oaltlvator; McD. 3-bot. 14-in. tractor plow on rubber; McD. manure loader; McD. 4-sec. wood drag; MoD. 10-ft. tractor grain drill with fertiliser and grass seed attach.; McD. PTO corn binder on rubber with bundle carrier and wagon loader; McD. No. 7 silo filler and pipe; McD. corn planter with fertilizer attachment. OTHER MACHINERY "New idea manure spreader in good condition; J. D. corn planter p., with soybean attachment; 2 8-ft. tractor discs; McD. mower; 2-sec. drag; steel wheel wagon; 1-rack walk plow. FEED 250 bu. of 2 year old corn; 409 ho. oats; 8 tons baled hay; 3 ton baled straw; 12 ft. silage in 14- ft. silo. RUTH THOMSON, Prop. LEE EDMUNDS, Mar. Rassell aad Salllvaa, Aaeta. , Aactlea Berrfe* Clork. . iV' M Mf liwisiwir Sesie like 'est VMt M j&kWmm (TOR BIO LOADS) av.w. 47oo « SMALL ||OB SMALL LOADS) r yoa...wjiafeyer you haul Whatever you haul, wherever yds haul it#- we've got the right kind of track for your wbrlc. Fords truck everything! Here's why! First, each individual 1949 Ford Truck can do more kinds of jobs. That's because it is Bonus Built with extra strength to give jt • wider work range. Second, we offer over 139 different Ford Trade models. Theie, multiplied by scores of rhairit options, * job coveragejlpracticaily withonl limit. That's what's back of our contention that the hiding dock hasn't betn built winch has strmmtd it m losd that Ford Trucks csn't putt. Come in and get die facts from us on wide Ford job coverage, on the scores of exclusive Ford Track features available in no other trade built. Vmt FM DMtarisMMywa Mm It Iks FniMtae Man fmn--fc TO lASrtO#9S* v 531 MAIN ST. •SINa 1 ATS ST SSaiSTSaTION SAT* on S.444,aae Ttocxik ups insasANCs ixrasTs nsva rasa tiscks.last ionsmt MOTOR SALES. ' PHONE 1 ILLINOli <