Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Mar 1949, p. 7

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®V *•# t ' * 1^'ig s*-.fv - ^ \ :ifSS '^V-;y i AMBJJMM BABLY [dieonimvL. TIM twentieth annual Chicago- Jud Music Festival, sponsored by ^ JChicagoTrtbune Charities. Inc., to bdd Saturday night, Aug. jpereong have , witnessed the perl a f o v _ l * -- M 1a a A A A weB, tmUfa! director, swrnnctl feeeAtly. f . Early announcement of the festival date, he said, is expected to enable thousands of midweeterners to schedule Chicago visits for the Aug. 20 weekend. During the last nineteen years nearly l .800.000 I 9, in 8oldJers* Field, Philip Max- j formances of more than 100,000 -U---: -------M--; & 'i I •1 PHONS4214 ; -FORREST R^ CRUNEWALD ' ®c A T J c n o w r a t Pore Bred Livestock & Farm Sates a Specialty " ^ Thorough Knowledge . gal--wiuuW p Pedigr«e« Quality and Yalpi Write or Call for Dates WAUCONDA, ILL. Trite ripened, teste tested citrus fruit frea Edgewood Groves, Lake Hdeo, Fta. Quality Fruit for Over Half a Century i StraagaT . mo S.00 Crate lt/S ba, K Crate iL. Baskel ^ %M J4 BlSM , SM I ffecel to jour deer by express, pnpa||: Send order and cheek to * D. W. MALLOY, LAKE HELEN, FLA. Fm* $4.00 > tM S.00 8.00 Assorted " 2.76 US 2.36 ! LUST-R-GLO Plastic Till Installed at a Big Saving Over Ordinary Tile * I ear the "Ohs* and "Ahs" when yon show off your new jUST-R-GLO Tiled bathroom, kitchen and play room. Yontl be thrilled with your gleaming, colorful walls. And delighted that the entire Job was so Inexpensive. liUST-R-GLO comes In individual beveled _ square tiles. **$ *$' ^bon't confuse it with limitation sheets or ;$> oards. Installed It u i c k 1 y without ^Inesa. Cailnot crack or chip. Durable. resistant. Vermin and tetmite ^ proof. AVAILABLE XOWI • Call for free estlfaate and samples. 1( popular color* to choose from. £ * Also rubber nnd asphalt floor tile. J. M. STANGARONE Phone 661-J-l McHenry, HI. \ * v . * • • • • .llum;1;. A. I i.V '»• ** : play of jawSeand pageatry, More time la to be devoted to fieldactivitiee In the lMt fotitaal. Maxwell announced. Intsrnatloaally known stars of the music world w|U be presented in addition to the festival symphony orchestra, directed *y Henry Weber, and large choral groups, bonducted by Dr. Bdgar Nelson. Preliminary festivals and musical competitions again will be held throughout the United States prior to the Soldiers' Field event and contest winners again will participate in the Chicago program. Founded Subscription Library Not the least important, though perhaps more indirect, contribution 5bf Benjamin Franklin to education was his establishment of the test permanent subscription library. Re always appreciated books, from the day* when they were so hard for him to buy or borrow and he needed them so badly. He made many gifts of books--a library of three hundred to the town of Franklin, N. EL; others to the University of Pennsylvania, the Library company of Philadelphia, Yale college, and the Universities of Glasgow and St. Andrews; and he devised a plan tor increasing and improving the library of Harvard college, contributing a substantial sum to 8cleaee Licks The only commercial airline full airborne radar, Peruvian International Airways reports this navigational aid enables pilots to detect and avoid storms as as 10 miles away. Greatest History's most terrific was in 1883, when the Indonesian olcanic island Krakatao blew up and vanished. Stone, dust and ashes rocketed 17 miles Into the sky. Fifty-foot waves drowned 98.- 000 as they roared through the archipelago's thousands of Islandi. A4«dfe Pl#ut Al^ A. THsLM t " inflwMrrBf Clival On Ofdthne Caboose ST. PAUL. -- The ••••4 and of ks word "caboose" is flood hr a aUk and to for a long train to dear a highway, Che appearance ot fta funny llttti ear at the end of the string invariably evokes a laugh. For the caboose is never streamlined. II ahraya TALKS m Noma of Ii ; the VBss of the' I of Tears Ago SIXTY YEABS AGO carpenters built it ot imwanted.material and of a bhwgrlnt. Chinese brass cash carries a date, no one ean even approximate ttm ags of a sa* booee as it Clatters down the bal* lasted right of way in n cloud ot And now the Order of Eaihray Conductors has set out to do thing not about the pearanee ot the saboosi equipment as welL It the ug|r Utile ear is architectural jnonstiooltr. ft is an las. S. Walsh, of Elgin, has sold A house and lot in this village to __ A- Miller, who will take possession ii it the same March 1. Consideration, |4S0. .Hon. M. 8. Joslyn was appointed master in Chancery for thle county 10 All the vacancy cauaed by the death of the lamented A. B. Coon. M. F. Walsh, editor of the Harvard Herald, made our sanctum a yr pleasant call on Monday, pother Walsh la publishing a good »iP«r. . Bonslett A Stoffel, on the West Side will receive today, Wodneaday HMO fine trst claaa suits for all ggos which they will sell at prices running from |S.S0 to |tS. - Our public school is progressing pieljr under the direction of Prof. Young and his corps of able aasistnois state charging that one of the carrier corporations haa do a lot of things onnsldsf sary lor the pretoction of the mo and eomtort of thoee who are forced to use the caboooe as an office. Whether the charges aflslnel fhs carrier are true or fblss, eertalnly anyone who has ever watifcad a cabooee tor any could conclude from external appearances that they may be Jest as bad on the Inside. . . e learn that a man named Van Iwta will deliver a Temperance Lecture at the M. S. church In this •Olage, Saturday evening. Oeo. W. Owen had the misfortune to lose one ot his team of Bales last week. She slipped and 1 on the ice while playing in the yard. There will be an Oyster supper ftder the auspices of the Good Templars lodge, ot this village, at the city hall, on Wednesday ot next week. FIFTY YEARS AGO Milo L. Mowe haa Just sold to tittohtelMA -- • i f •. vwak Mr. MoSsI is sparing no expense to make Us hall up-to-date la every particular. Martin Bftckler, son of- Theo. Bickler, of this village, waa married at Blgln oa Tueeday to a MDas Lighttoot ot that dty. The central office of the Citisena' Telephone Company, In this village, haa been moved from Hsuun A Schneider's Jewelry store to the building one door north ot Owen A Chapelt's store, formerly occupied by Mrs. Howe as a millinery store. Peter B. Freund haa purchased, of the Bishop estate, the lot between Owen's warehouse and Jacob Bonslett's residence. Consideration $100. We understand that t)r. A. B. Aurlager haa purchased the building now occupied by the West McHenry poetofflce, and will occupy it as his office as soon as vacated. Farmers in the vicinity ot McHenry are receiving some money these days as is evidenced by the following: On Monday ot this week there waa delivered at the McHenry depot for shipment one car ot oata, one car of ear corn and three cars ot hogs, for all of which the farmers received the handsome snm ot 12.500. Ae we go to press a northeast snow Storm is raging. We understand that the putting In of a new gaaollne engine at the Bishop mill is under contemplation. It is reported ion reliable authority, that Hon. L T. Hoy, ot Woodstock, will be appointed Secretary of the State Board of Pharmacy at a salary of |S,600 a year. . YEABS 16# Government officials have recently placed several pairs of Hungarian Partridges on the term ot ChnrlesG. town, lit have flaosd Mr. Colby wfll saroty as* ttm •re well protected at aU ttam Butter remained firm at M on the Klgin board of trade day. Fred Adams is a new hand ia the employ of the McHenry Bootrie company, engaged aa Unssmn A bliasard struck this vicinity about midnight Saturday and cnld weather waa diahed up to as Cor several days following. 81eigh bells are now heard once We understand that a Weet Side saloon hap recently "hmgui s«i^| whether or not the report ia true we are unable to aacertain. The snow has nearly all van-| ished and according to present indications it will be abeolutely nee- j essary to postpone that sleigh ride until next winter. | Isn't it nearly time for us to; again call the attention of the Chi- i cago A Northwestern officials to' the fact that ,that imaginary depot < isn't "filling the Mil" at McHenry I and that we want a real new one I in lta place? I Wm. Bacon, the local well driller, has recently finished seven wells' for people residing in and around McHenry. TWUTTY-FIYE Y1ABS AGO A temily of full blood Cherokee Indians stopped In McHenry last Friday . The temily consisted of the tether, Eed Cloud, his wife and ate childrea aad dnriag their stay tn thle city they saccosdsd ia selllat large numbers of .nrttteial lowers made from dyed ia boaatifnl a Uati, local Ice eream mftaatectarer, is gettiag his fleet of tracks rendy Cor the opening ot the Miss Marie Quigley, employed aa | Borne of the Is efty fcre « Is time. Tin week is The city irldod to i primary, thus'the nalaa# pal scrap wOl he settM election. The harneas shop «f O. hard at Crystal Lake la cloeed oat at cost. The John &. Brea_ _ erty oa JMn street wfll public auction on The warm past few' days ia havoc with the especially true In the thnwlng of the ated auch an that amne of our wnlks arn inundated. Herman Krentnor, and decorator, haa moved ily from the John on John street to m Webeter cottages on thnstreet, which he purchssed. it Is not flood to the letriflorntor these conditions tl change to sugar tn a cars_ to Also, calves air; let them exercise on days. this pail Saves ISO lbs. of Whole Milk dt Weane cahrea aafely at lOdaya. ' % Grows big, thrifty cehreA "'"f • ilr If you have any calves oa ' on your term, start Kaff-A now and sell the milk you aam Double; --today. K*"A THE NEW DODGE THAT DIUESIOBEBIIffllEIIT! Idsa sf irttala linsli; Mtfc State "NaivHIfhMr SLOUOH, PfqLAKP. Shoidd Britain become the OMh stats of the U.S.A.? It would be *H|uite horrifying,*' Bonn Levy, Labortte member of parliament has declared. Levy, British playwright and ot Constance Cam* Amerlcan-bocn Sim ae* tress, gave this a asked at a Labor meottag If Britain could solve her ic problems by Join United States: "The possibility of heing ruled by the U. 8. congress, ths possibility of finding dominated by their ferktr constitution, and the sibility of finding oursshrss submerged in a country whleh is nt least SB or SO years behind our* selves Is quite horrifying.** v» ;2 • Bigelow ' ^ FIIBS Try Is DIsHsals Redi is I Is Thtlr Tslklsg HELSINKI, FINLAND. -- The Finns seem to hnve thing tn talk flimiani "Where,M asked a Fhm. "shall have dinner?" Becelling his last trip to a restaurant here i&ort than two years ago, a visitor replied. "Does it make any differonce?" The Fhm smiled. "Food isn't raany more, you know." Hs proud and Jbstly so. They to an natiemely nice restaur- Everything went beautifully, s fins n pair of lamb as you can find this side of Purls. "During the war," said the Finn, "we didn't dance. We're doing it rugs and carpels "vi|^ come in q complel4^%v;; price range Use Broadloom rags-So aid smartness and aa op to data air te your rooms. Bigdow in color and pattens tkat anyone who sees than feels aa instant welcoming warmth ami fit tee visitor •amt a 1st of Finns and still there hadn't been a word about Russia. , It wa# left to him to bring it up. "Oh, Bussia." said a young sngi "You Americans get too «*• I? IN X-*»y TrttlMi VtMl fafMW NEW YQBK.-Production of a now X-ray tube which reduces the Ihem and wa ssem to n." ha visitor remarked, •a M»ssrvstlon tor a car lutu today's bigg«r, taderi < mors octlvo Amorkans , . It's i daring new car , . new in its own distinctive style. new in the fresh, natural Beauty that comes from truly basic design! It's the new car that dares to be different. It's narrower outside . . . yet udder insidt, far the extra elbow room and shoulder com* fort you want. It's shorter outside for easier parking and garaging ... yet this new Dodge is longer inside for stretch-oat roominess. It's Issuer outside... yet higher inside, to give you the bead room that spells added comfort every mile you ride. See how Dodge gives aD those owners want today . . . sleek styling with plenty of room... flashing performance with economy...the proved smoothness Dodge All-Fluid Drive makes possible. Gome in ... get the whole Dodge story KWP UVH UATI--five full, restful support. Front seat travels five Indies ... rises MM inch in aseving forward for better virion. NIW -MKAWAV dves flat •queeees extra each tsakfst ef gas. $•• itJMwil.MllisWiiif Nnv i. *v . cononrr STIO-MATK... fees Ym hmm AvaitaMa «• txlra CM -- ' A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. ijMi m PBIkEL ST&BST : S i® ' ' KHnST, ILLOrOI8 V » raon IN system. Genes determiners In and ova. They are subject to J. IFuller. geneticist jtufcssor nt Indiana ^university, has proved flwough en* perimsnts witii fruit flies that Xray damage ean produce biological rhsnges In spsclss. Be won the IMS Nobel prise tor his woik hi this Sold. Qfwral Electric X-Bay spokes* men pointed out that such mut*; In humans would not appear generations." The? said that In ths S* years that X* rays had been used in medicine, no such blelagksl changes have appeared. TO prevent such possibilities. the aew tube has been doveloped. General' Electric X-Bay experts said that the new tube would operate at 1)0,000 volts, compered with tram S0.000 to 10,000 tor eon tional tubes. It will reduce jposure time ST per cent fan the critical pelvic aree and other portions of the body. iture will not fall below They wiB keeg best if Bigclow Gleatwist (with Permasct yams) catcbaa tiw eyot A handsome carpet whidi in many colors, an nntstanding dollars and cents value. Save f wm DECORATIHO IDEAS "Visit our Floor Cowing Dsparlmant bs- |ssigwsJ to reach In (My tWMn March 1-10 to attond the Hrst Annual jp«coratlva«ms. tst IWS Carpat Fashion Opening. In conjunction with ;#|pon your eyas to Mia now tha great carpet manufacturers of America, ^4^inqtWtyt of these faswut we will have the complete 1949 range of j ^s>d what they can do to beautiful rugs and carpets» styled and * fclli<KH»enen to your OMI new lie, FLUES-McKENZIE, Inc. VtfeGlNIA ST.. (Ktm. 14)

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